For QTPoC Mental Health Practitioners Only

Created in June 2016, our QTPoC Mental Health Practitioner Directory is an interactive digital resource on our website that helps QTPoC locate QTPoC mental health practitioners across the country. It includes a Google map as well as a Featured Practitioners page which is organized regionally to assist people in identifying a practitioner to work with. 


All practitioners listed in the directory must:


1.  Identify as a queer, trans, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, genderqueer, bisexual, lesbian and/or gay person of color.

2.  Be a trained, licensed, or certified mental health practitioner working in a community mental health organization, healthcare/medical clinic, counseling center, and/or private practice. Practitioners in training are welcome to list their services as well as long as they are supervised by a licensed practitioner. At this time, we are not listing other QTPoC healing practitioners in the directory; however, we are working on a strategy to connect these practitioners to QTPoC seeking services as well.


3.  Understand that being listed in the directory in and of itself will disclose your identity as a QTPoC. Your specific identity information (race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation) will be shared to assist people seeking services unless you notify us otherwise. Please consider the level of personal and professional risk you are willing to take by being listed in our practitioner directory.


4. Commit to the following “Statement of Community Care” to ensure that practitioners in the directory are aligned with the values of NQTTCN.