Find Support

DBSA chapters across the country offer support groups, many of which are now operating online during the current health crisis. Enter your zip code to find your local support group.

    If You Live With a Mood Disorder, You May Now Be Eligible For a COVID Booster

    People experiencing a mood disorder, including depression, are now eligible for a COVID booster shot, the CDC has announced. Learn more.

    I'm Living Proof: A Letter to My Younger Self Podcast and Blog series

    Don’t miss our popular podcast!

    If you live with depression or bipolar, when things are at their worst it can feel like it will never get better. These times do pass. When reflect on our experience and circumstances, we can find the strength we have shown during our greatest challenges. DBSA’s blog and podcast series, I’m Living Proof: A Letter to My Younger Self, shares inspiring stories of young adult peers who are living proof that we can overcome even the most difficult times.

    Listen Now

    DBSA program helps children make friends with their feelings

    If there’s a young child in your life, we think you’ll be excited to learn more about the DBSA Mood Crew™!

    Meet the DBSA Mood Crew™!


    Daily tools empower your wellness journey

    Each person’s wellness journey is unique. With that in mind, DBSA has developed tools to help you take the first steps and to determine what support you may need along the way.

    Start with Strengths

    The DBSA Wellness Wheel is an easy-to-use tool that focuses on your strengths in 7 key areas of life. 

    DBSA Wellness Wheel

    Wellness Wheel

    Keep Daily Logs

    Our Wellness Tracker can be an essential resource to understand your moods, symptoms, medications, and lifestyle.

    DBSA Wellness Tracker Workbook


    Wellness Tracker

    Parent and child

    When I joined I felt isolated and in crisis. I didn’t know where to turn. I found a supportive community of educated, helpful and kind parents who love their children very much. I desperately needed to know that my son could find light at the end of the tunnel. I found optimism and helpful suggestions.
    —Balanced Mind Parent Network member

    The Balanced Mind Parent Network (BMPN) is an online support community where you’ll find connection, resources, and hope for the road ahead.

    Join the BMPN Online Community

    DBSA Programs

    I'm here...

    I’m here…

    I’m here… is a way—for both people living with a mood disorder and those who support—to open up a channel for communication and to say, “I’m here…”

    Life Unlimited

    Empowering stories of individuals whose lives have been touched, but not limited by, a mood disorder.
    Parent and child

    Balanced Mind Parent Network

    The Balanced Mind Parent Network (BMPN) is an online support community where you’ll find connection, resources, and hope for the road ahead.