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2020 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Concern Foundation for cancer research

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Nonprofit Overview

Mission: Founded in 1968, Concern Foundation is an independent, volunteer driven non-profit organization dedicated to raising and granting funds to support cancer research worldwide. Concern Foundation has provided grants to over 800 gifted cancer researchers at major institutions locally, nationally, and around the world. With $.95 cents of every dollar being given to research, over $65 Million has been raised and granted to make significant contributions that are moving us closer to our vision of conquering cancer. Fast Facts $.95 cents of every donor dollar is granted to cancer research (based on 2014 certified audit) 63 of the best and the brightest young cancer research scientists are being funded by Concern grants this year 47 years and more committed to CONquer canCER Now! 13 focused areas of cancer are being funded with grants from Concern

Results: To date, CONCERN Foundation has raised over $65 million for cancer research and has awarded funds to over 800 promising cancer researchers throughout the United States and around the world. The non-profit, primarily volunteer organization currently funds 63 cancer research projects at leading institutions in the United States and abroad, The organization keeps administrative overhead to a minimum, so that over $.95 cents of every dollar raised is used to provide salary funding to further the careers of gifted young cancer researchers whose work shows great promise but whose careers are not yet sufficiently advanced to justify major funding from government sources.

Target demographics: A quiet, but mighty figure in the field of funding research… Concern is an appropriate acronym (CONquer canCER Now), for one of LA’s best-known and most beloved charities, set forth its mission in 1968 and has continued to grow and succeed in funding research projects worldwide. Concern does not spend money trying to capture the headlines. The organization is concerned with using its funds to support scientists who are working to develop specific leads for a variety of cancers. Their work begins by focusing on how cells function within the body and what causes cancer cells to spread so rampantly. They are studying the genetic aspects of each form of cancer and the response of the immune system to the disease. The results of these projects are used to devise new approaches for early detection, prevention and treatment that can be used in clinical trials.

Direct beneficiaries per year: One of the proudest moments was theestablishment of a world class ScientificReview Committee. Every two years, twenty of the finest scientists from around the world meet in Los Angeles, California to review and rank the most promising research applications received by Concern. Upon the completion of their work, the organization’s Grants Committee and Executive Board of Directors meet to decide how many ofthe projects they can support in the current funding cycle.

Geographic areas served: Los Angeles

Programs: To raise and distribute funds to support promising scientific laboratory work in the field of cancer research. They also host 2 annual outreach activities for children struggling with cancer in our community.

Community Stories

72 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters


Rating: 5

The Concern Foundation embodies the spirit of what a GREAT charity should be. Their fundraising initiatives, outreach, and ability to bring hope and cheer to cancer patients makes volunteering with them a joy. Whether it's Block Party or the Winter Party for the kids, or the LA Marathon, I look forward to it all. It also brings me much excitement to know they are funding a wide array of cutting edge cancer research which marches us closer to a cure. It's an honor to donate and volunteer for Concern Foundation.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I volunteered at the 2018 Concern Foundation Block Party (my first), and in doing so, joined a small army of folks who have been coming together year after year (some for decades) to help CF raise money for cancer research. The volunteer staff spanned multiple generations and many walks of life and shared a singular enthusiasm to support this amazing event and organization. I worked alongside folks who had been volunteering with Concern Foundation since its inception and I bonded with others who, like me, were there for the first time.

70 companies came out to donate their services transforming Paramount Studios' New York City lot into the biggest, tastiest food fair/concert/art show I've ever been to. This year's theme was superheroes and the excitement definitely got to me as I made the rookie mistake of eating way too much before getting even halfway down the first block. There is SO MUCH to try, I vow to pace myself next year! Realizing my mistake, I headed toward the auction to check out the art and maybe take a stab at the Bruno Mars tix but I got completely distracted by the Batmobile on display. Also, there was a tequila bar. I never made it to the auction since shortly after the batmobile, I met up with my wife at which point we became Mr. and Mrs. Pac Man eating our way down the streets.

Jay C.2


Rating: 5

Concern Foundation impresses me over and over each year. They expand their scope of research influence and manage to impact the field of cancer research positively. I love that they operate with low expenses so the money makes it to the researchers. I will be continuing to donate for many years to come.


Rating: 5

An amazing and inspiring foundation dedicated to cancer research and young researchers. By supporting the next generation of leaders in the fight against cancer, the Foundation helps young investigators on their path to breakthroughs and discoveries, and moves the nation closer to a cure for cancer.

Heidi A.1


Rating: 5

Concern continues to be one or my organizations of choice for sharing my limited time and limited spare funds. :) This an organization that addresses both the 'big picture" fight against cancer by funding researchers, as well as bringing their efforts close to home and serving our immediate community with events for local families. They consistently treat their donors & volunteers lovingly and express their gratitude in meaningful ways.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I've worked for Concern, volunteered for Concern and fund-raised for Concern. I have a lifetime commitment to Concern Foundation because they put their money where their mouth is. They are DOING not just talking. They keep the overhead low and the funds going to the researchers. And then to further their service to the community they hold numerous events annually to help pediatric cancer patients and their families escape the day-to-day challenges of fighting the disease. They are also awesome to their volunteers and show them the love and respect they deserve. They go above and beyond and are inspiring a new generation of volunteers and board members to join the fight. Concern is the real deal and a safe bet if you are looking for someplace to give your money or your time to.


Rating: 5

I've been seeing the wonderful benefits of this charity for almost 25 years. They have helped fund cancer research for decades, and do great things despite their very small staff and low operating costs. Their work continues to astound me.

Kellee Ann E.


Rating: 5

This phenomenal organization does so much to support the doctors who are saving the lives of so many people battling cancer. Sadly, way too often research funding ends before the breakthroughs are discovered. Concern Foundation steps in and steps up, providing the necessary funds to support research scientists who are relentless in learning more about certain cancers so they can affect a cure. Thank you, Concern Foundation!!!

Terence G.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Concern Foundation has been a long-time partner with Children's Hospital Los Angeles in helping us find the cures to childhood cancer and blood diseases that continue to plague far too many kids. Their support has been invaluable.

Board Member

Rating: 5

Concern Foundation is an incredible organization raising money for Cancer research. I have been volunteering with Concern since I was a small child and currently sit on the Board. Concern was founded by a few families and grew to include their children and later grandchildren - we are now on the fourth generation of the Concern family. This charity raises money to support the work of young, innovative researchers. Not only does concern support this work through the help of a scientific review board who ensures that the money goes to the most qualified applicants, but Concern has been a landmark organization in Los Angeles. Annual holiday parties and days at amusement parks help bring joy to pediatric cancer patients and their families. This is one of the only times in their life where these kids get to feel "normal" and take their mind off of their treatment to just have fun. Also, Concern's annual block party on the back lot of Paramount Studios is one of the hottest events of the year in Los Angeles and is attended by thousands of people, raising upwards of $1.5 million dollars. This event has helped Concern build decades-long relationships with restaurants and other vendors in Southern California. I feel so lucky to be involved with Concern Foundation and be a very small part of the life-changing work that the incredible staff and volunteers do every day.


Rating: 5

For over 20 years I have proudly volunteered with Concern Foundation.
Derek Alpert and his amazing staff are outstanding at bringing the community together in the fight to eradicate cancer. As a volunteer, it has been a great opportunity for me to see firsthand how donating my lime and energy to such a well run Foundation is very worthwhile. I look forward to continuing that participation for years to come,
Best wishes,
Dennis Estes


Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer with Concern Foundation my entire life. I don’t know of another organization that has done more for cancer research and patients than Concern. It is truly an honor to serve this wonderful organization!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer with and donor of Concern Foundation for close to 30 years. When it comes to raising money for cancer research, Concern Foundation rises above other organizations in terms of effeciency of funds raised and furthering its mission. I have no doubt that one day we will find a "cure" for cancer, and with the support of Concern Foundation I am hopefully that that day will come very soon.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I manage the Charity Program for the Los Angeles Marathon. Concern Foundation is a long time partner, consistently one of our highest fundraising organizations and one of the most organized and innovative nonprofits that we work with. They are dedicated and passionate about their cause, and I absolutely love working with them.


Rating: 5

I worked for Concern 10 years ago and after leaving I have never stopped supporting this organization. I've worked for A LOT of nonprofits and rarely continue to support them after I move on but something about Concern held onto me and I'm pretty sure I will continue to support them for the rest of my life.
1. They keep the overhead low
2. They not only fund research but they hold events to support local families living with sick children.
3. They are transparent with how they run the organization and are careful with the funds their donors entrust to them.
These are my top 3 reasons for giving them my time and my money. This organization embodies the term "Great Nonprofit" and when your family and friends have been ravaged by cancer the way mine have, you want to give to an organization that is truly searching for new ways to fight the disease.

Alexandra B.2


Rating: 5

Having had an aunt who fought and overcame cancer, I was so moved to hear about Concern Foundation and what they do. I worked during their Block Party in the Paramount Studios Back Lot this year and it was amazing to see how many people came together to raise money for cancer research. Music, food, and a colorful venue, you could feel the change happening. Concern Foundation brings out the best in people and I look forward to working with them again.


Rating: 5

Concern Foundation, its staff and Board Members have long been my favorite non profit organization because of their never ending support for Cancer research. They continue to impress with their desire to genuinely make a difference in the fight for those afflicted by all types of cancer. The researchers they fund have made great strides in development of new treatments which have either cured, put in remission or prolonged lives of patients around the globe. The staff is constantly coming up with new ideas on fund raising and increasing donations year after year. I am humbled to have been a volunteer to witness the children touched by cancer who have had the opportunity to enjoy the Concern Christmas party at Universal Studios. Their joy brings tears and a realization that we must all do what we can to save and enrich the lives of humanity however we are able!


Rating: 5

I first took notice of this organization when I was tasked with helping plan their annual Block Party at my place of employment. What started out as a mere business arrangement, has developed into friendship and a passion for helping people. After planning that first event with Concern, I wanted to get more involved with what they do because anyone who is trying to help cure cancer is a great person in my book. I joined their Concern Now organization, began volunteering at their events, and even ran a 5K with them. Little did I know that a few years later I would need their help more than ever when my own father would be diagnosed with cancer that would kill him within a year. This group is there to support you, cry with you, and most importantly - CURE CANCER!



Rating: 5

No one comes to the Concern Foundation because they give away great T-shirts…actually that’s not true…they’ve always given away great T-shirts…You come to Concern because you’ve lost a family member or a lifelong friend to Cancer…My mother came to Concern 36 years ago..I thank myself quite often that she found this organization…Cancer has taken one half of my immediate family from me…From my grandmother in her 80’s to my sister in her 30’s,,Concern taught me that Cancer has no friends..and the only way to try to get even with it…was to fight the beast head on…Concern taught me that there was an evil out there…It affects you…your kids..and if we don’t find a way to deal with this daemon…their kids too…It’s like a voice saying ”Step up to the plate…It’s time to get in the game” They taught me that this doesn’t have to be work..Concern became a family ..always working together..on great events…like what I call the hottest ticket of the summer with their annual block party…That raises close to $2 million dollars in one night for Cancer researcher..to walking with Team Concern in the L.A. Marathon to raise money for the best and brightest young researchers to be funded while they help in the search for a cure…

Each year for the past 17 years I’ve felt honored to be one of the volunteers who take kids from L.A.’s cancer hospitals to Universal Theme Park…I feel the same way about being able to help with these kid’s Christmas party that Concern holds each year…Concern has taught me how to take this terrible situation and turn it into a rewarding experience..Concern has taught me that we probably won’t find a cure for this monster during our time on this planet..But through our own efforts to help the researchers make the progress that they are capable of…maybe the next generation might have a fighting chance to be able to deal with it…

I’ve often said that Concern volunteers give their time…in a search for a cure…for those who have so little of their own time left…Great people…doing Great things…in a Great organization…Thanks Concern

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

No one comes to the Concern Foundation because they give away great T-shirts…actually that’s not true…they’ve always given away great T-shirts…You come to Concern because you’ve lost a family member or a lifelong friend to Cancer…My mother came to Concern 35 years ago..I thank myself quite often that she found this organization…Cancer has taken one half of my immediate family from me…From my grandmother in her 80’s to my sister in her 30’s,,Concern taught me that Cancer has no friends..and the only way to try to get even with it…was to fight the beast head on…Concern taught me that there was an evil out there…It affects you…your kids..and if we don’t find a way to deal with this daemon…their kids too…It’s like a voice saying ”Step up to the plate…It’s time to get in the game” They taught me that this doesn’t have to be work..Concern became a family ..always working together..on great events…like what I call the hottest ticket of the summer with their annual block party…That raises close to $2 million dollars in one night for Cancer researcher..to walking with Team Concern in the L.A. Marathon to raise money for the best and brightest young researchers to be funded while they help in the search for a cure…
Each year for the past 17 years I’ve felt honored to be one of the volunteers who take kids from L.A.’s cancer hospitals to Universal Theme Park…I feel the same way about being able to help with these kid’s Christmas party that Concern holds each year…Concern has taught me how to take this terrible situation and turn it into a rewarding experience..Concern has taught me that we probably won’t find a cure for this monster during our time on this planet..But through our own efforts to help the researchers make the progress that they are capable of…maybe the next generation might have a fighting chance to be able to deal with it…
I’ve often said that Concern volunteers give their time…in a search for a cure…for those who have so little of their own time left…Great people…doing Great things…in a Great organization…Thanks Concern
Joseph Mariam

Read more
Jackie G.3

Board Member

Rating: 5

i gave birth to concern foundation for cancer research..we were not yet 40 years of age...and 14 couples got together to honor a dear friend.....50 years later we truly say 95 pennies out of every 100 go directly to the microscope..no bricks...no motor...just research world wide....on all types of cancer...we are like a family working together to "CONQUER CANCER NOW"

Nancy B.5


Rating: 5

Concern Foundation is an independent, volunteer-driven organization conceived in 1968 by a group of friends who wanted to make sure their dollars counted in the fight against cancer.

With 90-95% of net proceeds (based on 2017 financial audit) going directly to research, Concern has raised more than $60 million dollars and funded 750 cancer research scientists studying cancer, primarily in the areas of cancer genetics, cell biology, and immunology.

With only 4 paid employees and the rest volunteers, as a team they get it all done. From the annual block party fundraiser, to the children’s holiday party, universal day, la marathon, and many more events throughout the year, Concern Foundation is number one!


Board Member

Rating: 5

Concern is one of the most amazing organizations I have ever been a part of. They raise money to support new cancer research. They are dedicating to finding cures.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

I am so grateful for Concern. They raise money to help fund research to find a cure to cancer. We receive letters every day from researchers who have benefited from these funds who have gone on to find biomarkers, new treatments, and other important findings to conquering cancer.

Read more


Rating: 5

I have been a member of Concern since I was a teenager. My family was one of the founders. This organization has never used more than 5% of money donated each year for staff, office incidentals etc. The money raised is given to deserving people research cancer cures for various cancers. It is a great organization that few measure up to

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have had the pleasure of working with the Concern Foundation for a number of year's now. Not only do they consistently strive to raise funds for cancer research, but you can clearly see how passionate their staff is in pursuing their company's mission statement. Their enthusiasm in connecting with various researchers, doctors and scientists looing for a cure can be seen everyday.

Their entire staff and team is one that is amazing to work with and its great to see how glad their volunteers are in working together for a great cause.

Their president Derek Alpert says it best: their goal is to one day be out of business, which will be once a cure for cancer is found and made public.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

The Concern Foundation block party was a blast. The entertainment was great along with the amazing food. I had such great Gyu-kaku. All the activities were extremely fun including the silent auction, even though I didn’t win anything. My favorite part of the event was the amount of money they raise for cancer research while honoring all the donors. Overall I would rate this a 10/10 experience.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I attended the Concern Foundation's Block Party this past summer (2019). I had an amazing time and thoroughly enjoyed all of the food and activities they had to offer! There was no shortage of delicious food and drinks from so many different vendors. More than anything, though, I loved the cause that I was able to support while at this event and their track record with raising incredible amounts of money for cancer research is really inspiring. I can tell that this nonprofit is one that truly cares about its cause and the events that they put on reflect that.

Michael L.7

Client Served

Rating: 5

As the author of 19 books on business excellence, I feel qualified to comment on a well-run organization.

Over the last ten years I've watched the Concern Foundation function tirelessly, ceaselessly, and passionately on behalf of a cancer cure.

I have the highest respect for the Concern Foundation and Derick Alpert.

Michael Levine


Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer with Concern for over 30 years, and I continue to be amazed by the work they do. It is rare to find an organization that will give $.95 of every dollar directly to researchers. This is an organization deeply rooted in community and a commitment to fight cancer that is unparalleled. As someone who has been deeply affected by cancer, I am so grateful that Concern Foundation is funding research that has, and will continue to, positively impact the prognosis of cancer patients.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Amazing organization. The best in raising much needed funds for cancer research. Fabulous commitment to all children suffering the ravishes of cancer.


Rating: 5

I have volunteered with Concern for many years. You won’t find a more professional, caring, and invested group of people anywhere. They dedicate their lives to raising money to help find a cure, and it shows in everything they do.

Client Served

Rating: 5

It all starts with great leaders, and the Concern Foundation is led by one of the best. Passionate about the organization’s mission and goals, Concern is led by a president who has a keen sense of responsibility and personal integrity. He’s inspirational through a clear vision and strategy that motivates our community and young researchers nationwide to action in the fight against cancer. He’s dedicated and humble and leads an exceptionally dedicated volunteer group and small staff in raising money for cancer research and outreach activities to honor children struggling with cancer. Through the president’s leadership, the Concern Foundation has established itself as a premier and top performing charity.


Rating: 5

Extremely well-organized events and great communication with donors.


Board Member

Rating: 5

I learned about Concern Foundation many years ago through family friends that were involved. I attended events and saw from the periphery what Concern was all about, so I thought. I then became more involved and began to volunteer and saw another side. Concern and its partners at every level do their absolute best to raise much needed money to grant research and continue to raise awareness regarding how we can all conquer together. Cancer is something that unfortunately impacts everyone and unites all of us in some way. Concern Foundation does an exemplary job of caring about all who are involved, the patients, families, scientists, volunteers, donors and board members alike. Everyone is involved and working together to fight the fight to conquer cancer now.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Concern Foundation is committed to helping to eradicate cancer in the long term, and alleviate the pain and suffering of this disease in the short term. Their successfu fundraising efforts translates directly into research and programmatic dollars that positively impact the field of oncology. The leadership and staff have unwavering commitment to their constituents and volunteers, and it has been a pleasure working alongside them for the past five years.


Rating: 5

The Concern Foundation is incredible! Every year the president dresses up as Santa Claus in both the winter and the summer to celebrate christmas with kids in the hospital - I love it!


Rating: 5

Concern is THE BEST!! Terrific team and Derek is incredible!!


Rating: 5

I have been involved with Concern for over 10 years and they are one of the best organizations in Los Angeles. They put on great events and over 95 cents of every dollar that they raise goes to support cancer research. I'm proud to support an organization like that and I'm always promoting them to my friends and family.

Lisi S.

Board Member

Rating: 5

I have been part of Concern Foundation for 40 years. I never thought I would be a cancer patient let alone a survivor, it is because of the research we support that I am still here today. I have been the Board Chair for the past 3 years. What a honor it has been to head this amazing organization that has been supporting young researchers for 50 years.


Rating: 5

Concern Foundation takes cancer research seriously and puts their money where their mouth is! Every dollar that comes in from the fund raising efforts is put to research efforts fighting cancer! The low cost that is spent to run this not for profit company allows more than 90-95% of the dollars raised to GO TOWARD RESEARCH! Concern Foundation is one of the best in the business of fighting cancer and I believe that cures will come from their efforts over the coming decades! Great work, Concern! Thank you for doing what you do.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I became involved with Concern in the seventies. Jackie Gottlieb came to me and asked if I'd like to eradicate the terrible effects of cancer. I immediately said yes and so began a forty plus year relationship as Concern's photographer. It has been an educational, intellectual, and emotional experience. Concern is part of my family.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer photographer for CONCERN for over forty years. $.95 for every dollar raised going to fund cancer research is hard to beat. They are focused on immunological efforts to eradicate cancer in our lifetime. The people I've met are wonderful and all are dedicated to the common cause. This is a group of spectacular people.


Rating: 5

I have been involved with this group for many, many years! I love the work that they do and love even more being able to volunteer and see the kids! I have made a lot of great life long friends and met my husband in this group also!

1 Mar Y.


Rating: 5

I was first introduced to Concern Foundation more than five years ago and have since had the privilege to see the work that they do and how hard everyone works, including foundation president Derek Alpert. (That's a photo of us at this year's annual block party fundraiser!) His tireless work along with that of every person involved in this organization is inspiring. From holiday celebrations for children battling cancer to the annual fundraising party at Paramount Studios, Concern always manages to put a smile on people's faces even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Also, it's important to note that 90 to 95 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to fund cancer research scientists so that a cure can finally be discovered.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

As a member of the media (television & online), I was first introduced to Concern Foundation about six years ago through a volunteer publicist who was looking for coverage on the foundation's Block Party fundraiser at the Paramount Studios lot in Hollywood. I was so impressed with the organization's president, Derek Alpert, along with everyone else involved, that I've since been covering the event year after year. I have also participated as one of the emcees for the live auction.

I get asked to cover many charitable organizations, but Concern Foundation really shines above so many others. They demonstrate supreme integrity, love and compassion, and I am so grateful to have become just a very small part of the wonderful work they do.

The fact that 95% of donations go DIRECTLY to cancer research is a testament to their commitment to help the millions of men, women and children who are battling cancer in all its forms.

I wholeheartedly vote for Concern Foundation as one of the best non-profits in the world!

Board Member

Rating: 5

I'm fortunate to have been a volunteer board member with Concern Foundation since 2003. It's a special feeling to be a part of a grassroots organization that's consistently & successfully funding cancer research at top institutions around the world WITHOUT spending unnecessary amounts of money on things like administration, promotions or celebrity talent.

I was first introduced to the organization in 1999 when I was invited to that summer's block party (Concern's major annual event) by the person who has since become president of Concern. At the time, I worked under him in the music industry and we became friends. I was blown away by how special the event was - not only was it a fun event with a ton of great food, but it was the least fundraiser-y type of fundraising event I'd ever attended. It just had a great energy and I couldn't wait to attend again. It was hard to believe you could have this much fun while helping to cure cancer. I returned in 2000.

Unfortunately, I had no idea how soon cancer would slap me in the face. In 2001, right before my mom turned 58, she was diagnosed out of the blue with terminal lung cancer. She was a health & fitness nut who hadn't smoked since her early 30s. After a year in Chicago as her caregiver, I returned to LA after her death, attended the 2002 block party, and again felt that great feeling that a Concern event makes you feel. I made it clear I wanted to get involved....and by the next year had joined the board.

The organization is filled with people who share the common goal of conquering cancer asap. It's good people who care. It's not a corporate environment - it's like friends getting together to do good while everyone who attends has fun...whether it's at the big main event, a regular meeting, or any of the many other events Concern is a part of - from the LA Marathon to taking kids with cancer to Universal Studios or throwing them a Christmas party with Santa and dancing.

Concern is a great organization with great people pushing cancer research forward - so I hope people discover as a result of this website.

Client Served

Rating: 5

Since 1976, Concern Foundation has provided vital support for our researchers and for our psychosocial programs at the Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases (CCCBD) at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. The CCCBD is one of the largest and top ranked pediatric cancer centers in the U.S. Our success is enabled by the generous support of Concern Foundation. The extraordinary impact of this partnership will continue into the future as the scientific breakthroughs that Concern helps to foster are translated into improved survival and better quality of life for children with cancer and their families in Los Angeles and around the world.


Rating: 5

We have all been touched by someone fighting cancer and we appreciate the research and medical breakthroughs taking place as a result of the tireless work of Concern. That’s why BUZZBAR is proud to support Concern and its work which gives hope to so many. Plus, it’s a darn good party!


Rating: 5

I've been involved with Concern Foundation for over 40 years! It's amazing to see how the next generation of 20 and 30 year olds are now also passionately involved.

I'm proud to support the very important work Concern is doing funding research, but what makes this organization stand apart from other charities related to cancer are the incredible ways Concern helps families dealing with this devastating disease.  Concern Foundation is an organization that takes it's mission seriously and infuses every event and community outreach effort with"heart."


Board Member

Rating: 5

Concern Foundation is an incredible organization that dedicates it resources to funding cancer research all around the world. I have been so fortunate to have been a volunteer since before I was even born and to see the difference that these researchers have made in the fight against cancer is incredible. My mom, a now 1 1-year cancer survivor, is alive today thanks to the work that has been done to help find a cure.


Rating: 5

I have had the privilege of volunteering at the holiday party for the past 2 years. The children and families have so much fun and are so appreciative of what Concern does. Concern is a wonderful nonprofit organization and I feel blessed that I am able to be a part of what they do for these incredibly deserving families.



Rating: 5

I've been a volunteer with Concern since 1982. We were called Concern II back then and we were the 'kids' of the parent organization Concern Foundation. To join a group of pioneers where young people started an organization to get other young people involved and truly pay it forward before anyone knew what that meant, was a privilege and honor. We have since merged with our parent organization and now we see kids and grand-kids involved. To say that Concern has put smiles on kids faces during the most challenging of times is an understatement and I am so glad that I do what I can and witness those special memorable moments. Derek Alpert has always said it best, we want to be put out of business...G-d hoping in our lifetime. Until then Thank G-d for this organization and the amazing members that give so much of themselves and yet the return is immeasurable when you see the smiles and see the healing!



Rating: 5

I have been extremely fortunate to get linked up with Concern. I have been a volunteer at Concern for over 20 years now. There is no better feeling than seeing kids smile on two of Concerns biggest events; their Christmas Holiday Party and the day at Universal Studios. $0.95 of every dollar goes into funding Cancer Research. The Concern Block Party is one of the best events I have ever been to. Every year they raise more and more money towards funding cancer research.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

This is one of the greatest non profits I have ever been apart of. The Concern Block Party they have every year is such an amazing event. The amount of support throughout the community is amazing. Year after year they raise more and more money. Keep up the good work


Rating: 5

I have been a volunteer at Concern Foundation for over 20 years. They have the most amazing events for patients and families, as well as the FANTASTIC annual block party fundraiser. I love that the organization has 4 generations working together to raise funds for cancer research. I am involved in several other charities throughout the community, and Concern Foundation is the best organization I have ever been involved in.

Board Member

Rating: 5

I am a founding member of CONCERN FOUNDATION. I have watched with great pride how we have grown over these last many many years. The people we have helped both young & old have never cease to amaze me. I am proud of the wonderful research that CONCERN has been apart of.
Our block party & Marathon have raised many Millions of dollars


Rating: 5

I have been fortunate enough to be one of the restaurants that donates to Concern Events, mainly the Annual Block Party. My restaurant is Factor's Famous Deli and I have been working with Concern for over 32 years! It is such a wonderful organization that has continued to grow and strive and always fight for the cause against Cancer. I am so proud to be a part of this wonderful group of hard working and determined individuals who come together and make such a difference. Going to one of the hospitals and seeing them give a big check to a Dr. who is doing research to make a difference gave me such hope for the future. Keep up the amazing work and you can always count on Factor's Deli to be there when needed. Thanks again, Debbie Ullman

Board Member

Rating: 5

I was first introduced to Concern many many years ago through family friends who were board members and Donors. I saw what they did from the outside. I now am honored and blessed to be a board member, on the front lines seeing the ins and outs first hand. Knowing that 95 cents of every dollar goes directly to cancer research makes this organization even more remarkable. Every person, regardless of their role is beyond committed to finding a cure. I couldn't ask for a better organization to be a part of.

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I have had the privilege to partner with and volunteer for the Concern Foundation for the past 9 years. Out of all of the nonprofits I have had experience with Concern is by far my favorite. They are loyal, trustworthy, determined, hardworking, and caring. It feels like a little community and I am so lucky to be a part of it. I have loved volunteering in the past and seeing the joy on cancer patients and their families faces. What is even more moving is, after working hard on their annual Block Party, seeing how much money was raised and how it is impacting cancer researchers around the world.

Eden A.


Rating: 5

Concern Foundation is one that's close to my heart as well as my family and daughters. We've been supporting Concern since I was a teenager. What they do year after year is nothing short of pure dedication and love.
The events they do to raise money are fun for all especially the children and Their families. Concern feels that at Christmas the whole family should share in the fun since it's usually the child who's sick can sometimes be the main focus taking a bit away from other family members. The Christmas event allows for the whole family to come and enjoy the sprit of the Holidays. The president of Concern is truly a special man who's totally given his life to finding the cures for this horrible and deadly disease. Derek Alpert loves to run the L.A Marathon to raise money as well as dress up as Santa and take gifts to the children at Children's hospital. This lights up the lives of so many young children. It's beautiful to see. The biggest event they do yearly is an event all must attend at Paramount Studios on the back lot. I think in the last 30 years I've only missed about 5. I could go on and on. I strongly suggest that you come and see for yourself. Full of Heart and a true mission


Rating: 5

I cannot begin to express my enthusiasm and profound respect for this organization!

I have been volunteering with them for the past several years and have watched patients and their families experience so many wonderful benefits from their connection to the Concern Foundation. It has been nothing short of an honor to be a part of the process.

Patients and their respective families that are connected to the Concern Foundation not only receive financial assistance, but they also have a built-in community of support via fellow patients, volunteers and employees of the organization. It is a safe place to be expressive and vulnerable but also to discover strength, persistence, gratitude and love.

The Concern Foundation is lacking in pretense, but provides joy and hope in abundance. They provide exceptional annual events for their pediatric Cancer patients ranging from a fun-filled day of adventure at Universal Studios to their incredible holiday celebration. Their fundraising is done with supreme generosity and unparalleled methdologies such as the block party or the 5k.

I am incredibly proud to be a part of the community that Derek Alpert and his team have built (and continue to build.) They are among the people that I consider extraordinary in this life. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for inspiring my continued commitment to their cause because I have witnessed first-hand the courage, compassion and energy that they bestow on the people that need them most.

-Sarah Ponder -



Rating: 5

I’ve been volunteering for Concern for ten years. More specifically, I’ve been their photographer for their Block Party. I’m fascinated there are so many volunteers that return year after year. And so many families have been involved for two and three generations.

Concern’s largest fundraiser is their summer Block Party. With a different theme every year and over fifty of the best restaurants Los Angeles has to offer, the Block Party is always a memorable event. Just think about it—awesome food, live music, street performers, gaming tables, live and silent auctions, and more!

Rated by L.A. Magazine as one of Los Angeles’ Top 10 events, the summer Block Party won’t disappoint. Of course, there’s no way to show everything. But I’ve attached a few pics from the most recent. If you think the pictures are amazing, just think how much fun it’d be to attend.

Concern also sponsors two events for youngsters undergoing cancer treatment—a Day at Universal Studios and the Holiday Party. For Universal Studios, about 100 kids get all-day front-of-the-line passes, an entertaining luncheon with balloon-making, face painting, tattooing (non-permanent of course).

At the Holiday Party, another 100 youngsters along with their families watch a recently released kids movie, have lunch, take pictures with Santa, dance to music, engage in arts and crafts. Plus, each child receives his or her own sack of toys. Given the financial strain that cancer treatment entails, I’m sure outings such as these are rare. These are two days where they can just enjoy being kids again.

Concern is able to put 95 cents of every dollar towards finding a cure for cancer. And let’s face it, we all know someone who has been affected by cancer. For such a worthwhile cause and so many ways and opportunities to help or get involved, please consider Concern Foundation.


Board Member

Rating: 5

My Wife and I have been members of Concern for 35 years. During that time we have watched the membership and donors grow rapidly over those years. This organization is truly committed to the elimination of Cancer and putting itself out of business. It ranked one of the highest in return of funds raised, to donations to given for research. The percentage is approximately 95 %.

My Wife and I have been on Board for three years now, and are astonished every day.

This is a truly worthwhile charity and should be considered. Our primary fund raising event yearly is "The Block Party". This event takes over the entire Back Lot at Paramount Studios and hosts approximately 60 of the best restaurants in town.

Please give us consideration in your philanthropy.


Board Member

Rating: 5

Concern is a grassroots organization that has made a significant impact in Cancer research. At Concern, each dollar is stretched to capacity in order to fund as many researchers as possible. Concern uses a scientific review board in order to distribute funds, so each decision is made carefully and thoughtfully by experts at the top of the field. They also put on various events for children with cancer and their families, and smaller fundraisers like throwing fundraiser spin classes or having a team run marathons to raise money. Concern is saavy and the team is so dedicated to their work.

I love honoring friends by making donations in their name, and Concern is one of the only organizations I've given to which sends out a thank you note to the donor and the honoree immediately!

As a millennial, my favorite fundraiser of the year is Concern's annual block party on the Paramount studios lot. Held the Saturday after July 4, it is seriously the most fun event in town and for such an incredible cause.

Concern is one of a kind and a truly special organization.



Rating: 5

Great organization, great group of volunteers and most importantly they give $.95 cents of every dollar raised to support cancer research. You can't ask for a better organization!!!



Rating: 5

An incredible organization. I was an active board member for many years prior to retirement. The work that they do is amazing; and the cause is truly a worthy one. Everyone is touched in some way with Cancer; and the funding of research, and the progress and success of the treatments that are developed over time is simply touching and emotional. Prolonging the life of those affected by this horrible desease. Give all you can to help Concern Foundation continue the faboulous work that they do. I'm proud to still be a donor; and was extremely proud to have been a board member for so many years. Derek Alpert, President of Concern; and his entire team, are committed to excellence. The work that they do is admirable; and they are all passionate to help other's find treatments and cures. Thank you to them all. Much appreciated.



Rating: 5

I have been associated with Concern Foundation for over 19 years. With each year that passes Concern's passion for a cure is equaled only by their love for those who suffer with this disease as well as the families who need support! They never stop trying to find new ways to raise funds for research. I am proud to be a part of such an outstanding organization who are sincere in their efforts and who strive to better mankind! I will continue to help in any way I can!!!



Rating: 5

My wife and I have been associated with Concern for many years. Whenever a friend or family member (unfortunately) has passed away, we always like to honor them with a donation to Concern. We know almost 100% of it will get to an organization doing promising work towards finding cures for cancer.

We also always look forward to their annual block party at Paramount Studios. It's so much fun and always amazing how they can make such a huge event perfect!