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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Adult & Child Matching Programs, Arts & Culture, Arts Education, Children & Youth, Girls Clubs, Printing & Publishing

Mission: WriteGirl is a creative writing and mentoring organization that promotes critical thinking, creativity and leadership skills to empower teen girls.

Results: •100% of participating seniors not only graduate from high school but also enroll in college, through guidance from WriteGirl mentors. •Some of most creative institutions in Los Angeles host our workshops every month, such as: MOCA, The Huntington Library, & The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. •WriteGirl went to the White House to receive the 2013 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award, the highest national honor awarded to such programs.

Target demographics: at-risk teen girls, ages 13 - 18

Direct beneficiaries per year: 350

Geographic areas served: downtown Los Angeles

Programs: one-on-one mentoring with professional women writers, creative writing workshops, publications and special events, college preparation and guidance

Community Stories

85 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

WriteGirl is impressive at every level. They have a clear mission that they convey clearly to their volunteers and the girls they serve. WG has a unique culture of friendly, encouraging mentorship that permeates all their programs between authors and the girls. They invest time and training in their volunteers and the end result is a super experience for everyone involved, especially the girls. They are tracking and documenting the bigger impacts of their work in addition to the 100% rate of their girls getting into college.


Rating: 5

An amazing, supportive, fun community. Each gathering, session or meeting is thoughtful, heart felt and informative. The experiences I’ve had mentoring have been both joyful and grounding. I’ve seen how Write Girl guides teens to embrace and find confidence in their creative voices and it is remarkable.


Rating: 5

I love seeing girls speak out on what matters to them at WriteGirl. I believe it feels like a truly safe space for them.


Rating: 5

I love volunteering with WritwGirl and seeing the confidence grow in the mentees. I am so thankful to be part of such an amazing, positive and supportive community.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl is a wonderful organization that brings together an amazingly talented community of women writers united by the common mission of empowering teen girls through creative self-expression. Through my engagement with WriteGirl, I've had a the opportunity to mentor a teen in creative writing, while also finding a very supportive network of women writers from different walks of life.


Rating: 5

Writegirl manages to bring mentors and mentees together to create the kind of energy that, at the end of the day, leaves you filled with hope, a sense of belonging/purpose, joy, envy, admiration, excitement, and it goes on and on. I began as a volunteer with WriteGirl when I moved back to L.A. from New York in 2008. I saw an ad and immediately responded. I left L.A. several yeas later and went to Seattle. Upon my return a few years later, within a few days I was calling WriteGirl to reinstate my commitment to volunteer. With limited, but amazing, staff, they are brilliant at coordinating volunteers and mentees at monthly all-day workshops, and the experience is always, always rewarding!


Rating: 5

I've learned so much as a mentor at WriteGirl over the past year. It's wonderful to see how they're helping teenage girls grow -- and you really see it when alums come back to share what they're working on and how they benefited from the organization. So inspiring!


Rating: 5

WriteGirl consistently impresses with its dedication to teen writers and ambition for its programming. During the pandemic, when WriteGirl could no longer gather in person for its signature monthly workshops, the organization quickly pivoted online, with increasingly robust events that demonstrated the power of the community. WriteGirl has also shown a commitment to personal and cultural growth in both the short and long term. As a longtime, enthusiastic volunteer, I too have made good friends and realized professional goals through WriteGirl.


Rating: 5

I love volunteering with WriteGirl! It is so wonderful to work with teens who are so passionate about writing. The WriteGirl staff puts on exceptional programming and always supports the teens and the volunteers. It is an inspiring community and an incredible outlet for teens. I love being a part of this group!!


Rating: 5

Volunteering at WriteGirl is such an enriching experience. I have been an event mentor for nearly three years, and have had opportunities to work with the girls and other mentors both in-person briefly, and then online. While I miss the backdrop of cool cultural locations, the online programming has enabled us to reach a broader audience and has allowed me to stay involved since I moved away from Los Angeles.

Without missing a beat the staff at WriteGirl continues to offer exciting, educational experiences virtually which help the participants and mentors alike learn to deepen their written expression in an atmosphere that is fun and supportive. Looking forward to another wonderful season!


Rating: 5

From one-on-one interactions to overall vision, I've never encountered an organization more committed to the empowerment of young women than WriteGirl. This nonprofit constantly utilizes creative approaches and real-world objectives to facilitate clear avenues for success, and to create a culture of hope for the individuals and communities they serve.

Rahne K.


Rating: 5

My experience with WriteGirl was so fulfilling. The love and care they show to these young women is clear as day when we get to see alumni return to talk about their experiences with this group. So much happens in the background to make these sessions seem effortless to the girls, they just get to come in to a stress free, fun environment and enjoy the art of storytelling.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Such an amazing organization, I wish I had something like this when I was younger. Also, 100% college acceptance for their mentees is nothing to sneeze at! :)

Client Served

Rating: 5

Writegirl is 100% the reason why I’m living my dream and working in TV writing today! As a teen, their monthly workshops emboldened me to pursue writing seriously AND to have a ton of fun doing it. So thankful for this organization!


Rating: 5

The experience I’ve had volunteering as a weekly mentor at WriteGirl has been incredible — the teens are so incredible! The organization has built such a supportive environment that really empowers and celebrates teens’ creativity and voice.

Jessica P.10


Rating: 5

I've been a mentor at WriteGirl since 2019. When I first moved to L.A., I was looking for some way to get involved, for some way to truly give something to a community. I've never volunteered for an organization quite like WriteGirl because they do EVERYTHING for their community. Not only do they help young women and non-binary people discover their creative voices, they also contribute to every aspect of their students' art, education, and future. I can truly say that the staff, fellow volunteers, and students I've worked with have changed my life.


Rating: 5

It’s such a gift to be involved with WriteGirl. I struggled to find an organization that was both flexible and incredible, but WriteGirl is just that. It’s a rare organization that can create such a rewarding experience not only for the people it benefits, but for the volunteers as well. I am constantly amazed at their organization, efficiency, thoughtfulness, and inherent kindness. If you’re looking for a way to give back, WriteGirl gives back in spades.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

It's an honor to be a part of the WriteGirl community. Their mission to promote creativity and critical thinking to empower teens is one close to my heart. I wish I had access to something like this when I was growing up, and that's the feeling the inspired me to give back, too. I can't speak highly enough of how well run WriteGirl is. The team is full of life and joy, they have literally the most professional and engaging Zoom sessions I have ever been in, and the number of alumni who come back to speak about their positive experience of being WriteGirl mentees speaks volumes about how supportive and engaging the community really is.

Client Served

Rating: 5

I have been involved with WriteGirl since I was 13 years old and am now a freshman in college. Within that time I have grown as a writer through the various workshops offered and help of my fabulous mentors as well as enhanced my public speaking skills. I am proud to say I am a published author through their program and am blessed to be part of such a wonderful community.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

The most inspiring place for a teen girl to be! I attended my first workshop as a mentee in 2015 and was immediately welcomed into an encouraging group of women who still act as my support system today. I left each workshop inspired because they were unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I was able to film a songwriting workshop with MTV and have my scene performed by professional actors, among many other amazing experiences! I am now a senior in college and still think about how much WriteGirl has provided for me. Now I can't wait to return as a mentor one day!

Marsha S.1


Rating: 5

This is my third year volunteering with WriteGirl. Working with, listening to and reading the mentees’ work - I am heartened for our future as they express their creativity with words while expanding their communication skills.

Kai M.1


Rating: 5

I can't tell you enough great things about WriteGirl! This program was amazing while I was in it, and it continues to be a community of support. I love that I can lean back into this community and find help for a writing project, networking opportunity, and more. I'm so grateful to have this awesome community in my life as an alum!

Client Served

Rating: 5

I had the wonderful opportunity to not only experience WriteGirl from the mentee side of things, but also to return and work for them as an intern two summers ago! My time with WriteGirl helped me immensely as I navigated college applications and then again as a college intern learning how to pursue a writing career. In fact, with the skills I learned as a mentee and intern for WriteGirl, I have been able to volunteer as a writing tutor for public schools in New York City for the past two years, as well as secure more paid internships in Los Angeles. I have WriteGirl to thank for how far I’ve come since high school, and I personally hope to continue working and volunteering with them in the future!

Brooke M.4


Rating: 5

I started volunteering with writegirl my senior year of college (four years ago), and have gotten to be even more involved since everything moved online in March. The in-person events are incredible; I've been a professional writer for about eight years and they always inspire me in ways no professional experience has. Since moving online, I've gotten even more opportunities to connect with our teens, and even got a 1:1 mentee of my own! She's incredible and I love talking to her every week. In this crazy new world, WriteGirl is something to look forward to and find the connection I've found lacking from my life.

Client Served

Rating: 5

I've been a member of WriteGirl for the last six years as a participant, and now as a volunteer on the alumni planning committee. This organization empowers young girls and helps them build confidence by putting their words to paper. Additionally, WriteGirl exposes teens to new experiences through unique locations (prior to quarantine) and guest speakers who share about their careers. WriteGirl was a major influence on the direction of my life and they've also impacted many other young women. I mean, we are talking about the organization that helped produce the first National Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman. When girls leave WriteGirl, they're equipped to do amazing things in life. You can count on it.

Client Served

Rating: 5

WriteGirl has been one of the most influential nonprofit organizations that I have ever been a part of. Although I am now an alumna, writegirl continues to support me and my peers on our journey through college. Additionally, they connect us with a mentor network that helps us on our preprofessional journeys.


Rating: 5

My experience with WriteGirl started in 2014 when I went looking for a way to support other young women and find community in the Los Angeles area. I spent almost four years attending workshops in some of the most amazing places in the city and meeting extraordinary girls and women writers participating in the program. Every WriteGirl activity has a very special sense of community, inclusion, and inspiration. The first priority of the staff and volunteers is to encourage and inspire the girls at every turn. It has meant so much to me to mentor and be mentored by this group of women. When I moved from Los Angeles to Las Vegas I deeply missed WriteGirl and the sense of connection it gave me to my former home. One silver lining of the pandemic has been the organization's seamless move to virtual engagement. I was able to start volunteering again virtually. As someone who works from home and spends a lot of time on Zoom calls, WriteGirl virtual workshops are works of art. The team puts a herculean effort into creating a magical space for the girls that feels both like a vacation and like coming home. I have not seen another organization produce such wonderful virtual content.

Client Served

Rating: 5

I've been a part of WriteGirl since my junior year of high school, participating as a teen mentee, an office intern, and now as an alumni speaking to current mentees at online workshops and assisting with the Alumni Event Planning Committee. I'm thrilled to recommend WriteGirl to any girl or nonbinary teen looking to meet new friends, strengthen their writing skills, and gain a fantastic, tight-net network of professionals from all kinds of industries. Thank you, WriteGirl!


Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer mentor with WriteGirl for several years. What drew me to WriteGirl was their track record of helping teen girls get into college -- 100% of graduating seniors for the last 19 years. But this is also an incredible community of women writers and teens committed to inclusivity, diversity, equity and access for all voices to be heard.


Rating: 5

I've been with WriteGirl for quite awhile and can't imagine myself not being involved. They're a class act on all fronts: They treat their volunteers with respect and kindness; they are meticulous in their execution of programs; and most importantly, they care about their mentees with a truly selfless approach to mentoring young people. They are up-to-date on issues young people care about, and foster a creative, supportive environment—for both mentees and volunteers. This is more than a nonprofit organization, it is a community.


Rating: 5

I joined WriteGirl as a volunteer in 2019 and feel so fortunate to have found this lovely, supportive, and inspiring community! The work they do is so important and impressive, helping young women find their voices, boost their confidence in their writing and themselves, and get into college. Every workshop I join brings me so much joy and hope for the future that these young women will build. I only wish I had WriteGirl when I was a teenager!

Nicole Mairose D.


Rating: 5

Though it's my first season with WriteGirl, the organization has been phenomenal! You can customize your volunteer experience based on your availability. The volunteer orientations have been engaging, thorough, informative, and eye-opening. The staff is extremely supportive of their mentees and mentors. They provide clear instructions for onboarding and helpful guides to be an effective mentor. I also appreciate that they formed their IDEA committee to further prioritize mentees' needs. I'm so excited to volunteer with them! :)


Rating: 5

I have volunteered with WriteGirl for the past year, and I am astounded by how engaged they are with their teens. The dedication the team has to helping teen girls use their voices is incredible. They run amazing, unique events, even remotely during a pandemic. The girls are all engaged, inspired, and so so smart. It's a great org to donate to!


Rating: 5

WriteGirl is an amazing organization and I am so happy to be a part of it! Each event blows me away in terms of how creative, fun, and inspiring the workshops and activities are. Even now that the events are virtual, they are still extremely professional and very well put together. My mentee is unbelievably talented, and really I think she should be mentoring me! It's interesting -- I became a mentor because I wanted to help others, but this organization has ended up helping me immensely.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

This book explodes with talent. Get ready to be inspired!


Rating: 5

I joined WriteGirl in September 2018, and instantly found a community of hard-working, dedicated women eager to support each other and the next generation of teen girls. The events and workplace dynamics are constant creativity and energy. All ideas are welcome and the WriteGirl leadership is always open to discussing ways to keep the WriteGirl momentum going. There's so much work involved but the WriteGirl team makes things look effortless and fun. I feel fortunate to be part of this group.

Micheline A.


Rating: 5

I wish Write Girl had been around when I was in school! Such a great mission, great program, mentors (and mentees) and great results. You can’t beat that.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl has not only allowed me to give back, but it has brought so much to my life. Between monthly workshops and a more permanent mentorship with underserved high school girls, WriteGirl creates amazing relationships through writing and mentoring. All of the girls end up going to college and rave about how WriteGirl has inspired and helped them to get there. Amazing organization with great people who really care about the cause!

Marcella T.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl provides a safe and empowering space for teen girls to express themselves and connect with others. It also provides a fun and educational way for both the teens and the volunteers to explore Los Angeles, discover new genres of writing and dream about the places a career in writing can take them. I have volunteered with this organization for several years now and am constantly impressed and inspired by the work they do.


Rating: 5

Volunteering with WriteGirl, attending their monthly writing workshops, and seeing firsthand the organization's impact on teens has been a tremendously rewarding experience for me. It is incredible to see what a difference it makes for girls to be given a safe space, both at the workshops and in weekly mentoring sessions, to express themselves and to have confidence in their unique ideas and the perspectives they bring. Watching them blossom, share their work, and take pride in speaking out is such a joy. Additionally, it has been transformative for me to be a part of such a supportive, welcoming community of writers and artists. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with them.

Mrs. J.


Rating: 5

Being involved with WriteGirl has been such a rewarding experience, on so many levels. Selfishly, I am endlessly impressed and inspired by this next generation of young women and girls. They give me so much hope! It's a privilege to get to know them. The work we do as mentors is deeply gratifying. I continue to learn so much as a writer, not just because WriteGirl spans genres but because we are ALL learning from each other ALL THE TIME. It is not just top-down; it is mutual. And the people behind the organization itself are amazing -- tireless, full of energy, positive, effective. They teach me how to get stuff done every time I am involved.

Eileen M.3


Rating: 5

WriteGirl is a truly unique organization in that it focuses on empowering individuals. Specifically, impressionable young women who are at a critical time in their lives–a time which, with the right support and encouragement, can launch them on a successful life path. WriteGirl provides that support in helping these young women realize their God-given potential and how to express their thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl offers a very well-organized volunteer experience and creates a safe environment for girls to express themselves.

Lindsay M.2


Rating: 5

Volunteering with WriteGirl has been the most impactful volunteering experience of my life. It's incredible to see firsthand how their programming and mentors transform the girls they serve.


Rating: 5

Being part of WriteGirl as a mentor and Communications Team member for 6 years has been very impactful and rewarding to me! The organization is dedicated to supporting teen girls and boys by encouraging them to write and value self expression. WriteGirl’s attention to detail with workshops, events and programming is evident in every way, and I’m grateful to be a part of it!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

WriteGirl is such an asset to the young girls involved, and the way the mentors inspire, help create, encourage and empower these girls is amazing. There are so many different facets of the organization, that it seems to help from all angles. From improving self esteem, to education, to basic knowledge about the writing field, the girls probably can not expect the immense effect working with a mentor will have on their life. The organization's many success stories and goals for the future are very inspiring, and encouraged me to get involved and work with the girls in need.



Rating: 5

I had the pleasure of working as a workshop volunteer with WriteGirl for several years. It is an all-around fantastic organization that runs on positivity, support, collaboration, and creativity. WriteGirl is a place where young women come to be themselves, explore their creative outlets, build confidence, and have fun! The staff are friendly and hard-working, and the community of mentors/volunteers are passionate about the organization.

1 Emy L.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl does sooo much good for the community, both for the girls and the mentors! I've loved my time volunteering with them and seeing the confidence built in the teens. So cool!



Rating: 5

WriteGirl is a well of inspiration for everyone who participates. I've been working with WriteGirl for over a year now and every time I leave an event I feel a sense of accomplishment & hope. I've not only gotten the chance to see LA teens develop their unique voice, I've also witnessed myself becoming a better, more interesting artist. WriteGirl is elevating girls & women to become the creative leaders of the future!



Rating: 5

WriteGirl is an amazing organization that empowers teens through creative writing. WriteGirl offers inspiring, completely free, workshops for teens every month. Their one-on-one mentoring helps girls develop their writing skills and confidence!



Rating: 5

I've been working as a mentor for three seasons now and am constantly blown away by the care, creativity, and management of this nonprofit. The group has at least three dimensions—monthly genre-specific workshops, weekly one-on-one mentorships, and college prep. Each volunteer is encouraged to work behind the scenes as well, be it on curriculum development, publicity, mentee outreach, and a handful of other high-value teams. My team, curriculum/workshop development, spends much of our time coming up with fresh ideas for workshops (we never repeat an activity!), and ALL of our time thinking about how girls can benefit from the material—keeping the work positive, fun, engaging, and creatively compelling. The girls/mentees can speak to the value of the work—I will speak to the value of the program to mentors themselves. I cannot do a lick of work for this organization without higher-level executive managers tripping over themselves to thank me, effusively, for my help, even leaving volunteers with food, drink, and gifts! Typical volunteers don't do work for the thank you or the pat on the back, but it sure is nice to know that you are appreciated. What's more, the volunteers—all accomplished female writers from every genre (fiction, poetry, screenwriting, memoir, journalism, songwriting)—are supportive of one another, providing mentoring advice, friendship, and even writing advice and job leads. The volunteer workload is as heavy or light as you want it to be, and there's always a "please" and a heartfelt "thank you" attending every request. The group is also run absolutely METICULOUSLY, with every "I" dotted and every "T" crossed—never, ever, have I ever left a meeting thinking that things could be done better in any way, big or small. With that said, management is always more than open—and always asking—for ideas to lift its game, which is already operating at the highest levels. Finally, I can't say enough about this group's positivity. No matter how busy I might be with my own writing and family obligations, I find myself uplifted and inspired after leaving a WriteGirl meeting or workshop. Volunteering for this group is like meditation or exercise—it's an absolute necessity for my spirit.

Client Served

Rating: 5

I joined WriteGirl when I was 16, at a time when I didn't feel very inspired to write anything, even though I've loved writing all my life. Once I shared my work at WriteGirl and got a weekly mentor, I saw my creativity soar and I felt like I had something to contribute to the world with my words. A professional journalist complimented my piece and my writing, and this moment as well as the organization as a whole, motivated me to follow through on being a journalist and author. I am currently an editor for my college's campus newspaper and I'm excited for my future writing career. I have WriteGirl to thank for that, because they help girls see that their words are important and can impact the world. it was a great two years!


Rating: 5

I was a mentee in the organization a couple years ago and it was an amazing opportunity for me as a high school student. I got to come out of my comfort zone, and while enjoying creative writing. I had the opportunity to be paired up with a mentor who helped me with my writing and applying to colleges. Now, as a college intern, I get to experience the organization from a different perspective. This organization works hard to provide amazing opportunities for young girls. I enjoy my time at WriteGirl.


Rating: 5

I've been involved with WriteGirl for two years, first as a mentee and now also as an intern. I'm so glad I joined! WriteGirl has helped me gain confidence and improve my writing skills. They've made such a great community of female writers and I am thankful to be a part of it!

Client Served

Rating: 5

I started WriteGirl in October 2015 and I wouldn't trade this experience for the world! I've learned so many things and I even got to learn how to write songs and poetry and how to have more confidence in myself and my life. And they even gave me a mentor, whom I adore! The best part about WriteGirl is how it's basically a safe space for girls who aspire to be creators of their own universes and who dare to dream. They even provide college support and internships too. If there's one thing teaches you it's to never underestimate the power of a girl and her pen


Rating: 5

I was 13 when I joined WriteGirl, and my first workshop was eye-opening! It was a songwriting workshop and it was absolutely amazing. The atmosphere is just so positive and supportive!


Rating: 5

When I joined WriteGirl I was 14 years old and I didn't know other people loved writing as much as I do. Even though not every mentee at WriteGirl wants to be a writer, they all have a passion for writing and are innately creative people. Being able to have see a room full of women who want to lift each other up, who want to inspire each other, who are really happy to be there. The dedicated spirit and life skills that WriteGirl provides all of their mentees is phenomenal.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl is an amazing program that I am thankful to be a part of. WriteGirl has made me more confident in myself and in my writing! Thank you, WriteGirl.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl promotes positivity and creativity to help me pursue my dreams of being a screenwriter. In this safe atmosphere, I'm surrounded by talented and reliable women who push me to challenge myself on a daily basis. WriteGirl has taught me invaluable skills and life lessons that I will carry for the rest of my life. Thank you!


Rating: 5

Being a WriteGirl mentee changed my life! I joined WriteGirl when I was 14, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I was a shy , awkward teenager who hid behind my books and writing. Unwilling to socialize and share my writing in fear of judgment but WriteGirl changed that! Now I'm a published author and college student, who has participated in social and political marches because I now realize that my voice matters and deserves to be heard! Joining WriteGirl gave me the confidence to share my writing, empowered me to make friends and stand up for what I believe in! WriteGirl has taught me to live my life by the ABCs: Adventure, Bravery, Courage. Every girl should be a WriteGirl! WriteGirl is so much more than a writing program, it's a community of women empowering teen girls to change the world!


Rating: 5

I've been volunteering with WriteGirl for over 2 years now and really love it! The girls are so inspiring, even when I show up to events feeling drained, I walk away with more energy. The organization's emphasis on positivity and our responsibility to the girls we mentor has helped shape my own trajectory along adulthood. They've delivered fantastic results for the community they serve as well: 100% of their girls go to college, which is amazing considering many of those girls are from underserved communities. They have a specific education team that helps the girls prepare their college applications, as well as find financial aid opportunities. Hands-down the most impactful charity I've come across at this level.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl is an amazing organization that helps teen girls with their writing skills in fun and engaging ways with the assistance of amazingly talented mentors. The college entrance rate for their mentees is incredibly high which shows that they are doing something right! Volunteering with them is a pleasure and I truly believe this organization is preparing these girls to do big things in the world.


Rating: 5

I volunteered with WriteGirl for the first time last year. I knew that WriteGirl was a special nonprofit, but I didn't expect to have so much fun and see such a fountain of creativity come from the mentors and mentees. I felt like I was in a secret club, a safe place where girls could be themselves and were encouraged to write their hearts out. The WriteGirl events left me feeling awed and inspired and feeling hopeful for our future generations of women writers. I only wish that I could've had exposure to a guiding force as wonderful as WriteGirl when I was a teenage girl!



Rating: 5

About to start my fifth year as a WriteGirl mentor! What I love about WriteGirl is how wonderfully win-win it all is. As a writer, I am so inspired by the young women we mentor. It is so gratifying to see them find their voice and their confidence, see them gain invaluable writing and communication skills, see them go to college, and then see them change the world. And WriteGirl has inspired and focused my own writing. I am honored and blessed to be a part of an amazing and productive WriteGirl community.


Rating: 5

Not only is Write Girl an amazing organization for the teenage girls who participate, it has provided me with an incredible, diverse network of female friends! I feel just as supported as a volunteer as the girls are. It is a great opportunity to connect with fellow writers, creatives, and uplifters. The girls blow you away with their writing at every workshop and the sense of community is strong, unified, and courageous. This is a great non-profit to support in each and every way!


Rating: 5

I've interned at WriteGirl for two summers now and it has been nothing short of a great experience! I learn new things every day and the staff in the office is always available to help me and guide me in the right direction. WriteGirl has taught me a lot about writing, nonprofits and most importantly, about myself.


Rating: 5

I've been a mentor for three years and it has been a phenomenal experience! When I first met my mentee, she was really shy and refused to read her work in front of a crowd. She wanted to become a political reporter, but she had been told that is a job for a man. As a former journalist myself, I helped her to see that she has the talent and drive to do whatever she wants. She is now a freshman at an Ivy League school studying political science. It's incredible to witness the transformation. I can't imagine anything more rewarding.


Rating: 5

WriteGirl is a truly fantastic and valuable non-profit enriching the lives of teenage girls. It is such a pleasure to be a small part of the process and get to work with such passionate and wonderful people who are dedicated to helping these girls achieve fantastic results, nurturing their creativity and helping them make their way to college. Fantastic!