
Tomorrow is the big day, WordCamp SLC 2013. I want to remind everyone about our new location in Sandy –

Check in will start at 9am. The schedule for the rest of the day is up at

We are using the tag #wcslc for the event and Tweets using that tag will show up at

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.

– Joseph

Sponsors: Strategy11

Our final sponsor for WordCamp SLC 2013 is Strategy11, who make the Formidable Pro WordPress plugin. The Formidable Pro plugin is designed to help you build forms and manage content.

Strategy11 is also local here in Utah. Great to see local WordPress related companies supporting the community, thank you!

Sponsors: Spot Travel

Following our trend of local sponsors we have Spot Travel. They provide hosted web sites, payment solutions, and booking & reservation management software for tour operators.

Thank you Spot Travel for sponsoring WordCamp SLC 2013!

Sponsors: WP Site Care

WP Site Care is a local WordPress support and maintenance company. If you are looking for help in managing your WordPress then WP Site Care is a service you should be checking out.

The only thing better than having a company sponsor WordCamp SLC is having a local company sponsor WordCamp SLC.

Sponsors: Dreamhost

Dreamhost is sponsoring WordCamp SLC 2013 as part of the WordCamp Champion sponsorship program across multiple WordCamp events.

DreamHost is a global Web hosting and cloud services provider with over 350,000 customers and 1.2 million blogs, websites and apps hosted. The company offers a wide spectrum of Web hosting and cloud services including Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Dedicated Server Hosting, Domain Name Registration, the cloud storage service, DreamObjects, and the cloud computing service DreamCompute. Please visit for more information.

A big thank you DreamHost for being a sponsor of WordCamp SLC 2013.

Sponsors: Bluehost

It would be hard to over state the fact that Bluehost is a major part of why WordCamp SLC is able to happen each year. Bluehost has sponsored lunch for every WordCamp SLC event. This year not only are they taking care of lunch, but they are also a WordCamp Pillar level sponsor.

All of this means that WordCamp SLC gets to keep ticket prices low, and as an organizer makes my life much easier ๐Ÿ™‚

There will be several people from Bluehost at WordCamp SLC. If you are user of Bluehost services, or want to learn more about them, this will be the perfect opportunity to ask them questions.