IFBSO Executive Committee

President: Goetz-Ulf Jungmichel

Vice President: Irene Dros, Amsterdam RAI, METSTRADE

Treasurer: Bengt Wallin, Batmässan-Göteborg Boat Show

Past President: position vacant

Committee members:

Nouf Al Hajeri, Kuwait Yacht Show

Jerry Flaxman, Atlantic City In Water Power Boat Show

Domenic Genua, Sydney International Boat Show (BIA)

Jurij Korenc, Internautica

Dirk Kreidenweiss, Interboot International Watersports Exhibition

Jennifer Thompson, Miami International Boat Show (NMMA)

Hanse Thorslund, Stockholm International Boat Show

Rens-Jan van Vliet, Amsterdam RAI, METS

Secretary General: Renate Maddocks-Born

Past presidents:

1963-1964: Jose M. Maso (Spain)

1964-1966: Gerard de Vries Lentsch (Netherlands)

1966-1968: Gosta Smith (Sweden)

1968-1970: Hans Joachim Hoerenz (Germany)

1970-1972: Leo Blattner (Switzerland)

1972-1974: Juan Antonio Samaranch (Spain)

1974-1976: Harold D. Shield (Canada)

1976-1980: Otto P.W. Huni (Germany)

1981-1983: Henri Bourdereau (France)

1983-1984: Lars Holo (Norway)

1985-1986: Rodolph Huser (Switzerland)

1986-1988: J. Salvat (Spain)

1988-1990: Jan Evensen (Norway)

1990-1992: Abdul-Rahman Adib (Germany)

1992-1994: Wim van der Loo (Netherlands)

1994-1995: David Hough (UK)

1996-1998: Nelson B. Wold (USA)

1998-2000: Erik Radstrom (Sweden)

2000-2001: Jean-Daniel Compain (France)

2001-2003: Jerry Flaxman (USA)

2003-2005: Martin Greve (Germany)

2005-2006: Paul Streeter (UK)

2006-2008: Bengt Wallin (Sweden)

2008-2011: Andrew Williams (UK)

2011-2013: Jurij Korenc (Slovenia)

Upcoming Shows


IFBSO launches #ReThinkPlastic

6th September 2018

IFBSO members are joining a fast-growing movement to remove single-use plastics packaging from their events as well as becoming champions of spreading environmental awareness in an effort to tackle the global pollution crisis. During the la...
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ICOMIA/IFBSO 2018 Congress Berlin

22th June 2018

The 2018 ICOMIA/IFBSO Congress ended on a high note with a festive gala evening in a stunning setting at the historic home of the Lake Wannsee sailing club after an intense programme of meetings, presentations, workshops and social events i...
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