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Shocking Numbers
1 out of 3
One out of three women has major abdominal surgery during birth. In spite of spending the most money on maternity care, the U.S. has the highest maternal death and injury rate in the developed world.
It is estimated that more than 40% of hospitals have mandatory surgery policies for women with prior cesareans contrary to national health policy and current guidelines.
70% of labors are induced or sped up – often for non-medical indications, not resulting in improved infant outcomes.
Black women and their babies are 4X more likely to die than white women no matter their socioeconomic status.
About Us

ImprovingBirth is a for-purpose organization whose mission is to inform, support, engage, and empower consumers, community leaders, and providers with the tools to improve birth. We believe when people have the tools to inspire change, that they will take action.

Accountability Toolkit
Suffering from a difficult or traumatic birth can be devastating, especially if you feel that it may have been unnecessary. Filing a formal complaint is a crucial step that can empower you, help in the healing process and create change for other families.
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Start Here
You are pregnant... and striving for the best birth and need more resources.
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You are ready to heal... from a difficult birth but just aren’t sure where to start.
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You are frustrated... you can’t see another family suffer at the hands of a broken system.
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You want to be heard. Sharing your story can bring healing and strength.
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Imagine if, in just a couple of clicks, you could find a provider and hospital in your area that you knew with confidence had a healthy cesarean rate, low intervention rate and a high success rate of vaginal birth after cesarean? We are working hard to make this a reality.

Click here to learn more about the Mother-Friendly Accreditation Program or Click the button below to join our mailing list to receive program updates.

If you are a provider or facility interested in becoming a Mother-Friendly please email us directly at

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I knew deep down inside that things about my birth were wrong but everyone around me said I should just “get over it”, but I couldn’t. Finding ImprovingBirth changed my life. They led me to resources and tools I wouldn’t of been able to find on my own. I was driven to share my story and make sure it didn’t happen to anyone else

- Kimberly Turbin
Tell Your Story
Sharing powerful stories of both negative and positive experiences can inspire people, helps them learn more quickly and quite possibly, inspire real change.
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Pathways to Healing

“Well, at least you have a healthy baby”. These are the words most commonly said to people when telling their difficult birth story. It’s often what we even tell ourselves. “Why am I complaining, the baby is great, who cares how it all happened”. But deep down, you are hurting. Download this free step-by-step guide to healing. A Healthy Happy Mom is a Healthy Happy Family.

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Virtual perinatal support is here to stay—even once the pandemic passes
April 13, 2021 BY Dawn
This past year of the COVID-19 pandemic has been isolating for us all—especially for expecting and new parents. When you’re getting ready to welcome a...
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Building a virtual village can change the game for pregnant families
April 13, 2021 BY Dawn
We all know the saying—it takes a village to raise a child. But in today’s harried modern world where everything (including parenting) feels like it’s...
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Virtual Doula Support
March 24, 2020 BY ImprovingBirth
On a roller coaster ride while blindfolded. It’s as if we are all riding one right now, but we did not buy a ticket. We did not ask to be here. And we...
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