Heads up! Donation deadlines for 2021 tax receipts: Today is Dec 31. It's now too late to make a direct debit donation and receive a 2021 tax receipt. But, good news! You can still donate today online by credit card for a 2021 tax receipt. If you need help making your gift please email our team or learn more about our 2021 deadlines here.


RC Forward offers Canadians a better way to support high-impact charities. Run by the team at Rethink Charity (a Canadian registered charity), RC Forward has empowered Canadians to tax-efficiently donate over $11 million dollars to top charities, creating a better world for people, animals, and the planet today and for the future. Join us!

We would love to help you achieve your effective giving goals. Check out our expert-advised funds, or keep scrolling to discover our featured charities, based on recommendations from top charity evaluators including GiveWell, Animal Charity Evaluators, Founders Pledge, and The Life You Can Save.

Donate through RC Forward Funds

Advised by experts, our funds are great if you care about a cause but aren’t sure which charity to support. Your donation will go to where its positive impact is expected to be the greatest, based on the expert advice of the charity evaluators or advisors guiding the fund’s allocations each quarter. 

Choose a high-impact charity to support

We partner with high-impact charities working across a wide range of cause areas, so that you can give effectively to the causes you care about. Select a cause area to view all partner charities working on this cause.

Animal Welfare

Mercy For Animals is a global non-profit that exists to end one of the greatest causes of suffering on the planet: the exploitation of animals for food.
Sinergia Animal is an international animal protection organization working in countries of the Global South to reduce the suffering of farmed animals and promote more compassionate food choices.
Wild Animal Initiative strives to understand and improve the lives of wild animals. Because that will only be possible through sound science, it supports pioneering research into responsible ways to reduce animal suffering in the wild.

Cause Research

Rethink Priorities is a research organization that conducts critical research to inform policymakers and major foundations about how to best help people and nonhuman animals in both the present and the long-term future.

Education and Outreach

Climate Change

Carbon180 is a US-based environmental NGO that champions carbon removal solutions — a critical but largely neglected piece of the climate puzzle — through policy advocacy, business engagement, and innovation support.

Human Empowerment

Living Goods supports local community health workers in developing countries to go door-to-door to sell affordable health and household goods and to provide basic health counselling to families in need.

Long-Term Future

Global Health

IGN aims to reduce iodine deficiency globally by advocating for national salt iodization programs, tracking progress on iodization, and providing global and country-specific guidance on related issues.
SCI Foundation supports governments in sub-Saharan African countries to develop sustainable programs against parasitic worm infections such as schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH).

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If you prefer making your donations at the end of the year, we can remind you later about RC Forward.

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