Migraine is a biologically based disorder. Its symptoms are the result of changes in the brain, not a weakness in character or an inappropriate reaction to stress. READ MORE

Finding My Birth Mother Changed My Life — and the Way I Manage My Health Care

As an adoptee, I was denied the right to my medical history. Finally having access to it makes me feel connected to others and my new family.

Real Women, Real Stories

Beyond the Physical: How MS Affects Your Life

While providers treat the physical symptoms of MS, many women living with the disease are left to handle its mental effects alone

Created With Support

Breaking Barriers to Pain Treatment

Women in pain are less likely to be fully treated for their symptoms. More groups are working toward equity.

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I've Lived With Chronic Migraine Since Childhood

I lost my identity through my struggles and felt I had no purpose in life, but I turned my misery and suffering into a positive.


Chronic Pain for Women Is Real

Chronic pain affects an estimated 100 million Americans, more than the total number who have been diagnosed with diabetes, cancer and heart disease combined.

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Migraine Headaches Are a Family Affair

I am a woman and a physician who lives with migraine, and I want people who live with migraine attacks to know they are not alone.

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Most People Who Experience Migraine Are Women: Here’s What You Need to Know

We don't fully understand what causes migraine, which means there is no absolute cure for the disease. Exploring the sex differences in migraine may help some women learn more about their symptoms and treatment options.

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Managing the Workspace with Migraine: One Nurse’s Prescription for Managing Her Migraine Attacks

Roughly 85% of people who experience chronic migraine are women. It's important to learn your triggers and how to manage your migraine attacks.

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