Continued Professional Certification (CPC) Program


Your guide to the NBCRNA requirements

CPC at a glance

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are recertified under the Continued Professional Certification (CPC) program developed by the National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA). The new requirements took effect August 1, 2016.

The CPC Program is based on 8-year periods comprised of two 4-year cycles. It focuses on professional development and continuing education in the four domains of anesthesia care:

Airway Management Techniques

Applied Clinical Pharmacology

Human Physiology and Pathophysiology

Anesthesia Equipment and Technology

What the CPC program includes

Class A Requirements
60 Class A credits per 4-year CPC cycle

Credits in excess of the required 60 in a four-year cycle can be used to meet your Class B requirements.

Class A credits are assessed and given (prior or non-prior) approval by AANA.

Educational activities that may qualify:

Class B Requirements
40 Class B credits per 4-year CPC cycle

Class B credits are not assessed and do not need prior approval.

Fulfill Class B requirements by using any excess Class A credits earned during your four-year cycle (All 100 credits can be Class A).

Class B credits recognize diverse professional activities, including:

  • Life support classes
  • Involvement on a board or research project
  • Teaching or publishing
  • New clinical practice role

Free Class B credit tracking for AANA members
This popular member benefit is available at no charge. Conveniently and accurately account for all Class B credits you earn. Submit Class B Credit.

Core Modules
Required beginning 2020 or 2021 (whichever is your SECOND 4-year CPC cycle)

The Core Modules provide a means to stay informed about current literature and evidence-based knowledge.

They address the four domains of anesthesia practice:

  • Airway Management
  • Applied Clinical Pharmacology
  • Human Physiology and Pathophysiology
  • Anesthesia Equipment and Technology

AANA is recognized by NBCRNA as a designated Core Module Provider. Explore Core Modules

CPC Assessment
Every 8 years

The CPC Assessment (CPCA) is a performance standard assessment.

Depending on year of recertification, your first assessment will be taken between 2020–2025.

It will include 150 questions, be closed book, and have a three-hour time limit. It is not pass/fail.

The assessment does not impact your certification. However, additional targeted continuing education would be required for any area(s) where you do not meet the performance standard.

Timelines are based on recertification schedules for even or odd years. See timelines

Your 2-Year Check-In
Still every 2 years

You will still check in every two years. This component maintains the same timing as the previous recertification program.

This check-in is now a brief, online process.

Certification at a glance

Old Requirements
NBCRNA Requirements


2-year recertification cycle

8-year period with 2 four-year cycles

Continuing Education (CE)

40 CE credits every 2-year cycle

100 credits of continuing education and professional development every 4-year cycle (60 Class A credits and 40 Class B credits)

Core Modules


Four educational modules, one for each domain of anesthesia care:

  • Airway management technique
  • Applied clinical pharmacology
  • Human physiology and pathophysiology
  • Anesthesia equipment and technology

Mandatory beginning the second 4-year cycle (2020 or 2021 depending on recert year)



The CPC Assessment (CPCA)

  • Performance standard assessment
  • 150 questions; three-hour time limit
  • No impact on certification, no matter how one performs on this assessment
  • NOT a pass/fail assessment


$110 application fee every two years

Does not include CE credits

$250 every four years

Does not include: Class A assessed CE credits, Class B professional development credits or Core Modules

2-Year Check-In


The 2-year Check-in will be a simple, online process to:

  • Validate your state licensure
  • Confirm continuing practice
  • Update your contact information
  • Review your progress towards CPC Program compliance and make plans for the next two years

Countdown to Lifelong Learning

To view your estimated timeline for participating in the CPC program, please indicate whether you are scheduled to recertify in even or odd years.

July 2020
August 1, 2016 – July 11, 2020

First 4-year CPC cycle

  • 60 Class A Assessed CE Credits
  • 40 Class B Credits
  • CPC Core Modules (Optional)
  • No CPC Assessment
July 2024
August 1, 2020 - July 31, 2024

Second 4-year CPC cycle

  • 60 Class A Assessed CE Credits
  • 40 Class B Credits
  • CPC Core Modules
  • CPC Assessment
July 2028
August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2028
  • 60 Class A Assessed CE Credits
  • 40 Class B Credits
  • CPC Core Modules
  • No CPC Assessment
July 2032
August 1, 2028 - July 31, 2032
  • 60 Class A Assessed CE Credits
  • 40 Class B Credits
  • CPC Core Modules
  • CPC Assessment
July 2021
August 1, 2017 - July 31, 2021

First 4-year CPC cycle

  • 60 Class A Assessed CE Credits
  • 40 Class B Credits
  • CPC Core Modules (Optional)
  • No CPC Assessment
July 2025
August 1, 2021 - July 31, 2025

Second 4-year CPC cycle

  • 60 Class A Assessed CE Credits
  • 40 Class B Credits
  • CPC Core Modules
  • CPC Assessment
July 2029
August 1, 2025 - July 31, 2029
  • 60 Class A Assessed CE Credits
  • 40 Class B Credits
  • CPC Core Modules
  • No CPC Assessment
July 2033
August 1, 2029 - July 31, 2033
  • 60 class A Assessed CE Credits
  • 40 class B Credits
  • CPC Core Modules
  • CPC Assessment


Q: Are the CPC Modules mandatory for CRNAs?
  • Yes, per NBCRNA.
  • Begins in the 2020/2021 recertification cycle.
  • No one is exempt from the taking the modules.
  • This includes SRNAs that graduate in 2020 and begin working in 2020.
Q: What if I already purchased the current CPC Core Modules?
  • While the current CPC Core Modules will not count towards the NBCRNA requirement, you can still complete them and apply the credit to your Class A CE Credit requirement (at least 60 Class A credits).
Q: Are the Core Modules a good tool to prepare for the CPC Assessment?
  • Yes. One of the strengths of the CPC Program is that the 4 Core Modules are linked to the content outline of the CPC Assessment; however, the CPC Assessment may cover content not addressed in the modules.
Q: Who can I contact about recertification requirements?
  • All information regarding recertification can be found on NBCRNA’s website.
  • Here’s the link that specifically takes you to the NBCRNA’s FAQ.
  • If you have any questions about the recertification process or requirements, please contact the NBCRNA through [email protected] or call 708-667-0002.