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2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Shelter Partnership Inc

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Homeless & Housing, Homeless Centers, Human Services

Mission: Shelter Partnership, Inc. is a nonprofit organization collaboratively solving homelessness in Los Angeles County through policy analysis, program design, resource development, and advocacy in support of agencies and local governments that serve the homeless.

Results: Thanks to your generous support during fiscal year 2019/2020, Shelter Partnership was able to accomplish many wonderful things! • Through our award-winning S. Mark Taper Foundation Shelter Resource Bank, Shelter Partnership distributed $15.9 million in new goods to 291 agencies and projects throughout Los Angeles County. We also secured so many great items, including infant and children’s furniture, diapers and toys, clothing for all members of the family, shoes and socks, personal care products, paper products, cleaning supplies, face masks, and more. • Over the last five years, Shelter Partnership has collaborated with multiple public agencies to help develop and implement the Coordinated Entry System for Families. Launched in 2012, and led by community-based organizations, the system quickly connects homeless and at-risk families to appropriate housing and services. This past year, the system assessed and enrolled more than 3,000 families of which over 1,100 have already secured permanent housing. • We administered the SHORE program on behalf of 18 community-based agencies that assisted almost 7,000 individuals with over $500,000 in transportation assistance, for employment-related, education, and housing purposes. • With many other community-based organizations and business leaders, we successfully advocated for the City of Los Angeles to place a $1.2 billion housing bond issue on the November 2016 ballot to create 10,000 units of permanent supportive housing in the next 10 years for chronically homeless people. It was overwhelmingly approved by the voters.

Target demographics: Agencies serving the homeless and very poor throughout Los Angeles County.

Programs: -

Community Stories

286 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

David N.5

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership Inc is an incredible resource for our outreach to the poor and needy of our community. During the pandemic it was even more amazing how they were able to get the household items that stores were running out of because of hoarding. Placing our orders and picking it up continues to be extremely easy and organized. Thanks for your great service

Fr. David Nations CM

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Participant was a victim of a flooding caused by the fire department after responding to a fire in their building. MSW contacted participant to ask what was needed. Participant reported that he needed a new tv, bed sheets, and bedframe. Participant was told by the building management that they would not provide assistance because that would fall under renters insurance which participant does not have. Participant did not know what else to do. MSW spoke to supervisor and was able to obtain bedding and bed frame for full size bed. Participant reported that bedding and bed frame were delivered in a fast matter and many. Participant could not thank us enough for helping him because now he only had to worry about getting his tv repaired. Participant reported that he has been doing much better. Participant reported that his room has been taken care of and continued to thanked us for the resources we provided for him.

Client Served

Rating: 5

We have had the pleasure to be a client of Shelter Partnership, Inc for a couple of years. Without their generous support and donations our Family Resource Center at Wellnest would not be able to operate. Through the donations received, we are able to positively impact our community. They run a smooth operation and are very professional!


Rating: 5

Thanks to the generosity of Shelter Partnership our clothing closet has greatly increased the items we offer our guests. Most note worth are the blankets, toilet paper and shoes. These are very basic things but hard to come by in the world of gently used donations. I wish I could share photos of the many many happy faces from our guests who walk away with shoes on their feet and a blanket to keep them warm at night. This is a professionally run organization which has done a lot to help people that need it the most. Thank you very much Shelter Partnership, Inc.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has helped us serve our clients most basic, essential needs such as clothing and shoes AND has also provided us the opportunity to make gifts to our clients with items like toys and beauty kits. The process is easy, convenient, and very helpful!

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership provides us with imperative items we need to serve our mission. We are grateful for not only their wonderful donations, but their professional, caring, kind, generous and prompt staff.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Thank you for all the donations you give to my students and families. Thanks to your work I'm able to provide clothing, shoes and other items to my students that help them feel better at school. I'm grateful for the work that you do to help communities most in need.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has been a life saver for my families in need. I work in a school that is located in a community with a high population of homeless students. The donations I get from Shelter Partnership makes the biggest difference in their lives. Some don't attend school because they lack shoes, clothes or basic things that I am able to get from Shelter Partnership. Thanks to them my students overall academics has improved.
Thank you for all you do.

Client Served

Rating: 5

The Salvation Army - Anaheim Emergency Shelter is beyond grateful for the support with working with Shelter Partnership. This partnership has allowed us access bulk essential items and products that are being provided to all of our shelter clients.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership reaches so many needy individuals in our community and the outlying areas. As a community health center our patients have received from Shelter Partnership, clothing, hygiene items, blankets and so many more items that serve the very basic needs. We are grateful for the partnership that focuses on people experiencing homelessness and those with other social determinants of health. They complement the healthcare we provide and we feel strongly that receiving these items with help their overall physical and mental health.

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

Ms Jocelyn Hernandez was called on 10/2 to inform her that her Daughter’s name was pulled to win a baby walker. These baby products were part of a donation from Shelter Partnership and Bartz-Altadonna CHC (FQHC) decided to have ongoing raffles for our patients. Ms. Hernandez was elated at being chosen and cried of joy. She stated she never has any luck but decided to enter her daughter as she was in hope of winning the walker. Kenzington, her daughter is now at 6 months and will need a walker but her finances have held her back from purchasing one. She thanked Bartz soo many times and blessed our clinic to continue to do the work that we do. She was Happy to share her story and this picture and provided media releases to Bartz.
Shelter Partnership has allowed Bartz to help so many of our community clinic patients who are in need.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has been an important partner in the fight for homeless families to get permanent housing. With their consistent contributions they have made it possible for our families to access permanent housing. Most recently due to the COVID Pandemic Shelter Partnership made sure our families had the necessary supplies to be protected.
Supplies such as Diapers, Clothing, Shoes, Baby supplies, Christmas Toys and Hygiene Supplies have helped countless families here at the VOA Family Emergency Shelter.
In this time of fear and turmoil Shelter Partnership has made it possible for our families to survive and thrive.
Thank you, from the Management Team, Staff, Fathers, Mothers and all our children at the FES.
Richard Renteria, PC


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership is a pivotal force in helping our clients attain much needed items. They donate a variety of items that help our clients in their every day life. Because of Shelter Partnership, our clients have received items like shoes, shits, socks and household essentials. Our clients have limited sources of income so a new pair of shoes does not come around very often. We're thankful for all they do!

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has been a pillar for our organization. Through their donations, we've been able to do more outreach and help clients in need. They have provided an array of resources that have benefited individuals who complete our housing stability programs and those who attend homeless connect days. In the midst of this pandemic, Shelter Partnership continues to work hard and provides help. We've been able to help expectant mothers, families with children, individuals on the verge of becoming homeless and individuals who can't afford basic needs.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Our "great nonprofit" Santa Claus, Inc. has worked with Rhonda at Shelter Partnership for several years, oftentimes sharing products for our clients. As an Inland Empire nonprofit it is great to know that we have a good friend in Los Angeles County that closely mirrors our mission and is always willing to help.

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Our 2020 great nonprofit, Santa Claus Inc. often collaborates with Rhonda at Shelter Partnership to make sure that children in the Inland Empire and Los Angeles areas of Southern California who are suffering in poverty have the essential items that they need. In our opinion, Shelter Partnership as one of the best run nonprofits in California.

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Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnerships has played a vital role in helping our transitional housing participants to have all the items necessary to be clean, health, and safe.

Thank you!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Our Saviour Center’s partnership with Shelter Partnership has encompassed many, many years. Individuals and families with children come to us, many times with only the clothes on their backs, a few children in tow, having left abusive situations, down on their luck, living in garages or cars, motels, or they are completely homeless. Shelter Partnership has provided thousands upon thousands of items food and home-insecure persons require to live better, safer lives. Because of the support of Shelter Partnership, we are able to help anyone who comes to us when they need a helping hand. We are grateful for Shelter Partnership and look forward to coming together to continue to serve the needs of the El Monte community for years to come.

Azucena N.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Aviva is grateful to have Shelter Partnership as a resource. Over the years, we have depended on the various items they provide and it has been wonderful!! Being able to count on these items means that we can better serve our clients and host several drive-thru events where we can distribute hygiene products, baby supplies, toys, clothing and MORE! Thank you Shelter Partnership for supporting Aviva for all these years and a special shout out to Rhonda. We appreciate you.

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Since starting at Aviva Family and Children's Services as the Family Resource Center Coordinator, I have witnessed the amazing resources Shelter Partnership provides to our clients. The items that are received are distributed throughout the year but also during special family events and the holidays. Our clients truly appreciate every resource we provide to them and its all thanks to you. Thank you Shelter Partnership for your continuous support.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I know that Shelter Partnerships are one of the few non-profits in which more of the donated dollar goes actually to the work they do. Shelter Partnership is charitable cause worth supporting and that you can believe in.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Our clients are so grateful for Shelter partnership. Our clients are housed across LA, and we keep these donations at our main office for staff to pickup and deliver. This helps when engaging new clients, and supporting clients with much-needed clothing, hygiene items, and household goods which are expensive to purchase on a limited budget. One client mentioned that the shoes provided to him by his case manager (from Shelter partnership) was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. Thank you, Shelter Partnership for your wonderful service!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

The Shelter Partnership has supported WomenShelter of Long Beach for many years and we appreciate them very much. They have donated so many things to us that we could not otherwise provide to our many clients. We are all very grateful for all that they do.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

We are so thankful for the donations we receive from Shelter Partnership, here at Cloverfield! They are especially useful for serving our outreach based clients, who are always in need of clothing, hygiene products, and blankets.

Furthermore, we are able to get some fun products from the partnership that we couldn't afford on our own, which increase the quality of life for the residents. These include things like holiday sweaters and face masks. These items may be small, but have the ability to brighten the day of the residents who receive them.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Covenant House California is grateful for another year of collaboration with Shelter Partnership. At CHC, we believe that no young person deserves to be homeless; that every young person in California deserves shelter, food, clothing, education… and most importantly, to be loved. And we believe that it is our responsibility, as a community, to ensure that young people are given the opportunities that they deserve to achieve their dreams. Shelter Partnership’s commitment to our mission through providing clothing, hygiene items and more to the young people we serve means that our dollars can be leveraged towards housing, mental and medical health care, and case management ensuring we are making a bigger impact on ending homelessness for the youth in California. We are able to serve more young people every year with the savings we get through the generosity of Shelter Partnership.

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has been a long time partner for Covenant House California. At CHC, we believe that no young person deserves to be homeless; that every young person in California deserves shelter, food, clothing, education… and most importantly, to be loved. And we believe that it is our responsibility, as a community, to ensure that young people are given the opportunities that they deserve to achieve their dreams. Shelter Partnership’s commitment to our mission through providing more than $50,000 worth of in-kind items each year, to the more than 3,000 youth we serve, is a beautiful example of our community working together. Not only do our young people have more access to clothing, shoes, hygiene items and more – we can focus our resources on the human services work of engaging our youth towards independence. We are so grateful to Shelter Partnership and the role they play in our community.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

To Whom it may concern,

My name is Tracy Resendiz, I am 54, I am a homeless college student with Covid. Before Covid shut the County of Ventura down, I also owned a business with 50 employees. Now, now I am living, if that is what you could call it, out of my car.I feel through all the cracks of the so-called funding that was out there for Covid, I did not receive any funding from our government, I am a taxpayer. I am mad, I am beyond frustrated, I do not have money, I am sick. I am also tired, very tired of asking for help. I am tired of being told to call 211 that they have help for the homeless. I am tired of being classified as homeless. I was quarantined for 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks) and the public health department had paid for that. After the ten days I was told to leave I was better. How am I better when the test results still come back positive? How am I better when I am still running fever, tell me? How am I better when I am still coughing up blood? I am not better! I cannot find the words to explain how I feel. Disappointed does not begin to describe how I feel. I am beside myself. I have called everyone in the county of Ventura to just be put aside and not herd. I have called everyone from COC to the homeless network to 211. There is no help there. I jumped threw the hoops for The Whole person care organization. I did everything I was told to do, they promised there were motel vouchers that would house me until the beginning of January. Joe Ann Hernandez, lied. I asked for help from Joe Eckles, from the turning point foundation, he had promised to help with 3 months of rent. After a month's tie .He lied I was put out when he only paid one month. He said it was due to me not turning in paperwork. Once again, he lied. I turned in all the paperwork. I applied for housing is key funding no help as of, yet I was put out of the house. Where is all the funding? I want to know where my tax dollars are going. I want to know what state officials are are doing to help the citizens of Ventura County. I want a place to call home again. I deserve that I have worked and paid taxes. Now I am sick, broke and still trying to overcome homelessness and covid. Someone needs to listen to me. I need help! I do not want another phone number. I do not want another empty promise. I am someone's mother, I am someone's daughter, I am a grandmother. I am out here in the streets alone without gas, without a home, without clean cloths, I am sick and tired. I work! Dam it! But I can't right now because I am still sic. Do you want to know what I was told by someone at 211 I was told it was probably better I had a car to stay in so I would not infect anyone. What about when I need to use the restroom? Is anyone listening? God forbid if one day you should have to go through what I have been going through. It is a dam shame that this letter should even need to be written. I need help. I need someone to HELP me.


I do not want an email back with another phone number from an office that could care less about the homeless people here in Ventura County. I do not want an email back with empty promises. I do not want an email back with an appointment that is going to end up nowhere. I want help. I need help by next Thursday or I will be staying in my car again with Covid.

Tracy Resendiz

(805) 342-9018
I forgot to mention I am suppose to start my job in 10 dyas

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has been a cherished partner of SRO Housing Corporation for over 25 years. They have enabled us to provide new clothing, hygiene products, cleaning supplies, and shoes, and more to thousands of homeless community members and low-income residents in Skid Row. We are forever grateful!

1 Manuel F.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership Inc. Has been instrumental in homeless families receiving clothing and furniture in the most critical moments.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Angel Interfaith Network is a local agency providing and assisting patients at LAC+USC.
In collaboration with Shelter Partnership and through the CARES/Volunteers Program at the hospital, we have been able to distribute much needed items to patients and their families. Many great items included infant, children and adult clothing and shoes, diapers, personal care products and more.
We appreciate and support Shelter Partnership and the work it does throughout Los Angeles County.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

The clothing, personal care, and cleaning items that we receive from Shelter Partnership are always appreciated by our tenants, all of whom are households of very modest means.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has been a wonderful resource for our non-profit, In the Making. The items we receive from them are always excellent quality and are very much appreciated by both our organization and the lucky recipients of the items. We are so grateful for all that they do!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

The WomenShelter of Long Beach has long been the beneficiary of the much needed essential supplies for the clients and their children at our supportive housings (2) which offer more than 50 beds for victims of domestic violence and their children. The diapers, clothing, shoes, toiletries and various other household and baby items that we have received through the Shelter Partnership has been most valuable and essential in our effort to provide a safe and secure place for our victims of domestic violence, especially for the children and the newborn. We are truly grateful to be a 'partner' with this organization in our mission to eliminate domestic violence and help those who need us most at this very trying times.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partners has been so generous to our organization. Through their donations we have been able to share many wonderful things with our women and children. We are so appreciative of all the wonderful things Shelter Partners have given us throughout the years we have been associated with them.

The ordering process and pick up has been easy and they are very generous and accommodating with our schedules.

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

Elizabeth House is so blessed to be partnered with Shelter Partnership. The donations that they give to our organization are so helpful to the women that we serve. We have been able to help our clients with clothes for their children and for themselves as well as household essentials. Our clients are so grateful for the donations that help them remain stable in their homes.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Dear Sheltering Partnership
Thank you for your donation to Turning Point. We appreciate you and you help us make a difference with the goal of helping our client. Because of your donation, we were able to provide clothing, shoes, and other household items to our clients and individuals in our community during the pandemic and the previous year holiday's
If you have any questions please contact us at 323-810-3153.
Michelle Perkins
Executive Director

Client Served

Rating: 5

An invaluable service to our community. We are internally grateful.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Working with Shelter Partnership is an incredible experience.

The look on our residents' faces when they receive clothing, toiletries, household items, and toys for the children is priceless. Our residents express their gratitude in a myriad of languages but their smile says it all.

We at West Hollywood Community Housing Corp. are proud to partner with Shelter Partnership.

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Our agency (West Hollywood Community Housing Corp.) is able to help our residents on fixed incomes with the donated items from Shelter Partnership. Very often we receive feedback from the residents expressing their gratitude for the items we are able to distribute to them. What is especially uplifting is the look on the children's faces when they receive toys and clothing. Priceless.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

CHPLA is a small non-profit that serves nearly 10,000 people experiencing homelessness a year. Our funds are specific to the services we deliver and do not allow for purchases of the much needed items that Shelter Partnerships provides. We were introduced two years ago to this wonderful agency and have been able to provide new and essential items that we were never able to in distribute in the past. Our participants so much appreciate all the goods ! Shelter Partnerships makes it easy on agencies to receive items, it is simply and order and pick up system with no reports or barriers for continued participation. These items are also a nice tool for staff to engage new clients and offer them something other than health supplies.
Thank you Shelter Partnerships for all you do for the community!

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

We are a small nonprofit that operates within the greater Los Angles area. We serve primarily homeless individuals and our funding only allows for delivery of our primary services. We were referred to Shelter Partnerships from another homeless service agency and we recently ordered from their store and picked up our first round of goods. Having the supplies they gifted us with has been such an amazing addition to our services. Not only did they provide us with basic needs items like shoes, socks, carry bags and hygiene products but extra luxury items like make-up. Our participants have been so thankful and pleased with the items they receive. Thank you Shelter Partnerships for helping us show love and make their lives a little more comfortable. You are providing a wonderful service.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Deep Green Housing and Community Development's Resident Services Department has assisted hundreds of families as the families transitions from homelessness to permanent housing. The donations received from Shelter Partnership has been very valuable in providing families with diapers, clothes, tooth paste, mattresses, backpacks, and so much more. I have worked with Shelter Partnership for many years. I believe Shelter Partnership is a resource that non-profit agencies can't be without! Shelter Partnership is efficient and serves the community well.

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has had a positive impact on many people's lives. For over 20 years, I've been a social services provider who has had the pleasure of helping people in need. I am employed at a non-profit housing developer what provides supportive services to the low-income and formerly homeless families with children who reside at the apartments. When families have lived in crisis and don't have the financial resources, they are basically able to move into housing but that's all. Families are so grateful when they receive items that help them to settle into their new homes. Items such as mattresses, pillow cases, new clothes, dental floss, diapers for the babies are very important to have. It has been my pleasure to facilitate the distribution of Shelter Partnership items. These donations serve as engagement tools to develop relationships with residents. The donations serves as a means to let families know that help is available. And, the donations help put smiles on children's faces when they receive a new toy. Forever grateful for your services.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership Inc. is such a wonderful resources available to so many community members who are in desperate need. During COVID-19 many people have lost their employement and even experiences housing inecurity. Items available such as clothing, changing pads for infacts and towels are greatly appreciated and needed during these times.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership Inc. has been an amazing partner to PATH, not only in fulfilling our essential needs - but also by facilitating direct connections with local volunteers and donors that are looking to help out! Shelter Partnership is proactive in finding out our needs and doing what they can to support our shelter sites. We truly appreciate the Shelter Partnership team!

Client Served

Rating: 5

we at Angel's Flight Youth Shelter want to thank Shelter Partnership for all of their support and help that they have provided for over 20 years to our residents and the communities that we served. Thanks to all the great people at Shelter Partnership.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership continues to support our work with youth by providing us with so many useful donations that all our youth get to enjoy and would otherwise not have. Their staff is always friendly and helpful and they make it extremely easy for us to order donations. Keep up the great work!

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership Inc has been instrumental in helping us provide basic goods for former foster youth over the years. They are always quick to respond to special requests that youth might have, specially over the holidays. Their staff is always helpful and friendly.

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Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

We recently ordered for our first time and it was very simple and a quick turnaround in receiving the items. Ms. Villanueva was very helpful and always available. We thank Shelter Partnership Inc for helping us help our most vulnerable families. Thank you


Rating: 5

Being a partner of the Shelter Partnership Inc has had a tremendous positive impact on the lives of families and community members that reside in the Pico-Union area. We are fortunate and thankful for all the great work that is being done by Shelter Partnership Inc.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has been a humungous help to our homeless youth that visit our Drop-In Center. They are been able to provide us with clothes, shoes, socks, and other essential needs that are youth very much needed. Shelter Partnership has made ordering and picking up easy and manageable. Highly appreciate their service to the community.

The Village Family Services Drop-In Center

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has been very instrumental in helping our aging population with generous gifts. Our seniors have been homeless for many years the joy and smiles when they receive a gift on Mothers Day Father's Day and Christmas is priceless.


Client Served

Rating: 5

A HUGE shoutout to Shelter Partnership!!! During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Shelter Partnership continued to support our agency, even though others had shut down. They have consistently supported nonprofits and have gone over and above their call of duty! We have received plenty of donated items, when these were not available anywhere else in the country! Support has been amazing and consistent! Thank you so much!!!

Client Served

Rating: 5

Every year, Shelter Partnership provides many necessary items and gifts for hundreds of families. We would not be able to provide to our community without their support. The process is easy and we receive the donations quickly. All staff has been amazing.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Our organization has been working with Shelter Partnership for the last 10 years and I can't say enough great things about how they network and graciously give out to so many other organizations that are in need of specific items. When ever an "emergency" need arises within our organization, I know that I can always reach out to Shelter Partnership and ask for our specific needs and they meet them. They are always coming up with methods to improve the ordering system which make it so easy for all of us. We operate several Homeless Shelters and our needs are always very demanding, but we are grateful for Shelter Partnership and the availability and accessibility that we have through them. As they continue to support so many organizations, let us continue to support them when a need may arise.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership, Inc. has been a partner with our social service agency for over 10 years. They allow us to give away many, many items to the homeless and no/low income families and individuals. Without them, we could not run our agency on a daily basis because we would not have the funds to buy what they give us for free. They are genuinely concerned about the people and families we serve, and it is truly a professionaly run organization. We hope they are around for many decades tocome to serve our communities.

Client Served

Rating: 5

The families in our domestic violence shelter has received so much from Shelter Partnership donations! From diapers, dolls, makeup, toiletries, and so much more! It has helped our clients on their healing journey as they didn’t have to worry about basic needs!

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter partners has been incredible in partnering with us at Angel Interfaith Network to care for houseless people in Los Angeles! 13% of the patients at LAC+USC Medical Center struggle with housing stability. After being hospitalized for an illness, they often have needs for clothing, shoes and other basic items. Getting referrals from hospital chaplains and social workers, Angel Interfaith network has been able to respond to their needs. Shelter Partners have given us so many resources and provided us with what those folks need to continue their healing journey.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership INC
Has been an amazing organization who has been providing donations to our organization for over 5 years. We are grateful for all the hard work that the staff at shelter partnership do for us service providers
Thank you

Terryl L.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has helped provide clothing, hygiene, blankets and other items for LA Family Housing's many Project Room Key sites. These sites were opened to provide shelter for the most vulnerable population during the Covid-19 pandemic. The participants at these sites have come to depend on the these item. We are so grateful to be partnered with such and incredible agency. Thank you Shelter Partnership!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has helped LA Family Housing in so many ways. The Diapers, Kleenex and Hygiene Items they provide during the year enable our residents to feel good about themselves. Because of these donations, they are able to save money for permanent housing in the future. We honestly don't know what we would do without you. Thanks for being a friend to LAFH.


Terry Lotka


Board Member

Rating: 5

FMWC is a small homeless provider and we love our collaboration with Shelter Partnership, before we were all over the place trying to get items to service our people. Now we can most of the items from one source.

Thanks Shelter Partnership

David E.4

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership assists us with providing the homeless on Skid Row with clothing, hygiene items, shoes, etc. We frequently have clients who are pregnant and we get baby clothes and baby furniture (walkers, playpens, swings) that we pass on to those clients. This organization truly provides a beneficial service to our homeless community.
David Earle, Skid Row Development Corporation.
The photo was taken outside our facility on 6th and Crocker and shows the load we picked up on 9/28/2020.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter partnership and Rhonda Villanueva have been amazing. We serve thousands every year living with addiction and mental health issues. Everyone that comes to us is Homeless and has a need other than their medical necessity concerns. Getting back on your feet is hard, but shelter partnership has helped us provide much-needed clothing, Hygiene, diapers, and everything needed to get acclimated back into society.We are truly grateful for shelter partnership and the work they do, providing necessities for those in need

Dedra D.1

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

As a community based shelter that provides housing for the homeless, we are always in need of resources. From the time we began receiving donations from Shelter Partnership, we immediately knew how fortunate we were. Shelter Partnership always seem to have the items that are needed to help us provide better care and service to our clients. We have received everything from clothing items to laundry detergent. Shelter Partnership has also been a great supporter of our Annual Christmas Toy Giveaway, providing us with toys that allow us to create toys bags for thousands of children in our community. We are grateful for Shelter Partnership and wish there were more agencies like them!

D. Dixon
Program Administrator
Ella's Foundation

Client Served

Rating: 4

Our partnership with Shelter Partnership has been ongoing over the years. But, they have been a tremendous help in providing most needed supplies during this pandemic. We appreciate their support.

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 4

Shelter Partnership allows us access to various odds and ends products that we are able to provide our clients.

Dave L.3

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership provides the Alcoholism Center For Women with new needed items such as clothes, shoes, cleaning supplies and more. The staff is very professional and easy to work with. Our clients are always thrilled when we come back with boxes and boxes of new clothes from Shelter Partnership.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnerships have been one of our most important partnerships for our homelessness non-profit.

Every Saturday and Tuesday, our programs offer showers to our unhoused community members. But what good is a shower without clean undergarments and clothes to change into? Thanks to Shelter Partnernership's generous donations, we are able to help our unhoused neighbors regain their dignity and humanity by offering fresh new clothes after a shower.

Shelter Partnerships helps us stretch our funds by providing goods to our programs so that our funds can focus on essential services to help our unhoused neighbors find their path to housing.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Amazing community partner. We utilize our partnership to acquire amazing items for our senior citizen clients. Clothing, socks, blankets, towels, and other items are vitally needed.

Client Served

Rating: 4

I was introduced to Shelter Partnership when I started a Clothing closet for my Homeless Students. I sent them a list of needs and what they provided was beyond my expectations. We have been able to assist under represented students on our campus by providing clothing for interviews, class projects and their families. We appreciate Shelter Partnership and hope to continue our partnership with them.


Rating: 5

We are extremely blessed to be partners with Shelter Partnership. They do great work and share their benefits with much needed community centers around them. I wish I had pictures to share of how happy the families walk away with all the FREE items and essentials we have been able to provide them thanks to Shelter Partnership. Please support by any means with any donation and or by volunteering. We love you Shelter Partnership and wish you prosperity and growth with all that you’re doing.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Shelter Partnership has always been an amazing partner of ours. However, during COVID even more so. Rhonda is always in constant communication of when items are ready and when pick ups can be made. The warehouse staff make it easy to load items into your car by dropping off right by the vehicle. During the pandemic we have had need for extra items like clothing, baby wipes, baby items, hygiene products, and much more. We are very blessed to have someone like Shelter Partnership fill the gaps during a time of crisis.


Rating: 5

Thank you Shelter Partnerships Inc for providing much needed resources for our students and their families! You have helped us bridge the gap and supported our efforts to bring students and their families relief during these difficult times. With your support we have been successful in removing barriers to learning by addressing the needs of the "Whole Child" and their families.

You have made a tremendous impact in the community we serve, and we look forward to continuing our work with you!

Client Served

Rating: 5

Shelter Partners is a blessing, one of our biggest supporters and often our lifeline for our Drop in Center for the Homeless. Rhonda is beyond accommodating and great to work with. We are so grateful for this organizations and it 's quarterly ordering. Thank you SHELTER PARTNERS

Client Served

Rating: 5

Hello my name is Kookie Williams, Director of LATTC Veterans Resource Center. Our center works with Veterans and their families that are attending college. Our Vets live off of money they receive for attending school and holidays are rough. Shelter Partners have provided toys to our center for the past 6 years. Last year was great. Our Vet club bought Tablets for 15 of our older children and the toys we received from Shelter Partners we were able to provide to items to each Vets child. With the toys I asked the campus employees to purchase shoes for the younger children. We were able to give out toys, shoes and some outfits to 63 children under age of 10. Shelter Partners has been a blessing to our Vets and their children.

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

Here at Los Angeles Trade-Technical College, the Shelter Partnership Inc. has helped us put smiles on over 200 children's faces. On our campus we serve over 1200 veterans. For the past 3 years Shelter Partners has provided to toys to our campus to give to the children of Student Veterans. A lot times our Vets are Full time Students, that rely on their GI Bill to pay rent, food, utilities and child care. Some may not be able to pay Christmas gifts . With help of Shelter Partnership we were able to provide toys and meal to the Veterans and their Children. I feels good a child smile over what we think is a simple toys. it means a lot to them. Here at LATTC we appreciate Shelter Partners Inc for what they do for our community. Thanks Kookie Williams


Rating: 5

can help me in volunteers who interest in volunteering abroad.are you stress in United States ? please come work in project