Baby sleep
More Baby sleep
Basics of good sleep
Establishing good sleep habits: an age-by-age guide
You can start introducing your baby to good sleep habits from day one. The important thing is to adapt the routine as your baby gets older. Our age-by-age guides will help.
How can I get my baby to sleep through the night?
How much sleep does your baby need?
Establishing good sleep habits: newborn to three months
Establishing good sleep habits: three to six months
See all in Basics of good sleepLullaby lyrics and audio
All through the night lullaby lyrics
Looking for a lullaby to help your baby to sleep? Listen to ‘All through the night’ and get the lyrics too.
Incey wincey spider lullaby lyrics
Toora, loora, loora lullaby lyrics
See all in Lullaby lyrics and audioSleep problems and solutions
My baby won't sleep at night. What should I do?
Your newborn is likely to sleep erratically for the first 12 weeks, which means sleepless nights for you. After that you can help your baby into a regular sleep pattern. Find out how.
Why is my baby suddenly waking in the night?
How can I keep my baby's bedcovers on?
My baby turns on to her front to sleep. Is this safe?
Will giving my baby solids help him to sleep through the night?
See all in Sleep problems and solutionsSleep safety
Co-sleeping and safety
Co-sleeping with your baby might seem like the easiest option, especially if you're breastfeeding. If you're considering it, we have advice on making it safe and comfortable.
Is it safe to let my baby sleep in their car seat?
What is sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?
How can I make co-sleeping safe?
Does co-sleeping reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)?
See all in Sleep safety