2020 Mom


Official Twitter for 2020 Mom.

Los Angeles, CA


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  1. 10 小時前

    This model reviews supporting evidence, & the great interest of birthing people in midwifery care; including recommendations to increase access to midwifery care for federal, state, & territorial policymakers & the private sector decision-makers.

  2. 11月19日
  3. 11月19日

    The House of Reps passed the Build Back Better Act today, including the Moms Matter Act. This legislation will help Black & Brown moms get the mental health & substance use services they deserve. Congrats to led by Kay Matthews! Learn more

  4. 11月18日

    After photographing Aijalon Redd’s prenatal appt in Mar., Allegra asked if she could check my baby. She laid me down & listened to the heartbeat & then to me. I was treated like a human, not just a body or just a photographer capturing her story. Read more

  5. 11月18日

    A limited number of full scholarships will be provided to clinicians working for non-profit organizations who provide direct service to mothers who may be suffering from MMH disorders. Apply today:

  6. 11月17日

    The U.S. is one of six countries with no national paid leave. The Democrats have cut their plan to four weeks, which would still make it an outlier. Read more:

  7. 11月16日

    We are 2 weeks away from , Tue. 11/30th. Which non-profit will you give to? If you believe the health & mental health care systems aren't doing enough for us, we invite you to give to 2020 Mom this giving season. Save the date or give today:

  8. 11月16日

    Pregnant patients with trauma and stress-related illnesses had the highest costs. Researchers found that women with mental health disorders during pregnancy incurred higher childbirth costs and a greater risk for severe illness during gestation. Read more:

  9. 11月15日

    The pandemic continues to disrupt life across the U.S., a staggering number of Americans are reaching out to their primary care doctors for help w/ sometimes overwhelming mental health struggles. Read more:

  10. 11月14日

    As doctors adopt EHR/messaging portals, they hoped that digitization will make their work more efficient. But exactly the opposite is true, some clinicians spend up to 2 hrs of time each night catching up on notes/responding to patient messages. Read more:

  11. 11月12日

    . w/ is hosting an HHS Racial Equity in Postpartum Care Challenge. Competition aims to identify effective programs that can address equity of postpartum care for Black or African American & AI/AN beneficiaries enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP.

  12. 11月12日

    The pandemic's impact on mental health worldwide hit women/young people hard. Researchers were able to estimate that depression rose worldwide by 53.2 million cases, equating to an increase of 27.6% due to the pandemic. Read more:

  13. 11月12日

    For those who are currently pregnant: Goal is to understand more about emotional health & well-being during pregnancy/postpartum. Information will be kept confidential-participation is voluntary-gift cards provided for each survey completed.

  14. 11月11日

    . & the HHS Office of Minority Health are partnering to convene a webinar focused on advancing behavioral health equity. Learn more and register:

  15. 11月11日

    We acknowledge & support all of our service men & women, both past & present, for their service especially those who have served while pregnant or in the postpartum. Lieutenant Gaby Cavins, Suffered from PPD & is Now Advocating for Change w/ us. Learn more

  16. 11月10日

    . Greenlights Certain Telebehavioral Health Services Beyond the Public Health Emergency and Provides Important Incentives for Further Investment. Read more:

  17. 11月10日

    This week, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force published an article titled, “Actions to Transform U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Methods to Mitigate Systemic Racism in Clinical Preventive Services,” in the . Read the full article:

  18. 11月9日

    If you are a patient/family member or provider who experienced trouble receiving or providing care due to insurance company policies, take two minutes to share your experiences. Your stories will help 2020 Mom drive change. Take survey:

  19. 11月9日

    Wednesday, our non-profit policy fellows met and reviewed model legislation - including new network adequacy model legislation, discussed the formation of coalitions and the powerful role of media advocacy. Thank you for funding this work.

  20. 11月8日

    Over the weekend, the House of Representatives passed a key procedural vote to set up eventual passage of the Build Back Better Act, a legislative package that includes several social safety net provisions, including provisions from the .



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