2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Lady Freethinker

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animals, Arts & Culture, Printing & Publishing

Mission: Lady Freethinker (LFT) is a nonprofit media organization dedicated to exposing and stopping suffering of animals, humans and the planet. We publish news and petitions to help end cruelty and promote humane treatment of all species. Our petitions have gained millions of signatures, directly saving animals’ lives and putting horrific cruelty cases right in front of the eyes of government officials, industry leaders and other decision makers. We go beyond publishing as well, and provide direct aid to animals in desperate situations — such as those rescued from the cruel dog and cat meat trade.

Community Stories

2188 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

1 Val S.3


Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker creates real change for animals by creating and distributing urgent petitions to stop animal abuse, aids on-the-ground rescue of dogs, cats, and farmed animals, and investigates animal abuse with undercover work and in-depth reporting that have led to great results including convictions and dog meat auction shutdowns. Way to go LFT!


Rating: 5

I highly recommend everyone who cares about animals and human rights to get involved with Lady Freethinker.

It's sad to say, but I get far too many emails, from this amazing organization, with absolutely horrific stories of animal torture and abuse, happening all over the world.

Stories you'd never hear about in the fluffy, daily news, because, well...
The stories aren't feel good, family oriented stories.
And not many people want to listen to gut wrenching stories, while eating their breakfast.

Yes, I understand, they are not fun to read. Yes, they completely bum you out and will make you feel just horrible, maybe helpless, even. But someone has to be a voice for those, who don't have a voice of their own.

There's no purchase necessary. Though you can donate to them.
But, they don't bug you for donations, either.

They give you good information, with follow ups, to show that your signatures will absolutely make a difference in prosecuting these monsters to the fullest extent of the law.

Please do sign up today!!!! The animals out there, need our help, friends!



Rating: 5

LFT distributes a lot of petitions. They have done many rescues.✅ I donate as often as I can. They do amazing work!! 😊😎✅🌏‼️👍

2 Linda Billings V.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

The Lady Freethinker nonprofit is a wonderful institution working diligently to better th the lives of animals. I am so grateful for their work.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Such a great nonprofit. Great field work! Keep it up!

3 Anacleta P.


Rating: 5

It is rewarding helping the other animals through the act of signing and sharing petitions. I encourage everyone to dedicate time daily to help those who suffer the most.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I sign & share all the petitions Lady Freethinker posts…she truly deeply cares about the welfare of animals and her work is that of an angel! Kp it goin!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This organization is absolutely SUPERB!! They are 110% committed to rescuing animals and helping to improve the treatment and quality of animal lives around the world. They also fight for justice for animals who have been mistreated, abused and exploited. They even investigate cases and take legal action when necessary. LFT is a wonderful and well respected organization and hopefully will continue to tirelessly better the lives of animals everywhere.

1 Tami A.1

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

As a disabled person I’m not able to volunteer physically to help animals at shelters or sanctuaries.
I’ve subscribed to Lady Freethinker to receive petitions to help bring justice to the animals that are enduring cruelty and abuse by people or businesses.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker is always on top of any stories come to light need immediate attention from one and all alike on any animal abuse across the globe.
LF Creates, distributes urgent great, on the spot petitions to stop animal abuse -- literally gathering tens of millions of signatures to send to law enforcement, company leaders, official decision-makers. LF is Aid on-the-ground rescue for dogs, cats, farmed, marine, flying animals from a-z quickly, efficiently by Investigating animal abuse with indepth undercover work-reporting. LFT investigations lead to historic results, including never giving up, show how they accomplish to shut down abusive organizations, people come to be justly warranted, held to severe penalities for abusive behaviour with sound convictions beyound any other present animal abuse organization.



Rating: 5

A nonprofit clearly concerned about the well being and humane treatment of animals. I sign their petitions and donate regularly.

1 Gra J.


Rating: 5

great foundation, please support it, it helps animals

1 Susan Maria Gavaghan T.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker is the most amazing and inspiring organization, dedicated to ending animal suffering, promoting cruelty free food and organizing petitions.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker does an amazing job. This organization highlights animal cruelty and sends it's subscribers petitions to sign. It also raises money for animal campaigns such as rescuing dogs from the cruel dog meat trade in China, Vietnam and other areas. Subscribers receive a newsletter which promotes cruelty free living, vegan food and positive stories of progress with regard to laws concerning animals and the rescue of animals.

1 Chanty G.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

they are always helpful and on top of things. so proud of this organization,

1 Patricia Gohrig D.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I sign all of Lady Freethinker's petitions because they address some of the planets' most urgent cases of animal abuse. They are very passionate about the foreign dog and cat meat industry. They investigate animal abuse through undercover work and in-depth reporting. Their historic results have included strong convictions and shutting down a dog meat auction. I especially love how they aid in the rescue of dogs, cats, farm animals and many other animals. Animals on the planet are so very lucky to have Lady Freethinker as their advocate.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker is awesome! I sign their many petitions to promote animal welfare! They conduct undercover investigations and aid in the rescue of dogs and cats involved in the horrific animal meat trade! Lady Freethinker is one of animals’ best friends! Please donate to promote their work!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Wonderful and caring people. They are working to help so many during these difficult times. I highly support and recommend them.

1 Tee Zee

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

LFT is on the forefront for animal advocacy and I appreciate that I can sign petitions that can bring about change.

1 Harriette F.


Rating: 5

I have been impressed with the range of actions that this charity promotes for involvement by anyone who cares about animal welfare and opposes all kinds of animal cruelty. It finds the stories that too often are overlooked or get lost in other news.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker gets results for animals! I've signed so many of their petitions that have led to a victory!

1 Val N.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Every signature counts!! THANKu for all the Great Work in Saving Lives!!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

A marvelous group that daily reminds people of the myriad problems and successes to protect animals around the world.
Were it not for LADY FREETHINKER, most would go unnoticed .



Rating: 5

this site covers all areas of animals. I signed more petitions from here than any other sight,. And it gets results. Other sites you sign them & never know the outcome.,. Here you do.. She's a true animal fighter!!!

1 Jennifer M.24

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker is outstanding at consistently bringing the needs of abused, neglected, or injured animals to my attention. I appreciate the dedication and passion of this individual. Her communications are clear, engaging, and compelling. I also appreciate the variety of animals that are featured.

Previous Stories

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Very nice organization. Faithful about posting causes that need help, every day.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Creo que la Organización es seria, competente, crea campañas y toma acciones basándose en hechos concretos y realiza seguimientos a cada caso para que quienes hemos firmado una causa tengamos siempre las actualizaciones y los desenlaces claros. Me gusta que defienda sin tapujos la causa animal y que se hagan las denuncias pertinentes sin temor. Felicito a todos quienes trabajan en Lady Free Thinker.

Calico M.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

The stories that this charity unearths are ones that would never get known about normally

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Demonstrates kindness and compassion for all animals. A very effective voice for those who have no voice. Creates awareness for the importance of meaningful change to benefit animals and our planet. I love how they expose hidden animal cruelty and shine a very powerful light to put an end to the cruelty. Every time I sign a petition or read a story from Lady Freethinker I am confident a positive change will happen.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am a very proud supporter of Lady Freethinker, a non-profit who has collected tens of millions of signatures to save and/or get justice for animals. This non-profit has a huge heart for animals. Any animal lover would be wise to look into this organization.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

They have made me aware of so many of the dreadful things that are going on in the world today and give me the opportunity to try and stop them...

Daniel B.5

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Always informative and compassionate, the charity never strays from its core values, passion, or purpose.

Lisa Watson N.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker takes on numerous animal challenges and no animal or issue is too big or too small it seems.

Michele M.9


Rating: 5

Don't know how they do it but this team exposes the most heinous crimes against animals that otherwise would be hidden from public eye. This channel is an outstanding vehicle to help advance animal protection laws throughout the world Prayers to the victims and much thanks to all the cases Lady Freethinker shares and for all who care to be a voice for the helpless and at least sign petitions to stop this cruelty and punish the criminals.

Josephine Zagami P.


Rating: 5

Creating and distributing urgent petitions to stop animal abuse --they've gathered tens of millions of signatures to send to law enforcement, company leaders, and other decision-makers.

Aiding on-the-ground rescue of dogs, cats, farmed animals and more

Investigates animal abuse with undercover work and in-depth reporting. LFT investigations have led to historic results, including strong convictions and shutting down a dog meat auction.

Gillian F.2

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

These people care about the plight and suffering of animals.
I sign and upload their petition's to Facebook to help their cause.


Rating: 5

From rescue to rehabilitation, investigation to intervention, heartbreak to healing.... They never stop! Lady Freethinker works tirelessly to change policies and give comfort to all animals.
During tough times in our lives when we can't always afford to donate, we can give voices to those who have none by signing petitions and showing our support. LFT is always fighting for justice and dignity

Carmen C.7


Rating: 5

As heart breaking as the stories are from Lady Freethinker, I think they help get the severity of the situation across in a way that is understanding and creates an urgent response.
They always give enough information on the poor animal in need and the current plan of action to help them. I have donated a lot to this organization. I hope it has all made a positive impact of the lives they choose to save.

Client Served

Rating: 5

I have been receiving emails from Lady Freethinker for me to sign petitions to help fight animal cruelty. Her site helps helpless animals by tirelessly searching for animal cruelty to try to end animal cruelty and get justice for the animals. She is an animal champion and she deserves to get all the help available including getting recognized for the wonderful work she does.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 4

Lady Freethinker is always telling us of new situations that require the help of people all over the world. Bringing to peoples attention the unjusts made against the small who need help and support. Those lives that would otherwise be lost or suffer in silence when there are millions of us all over the world that are willing to step up and help where needed.
Lady Freethinker reminds us that the world can be a very cruel place but that when we all group together we can make things happen.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker (LFT) is a fantastic charity helping animals everywhere. They send regular updates of how their charity work is helping and the success's they have had. They help the animals in greatest need in the poorest countries of the world, where animals are used as food and only treated as commodities and not sentient beings. I will always support this charities great work with the confidence that they do make a difference.

1 Judith W.2

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This nonprofit makes it easy to advocate for animals. It tells clear, we’ll-researched stories and includes uplifting material on successes as well as creating petitions. I use it daily and have for years.

1 Bianca Di M.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Kind to humans and animals
I contacted them once for help
Thank you for everything you do

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

Thank you for everything you do for animals :)
I have contacted them in the past for help and .. WOW! they have been absolutely amazing.

I receive daily mails and always enjoy them or learn something new

Keep up the good work!

Read more
Linda von H.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Many animals are abused by humans because of their mental dysfunctionality. Without animals, biodiversity we will not survive. Lady Freethinker are the 'angels' doing good where we sometimes can't. They find the abused and tortured animals and are reliant on donations. Why is government so lax is creating a solid healthy planet starting with the basics. Lady Freethinker is doing what they should also be doing. I have nightmares nightly with the plight of some animals and yet the humans, despite the messages out there, continue behaving in the most morally reprehensible way. I don't know how we would fare without independent Lady Freethinker. The situation is critical.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 4

Lady Freethinker finds the brutal and morally reprehensible cases perpetrated by the most destructive species on the planet - humans. They must be supported in the fullest to bring and end to brutal cruelty to animals wild and pets. No biodiversity - no life for humans

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Carole S.4

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This Charity creates real change for animals by creating & distributing urgent petitions to stop animal abuse and has gathered millions of signatures to send to law enforcement, company leaders and other decision-makers. They also aid on-the-ground rescue of dogs, cats, farmed animals and more, plus investigate animal abuse with undercover work and in-depth reporting.

Eva M.1

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

You get the news out (so very important) in a meaningful ways . Not pushed on anything, and your eyes gets wide open about how animals are treated!! She is classy and besides all the bad thing happening around us, she points out the few success stories! That’s very important to know also!

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

They are down to the point to address problem areas. Not pushing but make enough noise to be heard ! I like they set up on the computer and if you you cannot give money, they are thankful for your signature!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker creates real change for animals by creating and distributing urgent petitions to stop animal abuse,denouncing fake rescue videos on the social networks,aiding on-the-ground rescue of dogs, cats, farmed animals and more, investigating animal abuse with undercover work and in-depth reporting. LFT investigations have led to historic results, including strong convictions and shutting down a dog meat auction.
I am glad to participate in the actions of the LFT in order to create a better world.

Annabel M.


Rating: 5

I love this charity and make a monthly donation for all the wonderful work they do!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

They're always fighting for animal rights against all forms of violence, cruelty and neglect. Organisations like this should get permanent funding for their governments. A great big thanks for all they've done and is still doing. May you grow and prosper.



Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker creates real change for animals by:

Creating and distributing urgent petitions to stop animal abuse -- we've gathered tens of millions of signatures to send to law enforcement, company leaders, and other decision-makers.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am so glad their is people out there that do remarkable work. I wish more people were like the lady freethinker.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Free Thinker do so much good in raising awareness on the plight of animals world wide

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker does the most amazing work for all animals world wide and she is relentless in what she is trying to achieve for cruelty against all animals.Keep up the good work. You're so giving of yourself, caring, kind and compassionate for those who have no voice

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Adie H.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Many Animals are getting Justice thanks to this group!Thank you!


Rating: 5

This organization does wonderful work all over the country. Recognizes, shares & helps animals that are in dire need of help from injury, hording & abuse situations!

Leah C.4


Rating: 5

This organization works tirelessly to promote animal welfare around the world! We are forever grateful for the LFT animal angels that make this planet a better place for animals and humans alike. They are the real-deal-heroes and will ALWAYS have our support!!!

Susan Mary Schneggenburger M.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have signed many of Lady Freethinker petitions and she has an continues to do great work in the name of Defenseless and Abused Animals. Her work is Extremely Important and has helped many Animals in need even if only to bring Justice to those who didn't have a chance to grow and find a Fur-Ever Loving Fur-Family 💙🐾💜


Rating: 5

Top speack for the speachless merci beaucoup pour ce que vous faites


Rating: 5

I love that lady freethinker also tells succes stories, and they fight so hard to stop the dog meat trade and all abuse

Meg Patenaude M.


Rating: 5

They do amazing work in a wide range of areas including animal rescue, education and petitions.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am always skeptical of people doing non profit but these people get results that cannot be questioned. I admire the work they put into saving and getting justice for those with no voice.

Tam B.1

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Absolutely fantastic organisation, totally committed to seeing the back of animal cruelty, while making very real and positive change. Proud to support them by signing their petitions, I also donate whenever I can. People like this are the reason we are moving in to kinder times.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

The Lady Freethinker creates real change for animals by: creating and distributing urgent petitions to stop animal abuse - they have gathered tens of millions of signatures to send to law enforcement, company leaders, and other decision-makers; aiding on-the-ground rescue of dogs, cats, farmed animals and more; investigating animal abuse with undercover work and in-depth reporting. The Lady Freethinker investigations have led to historic results, including strong convictions and shutting down a dog meat auction.
I always support their work by signing petitions and sharing surveys, news and studies published on their website.
I think The Lady Freethinker is a GREAT NONPROFITS because they are helping create a free and compassionate world for all species.

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I always sign the petitions published by Lady Freethinker and I always read the news to combat animal cruelty sent by email.
I greatly appreciate the constant information work (including through undercover investigations) on the conditions of animals, not just "pets", as well as the constant pressure exerted on politicians and other decision makers, to improve the aforementioned conditions of animals, as well as the support for the land rescue of dogs and cats rescued from the cruel meat trade around the world.

Sterre R.


Rating: 5

Making a true difference for so many animals around the globe.
Lady Freethinker chooses compassion over cruelty and inspires others to make that change.

Alanna M.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

They bring awareness to many important issues that I would otherwise be unaware of. They are doing amazing work.

Yuki H.


Rating: 5

Lady Freethinker is working hard for animals, which means they are working hard for human beings.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Just an amazing organization all around. Thank you for all the petitions you have sent my way. I have immediately signed and chipped in $ to support your great work. Keep up the wonderful work!


Rating: 5

I sign everything everything she puts in my in box email. This is a outstanding organization that ho way out there to rescue help and get medical attention for all animals she asks for signature for. The animals they save from elephants to kittens are a blessing and are worth all efforts in helping them. I applaud her and all her staff and doctors and volunteers who live animals

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I am so very grateful for Lady Freethinker making it easy to help our so very beloved relatives, the animals.
They endure unthinkable horrors and she brings it to light.
Thank you Thank you Thank you, living ANGEL NINA!

Laura H.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I love everything about this wonderful non profit! They really care about animals and make me feel like I can help animals too! I thank the heavens that these good people do what they do!

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

lady Freethinker is passionate about helping animals!!! There is no greater cause in my opinion! Sign up for their email alerts and help save animals!!!!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Excellent; warriors for the animals; gets the job done; responds fast; has had many successes and is very well spoken!!
I LOVE LFT!!!!!❤💯❤💯❤💯❤💯❤

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This group works round the clock to help abused animals that have no one else to help them. These animals are helpless and have no voice and without people like Lady Freethinker and her supporters, these animals would not stand a chance of surviving this cruel and evil world that they live in. It takes an army and I am proud to be a member and a small part of this army saving one life at a time, or at least maybe preventing the same thing from happening to another helpless animal by speaking out and making their (our) voice heard.