The Life You Can Save launches effective climate recommendations!

If we hope to end extreme poverty in our lifetime, we must also confront the impending climate crisis.  The research is clear and alarming: climate change is re... Read more >

We’re moving to in-house charity evaluation to help more donors give better and reduce poverty faster

Last year, the world saw global wealth surpass $400 trillion for the first time in history. Yet climate extremes and economic slowdowns led 811 million people to go hungry, and the pandemic pushed nearly 100 million people into extreme poverty, creating a “historically unprecedented” increase in the number of global poor.  At this extraordinary time when global wealth and extreme poverty have both increased, we believe there are more great giving opportunities than ever before. At the top of ou... Read more >

You Donate. They Match. Announcing our new partnership with Double Up Drive!

In anticipation of the 2021 giving season, we're delighted to announce our new partnership with Double Up Drive, a non-profit organization founded in 2014 by professional poker player and philanthropist Dan Smith.  At The Life You Can Save, we are always looking for new opportunities to promote effective altruism, introduce more people to the concept of effective giving and generate more funds for effective charities. That’s why we’re partnering with Double Up Drive, a US nonprofit 501(c)(3) th... Read more >

How Crypto Fits into The Life You Can Save’s Strategy

In our most recent newsletter, we announced that The Life You Can Save can now accept donations in over 40 types of cryptocurrencies. Crypto donations quickly started coming in and we want to say thank you to the donors responsible, including @worldofumans and @spirit_swap and whoever anonymously donated 3 ETH. We’ve also received a number of questions about why we’ve decided to prioritize crypto, and how we think about crypto’s environmental impact. I’ll try to answer those questions in this p... Read more >