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2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

SFK Spirituality For Kids International Inc

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Children & Youth, Youth Development Programs

Mission: Spirituality for Kids International, Inc. (SFK) is an independent educational 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving children, parents, and professionals around the world. SFK’s proven spiritual social-emotional programs are designed to benefit all children – regardless of race, class, or religion – by teaching them viable ways to tap into their inner strength and see their true potential despite the hardships and stressful situations in their everyday lives through a unique and immersive learning experience. Through our award-winning program, children make better decisions, are more cooperative and empathetic, and have a deeper sense of responsibility and self-worth.

Results: SFK has been one of the pioneers in bringing Social-Emotional Learning and Spiritual Intelligence to children's education worldwide. We have been teaching in-person since 2001 and created the online platform in 2012. In 2008. in a broad, in-depth, independent research study, RAND formally evaluated the SFK program's outcomes on a large sample of participants. What they found was conclusive and impressive. SFK drives positive behaviors, improves emotional balance, and even has a measurable impact on learning disabilities. You can read more at sfk.org/rand or see our RAND Outcome Report at http://spiritualityforkids.com/sites/default/files/uploads/sfk-outcome-study.pdf We now have reached tens of thousands of children in 22 countries and six languages. And we are continually developing new content to address current challenges and needs.

Target demographics: children ages 8-12 and their parents, caregivers and teachers.

Direct beneficiaries per year: We have reached tens of thousands of families and children through our online and in-person classes in 22 countries, namely the USA, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Colombia, Panama, Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Australia, United Kingdom, Malawi, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Palestinian Authority, Ivory Coast and Israel.

Geographic areas served: We provide an online social emotional learning program, drawing visitors from every corner of the world. We teach local classes in foster homes, prisons, schools, after-school programs, and children's organizations in tens of countries around the world.

Programs: Our award-winning online Spiritual Social-Emotional Education Program includes two levels: WINNING THE GAME OF LIFE™ and EXPLORING THE JOURNEY OF LIFE™. We also offer teachers and professionals our CERTIFICATION PROGRAM, which equips them with the best educational practices and certifies them to facilitate our program to groups effectively. Our Parenting course, PARENTING THE SOUL, takes parents on a personal journey to discover their unique parenting manual and offer insights and easy, practical tools to best support their children while practicing self-love and self-care. Please visit www.courses.sfk.org for more details.

Community Stories

111 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

Alan V.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

É maravilhoso poder receber orientação de forma simples, eficaz e direta sobre nosso desenvolvimento e de nossos pequenos. Além disso, é um grande mérito estar envolvido colaborando numa causa que faz uma diferença positiva na vida de pessoas em várias partes do mundo. Com toda certeza, isso afeta minha vida de forma postiva. Muita luz e gratidão.

Aline Sarmanho

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

SKF is an amazing and resposible organization that supports children and families by providing the tools to empower the children in their lives.
SFK is helping me to cure my inner child. I learn a lot with every single lesson and I have the opportunity to look back and let go of things that I thought wouldn't have space for new beginnings.



Rating: 5

SFK is arguably the most important nonprofit organization in existence!! They take disadvantaged children from various places all over the world and teach them the tools to make better decisions in life and the best part is that the participants can use these spiritual tools even into adulthood. SFK is creating a better world by helping to create better people!!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

SKF supports children and families by providing parents and educators with the tools to empower the children in their lives to speak and act from the heart. The videos provide a foundation of the topic that is then explored through a variety of engaging hands on activities and experiences that can be applied to one's everyday life. Children develop tools and strategies to listen to their own inner voice and are encouraged to look inward to discover their strengths as tools for making changes in themselves, their community, and the world. SKF has gone to great lengths to develop quality materials that incorporate a variety of learning modalities such as poetry, art, music, and movement. By focusing on child centered holistic activities SFK curriculum empowers children to believe in themselves.
The organization continues to adapt to a changing world and continues to provide new innovative ways for families to access and utilize the materials.

Sabrina F.2


Rating: 5

SFK is a very important and special program! We are developing in Brazil and I love it!


Rating: 5

Youth is a period of great potential. Developing a problematic attitude or bad habits during this period can have problematic consequences. Because risks appear at every life transition, the implementation of the SFK's program in Ivory Coast and Benin allowed us to strengthen protective factors at each stage of development so that the youth can make better life choices for themselves and the world around them. In less than 12 weeks the SFK's program lead to permanent change and make the typical day in the home, at school or at work easier. The youths and parents learned how even simple modifications to tone of voice and phrasing can lead to:
- Better academic performance
- Improved attitudes and behaviors
- Fewer negative behaviors
- Reduced emotional distress
-Improved relationships and becoming more resilient, responsible and proactive adults
Our goal is to implement the SFK's program in all schools in Africa in order to
help each young adult change the habitual behavior that become impediments to their success in life. Based on new understandings, they can improve their skills, perform at a higher level in school and in their professional lives.
Pascale Tziporah Sossah

1 Serena_Carloni

Client Served

Rating: 5

SFK changed the way of my children to approach life. My two kids took the course via video and I accompanied them in this path. They grow in kindness and compassion, they understood more themselves, their emotions and their reactions. I’ve learned so much from them during the course: we had fun, we talked a lot and exchange point of view about deep topic. SFK empower children and parents.


Rating: 5

SFK is such a treasure. Encountering spirituality as an adult I wished I knew the rules of the Game of Life earlier and I remember telling myself: this has to be covered at school. Then I came across SFK and my heart was captured :-) Every kid should have access to the programme. It is very intuitive and the support materials are brilliant.

Valeria S.2


Rating: 5

I knew SFK in 2016 in NYC! In that time I stay completely loved with proposal. In 2017 I start the program in a nongovernamental institution in Botucatu - Brazil. Since then about 70 children have passed by SFK! I am so grateful by opportunity and each day I learn more and more!

Client Served

Rating: 5

SFK is the recovery of the correct look towards life, its resignification of being part of the world, the correct and magnificent relationship with ourselves and with others. More than a pedagogical program to be implemented in beings who already know how to read and write, it is a compendium that remembered as how being human beings. I have had the fortune of being a student, guide, mother and ambassador in this program, I have seen how I remembered my true worth, how I integrated the concepts of true values ​​in my daughter and how we positively transformed the school environment in a Colombian Public School by doing the sowing our responsibility in the environment. We are the cause of the air we breathe.

Alan C.1

Board Member

Rating: 5

Several years ago I came across the SFK curriculum. This program has exemplary content for children and their parents.
I have participated in training and watched this program seamlessly unfold in my former school.
The delivery of this program is simple and user-friendly but exquisitely sophisticated teaching conflict resolution, problem-solving, integrity communication and empathy just to name a few
SFK is a comprehensive social emotional program focusing on necessary skills for the 21st and 22nd century.
I wholeheartedly support this program and highly recommend it.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

SFK brings Social Emocional Learning Tools to children all over the world and applying the tools I learned in the SFK programs have changed my life in ways that I could never pay back. I know SFK works hard to take the programs to many kids around the world by means of the Outreach programs and that makes me proud to learn from them and be a volunteer who takes these life-changing tools to my life and to everyone's lives around me!

Arynton H.


Rating: 5

I have had the great pleasure to know the management staff and be involved with this organization for many years. This is a top notch program and are way ahead in providing online tools for children, parents, and adults of all ages. All with the aim of keeping their programs accessible and affordable for everyone. The work in their communities both at the local and international levels are quite inspiring. I encourage you to connect to the org and engage their staff to learn more about their story.

Christina L.5

Board Member

Rating: 5

One thing I look for when donating time or money to a non for profit is the global mission and of course the integrity of the leadership. SFK has touched my heart in many ways. The program is geared to help children recognize that their internal light always shines greater than darkness and that we always have a choice to choose positive. Michal who leads this nonprofit is one of the most generous and caring individuals I know. Michal’s warmth and open-heart help benefit everyone that supports or participates in this cause. Especially the children and parents. The youth are the future of the world. And the more we educate the souls of humanity, the more loving a world we will all have.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Amazing content and pedagogy, need of the time, I think each and every kid should go through these courses. Wonderful and supportive staff.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

SFK has given me the tools and the training I need to be equipped in dealing with young children to help them become whole and ready for this world full of variety. The curriculum is thorough and takes a child, parent, or teacher to the step by step simple guidance and directions with the videos, projects, and assignments that SFK provided in this online training and certification.

I am very happy with my experience with SFK. It is a much needed organization to help others who needs this type of learning.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Wonderful program that truly changes the lives of children and even the teachers that deliver the program. Great materials and a very clear training program by professionals. Highly recommend.

Coby P.


Rating: 5

There is truly nothing like SFK. A lot of what's out there is a bandaid. SFK is truly a solution. This organization provides families with the tools to understand and navigate life challenges, anxiety, anger and more. Providing parents and their kids with the tools to the game of life is a game changer. The countless families that have been positively effected is amazing and looking forward to SFK's continued growth!

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

My story with Spirituality for Kids began with a profound observation. As I became more immersed in a specific community, I noticed that the young adults I was surrounded by behaved markedly different from any young adults I had socialized with before; their social-emotional skills were well developed, their sense of self more defined, and their general level of happiness was more authentic and consistent. There was one thing all these young adults shared in common: they had been enrolled in the Spirituality for Kids program as children and teens. Each young adult credited SFK with having a lasting influence.

I went on to attend a free SFK intro session and I was blown away by the content - both it's depth and it's simplicity, and all I could think was - why is this program not in every school and every home? Every child deserves this type of education. Eventually I enrolled in the Spirituality for Kids teacher training certification program. The certification program was extremely well organized, insightful, and fun! I was challenged to internalize lessons I would one day teach to children/teens, and through this, was able to work on my own spiritual-social-emotional development in new, unique ways. Since completing the certification program I have received ongoing support from the SFK staff and I will soon be teaching SFK for the first time. I look forward to being able to share what I believe is an invaluable gift.

There are many organizations doing meaningful work that impacts the world for the better. Spirituality for Kids stands out to me because it impacts the world on the seed level; consciousness. Children who grow up with healthy self-worth, self-regulation, and true care for others, grow into adults who show up in the world with more to give and less to take. This is the power of SFK.

Board Member

Rating: 5

I first had the opportunity to see the SFK program in action in a school in Harlem. As an educator myself, I am always looking to see the tell-tale signs of the eyes lighting up with excitement in the learners, as they realize that they have just gotten something very useful that they can use in their lives. The SFK program is such a powerful SEL program because it builds in this needed opportunity for the application and transfer of learning into virtually every lesson. Most importantly, it does this while the participants are having real fun and jpy in the classroom, home, or where ever they are learning the material.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

It was such a pleasure to work with the SFK team in developing their online training for facilitators. The entire team is dedicated to the principles that they teach and are great role models of "walking the talk." The passion is contagious.

I was also very impressed with their commitment to getting the details right so that their facilitator-trainees received the best possible experience. As a result, the training course is the highest quality.

Client Served

Rating: 5

This program has helped out my kids and my entire family as a result! You won't be disappointed with the curriculum - it's not only easy to follow and engaging, but it makes sense of life's struggles and challenges and why it's so necessary to figure out the right tools in dealing with problems and managing your emotions to make the most of your life.

Client Served

Rating: 5

This is a truly wonderful and generous program. All you can do for your kids is provide the right tools in handling challenges and emotions, and SFK does exactly that in an efficient and fun way. Social emotional learning doesn't have enough emphasis in character building and growth, but better behavior is detrimental for both kids and adults to succeed in life. This is certainly what I needed when I was younger, so I'm very glad my kids and yours can benefit from such an amazing learning program! People of all ages will benefit, I promise you.

Client Served

Rating: 5

One of the biggest gifts I could give my children is this wonderful program of Spirituality for Kids. First of all, the program created a greater bond between me and my children. It is designed that each class teach a certain spiritual concept, followed by hands on crafts for both parents and children. Second, each concept taught is a profound lesson for life, that I'm so happy to give it to my kids.
The lessons are taught in fun and easy to get. I myself got so much of it, and I know that I planted powerful lessons in my kids that would serve them for the rest of their lives. Thank you SFK.

Sherwin Z.

Client Served

Rating: 5

I wish I grew up with the wisdom of SFK. The best thing I have done for my kids is to give them SFK so that they can learn to overcome the challenges of life and become the best version of themselves.

Lucy C.2

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I love this program!! My 3 kids have done it and it is a life changing experience. I wish I had learned all this when I was growing up.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Spirituality for kids is a unique program that has taught my children how to identify their feelings and take a moment to think what their next action will be. This among other life skills will help them make better choices for the rest of their lives. We love SFK!

3 Mike W.5


Rating: 5

One of the great education experiences on the internet. The powerful curriculum combined with new learner methodologies assures that each course buyer will get the outcome they desire. Want to be a better parent - you got it. Want to add working with children to your practice, you got it. Already working with children and want to expand your impact, you got it. How can you go wrong? Plus they have a 30-day money back guarantee. If you want to help change the world at the seed level by providing our children with the tools they need to continually grow and evolve - get started right away with SFK!


Client Served

Rating: 5

SFK is not only a great idea, but has a fantastic execution! Just the image of the characters on screen got my children excited about learning social skills, and the lessons are driven home in such an entertaining but clear way that I see it works. The organization is professional and I would highly recommend their materials to anyone with school age children (mine are grade 1-6 currently)


Client Served

Rating: 5

SFK has been a wonderful experience for my two daughters age 5 and 8, it has put into words and consciousnesses the many emotions that children experience on a daily basis. They have clearly began to recognize their opponent voice and see how they can choose to bring light and brightness to the world rather that falling into the darkness and being reactive.
The SFK program has been such a wonderful experience that I am now in the certificate program myself to continue the growth and share the knowledge in my home with my family.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I’ve worked with SFK now going on 9 years and my experience with each member of the organization has far exceeded my expectations. The core values of teaching generations to come to not only be mindful of their actions but how it could affect other individuals, it’s truly what this world needs now more than anything. SFK makes an informed effort in all they do and have done. I look forward to watching SKF continue to grow and prosper in the years to come and happy to be part of that.



Rating: 5

I used to be a volunteer, it’s a great program.
Proud to support the work they do!

2 Hya B.


Rating: 5

No work is easy, than i know ... But no work is as Satisfying, Fun and helps develop Kindness to everyone than in SFK. :) One thing i learned from volunteering here is that, one doesn't have to be great to give help but one can just wholeheartedly help and it can make things great! :)


Client Served

Rating: 5

I love working with the team. Thank you SFK! For all that you do.

2 Vilma G.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Thank you for helping younger kids. Its a nice feeling after helping these young kids. Good luck to all!!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

SFK is a great program for kids ❤️❤️❤️
SFK is a great program for kids ❤️❤️❤️


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

SFK is truly a one-of-a-kind organization! I have witnessed first hand that positive impact that the social-emotional-learning program has. I am proud to support SFK and all the work that they do!

Jonathan G.1


Rating: 5

A lifetime value lessons, make better children, responsibles of their own actions.

Client Served

Rating: 5

SFK has a great program that will help kids understand not only what the right thing to do is, but WHY it's important to always make the effort instead of taking the easy way out. It's a great supplement to the school learning that doesn't focus on how to identify and manage emotions, and flourish in social situations. Thanks, SFK!



Rating: 5

SFK teaches all the the kids core values that the world needs right now, such as the power of responsibility, communication and sharing with others.

As a volunteer, I have seen a different attitude in the kids that have enroled in the program and the families that are around them.

Programs like this are worth to share with others so we can make this world a better place!

2 Becca B.1

Client Served

Rating: 5

I was exposed to SFK for the first time at a "lunch and learn" presentation by the Director Michal Berg. As a mother of four I was immediately interested in the benefits the program promised. I spoke to here after the presentation and said I would like to facilitate a class for my son's 5th grade class. She informed me that soon the entire program would be offered in an online platform so we could all participate from the comfort of our homes and at our own pace. We did this and the change in my children's perspectives and behavior has been substantial. This program has the power to help children face the challenges life presents with confidence and appreciation for the skills they build in the process of facing them. I cannot say enough about how important social emotional education is... and how SFK really is the best option out there!

1 Sarah298


Rating: 5

There is just no similar teachings I've ever met that has such positive, constructive, empowering effect on not only the kids studying and experiencing these teachings but their entire environment; Family, classmates, and schools at whole.
It should really become the most mandatory teachings for every kid around the globe right there with A, B, C's and Math Basics.
Or even before.
All kids should have the privilege to get familiar with what schools don't teach these days - tools to happy, healthy, empowered lives. To living their dreams. To believing in themselves as a result to knowing to make best choices.

Cannot be more grateful for learning these tools myself and having my kids learn and get involved in teaching Spirituality For kids!!!

2 Leah47


Rating: 5

It creates amazing change in kids lives and their families and gives them tools they can use for their everyday life, to grow, to share with others, for leadership and understanding their purpose


Rating: 5

Great program for the youngest, in order to learn to live with the rules of life.

Ana V.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Espiritualidad para niños, es un programa genial!!!

1 Cecilia10


Rating: 5

Since last year I became involved with Spirituality for Kids (SFK) to give to children, in different organizations such as schools, families programs and even to workers' kids at their companies, the programs that SFK offers. Each of the children has been transformed by, the dynamics and information given by SFK .... but that's what I expected. 

What really have struck me is the effect of these programs in all the adults who have participated during the programs. 

SFK's Programs have helped us, to heal up our inner child and to be  a more proactive, responsible and happy person


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Great experiencie and focus on helping kids develop spiritual conciousness


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This is an amazing program for kids to find spirituality in a practical manner. I wish i had this kind of program when i was a child. Thank you for the teachers and people behind this amazing work.

Nayeli J.


Rating: 5

Me ha inspirado a ayudar a la mayor cantidad de niños como voluntaria, a partir de qué conocí SFK mi vida cambió.



Rating: 5

My little boy change his mind and inspired other children

2 Rodrigo A.


Rating: 5

i have seen the SFK Classes at action, and its amazing seen how it have help all the kids to make better choices, supports their self estime and help them makin life challenging decisions



Rating: 5

SFK is an amazing program that helps children grow to their fullest potentials.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

SFK is changing the life not only for the children also for the entire family's. We have to encourage to work more with the children's because they are the seed, the future.



Rating: 5

I have experienced SKF as a mother, then as a volunteer, and then as a teacher. There is no one left untouched by the program. Whether we are talking about children, teachers, everyone gets in touch with Light.
Conscious and loving kids is the answer!



Rating: 5

I've been an SFK ambassador for nearly a year. My volunteer work as been the most fulfilling because of the profound transformation I witness children go through in just 12 short weeks.


Client Served

Rating: 5

SFK helped my 3 kids to overcome the death of their father.
They teached them how to be responsible of their own live, how to care about others and how to share their blessings.
I am depply thankful with SFK.



Rating: 5

Excellent program that helps children learn their responsibility in the world.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I've seen the work done by SFKI and it's really an inpiration, it brings hope that a better future is possible. It's not about money, governments, spirituality can change everything.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I can only say what I have personally seen and that is that the kids are amazing. They are all so thoughtful, generous, pleasant, kind, sweet...and more. They are great kids and the program is better than the public schools.

Osnat F.


Rating: 5

I had the opportunity to go through the program with different groups of children, the most significant, children who live with their moms at the women's prison here in La Paz, Bolivia. I witnessed the positive effect in their lives. Nothing is more tangible, more real.

1 Andy44

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

My two girls, ages 9 and 6, have taken the SFK courses. They really enjoyed it and while there was a lot of play, I know they got the principles. They mention different things they learned in the class when things get tough, or when my wife and I don't act with 100% human dignity or respect, they point that out to us. So now, we have to be on our toes :)

Great, great classes - highly recommended for children 6+. In fact, I learned quite a bit from the classes about how to work in a positive way with my ego and no let life bring me down.



Rating: 5

SFK has been is a life changer for us raising 3 boys. Learning together has created a common vocabulary for us to use in everyday situations. Critical thinking and learning they are the in control has been huge: learning cause and effect, true voice vs the opponent, and effort vs taking the easy way out are talked about daily. I can't say enough good things about this program!!

1 David347

Client Served

Rating: 5

Spirituality for kids has help our kids to see the world from a different perspective , take responsibility of their acts , and be their best by learning to Share their talents !!

Viviana T.


Rating: 5

I offered as a volunteer in Bolivia and it definitely changed my life, this program is one of the best I've seen so far! Because is a different learning for the children, is the most useful learning for our lives, the spiritual education is what you need for every single day! Children love the course and parents are thrilled with it!!! I absolutely recommend everyone to take a look, because it's free and easy to find and follow.