2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

F.I.S.H. of Sanibel-Captiva, Inc

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Human Services

Mission: F.I.S.H of Sanibel-Captiva, Inc. is a human services organization with a vision to create communities where all people have the support they need to thrive. Our mission is to enrich the lives of all people in Sanibel and Captiva Islands by neighbors helping neighbors with social services, education and assistance.

Results: 20,885 service requests were answered by F.I.S.H. for 5,544 individuals in 2019 • 8,364 visits to our Food Pantry utilized 247,903 pounds of food • F.I.S.H. volunteers delivered 3,260 meals to our island neighbors • 188 households received Food Baskets for the Christmas, Easter and/or Thanksgiving holidays • Our Adopt-a-Family Programs provided holiday gifts to 156 households • Throughout the year, 399 neighbors joined us at one or more Friendly Faces Luncheons • Social Services provided 332 instances of Emergency Financial Assistance • Our neighbors met with our Social Services Department 2,502 times to resolve crises and create roadmaps • Our volunteers drove neighbors to 197 appointments both on and off-island • 325 pieces of Medical Equipment were loaned to our neighbors • Through our Youth Programs, our young neighbors attended 142 instances of after school and/or summer programming and received 1,160 food backpacks. 151 children also received Back to School supplies • F.I.S.H. volunteers provided 7,455 hours of service and drove 34,147 miles on behalf of our neighbors

Target demographics: those who live, work or visit Sanibel and Captiva Islands

Direct beneficiaries per year: 20,885 service requests were answered by F.I.S.H. for 5,544 individuals in 2019

Geographic areas served: SWFL Lee County including Sanibel, Captiva, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Lehigh and surrounding areas

Programs: non-medical transportation, food pantry, meals, medical equipment loan, youth scholarships, financial assistance, etc. We are a human services organization focused on 'neighbors helping neighbors' with a vision of enriching the lives of everyone through an array of services and programs. Our mission is to lend a helping hand to those who live, work or visit Sanibel and Captiva Islands.

Community Stories

91 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Client Served

Rating: 5

Words cannot describe how grateful I am for F.I.S.H. of Sanibel -Captiva. I am currently trying to enhance my knowledge and career by going back to school for my Master's degree. Being a teacher, and not working during the summer, money is tight in my household. I wasn't even sure if I would be able to continue to pursue my goal of earning my degree. That is when I found out about this great organization. F.I.S.H. has graciously paid for my summer tuition so that I may continue working towards my degree without the stress of not being able to afford my tuition this summer. Thank you F.I.S.H. for allowing me to pursue my dreams!

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

If it weren't for FISH I wouldn't be hear to tell you all what a wonderful place this is. I am a 58 year old woman with just a few medical issues, after my first surgery FISH stepped up and helped me with food, 3 months of rent money and helped me pay the balance off. and if it weren't for the food pantry I couldn't still live on Captiva. I could go on but it would take all day, but thank god for FISH and all of the wonderful volunteers. FABIENNE HEGEDUS. THANK YOU.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Me siento muy agradecida con FISH por todo lo que me ha ayudado ami familia y en momentos dificiles. Me siento feliz.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Since I retired on the island, I have appreciated the help with groceries from time to time. When I least expect it, a "Smile Box" shows up at my door . I jump with joy !


Client Served

Rating: 5

They are very compassionate and professional team.



Rating: 5

I am both a donor and a volunteer. F.I.S.H is an incredible local social services organization. I attest to the following F.I.S.H. definition of purpose:

"For nearly 40 years, FISH has been the social service organization on Sanibel and Captiva. Started in island residents’ kitchens and out of their cars, F.I.S.H. has continued to grow to meet the demands of our community thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers. We are proud to say that 92% of every dollar spent goes directly to our programs and services. Our donors and volunteers are changing lives every day. "

Bob Williams



Rating: 5

FISH of Sanibel-Captiva is a well organized, caring, loving, sharing organization
that helps those who need assistance in several ways. FISH was able to secure
COVID-19 vaccines for residents and enlisted the help of many volunteers on the islands to do so. Donations to FISH are so appreciated and welcomed in so many ways by all the residents. It makes me feel good to donate to this very
important organization



Rating: 5

Being a volunteer at F.I.S.H. is rewarding because you know you are making a real difference in people's lives.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Excelentes en especial ami me ayuda mucho muy amables todos gracias por todo



Rating: 5

From the self-less employees ( giving abundantly above and beyond of their time, off hours as well) to the magnificent volunteers the entire organization brings joy and encouragement to all as it meets the various needs of the Sanibel community...(clients served are truly uplifted in life with their FISH experience)



Rating: 5

F.I.S.H. has been a Godsend through the pandemic. Many users of F.I.S.H. have had even more hardship over the last 1 1/2 years. F.I.S.H. has responded with focused giving from food to social services to maintaining high spirits in homebound to providing COVID vaccines to the community, and much more. All with smiles on their faces !



Rating: 5

As a volunteer I am amazed at all that F.I.S.H. does for people who love and/or work on Sanibel-a FANTASTIC group to work with !


Client Served

Rating: 5

I give them 5 stars because is a very good organization. They help my family alot.



Rating: 5

I volunteer at fish. They go over and above to help those neighbors in need. The food bank and Back Pack programs help provide food for families. They help the elderly with transportation and visits. The employees are always pleasant and so helpful. FISH of SanCap has and continues to provide great services to so many !


Client Served

Rating: 5

I received a Smile Box and it was so thoughtful! Each item was so detailed and of such a high quality , you can tell F.I.S.H. cares. Thank you for being such an amazing organization and keeping me smiling throughout the months.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Soy Colombiana, tuve muchos inconvenientes economicos primero por eñ inicio de la pandemia y luego porque mi esposo sufrió un accidente que nos impidió laborar por un tiempo. Fish por medio de Nitza Ariza. Nos ayudo para sobrepasar estos impaces de la vida y otorgarnos una excelente ayuda para tratar de seguir. Nos proporcionaron herramientas y ayudas económicas a fin de lograr cumplir con los gastos de los meses.


Client Served

Rating: 5

The backpack program has been a huge hit with my kids. It gives them the sense of independence in making small meals and snacks on their own. It has been a tremendous help to our family during these unstable times. Thank you FISH!


Rating: 5

The backpack program is awesome. Very Helpful. Everyone at FISH is wonderful and caring.


Client Served

Rating: 5

FISH's backpack program has helped us great. The girls like it. Healthy snacks.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I come every week to get food and the staff have been so amazing. They have helped me in so many ways. Anthony and Maria are always helping me out with more then expected. I tend to forget that I am going to a food pantry. Thank you FISH for being there.


Board Member

Rating: 5

I have witnessed first-hand the life-changing assistance FISH has offered to their clients. I am proud to support and volunteer for this organization and encourage everyone to assist in any way they can!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Back in December my income changed drastically without notice. I looked to FISH for help with my electric bill. Upon meeting Nitza, she was so understanding and compassionate. I had never needed help before and didn’t know where to turn. Not only did they help with my electric but they also helped with my rent and gifts for my kids for Christmas. That was very unexpected and thoughtful. All the employees there are so kind. Anthony and Anna are 2 of my favorites for sure. Every week they give a bag of food for each kid along with other food from the pantry. During this pandemic they have been such a helping hand. Thanks so much!!!


Client Served

Rating: 5

I have heard of FISH on Sanibel, through the years I have worked on the island. I discovered many stories of helping others through this non-profit organization; I never thought I would need their help soon after!
Their acts of kindness, coupled with Nitza’s calming personality, aided me in not losing my home (through the first Covid-19 breakout). When I arrived at the facility, I was offered a well put together bag from their food pantry out front.
Through my difficult time, and even worrying about not being able to help others myself, I was extremely humbled from their gracious gift.
Thank you kindly, Christine F.


Client Served

Rating: 5

FISH has been a godsend to us in some very challenging times. Everyone is so kind and understanding. They have helped us in so many ways it has brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for all the amazing things you have done and continue to do for our community. Love to all of you.


Client Served

Rating: 5

I have nothing but great things to say about FISH. They have been a vital resource for my family while I have been in school to further advance my family and career. Every staff member has been amazing and helpful especially Anna, Nitza, Anthony, and Maria. Thank you guys for all you do.

1 Darion Train H.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Probably the most use program around. You'll feel as if someone really has your back, when times get hard. Without F.I.S.H, I don't know how my wife and i would of survived once the Corona hit. I feel thankful and blessed.

Andy Janeth M.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Mi familia siempre estará agradecida con FISH social services, nos ayudaron y apoyaron con el pago de la renta durante la pandemia (covid-19) siempre con la mejor disposición, haciendo su trabajo, ayudando a quien lo necesita y ofreciéndonos un trato amable y cordial. Siempre contestando y enviando respuestas inmediatas, por siempre estaremos agradecidos con todo su equipo y trabajo tan impecable GRACIAS..


Client Served

Rating: 5

My husband and I both simultaneously lost our jobs within the same week. We were devastated, not to mention our ten year old out of school with a thousand questions. We both have been residents and workers on Sanibel Island for over 20 years. We remembered that F.I.S.H did help us years ago when we were pregnant and it was off season. They provided us with diapers and all kinds of other stuff to help out. For us Island workers off season can really be a trying time financially. However F.I.S.H saw us through that difficult time. We hoped they might help us through this as well. We contacted a lovely women Nitza. She was incredibly patient and understanding with what we needed to do to receive the help they provide. Within a weeks time they had covered two months of rent! The two hardest months to get through mind you. Without the help of FISH we most definitely would be in a much different situation right now. The piece of mind their help gave us was priceless.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Fantastic family at fish .During covid and being in America I could look to them for help financially .


Client Served

Rating: 5

So many times I was down an out no where to turn this organization step up and deliver just want to take a time out to say to all the staff of FISH thank you for everything Clive God bless you all you make me my family very proud


Client Served

Rating: 5

I have had an outstanding amount of help from f.i.s.h and they’re staff helping me make ends meet and provide for my family. Forever in my hearts and grateful for everyone who contributes.

1 Carlos Vicente G.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

excellent treatment and excellent attention definitely the best 100%


Client Served

Rating: 5

F.I.S.H.....IS AMAZING!!! When this recent state of emergency hit both my husband and I were out of work and were in critical financial distress. They helped us get through an extremely difficult and stressful time. We are forever grateful for the assistance!!! Again.....AMAZING!!

Client Served

Rating: 5

I am very grateful that they are the best. They help everyone who needs it. I was very sick and they helped me in everything. Thanks to them I was able to do it. God bless you. Thanks

Client Served

Rating: 5

I love FISH and especially the people who work and volunteer there! They go out of their way to see what they can do to help you!
I am so thankful to have benefited from all they do!

Client Served

Rating: 5

The school supply drive is extremely helpful. My son is in middle school and he has 9 classes, which all require many school supplies that run very expensive. Last year alone I spent over $200 on his supplies and over $100 on my daughters supplies not including new clothes. I can't thank the donors and FISH organization enough for helping us. We appreciate all the great work you do!

Client Served

Rating: 5

i will like to say thank you to FISH staff. You guys don't know how much appreciated me and my family are for the school supply and gift cards for my kids. Again thank you so much god bless you all.

Thank you every week for the food for my family. Thank you. Thank you. and Thank you.

Board Member

Rating: 5

FISH is an extraordinary non profit that helps those in need that work and live on Sanibel and Captiva. As a donor, we are very proud to support a critical organization. Their management and staff are exemplary.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Attended Fish’s hurricane preparation seminar yesterday ;it is one of the best info sessions I’ve been to: well organized, focused and practical. Materials are all immediately useful; speakers obviously experts and superior communicators. Facing my first summer/hurricane season on island, I am more confident now because of Sanibel’s preps and the always accessible supportive FISH.

Client Served

Rating: 5

During red tide I had such a bad time trying to pay all my bills. It's hard being a seasonal employee already and I expected no help. My boss told me about FISH and they were so kind and walked me through the whole process. I am forever grateful and it makes me so proud to work on Sanibel.


Client Served

Rating: 5

After the algae episode that lasted for months on Sanibel it was really hard to make ends meet a lot of events for cancelled a lot of reservations were cancelled and it was just really impossible I was going to lose my house if it wasn't for this nonprofit organization was Nina helping me I could have never made it God bless this nonprofit organization they help so many people and they helped me save my house thank you so much!
Patrice Miller

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

I had a hard time during red tide this organization helped me beyond belief thank God for them thank God for you Miss Lopez

Client Served

Rating: 5

I have using the pantry for 1 year. I work on Sanibel. I needed help with food and they helped me. Everybody is very nice. The food helps me and my 3 kids a lot. Thank you Miss Maria. FISH is very good.

Board Member

Rating: 5

F.I.S.H. Of Sancap has made a profound impact on our community.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

The staff and volunteers go above and beyond to help our neighbors' lives better!


Client Served

Rating: 5

FISH have always been highly professional, compassionate, responsive and willing to help. In terms of providing assistance to me when I have been in need, they have honestly been a God-send for me!

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

FISH have been exceptionally helpful to me at various times and in various instances. Whether it has been making their food pantry available to me or assisting me with much-needed dental work or with other medical issues, they have always - without exception! - been both highly helpful, personable and professional. From the volunteers to the staff members themselves, they have always not only done what is expected of them, but they have consistently demonstrated a genuine desire to be helpful. I cannot say enough good things about them!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Kudos to F.I.S.H. for another program to benefit the community of Sanibel-Captiva.
F.I.S.H. program director Kathy Monroe and Rachel Tritalk of Island Therapy Center presented a program of exercises to improve our balance. Also, in case we are alone at the time of a fall, numerous ways to navigate to a safer position using objects we have at our disposal around the house.
Judging by the comments I heard after the program, the information was appreciated by the large audience in attendance.......Keep up the good work F.I.S.H
Sandra Sultar


Client Served

Rating: 5

My family and I are so lucky and grateful to receive help from FISH. I'd like to take a moment to recognize and thank the FISH staff and volunteers for their dedication and professionalism. Especially to Maria and my teacher Karen. I was able to receive Back to School Supplies for my daughter's first year of school. It helped us great deal. My teacher, Karen has helped me learn so much in the English program. I really enjoy the classes at FISH.


Client Served

Rating: 5

FISH gave me a scholarship to go to the gifted program SIG at the University of Miami and I am so thankful My favorite class was genetics, and I learned about DNA and all types of chromosomes. Since I want to be a doctor, I think this will help me a lot. Thank you FISH for believing in me and helping me go to this great camp.


Client Served

Rating: 5

The angels at FISH provided a haven of support When I found myself in an unexpected and traumatic emergency. Their generous gifts of short term housing, food and even a bike helped me gain the strength I needed to persevere through a crisis. They were able to give me the support and leg up I needed to walk on my own. And I have. As a result, I have been able to start a new service offering Memory Care Support to our community. Maggie, Nitza, Maria, and all the staff and volunteers are a gift to Sanibel. Their love and support for our residents and guests improve the quality of life for us all. Thank you for supporting me and allowing me to now support FISH.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Extremely helpful and giving group of people, very willing to help without asking a million questions. They do so much for the community and people, the island would not be the same without F.I.S.H. !


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Estoy muy agradecido con dicha organización ya que por ejemplo. Cuando el Ciclón pasado ellos garantizaron que no faltará agua, comida, medicinas ( en mi caso soy diabético) y no faltó referencias ni apollo monetario para insulina y demás .
También en situación crítica han cooperado con pago de luz agua y en ocasiones renta.
También y lo más importante nos dan entrevistas y cursos con especialistas en finanzas donde muestran como se puede lograr libertad económica,que puestas en prácticas por mi ,me han dado seguridad y fuerza en mi independiza.
También analizan cualquier situación personal hasta dar una solución satisfactoria.


Client Served

Rating: 5

My experience with this amazing non profit organization has been beyond amazing in every way possible! I struggle as a single mother with 2 kids and at my most desperate times I know I can count on FISH to help me get thru a tough week! The staff are very welcoming and have reached out to me with open hands to get us on our feet. I appreciate each and everyone person there. My thanks goes to all. Keely P


Client Served

Rating: 5

As hard as I try I am unable to put into words how thankful I am for what Nitza and FISH have done for me. During the most difficult moments of my life they offered a helping hand. At their office I am always greeted with warm smiles. I admire the dedication and ongoing support FISH offers to all of their clients, myself included,


Client Served

Rating: 5

Dear Nitza,
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to F.I.S.H. for generously paying my full rent for the month of July. F.I.S.H. has always helped me out when I have been in need financially and in other ways, (assisting me apply for unemployment after hurricane Irma, Taxes, Access and the food pantry…). I also appreciate your gently and understanding approach when you and I have had conversations about my living situation on Sanibel.
With much gratitude,


Client Served

Rating: 5

I don't know where I would be or what I would have done if it wasn't for FISH. Lots of worries, many many tears and sleepless nights is what I was experiencing before they extended their caring and loving support. It is so hard to experience a major setback in life and even more difficult to ask for help. Sometimes we are faced with a life-altering terminal illness of a loved one, and job loss - this is what happened to me. And then I hit another major roadblock, an extensive home repair that was a total knock-out (TKO); leaving me completely defeated. That was when I reached out to FISH. They picked me up, set me back on my feet, and helped me to pay for the repair. The future doesn't seem so bleak anymore and the weariness is fading. I am abundantly grateful to Maggi and Nitza at FISH, who compassionately care for others in need. My optimism is restored and I feel hopeful. It is after all summertime, the weather is warm, the birds are singing and the Sanibel sunsets are truly beautiful ... like the souls of the Friends In Service Here ~ FISH.

Previous Stories

Client Served

Rating: 5

I really don't know what I would have done if FISH had not extended a helping and loving hand to me in my deepest and darkest hour. My husband became unexpectedly and critically ill in 2015, and was hospitalized twice for extended periods of time with a prognosis that was not promising. During his two hospitalizations combined with inpatient rehabilitation he was unable to work, and although we had saved for emergencies and he had medical insurance it was not enough to cover all of our expenses, and we fell behind on many of our financial responsibilities. After extended hospital stays and his inability to return to work, we depleted our savings, and I truly became desperate. It was then that someone suggested I contact FISH. We have been long time Sanibel residents and through the years had lovingly given our time, talents and resources to the Sanibel community. We had always given, but had never been on the receiving end, and it is a place I never wanted to be, but circumstances in your life can change in an instant. How BLESSED we were that FISH was there for us, to provide us a financial reprieve that allowed me to get caught up with our finances. Our lives have been forever changed by my husband's illness, and during our crisis, FISH gave us hope, gave us encouragement and the support necessary to get back on our feet. I am forever grateful and will never forget how deeply and tenderly they have touched our lives.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Greetings Nitza.
For us (family Sosa - Gomez), F.I.S.H represents an organization with wonderful people who dedicate their time and resources to help those most in need. To all the donators and collaborators of the F.I.S.H organization, many blessings always. It is a blessing for many people who have received help from fish. In particular, they have helped us in every way, from the emotional to the economic. In the most difficult moments of our lives, F.I.S.H Case Manager Nitza has been by our side as if it were part of our family. With great respect and admiration for what they have done for us and for many families we wish all the people that make possible the existence of fish many blessings and that continue pleasing hearts with everything they do for their neighbor.
On behalf of the Gomez- Sosa family, many thanks and blessings.

2 Katie M.3

Client Served

Rating: 5

F.I.S.H. has been so wonderful to my kids and I. We appreciate every bit of help they offer as well as the food pantry. I highly recommend them to everyone!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Dear Nitza,

I want to take a moment to thank you for the phenomenal amount of help your organization provided to me during the worst time of my life. After suffering through a quadruple bypass and open heart surgery, I found myself in a morass of paperwork and appointments. I was feeling pretty vulnerable being out of work and seeing the mounting medical bills. Fish not only helped pay my rent for three months, they helped pay my deductibles, my hospital bills, they arranged for my rehabilitative medical equipment, shared the contents of their food pantry and were there as positive support throughout many long difficult days. Even through Hurricane Irma, with all of the other people that needed their help, they were there for me. Now that I am doing better, they recently gave me a three-wheeled bike to continue strengthening both my body and spirit. I had no idea that Fish even existed until a co-worker with cancer told me how much they had helped him and how wonderful the people were at Fish. My own family couldn't have been more helpful and supportive.
Thank you truly from the bottom of my heart,

2 chriscoile

Board Member

Rating: 5

F.I.S.H. has been a well known non-profit organization for many years. It's main effort was in the food pantry, meals for seniors, back pack lunches for kids, etc. Although F.I.S.H. had expanded it's services, they were not well known in the community. F.I.S.H., about 4 years ago started a major campaign to create awareness. it was a combination of weekly ads, annual brochures and monthly newsletter. All of the ads and brochures have been donated by our generous donors. Awareness of our programs, services and workshops has grown everyday. Today F.I.S.H. provides programs and services for many clients who didn't realize they could get help. It's true that it's 'Neighbors Helping Neighbors.....chris coile, board member

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

When I first became aware of FISH I thought it was a food pantry. It sounded like a worthwhile organization so I decided to raise money for them by giving a series of rock and roll and country concerts each year. I needed more detailed information for the promotion of the concerts and was astounded when I discovered that FISH, in addition to the pantry, has over 40 additional Food Programs, Services and Workshops. It is a wonderful organization focused on Sanibel and Captiva. It really is Neighbors Helping Neighbors....chris coile

Comments ( 1 )


maggiegoldsmith 10/18/2016

Thank you Chris!


Client Served

Rating: 5

Wheelchair: My wife had IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis). As the disease progressed her strength decreased. Walking, even short distances, became difficult. FISH lent us a wheelchair which allowed us to get out to a store or and event which improve her life at the time,



Rating: 5

I have worked with F.I.S.H. OF SANCAP for 15 years as a volunteer. I am proud and honored to have been a part of and organization which works diligently and compassionately for their community. Each year I am impressed as to the community out reach by a volunteer Board of Directors, a small and professional staff and many, many caring volunteers. No matter what you "walk in life" is FISH is always there to assist everyone.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have volunteered with F.I.S.H. for 15 years. Over the years I have delivered meals and equipment, driven islanders to medical appointments and assisted with their Hurricane Committee. My most memorable times have been meeting new "neighbors" hearing their life stories and learning more of the history of our wonderful island. I have learned that I receive much more than I give. I feel I have worked with others who were long time volunteers for F.I.S.H. and now are the recipient of many services. I am proud and honored to be a part of such a vital and much needed organization and look forward to working with our islanders for years to come.

Read more


Rating: 5

We have been volunteers for this treasure of an organization for the past 10 years. They have grown to fill many formerly unmet needs on our island communities. Their process for qualifying potential "clients" is impressive and makes donating time and funds to them a comfortable way to "invest" in helping the most challenged folks in our community.
Keep up the good work. Chip & Nancy Roach


Client Served

Rating: 5

They have all helped my family in so many different ways and have really made our lives better with all the caring and helpfulness they have ways provided. I rate them a 6+. So many people are in need and they care about each and everyone. I love this organization.


Client Served

Rating: 5

My experience with FISH was so great. I had a bad situation and they helped me a lot. I didn't have a house to sleep in, so they helped me get an apartment and assisted with the deposit and utilities. I used their food pantry. Every day I am so happy for FISH. I now have a job and can pay my expenses. FISH was so understanding and caring. They listened to my situation without judgment, they work so hard to help others. There was one day I didn't have any place to go, with my daughter, and someone told me about FISH. I talked with their social worker and she helped me get information and food and resources and worked with me to get on my feet. My life is better now because of FISH. I hope to get more hours so I can catch, every single day when I wake up I am thankful for FISH and for the staff that helped me. My daughter now feels safe with our new apartment She tells me every day to call FISH and say thank you, thank you, thank you.


Client Served

Rating: 5

After hurricane Irma hit we found ourselves in a situation we had never been in in many ways. We had always been on the 'giving' end of charities, never on the 'receiving' end and never dreamed we would be. Being a small, relatively new tour service we have worked very hard and our business, while not booming, was growing. When Irma hit, all of the tours we had booked either had to be cancelled or were cancelled by our clients. Not only were we refunding deposits, but we lost the rest the money we would have made at the conclusion of their tour. To top it off, no tours were being booked. Even now, we are finding people are aftaid to book because they don't know the condition of the area and are choosing to go to other places.
We had no electricity for almost 2 weeks after Irma and had to throw out our intire refrigerator and freezer with no money to restock.
We had been told about F.I.S.H. by a business that I work part time at on the island. Not knowing what else to do, we took a deep breath and walked in. We were met with the most kind, genuinely concerned, non-judgmental people we could possibly ever had imagined.
After shopping the food pantry we were given some paperwork to fill out and told to make an appointment with a case worker and talk with them. When we came for our appointment we we were met with yet another kind, concerned and compassionate lady by the name of Nitza. After talking with her and finding out all of the help available to us, it felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off of our shoulders.
It's hard to know how to say thank you, because words seem so insufficient.
Thank you to all of the workers and volunteers who truly do make a difference in people's lives. You are a Godsend and a true blessing.