
Doing Good Better is an excellent introduction to effective altruism, revealing surprising insights about the best ways to make a difference. Get your copy below!

Most of us want to do good.

We give our time and money to causes we deem worthy, choose careers that feel meaningful, and support the products and businesses we believe will make the world a better place.

Unfortunately, we often base these decisions on assumptions and emotions rather than facts. As a result, even our best intentions can lead to ineffective— and sometimes downright harmful— outcomes.

How can we do better?

William MacAskill has spent the last five years developing the philosophy of effective altruism, which applies data and scientific reasoning to the normally sentimental world of doing good. In the course of his research he’s come to the remarkable conclusion that most ways of doing good achieve little— but that focusing our efforts on the most effective causes gives us enormous power to make the world a better place.

In Doing Good Better, MacAskill introduces the principles underlying effective altruism and sets out a practical guide to increasing your impact through your career, volunteering, and charitable donations.

We're giving away free copies of Doing Good Better to help people learn more about effective altruism.

Request your free copy of “Doing Good Better”

Please note that we’re only able to send books to New Zealand addresses at this time. 

If you’re living overseas, you should be able to find an affordable copy of Doing Good Better on Amazon or ThriftBooks etc.

Alternatively, you could download a free copy of Peter Singer’s The Life You Can Save (which introduces some of the basic ideas of effective altruism, albeit in less depth than Doing Good Better) on The Life You Can Save’s website.

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Praise for
Doing Good Better”

“Beautifully written and extremely smart. Doing Good Better should be required reading for anyone interested in making the world better.”

— Steven Levitt, University of Chicago economist and author of Freakonomics


“Superb. This must-read book will lead people to change their careers, their lives, and the world for the better.”

— Peter Singer, Professor of Bioethics, Princeton University



About the Author

William MacAskill is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Lincoln College, Oxford, and was one of the co-founders of the effective altruism movement.