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2022 Event

2022 Mom Congress Event

Mom Congress is both a movement and a moment. Join us for the Mom Congress “Moment” this May in DC. This convening brings mothers and other advocates together to learn, receive issue and advocacy training, be inspired by influential leaders, to connect with others, and advocate for change on Capitol Hill.

Sunday, May 15 – Tuesday, May 17

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The event runs from 5pm Sunday, May 15 through 7pm on Tuesday, May 17th. Click here for detailed agenda.



Yours Truly DC Hotel

Mom Congress attendees will be among the first groups to be pampered in the completely renovated hotel space.

Events on Sunday, May 15 and Monday, May 16 will take place at the hotel.

A discounted room rate is available at $257 per night (one king or two queens).

View details.

All-Access Tickets

Includes opening night Soirée cocktails and appetizers on Sunday, breakfast and lunch on Monday, breakfast Tuesday, and reception on Tuesday afternoon.

Early Bird Registration (ends March 14)

Standard Registration (ends April 18)

Late Registration (closes May 1)

Readiness Assessment

Mom Congress is a very powerful experience. Some women are interested in attending because they had a negative maternity care experience, such as suffering from a preventable near-miss, or not being able to find care for maternal depression, for example.

If this is your situation, we encourage you to take our readiness assessment before registering.

Want to know more?

Check out the Event’s Frequently Asked Questions.


Scholarships to the event are available with financial support from the Mom Congress Jenny and Graham Gibbs Scholarship Memorial Fund, and the Community Outreach and Access Fund made possibly by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Mom Congress will award scholarships to advocates with a financial need from marginalized communities and/or who are Black, Indigenous (Native American, Native Alaskan, or Native Hawaiian), or reside in rural America.

L: Randy Gibbs presenting a scholarship fund check to Joy Burkhard at Mom Congress 2019.  R: Randy with his sister Jenny.

L: Randy Gibbs presenting a scholarship fund check to Joy Burkhard at Mom Congress 2019.

R: Randy with his sister Jenny.


Please submit your interest in speaking at Mom Congress 2022 in person in Washington D.C. or nominate someone you would like to hear speak at Mom Congress. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 5pm PT. All respondents will be contacted regarding their submission by March 15, 2022.