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2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Animal Defenders International US

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animals, Protection of Endangered Species, Wildlife Sanctuaries

Mission: Active worldwide to end animal suffering. Investigations, evidence from behind the scenes have led to prosecutions and changed laws. Education, raising awareness. Work with governments on dangerous, large-scale seizures of captive wild animals.

Programs: Located sanctuaries and built relationships with them for placing big cats in pending investigations and rescues by ADI. Produced hundreds of general ADI flyers for distribution at tabling events and local establishments.

Community Stories

74 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

1 Audrey M.5

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

ADI is such a great non-profit. I have been following their work for a number of years now and I am always amazed and grateful for their continuing dedication and hard work. This is an organization that gets things done no matter how difficult and challenging it may be. They work so very hard and always put the animals wellbeing first and foremost. Not only do they help animals "on the ground" but are strong advocates for changing laws to protect animals and humans such as the Travelling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act. The work they do is so important and I like that they work collaboratively with other organizations to take action to stop such things as cruelty to animals on social media.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

What an amazing non profit! Truely have the animal's best interest as priority.

Comments ( 1 )


AnimalDefendersInt 01/31/2022

Thank you for your support!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

ADI is a force for good and works hard to help animals. They investigate and expose, fight to secure laws that protect animals, and rescue animals in need. It is so wonderful to follow the lives of the lions, tigers, monkeys, bears and other animals they have saved and, freed from their circus cages and chains, see these animals thrive.



Rating: 5

I started a high school organization that focused on the ethical treatment of animals. While we were getting started, we reached out to many organizations including ADI, and they were one of the very few that responded quickly, stating their interest in working with us. ADI was the backbone of the club and they constantly gave us opportunities and goals to work towards. They gave us supplies for a social outreach program that we held at our high school. The dedicated staff sent us hundreds of flyers, posters, and donation forms. They informed us of all their activities and programs. We held a fundraiser for them right before COVID hit. Since COVID cut it short, we were not able to hit our goal, but they still appreciated and thanked us for all our work. I felt very comfortable working with them because an international and global organization such as Animal Defenders International gave our high school club a lot of respect and importance. We were constantly in contact and an amazing staff member continued to communicate with me about ways that I can help or ways that they can support my work even after I graduated high school. The staff is amazingly friendly and helpful, and they are the main success behind the success of ADI. Their relentless hard work and efforts have brought ADI this far and they will continue to grow. I have always had a wonderful experience with ADI and I am looking forward to more in the future.



Rating: 5

It's daunting when you're starting a club in high school and trying to make it relevant at the same time. A friend and I were president and treasurer of the Ethical Treatment of Animals club at our school, so we tried our best to reach out to several different organizations. As expected, we barely got any responses. And most of the responses we did get were pretty unhelpful. However, I can't say that for ADI.

They were extremely efficient in their communication despite being an international organization and reached out to us almost immediately- and this wasn't even a one-time thing. We emailed them asking for certain suggestions, and they replied with a bunch of different avenues we could explore with our club. Despite probably being busy and having a lot of other goals to accomplish, they helped out a high school club. I have such a nice experience with them, and we were even able to host an adoption drive at our high school!

We did a fundraiser and donated some money (not a lot but every penny counts) to them, and I'm proud that we were able to accomplish some of our goals in the club.



Rating: 5

Thank you ADI for tracking down all those illegal circuses and freeing animals around the world! You truly are an amazing group! Much love!



Rating: 5

Thank you ADI for everything you do. You truly make the world a better place!



Rating: 5

Never met a team as committed as ADI! Loved volunteering for them!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Animal Defenders International is an international organization that is dedicated to protecting animals through a variety of issues, including rescuing animals who are in the circus from suffering and conducting undercover investigations for animals in entertainment. They are passionate about what they do, which is clear because of their efforts with supporting and communicating with high school organizations in their efforts to stop animal cruelty.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I worked with Animal Defenders International in high school when the club that I was in (Ethical Treatment of Animals) partnered with the organization. ADI replied to all our emails and despite being a national organization was willing to work with a local club. Everyone at the organization is passionate and encouraging!



Rating: 5

A wonderful organization that puts animals first, always, and honors them they way they deserve. ADI fights passionately for animal rights and welfare, and does whatever it takes to give the animals they rescue the best years of their lives.



Rating: 5

I have served as a volunteer for several animal rights organizations, and ADI is, by far, my favorite. They are the most hands-on group I have seen, and are 100% about saving animals. The staff have always been very friendly and welcoming.



Rating: 5

ADI helped me to understand why the circus is not a happy place for families to visit, and helped me to educate friends/family on why they should not support the exploitation of animals. The staff is very personable, passionate, and friendly.



Rating: 5

What I liked the most about being a volunteer at ADI was seeing the change in the animals, from how scared they came to the temporary center to being relaxed, and later seeing them happy and free in the sanctuary. Help with the change to make the work worthwhile.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This organization is way beyond a non-profit. The rescues and animals they are rescuing is phenomenal.

I have found they are the most informative when it comes to circus cruelty. If you are protestor, they will supply you with posters at no cost. They are doing fantastic work rescuing all types of circus animals as these type of circuses are banned in several countries now.

When I was going inside to a circus to get video for the first time I was coached to not bring a lot of attention to myself.

I can’t say enough good things about this organization. They also have sanctuaries all over to cater to what type of animal it is. So the animal is in a proper fit, meaning the environment, what would be a natural environment for the animal.



Rating: 5

I love ADI, Their Mission is to provide the best home, for the rescued Animals and reduce the number of cats that suffer the fate of Abuse in Circuses. ADI is teaching the world about the cats, and how we can support of better laws to protect the cats. I have to say that I gained a huge appreciation for the amazing people that run this organization. Everything they do is for the better of the Animals. I found ADI being very educational and it made me proud to be a donor. I am looking forward to continuing supporting ADI, and Hopefully next year Traveling to South Africa to Volunteer. Highly recommend ADI, Please consider supporting and becoming a donor. Annabella. Much love from Dallas Texas ❤

2 Sandy J.5

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

As an animal rights activist fighting against the use of animals in circuses for years, ADI provided and continues to provide me with the tools and information to take meaningful actions. ADI provided informational folder with reasons for a city-wide ban on wild animals acts which I shared with all the city council members. They also provide leaflets with awareness information for the public. Their general counsel did a wonderful job following up with the members too. Plus their work with rescued big cats at the ADI sanctuary is truly noteworthy. Overall, both as an activist and as a donor, I have a lot of respect for ADI’s work.

2 Krissi G.


Rating: 5

ADI does such extraordinary work with animals being the voice of the voiceless and protectors of the helpless. Please consider donating to them so they can keep up the outstanding work!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Animal Defenders International makes a positive impact by spreading awareness, advocating for legislative change, and encouraging others to take action for animals. They follow through in areas where they've led successful campaigns, rescuing the animals and ensuring that they receive better lives. Truly a great organization!



Rating: 5

I love ADI and the work they do for animals around the world. In addition to taking on large-scale rescue missions, they also work to change laws so that the suffering stops and animals are protected in the long run. One of my favorite organizations ever.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

ADI are a dedicated and focused team of professionals providing a voice for the innocent and vulnerable animals across the planet. Their approach is thorough, holistic and tenacious and they have been responsible for many culture changing investigations shedding light behind closed doors and catalysing positive change. From helping to evolve legislation, educate the public to saving real animals - ADI does a tremendous job. I recommend checking them out and supporting their great work.



Rating: 5

ADI's mission is to educate, create awareness, and promote the interest of humanity in the cause of justice, and the suppression of all forms of cruelty to animals; wherever possible, to alleviate suffering, and to conserve and protect animals and their environment. They do all of this very successfully.

ADI takes a unique holistic, self-sufficient approach to achieving long-term protection for animals. They work at all levels, from start to finish of a campaign – from investigations and gathering empirical evidence to scientific and economic research, publication of technical reports, through to public education and assisting with law enforcement and legal protection for animals. ADI use their own photographs, video and research, and produce publications in-house. This total production approach saves money and increases outreach.

ADI have had numerous successes in their campaigns to ban the use of wild animals in circuses, and have gone on to rescue and relocate a large number of animals (including lions, tigers and bears). The ADI Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa is run to the highest ethical standards with large natural enclosures and no public access.



Rating: 5

ADI is a wonderful organisation which has worked tirelessly over the years to rescue many animals that were living in appalling conditions and suffering shocking cruelty at the hands of unscrupulous circuses. Thanks to their work, many animals are now living happily and peacefully in sanctuaries, including the fantastic new ADI Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Animal Defenders International is by far the most effective, self-sufficient AND efficient animal protection organization out there. They have a unique, holistic approach to securing protection for animals--they don't just run campaigns or urge those in government to enact animal protection laws, they're there from start to finish. From research and undercover investigations, to helping governments enforce bans (such as rescuing animals from circuses after a country bans animal circuses), ADI is there following through 100%. Beyond that, all you have to do is look at the transformation of the animals they've rescued, to know just how effective they are in fulfilling their mission and being clear on their vision.

2 TBPirazzi


Rating: 5

In the depressing universe of animal welfare, Animal Defenders International (ADI) provides a desperately needed beacon of hope and makes a very real difference for abused animals who need it most. From the transformed lives of circus animals who are given a second chance to live life as they were meant to, free from chains, cages, and performances for humans, to animals who have been freed from laboratory testing to shutting down the horrors of the fur farm business. Additionally, and with much appreciation for ADI's advocacy on behalf of animals, laws that support animal welfare are being passed in governments literally all over the world, making life-changing differences. ADI is one of the single most exciting animal welfare nonprofits on the planet, where you can literally watch their projects in action, and be touched by the joy that fortunate animals experience as they are set free! So much gratitude for the remarkable successes of ADI's projects worldwide. Kudos to the entire team - devoted, dedicated, and unstoppable! If you're not already familiar with ADI, do yourself a favor, and get to know Animal Defenders International!



Rating: 5

I have watched and supported Animal Defenders International US for about six years now. As each year passes, I am even more impressed with the work that this organization has been able to push through with determination and hard work. This group not only manages to diplomatically have laws changed in countries where animals have only been viewed as commodity/entertainment, but also to follow through with the governments to enforce the laws, rescue them (many times facing frightening dangers by those not willing to give up their animals), AND THEN to find and secure transport to fantastic sanctuaries.

The hours they spend working (and traveling, many times in the most bumpy, rugged vehicles) to accomplish their mission is one I watch with incredible respect, awe, and pride.

As a former rescuer, I have heard of fantastic nonprofits--and many who hide behind them for their own greedy purposes. Therefore, I am very careful whom I contribute to as I try to do as much research, as well as talk with other rescuers who know the "real" stories of some (including famous) organizations. I am a very proud fan and follower of Animal Defenders International US for the incredible work that they do. Please consider helping this hardworking group to help rescue animals from a horrific life that humans took from them.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

ADI is a truly remarkable organization! I have been a loyal supporter of theirs since I first saw Lion Ark. I truly appreciate how they work from start to finish on a campaign. Not just legislation or only rescues, but starting with investigations & research, then outreach & legislative campaigns to make changes in the laws to protect the animals, then, where needed, once the legislation is passed, rescuing the animals and caring for them for life.
I think this strategy really sets them apart from similar groups and I will continue to support them with all of my capabilities.

2 Elise Z.


Rating: 5

Tim, Jan, Rowena and the team are superb at assessing animals at risk in circuses and labs, and addressing their circumstances in a clear, creative, efficient and successful manner, one in which all parties learn and grow. Among all of the animal welfare NGOs with whom I work or to whom I donate, ADI is at the top of the list.

I'm particularly impressed by their ability to resist unconscious bias or self-congratulatory behavior, and credit them with helping to transform the Americas with respect to the terrible plight of circus animals.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Perhaps, the most important global voice for animals that's out there. As essential in the non-profit world as the animals ADI protects are to the natural world.



Rating: 5

I saw them rescue, chained/abused/mistreated/neglected, circus animals, and create/move them to a wild/protected, forever home, in Africa! their OperationFreedom missions in SouthAmerica/Peru, and EmoyaBigCat sanctuary made me cry with Joy! Please donate a.s.a.p.! We did!#God Bless You fellow "angels"



Rating: 5

Animal Defenders International (ADI) is a holistic animal rescue group; literally saving abused individuals that are hidden away in the far corners of the world while simultaneously implementing permanent legal protection so it never happens to another animal again.

I've had the pleasure of working with ADI’s team in Peru (Operation Spirit of Freedom circus animal rescue 2014-15) and I was completely impressed with their staff, their facility (which they built in incredibly challenging conditions), their veterinary care and commitment to helping the animals recover and thrive, as well as their commitment to enriching the animals' lives while they wait in transition to sanctuary.

ADI figures out how to meet the needs of numerous species and if a proper sanctuary does not exist, they build it! I am inspired by their determination and dedication to solve these long standing problems, once and for all, and I am honored to play a small part in their efforts which improve the lives of so many desperate animals.

Gigi Glendinning

11 Shiloh G.


Rating: 5

ADI is a phenomenal organization that truly goes above and beyond for their rescues. I had the honor of volunteering in Peru during Operation Spirit of Freedom twice. The animal care in food, enrichment, and health care is exceptional. Tim and Jan are both hard working and compassionate people that do anything and everything to help animals of all species. It was a privilege to meet them and talk about their organization and what they continue to do for animals all over. I look forward to volunteering with them on future rescues. They are by far my favorite rescue organization out there. If you are going to support a non-profit, please choose Animal Defenders International.

12 Marta F.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

\as an Animal Welfare campaigner and activist I am very aware of what ADI do and it is enormous. One of the aspects of trying to help abused animals is the feeling of being helpless against the organisations and governments who protect the continuation of the terrible abuse. So, when ADI does something like the undercover work in filming the horrific abuse done to an elderly and arthritic elephant called Annie, taken from Bobby Roberts vile circus and now free from her terrible beatings, it is so uplifting and gives me, and other campaigners, such hope and encouragement.

Animal Defenders International have saved and brought back so many animals from horrific and cruel situations and they are simply THE GREATEST.



Rating: 5

The ADI´s work is wonderful. In Colombia they are doing a great work to get the ban of animals in circuses as they did in Bolivia and Peru. Hope they do the same around all the world.

5 Nikki Elliott

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Nobody in the world does more to release animals from horrendous suffering than Animal Defenders International! I salute each member of their team... on behalf of the animals! Thank you ADI, you are the best!



Rating: 5

ADI does incredible work exposing the cruelty to animals in entertainment, particularly the circus where elephants and tigers are beaten and electrocuted to do ridiculous tricks. ADI informs and educates the public about the barbaric treatment of animals that perform in these shows. ADI also works to mobilize people to protect all animals.



Rating: 5

ADI continues to fight a necessary and brave fight against animal exploitation. Their work to free wild animals from circuses and re-educate the public on this matter has been groundbreaking, and I am constantly looking to what they will achieve next.

4 Anne69

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I believe that wild animals should never be caged or used for the purpose of entertainment or human greed. ADI fights for the rights of these animals to stay in their own environment without the threat of persecution of capture. They need our support and they need it now.

5 Christina51

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

ADI fights for an extremely important and just cause with passion and truth. With support from the public and through political campaigning, ADI achieve real results for animals suffering at the hands of humans. To see the transformation in the lives of animals rescued from misery by ADI is inspirational.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

What wonderful work ADI do!! Thanks to them so many animals have been rescued, offered sanctury and monitered. They should be recognised for their tireless efforts!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have supported ADI for many years and they do such an important job. They work tirelessly to save animals in distress or who are mistreated and deserve greater recognition for all they do.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

ADI is doing an amazing job, shining a light into the darkness of the helpless and voiceless. We are all Gods creatures and need to help one another and stand up Thankyou for all that you do.



Rating: 5

ADI has made a significant positive impact on animals used in entertainment not only in rescue and protection, but for educating the public how these animals are neglected and abused..and most importantly how each of us can take action to help change their situations. Thanks ADI!!

3 Scott57

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Animals are the main victims in our society today, and it's our responsibility to make sure they are treated with respect. ADI are doing just that, and they serve not just the animals, but the human society as well by making us more aware to the suffering of the creatures we share our world with
I am an Animal Chiropractor and passionate about bringing awareness to the world and giving a voice to those that can't speak!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

ADI is doing an excellent job of bringing awareness to the world and giving a voice to those that can't speak...


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have been following ADI on facebook and read the fabulously wonderful things they have done for animals everywhere. I watched a video of them saving big cats in South America it was absolutely fabulous. I wish I were an millionaire I would give them all of it to save the animals.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Animals are the main victims in our society today, and it's our responsibility to make sure they are treated with respect. ADI are doing just that, and they serve not just the animals, but the human society as well by making us more aware to the suffering of the creatures we share our world with


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

ADI are doing great work defending animals around the world. They need every help they can have to continue their amazing effoets.

2 Nicole61

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Animals around the world are lucky to have this great organization be their voice! The world is a better place because ADI is always looking out for their best interests, please support them!

2 Misti L.


Rating: 5

I'm very thankful for all that ADI does and am happy to support them. They work hard on issues that some may deem small or irrelevant and I love that are not like that.

2 Harold N.


Rating: 5

Animal Defenders International is the most dedicated and professional group of individuals I've ever had the pleasure to work with. They have always been available to help when I have asked for their assistance. I can't say enough good about this organization.

2 Alexis5

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Man Kind and The Animal Kingdom are better off for having ADI! I love the Compassion, Kindness and Peaceful way they get the word out on the voiceless and defenseless Animals. I would not have known about so many innustices in the world that I can help because of the greatness of ADI. If there is any Charity to Donate or Support it's Animal Defenders International! Bless You!

2 Dimitris K.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Words can't really express the feelings deep inside me each time i see a rescued animal.

Dimitris Karagiannakis
Software Engineer

2 Nicole60

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

ADI are a wonderful organisation.They do so much work for every type of animal in all areas of the world.Yet somehow they manage to support people like me who are helping the animal as an individual.They put my petition on their website and promote it,no fuss, just very professional.They are able to get across to people the awfulness of what happens to animals in a manageable way,so that people don't become distressed by the pictures and switch off.The work they did for Annie was wonderful.



Rating: 5

Their work is incredible, and brings all of us who support them back to a place of having faith in humanity. If only they were limitless in their ability to reach and meet the need around the world. Thank you, ADI, for all you do to remind us of who we should be as a human society, and for speaking up and out for those who can not speak for themselves.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Excellent organization that truly takes the fight to the criminals who mistreat animals.



Rating: 5

ADI works tirelessly to rescue animals in captivity and from cruelty and works hard to educate people about the abuse towards animals that takes place. Thanks to ADI the Anne the elephant case was brought to the public attention and she is now living in a sanctuary in peace, this is one of the well publicised cases which was well funded by the public. Thousands more animals need this help to and it is only with the support from the public that ADI can continue their amazing, life saving work.

2 Tina34

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

This organization is not only dedicated, they are truly making a difference for animals around the world. I am amazed at their work and their constant communication and education to those like me who are in the beginning stages of learning about the horrific abuse happening to animals worldwide.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Having worked with many of the animal rescue groups, ADI is special in they not only rescue animals in need and move them to sanctuary, but they provide lifelong care for each animal rescued. They accepted the responsibility for each animal rescued to have a permanent forever home.

They work tirelessly to expose animal abuse and change the laws for the welfare of all animals. Great group.



Rating: 5

A great Organisation fighting to defend the rights of animals around the globe.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Animal Defenders International is an effective and magnificent organization. The first hand stories of animal rescue that I have heard of by members of ADI have forever touched my heart and renewed my faith in humanity. In the end, in order for all of us to thrive on this earth we must relearn respect for all things living. Through its' many good efforts, ADI sparks the awareness of this truth in all who become aware of them.

2 Dee D.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Animal Defenders International works worldwide to not only rescue animals but to stop the abuse of them. Their efforts to ban the use of animals in circuses in many countries have been very successful. Animals in horrific situations have been rescued and placed in sanctuaries; they no longer will be beaten, abused and forced to perform. I am very appreciative of their tremendous support to public grassroots campaigns - such as to those of us advocating against the use of animals in the circus here in the U.S. ADI is a well-respected organization who truly are dedicated to ending the abuse, exploitation, and suffering of animals in all situations, whether it be the circus, animal testing, farm animals, etc. and to protect animals in the wild as well. I hope others who may not be familiar with their work will take the time to research their website and support ADI.

2 Cathy51

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

What I love about ADI is that it's an organisation that actually makes a difference in the lives of animals instead of just writing up petitions. It serves as an inspiration to us all to go out there and make the world a better place instead of complaining about it.
This is easily the most worthy and important non-profit organisation in the world today and I hope they can continue the great work for years to come!!

2 Aliya H.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I love ADI! They are compassionate towards the plight of animals, and they work hard in ensuring that animals are protected, because animals need a someone to be their voice. With the work they do, they help create awareness of how animals are treated, I absolutely love this nonprofit organization! :)


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Such a wonderful himane and compassionate organization