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Subscription Agents

We depend on subscription agents to provide outstanding service and support to our existing customers while also helping us to expand our reach and readership around the world. The resources below are designed to assist agents in that work.

Annual Publications Catalog

Each year we produce a full-color catalog containing comprehensive information about our publications. Click below to view the latest version.

2022 Publications Catalog (PDF)

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Back Issues

We maintain a stock of 13 months of back issues for each of our publications. Click below to view back issue rates and our refund policy.

Learn more about Back Issues

All available journals are subject to the following back-issue prices:

US (US$)
Ams/Canada (US$)
Rest of World (£)
Rest of World (€)
JAMA Specialty Journals
Subscription Account Numbers

Subscription account numbers can be found on the mailing label:

Refund Policy

Subscriptions may be cancelled at any time. A refund on all unserved issues will be honored.

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Order Fulfillment

Need help placing an order or servicing a customer request? Our Order Fulfillment page provides useful information on requesting site license quotes, placing new print subscription orders, remittance options, taxes, and missing issue claims.

Learn more about Order Fulfillment

Required information for site license quotes and orders

  1. Name and full address of the institution
  2. Site administrator name and contact
  3. Type of institution, e.g., hospital, academic, research, corporate, etc.
  4. AMA tier if applicable (please see p. 3-4 for tier descriptions)
  5. Type and number of relevant users
  6. Number of sites, if multiple
  7. IP ranges, if possible
  8. New site license or renewal?
  9. Package (e.g., JAMA + 6) and specific titles requested (e.g., JAMA, JAMA Ophthalmology, etc.)
  10. Anticipated start date
Remit Options

Site Licenses: Payment for orders must be made in US$. Wire transfer payment should be sent to:

The Northern Trust Company
50 S. La Salle Street
Chicago, IL 60603

Account Name: AMA General Checking Account
Account#: 54070
Swift Code: CNORUS 44

American Express (US$ only), Visa and Mastercard are accepted for all orders.

Print Only: Payment for Print Only orders in the Americas must be made in US$. Payment for Print Only orders outside of the Americas must be made either in British Pounds Sterling £ or in Euros. Wire transfer payment must be sent to:

Bank of America N.A.
2 King Edward Street
London EC1A 1HQ

British Pounds Sterling £:
Account Name: American Medical Association
IBAN: GB93 BOFA 1650 5023 3910 14
Account Number: 23391014

Euro €:
Account Name: American Medical Association
IBAN: GB49 BOFA 1650 5023 3910 30
Account Number: 23391030

American Express (USD only), Visa and Mastercard are accepted for all orders. Payment must be included at the time of submission.

New Print Only Orders

Prepayment is required. All new subscriptions will be entered starting with the next available issue unless otherwise requested. Orders received with less than full payment will be prorated.

Print Only Renewal Orders

Prepayment is required. A renewal order will be backstarted to the previous expire date within 12 months as long as issues are in stock. After 12 months, or if issues are not available, subscriptions will start with the next available issue just as a new order. All Previous Print Plus Limited Access subscriptions will be renewed as Print Only. The Print Plus Limited Access option is no longer available.


Applicable taxes for Washington DC, Iowa, Canada (GST), and Europe (VAT) must be applied.

Missing Issue Claims

All missing issue claims will be honored subject to availability free of charge according to the following guidelines:

  • Claims for all subscription orders must be filed within 3 months of the issue date
  • Claims filed after these periods but within the calendar year must be prepaid at the single issue rate
Journal Claim Information

When submitting a missing issue claim, please include:

  • Year of publication, volume and issue
  • Complete ship-to address
  • Subscription number found on delivery label
  • Agency reference number
  • Complete payment information (i.e. method, date, and amount remitted)
  • Nature of claim (i.e. missing issue or receipt of damaged issue)
Contact Us

Customer Service
Email: support@jamanetwork.com
Phone: +1 800 262 2350

Phone: +1 312 464 4371

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Additional Resources

We want to keep agents well informed about new developments at the AMA Publishing Group and well armed with materials that they can use to promote our titles. That's why we produce a quarterly newsletter as well as a wide range of marketing materials that agents can request.

Learn more about Additional Resources
Agent Newsletter

Our quarterly email newsletter contains JAMA Network announcements, information on new products and new Web site features, and a listings of upcoming meetings we’ll be attending. If you don’t already receive the newsletter, you can sign up by emailing Rick Bell, rick.bell@ama-assn.org.

Other Marketing Materials

We are pleased to provide agents marketing material for our publications. All marketing requests and inquiries should be submitted to the JAMA Network 4 to 6 weeks before the materials are needed.

Catalog Ads/Print

A variety of ads in 4-color and b/w are available for agent catalogs. If you would like us to consider placing ad(s) in your catalogs, please provide all rate, size, and format specifications.

Banner Ads/Online

Promotional banners, cover shots, and text for online catalogs are available.

Sample Issues

If you are promoting our publications at a local medical conference and would like samples of our publications, please submit a request stating number of copies desired, conference name, dates, and attendance information.


Promotional brochures of our publications are available free of charge.

Joint Promotions

We are eager to support local marketing campaigns. These campaigns include direct mail and telemarketing. For consideration, a marketing plan must be submitted.

Submit all marketing requests and inquiries to:

Tel: +1 312 464 4371
Fax: +1 312 464 2580
E-mail: sales@jamanetwork.com

Europe/Middle East/Africa
Tel: +1 312 464 2543
Fax: +1 312 464 2580
E-mail: sales@jamanetwork.com

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