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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

Adults: Bipolar Disorder

Investigating the Genetics of Bipolar Disorder in those affected and their family members

Enrolling nationally from around the country

Researchers are looking for genes that may affect a person's chances of developing bipolar disorder. You can participate in this research study if you are over 18, have a bipolar diagnosis, or have a family member with bipolar disorder.

NIMH Family Study of Health and Behavior

Enrolling locally from the Washington, D.C. metro region

The major goal of this study is to examine how mood disorders, anxiety disorders and migraine run in families. We study both genetic and environmental factors that may contribute to these conditions.

Suicide and the Brain

Enrolling nationally from around the country

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) researchers seek adults 18 to 70, who have a history of attempted suicide but are not currently suicidal, for a study of suicide and brain function. Participation includes up to seven days as an inpatient at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Procedures include blood tests, medical evaluations, brain imaging, sleep studies and psychiatric interviews. Participants do not need to stop their current medications. Compensation and transportation are provided. Pregnant women and individuals with serious medical conditions are not eligible.