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2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Wells Bring Hope

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Economic Development, Environment, International, International Development, Microfinance, Rural Economic Development, Water, Water Resources, Wetlands Conservation & Management

Mission: Wells Bring Hope is committed to drilling wells to bring safe water and sanitation to rural villages in Niger, West Africa, the poorest country in the world where contaminated water kills innocent victims, most often infants and young children.

Results: As of October, 2020, we have drilled 650 safe water wells and three solar water systems, bringing safe water and sanitation to close to 700,000 people, most of them children.

Target demographics: Primarily women, girls and young children living in rural villages in the poorest country in the world

Direct beneficiaries per year: Over 50,000 people

Geographic areas served: Niger, West Africa

Programs: We drill wells to provide safe water to rural villages. We provide sanitation and hygiene training in every village where we drill. In addition, and as part of every well drilling project, we educate women how to start their own small business. We continue to work with every village for a minimum of 15 years.

Community Stories

136 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

I have donated to many non-profits and I have been on several Boards. And then there’s Wells Bring Hope. Wells Bring Hope, with Barbara Goldberg at its helm, is a uniquely positive experience in the non-profit world. Its cause is worthy and its financial model - 100% of donations go to the charity - is inspirational and righteous. But it’s far more than that. Barbara and her organization exude decency, commitment, forward thinking…the list goes on. Wells Bring Hope lives its mission, taking time to enlighten its donors so that they too can feel part of something much bigger than themselves. For Wells Bring Hope, it’s not simply about soliciting a donation. It’s about understanding the why behind the donation; and that, in and of itself, is distinctive and compelling. Being in Barbara Goldberg’s orbit is as positive as it gets in a world that is too often cynical. Wells Bring Hope is not only changing the lives of the people of Niger. It’s also changing the lives of the next generation of people who are compelled to give back but aren’t sure how or where to start…youngsters who Barbara personally mentors in the youth Ambassador program. Wells Bring Hope is a way of life if you open your heart to it. Wells Bring Hope is a bright spot in a challenging world.

Board Member

Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is an organization like no other I have worked with, or ever will work with. While doing such amazing work, you learn so much about non-profits in general. The things you learn with WBH will stay with you for your whole life and help you in anything you do.


Rating: 5

Volunteering with this non-profit was a gold mine not only in excitement but knowledge as well. The founder spoke to us personally and engaged all the volunteers in ways rarely seen in such a fast paced modern world. The truth about the water crisis and every single detail you can think of their solution is present. Everyone involved truly wishes to help those in need and turn that wish into a reality. It was an honor to work with this non-profit and the team.


Rating: 5

This was my first time volunteering outside my neighborhood, and it was an amazing experience. I know that some volunteer opportunities don’t live up to their promises, but Wells Bring Hope was different. As promised, we tackled how drilling wells could impact women and learned about community outreach. Mrs. Goldberg and the guest speakers were passionate about spreading awareness and supporting our efforts whether it be for community outreach or raising money. Overall, this nonprofit organization educated me about a topic I didn’t really know about and encouraged me to spread awareness about it in my community.


Rating: 5

I have been volunteering with Wells Bring Hope for some time and am honestly impressed by the organization and how it is run. As a volunteer, I never expected to even meet one of the founders of the organization and be able to discuss with them. The organization is truly caring about its mission to bring water to villages within rural Niger and it shows.

Katie N.4


Rating: 5

There are very few nonprofit organizations that I found that really push for educating their volunteers. I attended their Ambassador Program and it was an eye opener to me. Not only did this organization educated me about the water crisis, they presented themselves as one who wanted to create change. Great nonprofit organization!


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is a nonprofit that is fueled by heart -- from the founder to its 100% volunteer-driven helpers, this organization's mission is noble and extremely focused on water. Water is life for the remote villagers they serve, and Wells Bring Hope cares deeply abut doing what's right for all villagers. I am very particular about the charities I support, so knowing this one channels 100% of my donation toward those who need it makes me feel particularly proud and reassured.

Board Member

Rating: 5

One hundred percent of the the donations to Wells Bring Hope are used to bring safe water to people in Niger. Wells Bring Hope has drilled over 680 wells and built 3 solar water systems, which have had an impact on the lives of over 700,000 people in rural villages in Niger. Since women no longer have to walk daily to get contaminated water, they are now able to work and to earn money. Girls can go to school and get an education. Wells Bring Hope makes a real difference in people's lives and is worth your support.


Board Member

Rating: 5

I have been involved with this non-profit for over 10 years. It has an amazing mission to provide clean water for villages in the country of Niger. Our newest project is a well for a health clinic which allows women to give birth in clean conditions. This ensures much lower infant mortality. Clean water is key to the safety of women and girls and a well in the village allows girls the opportunity to attend school if they do not need to spend the day trekking 3 miles to get water. Another thing about this non-profit: when people donate, 100% of their donation is earmarked for the wells.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

This amazing non-profit started over 10 years ago by a small group of supporters. It ballooned into an organization that funds wells in the poor villages of Niger. The transformation in the lives of these beautiful people is truly wonderful. Clean water allows girls to go to school (instead of walking 3 miles to get "bad" water); an on-site well reduces: incidents of attack and rape; reduces infant mortality; allows better nutrition because the villagers can grow food; improvement of the overall health of the people. So many-many-advantages to having a well drilled in the village! Especially now, with Covid-19 rampant, access to clean water is paramount everywhere.

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Rating: 5

I volunteer with Wells Bring Hope (WBH) and my experience thus far has been amazing. I am proud to be associated with an organization with the goal to provide water; the most crucial requirement for human survival. For us at WBH, it goes beyond drilling wells to provide safe water and sanitation for rural communities in Niger but reducing child mortality, promoting education of young girls who no longer walk 4-6 miles a day to get water and also training women to start their own businesses. It is worthy to note that 100% of all donations from kindhearted individuals and organizations is geared towards achieving this goal.


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope builds wells in one of the poorest countries in the world: Niger, West Africa. This alleviates the burden placed on women who have to walk for several miles every day just to collect water; WBH also teaches these women to open their own small businesses. Clean water is essential to people's quality of life and access to it saves the lives of countless children in Niger. WBH uses 100% of donations to build wells.

Gabriela H.


Rating: 5

Loved the ambassador program! This organization highlighted an issue I was ignorant too and made me very passionate about it! I’m proud to say I volunteer for them and hope to continue with it for the long term future.

Ida H.

Board Member

Rating: 5

Yes, there are many organizations that drill wells in Niger. But Wells Bring Hope is the only nonprofit that uses a model which assures that villagers have a sense of ownership for the well and are trained in how to maintain it, as well as in sanitation and hygiene. And Wells Bring Hope is one of the very few organizations that can honestly say that every penny in every dollar that is donated to the organization goes towards a well.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

I've been involved with Wells Bring Hope --as a donor and as a volunteer - since it began in 2008. I feel quite passionate about Its cause - providing safe water for villages the poorest country in the world . Villages in Niger have many serious needs, but water is the basic need, and one which causes 1 in 7 babies to die before the age five.. When Wells Bring Hope drills a well in a village, they eliminate 70% of deaths due to bad water. And once a village has a nearby well providing safe water, the women and girls no longer have to make their long, arduous walks for water. And, no longer needed for this water task, girls are finally allowed to go to school. At that point, the village is on its way up in the development cycle. The gift of water is one which keeps on giving. The organization is a volunteer organization. There is only one paid administrative employee - who is paid by a special grant. All other donations go directly to the cause of drilling wells. I feel pride in being associated with such a cause and with such an organization.

Review from Guidestar

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Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is such an impressive nonprofit! It is incredible what they are able to accomplish with a primarily volunteer staff . I love knowing that 100% of my donation goes to providing safe water.

They innovated during the pandemic, introducing new programs and making sure their donors felt connected even if they couldn't give during that difficult time. I'm especially excited about their relatively new undertaking of funding solar-powered water systems for health clinics. This is an organization that you should feel confident supporting!



Rating: 5

I'm so impressed with this organization. As a donor for eleven years, I've enjoyed seeing their ever-growing impact on one of the poorest countries in the world. They began by drilling wells to provide clean water but soon expanded their outreach to include education on sanitation and farming methods. Since the women in the villages no longer need to spend their day hauling water, they have time to start small businesses. WBH provides training and micro financing to help them generate income. This organization exemplifies the proverb - If you give a man/woman a fish, you feed them for a day. If you teach a man/woman to fish, you feed them for a lifetime.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have been delighted to be a donor since 2009. I am so impressed with what they have accomplished in their first 10 years - over 500 wells for clean water! They not only drill the wells, they provide 15 years of followup with each village that receives a well. They teach the people proper sanitation and hygiene to maintain their clean water. As the girls are freed from the task of hauling water for miles each day, they can now attend school. WBH also provides microfinance training and loans to the women of the village who now have time to start businesses of their own.
As a donor, I appreciate that this organization carefully manages their funds with 100% going to the projects. The passion and commitment of the many volunteers has made this organization so successful. I look forward to supporting them for many years to come.



Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is an amazing charity, and one that I am proud to support. Safe water is a basic human right, and now more than ever, we have to ensure that everyone on the planet has access to this essential resource.

I love that Wells Bring Hope doesn't stop with a well but rather continues to support each village for years in order make lasting, sustainable change.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

There are so many charities out there with convincing mission statements and important goals that it can be very difficult to choose which ones to support. When I found Wells Bring Hope, I knew at once that this is a charity that I will support long-term. The fact that 100% of donations go directly to drilling wells is great, but is even more impressive is that every donor dollar is multiplied five times through Wells Bring Hope's partnership with World Vision. The life-changing work that Wells Bring Hope does combined with the fact that my donation goes five times as far as it would anywhere else sealed the deal for me. I will be a life-long supporter of this inspiring organization!


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is such an important organization that changes the lives of people in Niger. Not only does Wells Bring Hope make such incredible and lasting impacts, but they do it so selflessly and with so much love. The Wells Bring Hope team is so compassionate and giving, and they are so easy to communicate with as they appreciate all help. I feel so lucky to be involved with this organization that is so passionate about their cause. Since joining the Wells Bring Hope ambassador team, my life has been put into perspective and I have opened my eyes to how much I take for granted. Clean water is something everyone needs but not everyone has, and that is the problem that Wells Brings Hope is tackling. I learned so much from people who have been in Niger and can explain to me and help me visualize the importance in helping Niger. I am so grateful for this experience and I hope that I can do more with this organization in the future.


Rating: 5

I am an ambassador for Wells Bring Hope and I am so glad that I took the opportunity to volunteer with this nonprofit. Wells Bring Hope does not just bring clean water to Niger, they bring life to the people living there. Wells Bring Hope has deeply humbled me as a person and has encouraged me to help others. The more you learn about Wells Bring Hope, the more the Water Crisis will resonate with you and with 100% of all proceeds going to drilling wells, how could you go wrong?

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

This is a wonderful organization! Wells Bring Hope drills wells so that The Nigerien citizens can have clean water. I decided to get involved because the organization is not just about drilling wells, it’s also about helping the women and the young girls have a better life by allowing the girls to stay in school and get an education. Wells Bring Hope also gives the women enough money to start a small business which boosts they’re economy. One hundred percent of the donations made to the organization goes to drilling wells in Niger. Overall, through my experience as an ambassador, this is a great organization and worth volunteering for!

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

The Wells Bring Hope Organization has unique dedication to its cause; in fact, all donations received go directly into improving the lives in Niger. As a young volunteer with the non-profit, I have had the opportunity to meet the wonderful leaders behind the humanitarian cause, as well as other volunteers who are truly passionate in dedicating their time to work with the organization. Being part of the Wells Bring Hope community is definitely an outstanding, humbling experience.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope certainly stands out as a wonderful non-profit organization. I have had the opportunity to meet the people that are behind the organization and others who have volunteered or worked with Wells Bring Hope. After listening to them and learning from them, I can genuinely say that they are so truly passionate about what they are doing. Their mission is to help the unfortunate people of Niger to live and prosper through drilling wells to bring clean water to villages, educating villagers about maintenance, and empowering women. They have the villagers best interests at heart. To them, it’s not just about drilling wells and leaving; it’s about making sure that villagers really do benefit from the wells that have been drilled. Wells Bring Hope makes sure that the people of Niger are properly equipped to the changes that the well will bring to their day to day routines. The people are given lessons on hygiene, taught how to maintain the well, and the women, who no longer need to walk miles for water, are taught about micro finance. When the villages receive wells, it transforms them. It saves their lives. Wells Bring Hope ensures that 100 percent of donations are matched and going towards drilling even more lifesaving wells. It’s easy to see that this organization was made from a place of compassion and it’s truly changing lives.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

Since I joined Wells Bring Hope, it was clear from the start that this organization was like no other. Other people and organizations have made attempts to understand and resolve the plights in Niger by building wells, but they simply aren’t effective as they often go untouched and abandoned. The reason Wells Bring Hope stands above the rest is simple: they have a unique model to establish wells that other organizations do not employ.
By allowing for the Nigerien people to have a sense of ownership over the wells through a small payment of their own money and creating a maintenance committee in the communities, Wells Bring Hope successfully brought an effective solution to many of the problems in the country, whereas others failed. Not only has volunteering with Wells Bring Hope taught me so much about the situation in Niger and what we can do help, but it has also brought out a feeling inside of me that I rarely put to use-- passion.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

Great nonprofit, really helps me get involved with a serious issue especially as a high. schooler. Amazing and thoughtful message to empower these humans who just live in the poorest country in the world.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is a wonderful, grassroots nonprofit! I love knowing that 100% of my donation goes directly to the projects on the ground, not to overhead costs. I was also thrilled to see that I received a report on the well that my donation made possible even though my donation was a relatively small amount.

Elsa S.


Rating: 5

Working with Wells Bring Hope has been so fulfilling and a great way for me to make a difference even though I don't live in Niger. The team is so welcoming and great to work with.


Rating: 5

I have been working with Wells Bring Hope since 2012. What I love the most about my time with WBH is the amazing people I have met. Everyone involved in this organization is dedicated not only to our incredible mission of helping the communities of Niger but also to helping one another succeed. The constant support and love I have felt the past few years has been unparalleled to any other volunteering experience. It has been one of the best decisions I ever made to join WBH. I highly recommend taking a moment to reach out to the Volunteer Team and seeing if there is any way you can contribute!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer with WBH for three years now. I had to move cities and I was surprised with how connected I still felt with the organization and my specific team. I have learned so much from my role and it has allowed to gain many skills. But the most valuable thing I gained are the connections I have made with the amazing volunteers at WBH.

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Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is an incredibly, highly efficient nonprofit. I love that they don't stop at providing water and instead provide a comprehensive approach to improving life for the poorest people in the world. The microfinance training that they provide empowers the women in the villages where they drill wells, and I really believe that empowered women are the key to creating change in any situation!


Rating: 5

I have been volunteering with Wells Bring Hope for 1.5 years and am constantly amazed at the impact we have made with such a small, committed and talented team. I used to live in a community with no access to running water when I worked for an international development organization and the amount of time and energy spent on figuring out where the my next cup of clean water would come from was daunting. Hence, this cause is very close to my heart and I'm glad to give my time to this organization and help increase clean water access in Niger.


Rating: 5

I share about Wells Bring Hope every chance I get! It is so refreshing to be able to trust that donated funds truly are used as this organization describes. These wells change lives of so many giving time and opportunity for girls and women to do something other than walk miles to carry water for their village. With safe water from the well, girls and woman can attend school, they are supported to start their own businesses and then help others to start businesses too, they grow vegetables so overall health of everyone improves. I continue to be so inspired by the work Wells Bring Hope does. I am honored to support them in any way I can.


Rating: 5

I have volunteered and donated to this organization for several years. Unlike other charities, this is a small organization with everyone involved committed and passionate about helping bring clean water to those most in need in Niger, one of the poorest, if not the poorest, country in Africa. On top of drilling wells, 500 in 10 years, they are educating the girls and women who are freed from the odious task of obtaining water from distant sources. Clean water changes lives and I am so proud to be involved with Wells Bring Hope?

1 Peggy J.1


Rating: 5

I LOVE donating to this organization. My business donates 10% to three charities each month, giving each client the option to choose. Wells Bring Hope always responds in such beautiful ways. They do NOT send me letters, with envelopes, asking for more but instead, come from a place of abundance and gratitude, letting me know how my donations have made a difference in people's lives. I love this! Instead of "More More" I hear "Thank you." This organization seems to operate from love and abundance and gratitude and that is inline with my mission.
Peggy Johnson, Hope Actualized (Success Coach)



Rating: 5

There is nothing as important
as bringing fresh, clean water to people who have only had water that is contaminated. It makes me feel proud to support Wells Bring Hope that uses every dollar to save lives.
Bernice Bratter

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have been a donor to Wells Bring Hope since its inception. I chose it, because I knew it was a lifesaving project for all villagers who were fortunate enough to receive a well. For me,one of the most important aspects of the organization is the impact of wells on the lives of women and girls. One well gives them the opportunity to have a life that is more than walking miles everyday to get the only water available--dirty water. There is much to be said about the leadership of Wells Bring Hope. They are fiscally responsible and have successfully funded 440 wells that are fully sustainable. I know that my donations will go far and that is why I have increased them every year.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is one the best charitable organization out there, they truly stand by their name and doing amazing things not only to bring awareness to the scarcity of water in the most remote areas in Niger, but they are saving the lives of young women by provided them with clean water wells. Instead of the girls going out to fetch water in unsafe territories and walk miles and miles for water, they can utilize that time for their education for a better life for themselves, families and their communities. Wells Bring Hope gives them the opportunity to strive!! Sahlima

Rebecca B.2


Rating: 5

I've been working as a volunteer and I am extremely impressed with how well the organization is run. They have a model that many other organizations would do well to emulate. I am proud to be associated with this group


Rating: 5

As someone from a semi-desert with some experience of what it is like to live in a place where clean running water is not always guaranteed, I thank Wells Bring Hope and the many people who have contributed to this organization's goals to support villagers in Niger.

Wells Bring Hope does the important work of helping to provide access to clean and safe water to so many in Niger, assisting women through financial literacy and making it possible for more young girls to attend school rather than travel long distances to fetch water.

As a volunteer for Wells Bring Hope, I have been witness to the ways in which the organization operates with an understanding of the needs of the people in Niger and a steadfast commitment to be transparent and resilient in learning, educating others and being solution focused to reach its goals.

William H.1


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope (WBH) fulfills a critical need for the people of Niger- clean water & microfinance training for women. Not only are communities safer with drinkable water that is safe to bathe in, they are becoming financially stronger with the empowerment that a basic financial system provides for them.

As a nonprofit, WBH is very organized, with a transparent structure, clear goals and a strong system of accountability. I'm proud to volunteer for the organization.


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is a wonderful organization, making powerful changes in the lives of those in Niger. I am so happy to be a volunteer for them. I love that they keep me actively informed on the progression and amount of wells being drilled. Keep doing good work!

Mellissa T.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I had the opportunity to actually went to Niger and film for Wells Bring Hope this past March as a documentary filmmaker. The work they've done is beyond words. I witnessed first hand how clean water can truly impact lives.

Access to clean water is more than just survival, hardship, and avoiding disease. It is about freedom, education, and opportunities they couldn’t have before. It is about breaking the vicious cycle of girls being married at fourteen. It is about the whole country’s future, because women can finally be independent and support themselves and their families

Kyle M.1


Rating: 5

I've been volunteering for WBH for over a year because I have yet to come across an organization that cares as deeply about its mission. This is a group of people who are looking to make a big change by thinking about helping those among us who are the worst off, the poorest and yet full of equal potential. What could be more powerful than saving lives with clean water? On top of that, as a new father I LOVE that this organization doesn't stop at building wells, they go the extra mile in empowering women with newfound free time to become intelligent, savvy entrepreneurs and lift the economic spirit of their villages.



Rating: 5

We hear so much about non-profits with enormous overheads these days. Here's one that supports an important cause and has almost NO overhead. From the founder to the board of directors to the volunteers, everyone's focus is on the task at hand - providing clean, accessible water for the people of Niger.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I am SO impressed with both this organization and the wonderful people who volunteer for it! Everyone pulls together and the importance of bringing clean water to the people of Niger is never far from anyone's mind. A well brings more than just water, though. Not having to spend hours each day carrying water gives the women the chance to become entrepreneurs and the girls an opportunity to be educated. This benefits the entire community. Nobody in Wells Bring Hope forgets how life-changing a well can be and that's what makes this organization so exceptional.

Review from Guidestar

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Rating: 5

As a member of the IMF’s Civic Program Advisory Committee (CPAC) from 2006 to 2012, I reviewed hundreds of requests for IMF grants submitted by 501c3s in the US. Therefore, I know well the range of nonprofits’ performances and effectiveness based on requests from 501c3s and site visits.
Since 2015, I have been supporting Wells Bring Hope because it maintains every element that I look for in supporting a nonprofit:
1. A clear mission
2. Provision of apt measurable results
a. Progress in fulfilling mission
b. Mobilizing resources
c. Effectiveness
3. Little to no waste
4. Sustainability
5. Opportunity for complimentary programs (micro-finance)
6. A committed team of volunteers
7. Reputable and reliable partners.
Thanks to Wells Bring Hope, since 2008 more than 450 wells with safe water have been built in Niger resulting in more girls going to school and women starting small businesses to support their families. In every way, this program has a positive impact on development and opportunity in Niger.
I highly recommend your supporting Wells Bring Hope today.


Rating: 5

The positive ramifications of a village well, on the life of women and girls is significant . With a village well, the girls don't have to fear rape during a walk of miles to get fresh water. They can go to school and get an education. Wells Bring Hope gives the gift of fresh water to an entire village in Niger, one of the poorest countries in Africa. This is a non profit with a proven record of success. I feel that I have made a difference!

Board Member

Rating: 5

I volunteered as the Director of Public Relations and a member of the Advisory Board for nearly two years for this outstanding not-for-profit, Wells Bring Hope. I've never seen an organization direct a higher percentage of funds raised to the cause at hand -- virtually 100 percent! It's ran by a dedicated force of volunteers from throughout the world, all trying to bring sustainable solutions to a life-threatening lack of fresh water in the world's poorest country, Niger.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

I know the founder and board members of this organization. This charity is run completely by volunteers and has the lowest expenses of any charity I support. When I make my annual gift to Wells Bring Hope, I know that almost every dollar that I donate will go toward digging another well for the women, the girls and the villages in desperate need of a basic human condition...the need for clean water for good health. The burden of obtaining and carrying water falls upon the women and girls. A well allows the freedom for the girls to go to school and make a better life for themselves. And the microloans from this charity help the women to make a better life for their families.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope (www.wellsbringhope.org) is a non-profit that brings safe water to the rural villages in Niger, the poorest country in the world. Perhaps I had a very small part in inspiring their creation.

I had just finished a four year photo project in West Africa that resulted in a photo book and essays from Presidents Jimmy Carter, Ellen Johnson-Serleaf, Mary Robinson,and UN Secretary General Kofi Annam. The photos and essays focused on the need to bring safe water to rural villages and thus freeing up women and girls to spend their time more productively. Women as micro-credit entrepreneurs and girls going to school -- often for the first time in the history of the village.

My job was to inspire individuals and organizations to raise the funds necessary to bring bore hole wells and sanitation to these rural villages.

Early on I spoke to a group of about 60 women in Los Angeles. My talk inspired them to want to raise money for these wells. After raising enough money for three wells, the women asked me to help them start a non-profit where 100% of the donated funds would go to drilling for wells. That was the brith of Wells Bring Hope. Nine years later this volunteer group of quality and resourceful women and men have partnered with World Vision and together they have now financed the building of 442 wells! We now see women in those 442 villages starting their own small businesses and, best of all, girls going to and graduating from school. The work of the volunteers at Wells Bring Hope is life changing for them but especially life changing for the people in the rural villages that now have clean, safe water.


Board Member

Rating: 5

This organization provide access to clean water and in this day and age, it's crazy that we still have people who do not have access to this basic necessity of life.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

I have been volunteering with Wells Bring Hope for over 2 years, and I am continually amazed at all the of the wonderful work this organization does. At the core, the dedication and passion of the leadership team helps drive the mission forward and their enthusiasm and energy permeates throughout the volunteers. One wonderful aspect about volunteering with this organization, is the ability to work remotely and also the variety of positions that are needed to help with the cause. It has been a wonderful experience.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

This is a wonderful charity with passionate and dedicated volunteers that have worked very hard to fund 440 wells. The ladies I've had the pleasure to get to know that have relentlessly continued working on this for 15+ years are amazing to work with. The $ they raise is well spent and helps train women to help them start their own small business as part of every well project.

Wells Bring Hope is a great organization that truly appreciates and puts to good use all contributions made by donors and volunteers.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope is an organization dedication to bringing water wells to villages in Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world and where women must spend the better part of each day walking miles and miles just getting water for their families. I have seen a lot of non profit organizations and even more volunteers of NPOs and I have never seen such dedication to helping impoverished women in such a poor part of the world. The volunteers in this group are so dedicated that believe it or not they may even risk danger to themselves to makes their goals happen. I don't contribute to the "big" charities but this one is on top of my list.

Review from Guidestar


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I support ‘Wells Bring Hope’ due to the immense benefits it offers to the people of one of the most distressful and deprived locations of the world. The uniqueness of ‘Wells Bring Hope’s relentless contribution is the sustainable provision for safe water including hygiene and sanitation that helps people of the remote areas to have a chance of living. I happen to know of the Board Directors of ‘Wells Bring Hope’ Ida Beal Harding very closely during our volunteering experiences for a non-profit. I have been seeing her dedicated contributions even travelling to the danger-prone areas as the Ambassador of ‘Wells Bring Hope’ to reach the people whom hardly have access to mere amenities of survival, let alone a rightful decent living. Through this review, I am earnestly requesting for the supports and sponsorship of ‘Wells Bring Hope’ so that it can continue its pledge for the people having dire needs of basic amenities but mostly deprived of.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

We are honored to contribute to any efforts where Ida Harding’s amazing volunteer skills & wisdom utilized.

I do remember during my childhood Summer days (in India at my grand fathers home) we used to walks miles to gather drinking water (due to deforestation draught). I have seen during MBA days in Anantapur how the place was transformed by the well's by Satya Sai Baba - even if I am not a believer, I admire his philanthropy to give drinking water to millions. I have seen in Cambodia (deforestation) and Africa how people suffer from lack of water).

Now I am living in a place, which is the #1 fresh water reserve (Memphis, TN) in North America. I had the privilege to explore off beaten paths of Florida in past year - I have seen finest springs and lakes are filled with poisonous Algae from man made contamination (mostly lawn pesticides & fertilizer). I had been to around two dozen countries and noticed how precious and undervalued water is.

Sadly we in the WEST, take WATER granted. But many places people are fighting for their survival and many wars are fought for water (not just in movies).

Thank you Ida for your amazing efforts.Keep it up.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

The volunteers working with Wells Bring Hope never cease to amaze me. They place helping others ahead of their personal health and safety. They are truly making a difference to the women and children in Africa.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

Wells Bring Hope does such an amazing job with providing clean water access to people in Niger. What makes Wells Bring Hope unique is the fact that the organization does not just build wells, but ensures that the villages thrive after a well is built. This is because they continue to work in each village for at least 15 years, provide Microfinance for women, and teach other important knowledge to villagers. In addition, Wells Bring Hope is run almost entirely by volunteers (only one person is paid) and they partner with World Vision to match each donation by five times and to provide ground staff.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

Let me preface my review by noting I'm Scottish. We are a people who do not like spending money, and we squeeze every penny's worth of value out of what we do spend. It's what we do.

Wells Bring Hope represents that incredible value that I naturally look for. That's why I've parted with money and time for this organization. Your donation grows in impact from the moment it reaches WBH.

Firstly their partner, World Vision, matches every donation that is made. Your money just doubled, right there!

Added to that they work with each village they drill a well in for 15+ years, adding value to the community by teaching irrigation and sanitation techniques that make the new water supply go even further.

Wells are totally sustainable. These are long term resources for villages, not something that will function long enough for a photo opportunity before becoming a well intentioned white elephant.

Micro-finance programs help women gain a degree of independence they never would have otherwise had, adding to the local economy and fostering a degree of self reliance badly needed in remote communities.

The health benefits of having clean water are so numerous I cannot possibly cover them in one review. By reducing preventable disease children have a better chance of attending school, adults can be more productive in their working lives and life expectancy improves exponentially. This is a quality of life benefit that ripples throughout the community.

So if you are either Scottish by nationality, or at least mentality, you are looking for unparalleled bang for your buck in the donations you make. You have found it with Wells Bring Hope! Your money could not go further in every sense; from dollar matching, to improving opportunities for people who desperately need them, to creating significantly better health outcomes. Your donation to Wells Bring Hope covers them all.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

I have been involved with this organization as a volunteer for several years and was initially drawn to them by the financial model they offer. 100% of every dollar donated to WBH goes to drilling wells as the modest administrative expenses that WBH has is paid thru a grant from a corporation. I had never heard of a model like this so I knew my money would get to the cause. And what a cause! Nothing changes the lives of people like clean water does and in the poorest country in the world, Niger, in West Africa. This organization will keep getting my donation, year after year. Wonderful!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I learned about this nonprofit several years ago from a good friend. Was impressed and awed by the mission and the work that they were doing in Niger, the poorest country in the world. I also was surprised to learn that 100% of one's donation goes directly to building wells, that none of the money donated is used for the nonprofit's expenses. This is a very rare model! Wells Bring Hope is mostly a volunteer organization with just one paid staff person. They are transforming thousands of lives every year that they continue their work.

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Rating: 5

When I came across Wells Bring Hope, I absolutely loved that they work on the micro-level to bring water and sanitation to rural villages in the poorest country in the world- Niger. After further research I found that they have a full cycle of assistance educating people on how to maintain the well, and checking back on the well monthly, years after being drilled. They also teach villages about personal hygiene and teach women about basic business skills and how to form savings groups so they may support their families. While many nonprofits have good intentions and make a difference initially, WBH makes sure their help is sustainable and long-lasting.

With a number of years experience in the nonprofit sector, it is incredible and refreshing to know that 100% of all donations go to drilling wells. WBH is built on volunteers. All staff (except for one person who is paid through a specific grant) are unpaid volunteers. I have been volunteering myself for one year now. I get so much job out of working with other volunteers who put so much of their time and energy into this great cause.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I started volunteering with Wells Bring Hope last fall through LinkedIn and am consistently impressed with how smart and strategic this organization is. Utilizing a team of volunteers throughout the country, we work together to raise funds for drilling wells and facilitating women's empowerment in Niger, West Africa. All money raised goes directly to the cause, where it is then leveraged by five times through our partnership with World Vision. Not a dollar is wasted, nor is any time. I highly recommend support of Wells Bring Hope through both time and treasure.



Rating: 5

It is hard as an American to understand just how profoundly the work of Wells Bring Hope affects the lives of women and girls in Niger. As a former Peace Corps volunteer and as someone who has worked in this region of West Africa, I know what these wells mean. I am humbled by my work as a volunteer for Wells Bring Hope, and fully support their mission of saving lives through safe water!

1 Sharon2345


Rating: 5

I love donating my time and money to this nonprofit. It's a local group of women who started it and we raise money to drill wells in Niger, When a village gets a well, the women and girls have no need to walk for 4-5 hours a day in search of water than we would not even water our gardens with. But, the best part, is that the girls can now go to school and the women get into micro-loan businesses.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Aside, of course, to bringing safe water to those in Niger than would otherwise have to scrounge for water that none of us would begin to drink, girls can go to school. Because, they do not have to spend their days along side their mothers, walking in order to find water, they can use their time to attend school. This can only benefit themselves, their families, their community and county. And the water is there. They just cannot access it without our help, raising money and drilling wells.



Rating: 5

I have been and advisor and donor to Wells Bring Hope since 2010. The organization brings clean water to Niger to save lives and improve prospects for some of the poorest people in the world. Through their travels to Niger, Barbara and her team have been able to witness and communicate the real difference that donors can make, particularly to the lives of women and children. I provide strategic advice and volunteer support to the organization and have been impressed with the dedication and enthusiasm of long term volunteers.



Rating: 5

When I first learned about Wells Bring Hope, my heart was broken to find out how young girs lives were completely limited by contaminated water. Then I saw what Wells Bring Hope did and was doing. I was so inspired by the transformation of these communities, of the opportunities that clean water brought to young girls (they could go to school), their mothers (they started small businesses through micro loans) and the men learned agriculture. It made life truly possible and joyful. Simple water was like a magic elixer. I have been volunteering for them ever since.



Rating: 5

Few charities focus their efforts in such an important cause as providing clean water to the women of Niger. In line with International Human Rights goals and obligations, and in particular with the UN Convention to end all forms of Discrimination against Women, Wells Bring Hope efforts underscore that addressing basic needs is truly the most impact-worthy and everlasting game-changer in any community. This organization's founders and staff are truly committed and understand that women are key to the welfare of many, and that providing assistance and opportunities to women is the best way to improve the lives of a whole community. Please don't miss the opportunity to support their efforts!



Rating: 5

Volunteering with Wells Bring Hope has been a wonderful experience. The organization is full of kind, hard working individuals who are motivated towards a common goal in making meaningful changes to bring clean water to Niger. It has been a privilege to work with them.

2 Linda389


Rating: 5

This is an amazing organization started as the vision of one powerful, visionary woman, Barbara Goldberg. Thru her organizations massive efforts they have provided over 360 wells to rural villages in West Niger. In addition to the obvious health benefits to the villagers, these wells have allowed thousands of girls, who previously spent their days hauling water from far away wells to their villages, to attend schools and to avoid the potential dangers of rape and slavery from being out alone in the fields every day. The women of the villages can now spend their days productively earning income to support their families. And every dollar donated goes right into the drilling of these wells. An outstanding vision come true.