Finance Data Listing and Disclaimers

  • A list of all Stock Exchanges, Mutual Funds, Indexes and other financial data available in Google products
  • Associated Disclaimers


  • End of day prices provided by Morningstar. Corporate actions and company metadata provided by Refinitiv.
  • Intra-day data may be provided by ICE Data Services.
Region Exchange Code Description Delay (minutes)
Americas BCBA Buenos Aires Stock Exchange 20
BMV Mexican Stock Exchange 20
BVMF B3 - Brazil Stock Exchange and Over-the-Counter Market 15
CNSX Canadian Securities Exchange Realtime
CVE Toronto TSX Ventures Exchange 15
NASDAQ NASDAQ Last Sale Realtime *
NYSE NYSE Realtime *
NYSEAMERICAN NYSE American Realtime *
OPRA Options Price Reporting Authority 15
TSE Toronto Stock Exchange 15
TSX Toronto Stock Exchange 15
TSXV Toronto TSX Ventures Exchange 15
Europe AMS Euronext Amsterdam 15
BIT Borsa Italiana Milan Stock Exchange Realtime
BME Bolsas y Mercados Españoles 15
CPH NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen Realtime
EBR Euronext Brussels 15
ELI Euronext Lisbon 15
EPA Euronext Paris 15
ETR Deutsche Börse XETRA 15
FRA Deutsche Börse Frankfurt Stock Exchange Realtime
HEL NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Realtime
ICE NASDAQ OMX Iceland Realtime
IST Borsa Istanbul 15
LON London Stock Exchange Realtime
MCX Moscow Exchange Realtime
RSE NASDAQ OMX Riga Realtime
STO NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Realtime
SWX, VTX SIX Swiss Exchange 15
TAL NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Realtime
VIE Vienna Stock Exchange 15
VSE NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Realtime
WSE Warsaw Stock Exchange 15
Africa JSE Johannesburg Stock Exchange 15
Middle East TADAWUL Saudi Stock Exchange 15
TLV Tel Aviv Stock Exchange 20
Asia BKK Thailand Stock Exchange 15
BOM Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Realtime
KLSE Bursa Malaysia 15
HKG Hong Kong Stock Exchange 15
IDX Indonesia Stock Exchange 10
KRX Korea Stock Exchange 20
NSE National Stock Exchange of India Realtime
SGX Singapore Exchange Realtime
SHA Shanghai Stock Exchange 1
SHE Shenzhen Stock Exchange Realtime
TPE Taiwan Stock Exchange Realtime
TYO Tokyo Stock Exchange 20
South Pacific ASX Australian Securities Exchange 20
NZE New Zealand Stock Exchange 20
  • *Real-time price data represents trades which execute on the NASDAQ and NYSE exchanges. Volume information, as well as price data for trades that don’t execute on those exchanges, are consolidated and delayed by 15 minutes.

Mutual Funds

  • Mutual fund prices provided by Morningstar.
Region Exchange Code Description Delay (minutes)
Americas MUTF USA Mutual Funds End-of-day
Asia MUTF_IN India Mutual Funds End-of-day


  • End of day prices provided by Morningstar.
  • Intra-day data may be provided by ICE Data Services.
Region Exchange Code Description Delay (minutes)
Americas INDEXBVMF B3 - Brazil Stock Exchange and Over-the-Counter Market Indexes 15
INDEXCBOE CBOE Index Values 15
INDEXCME Chicago Mercantile Exchange Indexes Realtime
INDEXDJX S&P Dow Jones Indices Realtime
INDEXNASDAQ NASDAQ Global Indexes Realtime
INDEXNYSEGIS NYSE Global Index Feed 15
INDEXRUSSELL Russell Tick 15
INDEXSP S&P Cash Indexes Realtime
BCBA Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Indexes 20
INDEXBMV Mexican Stock Exchange Indexes 20
INDEXTSI Toronto Stock Exchange Indexes 15
Europe INDEXBIT Milan Stock Exchange Indexes 15
INDEXBME Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Indexes 15
INDEXDB Deutsche Börse Indexes 15
INDEXEURO Euronext Indexes 15
INDEXFTSE FTSE Indexes Realtime
INDEXIST Borsa Istanbul Indexes 15
INDEXNASDAQ NASDAQ Global Indexes Realtime
INDEXSWX SIX Swiss Exchange Indexes 15
INDEXVIE Wiener Börse Indexes 15
MCX Moscow Exchange Indexes Realtime
Asia INDEXBKK Thailand Stock Exchange Indexes 15
INDEXBOM Bombay Stock Exchange Indexes Realtime
SHA Shanghai/Shenzhen Indexes 1
INDEXHANGSENG Hang Seng Indexes Realtime
HKG Hong Kong Stock Exchange Indexes 15
KOSDAQ, KRX Korea Stock Exchange Indexes 20
INDEXNIKKEI Nikkei Indexes 20
INDEXTYO Tokyo Indexes 20
INDEXTYO:JPXNIKKEI400 © Japan Exchange Group, Inc., Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., Nikkei Inc. 20
INDEXTOPIX Tokyo Stock Exchange Indexes 20
IDX Indonesia Stock Exchange Indexes 15
NSE National Stock Exchange of India Indexes Realtime
SHE Shenzhen Stock Exchange Indexes Realtime
TPE Taiwan Stock Exchange Indexes Realtime
Middle East TLV Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Indexes 20
TADAWUL Saudi Stock Exchange Indexes 15
South Pacific INDEXASX Australian Securities Exchange S&P/ASX Indexes Realtime
INDEXNZE New Zealand Exchange Indexes 20


Region Exchange Code Description Delay (minutes)
United States KCG Bondpoint 15


  • Currency prices provided by Morningstar
  • BCH, BTC, ETH, LTC cryptocurrency prices provided by Coinbase, Inc.
  • Additional cryptocurrency prices provided by Morningstar
Region Exchange Code Description Delay (minutes)
Global Morningstar 3
Coinbase, Inc. 3


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Please find all listed exchanges and indices covered by Google along with their respective time delays from the table above.

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Currency Conversion

Google cannot guarantee the accuracy of the exchange rates displayed. You should confirm current rates before making any transactions that could be affected by changes in the exchange rates.

NYSE Securities

NYSE, NYSE Arca LLC, and NYSE MKT LLC reserve all rights to the securities information that Google LLC makes available to you. You understand and acknowledge that such securities information does not reflect trading activity on markets other than NYSE, NYSE Arca, or NYSE MKT, as applicable, and are intended to provide you with a reference point only, rather than as a basis for making trading decisions. None of Google LLC, NYSE, NYSE Arca LLC, and NYSE MKT LLC guarantee such information nor shall any of them be liable for any loss due either to their negligence or to any cause beyond their reasonable control. Any redistribution of such information is strictly prohibited.

S&P Capital IQ

S&P Global Market Intelligence provided by S&P Capital IQ. Copyright (c) 2020, S&P Capital IQ (and its affiliates, as applicable). All rights reserved.

S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC

Copyright © 2020, S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC. All rights reserved. S&P does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, regardless of the cause or for the results obtained from the use of such information. S&P, its affiliates and their third party suppliers disclaim any and all express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. S&P DJI Indices are not investment advice and a reference to a particular investment or security, a credit rating or any observation concerning a security or investment provided in S&P DJI Indices are not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold such investment or security or make any other investment decisions. In no event shall S&P be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including lost income or lost profit and opportunity costs) in connection with your or others’ use of the S&P DJI Indices.