Your Nonprofit Profile

Nonprofit Profile

Your free profile page is a great destination to host information about your nonprofit.


GreatNonprofits already has more than 1.3 million projects and profiles in its database– chances are that you are already listed!


Once you’ve claimed your profile, you’ll want to update your profile with your mission, photos of your team, videos, social media links, donation links, and more. Here is a brief overview of what you can do with your profile.

Collect Donations Through GreatNonprofits

Did you know you can collect donations through GreatNonprofits? If you’ve already entered your own donation platform, no worries! But if you don’t have a donation platform, we’ve partnered with JustGive to process donations; they’ll even mail you a check!


Here's a brief video on how to enable donations for your nonprofit on GreatNonprofit.