Donation & Payment Options

We strive to make it easy to donate to effective charities. To that end, we offer a number of donation and donation payment methods.

Donations of A$2 or more made via are tax-deductible in Australia. For information about tax-deductibility in other countries, please view our Tax Deductibility page.


Credit Card donations to our recommended charities can be made here on our website.

The Life You Can Save does not take any percentage of your donation, though you may specifically make a donation to us to help us distribute our book to more people and keep our website running.

When donating by credit card, 1.2% + standard credit card fees are deducted by our third-party donation platform (Donorbox) and payment processor (Stripe).

For donations of $1,000 or more, we recommend donating by bank transfer to help keep admin costs to a minimum. Please see details below.


To donate by bank transfer or cheque please fill out this form. After you submit the form, you will receive an email with a unique donation reference number and information about how to complete the donation.

100% of your donation will be granted to the charity or charities of your choice.

The Life You Can Save does not take any percentage of your donation, though you may specifically designate part of your donation to us to help us distribute our book to more people and keep our website running.


Please visit our Donate Crypto page to learn more about how to make a cryptocurrency gift in support of The Life You Can Save itself or any of the nonprofits we recommend. Our cryptocurrency donations are processed by The Giving Block, which currently accepts a wide variety of popular cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

If you have any questions about donating cryptocurrency, please contact


If you’re interested in donating shares, please contact our Australia Team.


To learn more about including The Life You Can Save or our recommended charities in your will, please check out our Gifts in Wills page or contact Leslie Limpert.


The Life You Can Save Australia is registered on many employee and payroll giving platforms such as Benevity, Catalyser and Good2Give. All donations made to The Life You Can Save Australia via these platforms will be divided and distributed to our recommended charities.


Many companies provide matching gifts for all or part of their employees’ donations.

To have your company match a gift made via The Life You Can Save Australia you can often simply provide the donation receipt to your employer. If you have any questions or if your employer requires more information from The Life You Can Save Australia, please contact us at