Over 1.8 million nonprofits and charities for donors, volunteers and funders

2019 Top-Rated Nonprofit

One Heart Source

26,152 pageviews

Nonprofit Overview

Causes: AIDS, Children & Youth, Education, Health, Primary & Elementary Schools, Secondary & High Schools, Youth Development Programs

Mission: One Heart Source (OHS) is an entrepreneurial non-profit organization that designs and catalyzes education programs that empower vulnerable people and communities with choice and opportunity. The organization’s model of international mentorship connects university students, professionals, families, and retirees to vulnerable youth and communities across cultural, social, and economic boundaries. With its partner communities in Jamaica, South Africa, and Tanzania, the OHS International Collective provides holistic care and academic excellence as a means of ending the vicious cycle of generational poverty. Our mission is to build environments within marginalized populations that promote a comprehensive approach to eliminating the gap between those who have access to bettering their lives and those who do not.

Target demographics: low income communities and vulnerable youth worldwide.

Geographic areas served: Tanzania, South Africa and Jamaica

Programs: Our mission is to end poverty in our lifetimes by empowering people through high quality global initiatives focused on education and health. WHY: We believe that our collective humanity will flourish when all people have equal access to the opportunity to fulfill their fundamental right to live joyful and healthy lives. HOW: As a global collective of students, families, volunteers, professors, entrepreneurs, and agents of change we foster a growth mindset rooted in humility and empathy while striving for excellent outcomes. Through international collaboration and development, we strive to solve the grand challenges of our day while remaining responsive to the individual relationships and partnerships fostered through community development and cultural exchange across social, cultural, ethnic, socio-economic, racial, religious, and geographical boundaries. WHAT: One Heart Source honors its mantra and mission by: 1. Catalyzing a diverse global collective committed to ending poverty through direct action in order to empower opportunity, choice and freedom. 2. Designing, implementing, and evolving social justice programs that empower positive education and health outcomes in concert with the communities we serve. 3. Activating higher education by organizing and mobilizing university students to partner with local stakeholders throughout the world to implement effective models for social change.

Community Stories

160 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

One day you might get a random email about an opportunity to teach health in Cape Town, SA with One Heart Source. A piece of advice to you is answer that email, turn in an application, and accept the opportunity to jump into the unknown with no hesitation. One Heart Source does an amazing job of making you feel prepared, comfortable, and most of all safe. It's scary at first to go to a foreign country to teach a topic you may not feel worthy to teach to children, but in the end, you will feel beyond satisfied with the time and effort you have put into getting there and being there. Not only this, but you will make the best friends, have best the adventures, and make a family and home out of a foreign place and you will crave to go back each and every day. I am beyond grateful for One Heart Source and the experiences they provided me with.

Jordan E.


Rating: 5

The experience that this organization allowed me to have is indescribable. The relationships I built and the people I met were amazing. I hope that everyone has the chance to expense something like this during their lifetime. One Heart Source goes above and beyond for the students in their program and for their volunteers. I cannot think of a better organization. Thank you OHS for the opportunity of a life time ❤️❤️


Rating: 5

I so profoundly enjoyed my time in Cape Town with One Heart Source. The team, locals, and volunteers are all wonderful people, and I truly felt appreciated for my time and efforts. I learned so much from every single person and opportunity we were given: from teaching the kids, to delivering meds to chronic patients, to cooking for the patients of Imizamo Yethu's Clinic. This was the experience of a lifetime!


Rating: 5

The two weeks I spent in Cape Town have been life-changing. I have never felt so connected with the people I spent two weeks with and the students I mentored. They all have such spirit that was so welcoming and I am so happy that I got to meet and work with them so well. One Heart Source does an amazing job of organizing all the logistics and making sure everyone is comfortable and safe. They created a family-like environment that I am grateful for.


Rating: 5

The past summer I mentored with OHS and it was one of the best summers I’ve had yet. The organization made sure that each of the mentors mattered and was there for the student, which was why every one of the mentors were there for. Not only did I feel like I made an impact in my mentees lives but they made a huge one on mine. I can’t wait to go back and explore the beautiful, culture rich country and reconnect with the leadership and my fellow mentors.



Rating: 5

I never thought that a group of young adults could have such a strong and everlasting impact on my life. Volunteering with OHS has been a life changing experience for me and have changed the way I see the world. Getting the opportunity to spend four amazing weeks exploring South Africa in ways that I could never imagine has been an unforgettable experience. The relationship that OHS has with the community made it that much more powerful.

Gabrielle E.


Rating: 5

I volunteered with One Heart Source this summer and it was absolutely life-changing. These kids have touched me in a way I didn’t know possible and taught me so much. I had so much fun getting to have relationships with them! We were able to be apart of their community for a while and were immersed in their culture. The leadership of this program is so amazing! They were kind, helpful, respectful, and did everything with their whole heart. They inspired me to be a better teacher and person. I am taking home with me so many values from the community and with a new perspective. This trip opened my mind and filled my heart. Two weeks weren't enough. I highly recommend applying, it is truly an amazing opportunity. Thank you One Heart Source!

Taylor E.3


Rating: 5

I volunteered with OHS this year. All the leadership of the program were absolutely amazing, knowledgeable, kind, caring and helpful. They were able to teach me so much and guide me to be a better person !! The students were also such an inspiration to be working with. This experience is one of a kind and even sometimes hard to explain in words because it is so incredible. I recommend for anyone to volunteer with OHS if they have the opportunity, you won’t regret it!!

Sara M.3


Rating: 5

I volunteered with One Heart Source summer 2019 for 2 weeks, focusing on health development. It was an incredible experience. Not only did we get to work with children in the community and teach them, but we got to interact with other community leaders who are actively making a difference in their community. I would highly recommend anyone who is interested and financially able to participate in this program to sign up! Truly a lifechanging experience. Not to mention, you make incredible friends with the other volunteers that are participating. The area we stayed in was safe as well. This is a credible organization.

Maddi M.


Rating: 5

One Heart Source is a phenomenal organization and let me tell you why. As most of us that I have volunteered, we found out via an email! Take a chance on this organization! Let me tell you, it was kinda scary to follow through due to the distance, but the impact and experience is worth it. I recently completed my second year volunteering and it was like I never left. One Heart Source gives you an opportunity to work with people from all over, locals, and of course, the children. The children bring smiles to your faces everyday and teach you life lessons that you could never imagine. The staff that works with you through your journey are incredibly motivation, supportive, and helpful. You not only create a bond with your fellow mentors, the students, but also the staff. The staff helps you have the best experience you could possibly have. I encourage everyone to step outside of their comfort zone and reach out to an organization like this one. I can tell you all right now. I'll be back next year without hesitation.

Amanda C.10


Rating: 5

I am so grateful I came across this nonprofit when I got an email from my school. Truly an amazing experience! Cape Town, South Africa is beautiful and the students you meet will change your life and heart. I recommend this nonprofit to anyone interested in helping change a students life education or health wise. So wonderful!!


Rating: 5

In the fall of 2017 I unknowingly received an invitation for the opportunity to travel to Cape Town, SA with a random group of people to take on the adventure of a lifetime. With a heart for helping and a passion for social work, I immediately knew One Heart Source was the organization for me. The leadership team is phenomenal, as they were approachable and always willing to go the extra mile for mentors, students and families. I will be returning to SA with OHS in 2019 to continue my journey and make an impact on other young, hopeful children.


Rating: 5

I participated with One Heart Source this past summer and I can truly say that it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. To begin with, I was traveling to a completely new part of the world that I had never looked into visiting, so of course I was nervous. Once arriving at Cape Town and was greeted by the One Heart Source members, I can say that the nervousness went away. The group was truly amazing. They bring people together from all over the United States to this area where nobody really knows each other and builds a community with those people in such a short time. I loved my time there and am planning on helping with One Heart Source in the upcoming summer!! OHS

Rachel J.3


Rating: 5

I volunteered with One Heart Source this past summer, and I can genuinely say it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life! I was nervous at first about having little experience traveling abroad, and about not knowing what to do when I arrived, but OHS was careful and conscientious about providing us resources and teaching us what to do. The leadership ensures that volunteers are safe, well fed, and happy, and the community we work with is incredibly welcoming of us. OHS is structured so that volunteers learn and grow throughout their time in South Africa, and so that you form meaningful and lasting connections with learners, other volunteers, and community members. I absolutely encourage anyone who is interested to apply to One Heart Source and become involved with a life-changing network and experience!

Taylor C.2


Rating: 5

I have volunteered with One Heart Source for two years now and will be going back for a third for the summer of 2019. I have too many positive things to say about One Heart Source. The leadership team is approachable, open to improvements, as well as very knowledgeable. The experience that you have while in South Africa is one that you will not forget. One Heart Source focuses on working together with a community. The relationship that I have formed with my students is unique and is what makes me keeps me coming back. This is not only a great experience but very education. This organization places a big focus on learning about the history of where the program is run. There is also constant dialogue about a lot of the topics that are difficult to talk about but allows for conversation to learning to take place! I highly recommend this program for anyone who wants to form meaningful connections!!!


Rating: 5

I volunteered with One Heart Source this past summer and had an amazing time. The highlight of the trip getting to know the students at the school. OHS did a wonderful job of supporting us in coming up with lesson plans and figuring out how to best teach our students. We had plenty of opportunities to get to know the community and become immersed in the culture. I had a fantastic time and I can't wait to go back!

Anneliese L.


Rating: 5

I don’t have enough words to describe how much One Heart Source means to me! My cohort has become my family, and the people of IY and the kids we work with are some of the most inspiring people I’ve ever met. People say that trips like these change your life, and I got to experience this first hand in Cape Town. Teaching my grade seven mentee about health combined my loves for both medicine and teaching, and has ignited a spark in me to continue to pursue this career path. The leadership team welcomed me with open arms, helped me become a better mentor, and helped me reflect on myself and the world around me. They made me feel so special and made all of us feel how important the work One Heart Source does truly is. This experience is one that I will always be grateful for!

Anthony M.5


Rating: 5

One Heart Source is a great nonprofit organization that helps the students in the Imizamo Yethu Community in Cape Town South Africa. They do a great job of exposing mentors to the different parts of Cape Town. Whether it be exposing them to the language, culture, townships, immersions, and citizens of the community. They take great care of the mentors and provide a safe, learning environment that is conducive to success. I would encourage anyone to apply to One Heart Source and become a mentor and have a life changing experience.


Rating: 5

I had an amazing time this past summer with One Heart Source, it was a fulfilling experience and I loved every minute of it. OHS is so important, and understands their impact, as well as understands how critical it is that they educate the community. I was in South Africa for 2 weeks at the beginning of the summer, and I loved it, the bond that the cohort built, as well as the bonds that I built with my student, will stick with me forever. I had an amazing time and I cannot wait to get back next summer and continue this important work.


Rating: 5

To rate One Heart Source as a great non-profit is an understatement. This organization truly understands the importance and necessity of a sustainable program that will instill positive change over generations of people. One Heart Source truly listens to the people of the community and changes their curriculum and program to cater to the needs of the community. They encourage the volunteers to immerse themselves into the culture to not only better communicate with their students but also experience a different perspective and see through the lens of another. The culture coaches certainly did not take any time getting to love and respect each volunteer and every volunteer truly learned more from their students than they were taught. I have been a volunteer for 2 years now and I cannot wait to return to the family that I have formed in Cape Town every time. #HealthSquad


Rating: 5

I wasn't sure of what to expect before I entered the program. However by the end of the program, my perspective on important issues have changed. They've also allowed me to open my mind and become more creative. Before the mentorship, I was honestly scared of teaching but it was very fun and exciting to see so many happy faces with such enthusiasm. I wish I could have stayed a couple more days because these 2 weeks made my whole year! I would definitely want to come back next year.


Rating: 5

If I could I would rate OHS with a billion stars, OHS exceeded my expectations. As a public health professional I recognize it is vital for organizations to have cultural awareness. OHS went above and beyond to ensure all volunteers were immersed in culture. Every detail was planned out and operations always ran smoothly. What really touched me personally was the care each team member and volunteer had for our mentees. Every child deserves to have equal resources to succeed and OHS ensures that each child gets an equal opportunity to achieve their dreams.

Jessica C.1


Rating: 5

My experience with OHS was everything I could have asked for and more. It was such an amazing experience working with the students from the IY community. I was in the Youth Empowerment program for 4 weeks and was able to learn so much about my students. I learned how to teach them in a way that best suited each student. It was a little difficult at first, because I had 3 students, and they all learned differently. However, after taking the time to know/understand them, we were able to work effective and efficiently while learning. These children are some of the best kids you will ever work with. They have so much energy and are always fun to be around. Never a dull moment.
The children were the best part of the program, but OHS took it further to get us engaged with our environment. We were able to walk through the IY community, go for hikes, go to the beautiful Botanical Garden, express/show our talents off, and even go to a winery. If that wasn't enough. On the weekends we had had time to adventure out and do excursions. South Africa has so many things to do. Whether it's going to the Waterfront, Robin Island, Shark Diving, Skydiving, or even the Safari, you'll have a blast!
Not to mention the incredible staff that runs the show. I left South Africa, but I have created bonds with friends that brought us together as family. Volunteering for OHS is a life changing experience. Trust me, you wont want to come back!


Rating: 5

This past summer I volunteered with OHS for one month through the Health Program. I had very little expectations going into this experience but I came back completely inspired! OneHeartSource immediately created a sense of community for me. They are an organization that works to better the community of IY outside of Cape Town and they do this with love and passion and kindness. I experienced nothing but happiness while volunteering through this organization. My four weeks were spent teaching health lessons to two bright 7th grade students and gaining experience at local clinics. The program leaders and culture coaches of OHS work so hard to make your experience with them one that you will remember forever. They introduce you to the culture in Hout Bay and immerse you in the lives of the people living there. While I was there to teach students, I felt that I learned more about the culture and the community myself. This was truly an amazing experience that I will always remember. You truly get to experience what it means to be apart of a community through this organization and at the same time get the liberty to explore the beauty of the Cape Town area. I hope to return to work with OHS again in the future and I would encourage anyone to participate in this amazing experience.

Antonia R.


Rating: 5

This past summer I worked with One Heart Source as a Health Initiative volunteer in Cape Town, South Africa. I can honestly say that this was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life and I believe that it was because of the amazing leadership and all the wonderful people I met through the organization. The culture coaches, or local people working with the organization, are what makes OHS stand out from all other non-profit organizations. They were there to teach us about the culture and the community while ensuring we are safe and most importantly having fun! In their company, I never once felt unsafe or unhappy during the entire trip. I felt welcomed into the community itself and felt as if I was learning even more from them than we were teaching. The work that OHS does is more than admirable and I hope to work with the organization again soon!


Rating: 5

My experience with OHS was absolutely beyond words, which makes it kinda hard to review or tell others about, but I will do my best! Initially, I had no idea what I had signed myself up for. I received an email from my college adviser about an opportunity in South Africa, and I thought what's the harm in applying. So I applied and was accepted. I thought that it would just be a trip where I could see the sights and volunteer a little bit, but I was wrong. As cheesy as it sounds, this trip was truly life changing. I connected with everyone around me, made lasting friendships, and was able to gain real perspective on people's lives that were completely different than my own. I experienced more than I ever could of imagined. I learned so much from everyone around me, especially the two kids I worked with. They taught me way more than what I could have ever taught them in the two weeks I was there. Everyone at OHS made me feel more than at home right from the beginning. It is so obvious how everyone on the staff genuinely cares not only about the program, but also about each individual who is a part of it. If you are looking for a view-changing, eye-opening, absolutely incredible opportunity, OHS is it!


Rating: 5

Have you ever gone into something not knowing how it will be, and hesitant that it will live up to the image you have painted in your head? Well, I have, and One Heart Source not only delivered, but they blew any expectations on images I had painted in my out of the water. This organization truly lives by their mission statement which is to "Uplift with Humanity".

Not only does One Heart Source care about the families, children, and community they are serving, they also care about the people who are coming alongside them to make this mission statement something tangible. I know that I have a network of people who I can call on at any moment because of this organization, and not just a network, but a family. You become family with the people who are also volunteers, with the leadership and staff, and with the children that you are serving.

I have never had an experience like the one that I had with One Heart Source, and I am not sure that I could ever have a better one. If I am giving money, time, and myself back to any organization, It's going to be One Heart Source, and its mission. Go ahead and step into the best decision you will ever make by partnering with One Heart Source, you won't regret it.


Rating: 5

Volunteering with One Heart Source was probably the best experiences of my life. Traveling to South Africa was the first time I've been out of the country and the first time I've ever traveled alone. So going to a place so far for two weeks was easily one of the scariest and best things I have ever done. From the moment I landed in Cape Town till the time I landed back in the US two weeks later, I have never felt safer or more loved. The staff and other volunteers welcomed me with open arms. We all went from being strangers to a family. The kids we worked with were amazing. Getting to know the community was an indescribable experience. I felt so involved and learned so much. I hope to get the opportunity to go back next summer. Volunteering with this organization is such a life changing experience!



Rating: 5

Becoming a OHS volunteer was probably THE best decision I've made in a long time. The staff, directors and leaders were extremely welcoming and passionate about the mission of OHS. Being a pre-health student, I was exposed extremely valuable learning experiences. This organization has become very dear to my heart in just a short two weeks time. I hope to return next summer and urge college students to apply. Thank you One Heart Source for a life changing opportunity.


Rating: 5

One Heart Source exceeded any expectations I had coming in, and my expectations were very high. From the bonds developed with those working alongside you to your immersion into the culture, OHS provides a unique experience that stays with you after it's over. This program truly has it all, and the only negative to my trip was that I didn't stay longer. I can't wait to get back to South Africa next year and expand on our work even further!

2 aras


Rating: 5

It was evident that the spirit of the local people had either rubbed off or remarkably coincided with that of the OHS Team. One Heart Source and our South African hosts certainly helped us all more than we helped them. Nothing was done without love and the efforts of the organization to create an inclusive environment led to what I regard as a second family.


Rating: 4

I wasn't sure what to expect going into it, I choose to volunteer for 2 weeks with OHS. Turns out it was one of the best experiences of my life! The leaders and people are all amazing and I have learned so so much!! Working with kids and being immersed in the IY community has been such a blessing. I highly recommend volunteering with one heart source!!

1 Kaitlyn O.


Rating: 4

The people of this community, especially the students are some of the most loving, hopeful and kind human beings I have ever met. They have truly inspired me to live my life in a different way. Thank you to One Heart Source for giving all of us room to grow and make this program unique. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything! I would recommend this trip to anyone... great great experience!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

This program is the greatest thing that one can do with their summer. I went and had my eyes opened with new experiences, and a new sense of awareness of this world. In Cape Town, I was made aware of the hope and togetherness of a community that I didn't know was possible. I was part of that hope and I was part of that togetherness that even made me feel hopeful for the futures of those young children. The program is well put together. The staff is determined. The peers you meet are as friendly as can be. The students are eager. Overall, the sheer passion that surrounds this Nonprofit is simply inspiring.

Review from Guidestar

3 Breanna C.


Rating: 5

I have felt a love that I never knew existed. A desire to pull the best out of others, even when they don't know it's there. I have cried for and with my student. I have seen people overcome extreme circumstances and make the best out if what they have. I have learned to appreciate everything and strive for the best. Volunteering for this program has been the best decision I have ever made! The people are great. The staff is wonderful. The students are the best!!

Review from Guidestar

1 Dulce J.


Rating: 5

Overall great experience. I only did the program for a week and wished I had done it for at least two weeks, so I would have been able to work with my student longer. I definitely recommend this program to everyone who is passionate about education!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

I really enjoyed working with my students. It was definitely a very rewarding experience and happy to have been apart of the program!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 4

Extremely friendly group of volunteers, fellows, and hosts! Experience was definitely enriching and puts views into retrospect. The classroom experience will definitely give you a taste of education outside of the modern American classroom education and program. One Heart Source exceeded my expectations and still has room for improvement!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

This was my first time volunteering for One Heart Source and after just a few days into my program I knew I wanted to do it again. All of the One Fellows were so kind and I had so much fun with all the other volunteers. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to expand their horizons and meet a bunch of cool people

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

I've never had an experience like this. I was timid coming in - not knowing what to expect. A foreign land, a foreign journey. One Heart Source made the process easy and memorable. I can't wait to volunteer again next year!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

One Heart Source is a life changing nonprofit! They have a genuine love for the communities they work in, and although it can be nerve racking to hop on a plane to a foreign country and pray that it's all real - it is 1,000% worth the time and money! I have grown immeasurably during my 6 weeks with them, and will be forever transformed by my experience! The volunteers and fellows are kind and smart and supportive, and the children are amazing and brilliant and ready to learn and love! I genuinely can't wait to continue working with this organization, and see them grow to support even more communities!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

I volunteered for One Heart Source for a week over the summer in Jamaica, and those 7 days to be exact have changed my life completely. Immersed in a different culture, with other volunteers who are so inspiring and selfless has pushed me and challenged me to continue learning and making new experiences. Working with the students really made me appreciate everything I have learned and has also taught me that I am here for a reason. These students would chase the bus as we arrived from school and as we left school, excited that we came and cared deeply to teach them. They danced when they passed their quizzes and nearly cried when we said goodbye. Although we may think we have done something minor, we have had the opportunity to change someones life.

It is an unforgettable experience, of which I will share for the rest of my life.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

One Heart Source is an amazing program and I am so glad I had the opportunity to be apart of this journey! Although, I was only here for one week it was an eye opening experience! This program introduced me to something that is bigger than myself. Being granted the opportunity to travel to another country and help other children is a chance that is not an option to many and I'm so thankful for it. Being here surrounded by people who are loving, caring, motivated and goal oriented, definitely pushed me to be a better me! I definitely recommend this program to anyone who seeking to make a positive direct impact in this world!

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

One Heart Source was not only has a fantastic cause but also has outstanding staff and volunteers who create a welcoming and loving environment for all other participants. One Heart Source gives volunteers the life changing experience of seeing the benefits of their hard work and dedication. I am already looking into the opportunity to work with this non profit again in the future!


Rating: 5

My experience with One Heart Source has been a very memorable and rewarding one. During the short two weeks I was volunteering in Cape Town, I was able to not only learn about South Africa's culture, history, and the struggles faced by the community we work with, interact with the students from the community, and teach them skills on math and literacy, and at the same time, learn and have fun with them, I also met many wonderful, beautiful, loving people with different perspectives but a common aim to uplift with humanity. This organisation has not only enabled me to open my eyes to the bigger world out there, it also helped me to grow by learning from all these wonderful people around me, through dialogue sessions and community circles where we get to share our views and perspectives on issues and ted talk videos, or even just talking to each other and learning more about each other's culture during our free time. One of the many things I love about this organisation is that it works closely with the same communities, where they have watched the students in the community grow up, taught them, held house visits to the families of these children and constantly cared for as well as have fun with the students. Another thing I love about OHS is that the fellows, cultural coaches, and mentors there are really friendly and loving people. Volunteering abroad for the first time and alone sounded a little scary at first, but upon arriving, I was welcomed with open arms into the OHS family. OHS also provides us opportunities to learn more about South Africa's history and struggles faced by the community through tours and field trips. Also, we got to play with the children outside of school during excursions such as visiting the Aquarium or hiking. I really miss Cape Town, for the people I was able to meet, the students I taught, as well as the food. You'll definitely not regret signing up for a program under OHS and would definitely have an amazing time there. :)

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 4

One Heart Source provided me the opportunity to experience Jamaica and the Jamaican youth in a meaningful manner. I was able to grow and develop individually while also having a strong impact on students lives. Besides mentoring students, the program provided opportunities to experience Jamaica through scheduled activities.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

This organisation has managed to create a programme in which the volunteer work is genuinely effective for the students. The results of their work are shown both statistically and also becomes abundantly clear when meeting both the students and the mentors. I don't think other organisations have managed to capture this complete positive impact in the same way. Their focuses are all on the right things: education and positive attitude about global issues and solutions available. They don't just focus on the mentors teaching the students but also on the mentors leaving about the culture of the country and there are regular talks and debates that everyone can discuss. This is balanced with down time where excursions and trips just solidify bonds between the whole team and their education on that country !! I am so happy that I found this gem of a company to volunteer with. I'm coming back for sure!

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

Volunteering in Jamaica for 4 weeks was such an amazing and wonderful experience. I think this was the best way to visit Jamaica. I experienced the local culture, cuisine, and was not blinded by the tourist culture, though I experienced that as well. Mentoring the kids touched my heart by seeing them progress in literacy and mathematics. I am very thankful for my experience, the logistics and friendly culture of OHS was phenomenal. I highly recommend those that are considering OHS to just do it. They will not regret this amazing experience.



Rating: 5

This organization is absolutely amazing! I went to Jamaica for four weeks with OHS and loved my experience. The month was filled with wild adventures, insightful discussions, and remarkable times spent working with kids in school. I cannot word how great this experience was. I am forever grateful for One Heart Source for making it possible.


Rating: 5

OHS is a wonderful organization with a powerful purpose: to advance educational opportunities for children around the world. OHS made my two weeks in Jamaica an experience I will never forget. I loved working with the children and experiencing an authentic and cultural Jamaica.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

I heard about One Heart Source by email and i decided to join a two week program in Jamaica. It was an amazing experience. The fellows who were looking after us and organizing the planning did a very good job. I felt very welcomed and it was like being in a family. The experience with the kids at school helped me to grow a lot. We also had some free time to discover Jamaica. I strongly recommend volunteering with one heart source. It will definitely be an experience you will remember!

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

This experience was life changing. I went to South Africa for two weeks with One Heart Source. At first I wondered how two weeks could really make a difference, but after seeing my students willingness to learn and growth in their studies, it really shows how even something small can help to change the future and create a lasting impact. One Heart Source is an amazing organization to work with, and I would recommend them to anyone interesting in volunteering and making a difference.

Review from Guidestar

Jentry B.


Rating: 5

I volunteered for the academic program in Cape Town, South Africa with an open mind because I was not too sure what to expect when I got there. This open minded mentality was vital for this experience because I was introduced to many people with different backgrounds and personalities and I usually just ignore people but this program, especially the fellows in the program, really helped me be more open to new things but I was still my true self at the same time. I am not an education major so I was concerned that I would not be the best person to help mentor the students but everyone there was so helpful and willing to answer any questions, address concerns, and provide examples and support and all of that made the whole experience so much more meaningful than I could have imagined. I will definitely continue being involved with One Heart Source!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

I'm not one to write reviews, but OHS deserves to be recognized as the best nonprofit in the world because it truly has changed the lives of so many people (volunteers included). I'm excited to remain an active member and continue to empower vulnerable communities through education.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

One Heart Source has given me the opportunity to share the gift of education to children in need. I did not know much about this organization before applying, and after attending, I strongly recommend participation of any sort. Whether it be volunteering or simply donating. This program has changed my life for the better and I am so grateful for the experience. It's an astounding feeling knowing you're making an impact in someone's life. These children love to learn and it's easily sensed. They appreciate everything we do for them and if given the chance I would definitely return to Jamaica!

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

I absolutely love OHS!! They're in this for all the right reasons and they stay in the schools all year. I've seen them transform these kids lives and it's amazing to be able to part of it.

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

A few months ago I decided to take a leap and apply for a teaching/mentoring opportunity with a non-profit in South Africa. I applied expecting not to get in, or if i did, I wasn't expecting to be able to go. However, I got accepted, and rallied up enough money and courage to go, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I was so nervous to fly alone and to travel thousands of miles to an unfamiliar country with unfamiliar people, but the moment I stepped off of the plane and was embraced with a huge smile and hug from Annie, a heart fellow with OHS, I felt at ease. I couldn't have asked for a better experience. The entire staff made sure each of the volunteers felt at home, that each day was planned out and filled with opportunities for the volunteers where we were constantly learning from and connecting with each other, the community and our students. I wasn't expecting to be as impacted by my experience as I was, to feel so connected to a place and the people I met there that I felt like I was leaving my home and family when my experience ended. To anyone who is interested in learning more about OHS and may be thinking about applying, I encourage you to do it, to take the leap, because you will not regret it.

Review from Guidestar

1 Lavancia L.


Rating: 5

When I first heard about one heart source I wanted to be apart of an organization that tries to make a difference in children's lives through no only health but also education. However, when I signed about there was a lot of lack of communication that made me very apprehensive. Despite these feelings I went ahead with the program and it was the best decision that I made. With OHS I was able to work with students in Jamaica one on one, make a difference in their lives, and get embraced in another culture.

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

When I first heard about One Heart Source, I thought it was great but I didn't know much information about it at first. I was a little nervous arriving and starting out, but I am beyond happy that I decided to volunteer and participate with One Heart Source. It has changed my life and given me a different perspective on life. The kids are wonderful and working with them has been an excellent experience. I wanted to make a difference with them, but they have made a difference with me. They have changed my life, and I am so happy I was able to teach them. I recommend everyone to be involved with OHS. You will not regret it one bit!!

Review from Guidestar


Rating: 5

This experience has completely changed how I look at life. I am more grateful, open, understanding, and patient. I got so attached to the kids I was teaching and can't wait to get home and write them letters. I'm hoping to go to South Africa and see what else I can learn from there!

Review from Guidestar

Katelyn S.


Rating: 5

When I first heard about One Heart Source I was curious about what it was. As I looked more into it I got in hold of a fellow. She was amazing and so helpful. I left that FaceTime conversation with a smile on my face and my mind made up. In the summer of 2016 I was going to be headed to Jamaica to join the One Heart Source family. My time in Jamaica was the best experience I have ever had. I walked into this not knowing anyone in my program but coming out with friendships that will last a life time. My student I got to teach while I was there was inspiring. He came to school not wanting to learn. By the time I had my last day he got a 100% on his test on material he didn't know before I taught him. The smile on his face when he found out that he passed brought tears to my face. Even thought I only spent a short time with my student I will never forget him or any of the other students. They have all made an impact in my life. I'm sad to be leaving my new life long friends with One Heart Source but I'm happy I got to meet them. I definitely plan on volunteering again with this amazing organization.

Josephine K.


Rating: 5

I had the opportunity to volunteer in Jamaica for two weeks and it was a great experience. Jamaica has impacted me in many ways, and no words can express how grateful I am for this opportunity!

Review from Guidestar

Barkın C.


Rating: 5

Such a great experience. Not only it enables you to help people , but also work with them. I have made several connections from everywhere in the world. So grateful!

Review from Guidestar



Rating: 5

No collection of words can really express the effect One Heart Source has had on me. OHS focuses not only on the growth of the communities they work in, but also the individuals they work with, from students to volunteers, and everyone in between. I had the pleasure of spending a month in Cape Town, South Africa, and was constantly in awe of the work that OHS is doing in Imizamo Yethu.

For anyone weary of taking the leap to volunteer with OHS, I would completely recommend it. I will be the first one to admit that I was nervous traveling 8,000 miles from home to volunteer with an organization I had had minimal contact with in the days leading up to my departure, and I know so many others felt the same way. A huge issue with communication was, I'm sure, due to the fact that the staff is a continent away and hard at work. I am so grateful that I made the decision to go, because I was definitely changed for the better. The nerves I had going into the start of my program dissolved as soon as I got off the plane and was greeted with so much love. The fellows, staff, and culture coaches make it their job to constantly be improving the program and are making formative assessments as we go throughout the days and weeks.

Most importantly, the students I worked with through OHS gave me a new perspective. I gained understanding through weekly language lessons, historical immersions, and through first hand experiences with my students. Every day was different, and each day was a challenge, but it was never work.

Review from Guidestar