December 5, 2021

Volume XI, Number 339


December 03, 2021

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How to Adopt a Positive Mindset and Achieve Success

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard no in my career and in my personal life.

Maybe I was the final candidate for a job that I didn’t get, or someone broke up with me or I didn’t get selected for a speaking slot or a potential client decided to work with another company.

But that’s OK. Because I believe in myself and the value I bring, and I keep soldiering on.

I dust myself off and try again.

I don’t keep knocking on doors that aren’t meant for me.

I go where I am wanted, valued and appreciated.

I don’t chase. I attract. I create opportunities now.

What’s meant for me comes to me.

I harness the power of positivity. I believe that I can and that I will.

When you adopt this kind of mindset in your personal and professional life, your whole world will change.

It’s an abundance mindset versus a scarcity one, and it’s one where you are coming from a place of power.

It’s about putting yourself in the driver’s seat of your life and taking control.

I used to let others make decisions for me instead of taking action myself because I was afraid of change. The last few years changed that for me. Now I don’t rely on others to choose my outcomes – I do.

And when things don’t go my way or I make a mistake, I dust myself off and move on. I don’t ruminate on it or allow my inner critic to beat myself up anymore.

When you start treating yourself as well as you treat others, really great things happen.

I know it’s easier said than done, but it does really work. It’s about giving yourself grace.

So try it with me.

Don’t keep knocking on closed doors. Find reasons why something WILL work and if it doesn’t know you’ll be okay and that it wasn’t meant for you.

Do it even when you feel like you’re out of your comfort zone and/or you don’t have enough time.

Believe that you can and you will.

Come to things from a place of abundance not scarcity.

Have you had a similar experience with using the power of positive thinking to bring you success?

Copyright © 2021, Stefanie M. Marrone. All Rights Reserved.National Law Review, Volume XI, Number 338

About this Author

Stefanie M. Marrone

Stefanie Marrone advises law firms of all sizes, professional service firms, B2C and B2B companies, professional associations and individuals on the full range of marketing and business development consulting services designed to enhance revenue, retain current clients, attract new clients and achieve greater brand recognition and market share. Stefanie has worked with a broad range of law firms of all sizes over her nearly 20-year legal marketing career from Big Law, to mid-size firms, to boutique firms to solo practitioners. She also works with accounting firms,...
