2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Project Night Night

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Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Children & Youth, Children & Youth Services, Family Services, Human Services

Mission: Project Night Night provides individual tote bags containing a security blanket, age-appropriate books, and stuffed animals to homeless children in an effort to help homeless children have sweeter dreams. Homelessness affects every facet of a child's development, increasing the risk for developmental delays, learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders, heath concerns, and deficient social skills. Project Night Night believes that these devastating effects can be mitigated by receiving a good night's sleep. Inadequate sleep can cause decreases in performance, concentration, learning, and health. Sleep deprivation can also increase behavior and mood problems as well as memory lapses. Children in homeless shelters do not have the luxury of falling asleep in the pristine conditions we, as parents, try to create for our children. Instead, children in shelters often endure an overcrowded, noisy, and unfamiliar environment in their quest for sleep. At Project Night Night, we hope that by receiving a package of familiar objects such as a security blanket, books, and a stuffed animal, homeless children will be able to have sweeter dreams.

Geographic areas served: USA

Programs: Project Night Night provides tens of thousands of our Night Night Packages to homeless children all across the country, with a concentration in California.

Community Stories

114 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

1 Norman A S.


Rating: 5

I have delivered PNN bags to shelters throughout metro Detroit for over twelve years. This family inspired and invented and nurtured entity has brought succor and safety to the youngest of less fortunate families with minimal institutional overhead and immediate benefit. In a sea of uncertainly, the constant mantra from the shelters is they can always rely on PNN. I am proud to be a small part of this endeavor and to be able to see first hand the invariable comfort and loving touch these PNN bags give to the darkest nights of homeless children



Rating: 5

I made a donation in honor of the birth of Caroline Rebecca Forbes who came into this world surrounded by love and has all of the things she needs to live a happy, healthy life in a safe and supportive home. Thank you for the compassionate work that you do!



Rating: 5

I made a donation in honor of the birth of Hayes Rosager Bernstein who came into this world surrounded by love and has all of the things he needs to live a happy, healthy life in a safe and supportive home. As such, mom requested no gifts. Thank you for the compassionate work that you do!



Rating: 5

I first met Project Night Night through as Salesforce event in 2013. Their mission immediately tugged at my heart as I had gone through a really tough period in my life a few years earlier where we flirted with homelessness, having struggled to make ends meet due to a job loss and a period of nearly 2 1/2 years of no full-time employment. It wasn't until I met Project Night Night did I realize how bad off it could have been for my children. I've supported them ever since with fund raising efforts at various Salesforce events throughout the year.

And...Kendra and Jessica are by far two of the most caring, compassionate individuals on the face of this earth that I've had the pleasure of meeting in person!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

I first met Project Night Night through as Salesforce event back in 2013. Their mission immediately hit home with me, as I had gone through a really tough period in my life a few years earlier where we flirted with homelessness, having struggled to make ends meet due to a job loss and a period of nearly 2 1/2 years of no full-time employment. It wasn't until I met Project Night Night did I realize how bad off it could have been for my children. I've supported them ever since with fund raising efforts at various Salesforce events throughout the year.

I've personally met Kendra and Jessica too - and they are by far the most caring, compassionate individuals on the face of this earth!

Project Night Night is changing lives!

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Board Member

Rating: 5

This global pandemic has only done more to reinforce income disparity, and our nation's children are bearing the consequences. The fact that Project Night Night has continued to serve and nurture the vulnerable is a testament to their dedication and organizational capabilities. With fewer opportunities for hands-on volunteering, the Project Night Night team has stepped up to fill the gaps. Their ability to run the organization efficiently means donor funds can focus on direct benefit to the homeless children they serve. Dedication, the ability to squeeze the most from every dollar, and focus on mission are the hallmarks of great nonprofits like Project Night Night.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

This makes over 10 years of volunteering with Project Night Night because the need never stops. It brings such joy to these homeless children to have this gift greet them when they enter a shelter. Volunteering is easy and makes such an incredible impact, but I also support Project Night Night with my wallet. It's an incredibly lean organization that really knows how to stretch a dollar. I'm proud of where my money and time go because I know what an impact both make on the lives of children.

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Rating: 5

I received notice of a contribution to Project Night Night for my retirement from a long times career as a special educator. I was so moved. Since then, I have contributed to Project Night Night for the most significant milestones in many of my loved one’s lives. Your mission is so important.


Rating: 5

I can't get enough of this charity. They have everything a volunteer could wish for -- many opportunities, and easy to navigate website with (so) many answers, and a kind and helpful staff.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Fantastic team building experience. It’s a great feeling to make a care package for a kid who needs one. Everything was so cute!

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Rating: 5

My 12 year old son has been helping out with PNN for years. This is a great organization that allows him to make a real difference for kids in his community at a young age.

1 ChiDevil


Rating: 5

I have been a proud board member, volunteer and donor for Project Night Night for many years. Now more than ever, I believe PNN's focus on the emotional support needs of kids who have fallen victim to homelessness is critical. PNN makes it easy to volunteer - and it is a fun volunteer project for kids and adults alike.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

Project Night Night is a wonderful organization that is so easy to get behind - helping the most innocent and vulnerable victims of homelessness. It is easy to volunteer and it is a great way to introduce even young kids to the idea of charitable giving.

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1 Elizabeth112

Board Member

Rating: 5

I am so proud to be a supporter and board member of Project Night Night. PNN serves such a vital role in helping shelter children feel comfort during a scary and challenging time. The PNN totes, filled with soft blankets, plush stuffies, and age appropriate books, are cherished by smiling kids and their struggling families. The pandemic has made PNN totes even more necessary and I encourage anyone to support this incredibly worthwhile cause!

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

How wonderful and easy to give shelter children such special yet simple items that make a world of difference during such a difficult time. I love being a part of and supporting PNN!!!

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1 Jessica229

Board Member

Rating: 5

I am proud to have been involved with Project Night Night since inception in 2005. It is an honor and a privilege to work with this team and all of the volunteers nationwide. It is motivating and heart warming to know that the work of Project Night Night might make one child smile, one child have a moment of comfort instead of stress, or introduce the love of literacy. “Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” —Scott Adams

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

I am proud to have been involved with Project Night Night since inception in 2005. It is an honor and a privilege to work with this team. It is heart warming to see the compassion of the public in wanting to make an positive impact in the lives of homeless children. The thousands of volunteers each year, who rally around this mission, speaks volumes for the necessity of this type of program. I believe it is not only the mission, but the personal touch of Project Night Night's staff that brings volunteers back year after year.

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1 CLEVolunteer


Rating: 5

I love the work that Project Night Night does to support families and children in need. As a volunteer, I always feel appreciated by the organization's staff.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Love this company and their cause. All kids deserve comforts and a good night sleep.

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Rating: 5

This has been a great organization as a young volunteer. The process is easy and the staff is very helpful in guiding individuals in the best ways to help at that time.

1 Lynn94


Rating: 5

This organization is crucial to homeless kids for SO many reasons! Just because these kids are in transition doesn't mean they have to do without some basic comforts of "home". Reading matters, sleep matters, a good night snuggle MATTERS! I feel so blessed to be able to continue my volunteer service each year because I truly believe Project Night Night is making a difference. I've been to these shelters! I've seen these kids! They NEED compassion, support and love. The team in place works together so well and is a a big reason why they are so successful. I am proud to begin my 12th year volunteering and I'm looking forward to many more.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

This is my 11th year volunteering with Project Night Night and I will tell you, this organization is needed now more than ever in our country! As I meet new shelter directors and social workers, they describe the need to care for our children as "critical" at this time. Human trafficking is real and it exists everywhere...even with the smallest of children. And with homelessness on the rise and no decline in sight, it becomes necessary to keep providing these seemingly small items that are making an enormous difference. Small comforts can be life changing for a child and that's why this organization means so much to me....I want to keep changing lives and making them better for ALL the children!

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2 Caroline49


Rating: 5

I have had the pleasure to be involved with PNN on many occasions as a volunteer. It amazes me each time the logistical gymnastics it takes to get all the donations organized and where they need to be in an efficient and timely manner. The dedication and love the PNN staff shows on a daily basis demonstrates the high standard of commitment they hold to these young children in need. I will always make time for this organization and consider it an honor to be involved with such a professional and caring team.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

My time is tight. I am selective and informed when I decide on a cause to support. Project Night Night is a wonderful cause that fulfills an important need in our society. It addresses two things that are important to me…homelessness and children. I have involved my own children in supporting this wonderful organization and we have all become better people because of it. PNN is insanely organized, efficient and well run. You can be sure - your efforts, time and money are always put to the best use. No matter where I go or how much money I have…I will ALWAYS have room in my calendar and my checkbook for Project Night Night.


Board Member

Rating: 5

Project Night Night is a fantastic organization that fills a critical need for homeless children across the United States. A staggering 1 in 30 children will face homelessness this year, so I appreciate that PNN is doing something very concrete to support these children with important comforts of the bedtime routine while they go through a time of such turmoil and disruption in their lives. I have been privileged to serve as an Advisory Board member for a number of years, so I know first hand just how committed and competent it’s founders are and how much passion they bring to PNN’s mission. It is an honor to help grow PNN’s reach and impact to continue to serve the unmet needs of homeless children in our country.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

Over the years that I have been involved with Project Night Night, both as a supporter and then as a Board Member, my admiration for the organization has only continued to grow as I see the positive impact that PNN has made on the lives of hundreds of thousands of homeless children across the country. As a Board member and donor, I appreciate how clear and focused Project Night Night's mission is - I know what the organization is trying to accomplish, how many kids they have served, and where my money is going - all things that are important to me in supporting an organization. And as a new mom, who now understands firsthand the importance of the bedtime routine to my daughter, I am reminded of just how important it is for a child to have the comforts of the items that PNN provides in Night Night packages. I am proud to be on the Board of this fabulous organization and look forward to championing PNN's mission for many years to come so that we can reach thousands more kids who are just waiting for the joy of a PNN tote to land in their laps!

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Rating: 5

It is incredibly rewarding to support this great charity over the years. Countless children in need are helped by the important work Project Night Night does day in and day out, as well as how it responds in times of crisis - like the California wildfires.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Over the past several years I have both donated to and volunteered for Project Night Night because I absolutely love this organization's mission - to provide comfort to displaced children. Having children of my own, I realize that there is nothing that soothes a child more at bedtime than to have a special blanket and/or stuffed animal with them. Project Night Night provides children in need with both of these items, as well as with a book. Having delivered "Night Night packages" to a shelter myself, I have seen first-hand how excited the children are to receive their new books, stuffed animals and blankets. Project Night Night is a wonderful charity and is really making a difference in the lives of kids in need.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I started small last year with a group of friends and it was such a rewarding experience. Great organization! They communicated well and were very helpful. I’m doing it for my second year in a row but now I have my work (an entire school district) collaborating to make it even bigger and better

3 Susan P.10


Rating: 5

PNN pays attention to the kids in trauma. A book, story, and a snuggly blanket. Good folks.

2 Shannon121


Rating: 5

With strong, supportive leadership and an elegantly simple idea, PNN provides comfort and reassurance to homeless children across the country. When I delivered Night Night bags to little ones, they immediately hugged the blankets, stuffed animals, and sometimes the book! I also saw the gratitude of the care takers, who were grateful for the extra dose of love that PNN delivers to their kids. This is an awesome organization!

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

The Memphis area has a lot of poverty and hundreds of children in shelters. With the support and guidance of the Project Night Night Board, we formed a local team three years ago, and to date have delivered 2,478 tote bags to our shelters! On behalf of our team and the kids in Memphis, THANK YOU, Project Night Night!

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Rating: 5

My son has been helping out with PNN for years. This is a great organization that allows him to make a real difference in his community.

Previous Stories


Rating: 5

Project Night Night is a great organization to work with. They are very professional and you really feel you are making a difference in the community around you.



Rating: 5

Project Night Night is truly a fantastic organization. Their mission is simply phenomenal, and their professionalism, attention to detail, exceptional volunteer support, and prompt email responses make them a great organization to work with year after year.

3 Gretchen Schroeder B.


Rating: 5

Year one we delivered 50 bags, in our 5th year we did 150. Over those 5 years I have come to know the people who make this amazing charity what it is - delivering a GOOD Night to children at shelters or have dealt with a national disaster - what an amazing charity and what amazing people. They are always quick to reply to an email, help me place any extra bags or make sure I order mine on time! I am blessed to have been able to support this organization and look forward to our continued partnership to support the local NOVA area. Giving back, in my town makes it that much more rewarding and I have been able to teach my children the importance of giving back and helping others! THANK YOU PNN!

1 Jamie Santa M.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Such a wonderful organization. They gave some of their night night bags to help kids at christmas with organization I work with! what a wonderful way to have some comfort and joy for the kids! I have also helped pick up stuffed animals, sort, write cards! Most people think you have to give money all the time to be helpful, but there are so many other things you can do to help just ask!



Rating: 5

A simple mission that directly impacts families at risk. Motivates kids and parents to empathize, care and act.

1 Tracy127


Rating: 5

Fun & easy to work with. Really making a difference in the community!

Previous Stories

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Project Night Night is an amazing nonprofit that truly places the emotional well-being of displaced children at the heart of their organization. I learned of Project Night Night about 3 years ago when a family friend was hosting a drive. I absolutely loved the concept and decided to host my own drive the following year. The content (a book, stuffie, & blanket) is so simple and yet the effects are profound. The staff is genuine and wonderful to work with, especially Jessica Bryan as she as been my constant contact. This year to elevate PNN to a larger platform within my community as I believe their mission is essential to the health & well-being of our displaced youth, I had the pleasure of organizing a drive with Kent State University, College of Nursing and Delta Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International. With the help of 11 Colleges within the University & our chapter members we were able to put together 447 night night packages. The result allowed us to directly impact the health of our local youth and live the mission of STTI, which is to advance world health and nursing excellence through, scholarship, leadership, and service.

I look forward to volunteering again with PNN in the near future.

1 Julie W.9


Rating: 5

Every year volunteering with Project Night Night has been a blessing to the organizations we serve, and to everyone who works with, and supports, us. These items we donate truly benefit the children, showing them love and comfort at a time when they are most frightened and vulnerable. It's been a privilege to be able to help out, and to let the community know about the problem of child homelessness! Julie



Rating: 5

My daughter worked with Project Night Night for her bat mitzvah project with one of her oldest friends, and it was so simple, but yet so meaningful for both of them. They were able to share their favorite books and stuffed animals with children that were less fortunate. They were able to write notes of encouragement for each bag, to help homeless kids feel a little safer in their new environment. The staff at Project Night Night were so helpful in making our event run smoothly. The kids were really able to understand how their participation helped other. I love this organization!!



Rating: 5

Great way for my teenage daughters to give back to the local community!



Rating: 5

This group of dedicated, hardworking volunteers has all my respect. If only you could see the babies comforted by their efforts. Bless them all!



Rating: 5

as a librarian, I am especially gratified that one of the 4 items this group feels is necessary to make a child in transition safe and happy is their own book.

Sara L.1


Rating: 5

Project Night Night tackles homelessness with kindness and caring for young children placed into situations that are often scary and filled with uncertainty. Their individual tote bags filled with a blanket, stuffed animal and book offer comfort and compassion. I can’t say enough positive things about this organization, they’ve even donated bags to my local shelter which was a tremendous blessing.


Rating: 5

I love the work they are doing. I was trying to participate awhile back and they were so helpful in working with me to get the blankets to their location. This is a loving and kind organization that is helping children, how great is that??!! :)



Rating: 5

My name is Reese and I’m 11. I bake cakes for Donations and buy totes from Project Night night and fill them with books, blankets and stuffies that I buy from my donations. I looked for a place to donate and found Wayside Mission in Louisville. I now go to the Mission every week and read and play games with the young kids. I’m so grateful for PNN to give me a place to help others!

Shere M.


Rating: 5

Wonderful program and wonderful folks! Project Night Night rocks!

April Canter W.

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Wonderful organization! Their mission is exactly what my son was looking for when he wanted to donate 1/3 of his allowance savings. He said he wanted to help “homeless children” and we found Project Night Night.

1 tambojones


Rating: 5

I've supported Project Night Night for years and they've always been lovely to work with. There are few things more awesome for kids than a blanket, stuffed animal, and a storybook. Project Night Night makes sure even homeless kids get their own cozy-awesome!



Rating: 5

An incredible mission that has made it so easy to contribute. I began with filling bags myself, interested friends, local businesses jumped in and it took on a life of its own. Not only is it a worthy mission, it makes everyone involved feel good.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

As a teacher, I see how important this organization is to children.



Rating: 5

I have been involved with Project Night Night for two years now. It is hands-down the most rewarding non-profit to get involved in. It is the most wonderful way to teach my children how to make a positive, direct impact on the lives of other children in our community. Filling and delivering these Night Night bags and seeing smiles on the faces of the children receiving them is an amazing experience. Thank you Project Night Night for giving my family and I such an easy, hands-on experience!!



Rating: 5

I was so amazed how "project night night" captured our hearts. My daughter and I wanted to volunteer to make a difference, and babies and children have always been near and dear to our hearts. The project night night website made it so easy to get involved and the people at this organization were wonderful to work with. We raised enough money to assemble 31 bags and delivered them to the local shelter in need for their Easter party for the children. Thank you project night night! This small project made our Easter brighter!

8 Kate112


Rating: 5

Thanks to the Bloggess, I learned of this charity a few years ago. I love that I can see exactly where my donation is going and the good it's doing for actual people. The PNN folks have found a need to fill and have done an amazingly caring job of filling that need. I know there are a lot of children who are comforted by their efforts who would otherwise be scared and have nothing to call their own.


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

My favorite part of Project Night Night is that I get to see the direct impact that our hard work has on the children. When I bring the totes to the shelters, the shelter directors RUN out the car, and they are spilling over with stories about how our totes have made a difference with the children. I love that the personal connection PNN has with the volunteers, donors and with the shelters. I can tell you which volunteer made which blanket, which shelter the blanket went to, and what he shelter director said about the donation. It is the personal connection that makes PNN special. There is a very unique link between the village that makes us run: donors, quilters, shleppers, cheerleaders, drivers, volunteers, Fedex drivers, shelter directors, and PNN. Each person involved is a part of a larger story and each person involved knows that story. This makes us special: it is about ALL of us. It is not just about helping the homeless, it is about making ALL of us better, more involved people. Together, we all rise up.

3 Noam H.


Rating: 5

We organized this in my daughter's kindergarden class. The parents all brought it in stuffed animals, blankets and books. The teachers got the kids to pack the bags. Very rewarding experience.



Rating: 5

PNN does such an amazing job providing comforts to children who have lost so much. Their packages give kids a light of hope during a very difficult time!



Rating: 5

This charity is amazing. I am so grateful for a charity that can DIRECTLY impact kids. My family has supported PNN for 10 years. What I love most about it is that children can help other children. PNN has single handedly taught my children that they CAN directly impact those in need. It is simple. It is cost effective. It changes lives. Nothing warmed my heart more than seeing a young child open up the PNN bag and watching her face light up.

3 Jenny95


Rating: 5

For over eight years now, my children have grown up participating in an annual Project Night Night drive in our Boston-area suburb. The act of giving has shaped my children's values and the beautiful simplicity of Project Night Night's model has made both the concept and act of volunteerism very accessible. The Project Night Night staff have been tirelessly supportive and helpful along the way. This is a nonprofit that positively impacts everyone, both on the giving and receiving end!


Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 5

The work they do is the most valuable ever. Giving some *hope* for a better future to our most innocent and vulnerable children. Please support!!!



Rating: 5

I loved the prompt response and warm nature of the staff at Project Night Night. They were very quick to answer my questions regarding in-kind donations and followed up when our boxes arrived at their offices. I love knowing our donations are in good hands!



Rating: 5

This organization is not flashy but it is often a "flashlight" for some of the little people it may rescue in the middle of the night. We provide a teddy bear and a personal soft "blankie" for children in traumatic situations ie; being removed by social worker



Rating: 5

Project Night Night is the epitome of hope. The organization dedicates itself to helping children feel safe, something many of us were blessed with and are blessed with still today. The blankets and stuffed animals they donate help children feel secure at night and they have something to call their own.

I have had the privilege of delivering Night Night Packages to a shelter, and I have never seen such happy faces and pure joy in a child's face. The children radiate happiness, but so do the parents, who are so appreciative of the generosity and work of Project Night Night and its volunteers. I am continually amazed at the work it does. Kendra Robins and the rest of the PNN staff are awesome!



Rating: 5

We have used Project Night Night in our high school as an extension of reading The Glass Castle. Students read the text, make bags for Project Night Night and as a class field trip, donate them to the local women's homeless shelter. These kids would never have considered doing a project like this without the inspiration of Project Night Night.
Thank you.



Rating: 5

Project Night Night has an amazing mission of bringing comfort to vulnerable children. Their volunteers also get the amazing benefit of collecting items and stuffing bags, which offers a tangible way to help! Their Founder Kendra is an amazing leader. This is truly an exceptional nonprofit!!


Board Member

Rating: 5

This is the most wonderful non-profit, because it directly impacts children. It is also wonderful because it is an easy non-profit for CHILDREN TO HELP other children. It does not take a lot to make a GIANT impact on another child.


Board Member

Rating: 5

This is a wonderful non-profit that I am so proud to be part of as a mom of a 2 year old. I love that it reaches the smallest victims of homelessness and gives them the childhood basics to make them feel loved, safe and secure. It also is a great way to encourage volunteerism in many ways for your kids starting at an early age.

Previous Stories

Board Member

Rating: 5

Project Night Night is a wonderful organization that helps homeless children by giving them the childhood essentials of a blanket, book and stuffed animal. These items provide comfort and security during a difficult times in their young lives and helps not only the children but their parents. I started as a volunteer and now am a board member and am so proud to be involved with this organization that delivers Night Night Packages to thousands of children across the United Stated. It also is a great way to get children involved with volunteering by raising money, picking out items for a Night Night Package and donation drives.



Rating: 5

We have done a Project Night Night event in my community now for 5 years, and I could not imagine an easier or more worthy organization to work with. Our bags always arrive quickly and I love that you can do as few or as many bags as you can. Makes it a perfect organization to partner with for a small group of friends or a larger organization. My kids also love getting involved and "curating" a night night package for another child. I honestly cannot say enough good things about their organization.



Rating: 5

Love this nonprofit. They really go above and beyond in so many ways. They ALWAYS call or email back, are so polite, and the website has pretty much everything you need. I've been volunteering for years!



Rating: 5

I will never forget the day I distributed Night Night Packages in Worcester, Massachusetts. I had never seen so many smiling faces and so many families brought to tears. Project Night Night is a wonderful organization. I interned there for three summers, learned many life lessons and met very dedicated people. PNN provides a new blanket, new stuffed animal and a new book to children who live in homeless shelters or in poverty. The Night Night Package provides a sense of safety and security where the unknown and often times loneliness is present. Most of us can remember the blanket we slept with or the stuffed animal we couldn't drop. Many children in the United States lack these essential child items. As they move from shelter to shelter or friend's home to the street, Project Night Night aims to give them a piece of comfort where they can feel secure despite the unknown. As an intern, I was privileged to read "Thank You" notes from the children who received these blankets. One card read, "My Mother says thank you." The mother realized what an impact a Night Night Package can have on her child. It not only provides needed items, but it also gives the child something they can call their "own". Throughout my time, I was very impressed with the staff and board. Their dedication and hard-work is evident in everything they do. They continue to expand their services in order to help more children. It is a beautiful place to work.



Rating: 5

We started a branch of this program in Santa Barbara, California, in March of 2012. We are a small town, but have put totes into the hands of 237 homeless children in our area. People are at their best when they are helping each other. So many have come forward with donations. A woman called yesterday and donated 20 bears. A recent high school grad gave us her entire stuffed animal collection as she transitions into college life. Today a Girl Scout troop leader called. She had heard about us and her troop wants to help. Directors of the various agencies have shared touching stories of the families receiving these totes. Mostly surprise and disbelief that someone would care enough to do this for their child. Of course, it is truly about the children. Having that special stuffed animal to hug, blanket to snuggle up with, and their very own book to read and re-read forever if they choose, creates cocoon of peace, caring, and stability as they adapt to their new surroundings.


Client Served

Rating: 5

FrontLine Service provides Projects Night Night bags to families who are homeless and to children who have experienced violence in their homes or community. Our homeless families often move from place to place and are unable to take their belonging with them or their belongings get lost in the process. They arrive with little to no belongings. The Project Night Night bags give children something new that is all theirs that they can take with them easily. The blanket and stuffed animal brings them comfort- something to snuggle with- during an incredibly stressful and difficult time. The book they receive is a great way to occupy their time while our staff work with the family on finding them housing. Our families are deeply grateful for Project Night Night.

2 Connie24


Rating: 5

I worked as a pediatric nurse for 34 years and retired 3 years ago. I have always felt a strong desire for helping children and after reading an article about Project Night Night, I was so impressed with the concept of putting together totes for children that don't have a stable home environment. I started purchasing these items on my own, delivered some totes, and talked to friends about this project. My group of friends started helping with purchasing and collecting donations. We are now into our second year of assembling and delivering totes to 3 counties in central Iowa. The shelters that we deliver to are so very grateful for PNN and their mission to help children.



Rating: 5

Project Night Night (PNN) is a wonderful organization that helps children all over the nation have a better night sleep. My favorite part of the organization is how easy it is for my children to get involved. My older daughter had her friends donate items (children's books, stuffed animals, blankets) to PNN in lieu of presents at her last birthday. PNN gave her recognition for her personal sacrifice. It's wonderful to have the opportunity to teach my children generosity while supporting a great organization.

3 Juli H.


Rating: 5

As a family with younger children it is important that we find relatable ways for our children to "give back". Project Night Night is an amazing non-profit whose concept is relatable for all ages. My kids can relate to a loving their blankets and books. They can also relate to how it would feel without them. Our seven year old twins love putting together a book, stuffed animal and blanket which they donate around their birthday every year and watching for deals on blankets in between. I am so proud to be involved with an organization who cares so deeply and leads by example!



Rating: 5

I have been connected to Project Night Night as a volunteer donating bags to my local women and chidren's crisis center for the last five years. It all began because of my New York niece who gave family members a stocking gift card saying that she and her husband had donated to PNN in lieu of a gift. Natasha also encouraged me to become involved because I crochet kids' blankets and thought that PNN would be the perfect place for my homemade donations. I have an annual Christmas Dessert/Donation Party and PNN was the designated organization 5 years ago. Guests brought books, stuffed animals or blankets to fill the bags. I thought this was going to be a one time thing, but then friends and family began giving me donations throughout the year, so I have been putting bags together several times during the year and helping to support the local crisis center suburban Chicago. PNN helped me to connect to a center in my community and the rest is history, as they say. This is truly a
worthwhile organization. It continues to be a good experience thanks to the San Francisco organization who began it years ago. Though it began with a small stocking stuffer, it has grown to a significant support not only at the holiday, but throughout the year.