Real Women, Real Stories

I Was Stalked for 2 Decades Before It Was a Crime

My experience helped pass the first anti-stalking laws in the United States

Real Women, Real Stories

Love Conquers All: My Journey as the Mother of a Transgender Daughter

My daughter came out as transgender at the age of 14. Since then, our entire family transitioned alongside her — and we’re now closer than ever.

Real Women, Real Stories

Finding My Birth Mother Changed My Life — and the Way I Manage My Health Care

As an adoptee, I was denied the right to my medical history. Finally having access to it makes me feel connected to others and my new family.

Real Women, Real Stories

I Came Out on Christmas Eve

After decades of hiding my sexual orientation, my family’s reaction wasn’t even close to what I expected

Real Women, Real Stories

My Breast Reduction Gave Me My Life Back

Large breasts restricted my lifestyle and caused physical discomfort. At 25, I knew surgery was the answer.

Real Women, Real Stories

I Fought Generational Obesity by Creating My Own Road Map to a Healthier, Happier Life

After being bullied by doctors my entire life, I finally got the courage to advocate for my health

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Taking on Mountains — and Osteoporosis

How I adjusted, but didn’t stop, my active lifestyle after my diagnosis

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Real Women, Real Stories