Резултати претраге
  1. 2. апр

    when you do what’s in everyone’s best interest, even when you think it may not work out, it will, and it will work out well, stay positive, always believe in the power of doing what’s right ~ brooklynmorgan❤️

  2. пре 24 сата
  3. 4. апр

    Love it when I smile, could not get enough of my new Hair colour , cheer to the new week

  4. 7. апр

    be yourself for yourself ~ brooklynmorgan❤️

  5. пре 22 сата

    “I can do this. I can DO this. I CAN do this.” My mantra today.

  6. 7. апр
  7. 6. апр

    🚨Art Alert🚨 🔔“ Temple”🔔 Inner & outer balance. Art segment from BEYOND ROMANCE collection on / Available for offers /

  8. пре 13 сати

    Healing doesn't happen in one day, it's a process, it takes time... Have faith you'll be health... Sending you love and hugs...

  9. 22. апр 2021.

    Freeing ourselves from the overwhelming amount of impositions, norms, conventions, all these 'fake' rules we are supposed to follow in life...can be humbling & painful. But when we do, when we are finally free...THAT is the start of the journey to true empowerment🌟

    Прикажи овај низ
  10. 17. сеп 2020.

    I may not be the most beautiful,the sexiest or the woman with the perfect body,but this is me and i'm good enough❤ Not proud of some of the things i've have done in the pass But i'm DAMN proud of who i am today! And proud of the journey I've already taken

  11. 9. апр

    Alhamdulillah for everything 😍💞💓

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