Domestic violence is preventable. NRCDV provides information and resources on gender-based violence.

가입일: 2012년 1월


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  1. 메인 트윗
    1월 12일

    NRCDV is growing. If you are committed to racial and social justice, if you stand up with individuals & groups affected by multiple systems of oppression, if you are ready to be a , then check out our career opportunities.

  2. 7시간 전

    Many runaway and homeless youth (RHY) have gone through a lot: family violence, neglect, sexual and physical abuse, partner violence, & more. We know they’re resilient, but it’s our job to show up. 🏘 Download the today.

  3. 2월 17일

    Join next week on 2/24 for "We are All in This Together." This conversations about healthy relationship and teen dating violence will feature youth leaders. Register @

  4. 2월 17일

    If you're: ☑️ a volunteer in your faith community ☑️ a faith leader ☑️ an organizer ☑️ an advocate ...this quick read on might be helpful! Join us as we explore how faith communities can support . |

  5. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2월 15일

    Thank you Lavon Morris Grant of for your bravery & vulnerability in sharing your lived experience to help us better understand the intersection of gender inequality & homelessness event, & to Achieve Inclusive Recovery & Dignity for All

  6. 2월 15일

    NRCDV’s campaign for focuses on connectedness and authenticity in our relationships with leaders, activists and advocates.

  7. 2월 15일

    Q: Why are young folks homeless? Why do they run away? A: Many runaway and homeless youth (RHY) have witnessed DV and/or have been victims of violence, maltreatment, or neglect in their homes. There are ways to help. 🏡

  8. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2월 15일

    "Gender inequality is a significant barrier for women experiencing ...we must increase safe and affordable housing development" says Lavon Morris Grant of at side event " & to Achieve Inclusive Recovery & Dignity for All"

  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2월 14일
    이 스레드 보기
  10. 2월 13일

    📈 2021 numbers from the . Unacceptable. More here:

  11. 2월 13일

    Q: Why is it important for service providers to understand the intersection of runaway + homeless youth & relationship violence? A: Abuse + neglect at home is often the reason that young folks end up on the streets. 🏘 Let’s talk prevention.

  12. 2월 11일

    Every year around 20,000 youth ages 16+ "age out" of the system. Some of these young adults will experience homelessness within the 1st year, and around 50% of these youth will be homeless within the first 4 years. 🏘

  13. 2월 10일

    Q: Why is it important for service providers to understand the intersection of runaway + homeless youth and relationship violence? A: Together we can create resources to help young folks form and sustain healthy relationships. 🏘

  14. 2월 10일

    for : Connect with Black-led organizations working to improve the lives of Black and Brown youth in their communities.

  15. 2월 9일

    Q: Why is it important for service providers to understand the intersection of runaway + homeless youth and violence? A: Relationship violence is perpetrated and experienced by youth both on the street and in stable housing. 🏘

  16. 2월 9일

    TY for coming together to co-sponsor . This compromise bill includes important enhancements 4 survivors of domestic and sexual violence. It truly is a

  17. 2월 9일

    Together, let’s show young people that we see all that they are and all that they bring.

  18. 2월 8일

    Today is for . we are doing is to take a moment to pause and truly appreciate in their full humanity.

  19. 2월 7일

    If you’re an advocate at a DV program, you might be familiar with the Power & Control Wheel. ⚪ It’s important to keep in mind that these tactics & terms might apply differently when working with runaway & homeless youth (RHY). More in the :

  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    2월 7일

    We can no longer be excellent, we must be PHENOMENAL.

  21. 2월 7일

    Are you an advocate working with youth? This Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, you can do to strengthen your advocacy is check out this resources on from ! 🧡


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트위터의 트래픽이 폭주했거나 일시적인 문제가 발생했을 수 있습니다. 다시 시도하거나 트위터 상태 페이지를 방문하여 자세한 내용을 확인해 보세요.

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