We are the nation's largest nonprofit educating and empowering women to make decisions about their health care.

Real Women Real Stories

My Breast Reduction Gave Me My Life Back

Large breasts restricted my lifestyle and caused physical discomfort. At 25, I knew surgery was the answer.

Real Women, Real Stories

After Being in a Toxic Marriage, I'm Finding Joy in Hanukkah Again

I’ve always valued the traditions surrounding the Jewish holidays. Now I’m free to enjoy them guilt-free.

Real Women, Real Stories

I Took a DNA Test to Learn More About My Identity. I Gained a Father in the Process.

I hoped to fill in the blanks about my heritage through DNA testing. I never

expected to find a parent I thought I'd never meet.

Real Women, Real Stories


Healthy for the Holidays: Live Events

From mental health to financial wellbeing, join experts from the HealthyWomen community for these informative live events

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