atopic dermatitis

Qué influencia tiene el eccema en la salud sexual

El eccema puede causar inseguridad en las mujeres y eso puede traer consigo una carencia de relaciones íntimas

Eccema y los niños: Qué pueden hacer los padres para mantener saludables a sus hijos

La opinión de un dermatólogo pediátrico sobre cómo se puede ayudar a un niño con dermatitis atópica

How Eczema Affects Sexual Health

Eczema can make women self-conscious and can lead to a lack of intimacy

Eczema and Children: What Parents Can Do to Keep Their Kids Healthy

A pediatric dermatologist weighs in on how you can help a child with atopic dermatitis

Eczema Cost Me My Self-Esteem. Now, I’m on the Path to Getting It Back.

My first eczema breakout at 34 came out of nowhere and flung me into a deep depression. A decade later, I’m still managing the ups and downs.

Living With Atopic Dermatitis (AD)

Expert information and advice to help you — or a loved one — manage the physical and emotional effects of AD

My Psoriasis Led to My Empowerment

After struggling for years with unpredictable health problems, I now have agency over my body

How Atopic Dermatitis Changes as You Age

If you're born with atopic dermatitis (AD), commonly called eczema, it can be triggered at any age. Here's how this condition can change as you get older.

Atopic Dermatitis Across Your Body

The treatment for this common form of eczema can vary depending on where it appears on your body

Coping With Atopic Dermatitis

Handwashing and mask-wearing can increase the severity of this common skin disorder.

Clinically Speaking: Questions to Ask Your Healthcare Provider About Atopic Dermatitis

Use this guide to have a helpful conversation if you have atopic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema

Atopic Dermatitis Shows Up on Your Skin, but Its Effects Go Much Deeper

Commonly known as eczema, this skin condition can cause physical and emotional pain — but learning how to manage it makes all the difference

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Should Your Child See a Dermatologist?

If your child has a recurring or serious skin problem or one that hasn't responded to treatment, you may want to visit a pediatric dermatologist.

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Daily Bath Fine for Kids With Eczema

Although some doctors advise against giving a daily bath to kids with the skin condition eczema, a new paper says a daily soak is fine as long as it's followed by plenty of moisturizer.

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Eczema's Effects More Than Skin Deep

People dealing with the itchy skin condition known as eczema may have other medical conditions to cope with as well, including heart disease, a dermatologist says.

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