Announcing Science Hack Day India - 2016
We are excited to announce our 1st Science Hack Day India!
The event will take place on 22-23 October 2016 at Belgaum, a small city surrounded by some splendid nature, in Karnataka State of India.
We welcome you all to join us at
SHD India. Let's collaborate, learn, hack, build cool stuff and have lots of fun.
Registration is now open at eventbrite.
For more announcements follow us on...
What is Science Hack Day?
Science Hack Day is a two-day event where anyone excited about making weird, silly or serious things with science comes together in the same physical space to see what they can prototype within 30 consecutive hours. Designers, developers, scientists and anyone who is excited about making things with science are welcome to attend –
no experience in science or hacking is necessary, just an insatiable curiosity.
The mission of Science Hack Day is to get excited and make things with science! People organically form multidisciplinary teams over the course of a weekend: particle physicists team up with designers, marketers join forces with open source rocket scientists, writers collaborate with molecular biologists, and developers partner with school kids. By collaborating on focused tasks during this short period, small groups of hackers are capable of producing remarkable results.
We have an amazing place called
Sankalp Bhumi Farm Resort for this event. It was once an abandoned quarry, today natures glory restored. The resort resembles an enchanting oasis, with a thick set of trees, sprawling lawns, and a large lagoon surrounded by picturesque expansive rock walls as backdrop.
Science Hack Day
Day 1:
09:00 Arrive, Check-in, Breakfast (provided)
10:00 Welcome, introductions
10:30 Hacking begins! (Teams Formation)
11:00 Lightning talks (Mentors Present Hack Ideas)
20.00 Hacker's dinner (provided)
21.00 Hacking Continued...
Day 2:
09:00 Doors open, breakfast (provided)
14:00 Hack demos begin! (Typically 5 minutes per demo)
15:00 Highschool Students interact with Hackers
16:00 Valedictory Function : Winning teams announced & given awards/medals
20.00 Hacker's dinner, Camp fire, Exchange of Ideas :)
Science Workshops for Highschool Students
Along with hacking we also have Science Workshops for Highschool kids. Workshops will run parallel to the main event. About 150 students from various highschools in and around Belgaum will participate in the workshops.
A dedicated team of volunteers, mainly engineering students and Science teachers, will conduct these hands on workshops.
Students will be devided in to two batches. One batch will have Science Toys from Trash workshop and the other batch will have Soldering: Making Solar Lanterns Workshop.
Day 1:
First Session
14:00 Hands-on workshop begins
16:00 High Tea (provided)
Day 2:
Morning Session
10:00 Hands-on workshop begins
12:30 End of workshop, Lunch
Afternoon Session
13:00 Hacking activity for students
15:00 Students interact with Hackers
16:00 Valedictory Function : Parents invited
Amazing People/Organizations helping us to make SHD India, happen !
Sponsorship helps keep Science Hack Day a free and fun event for the community to attend. In addition to being free to attend, Science Hack Day is organized by volunteers and wouldn’t be possible without sponsors. It’s only due to the graciousness of our sponsors that we’ll all be fueled with food, drink, shelter, and the various technological necessities for our hacking.
Sponsorship Prospectus
Supporting creativity & innovation -Our Generous sponsors
Individual science enthusiasts supporting the event with sponsorships