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The ReadME Project

Featured Article

Astronomy community shapes their own destiny with Astropy

Astronomy is a software based field, and the community is building their own open source tools.

Pedro Nauck // Docz

Prioritizing health and balance over Docz

Pedro went from unhealthy, anxiety-filled days to a more sustainable, creative lifestyle.

Monica Powell // Newsela

Your future self will thank you: Building your personal documentation

How to build a second brain of knowledge you’ll use over and over.

Jon Parise // Pinterest

Knowing when to say 'no'

Recognize which contributions are a good fit for the project—and which are not.

Juan Pablo Buriticá

The good, the bad, and the ugly of making decisions in open source

Using RFCs to support decision-making when working in public.

The ReadME Project amplifies the voices of the developer community by telling stories about:

Keeley Hammond // Electron

All it takes is one ‘yes’

Keeley on prioritizing your passion, assigning equal roles in OSS, and paying contributors fairly.

Felipe de Morais // AfroPython

Lowering the barrier of entry into open source

Felipe does all he can to make it easier for others to get involved and thrive in the IT world.

Monica Powell // Newsela

How to hone your new superpower: teaching

In part two of Monica's series on the value of documentation, she discusses the mindset, process and benefits of public documentation.

Featured Article

The secrets to onboarding new open source contributors

Mentorship and documentation are the keys to making open source a better place for everyone.

Featured Article

What we can learn from “_why”, the long lost open source developer

What happens when your impact outlives your code.

The ReadMe Podcast

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Hosts in the hot seat

Neha and Brian turn the interview tables on each other.


freeCodeCamp: For curious people, by curious people

Founder Quincy on his journey from journalist to OSS pioneer.

Featured Articles

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Open Source is enabling the "Tech for Good" movement

There’s a growing global movement applying cutting edge open source projects to humanity’s thorniest problems.

Developer Stories

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Liyas Thomas // Hoppscotch

Hoppscotch’s maintainer builds open solutions for all

When Liyas sees an opportunity to make a developer’s life easier, he doesn’t hesitate.

Cassidy Williams

Lift as you climb

Cassidy on creating content, building relationships, and how much you get by giving back.

Neha Batra

Open source momentum and how to find it

Neha knows that to drive value, we have to start by focusing on everyone’s experience.

Anthony Sottile

Learning by doing, from Python to Twitch

Drawn to the community aspect of open source, Anthony uses Twitch as a modern classroom.


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Scott Triglia // Stripe

Using ‘Roofshots’ to make impossible decisions

A developer superpower to tackle complicated projects.

James Turnbull // Sotheby's

Optimize local dev environments for better onboarding

Empower your new engineers to hit the ground running.

Tasha Drew // VMware

Charming Pirates: Reframing user acquisition and referral for OSS

A proposal for strategically growing open source project maintainership.

Monica Powell // Newsela

Using code as documentation to save time and share context

In part one of her series, Monica shares how to do documentation to help yourself and others.

About The
ReadME Project

Coding is usually seen as a solitary activity, but it’s actually the world’s largest community effort led by open source maintainers, contributors, and teams. These unsung heroes put in long hours to build software, fix issues, field questions, and manage communities.

The ReadME Project is part of GitHub’s ongoing effort to amplify the voices of the developer community. It’s an evolving space to engage with the community and explore the stories, challenges, technology, and culture that surround the world of open source.

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