Over 1.8 million nonprofits and charities for donors, volunteers and funders

2017 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Stray Cat Alliance

6,767 pageviews

Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animals

Mission: Stray Cat Alliance educates and empowers the community to advocate for every cat’s right to be safe, healthy and valued. We are building a no kill nation, one stray at a time.

Results: Assisted in the spay/neuter, advocacy and/or free resources for over 175,000 cats in our 15 years history throughout Southern California.

Target demographics: General public wherever cats reside with a focus on individuals and cats in underserved communities.

Direct beneficiaries per year: Thousands of residents annually are assisted with cat related questions/needs and thousands of community and/or "owned" cats and those impounded in municipal shelters.

Geographic areas served: Los Angeles County

Programs: I Spayed LA in South Los Angeles; Care for Community Cats (Hotline, etc.); Adoptions greater Southern California; Return to Field at Long Beach Animal Care and Services

Community Stories

96 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

As a life-long pet owner, I have never come across a shelter less willing to get their cats adopted. While I genuinely appreciate the time and effort they put into their adoption application, the effort they put in (or don't put in) to follow-up with potential adopters is beyond pathetic. While I understand that they may be understaffed and stressed due to the limitations that the pandemic has put on most businesses, their lack of accountability or the ability for someone to follow up on a pending application is just sad.

5 Alla R.

Client Served

Rating: 1

I've adopted a 3-months old adorable kitten from SCA in December of 2018. Within 2 days I discovered the kitten was in terrible physical condition. He had the worst flea infestation I'd ever seen on a cat, he had 3 different acute infections going (the eye, the ear and acute calici virus) and he needed a surgery. Not to worry - I took care of all those problems, including the surgery. Lots of work, money and visits to the vet, but the kitten is fine. Through all that time I communicated with Avery - a medical director for SCA, and Tammy - whatever her position is there. I was appalled by their attitude. They have the most unfriendly and condescending way of talking to the adoptive parents. Like you are a nuisance and they don't have time to spare (of course, all this after you took the cat home.) And they lie. For all of you out there, please save those kittens but don't believe any info about them you get from SCA. They lie. Recheck all the test. They lie. Don't think you'll get any support from SCA. You are on your own. Lastly, I looked at the reviews on this site. Please notice a lot of positive reviews are from the employees and donors. The organization drowns all the negative reviews by their own people. Beware. Be careful. For your sake and the cats you are trying to save. The vet who took care of my kitty said, "You've got yourself a rotten deal." I'll leave you with that.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

We have such a sad problem with cat overpopulation in Los Angeles....our city shelters do not support Trap/Neuter/Spay programs for the many street cats and Stray Cat Alliance has stepped up in many low income areas to help. Plus, they save so many baby kittens in their kitty nursery. SCA programs are so terrific and really save lives...please support SCA!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

SCA is such an amazing group of wondering people working really hard to help cats and other animals of Los Angeles and beyond. For example, SCA created a kitten nursery to help with all the heart-breaking baby kittens in the shelter. And they are helping the Long Beach shelter with better practices and programs to help shelter cats and TNR programs. And many many more programs all over LA. They are also effective and resourceful in seeking funding so they can save more lives...visit the SCA Thrift Shop in West LA!

Board Member

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance is the best cat-only and one of the top animal welfare organizations in the United States. Stray Cat Alliance is leading by empowering people in the underrepresented, under-served neighborhoods it serves, saving thousands of lives and creating evidence-based, best practice programs. It is effective, efficient, no nonsense, fearless and dedicated in its work to create a more humane world. A significant Stray Cat Alliance donor told me about this organization and its powerful life-changing work, leading me to become a volunteer and now a board member.


Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance (SCA) has been a grant recipients from Best Friends Animal Society for many years. SCA is a leader in animal welfare not only in Los Angeles but in the country. SCA plays a critical role on the No-Kill Los Angeles (NKLA) Steering Committee and works on a daily basis to operationalize life saving in southern California.


Board Member

Rating: 5

When my husband and I first moved to southern California in 2007, we were very impressed by the number of animal welfare groups in the area. However, Stray Cat Alliance distinguished itself by the number of its outreach programs, the different approached used to saving cats from high-kill shelters (including preventing them from being surrendered in the first place) and the support they have from their donors and community. After attending the Stray Cat Club one year (2010? 2011?) I became a board member and have remained involved in and supportive of SCAs important work for cats - even after moving from SoCal to Minnesota in 2013!

Amy Carla N.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance has done so much for not only us the adopter but for the cats as well! We have adopted 4 cats from them! This organization helps improve the lives of cats everywhere. They helped us out when we had to put one of our cats down. The organization is amazing, they help bottle feed babies, host events, and always puts a smile on our faces! We don't live very close but we don't mind the drive to headquarters to help out anyway we can! We love Avarie, Christi and the entire staff!

Valerie Nell C.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Ever since Cjhristi Metropole and the Stray Cat Alliance announced their campaign to make Los Angeles a no-kill city, I have been on board for this organization. Please seriously consider donating to the Stray Cat Alliance; they do wonderful things like offer classes for people who find stray cats and kittens and want to help take care of them by managing colonies or fostering them until they are adopted. They are trying to get the entire community on board for taking care of the kitties, and this is an invaluable service!

Client Served

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance is the REAL deal! Christi and her team work so hard for the kitties. In Los Angeles, where we have a terrible cat over population problem, their services are greatly needed. I will forever support this amazing group.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance and the people behind it are truly exceptional in every sense. They are compassionate caring individuals who really have the best interest of the cats at heart. They have saved thousands of stray cats and kittens and continue to do so. Thank you for making Los Angeles a better place!


Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance is an amazing group of dedicated, knowledgeable, and supportive volunteers who selflessly assist our communities in finding life saving solutions for the thousands of homeless, stray, feral and abandoned cats and kittens roaming our neighborhoods. Christi Metropole is passionate and determined in her cause to ensure these beautiful sentient beings are treated humanely and with much needed love! I have the utmost respect and gratitude for all that you do - I know it's not always an easy endeavor - and can be fraught with obstacles. Kudos to you for your unwavering dedication! We share the earth with many magnificent creatures - felines being just one species. We need more organizations and people like you to teach the world about how to be more compassionate and tolerant of other living beings.

Board Member

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance is a great organization and I am very honored to serve on the Board. Christi is a tireless, amazing advocate for cats. Her energy, enthusiasm and vision are unmatched. So many cats and kittens have been saved already because of Christi and Stray Cat Alliance and I am looking forward to the many more cats that will be saved and served by Stray Cat Alliance in the future.


Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance has many wonderful people who put their heart and sole into helping the cats in need. They are always willing to go the extra mile and to stand up for the cats rights. They are a, boots on the ground organization, who will do what it takes to get the job done. They even implemented an innovative program to help save bottle babies. I am so impressed with them that I donate to them and I don't even live in California.

Dori Slater V.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

The Stray Cat Alliance is a phenomenal group of people dedicated to saving stray, feral, community cats get the help they need and not be killed at local shelters. They network with an equally amazing group of volunteers who rescue, trap, transport, neuter, foster, release and hold adoption events to allow the cats to find their new homes.

People with with a feral cat colony are often desperate for quick solutions that don’t work and endanger the cats. SCA has bolunteers who coax, support, and assist people on how TNR can transform the situation

The huge numbers of kittens the save every year is simply heroic. Tiny babies are bottle fed, hand raised, medical problems treated, and again find homes where they will never again be on the streets

SCA sponsors spay and neuter clinics so vital . They actively work with other groups and educate the public.

SCA does much needed work that is mostly neglected in animal welfare. They meet an immense need for the cats and for lives of those people they touch. Please donate generously to these people who work tirelessly for each cat.



Rating: 5

Christi and the Stray Cat Alliance team continue to impress me with their work! Christi is a true expert in the field of animal rescue; her many years of experience in all relevant areas (fostering, volunteering, fundraising, social media outreach, trapping, community education, etc) are what separate her team at SCA from other organizations. As a donor, I feel 110% sure that my dollars are being used as efficiently as they can be to save and improve the most lives possible.

Board Member

Rating: 5

This is an organization that is making a difference on so many levels! I've gotten to experience their good works from different vantage points over the years. I've been a volunteer, a client, a foster, an educator and now I'm a Board Member. This is a group you can count on to save lives now and change the course of shelter cats & community cats lives in the FUTURE!



Rating: 5

such a fantastic organization with a great cause. every city needs a sca!

great cause aside, the organization of the stray cat alliance is top notch - staff are passionate, communicative, and helpful. i'm a first time volunteer so i had a lot of questions, but sca made the process easy to provide foster cats a good temporary home.

1 hpvc

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As one of the veterinarians that works with Stray Cat Alliance, I see all the hard work, blood, sweat and tears that go into their mission to save LA's kitties. They take amazing care of their cats and go the extra mile to help get them off the streets and into loving homes.

I added some photos of some of our most rewarding cases. First is Pirate, who had a huge tumor on his ear. A little surgery and TLC and this amazing boy has a brand new life!
And second are bottle fed siblings that ended up robust and healthy!

1 ylegrice

Board Member

Rating: 5

The staff and volunteers of Stray Cat Alliance work tirelessly to save the lives of cats and kittens in the Los Angeles area and to share their innovative programs with other organizations nationwide. They work in all areas of cat rescue - sponsoring spay/neuter surgeries for pets of people who couldn't otherwise afford it, preventing unweaned kittens from being put down at city shelters, returning impounded community cats to their neighborhoods, advising the public on best practices for all types of cat issues, and much more. I am proud to be able to volunteer alongside these amazing people.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance is an incredible organization that works tirelessly to help cats and the people who care for them. They provide much-needed assistance with spay/neuter, emergency medical, and even food for cats living on the streets and also for cats whose caretakers do not have the resources. Christi Metropole, the executive director, is a highly respected and dedicated leader who has transformed the way community cats are seen and valued in Los Angeles County. The rest of the staff and volunteers are also extremely competent and give so much to help cats live better lives. It is truly an honor to be associated with them.

1 Jon P.1

Board Member

Rating: 5

I am proud to be on the board of Stray Cat Alliance. SCA’s national presence and boots on the ground programs are innovating animal rescue throughout the country.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Several years ago, two stray cats (mom and dad) produced a litter of kittens in my back yard. This was at the height of the recession, and not only would no shelter take the kittens, I had no idea what to do about them. One of the desperate phone calls I made was to Stray Cat Alliance. They contacted me quickly and gave me the information I needed to trap and spay/neuter the cats and kittens. There was no other organization that gave me any help in this regard. In fact, when the mother cat was too clever to go into the regular trap, Stray Cat Alliance tipped me off to the wonders of the drop trap, which enabled me to nab her and get her fixed and vaccinated. In the subsequent years, I have seen Stray Cat Alliance provide education and services from one end of the city to the other. They are an amazing organization. Without them, I would be seeing dozens of sick, desperate cats (the offspring of the original group) foraging for food in my neighborhood and producing litter after litter of kittens with no end in sight.

1 Beth S.1


Rating: 5

Stray cat Alliance run by the incomparable Christi Metropole is truly a wonderful organization

1 Friedl N.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Working with Stray Cat Alliance was wonderful! I adopted two amazing bonded tuxedo sisters that are now an integral part of my family. The adoption process was thorough and Avarie was very helpful and knowledgable all throughout. I would definitely recommend adopting a cat (or two) from this wonderful adoption nonprofit!


Board Member

Rating: 5

It amazes me that year after year SCA provides so many services to the community and saves so many cats from suffering. Most people would be shocked to learn that this incredible organization does this all on a shoestring budget! literally millions of cats wont suffer because of the success of their TNR programs.

1 Bill C.1

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance's work is pivotal in saving community cats in the Los Angeles area. Without them, thousands of cats would die simply for lack of space in the City and County shelters. They have always been there for the Pet Care Foundation whenever we have needed them. Their work is to be highly commended.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I can’t say enough good things about Stray Cat Alliance, they are amazing!!!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Avarie and Stray Cat Alliance are angels! I recently adopted my 2 special needs boys, which were found near death and unable to stand our eat on their own. SCA took them in and began nursing them back to health. It soon became apparent that something else was wrong with them, and during their vetting, thru were diagnosed with cerebellar hypoplasia (CH). Rather than euthanize or pass them off, SCA provided the care they needed to thrive! And when I applied to adopt them, there was a rigorous process to make sure I was a good fit for them. Avarie even connected me with other people who have CH cats! When I was approved, she helped fundraise and found volunteers to bring the boys home to me! Stray Cat Alliance is an amazing place that gave 2 social needs orphan kittens a second chance at life. They made everything easy for me, and did all the hard work on their own. They truly are angels!


Client Served

Rating: 5

We adopted two cats from Stray Cat Alliance and it was a wonderful experience! They were communicative, caring and provided all the information we requested in a timely manner. They care deeply for the cats they rescue and are passionate about finding them the perfect forever-home. The happy photo of our new kittens says it all!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Amazing care for all the cats in their care. Extremely vigilant about their health, mental and physical. Cares deeply for the adopters as well and spends time ensuring that each cat is paired with a family that will work best for them.


Client Served

Rating: 5

SCA is an amazing organization! I fostered a cat through them and they were so supportive and helpful. We fell in love with the cat and are adopting him :). The work they do with stray and unwanted cats and kittens makes the world a better place!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance stops at nothing short of AMAZING when it comes to their committment to saving stray cats, being a beacon of hope and seeing their rescue's through to their forever homes from start to finish! It's an honor working alongside them to help adopt cats to loving homes and loving families. Thank you SCA!!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Fantastic organization! Their programs, services, and outreach initiatives are helping improve the lives of cats in Los Angeles.


Board Member

Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance is an amazing advocacy organization whose lifesaving programs ensure that people have the tools and resources to care for community cats. They have a TNR program and provide foster and adoption services for homeless cats

1 Lisa620


Rating: 5

I can't say enough wonderful thinks about SCA.I adopted a little kitten from them that was posted on Facebook Paloma. She had been pulled from South L.A. shelter, very sick with eye infections in both eyes. She ended up have to have one eye removed. Stephanie who is just the sweetest from SCA took her to all of her appointments and cared for her 24/7 until she was cleared for her new home with me and my other furbabies.
I live in Simi Valley 40 miles from SCA office, I was invited down to meet Paloma by Avarie and Stephanie, I was so amazed of the love and wonderful care all the kittens and cats have by the staff. Everyone with SCA is so dedicated to recusing and TNR in the area.
I could go on and on of how wonderful everyone is at SCA.
I even refer a women that I meet at the local feed store who was looking to adopt a kitten, I gave her SCA website and phone #'s, the following week she went down and adopted a new kitty.

1 Ana P.

Client Served

Rating: 5

As a client served I am satisfied with my new family member, Mr. Lion. My coworker first introduced me with this organization and I am so happy with the results and support they gave me. SCA was kind enough to supply us with food, litter and litter boxes. Being a first time cat owner, I had little to no experience on how to care for him. SCA informed me on how to properly treat him and care. I could not be any happier with my new cat and with the opportunity I got to connect with them. Definitely spreading their mission to others.


Board Member

Rating: 1

They lie. They kill cats. They trap cats and if they found a pregnant cat they happily say right in time and they spay the cat and all the unborn kittens will be killed. No matter if they would be born in a few mins... Also I witnessed when they trapped a cat they figured that the cat has an owner but instead of putting the cat back they kept the cat because it was cute. Also they brought in nursing cat moms without their few days old kittens when the kittens were not found. They just crazily spayed them instead replacing them to find the kittens. Seriuosly what difference would one day do??? If I`m not there and begging for 2 days to put back the cat moms the kittens would be dead. And of course they let her go back right after one of the mom`s surgery when she shouldn`t go back yet. They have trapping events when they collect like 100 cats and they all will be kept in a tiny trapper for days!! All were crying some of them had their nose bleeding from trying to get out. They don`t even take a look at them to see if they are sick and maybe they shouldn`t get the surgery. I`ve heard one of the volunteers saying I hope this time none of them will come out dead from surgery like last time....Maybe they could do it by 10s and giving them a better look and a better place to stay and not doing all of them on the same day. Also I went there for a craigslist ad that advertised a job for paid trapper. They said I have to show how I would do it. They made me work for 2 days (the 3rd one I refused) then they said I worked well and I will get hired though they wanted a Spanish speaker ( i didn`t know that cats speak Spanish and the ad didn`t say anything about Spanish speaking) After the only time when I`ve heard of them when i got an email saying that I should go again and volunteer with more work. Well they didn`t have another applicant, I figured that`s how they wanted more people to help them for free. I do not have a problem with volunteering but I will not do it for liars and for crazy people who kill kittens. (If I would have been hired I would never take a pregnant cat into their crazy place for sure!!!)

4 Joyce66


Rating: 5

I have worked with Stray Cat Alliance as a donor, volunteer, and a client served. I began working in adoption centers. I also served as a bottle feeder until I developed cat scratch fever and was advised not to work with kittens. Since that time, 3 years ago, I have worked transporting cats, fundraising, educating the public and city council staff, and fostering an adult cat. This organization has worked tirelessly to save kittens and cats from death row, developed and supports TNR and SNR projects, and provides top quality medical care for felines. They work closely with community organizations regarding No Kill Nation efforts. This organization is the BEST!!



Rating: 5

An incredible organization that proves that humans do not only care about their own kind. Endless amounts of selfless time and effort provided by volunteers to help the abandoned and overlooked. Every city and town could benefit from such a great Nonprofit. Keep up the great work!!!!!

Client Served

Rating: 5

Exceptional group that does critical work saving homeless kitties!



Rating: 5

When I bought my first house, it came with a feral cat colony. One of the first things a neighbor did was call Animal Control on me. At a loss for what to do, I went online and pleaded for help with this situation. The only answer I got was from SCA. She talked me through it even though I wanted them to just come out and fix it. She explained to me that if I learned how to deal with the situation, I would not need to contact anyone in the future. I would have the tools to know what to do. I have since learned that now I can teach others what to do as well. I have found numerous resources through SCA. I volunteer with them when I can, I also donate when I can and I do TNR for neighbors and friends and sometimes even strangers. I have also become one of their resources: fostering cats in transition and trapping for events. I have had to deal with animal control on three different occasions now and we seem to have a mutual respect for one another. I know the tools I learned from SCA made all the difference here.


Rating: 5

Although trap, neuter/spay, release is the forefront of SCA's work, there is nothing this organization won't do to try to get help to our feline companions - and canine and others too! Attached are a few of the many cats we've 'fostered' and then adopted of our own through them. I encourage anyone who wants to volunteer for an animal organization in the LA area to consider volunteering (or donating) to Stray Cat Alliance!



Rating: 5

It is a good organization. They helps cats more than 10 years. I don't want to judge people who work there. No one is perfect. I appreciate their work. At least many cats find their warm home becuase of them. I think we should support them, but not complain.



Rating: 5

I am an occasional volunteer with Stray Cat Alliance because I believe in their mission to educate and assist people in the lower income neighborhoods of Los Angeles about the stray cat population. They canvass neighborhoods to TNR cats, assist with veterinary care and donate food supplies to families that can't afford to buy the food to feed the cats that they love. Their tireless efforts have helped rescue many cats in need, and it makes me proud to donate my time and money to this organization so that they can continue to make a difference in the lives of stray cats in Los Angeles.


Client Served

Rating: 1

DONT BE FOOLED - the 5-star reviews are all written by employees. Anyone who has volunteered for them know they treat there volunteers badly - no even thank you for showing up on your saturday. I've volunteered for much better rescues and there are plenty. SCA says they help a lot of cats but it is all show to get money. Plus they say they pay for spays and neuters but when you get to the clinic be prepared to be charged. AN d it is a real arm pit. It is filthy! Go to fix nation or something better run and cleaner.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This organization is VITAL to the communities they serve. They provide guidance, and education on trap and release (TNR), spay/neuter, health and care for all type of cats. If it was not for the SCA volunteers guidance and support my little feral may have ended up dead. They do amazing work!



Rating: 2

Great mission, but TERRIBLY disorganized. In fact, the most disorganized group I've ever volunteered for. They even lost my items I allowed them to borrow. Sadly, I won't be volunteering for them again.

1 Trudihemmons H.


Rating: 5

Wonderful group who really help the feral and strays in the community.With some great people, went out in south Los Angeles to educate and help reduce the feral and stray cat population by offering free spay and neuter.Also, with the help of a great foster, got a stray cat my neighbor and I rescued, a fur ever home.Averie is wonderful and committed to making a difference.


Rating: 5

I love this organization! They really care about the stray cat population in Los Angeles and they are actually trying to do something about it instead of just talking! Through SCA, I have helped to TNR stray neighborhood cats that are cared for by loving people in South LA. I have canvassed South LA with other SCA volunteers spreading the word to neighbors that help is available to them for their companion cats and stray neighborhood cats. This organization has the most dedicated bunch of volunteers I have ever come across! I will continue to support them financially and by volunteering!

Alvarado A.


Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance is one of the best organizations I've ever met and volunteered for. They genuinely care and do everything they can to make positive changes to the overwhelming cat population in Los Angeles. They help find homes for many cats but I love they focus on the root issue as well, so we can minimize the amount of cats euthanized. I love that they are a voice for people who genuinely need help and they also provide education for those who truly need it.



Rating: 5

This is a great charity!!! They focus on spaying and neutering stray cats, offering free spays/neuters in disadvantaged neighborhoods, and fostering/adopting out cats, kittens, and the occasional dog. Highly recommended!

1 Minash M.


Rating: 5

i love how they take care of cats, the time they take to help people in need, they dont care how bad the situacion is they always help.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Hello, I just wanted to take a minute to tell our story with The Stray Cat Alliance. This non profit is amazing they went above and beyond the call of duty with our situation from start to finish. We adopted a cat into our home and had a few bumps along the way(angry first cat), but Stray Cat Alliance stepped up to help us through. I have never seen such selfless dedication to help not only our household but all the animals they care for. Kudo's to the whole team from the adoption center to the administrators to the vets that help!! If your looking for a Cat to adopt look no further than this group they truly stand by you and your pets!! Thanks again from our very happy home.


Rating: 5

Greetings! I wanted to take the time to tell you my experience with the outstanding organization called Stray Cat Alliance that is located in Long Beach. I reside in a neighboring town where there is a colony of cats living that needed attention on all kinds of levels. When I reached out to this organization for guidance in trapping and fostering and medical situations, Anna Wong personally took the time to speak with me about any questions I had in regards to the welfare of these cats and taught me how to drop trap to address the problem at its core. I can not thank Anna and Stray Cat Alliance enough for everything they have done for me and the colony. Thank you for your time.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Stray cat alliance is phenomenal!! When no one else would help me with feral cats, they did. They responded quickly and helped me every step of the way! I can recommend them high enough! Thank you stray cat alliance!!!

6 Kittywoman


Rating: 2

While I am sure they do a lot for cats and the people in the communities, I have donated before and am a recent volunteer who was very disappointed with the way they conduct volunteer outings to trap cats and canvass areas. I volunteered for one day, received no prior instructions to showing up at 10:00 am at the location with my trap and various items to help. I took 5 cats to the vets at about 3 pm and got back to the location by 3:30 only to find that EVERYONE and all of my things including a trap (which wasn't used that day), carrier and other items were gone. I had let them know I was available to release the following Sunday and Monday if needed. Finally at 3:30 Monday I was texted and asked to come immediately to the vets to pick up cats to be released. I texted back, advising that I was about 1 1/2 hours away and traffic would be heavy (L A area). I was told to come anyway. I get there at 5 pm and then have to wait almost 2 hours while the SCA rep fills out paperwork! Then they give me 5 cats to be released ALONE in a not so good neighborhood where, by that time of evening, there was no street parking available. By the time I left after dropping off the traps at one house, it was about 8:30. My trap and items were just returned (a month later) -- I could have taken them that day but nobody tells you they will just disappear with your things at any certain time. I sent them suggestions on how to improve their working with volunteers so they will have volunteers who come back again but evidently this fell on deaf ears. I will never again volunteer with this organization although I am very committed to TNR programs.


Client Served

Rating: 5

The staff and volunteers of SCA help cats when no one else will. I first encountered SCA when I was trying to trap a feral cat who needed to be fixed. SCA lent me a trap and showed me what to do. Since then, I have seen SCA help hundreds of cats and teach others how to help cats. This group is outstanding.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Stray Cat Alliance helps cats when no one else will. They are committed to the well-being of cats unlike any other group that I have encountered.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I'm trying to think of the right words to say about SCA. I come short with any word other than, amazing. I believe they are gods angels to stray cats. I was never a cat person until my five found me. He was knocking on deaths door. I was out of hope on trying to find anyone to help me. I called/ emailed every single rescue only to get no answer or response. I had tried one last rescue, SCA! I was given Annas number, she had asked to send a picture of my five. He had a huge abscess on his back, extremely skinny and didn't have much longer to live. I sent the picture immediately, within minutes she had called me back saying she was calling carol who happened to live right around the corner. Little did I know, not only did they save five that same day, I have also made a great friend. We are so thankful to have carol and SCA for being fives guardian angel. Anna & Carol, from the bottom of our hearts, thanks for everything you guys did for him. Five also appreciates you babysitting him when we go out of town!! Carol, you're amazing!


Client Served

Rating: 5

I've always been impressed with SCA. And over the years, the group has become even more efficient, influential, inspiring and broad-visioned. Through trap-neuter-return programs, they have greatly improved the quality of life for thousands of innocent animals. They've also helped prevent the birth of thousands more unwanted kittens. I take part in whatever volunteerism for nonprofits that time permits, and I have to say, this is by far one of the best-run organizations I've encountered. SCA has also helped me find fantastic homes for a number of kitties. By offering support and education, they empower communities to manage stray populations. They've also successfully advocated for better laws. And SCA has been there to back-up community care-givers in need, such as a woman who was assaulted. By raising awareness about that case, they not only made the woman feel she has allies in her loving efforts, but they helped our city understand the kind of dedication that exists in the rescue community.

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

This is a group of very devoted, knowledgeable people.

Review from Guidestar

1 Mitymous


Rating: 5

My experience with the SCA has been as a donor. I have donated directly to SCA and to their veterinarian; it is clear that they go far above and beyond for the animals in their care, and are compassionate, committed, energetic in their dedication to the cats of LA. Working with special needs animals as well as the never-ending challenge of TNR is an area of rescue that demands much. SCA is making a real difference.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have known Christie for close to 20 years. She is amazing and Stray Cat Alliance has been in the trenches for years making a difference and saving lives. They are an awesome group!!!!

2 bcrowe

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

SCA is a really great non-profit doing what very few animal organizations do. They go into underprivileged areas to spay/neuter homeless cats. It is especially needed in the Los Angeles area because we do not have winter so feral cats procreate year round. They have saved thousands of cats from starving and dying in the streets. Supporting SCA is extremely important!



Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer with Stray Cat Alliance for about 3-4 years. I absolutely love them. I have participated in many capacities: TNR, adoptions, annual fundraisers, fostering, educating the community, etc. They are a very ethical, passionate, committed, hardworking group of people who would do anything possible to help a cat. As a volunteer, I have always had their support and appreciation. I don't know what would happen to the stray cat population in Los Angeles were it not for this organization.



Rating: 5

I met Christi Metropole, founder and executive director of Stray Cat Alliance, when I moved to Los Angeles in 1999. I have watched with great excitement and respect as the organization has grown under her direction, and flourished with the help of remarkable colleagues and an exemplary cadre of caring volunteers.

Having closely followed the outreach of Stray Cat Alliance, I can’t think of another organization locally, with the same goals, that is so hands-on. The positive effects of the nonprofit’s TNR in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods have been game-changers. SCA also helps the most challenged of cats in need.

Cats and their plight are so close to my heart. I can’t do it all—no one can—but SCA is making major inroads where progress is normally measured in increments. Los Angeles is a big place, and it has big problems when we contemplate the numbers of cats that end up in shelters and are euthanized for lack of a home. It’s heartbreaking and so unnecessary. SCA is committed to reducing those numbers, and doesn’t just talk about it. The proof is in the results, and is exemplified by the education SCA provides to those who care about cats but don’t know what to do.

1 Don N Sue D.

Client Served

Rating: 5

AMAZING organization that goes way beyond any others I have ever seen, their love and commitment for cats goes above and beyond. I have adopted a cat from them, even given her horrible past she came to me, clean and healthy, they spayed her she was flea free and the she was the sweetest thing I could ever ask for. I would adopt again without a doubt. They were all professional and did amazing jobs. I have watched and followed them ever since and they go so out of their way for these kitties even the ones who need extensive vet care they never seem to give up especially on the really sick ones. I love them and will continue to support them. I even referred other people to them as well who were looking to adopt.