A fibroid is a mass of muscle tissue, typically noncancerous, that develops within the wall of the uterus. READ MORE

Bleeding Disorders in Girls and Women

Are you at risk for a bleeding disorder?

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Ask the Expert: What Causes Painful Periods?

OB-GYN Dr. Mary Jane Minkin explains period pain

Your Health

Are You at Risk for Iron Deficiency Anemia?

About 17% of women in the U.S. are affected by iron deficiency anemia. Could you be one of them?

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Period Stigma & Health Risks

Most women avoid talking about menstruation, which can lead to delayed diagnosis and serious health complications

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Heavy Uterine Bleeding and Iron Deficiency Anemia Can Affect Mental Health, Relationships and Sexual Health

If left untreated, these common disorders can have a serious impact on your quality of life

Your Body

Iron Deficiency Anemia Can Cause Serious Problems for Pregnant Moms and Their Babies

This common condition can lead to postpartum depression and development problems in children if left untreated

Your Body

Clinically Speaking: Talking to Patients About Uterine Fibroids

This guide can help healthcare providers communicate better with patients about their uterine fibroid diagnosis and treatment options

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Clinically Speaking: What Are My Options Following a Uterine Fibroid Diagnosis?

Find out what medical treatments are available for uterine fibroids

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Why It’s Important to Speak Up About Heavy Uterine Bleeding

Heavy uterine bleeding is one of the most common gynecological complaints.

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