Your Wellness

I Was Stalked for 2 Decades Before It Was a Crime

My experience helped pass the first anti-stalking laws in the United States

Real Women, Real Stories

Good Sex With Emily Jamea: Sexual Fantasies

Think your sexual fantasy is weird? I promise it’s not.

Sexual Health

How to Make Sustainable Lifestyle Changes in 2022

From attainable workout goals to healthy eating habits to practicing self-care

Your Wellness

Sugar Detox? Cutting Carbs? A Doctor Explains Why You Should Keep Fruit on the Menu

Ripe berries and sugar crystals are both sweet, but one offers much more than just calories

Nutrition & Movement

End-of-Life Conversations Can Be Hard, but Your Loved Ones Will Thank You

While 90% of adults say that talking to their loved ones about their end-of-life wishes is important, only 27% have actually had these conversations

Family & Caregiving

Folic Acid and Birth Defects: What’s the Connection?

Why all women of reproductive age should make sure they’re getting enough folic acid

Pregnancy & Postpartum

Want Fries — or Feelings — With That?

The road from obesity to a healthy weight isn’t all about the diet. Gabrielle Blawas found she was eating her feelings in her secretive fast-food binges.

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