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What We Do

We are dedicated to ensuring our work is supported by strong evidence and remains grounded in the lessons we learn through implementation. We explore beyond current practice, to try out innovative ways – through research, implementation and policy development – to achieve effective and sustainable disease management and control. 


Our work is focused on the control, management and, where appropriate, the eventual elimination of range of diseases - malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea, dengue and neglected tropical diseases. We balance this focus with other factors that affect child and maternal health, particularly malnutrition.

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Policy development and advocacy

Our advocacy is built upon a foundation of cutting-edge research and evidence of what works in the field. This provides us with the authority to influence national and global decision making. We work collaboratively with those who share our objectives of tackling disease burdens, extending quality health services to the most vulnerable, and work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Research is central to our all our work. We develop and test new approaches and products in a range of locations, transmission settings and health systems to help prevent, care and treat malaria, neglected tropical diseases and childhood illnesses. The high-quality evidence we generate enables us to learn from and improve our projects and programmes, and to support global and national level policymaking for the delivery of effective health services.

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We capture and collate knowledge, learning and evidence relating to the focus and effectiveness of our work in a wide range of resources. By sharing these, we hope to provide knowledge on public health development that will help influence and advance both policy and practice.

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