500km Run in 10 Days for Charity

This spring saw a team of amateur ultramarathon runners take a challenge of epic proportions. HOME RUN was a self-initiated and organised event wherein the four... Read more >

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Donate to The Life You Can Save, Learn To Program, and Land a Six Figure Job in a Year

The title’s a bit of a non sequitur, but it’s true. In short, I’ve been so compelled by The Life You Can Save’s mission and premise that I’m hosting a class this Saturday, the 20th, at 3pm PST, where I’ll be teaching anyone who wants to listen exactly how my wife and I both taught ourselves how to program entirely for free and landed jobs as software engineers paying over $200,000 each, all in less than a year. Pay what you want to join the class, and all the proceeds will go directly to The Li... Read more >

Giving to The Life You Can Save

By Walter Cohen Why did I start giving to “The Life You Can Save?” Two reasons. First, its executive director, Charlie Bresler, is my oldest and closest friend. We go back—and I say this with both pride and disbelief—almost 60 years, and we share both a background and a political outlook. When he took charge of the organization, I naturally got interested. Second reason: Peter Singer. I’d first come across his work on animal liberation in the 1970s and had been impressed. His attention to extre... Read more >

Creating A Playful Yet Serious Effective Giving Video

I’ve been making playful things all my life. Playful videos, playful music, playful performances. I have a deep drive to rejoice in nonsense, to celebrate the absurdities of life and bring joy to people’s hearts with silliness and humour. This relentless playfulness eventually found a generous home when I got a job writing music for Cartoon Network’s show Clarence. Having been living off peanuts (actually mostly baked beans) for a long time, I found myself earning a decent living writing ridicul... Read more >