
The OEIS Foundation Inc.

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This is the Home Page for The OEIS Foundation Inc.

June 28 2021: Russ Cox is new President of OEIS Foundation, Neil Sloane is now Chairman.

See Announcement

Sad loss of Trustees Richard Guy and Ron Graham.

The Board of Trustees deeply regrets the passing of Trustee Richard K. Guy on March 9 2020 at the age of 103, and of Trustee Ronald L. Graham on July 6 2020 at the age of 84. They were Trustees since the creation of the OEIS Foundation in 2009, and served the Foundation well in innumerable ways. They were also both personal friends of Neil Sloane, and encouraged his work on what is now the OEIS from its beginning in the 1960s, long before the Foundation was thought of. They will be greatly missed.

Mar. 2018: The OEIS reaches 300,000 sequences! See Eric Angelini's A300000 for an unexpected recurrence.

Jan. 2017: Use Amazon Smile to donate 0.5% of purchase price to the OEIS Foundation.

Jan. 2015: John Riordan Prize of $1000 for the best solution to an open problem in the OEIS.

Dec. 2014: There is a new OEIS poster and key, to celebrate reaching 250,000 sequences

Press release, September 23 2014:   The OEIS: 50 years of identifying number sequences

Goals of The OEIS Foundation Inc.

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is a New Jersey nonprofit corporation (#0101000611; Articles of incorporation filed with the State of New Jersey, April 14 2009; EIN 30-0562250) whose main goals are the following four items:

  1. To own the intellectual property known as "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences®" (or "OEIS®").
  2. To maintain the OEIS as a service that is freely accessible by the general public.
  3. To act so as to maintain its own existence indefinitely.
  4. To collect and distribute funds in order to carry out the first three goals.

These goals are described in greater detail in a later section of this web page, and in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

To facilitate the fourth goal, The OEIS Foundation Inc. has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a charity and a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. For details please see the section on Tax-exempt status. Tax-deductible donations to The OEIS Foundation Inc. can be made through PayPal using the icon at the top right of this page (see also below).

Note: Except when used in the name of this corporation (The OEIS Foundation Inc.), the word "OEIS" is an abbreviation for "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences®".

Description of The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (or OEIS®)

The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®) is the on-line version of a database of sequences of numbers which will soon be celebrating its 50th anniversary.

A conventional dictionary is a collection of words, together with explanations of their meanings, hints for their pronunciation, pictures illustrating particular words, examples showing how the words have been used in books and newspapers, and so on.

The OEIS is a collection of sequences of numbers (such as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, ...) together with, for each sequence, a list of items such as:

  • The first 10, or 10,000, or sometimes 500,000 terms of the sequence
  • A definition or description of the sequence
  • Comments explaining further properties of the sequence
  • Formulas for generating the sequence
  • Computer programs for generating the sequence
  • References to books and articles where the sequence has appeared
  • Links to web pages on the Internet where the sequence has appeared
  • Cross-references to related entries in the OEIS
  • The name of the person who submitted the sequence to the OEIS
  • Further names of people who have added additional information about the sequence
  • Examples illustrating some of the terms of the sequence (for example, sequence A124. which gives the maximal number of pieces that can be obtained when cutting a circular pancake with n cuts, is illustrated with pictures showing the pieces obtained with n = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cuts)
  • The history of each sequence in the OEIS as it has evolved over time
  • Users of the OEIS may also view graphs or plots of each sequence, or to listen to the sequence when it is converted to music

The OEIS currently contains about 300,000 entries (although that number will be out-of-date by the time you read it). These have been distilled from many sources - books, journals, articles, and letters and electronic mail messages from thousands of contributors. Since November 11, 2010, users have been able to use the Internet to submit contributions to the OEIS. All submissions are refereed.

How the OEIS is used

The main use for the OEIS is to identify a number sequence that you have come across, perhaps in your work, while reading a book, or in a quiz, etc.

For example, you discover what you think may be a new algorithm for checking that a file of medical records is in the correct order. (Perhaps you are a computer scientist or someone working in information science.)

To handle files of 1, 2, 3, 4, ... records, your algorithm takes 0, 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 14, 17, 25, ... steps.

How can you check if someone has discovered this algorithm before? You decide to ask the OEIS if this sequence has appeared before in the scientific literature.

You go the OEIS web site, enter the numbers you have calculated, and click "Submit".

The reply tells you that this is sequence A3071, which is the number of steps needed for "sorting by list merging", a well-known algorithm. The entry directs you to Section 5.3.1 of Volume 3 of D. E. Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming", where you find your algorithm described. The entry even gives an explicit formula for the nth term. You decide not to apply for a patent!

The OEIS web site includes a list of some 4500 articles, books, theses, etc., that have acknowledged help from the OEIS.

For further information about the OEIS, see the OEIS Welcome Page, the Lookup Page, the Demonstration Pages, or the Wikipedia article.

History of the OEIS

The collection was begun by Neil J. A. Sloane (henceforth, "NJAS") in 1964 when he was a graduate student at Cornell University in Ithaca NY. He had encountered a sequence of numbers while working on his dissertation, namely 1, 8, 78, 944, ... (now entry A435. in the OEIS), and was looking for a formula for the n-th term, in order to determine the rate of growth of the terms.

He noticed that although several books in the Cornell library contained sequences somewhat similar to this, this particular sequence was not mentioned. In order to keep track of the sequences in these books, NJAS started recording them on file cards, which he sorted into lexicographic order.

The sequences were transferred to punched cards in 1967, and were made into a book in 1973 ("A Handbook of Integer Sequences", by NJAS, Academic Press, NY).

NJAS joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1969. Following the publication of the book, a large amount of correspondence ensued, with suggestions for further sequences and updates to the existing entries. Many people remarked how useful they found the book, and how surprising it was that no one had published such a collection before.

By the early 1990's over a cubic meter of correspondence had accumulated. A Canadian mathematician, Simon Plouffe, offered to help in preparing a revised edition of the book, and in 1995 "The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences", by NJAS and Simon Plouffe, was published by Academic Press, San Diego. (Simon Plouffe is now one of the Trustees of The OEIS Foundation Inc.) The 1973 book contained 2372 sequences, and the 1995 book 5487 sequences, occupying 587 pages.

Again, once the book appeared, many further sequences and updates were submitted from people all over the world. NJAS waited a year, until the size of the collection had doubled, to 10,000 entries, and then in 1996 he launched the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences on the Internet. From 1996 until November 11, 2010, this was part of NJAS's home page on the AT&T Labs Web Site.

Since 1996, the collection has grown by 10,000 to 18,000 entries per year. At the present time (May 29, 2013) there are 225,735 entries. If it were to be published in book form today, it would require at least 750 volumes the size of the 1995 book.

Starting in 2002, NJAS added a group of associate editors to help process submissions to the OEIS. However, because they did not have access to the computer where the OEIS was maintained, almost all the work of updating it had to be done single-handedly by NJAS. This involved processing 100 or 200 emails every day, and was getting to be beyond what one person could handle.

In January 2009, therefore, it was decided to make a drastic change. We (NJAS and the associate editors) made a plan to convert the OEIS into a "wiki" format, somewhat along the lines of the well-known Wikipedia, which would be hosted by a commercial hosting service. (A copy of a letter of consent from AT&T agreeing to this course of action is available on request from NJAS.) It was also decided to set up the OEIS Foundation, the goals of which would be to own, maintain and raise funds to support the new version of the OEIS.

Most of this went smoothly. The OEIS Foundation Inc. was incorporated in the State of New Jersey on April 14, 2009. We rented space on a commercial hosting service, and tried to move the OEIS to the new site.

Here, however, we ran into a very serious problem. In the summer of 2009, when we tried to get the OEIS working as a wiki, we discovered that the Mediawiki software was not capable of handling the kind of queries that arise in looking up sequences. This was a disaster.

It took us over a year to resolve this problem. In the end, Russ Cox completely rewrote all the programs needed to maintain the database and answer queries - a huge task! NJAS's colleague David Applegate has also been of enormous help in getting the new system working.

As a result of their work, the new OEIS was finally launched on November 11, 2010. (For more details, see the attached announcement.)

It is now possible for anyone in the world to propose a new sequence or an update to an existing sequence. To do this, users must first register. A group of about 130 editors has been formed, whose job it is to review submissions before they become a permanent part of the OEIS.

So, after nearly two years of struggle, the OEIS was finally able to operate without NJAS having to approve every change. After 46 years of running the database, this came as a great relief to him.

The new OEIS

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the OEIS was successfully launched in its new home (http://oeis.org) on November 11, 2010. At this time it contained 180,284 sequences.

In the first full year of operation, from Nov 11 2010 to Dec 1 2011, 19716 new sequences were accepted, an average of over 50 per day, and there were about 250 edits per day of existing sequences.
We now have over 20 Editors-in-Chief and over 80 Associate Editors, and about 2000 registered users (see here for these lists).

The following is a summary of the traffic on the new web site for the months of December 2010 and September 2015. The first four columns are the daily average, the last six columns are the total for the month. (These figures don't mean much, since most of the traffic comes from web-crawlers, but are shown here because people often ask for them. The figures are lower for 2015 presumably because now the web-crawlers are only downloading pages that have changed.)

Hits Files Pages Visits   |   Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
164491 93721 141310 8290   |   84612 40341570 257006 4380636 2905370 5099232
71347 69146 34105 1182   |   12236 11502230 26021 750326 1521224 1569648

The Wiki part of the new OEIS can be found at http://oeis.org/wiki.

Sequence A200000 was added on November 20, 2011: this is an interesting sequence concerning paths (or "meanders") through a grid.

We reached 200000 sequences at midnight on December 1, 2011, the 200000-th sequence being A201463: see the Press release.

In December 2014 the editors voted on which recently submitted sequence would become A250000. The winner was the Peaceable Queens sequence, originally submitted by Don Knuth on August 1, 2014, and renumbered as A250000 on December 15 2014.

Announcement. June 28 2021: Russ Cox is new President of OEIS Foundation, Neil Sloane is now Chairman.

At a meeting of the Trustees of The OEIS Foundation Inc. on June 27 2021 it was decided that Russ Cox will take over as President of the Foundation and Neil Sloane will become Chairman of the Board.

The main reason for this change is that Neil is now 81, and wishes to spend more time on his writing projects (which naturally involve sequences).

The OEIS Foundation Inc. was set up in 2009 as a 501(c)(3) Public Charity whose purpose is to own, maintain and raise funds to support The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (or OEIS) database. Neil James Alexander Sloane served as President of the Foundation from its creation until the present. Russell Stensby Cox has been a Trustee of the Foundation since its creation and has been Vice-President since 2019.

But Russ's association with the OEIS goes back a lot longer than that. He has been a contributor to and supporter of the database for more than 25 years. He was of great help when the OEIS was still on Neil Sloane's home page at AT&T; Bell Labs, and since the OEIS was moved to an independent hosting service in 2009/2010, Russ has been in charge of the software. Russ's programs are the reason our server responds so quickly to the 630,000 queries we get every day.

The OEIS could not be in better hands.

[The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, or OEIS (https://oeis.org) was started in 1964 and has been online since 1995. It provides a unique service to the scientific community, identifying number sequences and providing comprehensive information about them. It contains 345,000 entries, has 10,000 registered users, and has been cited in the scientific literature nearly 10,000 times, very often with a comment that "this result would not have been discovered without the help of the OEIS".]

Further details about the goals of The OEIS Foundation Inc.

The goals are repeated here, giving further details about each one.

(1) To own the intellectual property known as "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences" (or "OEIS").

Added October 28, 2009: NJAS has now transferred his intellectual property in the OEIS to The OEIS Foundation Inc. For details see below.

(2) To maintain the OEIS as a service that is freely accessible by the general public.

The new version of the OEIS launched on November 11, 2010 (see the announcement) can be accessed on the Internet free of charge by anyone in the world. It has the form of a "moderated wiki". Any registered user (and registration is free) can propose new sequences or modifications to existing entries. However, these proposals will not become a permanent part of the OEIS until they have been approved by a member of the Editorial Board.
People without access to the Internet can consult the OEIS via two free email services.

One of the responsibilities of The OEIS Foundation Inc. is to keep the new version of the OEIS, (or, in future years, whatever replaces it) up and running 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This will of course require maintaining all the computer programs that underlie the OEIS.

(3) To act so as to maintain its own existence indefinitely.

The trustees are to serve for a period of three years, with the option of unlimited renewals.

The trustees are to elect the officers, and new members may be added as the needs of the OEIS evolve.

The trustees are also to monitor the performance of the Editorial Board of the OEIS.

It is hoped that the OEIS will survive into the distant future, and the Trustees of The OEIS Foundation Inc. are charged with taking "the long view". This will include evolving the medium in which the OEIS is stored when that becomes necessary. Over the past 46 years the medium in which the OEIS has been stored has changed from file cards to punched cards to magnetic tape to magnetic disks, and no doubt further changes will be required in the future.

A list of members of the Board of Trustees may be found here.

(4) To collect and distribute funds in order to carry out the first three goals.

It is intended that The OEIS Foundation Inc. will be a charity and a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. An application for tax-exempt status was filed with the Internal Revenue Service on July 2, 2009. Tax-exempt status was granted on September 10, 2009 (see the following section).

Initially the expenses will be the costs involved with setting up The OEIS Foundation Inc., filing for tax-exempt status, and in maintaining the wiki version on a web hosting site. Additional expenses will arise from publicizing the Foundation at scientific meetings.

Future expenses may include paying salaries to people to maintain the OEIS.

The OEIS Foundation Advisory Board

The OEIS Advisory Board was created on May 7, 2013, with the goal of having a group of distinguished scientists that the Board of Trustees and other members of the OEIS community can call upon for advice and guidance on matters related to the OEIS or the OEIS Foundation.

A list of the members of the Advisory Board may be found here.

The Advisors will be invited to participate in meetings of the Board of Trustees, and to vote on resolutions, although their votes will not be counted in the official tally.

To begin with, members may be added to or removed from the Advisory Board by the President after consultation with the Board of Trustees. Initially there will not be a fixed term for Advisory Board members.

At some later time, the make-up of the Advisory Board may be added to the By-Laws.

Tax-exempt status and other legal documents

We applied for tax-exempt status in the USA for The OEIS Foundation Inc. on July 2, 2009. Here is a copy of the IRS Form 1023 that we submitted, and of an attachment containing detailed responses to certain sections of that form.

On August 22, 2009, we received a letter from the IRS requesting additional information and clarification of certain points.

Neil J. A. Sloane replied on August 26, 2009, providing answers to these questions. His letter can be seen here.

On September 10, 2009, the IRS approved our request. Their letter can be seen here.

The important points are as follows:

  • The OEIS Foundation's tax identification number or EIN is 30-0562250.
  • Effective Date of Exemption: April 14, 2009. Accounting Period Ending: December 31.
  • The OEIS Foundation Inc. is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Contributions to the Foundation are deductible under section 170 of the Code.
  • The Foundation is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code.
  • The IRS has determined that the Foundation is a public charity under section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Code.

We are very grateful to Nancy Eberhardt, Esq., Director of the New Jersey Program of the Pro Bono Partnership, for her invaluable help with all the legal matters involved in setting up and registering the OEIS Foundation.

The New Jersey Pro Bono Partnership has also been of great help in putting us in touch with attorneys who have assisted us in drafting legal documents that we needed for our web site. Several times now we have asked Nancy Eberhardt Esq. and the New Jersey Pro Bono Partnership for help, and they have never let us down.

We also thank Terry Ilardi, Esq., Copyright Counsel for the IBM Corporation (working "Pro Bono") who drafted our first two license agreements for us: the OEIS Contributor's License Agreement and the OEIS End-User License Agreement. The OEIS Foundation is very grateful to him for his help.

We also thank Shannon Hennessy Pulaski, Esq., of Shannon Hennessy Pulaski, LLC (working "Pro Bono") who drafted the OEIS Terms of Use Agreement. The OEIS Foundation is very grateful to her for her help.

Change of Registered Agent. July 7 2021: The Registered Agaent for the OEIS Foundation Inc is now The CT Corporation System, 829 Bear Tavern Rd, West Trenton, NJ 08628. See the Certificate.

Tax-exempt status in New Jersey

On November 3, 2009 we filed documents with various agencies of the State of New Jersey to register the OEIS Foundation Inc. as a new charity in NJ, and to apply for exemption from NJ business tax and NJ sales and use tax.
On November 12, 2009 we received a letter of exemption from NJ business tax.
On November 24, 2009 we received a letter of exemption from NJ sales and use tax.
On November 24, 2009 we also received a NJ Sales Tax Exempt Organization Certificate.
On December 2, 2009 we received a NJ New Charities Registration letter.
Copy of NJ Division of Consumer Affairs Registration/Verification Forms CRI-200 or CRI-300 for: 2010 (filed in May 2011), 2011 (filed in July 2012), 2012 (filed in April 2013), 2013 (filed in March 2014), 2014 (filed in April 2015). 2015 (filed in June 2016), 2016 (filed in Dec 2017), 2017 (filed in May 2018), 2018 (Filed in Aug 2019), 2018 (Receipt), 2019 (filed in Dec 2020), 2019 (Receipt).

Transfer of IP in OEIS to The OEIS Foundation Inc.

The following is a slightly edited version of an announcement that NJAS made on October 27 2009 to the Trustees of The OEIS Foundation Inc.

Yesterday (Monday, October 26 2009) was a landmark day in the history of the OEIS. I transferred the intellectual property I own in the OEIS to The OEIS Foundation Inc. The letter of assignment can be seen here.

To make the transfer precise, my colleague David Applegate and I burned a DVD containing a snapshot of the whole OEIS (the sequences, of course, as well as all the associated files), which accompanies the letter of assignment as Exhibit A.

The DVD contains about 1.4GB. The main sequence file contains 164891 sequences. It is 2510785 lines long and contains 169521003 characters. There are also 10716 b-files, and the b-files and other similar files comprise 852M. Another 280M are files associated with the lookup process.

I am grateful to Terry Ilardi, Esq., of IBM Corporation (working "Pro Bono") who drafted the letter of assignment, and to David Applegate for help in creating the DVD.

Trademarking "OEIS"

On June 16, 2010, we filed applications to trademark "The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences" and "OEIS" with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We are very grateful to Debra A. Shelinsky Greene, Esq., Counsel, and Florence M. Niel Henits, Trademark Paralegal, both of the Trademarks and Copyrights division, Merck & Co., Inc., working "Pro Bono", who filed the applications on behalf of The OEIS Foundation.

"OEIS" was registered on February 8, 2011, as a United States Trademark (Registration Number 3,916,748). In the TESS Database, it has serial number 85064211. A copy of the certificate can be seen here. The Reverse side of Certificate of Registration lists requirements that we must fulfill during 2011-2021. See Annual reminders.

"THE ON-LINE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTEGER SEQUENCES" was registered on December 20, 2011, as a United States Trademark (Registration Number 4,072,712). In the TESS Database, it has serial number 85064202. A copy of the certificate can be seen here. The Reverse side of Certificate of Registration lists requirements that we must fulfill during 2011-2021. See Annual reminders.

The "Continuing Use" certification of the Trademark "OEIS" was accepted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on May 25, 2016, and of the Trademark "THE ON-LINE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTEGER SEQUENCES" on April 11, 2017. We are very grateful to Merck & Co., Inc., and in particular Denise Maistickle and Nancy Rowe of the Merck Office of General Counsel, working "Pro Bono", who submitted these certifications on behalf of the OEIS Foundation. We also thank Nancy Eberhardt and Kate Marchese of the New Jersey Program of the Pro Bono Partnership for helping to bring this about.

The "Continuing Use" certification of the Trademark "OEIS" was accepted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on February 20, 2021. This means that the Trademark "OEIS", Registration No. 3916748, has been renewed for ten years. me are very grateful to Merck & Co., Inc., and in particular Kelly Ann Panno and Lisa Jakob of the Merck Office of General Counsel, working "Pro Bono", who submitted these certifications on behalf of the OEIS Foundation. We also thank Christine Michelle Duffy oand Kate Marchese ef the New Jersey Program of the Pro Bono Partnership for helping to bring this about.

Trademark registrations in the US last for 10 years so therefore our trademark renewals for our two existing trademark registrations are not due until Feb 8, 2021 for OEIS and Dec 20, 2021 for THE ON-LINE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTEGER SEQUENCES. (Beware of scams that try to tell us they are due for renewal before those dates.)

The Fundraising Committee

At the Board of Trustees meeting on June 8, 2010, it was unanimously agreed to establish a Fundraising Committee. The goal of the committee is to raise money to support the OEIS Foundation and the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (the OEIS).

In particular, the goals of the Fundraising Committee are, first, to raise funds to to cover the day-to-day expenses of running the OEIS, and, second, to build up a reserve fund to ensure the long-term stability of the OEIS.

The Board of Trustees agreed to adopt the term "Advisor" to refer to people who actively participate in fundraising or make similar contributions to the operation of the OEISF, but aren't necessarily Trustees of the OEIS Foundation or Editors of the OEIS.

Committee members shall be appointed by the President of the OEIS Foundation, and members shall serve for two years, unless reappointed.

The initial committee was formed on August 29, 2010. At the present time (July 2021), the Fundraising Committee consists of Russ Cox (OEIS Foundation President), Charles Greathouse (Chair), Robert Price (OEIS Foundation Treasurer), Neil Sloane (OEIS Foundation Chairman), and Susanna Cuyler (OEIS Foundation Secretary).

To donate to The OEIS Foundation Inc.

Donations to The OEIS Foundation Inc. (tax-deductible in the USA) can be made in three ways:

  • Through PayPal, using the icon at the top right of this page.
  • Directly, with a check or money order made out to The OEIS Foundation Inc., and sent to:

    Robert Roy Price,
    Treasurer, The OEIS Foundation Inc.,
    2340 Saunders Station Road,
    Monroeville, PA 15146 USA

  • Directly, by a wire transfer to the OEIS Foundation bank account. For information on how to do this, please contact Robert Roy Price (treasurer(AT)oeisf.org).

Keep in mind that many corporations have a fund-matching program - they will match your charitable contributions. This is an excellent way to double your donation to the OEIS Foundation!

All donations will be gratefully acknowledged on this page.

The OEIS Foundation's tax identification number or EIN is 30-0562250.

List of donors to the OEIS Foundation Inc.

Donors in 2021

Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2021 (Gifts of $25000 and above):

  • Anonymous
  • The Simons Foundation

Benefactors in 2021 (Gifts of $5000 and above):

  • Bill Cheswick
  • Russ Cox

Sponsors in 2021 (Gifts of $1000 and above):

  • Susanna Stevens Cuyler
  • Harvey P. Dale
  • Fred Kline
  • Jill Knuth
  • Seiichi Manyama
  • Robert A Russell
  • N. J. A. Sloane
  • Allen Stenger
  • Paul & Bonita Stockmeyer

Patrons in 2021 (Gifts of $100 and above):

  • Jean-François Alcover
  • Amazon Smiles
  • David Applegate and Barbara Chubb
  • Alford Arnold
  • Benevity Fund
  • George Beck
  • Jon Bentley
  • Jerzy R Borysowicz
  • Michael Branicky
  • Kadin Browne
  • Benjamin Chaffin
  • Ray Chandler
  • Benoit Cloitre
  • Claudio Corbetta
  • Donald Craig
  • Gary Croft
  • Emeric Deutsch
  • Sean Dippold (in memory of Natalie R. DelBusso)
  • Jeremy Dover
  • Paul Duckett
  • Charles Gaydos
  • Keith E Gorlen
  • Carl Ellis
  • Georg Fischer
  • Rainer Grzybowski
  • Ron Knott
  • Marc LeBrun
  • David Lovler
  • Philip Lucido
  • Petros Hadjicostas
  • Roger Haskell
  • Paul Henry
  • Peter Kagey
  • Kirill Katsnelson
  • Clark Kimberling
  • Layman Fund, Fidelity Charitable
  • Giver Gregg, Fidelity Charitable
  • Peter Lu
  • Peter Mao
  • John Morack
  • Valentin Ovsienko
  • Art Owen
  • Periodic Videos Ltd
  • Richard Peterson
  • Kade Phillips
  • James Rasbold
  • Jon E. Schoenfield
  • Schwab Charitable Fund
  • Scott Shannon
  • The John M. Shapiro Charitable Trust
  • Remy Sigrist
  • Sven Simon
  • Richard Stanley
  • Linda Thomas
  • Owain Thomas
  • Elizabeth Uptegrove
  • Blake White
  • Hans Rudolf Widmer
  • Gregory Whittaker
  • Jesus Maria Yurramendi Mendizabal
  • Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Frank Calegari)
  • Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Michael Wallner for answering a question raised here
  • Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Yuxuan Yang for meeting the many challenges raised here)

Friends in 2021 (Gifts of less than $100):

  • Amazon Smiles
  • American Family Insurance
  • Anonymous
  • Peter Anderson
  • Alford Arnold
  • Mohammad Azarian
  • F Douglas Baker
  • Benevity Fund
  • Donatien Bénéat
  • Andreas Besginow
  • Yuri Bilu
  • Richard Boland
  • Barry Brent
  • Hugh Bright
  • Tricia Brown
  • Bysoft Data AB
  • Andres Cicuttin
  • Bruce Colletti
  • Giovanni Corbelli
  • Stephen Crane
  • Mircea Dan Rus
  • Malachi de AElfweald
  • Michiel de Jonge
  • Anthony DeDominic
  • Paul Devenish
  • Karl Dilcher
  • Vasudha Duggirala
  • David Durgin
  • John Erickson
  • William Frank
  • Thibault Gauthier
  • Reza Ghazi
  • Eduardo A Godoy
  • Paulo González Ogando
  • José María Grau Ribas
  • Bruce Grembowski
  • Thomas Guglielmo
  • Mitchell Harris
  • Richard Hensh
  • Dan Herber
  • Eric Hoffman
  • Paul Horridge
  • Dmitry I. Ignatov
  • Frank M Jackson
  • Gunnar Johnson
  • Walter Kehowski
  • John Keith
  • Al Kelley
  • David Kelly and Allan Meneely
  • Tanya Khovanova
  • Ekaterina Kuzminykh
  • Christopher Lamb
  • Wolfdieter Lang
  • Terry Lindgren
  • Chris Lombardi
  • Fiona Löwe
  • Matthew Milcic
  • James Miller
  • Weston Miller
  • Sally Moite
  • Alexander Mollberg
  • Nicole Moorman
  • Herbert Müller
  • Klaus Muuss
  • Network for Good
  • PayPal Giving Fund
  • Noam Parzenchevski
  • Loren Pearson
  • Andres Ventas Perez
  • ML Perry
  • Sage Price
  • Federico Provvedi
  • Raul Prisacariu
  • Charles Plessy
  • Lyle Ramshaw
  • Vijay Rane
  • Christopher Reade
  • Rocrof
  • Michael Ross
  • Luc Rousseau
  • Pamela Satterthwaite
  • Thomas Scheuerle
  • Carl Sieke
  • Jim Snyder-Grant
  • Lawrence Somer
  • Thomas Steger
  • Alun Stokes
  • David J. Sycamore
  • Roberto Torella
  • Drake Thomas
  • Ruud H.G. van Tol
  • Stanley Wagon
  • Tynan A Wait
  • Michael Weiner
  • Arkadiusz Wesołowski
  • David Williams
  • Lauren Williams
  • Jonathan Williams
  • Robert Withee
  • Jill Wurman
  • Paolo Xausa
  • Hadas Zeilberger
  • Joshua Zelinsky
  • Jochen Ziegenbalg
  • Arne Zillmer

Other gifts in 2021:

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2021.

Donors in 2020

Donations received in our 2019 fund-raising drive during the first ten days of January 2020 were included in our 2019 Donors list.

Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2020 (Gifts of $25000 and above):

   The Simons Foundation


Benefactors in 2020 (Gifts of $5000 and above):


Sponsors in 2020 (Gifts of $1000 and above):

   Russ Cox

   Susanna Stevens Cuyler

   Harvey Dale

   Tom Duff

   Google Inc.

   Hawaii Community Foundation

   Fred Kline

   Donald and Jill Knuth

   N. J. A. Sloane

   Allen Stenger

   Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer via the Heartland Charitable Trust

Patrons in 2020 (Gifts of $100 and above):

    Roland Acra     Jean-François Alcover     David Applegate and Barbara Chubb     David Baugh     George Beck     Benevity Fund     Jerzy Borysowicz     Michael Branicky     Ray Chandler     Stuart Clary     Claudio Corbetta     Donald Craig     David Crookes     Robert Dickau     Carl Ellis     Georg Dr Fischer     Daniel Frohardt     Olivier GERARD     Juan Gil     Ely Golden     Gregg-Springer Work via Fidelity Charitable     Ian Griswold     Petros Hadjicostas     Paul Henry     Thomas Hull     S Irvine     Aleksandar Janjic     Peter Kagey     Tamas Kalmarnagy     Mikhail Khovanov     Clark Kimberling     Diane and John Konvalina (thanking Doron Zeilberger)     Alex Kulakov     Marc LeBrun     Henri Lifchitz     David Lovler     Peter Lu     Philip Lucido     Robert Macartney     Seiichi Manyama     Lars Nordgren     Kostas Oikonomou     Hilarie Orman     Valentin Ovsienko     Richard Peterson     James Rasbold     Bernard Schott     Gunther Schrack     Matthew Schuster     Christopher Scussel     Scott Shannon     Rémy Sigrist     Sven Simon     Louis Shapiro     Daniel Stahlke     Richard Stanley     Sinan Taifour     Technical University of Kosice     TehGelly     Dirck Uptegrove     Vinay Vaishampayan     Daniel Vandermast     Allan Wechsler     Blake White     Gregory Whittaker     Stephen Wilkus     Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Carsten Schneider who met a challenge made here)     Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Chaim Even-Zohar who met a challenge made here.     Jason Zimba

Friends in 2020 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Pierfrancesco Aiello    Gadi Aleksandrowicz    Amazon Smiles    Peter Anderson    Gabriel Apolinario    Jade Apomayta Bai    Mohammad Azarian    Jason Bard    Marilena Barnabei    Richard Barnes    Paul Barry    Jeffrey Bauer    Bo Bayles    Ball Corporation    Alvin Belt    Marko Berezovsky    Bence Bernáth    Francois Bienvenu    James Bloom    Edward Boden    Pedro Caceres    Jianguo Chen    Barry Cherkas    Andres Cicuttin    Christopher Connett    John D'Angelo    Malachi de AElfweald    Raphael Deknop    Marc Donis    Ognjen Dragoljevic    Jacob Dreiling    Carole Dubois    Michel Duteil    John Erickson    Frans Faase    Michael Fernandez    Mauro Fiorentini    Nathan Fox    Niamh Girling    Darren Golbourn    Richard Grafen    Ricado Grant    Tucker Green    Alexander Gross von Trockau    Finn Günther    Alan Gutzeit    Peter-Philipp Hanns    Mitchell Harris    Brian Hayes    Peer Henselmans    Enrique Pérez Herrero    Deidre Denise House    Tom Howell    Eric Icaza    Ekhine Irurozki    Frank M Jackson    Dmitri Kamenetsky    Viktar Kapelka    Maxim Karimov    Walter Kehowski    John Keith    Karl Keller    David Knapp    Roger M Kolaks    Scott Kominers    Leonid Kovalev    Reinhard Kronberger    Wolfdieter Lang    Ignacio Larrosa    Roger LeMesurier    Pavel Leonov    Vincenzo Librandi    Terry Lindgren    Anne MacHale    Metron Inc.    David Metzler    Weston Miller    Jack Millist    Lloyd Mitchell    Sally Moite    Bernard Montaron    Kent Morrison    Stefano Mortola    Jason Nicholson    Owen O'Shea    David Pasino    Thomas Poulos    Raul Prisacariu    Sergey Prokudin    Yukhym Pyshnohraiev    Christopher Reade    Alexander Riasanovsky    Adrian Riekert    Richard Ripert    Rocrof    Louis Rogliano    Rainer Rosenthal    Marc Rosner    Luc Rousseau    Alexander SamokrutovС    Pamela Satterthwaite    Thomas Scheuerle    Ian Schiffman    Brad Scholl    Brian M Scott    Mark Shekleton    Jonathan Skinner    SMARTEC S.A.R.L.    John Snyder    Stefano Spezia    Pontus Sundqvist    Daniel Suteu    David J Sycamore    Plamen Tanovski    Liam Tarr    Tobias Thierer    Nico Tripeny    uClassify    Mark Underwood    Tynan Wait    Yisong Wang    John Weathers    Michael Weiner    Nicolau Leal Werneck    Jochen Ziegenbalg

Other gifts in 2020:

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2020.

Donors in 2019 (including some from early January 2020)

Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2019 (Gifts of $25000 and above):


   The Simons Foundation

Benefactors in 2019 (Gifts of $5000 and above):


Sponsors in 2019 (Gifts of $1000 and above):


   Benevity Fund (includes several separate donations)

   Russ Cox

   Susanna Stevens Cuyler

   Harvey P. Dale

   Tom Duff

   Fred Kline

   Donald and Jill Knuth

   N. J. A. Sloane

   Allen Stenger

   Diana Wyant


Patrons in 2019 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   Roland Acra    Ian Agol and Michelle McGuinness    Jean-François Alcover    Lorenzo Sauras Altuzarra    Anonymous    David Applegate and Barbara Chubb Family Fund    Gary Au    Peter Bala    Vasily Bashilov    George Beck    Benevity Fund    Sara Billey    Gerold Br%auml;ndli    David Callan    Ray Chandler    Johann Cigler    William Clary    Matthew Conroy    Claudio Corbetta    Donald Craig    Geoffrey Critzer    Robert Dickau    Susan Dickey    Patrick Ekman    Georg Fischer    Daniel Frohardt    Olivier GERARD    Juri-Stepan Gerasimov    Google Matching Fund    Keith E. Gorlen    Ron Graham    Gregg-Springer Work via Fidelity Charitable    Petros Hadjicostas    Brian Hayes    Paul Henry    David Hruska    Thomas Hull    Daniel Kabat    Peter Kagey    Clark Kimberling    Charles Kusniec    Marc LeBrun    Philip Lucido    Seiichi Manyama    Peter Mao    James McCarron    Danilo Merelli    Joseph Moser    William Muller    Francois Oger    Laurent Orseau    Valentin Ovsienko    James Rasbold    Jon E. Schoenfield    Bernard Schott    Christopher Scussel    Scott Shannon    The John M. Shapiro Charitable Trust    Louis Shapiro    Rémy Sigrist    Sven Simon    John Snyder    Colin Paul Spears    Katherine Stange    Richard P. Stanley / Stanley Family Fund / Fidelity Charitable    Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer    Symantec Corp. Matching Fund    Robert Underwood    Elizabeth Uptegrove    Vinay Vaishampayan    Willy Van den Driessche    Tynan Wait    Blake White    Jesus Maria Yurramendi Mendizabal    Celia Zeilberger (in honor of her father's 69th birthday)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Marcus Michelen who solved a problem posed here)

Friends in 2019 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Amazon Smiles (multiple donations)    Matthew Anderson    Samuel Anderson    Éric Angelini    Anonymous    Alford Arnold    Andrew Austin    Arvind Ayyer in honour of Doron Zeilberger's 70th birthday    Mohammad K. Azarian    Marilena Barnabei    Paul Barry    Donatien Bénéat    Benevity Fund (several separate donations)    Emery Berger    Bence Bernáth    Swapnil Bhatia    Jerzy Borysowicz    William Bredbenner    Sebastien Brisset    Moren Brøns-Pedersen    Pedro Caceres    Andrew James Carr    Alexandre Solé Carretero    Alexis Chazard    Bhadrachalam Chitturi    Andres Cicuttin    Lieven Clarisse    Michael Collins    Aldo Conca    Ricardo Conceicao    John Corbett    Gary Croft    Ingrid Daubechies    Malachi de AElfweald    Salvatore Di Guida    Matthew Downey    Greg Dresden    Richard Drexel    Abhinandan Dubey    Stephen Dunn    Silvain Dupertuis    Nelano East    Cole Ellis    John Erickson    Richard Farnhammer    Mauro Fiorentini    Peter Franklin    Freeman-Mosher Family Fund    Cezar Freitas    Darren Golbourn    Ricado Grant    Dorian Greer    Matthew Grimm    Alan Gutzeit    Hako    Mark Hardman    Mitchell Harris    Robert Harris    Kern Hast    Kenneth Hawes    John Hawkins    Victor Hedwig    Richard Hensh    Paul Hewitt    Frank Heyder    Daniel Hoyt    Nick Hunter-Jones    Ioannis Iglezakis    Cornel Izbasa    Frank M. Jackson    William Jackson    Sudhir Jha    Timothy Johnson    D. B. Johnson-Davies    V. P. Johnson    Dmitri Kamenetsky    Walter Kehowski    Nitadori Keigo    John Keith    Al Kelley    Sean Kenny    Johann Klähn    Warren W. Kokko    Scott Kominers    Marcin Konowalczyk    Leonid Kovalev    Jacek Kowalski    Awani Kumar    Michael Kuyumcu    Wolfdieter Lang    H. Leenman    Ken Levasseur    Terry Lindgren    Hauke Löffler    Robert Lyons    Richard Mabry    Joseph Maddocks    Mehrad Mahmoudian    Ivan Malopinsky    Owen Mann    Geoffrey Marnell    L. Marshall McCloskey    M. D. McIlroy    Patrick McNab    Euan McQuade    Merzon Gregory    Lloyd Mitchell    Koji Miyazato    Jamie Morken    Richard Morris    Kent Morrison    William Muller    Manfred Müller-Späth    Nicely Done LLC    Jeppe Stig Nielsen    "None"    Stephen Oberholtzer    Kyle Ormsby    Allyson Orourke-barrett    Friedrich Pagenkopf    Kaupo Palo    John Peponis    Xu Ping Ya    Raul Prisacariu    Chamu Rajasekera    Christopher Reade    Wendy Reed    Laurence Reeves    Joseph Rickard    Sean Riedel    Manda Riehl    Rocrof    Rainer Rosenthal    Martin Round    Luc ROUSSEAU    Andrey Rukhin    Siddhant Saraf    Metin Sariyar    Lydia Schiff    Julius Schmerling    Gunther Schrack    Andrew Schulman    Brian M. Scott    Paolo Sentinelli    Dmitry Shemetov    Geoffrey Shoesmith    Nicholas Singer    SMARTEC S.A.R.L.    Kyle Smith    Saul Spatz    Samuel Spiro    Christopher Stainsby    John Stebbins    James Stein    Ralf Steiner    Einar Steingrimsson    John Stevens    Andreas Stiller    Fabian Stroh    Daniel Suteu    Hal Switkay    David James Sycamore    Plamen Tanovski    Albert ten Oever    uClassify    Aleksei Udovenko    Michael Ulm    Mathijs van Meerkerk    Stan Wagon    Brandon Walker    Blake White    Wild Egg Pty Ltd    Maxime Wybouw    XU Pingya    Magdalena Zarych    Noam Zeilberger

Other gifts in 2019:

Peter Luschny kindly produced the new banner that appears on every OEIS page.

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2019.

Donors in 2018

Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2018 (Gifts of $25000 and above):

   The Simons Foundation

Benefactors in 2018 (Gifts of $5000 and above):

   N. J. A. Sloane

Sponsors in 2018 (Gifts of $1000 and above):

   Russ Cox

   Susanna Stevens Cuyler

   Harvey P. Dale

   Tom Duff

   Google Matching Fund

   Fred Kline

   Donald and Jill Knuth

   Allen Stenger

   Seth A. Troisi

Patrons in 2018 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   Jean-François Alcover    Anonymous (2 donations)    David Applegate    Peter Bala    George Beck    Sarah Billey    Sean Bloomfield    Umberto Cerruti    Benjamin Chaffin    Ray Chandler    Claudio Corbetta    Donald Craig    Emeric Deutsch (2)    Robert Dickau    Karl Dilcher    REMI EISMANN    Roger Entringer    Georg Fischer    Olivier GERARD    Juri-Stepan Gerasimov    Mats Granvik    Petros Hadjicostas    Brian Hayes    Paul Henry    David Hruska    Thomas Hull    Intel Matching Fund    Karl Javorszky    L. Edson Jeffery    David Jeschke    Peter Kagey    Kirill Katsnelson    Clark Kimberling    Philip Lucido    Keith F. Lynch    Seiichi Manyama    Peter Mao    Charles F. Marion    Jerry Metzger    Microsoft / Benevity Community Impact Fund    Cleve Moler    Joseph Moser    Enrique Navarrete    Gordan Palameta    Robert Price    Klaus PURATH    Paul Raff    James Rasbold    Matthew Roughan    Jon E Schoenfield    Christopher Scussel    Shoichiro Sekiguchi    The John M. Shapiro Charitable Trust    Louis Shapiro    REMY SIGRIST    Sven Simon    Todd Simpson    Paul Stahura    Richard P. Stanley / Stanley Family Fund / Fidelity Charitable    Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer    Symantec Corp.    Mauro Torelli (in memory of Ottavio M. D'Antona)    Elizabeth Uptegrove    Jutta Wait    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Paul Johnson for answering a question raised here)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Matthew C. Russell)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Christopher Ryba for answering a question posed here)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Will Sawin for answering a question posed here)

Friends in 2018 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Aditya Akula    Amazon Smiles (2 contributions)    Peter Anderson    Alexei Angelides    Anonymous    Thomas Anton    Mohammad K. Azarian    Marilena Barnabei    Brian Beach    Carlo Beenakker    David Bell    Benevity Fund (5 separate donations)    James Bergen    FRANCOIS BIENVENU    Ethan Bolker    Jerzy Borysowicz    Robert Bryan    Pedro Caceres    Xiangyu Cao    David Cerna    Matthew Charnley    Andres Cicuttin    William Collier    Jordan Combs    David Crookes    Árni Dagur    Matthew Day    Malachi de AElfweald    Joseph Deutsch    Martin Dimov    Stephen Dunn    Michel DUTEIL    John Erickson    Jonathan Evanson    ROBERT FERREOL    Pierandrea Formusa    Nathan Fox    Freeman-Mosher Family Fund    Reza Ghazi    Juan Gil    Darren Golbourn    Richard Grafen    Charles Greathouse    Merzon Grigory    Andreas Grube    Rainer Grzybowski    Jacob Harder    Konrad Harley    Mitchell Harris    Steven Harvey    Peer Henselmans    Enrique Pérez Herrero    Greg Huber    Sergey Ivanov    Frank M Jackson    Tom Jackson    Leandro Junes    Thomas Kahle    Tamas Kalmarnagy    Grace Kamau    Amrish Kelkar    Tanya Khovanova    Steven Kifowit    Ronald Kiszlowski    James Knapp    Shara Lalo    Zagros Lalo    Wolfdieter Lang    Victor Lecomte    Samuel Lerma    Jack Levy    Terry Lindgren    Alan Listoe    Chris Lombardi    Nick MacKinnon    Judson McCranie    Gerald McGarvey    Microsoft Matching Fund    Kerry Mitchell    Kent Morrison    David Nacin    Network for Good    Nicely Done, LLC    David Pasino    Andrzej Perlanski    Richard Peterson    Arun Philip    Henry Powell    Krijn Reijnders    Rocrof    Louis ROGLIANO    Fabian Röling    Sven Ronnback    Rainer Rosenthal    Anna Roth    Luc ROUSSEAU    Pierre-Alain Sallard    Hermann Schachner    Seth Schoen    Gunther Schrack    Scott Sherard    Alexander Sisson    Koen Smidt    Guo Song    Saul Spatz    Stefano Spezia    Jonathan Stacey    Jakub Staron    Nicholas Stearns    Ralph Steiner    Torsten-Karl Strempel    Joshua Swanson    David J Sycamore    Owain Thomas    3Blue1Brown    Nicholas Titterton    Emidio Torre    Patrick Traill    Phat Tran    Sheldon Trinder    Tutoring    uClassify    Matthew Unterfenger    RWC van den Brink    Kiryn van Schalkwyk    Alexander Vinnikov    Sami Yrjänheikki    Lucas Vos    Russell Walsmith    Debora Weber-Wulff    Michael Weiner    Woomerang Research

Other gifts in 2018:

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is extremely grateful to all the editors, all unpaid, who spend so many hours processing submissions and improving OEIS entries. They keep the OEIS up-to-date and accurate.

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to William Cheswick, Georg Fischer,and others for helping to develop the "OEIS Sequences and Music" exhibit which is to be part of the "La.La.Lab - The Mathematics of Music" exhibition that will open in May 2019 in Heidelberg (Germany).

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2018.

Donors in 2017

Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2017 (Gifts of $25000 and above):

   The Simons Foundation

Benefactors in 2017 (Gifts of $5000 and above):

   Susanna Cuyler and N. J. A. Sloane

Sponsors in 2017 (Gifts of $1000 and above):


   David Blair

   Russ Cox

   Harvey P. Dale

   Tom Duff

   Google and Apple / Benevity Community Impact Fund

   Fred Kline

   Donald and Jill Knuth

   N. J. A. Sloane

   Allen Stenger

Patrons in 2017 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   Jean-François Alcover    Anonymous    Michael Anshelevich    Peter Bala    George Beck    Christine Bessenrodt    Jerzy Borysowicz    Johann Cigler    Stuart Clary    Benoit Cloitre    Donald Craig    Michael De Vlieger    Emeric Deutsch    Robert Dickau    Ephraim Fredrickson    Juri-Stepan Gerasimov    Google and Apple / Benevity Community Impact Fund    Ron Graham    Mats Granvik    Matthew Grimm    Rainer Grzybowski    Brian Hayes    Paul Henry    David Hruska    Thomas Hull    P Michael Hutchins    Karl Javorszky    L. Edson Jeffery    Peter Kagey    Clark Kimberling    Charles Kusniec    Jeffrey Lagarias    Marc LeBrun    Stephen N Lee    Peter Luschny    Charles F. Marion    James McCarron    Microsoft / Benevity Community Impact Fund    Danilo Merelli    Jerry Metzger    Todor Mollov    Enrique Navarrete    Hilarie Orman and Rich Schroeppel    James Rasbold    Matthew Russell    Jon E. Schoenfield    Schwab Charitable Fund    Sven Simon    Richard P. Stanley / Stanley Family Fund / Fidelity Charitable    Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer    Elizabeth Uptegrove    Vinay Vaishampayan    Willy Van Den Driessche    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Valentin Féray and Svante Janson for answering a question raised here)

Friends in 2017 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Amazon Smiles (2)    Alexei Angelides    Mohammad Azarian    Google / Benevity Community Impact Fund    Michael Blaguszewski    Loren Booda    Vincenzo Brancaccio    Stephan Brumme    Janet Cassidy    Rok Cestnik    David Chalcraft    Bhadrachalam Chitturi    Andres Cicuttin    William Collier    Robert Copeland    William J. Davenport    Malachi de AElfweald    Jose Eduardo Gaboardi de Carvalho    Bruce Dearden    Radoslav Dimitrov    Joseph DiMuro    John Dobson    Ognjen Dragoljevic    Charles Earl    Patrick Ekman    Christof Ender    James L Farrington    Egan Ford    Nathan Fox    Freeman-Mosher Family Fund    Samuel Freilich    Tad Gallion    Juan Gil    Darren Golbourn    Ely Golden    Mitchell Harris    Roger Henry    Enrique Pérez Herrero    Wolfgang Hintze    Robert Hunt    Robert C. Hutchins    Long Huynh Huu    Sean Irvine    Frank M Jackson    Patrick Jennings    Thomas Kahle    Dan Kalman    William Keith    Tanya Khovanova    Ron Knott    Warren W. Kokko    Wolfdieter Lang    H Leenman    Terry Lindgren    Philip Lucido    Robert Lyons    Robert Macartney    Byron Matus    Sameer Mehra    Merzon, Grigory    Stephen A. Meskin    Eric Metodiev    Lloyd Mitchell    Kent Morrison    David Nacin    Jeppe Stig Nielsen    Geir Qvist Nordhagen    Mircea Cristian Nuca    Elena Patyukova    Andrzej Perlanski    Daniel Polanco    Klaus Pommerening    Robert Purser    Friedrich Regen    Samuel Rhoads    Fabian Roling    Walter Roscello    Luc Rousseau    Andrey Rukhin    Gunther Schrack    Brian M Scott    Christopher Scussel    Schwab Charitable Fund    Ulrich Seyfarth    Ralf Steiner    David J Sycamore    Shahryar Tash    Skip Tavakkolian    Mark Taylor    Peter Torelli    Tutoring    Vatnik, Mikhail    Alex Voice    Jutta Wait    Nicky Walsh    Aaron Weiner    Mike Weiner    Woomerang Research    Fung Cheok Yin    Ysu Programming    Andrei Zavarnicin

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2017.

Donors in 2016

AT&T supported the OEIS almost from its beginning, by allowing Neil J. A. Sloane to maintain it from 1969 until his reirement from AT&T in 2012 and to host it on his AT&T Labs home page from 1996 through 2010; and also by allowing David Applegate to contribute his services towards maintaining the operation of the OEIS on Neil J. A. Sloane's web site at AT&T Labs and in its new home from 2010 until David retired from AT&T in 2016.

Renewal of the Trademark "OEIS" was accepted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on May 25, 2016. We are very grateful to Merck & Co., Inc., and in particular Denise Maistickle and Nancy Rowe of the Merck Office of General Counsel, working "Pro Bono", who renewed the trademark on behalf of the OEIS Foundation. We also thank Nancy Eberhardt and Kate Marchese of the New Jersey Program of the Pro Bono Partnership for helping to bring this about.

In 2016, Russ Cox made a crucial modification to the submissions program, David Applegate set up a defense against the spammers who had been pounding on our site, and David and Russ together handled the migration of the whole OEIS web site to a new platform. These were huge tasks that no one else could have done, and the Foundation is very grateful to them.

The OEIS would not survive without all the editorial work carried out by the volunteer editors. There are many who helped in 2016, especially Jean-François Alcover, Joerg Arndt, Alonso Del Arte, Colin Barker, Bruno Berselli, Harvey P. Dale, Michael De Vlieger, Olivier Gérard, Charles Greathouse, G. C. Greubel, Ilya Gutkovskiy, M. F. Hasler, Hans Havermann, Alois P. Heinz, Wesley Ivan Hurt, Sean A. Irvine, Robert Israel, Antti Kartunen, Vaclav Kotesovec, Wolfdieter Lang, Paolo P. Lava, Peter Luschny, Michel Marcus, Omar Pol, Danny Rorabaugh, Jon E. Schoenfield, Michael Somos, David W. Wilson, Robert G. Wilson v, Chai Wah Wu, plus dozens of others. The OEIS Foundation thanks them all. This editing work is more valuable than any financial contribution.

Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2016 (Gifts of $25000 and above):

Benefactors in 2016 (Gifts of $5000 and above):

Sponsors in 2016 (Gifts of $1000 and above):


   Russell Cox

   Susanna Stevens Cuyler

   Thomas Duff

   Fred Kline (pledged)

   Donald and Jill Knuth

   Shyama Mandal (in honor of the mathematicians from the Indian sub-continent — from Aryabhata, Nilakantha, Ramanujan, to my own math teachers).

   Eric Rowland

   N. J. A. Sloane

   Allen Stenger

Patrons in 2016 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   Jean-François Alcover    Moa Apagodu    Peter Bala    Mira Bernstein    John Campbell    Benjamin Chaffin    Ray Chandler    Barbara Chubb    Andres Cicuttin    Benoit Cloitre    Silvio Conte    Claudio Corbetta    Donald Craig    Harvey P. Dale    Michael De Vlieger    Emeric Deutsch    Robert Dickau    Carl Ellis    Daniel Flegler/Mathematics Leagues Inc    Juri-Stepan Gerasimov    Gardenia Giacoman    The Graham Family    Xan Gregg    Christopher Gribble    Ilya Gutkovskiy    Paul Henry    Rui Hu/Mathematics Leagues Inc    Alexander Hulpke    Intel Corp. / Benevity Community Impact Fund    Karl Javorszky    L. Edson Jeffery    Peter Kagey    Walter Kehowski    Leonid Kovalev    Joseph Kung    Charles Kusniec    Jeffrey Lagarias    Pradeep Madhavarapu    Charles F. Marion    Antonio Roidan Martinez    James McCarron    Jerry Metzger    John Morack    Joseph Moser    Charles Munger    Igor Naverniouk    Gionata Neri    Dimitri Papadopoulos    Jeffrey Remmel    Jon E. Schoenfield    Richard Schroeppel    Richard Schroeppel and Hilarie Orman    Brian M Scott    Michael Sierchio    Sven Simon    Cliff Sojourner    Richard P. Stanley / Stanley Family Fund / Fidelity Charitable    Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer    Robert Underwood    Dirck Uptegrove    Vinay Vaishampayan    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Jay Pantone for proving a conjecture made here)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of his esteemed colleagues who are retiring: Earl Taft, Richard Wheeden, Joseph Rosenstein, Richard Lyons, Gregory Cherlin, and Steve Ferry)    Jason Zimba

Friends in 2016 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Academy of On    Elena Ackley    Amazon Smiles    Nicolas AMELOT    Matthew C. Anderson    Alexei Angelides    David Applegate    Joshua Arnold    Mohammad Azarian    Charles Bowyer    Bahadir Canpolat    Gary Croft    DaviWorks    Malachi de AElfweald    Jose Eduardo Gaboardi de Carvalho    Louis Emery    Brook Estifanos    James L Farrington    Matthew Fisher    Joseph Foley    Nathan Fox    Freeman-Mosher Family Fund    Rolf Frischknecht    James Gillogly    Darren Golbourn    Google / Benevity Community Impact Fund    Mark Gould    Matthew Grimm    Jennifer Gutleber    Daniel Hamilton    Chase Hanson    Robert Hartung    Greg Huber    Frank M Jackson    Bobby Jacobs    Steve James    Mamuka Jibladze    David Johnston    Kalinochkin, Denis    Steven Kifowit    Matthew Klein    Kenneth A Klinger    Oleg Komarov    Dietrich König    Jeffrey L. Kunkel    Wolfdieter Lang    Jean-Christophe LAUGIER    Terry Lindgren    Brooke Logan    Robert Lyons    Merzon, Grigory    Stephen Meskin    Timothy G Miles    Kerry Mitchell    Kent Morrison    Liviu Nicolaescu    Jacob Niehus    Roberto Nobrega    Mircea Cristian Nuca    Matt Parker    Joshua Powell    James Rasbold    Mary Robitaille    Daniel Rothschild    Markus Scheuer    Schwab Charitable Fund    Renan Silva    Laurence Simic-Bentley    Richard Simmons    Seth Troisi    Toph Tucker    Aleksei Udovenko    Willy Van Den Driessche    Derek Wood    Woomerand Research    Oliver Zendel

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2016.

Donors in 2015

Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2015 (Gifts of $25000 and above):

Benefactors in 2015 (Gifts of $5000 and above):

   N. J. A. Sloane

Sponsors in 2015 (Gifts of $1000 and above):

   Russell Cox

   Thomas Duff

   Ron Hardin

   Donald and Jill Knuth

   Zegar Family Fund

Patrons in 2015 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   Jean-François Alcover    Altug Alkan    Armar Archbold    Peter Bala    Benjamin Chaffin    Ray Chandler    Donald Craig    Paul Curtz    Harvey P. Dale    Michael Thomas de Vlieger    Leo Depuydt    Eric Desbiaux    Robert Dickau    Juri-Stepan Gerasimov    Xan Gregg    Christopher Gribble    Ilya Gutkovskiy    Alexandre Halm    Paul Henry    Klaus Hoffmann    L. Edson Jeffery    Peter Kagey    Peter Klimek    Fred Kline    Jeffrey Lagarias    Charles F. Marion    Thomas Morgan    Joseph Moser    Seppo Mustonen    Kival Ngaokrajang    Thane Plambeck    Richard Schroeppel and Hilarie Orman    Brian M Scott    Jeffrey Shallit    Jon E. Schoenfield    Sven Simon    N. J. A. Sloane (in honor of Doron Zeilberger for finding a recurrence for A253070)    Richard P. Stanley    Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer    Jose Tabora    Vladimir Tontchev    Gregory Whittaker    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Mireille Bousquet-Mélou who came close to meeting a challenge proposed here)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Scott Garrabrant and Igor Pak for disproving the Noonan-Zeilberger conjecture)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Ferenc Balogh for completely solving a challenge raised here)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Shaoshi Chen and Christoph Koutschan for proving the Wilf-Zeilberger conjecture made in 1992)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Paul Johnson, Marko Thiel, and Nathan Williams for meeting a challenge raised here)

Friends in 2015 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Lokesh Agrawal    Amazon Smiles    Matt Anderson    Stuart Anderson    Alexei Angelides    Anonymous    David Applegate    Alford Arnold    Mykhaylo Arshynov    Mohammad Azarian    Donatien Bénéat    Praveen Bhamidipati    Ton Biegstraaten    Valerie Blair    Jerzy Borysowicz    Boy Scouts of America Venture Crew 78, Benicia, CA    Jens Byrnak    David Channin    Shaoshi Chen (in celebration of 25 years of Wilf-Zeilberger theory)    William Clark    Bogdan Coanda    Jeffrey Cooper    Joseph Cooper    Nikolas Coukouma    Malachi de AElfweald    Maurizio De Leo    Francesco Di Matteo    David P. Durgin    Patrick Ekman    Frank Farris    Pierandrea Formusa    CHADDAI FOUCHE    Nathan Fox    Freeman-Mosher Family Fund    Tim Fulford    Massimo Galasi    Jeremy Gardiner    Darren Golbourn    António Gonçalves    Google / Benevity Community Impact Fund    Mats Granvik    Merzon Grigory    Richard Grossman    Thomas Guglielmo    Rick Gutleber    Jim Heasley    Enrique Pérez Herrero    Scott Howe    Mohsen Hozan    Frank M Jackson    Jagernot    Gustavo Diaz Jerez    johnathan79717@gmail.com    David Johnston    Karl Keller    Daniel Krenn    Wolfdieter Lang    Robert Laszio    Stephen N Lee    Li Wen-wei    Zhe Lu    Robert Lyons    Antonio Roldan Martinez    Brett Menzies    Stephen Meskin    Donald Mintz    Lloyd Mitchell    Keshavram Murty    Bas Niesink    Bryan OGorman    James Rasbold    Joel Ratnasothy    Margaret Readdy    Michael Reff    Paula Remmel    Gimadeev Renat    Gerhard Riphagen    Ricardo Couso Santamaria    Louis Shapiro    Charles Smith    Michael Stapleton    Alan Stokes    Xiaoqing Tang    Lenny Tevlin    Marko Petteri Tuomainen    Willy Van den Driessche    Nicholas Vasilopoulos    Yehuda Yannay    Terri Yu    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Ferenc Balogh for making progress on a challenge raised here)    Hui Zheng

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2015.

Donors in 2014

Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2014 (Gifts of $25000 and above):

Benefactors in 2014 (Gifts of $5000 and above):

   N. J. A. Sloane

Sponsors in 2014 (Gifts of $1000 and above):

   Anonymous (2)

   Sara C. Billey

   Russ Cox

   Donald and Jill Knuth

Patrons in 2014 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   Jean-François Alcover    Anonymous    David Applegate    Peter Bala    Anthony Bartoletti    George Beck    JM Bergot    Ray Chandler    William Clark    Donald Craig    Gary Croft    Harvey Dale    Michael Thomas de Vlieger    Leo Depuydt    Emeric Deutsch    Robert Dickau    Karl Dilcher    Mac Fischer    Richard Forberg    Freeman-Mosher Family Fund    Xan Gregg    Christopher Gribble    Maximilian Hasler    Brian Hayes    Paul Henry    Karl Javorszky    Ed Jeffery    Clark Kimberling    Fred Kline    Stephane Legendre    Michel Marcus    Charles F. Marion    James McCarron    Jerry Metzger    John Morack    Kival Ngaokrajang    Thane Plambeck    Paula Remmel    Albert Renshaw    Jon E. Schoenfield    Richard Schroeppel    Brian M Scott    Sven Simon    Richard P. Stanley    Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer    Vinay Vaishampayan    Robert G. Wilson, v    Doron Zeilberger in honor of Lynn Chua and Krishanu Roy Sankar    Doron Zeilberger in honor of Guillaume Chapuy for proving a conjecture made by S. B. Ekhad and D. Zeilberger    Doron Zeilberger in honor of Max Ehrman (Yale University)    Doron Zeilberger in honor of Matthew Russell for his services to Experimental Mathematics    Reinhard Zumkeller

Friends in 2014 (Gifts of less than $100):

   AmazonSmile Foundation    Graham Ansell    Robin Arthan    Mohammad Azarian    Jeremy Baker    Brian Barrett    Paul Barry    Stefanus Basson    Linda Black    Murray Bremner    Pierre CAMI    Paul Cantrell    Shen Chao    Benjamin Chung    Pantelis Damianou    Charles Doncaster    David P. Durgin    Malachi de AElfweald    Lucinda Ebert    Patrick Ekman    Alejandro Erickson    Benjamin Fagin    Alexander Fainshtein    James L Farrington    Charles W P Fearnley    Yuval Filmus    Nathan Fox    Jason Fuemmeler    Eric Gottlieb    Mats Granvik    Sandra J Green Antiques    Christopher Herzog    Ron Hubbard    Mark Hurd    Sean Irvine    Frank M Jackson    David Johnston    Leandro Junes    Karl Keller    Al Kelley    Mohammadreza Khalilighazi    Tanya Khovanova    Ron Knott    Oleg Komarov    Leonid Kovalev    Wolfdieter Lang    William Lindgren    Peter Lindner    Robert Lyons    Richard Mabry    Robert Macartney    Antonio Roldán Martínez    Edwin McCravy    Michael Mirzayanov    Kerry Mitchell    Jacques Moussafir    Agnar Muntingh    Barbara Mutz    David Nacin    Dmitrii Pasechnik    Geof Pawlicki    Robert Raines    James Rasbold    Nicolas Rolin    Andrey Rukhin    Richard Simmons    James Stein    Sinan Taifour    Tutoring    Roland van den Brink    Daniel Vandermast    Russell Walsmith    Jennifer Ward    Mike Weiner    Susanne Wienand    Marsha Woerner

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2014.

Donors in 2013

Benefactors in 2013 (Gifts of $5000 and above):


   David Scambler

   N. J. A. Sloane

Sponsors in 2013 (Gifts of $1000 and above):


   Russ Cox

   Fred Kline

   Jill C Knuth

   Tony D. Noe

Patrons in 2013 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   Jean-François Alcover    David Applegate    Peter Bala    JM Bergot    Mira Bernstein    Arie Bos    Murray Bremner    Umberto Cerruti    Benjamin Chaffin    Ray Chandler    Charles K. Cook    Donald Craig    Gary Croft    David Crookes    Paul Curtz    Harvey Dale    Leo Depuydt    Emeric Deutsch    Robert Dickau    Federico Echenique (in honor of Doron Zeilberger)    Rémi Eismann    Xan Gregg    Christopher Gribble    Paul Hanna    Brian Hayes    Alois Heinz    Sean Irvine    William Keith    Clark Kimberling    Ron Knott    Marc LeBrun    Stéphane Legendre    Francis Maleval    Michel Marcus    Charles F. Marion    Johannes Meijer    Kival Ngaokrajang    Omar Evaristo Pol    Jeffrey Remmel    Steve Roberts    Brian N Scott    Sven Simon    Aksel Soee    Ralf Stephan    Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer    Timothy Vaughan    David Wilson    Eric Wolman    Doron Zeilberger (on behalf of the many corrections and solutions of challenging problems by students in his class)    Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Josh Smith, Rutgers University Math Dept's dedicated computer guru)    Reinhard Zumkeller

Friends in 2013 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Mohammad Azarian    Michael Behrend    Philipp Blume    Jonathan Bright    Stefano Capparelli    Don Cohen    Zoa Conner    Bruce Dearden    Eric Desbiaux    Aditya Dhakal    David Durgin    David Edwards    Louis Emery    James L Farrington    Tim Fulford    Jeremy Gardiner    Silvio Gnepf    Merzon Grigory    Rick Gutleber    Maryann Haskell    Enrique Pérez Herrero    Stewart Herring    Robert Inventor    Frank M Jackson    Mamuka Jibladze    David Johnston    Lucy Ann Jones    Michael Kaarhus    Alvin Khaled    Antti Karttunen    Tanya Khovanova    Anthony Labarre    Wolfdieter Lang    Silvio Levy    Brian Lewis    Makefoil Ebooks    Peter Mao    Joseph Marasco    Jessica Mckellar    John Miller    Kerry Mitchell    David Moews    David Nacin    Mircea-Cristian Nuca    Christian Perfect    Boris Putievskiy    James Rasbold    Rainer Rosenthal    Richard Schroeppel    David Spies    James Stein    Robert Tanniru    Lenny Tevlin    Seth Troisi    Mark Underwood    Willy Van den Driessche    Jeroen van der Burg    Russell Walsmith    Mike Weiner    Thomas Wieder    Shi Yong

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2013.

Donors in 2012

Benefactors in 2012 (Gifts of $5000 and above):

   Joerg Arndt

   Neil J. A. Sloane

Sponsors in 2012 (Gifts of $1000 and above):

   The American Mathematical Society


   Russ Cox

   Paul Curtz

   Charles R Greathouse IV

   Jill Knuth

   Tony D. Noe

Patrons in 2012 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   David Applegate    Peter Bala    Manuel Blum    Benjamin Chaffin    Ray Chandler/Dell Giving    Benoit Cloitre    Donald Craig    David Crookes    Emeric Deutsch    Tom Duff    Robert Dickau    Rémi Eismann    Gardenia Giacoman    Google Matching Gifts Program    Xan Gregg    Claus Johansen    Clark Kimberling    Michael Kleber    Peter Klimek    Fred Kline    Kenneth Knowlton    Jaume Oliver Lafont    Charles F. Marion    James McCarron    John F. Morack    Omar Evaristo Pol    George Purdy    Albert Renshaw    Brian M. Scott    Richard P. Stanley    Vinay Vaishampayan    Matthew Vandermast    Robert G. Wilson, v    Doron Zeilberger    Reinhard Zumkeller

Friends in 2012 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Jean-François Alcover    Stuart Anderson    Mohammad Azarian    Ralph Baggett    Michael Behrend    Lawrence Biroff    Matthew Brin    Michael Cavers    Tyler Curtain    Eames Demetrios    Dave Durgin    Patrick Ekman    Yuval Filmus    Anant Godbole    Enrique Pérez Herrero    Frank M. Jackson    Loic Jegouzo    Vaclav Kotesovec    Leonid Kovalev    Wolfdieter Lang    Robert Lyons    Matevz Markovic    Antonio Roldán Martínez    Lance Menthe    John W. Morse    Eric Moyer    Joan New    Kival Ngaokrajang    Emily Norton    David Penman    Tibor Djurica Potpara    Robert Price    Manda Riehl    Rainer Rosenthal    Marc Rosner    Albert Rossinski    Roland Schröder    Richard Schroeppel    Keith Smith    Anatol Tirkel    Tan You Tong    Patrick Warren    Thomas Wieder    Wilhelm Wijkander    Joshua Zucker

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2012.

Donors in 2011

Benefactors in 2011 (Gifts of $5000 and above):

Sponsors in 2011 (Gifts of $1000 and above):

   Bruno Berselli

   Donald and Jill Knuth

   Tony D. Noe

   Neil J. A. Sloane

Patrons in 2011 (Gifts of $100 and above):

   Matt C. Anderson    Anonymous    Martin Betz    Pierre CAMI    Ray Chandler    Benoit Cloitre    Russ Cox    David Crookes    Paul Curtz    Harvey P. Dale    Carl de Marcken    Dell Giving (Matching Fund)    Emeric Deutsch    Dan Drake    Jeremy Gardiner    Olivier GERARD    Google Matching Gifts Program    Toby Gottfried    Xan Gregg    Christopher Gribble    Alois Heinz    Wolfgang Hintze    Donovan Johnson    Antti Karttunen    Clark Kimberling    Fred Kline    Leonid Kovalev    Marc LeBrun    Shawn Ligocki    Stephen Marak    Charles F. Marion    Johannes Meijer    Will Nicholes    Paul Nick    Ed Pegg, Jr.    Enrique Pérez Herrero    Thane Plambeck    Omar Pol    Bradley Robinson    Phil Rutschman    Bill Sanford    David Scambler    Bent Schmidt-Nielsen    Brian M. Scott    Allen Stenger    William D. Tisdale    Vinay Vaishampayan    David W. Wilson    Robert G. Wilson, v    Reinhard Zumkeller

Friends in 2011 (Gifts of less than $100):

   Jeremy Albright    Jean-François Alcover    Gadi Aleksandrowicz    Anonymous    David L. Applegate    Mohammad K. Azarian    Gary Baydo    Gerard Blais    David Brown    Marvin Ray Burns    Alessandro De Luca    Joel Dubiner    Theresia Eisenkoelbl    Patrick C. Ekman    Ruy Fabila    Wei Fang    Richard Grafen    Mats Granvik    JoAnne Growney    Paul Hanna    Stewart Herring    Meyer Jacobs    Ed Jeffery    Sudhir Jha    David Russell Johnston    Carel Jonkhout    Ilmari Karonen    William Keith    Fred Kline    Przemyslaw Kobylanski    Mikko Korhonen    Vaclav Kotesovec    Peter Kosinar    Denis Krotov    Wolfdieter Lang    John W. Layman    David Madore    Peter Mao    William McEachen    Lorenz Milla    Kerry Mitchell    Alejandro Henry Morales    Susan Murray    David Nacin    Philip Newton    Tibor Djurica Potpara    Andrew Poynter    James Raymond    Gerhard Riphagen    Andrew Rodland    Rainer Rosenthal    Matthew Samuel    Richard Schroeppel    Zechao Shang    Louis Shapiro    Bob Smith    Pieter Stadhouders    Einar Steingrimsson    William Summer    Lenny Tevlin    Willy Van den Driessche    Sjoerd Visscher    Al Vilcius    Christof Weber    Dennis P. Walsh    Susanne Wienand    Mike Weiner    Robin Whitty

Donors in 2010

The OEIS Foundation Inc. thanks the Elwyn and Jennifer Berlekamp Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation for a very generous grant for General Support, on June 23 2010.

The OEIS Foundation Inc. is grateful to Marc LeBrun for two very generous donations on Nov. 23 2009 and April 7 2010, and to Adobe Systems Inc. for matching his donations.

   Anonymous (2)    Gary W. Adamson    David L. Applegate    Mohammad K. Azarian    The Elwyn and Jennifer Berlekamp Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation    Benoit Cloitre    David Crookes    Eric Desbiaux    Emeric Deutsch    Robert Dickau    Rémi Eismann    Jeremy Gardiner    Christopher Gribble    Paul Hanna    George Hart    Dan Kalman    Antti Karttunen    Reed Kelly    Clark Kimberling    John Layman    Marc LeBrun    Kevin McCoy    Kerry Mitchell    Tony D. Noe    Thane Plambeck    Christopher Rebert    Rich Schroeppel    Sven Simon    Neil J. A. Sloane    Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer    Kent Vander Velden    Thomas Wieder

Donors in 2009

   Ray Chandler    Jeremy Gardiner    Ronald and Fan Graham    Christopher Gribble    Brian Hayes    Marc LeBrun    Charles F. Marion    Pacha Nambi    Tony D. Noe    Warut Roonguthai    Rainer Rosenthal    Neil J. A. Sloane    Andrew Weimholt    Thomas Wieder    Reinhard Zumkeller

Annual reminders

  • The Board of Trustees of the OEIS Foundation Inc. must hold a board meeting at least once each year.
    The meeting may be electronic as long as all trustees participate.
    Board meetings were held on June 29, 2009; July 6, 2009; December 22, 2009; June 8 2010, November 29, 2011; February 16, 2012; February 19, 2013; June 28, 2013; February 18, 2014; October 16, 2015; November 11, 2016; December 1, 2017; December 7, 2018, July 7, 2019.
  • The OEIS Foundation Inc. must file an income tax statement with the Internal Revenue Service of the USA once a year. Provided the gross receipts are $50,000 or less, the Foundation can use the e-Postcard Form 990-N. The fiscal year for the OEIS Foundation Inc. runs from January 1 to December 31. The tax statement must be filed by April 30 of the following year. The Foundation's Employee Identification Number (EIN) is 30-0562250. See the Foundation's IRS Form 990-N for 2009, IRS Form 990-N for 2010, IRS Form 990-N for 2011, IRS Form 990-N for 2012, IRS Form 990-N for 2013, IRS Form 990-N for 2014, IRS Form 990-N for 2015, IRS Form 990-N for 2016, IRS Form 990-EZ for 2017, IRS Form 990-EZ for 2018, 990-EZ(A) for 2018, 990-EZ(B) for 2018. IRS Form 990-EZ for 2019, IRS Form 990-EZ(A) for 2019, IRS Form 990-EZ(B) for 2019. IRS Form 990-EZ for 2020, IRS Form 990-SA for 2020.
  • The OEIS Foundation Inc. must renew its registration as a New Jersey charity each year. Provided the gross receipts are $25,000 or less, the Foundation can use the Short-Form Registration/Verification Statement Form CRI-200. See links to copies of our NJ Division of Consumer Affairs Forms CRI-200 for earlier years at the top of this web page. If the gross receipts are more than $25,000, the Foundation must use the CRI-300R Long Form Renewal Registration. The CRI-300R has to be filled out on the DCA Portal (DCA = "Department of Consumer Affairs"). Start at https://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/charities/Pages/charities-registration-information.aspx On the left panel, click "Charities Registration Information / Portal" then "Go to the DCA Portal" The OEIS Foundation's N.J. Charities Registration Number is CH-3228900.

    The registration forms for the years 2010 onwards were filed on the following dates (the forms themselves can be seen at the top of this page): 2010: 5/6/2011; 2011: 7/9/2012; 2012: 4/12/13; 2013: 3/15/2014; 2014: 4/11/2015; 2015: 5/15/2016; 2016: 12/24/2017; 2017: 5/12/2018; 2018: 8/4/2019; 2019: 12/17/2020.

  • The OEIS Foundation Inc. must file an Annual Report with the State of NJ, Dept. of the Treasury, Division of Revenue, each year.
    To do this (new instructions, January 2020), go to www.nj.gov/njbgs, click on "File Annual Report" in top line.
    If there is a notice covering top of page, click X to remove it.
    Now can log in. Three things must be filled in on the first page:
    NJ 10-digit ID: 0101000611
    Type of Entity: New Jersey Non Profit, NP
    Formation Date: 04/2009 then Continue
    Click Yes for Workers Comp. Insurance
    Hanover Insurance Co. / Policy WHY-D356324 / Coverage began 08/03/2017
    On July 19 2011, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid 2 X $25 = $50 for 2010 and 2011. On July 3 2012, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $25 for 2012 (see Receipt). On Feb. 6 2013, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $25 for 2013. On Feb. 15 2014, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $25 for 2014 (see Receipt). On Mar. 27 2015, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $25 for 2015 (see Receipt). On Jan. 19 2016, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $25 for 2016 (see Receipt). On April 8, 2017, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $27.50 for 2017 (see Receipt). On Jan. 20 2018, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $27.50 for 2018 (see Receipt). On Jan. 20 2019, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $27.50 for 2019 (see Receipt). On Jan. 27 2020, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $33.00 for 2020 (see Receipt). On Jan. 17 2021, Neil J. A. Sloane did this and paid $33.00 for 2021 (see Receipt).
  • The Reverse side of Certificate of Registration of the trademark "OEIS" lists requirements that the Foundation must fulfill during 2011-2021. (1) The Foundation must file a Declaration of Use between February 8, 2016 and February 8, 2017. The trademark "OEIS" was renewed on May 25, 2016: see the section Trademarking "OEIS" for details. (2) The Foundation must file a Declaration of Use and an Application for Renewal between February 8, 2020 and February 8, 2021.
  • The Reverse side of Certificate of Registration of the trademark "THE ON-LINE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTEGER SEQUENCES" lists requirements that the Foundation must fulfill during 2011-2021. (1) The Foundation must file a Declaration of Use between December 20, 2016 and December 20, 2017. The trademark "THE ON-LINE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTEGER SEQUENCES" was renewed on April 11, 2017: see the section Trademarking "OEIS" for details. (2) The Foundation must file a Declaration of Use and an Application for Renewal between December 20, 2020 and December 20, 2021.

The OEIS posters

There are now three posters. They may be downloaded without charge, and make excellent wall decorations.

  • OEIS.org 2014 (11" x 17"). A new poster, illustrating nine recent sequences (out of a quarter of a million); created by Neil J. A. Sloane in December 2014.
  • Small version of 2014 poster (8.5" x 11").
  • Postcard version of 2014 poster (4 x 4.5").
  • Key to 2014 poster (8.5" x 11")
  • Blue poster for The OEIS Foundation Inc. (11" x 17"). This is the second version, created by Lucas Garron (then at Stanford University) in May 2010.
  • The original Poster for The OEIS Foundation Inc. (11" x 17"). This is the first version, created by David Applegate and Neil J. A. Sloane in September 2009. It is still our favorite.
  • Small version of the original poster. (8.5" x 11")
  • Key to the original poster (8.5" x 11")
  • OEIS: The Movie

    To celebrate the launching of the OEIS Foundation, Tony Noe made an 8.5-minute movie showing the first 1000 terms of 1000 sequences, with soundtrack from Recaman's sequence A5132. There are four ways to view the movie:

    1. On YouTube (you can always find it by searching for "OEIS Movie").
    2. By downloading a 5 MB QuickTime movie that is viewable with QuickTime Player 7 and some browsers.
    3. By downloading a 27 MB movie that uses the H264 codec and AAC sound. This movie is viewable on recent versions of Windows Media Player and most up-to-date browsers.
    4. By going to Tony Noe's website for a frame-by-frame display, with links to the OEIS definition of each sequence.

    (Incidentally, you can convert the movie to just about any other format at http://www.media-convert.com, without downloading any software).

    To contact the OEIS Foundation.

    For financial matters, direct contributions, donations, please contact:

    Robert Roy Price,
    Treasurer, The OEIS Foundation Inc.,
    2340 Saunders Station Road,
    Monroeville, PA 15146, USA
    Email address: treasurer(AT)oeisf.org

    For anything else, please contact:

    Russ Cox,
    The OEIS Foundation Inc.,
    Email: president(AT)oeisf.org

    About this page.

    This page is maintained by Neil J. A. Sloane, Chairman, The OEIS Foundation Inc.

    2009: Created on Aug 25, 2009. Update about IRS tax-free status added Sep 17, 2009. Links to poster and key to poster added Oct 1, 2009. Updates about the transfer of IP in OEIS to The OEIS Foundation Inc. added Oct 28, 2009. Press release added Nov 14, 2009. Letter confirming NJ tax-exempt status added Nov 17, 2009. List of donors was begun on Dec 2, 2009. Information about registering as a NJ charity added Dec 8, 2009. Budget for 2009-2010 revised Dec 20, 2009. The bylaws were amended and five governance policies were adopted at the Board of Trustees meeting on Dec 22, 2009.

    2010: Information about the license agreements for users of the OEIS Wiki was added Feb 13, 2010. Information about the OEIS movie updated Mar 12 2010. Information about the OEIS Wiki updated Jun 8, 2010. Information about the June 8, 2010 Board of Trustees meeting added Jun 10, 2010 Information about applying for trademarks added Jun 18, 2010. Information about posters revised Jun 26, 2010. Information about Fundraising Committee revised, Aug 29, 2010. Information about the new OEIS added Nov 22, 2010.

    2011: Status report on new OEIS added Jan 12 2011 and updated Jan 18 2011. Apr 23, 2011: Added copies of income tax returns (Form 990-N) for 2009 and 2010. Added section about annual reminders. Updated information about trademarks. May 8, 2011: Divided list of donors (for 2011 onwards) into four categories. Added copy of NJ Form CRI-200 for 2010. Dec 3, 2011: Added Press release about reaching 200,000 sequences. Dec 5, 2011: Added dates on which meetings of the Board of Trustees have been held.

    2012: Jan 11, 2012: Added information about the approval of the second trademark application. Jan 24, 2012: Minor editorial and formatting changes. Feb 2, 2012: Following a suggestion from Günther Leenaert, reformatted page in css style with assistance from AT&T colleague Farheen Masood. Feb 16, 2012: Financial report for 2011, budget for 2012, new trustees (Greathouse and Munafo). Mar 26, 2012: Added information about 2011 income tax return (Form 990-N). Jul 21, 2012: Added copy of NJ Form CRI-200 for 2011.

    2013: Feb 19, 2013: Added financial report for 2012. Feb 25, 2013: Added information about board meeting held Feb 19 2013. Apr 1, 2013: Added information about 2012 income tax return (Form 990-N). Apr 14, 2013: Added copy of NJ Form CRI-200 for 2012. May 7, 2013: Added information about Advisory Board.

    2014: Feb 8, 2014: Added financial report for 2013. Feb 15, 2014: Added information about filing Annual Report for 2014 to NJ Division of Revenue. Feb 18, 2014: Added information about board meeting held Feb 18 2014; updated name and address of Treasurer. Mar 16-21, 2014: Added copy of NJ Form CRI-300R and IRS Form 990-N for 2013.

    2015: Feb 26, 2015: Added information about Riordan Prize. Mar 27, 2015: Added information about filing Annual Report for 2015 to NJ Division of Revenue. Mar 28, 2015: Added information about 2014 income tax return (Form 990-N). Apr 14, 2015: Added copy of 2014 NJ Form CRI-200 and Treasurer's Report for 2014. Sep 30, 2015: Web page brought up-to-date with latest data about the OEIS. Oct 16, 2015: Added information about annual board meeting held Oct 16 2015 Dec 07, 2015: Updated information about legal documents, mentioned "Terms of Use".

    2016: Jan 19, 2016: Added information about filing Annual Report for 2016 to NJ Division of Revenue. Mar 28, 2016: Added information about 2015 Income Tax Return (IRS Form 990_N). May 27, 2016: Added information about successful renewal of "OEIS" Trademark. Jun 10, 2016: Added copy of 2015 NJ Form CRI-300R and Treasurer's Report for 2015. Nov 13, 2016: Added information about board meeting held Nov. 11 2016.

    2017: Feb 21, 2017: Added information about 2016 income tax return (Form 990-N). Apr 08, 2017: Added information about filing Annual Report for 2017 to NJ Division of Revenue. May 26, 2017: Added Treasurer's Report for 2016. Dec 02, 2017: Added information about board meeting held Dec 01, 2017. Dec 26, 2017: Added copy of 2016 NJ Form CRI-300R for 2016.

    2018: Jan 20, 2018: Added information about filing Annual Report for 2018 to NJ Division of Revenue. Feb 15, 2018: Added new Treasurer. Apr 17, 2018: Added Treasurer's Report for 2017. May 03, 2018: Added information about 2017 income tax return (Form 990-EZ). May 12, 2018: Added copy of 2017 NJ Form CRI-300R for 2017. (This was submitted electronically, but I only have a copy of the paper version.) Dec 29, 2018: Replaced Treasurer's Reports for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 with corrected and certified versions. Added information about board meeting held Dec 07, 2018.

    2019: Jan 20, 2019: Added information about filing Annual Report for 2019 to NJ Division of Revenue. Jan 22, 2019: Added Treasurer's Report for 2018. Feb 28, 2019: Added information about 2018 income tax return (Form 990-EZ). Aug 03, 2019: Added information about board meeting held July 07, 2019. Aug 05, 2019: Added copy of 2018 CRI-300R form and receipt.

    2020: Jan 27, 2020: Added information about filing Annual Report for 2020 to NJ Division of Revenue. Feb 27, 2020: Added Treasurer's Report for 2019. Mar 04, 2020: Added 2019 Tax Return. Dec 17, 2020: Added copy of 2019 CRI-300R form and receipt.

    2021: Jan 08, 2021: Added Treasurer's Report for 2020. Apr 04, 2021: Added 2020 Tax Return. Jun 29, 2021: Announcement: Russ Cox now President; new ByLaws. Jul 07, 2021: Change of Registered Agent Aug 18, 2021: Added donors, added duplicate information about CRI-300 at about line 1123, added duplicate information about 2020 Tax Return at about line 3444.