Visit our page for current COVID-19 pandemic information for early intervention and preschool special education.

News and Updates

Supporting Inclusive Practices Webinar Series

The Supporting Inclusive Practices Project (SIP), funded by the California Department of Education (CDE), is hosting two upcoming webinar series: Changing Perceptions of Disability and Creating Inclusive Schools.

Webinar Series Two
Becoming an Inclusion Change Maker: Improving the Systems to Create an Inclusive Culture, Climate, and Shared Practices

Session One: The What and Why of Inclusion
January 25, 2022, 3:30–5:00pm

Session Two: Putting Inclusive Practices Into Action: The How of Inclusion
February 1, 2022, 3:30–5:00pm

California Department of Education, Special Education Division's Requirements for the DRDP Spring 2022 Assessment for Special Education

The California Department of Education, Special Education Division has issued the following requirements for the DRDP assessment of children with IFSPs and IEPs:

  • Children will continue to be assessed with the Interim DRDP for Special Ed through the spring of 2022
  • To be included in the spring assessment, children must have a signed IFSP in a local education agency (LEA) or a signed preschool IEP; and they must begin special education services before April 1, 2022

Download the "Supplemental Guidance for Special Education on Using the DRDP during the COVID-19 Pandemic" for a summary of the requirements, key considerations, and recommended practices.

Identifying Learning Opportunities Based on DRDP Results: Practice Opportunities

Learn It and Use It Break it Down Practice Identifying Learning Opportunities Based on DRDP ResultsTherese will lead you through the process (and examples) of breaking down goals into proximal learning targets using the authentic assessment information from the DRDP to determine what knowledge, skills, or behaviors to teach in daily activities, routines and transitions for children with IFSPs and IEPs.

Register: Wednesday, January 19, 2022, 2:30-3:30pm

Who should attend: Special educators and their general education partners


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