Unlimited library access
Access 16,000+ courses taught by real‑world professionals.
Certificate of completion
Stand out by earning certificates to add your LinkedIn profile.
How and when you want
Learn on your time with bite-sized videos or in‑depth content, audio‑only or offline viewing.
Interactive learning
Practice what you learn with exercise files and course quizzes.
Personalized for you
Course recommendations tailored to your interests and function.
What happens at the end of my free trial?
Your membership will automatically renew at the end of your free trial. You can cancel at any time prior to the renewal at linkedin.com/settings. Learn more about subscription terms
What happens at the end of my free trial?
How will you bill me?
We offer both monthly and annual billing. Depending on what option you choose, your subscription will be renewed at the end of each month or at the end of each year. If you choose to pay annually, you’ll save up to 33% compared to paying monthly.
How will you bill me?
Can I change or cancel my plan later on?
Yes. You can downgrade or cancel anytime from your settings page. If you cancel, you will lose your Premium features at the end of your billing cycle. Be sure you use all your InMail messages before the cancellation goes into effect.
Can I change or cancel my plan later on?
What is your refund policy?
LinkedIn does not offer refunds except in certain situations and jurisdictions, as noted in our refund policy.
What is your refund policy?
Can I expense my membership?
Many employers find LinkedIn Learning so valuable that they’ll pay for their employees’ subscriptions. At the end of your purchase, you’ll receive the receipt in your email that you can use to file an expense report.
Can I expense my membership?
What should I know about InMail and who’s viewed your profile?
InMail credits expire after 90 days. If you cancel your upgraded account, your credits will remain valid only until the end of your current billing cycle. For who’s viewed your profile, first & last name will not be listed for viewers who have chosen to remain semi- or fully-anonymous via their privacy settings.
What should I know about InMail and who’s viewed your profile?