2020 Top-Rated Nonprofit


18,546 pageviews

Nonprofit Overview

Causes: International, International Development, Philanthropy, Philanthropy, Charity & Voluntarism Promotion, Voluntarism Promotion

Mission: UniversalGiving™ is a web-based marketplace that helps people give and volunteer with the top-performing, vetted organizations all over the world.

Target demographics: We have opportunities to give or volunteer with a wide variety of causes, like children, the environment, women’s rights, conflict resolution.   What’s your cause?  Visit us, and we’ll help you help the cause you care about.

Direct beneficiaries per year: We offer more than a thousand ways to give and volunteer internationally.

Geographic areas served: Global--our opportunities are in more than 100 countries.

Programs: Visitors to our site can give to organizations, select projects to donate to, or choose a gift package--an opportunity to give to a cause as a gift for a loved one. You can also give someone a gift certificate, so they can choose their own cause. If you want to get on the ground with a cause, we have hundreds of opportunities to volunteer too!

Community Stories

220 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

General Member of the Public

Rating: 3

I'm Mimi from Cameroon I'm a widow with 3kids my husband was killed due to the ongoing anglophone crisis in Cameroon which started in 2016 and he was killed 1st October 2017
Our house and shop was burned in the struggle
Since then we've been internally displaced in the city of bamenda
Pleasure anyone out the reach out and help me with the children we're in need of food shelter and clothing.
There are a lot of homeless orphans in with in the streets who need help please give what ever you have $1 will safe a life
Email: rugaiya.ahmed99@gmail.com
Phone: +237650176671( WhatsApp and calls)
Bank account number: 004009001121
Bank: UBA Bank
Country: Cameroon
City: Bamenda
Name : Rugaiyatou Ubale


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Universal Giving has always been on the forefront of social responsibility while founded on a strong corporate model and innovative technology. They have top clients and work with corporate foundations all over the world, helping lead their CSR programs and vet their NGOs. Quality corporate giving is what UniversalGiving is all about.....Now more than ever, as Covid has exposed ongoing societal challenges, Universal Giving has proven to be a leader in CSR.


Client Served

Rating: 5

Am sharing this testimony to partners suffering in their relationships because there is an enduring solution. My husband left me and our 4 kids for another woman for 1 year. I tried to be strong just for my kids but I could not control the pains that torment my heart. I was hurt and confused. I needed a help, so i did a research on the internet and came across a site where I saw that Dr. Godday a spell caster,who can help get lot lovers back within few hours I contacted him and he did a special prayer and spells for me. To my surprises, after few days, my husband came back home. That was how we reunited again and there was a lot of love, joy and peace in the family. You can as well contact Dr. Godday, a powerful spell-caster for solutions on his contact Email: goddayspiritualhome @ gmail com Whats app only +1{919}4956404



Rating: 5

I volunteered at UniversalGiving for three months as an intern. It is a great experience for me. I am able to learn a lot and People are kind and helpful. UniversalGiving is an organization with a true commitment to excellence and making a positive impact on the world.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

If you want to get involved in a cause that you are passionate about let Universal Giving be your guide. They have done the research and vetting and can direct you to a reputable organization that will leverage your contribution to maximum benefit. Whether you are a volunteer or donor, UG will connect you with an organization that is making demonstrable positive impact. Pamela Hawley and her team are selflessly driven to make a difference!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Universal giving sets the gold standard for giving and volunteering. Their nonprofit partners around the world are so well vetted and trusted. It makes getting involved so easy!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

As we all know here there is a multitude of non-profit organizations that are focused on doing great work for meaningful causes. What I feel is unique about UniversalGiving is the combination of 3 important elements. There is a vehicle for organizations, large and small, to make a well managed charitable contribution. For people who are called to serve but can’t or don’t want to give monetarily, there is a beautiful the opportunity to volunteer and give of your time. What is so unique about this is where the third element comes in. The passion and authenticity of Pamela, the Founder, and her staff. UniversalGiving truly understands the value and nutrients gained from serving others and have created an opportunity for all of us to find a cause, not only for us to give, but as part of that for us to get back, to receive that warmth and inner joy of helping others.

I appreciate UniversalGiving for creating an “ecosystem” of compassion that nourishes each element.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Impact impact impact! UniversalGiving has revolutionized the way we can support nonprofits - embracing the way our generation thinks and interacts. Working with Pamela and her team, your donation (time, money, support) will directly impact people in our community. This is a truly visionary approach!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I can’t say enough positive things about this wonderful organization. The CEO and founder, Pamela Hawley, has truly poured her heart and soul into this company and it shows. With the abundant amount of donation opportunities presented to me yearly, Universalgiving takes the guess work out of it. They match me with organizations that are near and dear to my heart and vet these organizations and make me feel secure knowing my money will indeed be put to good use. Highly recommended!

2 Alex W.8


Rating: 5

A wonderful organization with such a hard working team, all of which enjoy helping each other to better themselves which, in turn, helps them better help the world. Their vetting process is one of the most strict so anyone donating knows their money and time are going to truly helpful organizations.

1 cinnncin

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

UniversalGiving's social enterprise model as well as their unique QualityModel which ensures thorough due diligence is conducted with any nonprofit they partner with has allowed it to truly scale giving back in line with their vision of "Creat[ing] a World Where Giving and Volunteering Are a Natural Part of Everyday Life." In addition, they are truly able to live out their values through the genuine company culture they have created amongst their domestic and international team.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I am an intern for UniversalGiving, and it has given me the opportunity to grow so much professionally and personally. The CEO is always so approachable and constantly shows gratitude towards her employees. The mission and vision of UniversalGiving is truly reflected through the company's culture, and all of the employees are genuine, friendly, and devoted individuals.

1 Sophie T.2

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

UniversalGiving is such a unique company. They not only provide great ways to volunteer and donate for a range of causes, but they also make sure to carefully vet each non-profit that they partner with using a 24 stage model which they've created themselves (and which has been a product of the CEO's own volunteer efforts and research!). Vetting is so important in giving people the confidence to get involved with a cause. I also admire how UniversalGiving has partnered with many companies (including Fortune 500 companies) to help coordinate and scale their CSR programs. It's really fantastic how this company has been so creative and efficient in encouraging social impact all around the world. Can't wait to see what they do next.

1 Sarah X.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

UniversalGiving is fantastic!!! UniversalGiving provides great opportunities for donating and volunteering internationally. I especially appreciate that each opportunity is vetted by a 24-Step Quality Model. I love that UniversalGiving allows me to support projects and organizations that I can trust are doing impactful work.



Rating: 5

The idea that you can make positive change happen in many parts of our world, sometimes the most vulnerable, is the goal of UniversalGiving. The mission includes the importance of corporate social responsibility, and also connects volunteers with wonderful opportunities that have been fully vetted. This is an outstanding organization run by a passionate CEO whose verve and determination inculcates her hardworking team and inspires them to be the best versions of themselves.

1 Kate G.5


Rating: 5

I have absolutely loved supporting and being a part of UniversalGiving. The leadership, vision, excellence, and impact of its mission are incredible. I highly recommend getting involved in the many ways available including volunteering, supporting, and championing different causes all around the world. What a fantastic Nonprofit that sets a high bar and creates much global goodness!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

As a person who has only recently become involved, it is really great to see a company like UniversalGiving be so dedicated to helping others get off their feet. I know that if I was trying to set my passion into something bigger, I would love to have the support which you give your clients!!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Universal Giving is such a wise concept to have all these NGO's under one umbrella where they have been vetted and I have the peace of mind that 100% of the donations goes directly to the cause. This truly deserves the attention of those caring to help people globally.



Rating: 5

An amazing organization that gives 100% to the organizations they support and do not take a cut!



Rating: 5

I was working on this Nonprofit as a Marketing Intern. I had a great experience.



Rating: 5

It is a great environment to be part of, doing good all over the world with a tea which is from all parts of the world. I have worked with UniversalGiving for several months now and it is enchanting to see how love, kindness and positivity is manifstated across the whole team.



Rating: 5

I interned at UniversalGiving back in 2014 while I was in college. I got to work with its founder, Pamela Hawley, pretty closely and learned about all the hard work UniversalGiving was doing to help facilitate Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives for dozens of Fortune 100 companies. Pamela is a fearless leader that pushed me to become a better professional and human being. I know UniversalGiving is working hard to help shape CSR strategy and connect thousands of volunteers with causes from all over the world.



Rating: 5

It was a very great experience to volunteer at UniversalGiving. I enjoyed working with an amazing team.



Rating: 4

I joined UniversalGiving in January 2019 as a Salesforce Administrator Intern and its been a great journey . I got guidance at each and every step. Thanks UniversalGiving for everything.



Rating: 5

Thankful for my volunteer experience! Always glad to work with nonprofits with such global purpose as UniversalGiving! Wonderful team.

1 apricot1015


Rating: 5

I first got involved with UniversalGiving as a volunteer, then officially joined the global team as staff. UniversalGiving is a special organization that follows a true social enterprise model, offering both a free public website and CSR services to top corporations.

UniversalGiving offers volunteer opportunities in various business units and attracts top talent. The team is comprised of compassionate, talented, and driven individuals, who all believe in the mission and vision of this organization. The CEO and Founder is extremely passionate about the cause, and her passion radiates across the organization. UniversalGiving also provides excellent opportunities for professional growth, while valuing work-life balance. I strongly recommend this organization to anyone looking to make a positive impact and to become a part of an international team of dedicated volunteers and staff.



Rating: 5

Great company to work with! The CEO treats her employees like family and very motivational. Employees are so driven and dedicated to reaching their mission which is to help "To connect people to quality giving and volunteer opportunities worldwide." Pamela Hawley, the CEO at UniversalGiving is the definition of a leader. She is committed, caring, inspirational and motivational --- she'll give the positive vibe in the workplace. :) Thank you Pamela and UniversalGiving!

2 sasef

Client Served

Rating: 5

One of the absolute BEST and TRUSTED global nonprofit platforms!



Rating: 5

I have followed the work of UniversalGiving with keen interest since 2004 when I met the CEO at a training workshop. I have greatly admired the consistency, dedication and ethical values that I have come to appreciate as its hallmark. Most importantly, I have been inspired by the tireless orientation to learning with which the personnel pursue their responsibility. I wish I'd clone them or distill their approach to help influence other players in the non-profit sector.

For the past three years, I have served on the NGO Advisor team, where our NGO staff outreaches to NGOs. This is where we identify outstanding local leaders on the ground — NGOS that many people don’t know about — and help raise awareness about them. Many of these constitute unsung heroes whose mission, vision, objectives, strategies and actions amount to lifelines for some of the most vulnerable. Given the accomplishments of such entities, they deserve close attention and robust support. UniversalGiving uniquely finds them and supports them. It’s an honor to be a part of this sincere and rigorous mission.

Part of what distinguishes UniversalGiving is that 100% of contributions that it receives GOES TO THE NGO PARTNERS IT SUPPORTS. UniversalGiving DOES NOT TAKE ANY CUT. IT ALL GOES TO THE IDENTIFIED TOP NGOS ON THEIR PLATFORM.

Notwithstanding this uncommon discipline, UniversalGivings performance record speaks eloquently for itself and it has built a great community of staffers whose socialization on the job raise the bar on the efficiency and effectiveness of nonprofit operation. It is most humbling to be part of this enriching journey so far and I am very excited about our signature commitment to keep striving to augment our donors return on investment for a better future.


Rating: 5

Non-profit organizations has become one of the cornerstones in helping and supporting families and children to overcome the obstacles that may be otherwise be difficult for them to overcome



Rating: 5

As a former NGO Services intern, I am proud to have spent my summer working at UniversalGiving. The company’s model creatively addresses community development, giving it the ability to engage in several different approaches to philanthropy. Not only did this holistic model expose me to the wealth of approaches that exist, but it also instructed me on the best practices of NGO operations. During our frequent meetings, the interns participated in an ongoing discussion about how to our jobs better. Additionally, our CEO regularly kept us up to date on the organization’s direction and progress. Throughout my time there, I was constantly learning about my role as an intern and a change maker. The office was full of incredibly supportive and good-willed individuals who really believe in the organization's mission and who want to see you succeed. Pamela, the CEO, is one of the most kind-hearted people I've ever met and really made the effort to be available and present in the office.

At first I struggled to appreciate the value of the work I was assigned to do. Much of it was computer-based and didn’t initially resonate with my original expectation of community giving. Our leadership, however, went to great lengths to emphasize the importance of our work to the organization and challenged us to adopt a more positive mindset when we found ourselves in a lull. It was a difficult ask but I am glad that they were there to help me overcome my own obstacles.

The only thing I would advise them to improve is the way they advertise available positions at the company. Any veteran knows that NGO work is not exactly glamorous. But as it focuses less on salary and prestige and more on its mission and its people, UniversalGiving indeed offers an authentic and fulfilling working experience for anyone looking to make a difference.


Rating: 5

Working at UniversalGiving has been a great experience. The team is very passionate and dedicated. Wonderful people. The company is very innovative in the way that it approaches the nonprofit model and I believe UniversalGiving can serve as an example for many nonprofits/social enterprises to come.



Rating: 5

UniversalGiving provides great value to those interested in making the world a better place. Simply put, not all NGOs are effective and efficient. By vetting NGOs from all over the world, UniversalGiving makes it easy to feel confident that the NGO you're supporting--with your money, volunteer hours, or both--is relieving suffering.


Rating: 5

Working with the team at Universal Giving is inspiring and rewarding. I especially appreciate the focus on the end donation beneficiary as well as the employees. Every day brings new challenges which this team manages with professionalism, cause dedication and team spirit rarely seen. As it continues to scale and adopt more NGOs, Universal Giving is becoming featured in Forbes, CSM and recognized as the integral part of the donors community. The opportunities in the non-profit space are enormous! The creative approach to problem solution and new ideation practices with which new issues are tackled is something the team is proud of. I'd recommend working at Universal Giving to my colleagues and friends.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

I love work with UniversalGiving. Every one here is super nice. I have learned a lot as I start my design career here. Super grateful for the opportunity and good experience.



Rating: 5

Great experience and wonderful staff! Excited to see how many more people they help.



Rating: 5

I had a great experience as an intern at UnviersalGIving. The staff is always motivated behind a common purpose to make positive change in the world, and as an intern, I felt as if I was a real part of that. I valued the experiences I got there that aren't typical of all internships; I was entrusted with real responsibilities and always kept in the loop with people of different departments. I think the takeaway from an interaction with UniversalGiving is passion: everybody there has it, and if you have it when you come onto the team, it is noticed, nurtured, and utilized. It is in that way that organizations like UniversalGiving can make the world a better place.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

UniversalGiving attracts energetic and dedicated staff. The CEO's drive inspires everyone to give their best. The organization is very efficient, and offers great services to corporate clients and individuals. Its website is easy to navigate, offers a wide range of volunteer and gift choices, and 100% of donations go directly to projects. Volunteers and staff gain great opportunity to improve their professional skills and grow within the organization. The CEO is very supportive of staff development over the long-term, even beyond time spent with the organization (I have now known her for 7 years). Staff is passionate, diverse, friendly and supportive. I've personally experienced the results of this organization by working with my peers as and learning how we can most effectively serve businesses' philanthropic interests.



Rating: 5

Initially, I timidly came into my Marketing internship at UG with no prior experience in the realm of marketing or social media and did not know what to expect. In the course of the past couple of months, however, I have not only learned about my professional and personal strengths and skillset through the work I have been doing, but have also been given the tools to take advantage of these as I move forward. This summer, I was able to partake in engaging activities and projects such as analyzing social media/marketing trends, learning how to utilize project management tools efficiently, outreaching to organizations and establishing mutually beneficial and strategic partnerships. UniversalGiving prides itself in its positive work culture and team environment; everyday, the values and missions of UniversalGiving were so apparent in all of the work we did together, and individually. Working with the Marketing Team on a daily basis as well as being able to collaborate with the CEO, Pamela Hawley, who also took the time out of her busy days to guide me through my internship kept my work invigorating, challenging and meaningful, and I absolutely loved bonding with the entire UG team. I feel truly privileged and grateful to have had such an amazing internship experience at UniversalGiving and I look forward to continuing my work in spreading UG's mission of creating a world where volunteering and giving are a natural part of everyday life!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

Great team and great management .
Love working with UniversalGiving



Rating: 5

An innovative nonprofit involved in both corporate and nonprofit services, UniversalGiving is not afraid to breach the gaps between fields. Committed to the spirit of giving and international social responsibility, UG balances excellence and service. As an intern, I was happy to have the privilege of completing projects for the wonderful leader and CEO Pamela Hawley; her energy, confidence, kindness, and diligence is contagious. As a student seeking a career in social justice, UG was a wonderful place to explore the CSR, nonprofit, and corporate philanthropy sectors. I'm happy to have been surrounded by like-minded people passionate about social issues and service.



Rating: 5

I was so delighted to be an intern and to be a part of team at Universal Giving. It felt so inspiring and happy when ı first walked in and met the team. They have been super helping. I loved working in there!!!



Rating: 5

This organization is so amazing and inspiring. Every team member shows pure dedication towards helping people around the world. Additionally, the team is very diverse and includes people from around the world. Everything the organization does is targeted to making it more well known in order to help more people.



Rating: 4

UniversalGiving has an inspirational mission and being a part of the organization in helping out can get fun. There is much to learn and get experience in and if you are lucky to be on the Product Development team, you will get a chance to work with a team of highly dedicated individuals who knows how to deliver quality results.

I cannot give it 5-stars for one reason only: the long hours. Expect to work overtime frequently due to heavy task assignments and deadlines given and quite possibly, this could be many 65-70+ hour weeks. You have to be dedicated but if you do, you will gain much skills out of the work you do and as long as your business unit leads are correctly managing the team, you will hopefully not have to worry about the overtime work.



Rating: 5

I have enjoyed so much working in this organization for about a month! Our CEO was very enthusiastic, energetic, and kind. I have learnt a lot from her. It was also very nice to meet a lot of people from all over the world who have been very nice to me. I have had such a totally amazing experience!

2 Kayla31

Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

UniversalGiving is an organization with a true commitment to excellence and making a positive impact on the world. I have had a wonderful relationship with UniversalGiving for years and cannot stress enough how hardworking and dedicated the employees are to the organizations mission. My experience with UniversalGiving has been overwhelmingly positive and I would highly recommend becoming involved with the organization professionally and utilizing the services they provide.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

UniversalGiving is an organization with the utmost dedication to its vision and values. I am pleased to be part of an organization that values integrity in all of its interactions. I started my journey with UniversalGiving this last summer as an intern in their NGO Business Unit, assisting with their Quality Model vetting. This was a valuable experience that resulted in my current employment as an Executive Assistant for the Office of the CEO. Working directly with our gracious CEO, Pamela Hawley, I have grown as a professional in the non profit sector. Pamela provides growth experiences and exceptional support. She is one of the kindest women I have known, with a heart for giving.

UniversalGiving donates 100% of your donation to the opportunity you choose to support. When one gives we want them to be ensured that their donation reaches the people, animals, and ecosystems in need. I believe UniversalGiving is an ideal charitable organization to support.



Rating: 4

Joined as a QA/Web Intern
UniversalGiving as a Nonprofit:
 has a great work culture
 Believes in its values and mission
 Each volunteer/intern is really valued by the management
 Continuous learning
 Positive environment
 Team- Energetic Enthusiasts
 Committed to the community of Giving



Rating: 5

I have been working at UniversalGiving for the last 2 months and a half and it has been a great learning experience for me. I joined the organization to know more about the non profit world and put together my passion for social impact and my work.
I couldn't ask for more generous people than the ones I work with. Everybody is extremely helpful and friendly. The CEO really passes on her believes and kindness to the team.



Rating: 5

The people at UniversalGiving are very nice, smart, and helpful. UG has a team-based culture with employee participation on all levels. Moreover, Pamela, CEO of UG, is very kind and has a great personality, with great respect for employees and volunteers. I feel very grateful to be a part of UG.



Rating: 5

It is a great and exceptional experience so far since I started my internship at UG. The team is super helpful and warm. You will get sufficient help from everyone in the team including the CEO, and everyone is never too busy to help you:) The senior employees on the team are professional, knowledgeable and helpful. That means you can learn new and necessary skills required for working in NGOs fast and easily. We also have a very upbeat and positive vibe within the team. Everyone has the same goals and believes in our mission, and that makes us cooperate seamlessly! And the most important, our CEO Pamela shares her great personality and spirit with all the team members. She recognizes your every little progress and always gives kind compliments to all of us. She is patient, loving and inspiring. We all love her so much:) And the positive feedbacks are what makes me keep progressing and confident everyday.



Rating: 4

I had been working the Universal Giving for about 1 month as an Executive Assistant intern. I think that this intern was beneficial for me for three reasons. First, I enhanced my English skill. In this company, there were many opportunities to use English, for example asking my coworkers, writing reports, and talking with my coworker. These things made my English skills better. Second, I understood general skills for working. I had the experience, which my supervisor fell behind schedule because I changed my plan for working without reporting for her. At this time, I was aware that reporting and asking for my supervisor was truly important. I learned a lot of something like that. Therefore, I think joining this internship was one of the best way to obtain these skills. Finally, this Non-Profit-company had a variety of the staffs whose backgrounds were different each other, so this internship was good for sharing different opinions. For instance, my supervisor and coworkers talked their backgrounds and their future goals. These talk stimulated my mindset. To conclude, this internship enhanced my language skill, general business skills. Also, I think that the internship helped to open the door to the next career step.



Rating: 4

I loved my colleagues at UG! Very motivated, kind, intelligent people. UG has an inspiring mission, and given the major progress toward a new website, its impact may increase greatly in the near future. The greatest experiences I had at UG were spending time with the other volunteers / staff, learning a lot about the CSR industry, and being given many important tasks to work on. Pamela really wants to give people opportunities, and she certainly gave me plenty of room to do serious, high level work that opened new doors for me in my career search.

You get out what you put in at UG—from my experience, being enthusiastic and actively seeking extra responsibility paid off.



Rating: 4

As a junior web developer, I enjoyed the opportunity to hone my skills and work in a team-based environment. The organization culture is great, the CEO is dynamic, personable, and effective, and the location couldn't be better. However, because UniversalGiving's employees were largely volunteers, there was a high turnover rate and therefore only a few senior employees. I know they were addressing this problem while I was there (Summer 2015), and I'm sure it's improved since then!



Rating: 5

It was really grate experience with working with Universal Giving team for two months. I would very much appreciate the opportunity to join Universal-Giving as an Internship student.
I could learn how to create volunteer opportunities for everyone all over the world.
Based on my own experiences, The Universal-Giving is an amazing organization full of passionate people who care deep about people they serve.
Thank you so much.

2 Manuelangel S.


Rating: 5

The environment, people, CEO Pamela Hawley are one of a kind. I enjoyed learning about the transactions of the nonprofits, the alliances, and the projects that they're involved in. During my experience the people were friendly, my boss was always available to answer my questions. I will never forget this experience.

A HUGE plus: The place to work is amazing, comfortable and very dynamic.



Rating: 5

I started with Universalgiving as an intern and was promoted as a team lead. Since I joined, I have been enjoyed working with colleagues and eager to learn new technology. Universalgiving provides a positive, flexible, and independent working atmosphere. Its office environment is modern, stylish, and well managed. Every new employee or volunteer will be easy to build good relationship with co-workers, managers, and CEO. Universalgiving always open doors and creates opportunities for interns and volunteers. In addition, I want to highlight the CEO of Universalgiving is an active and energetic philanthropist. She is very enthusiastic about giving and helping the people in need. Working with the CEO is not only a great experience for learning business skills but also a role model of positive values.



Rating: 5

I interned as a graphic designer this summer with UniversalGiving and it was a very enlightening experience. I got to work on graphics and other design related tasks, but I also learned a lot about the non profit world and how it works. The work environment was very friendly and laid back and it was a pleasure working so closely with the CEO and other interns at UniversalGiving



Rating: 5

UniversalGiving is a innovative organization with a kindhearted team that's fully committed to their mission. As a CSR Intern I had a great opportunity to learn from UG management who went well out of their way to teach me and never forgot to be grateful for the time and work I contributed. I grew intellectually and personally through the internship and am fortunate to have contributed to the impact UniversalGiving is making across the globe.

A wonderful organization and experience.

1 Marina8


Rating: 5

Since I first started my process for internship, the Ug team was really helpful and friendly. I couldn't be happier to work on a organization where the main role is to provide a better place for people who needs help around the wordl. Universal giving care not only for education but also with animals, health, conflicts around the word and much more. I'm super excited to be part of this team.


Former staff

Rating: 4

I very much enjoyed interning at UniversalGiving. I was able to obtain substantial professional development experience and loved having an environment that was built for me to succeed. Team work is a major tenet of UniversalGiving which helps make the organization great.


Former staff

Rating: 5

I had a terrific experience interning for UniversalGiving. I took on the social media role and was given lots of autonomy . Everyone is friendly and handles themselves very professionally. The company is well run and with great guidance from ceo Pamela Hawley. I was able to do a variety of work using salesforce and other tools to help accomplish my goals. Team meetings are instructive and informative. Benefits include randomly receiving free snacks and guest lectures.



Rating: 5

This summer I was the Development Intern at UniversalGiving. The people who work at UniversalGiving are simply amazing: they are dedicated, passionate, talented and all share the same mindset of making a change in this world. I did this internship alongside my Master degree, which was perfectly doable as UniversalGiving is very flexible. I could even work remotely in the first couple of weeks since I had class across the country, which I really appreciated. All in all: I had a really good time!

1 Aidan D.


Rating: 5

This summer I was a Search Engine Operations (SEO) itern for UniversalGiving. The experience has been very empowering. UniversalGiving entrusted me with responsibility on some really cool stuff. I was able to manage parts of our google Adwords campaign (the search results on google that come up at the top and say ad). I also was put in charge of compiling a report on the user flow through our website. This included where people get on our site, how they do, what steps they take, when they donate/volunteer, and anything else I found interesting. I also wrote a couple articles for our website. Lastly, I did some work for the CEO, mostly administrative entry/ due diligence. The work I've done has helped me build a lot of skills and has been very interesting.

The people who work at Universalgiving are amazing. They are all very kind, skilled, and intelligent people who are very committed to Universalgiving's mission. Working in that environment has been enjoyable, empowering, and inspiring. It has really helped me grow. The leadership team is full of good communicators. Can't say enough good stuff about them.



Rating: 4

I was a Corporate Social Responsibility Intern for UniversalGiving this summer. I knew about CSR briefly before entering the position, but this internship taught me so much more than I would've ever imagined. The team at UG is amazing. They are all young and intelligent individuals who care deeply about creating a better world. My manager Zoe was so sweet and so great at explaining my tasks to me. She was also very understanding when I had to call in sick one week. The internship was great because I had the chance to intern there part-time while still making money at another part-time job I had. The job taught me about CSR on such a broad-scale. Because UG is a non-profit, I had the opportunity to learn and research about the CSR programs used at various large Fortune 500 companies. This gave me insight into the field while giving me the opportunity to make direct contact with these companies through outreaches. I gained professional skills while learning about what I did and did not want in a future career. The central location of UG also allowed me to experience what it would be like working in a big city like San Francisco. One of the most unique aspects of working at UG is the close contact the interns have with the CEO, Pamela. She is a very busy individual, but she takes the time to personally get to know all of the interns, and that means a lot. Overall, UniversalGiving is a great organization, with a great cause, great leadership, and a great team.