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We proudly release to the public the Reflow crypto scheme for material passports in the circular economy paper pre-print freely available for
#openaccess download thanks to the@REFLOW_projectGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
Today we are proud to be ranked #2 worldwide by user-reviews on Distrowatch sharing the podium with distros as Arch, Void and Slackware … here a quick overview of press reporting on our 4.0 release in many languages …
Go raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
Devuan 4.0 Chimaera is out as our new stable release, … thanks everyone for your continued support and appreciation!
Go raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
Presenting the findings from our
#StateofEU table on the#DigitalTransition, here are the proposals: An increased in funding for digital literacy A common framework for a digital identity A trust-building mechanism for onlineáin an snáithe seoGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Sull'attacco digitale alla
@cgilnazionale e quanto sia difficile oggi mantenere delle piattaforme di partecipazione democratica online …Go raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
Today we are pleased to announce a new CEO for Open Knowledge Foundation - Renata Ávila. … Please join us in welcoming her to the Open Knowledge Foundation team.
Go raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
"We make Crypto for Citizens and we make it Open Source." cit.
@francesca_bria …Go raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
We have the technologies, now we need to focus on the players and policies, says Geert-Jan Bogaerts of the
@public_spaces coalition. Part two of our series on Interoperability and beyond: raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
We're implementing post-quantum crypto in Zenroom ( ) using Kyper 512 and Dilithium 2 (from the NIST selection …), the preliminary data obect sizes are: sk = 2528 Bytes pk = 1312 Bytes signature = 2420 Bytes
#Crypto#QuantumComputingGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
"The Detective Wall" guide is out, a new book by
@realclusterfuck: key to the unsettling, nonsensical, but ultimately liberating parallel universe called the memesphere …#MEMESGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
Zenroom steht für Citizen Crypto. Das zentrale Modul des
@decodeproject &@REFLOW_project Stacks für Smart Cities macht es einfach, die Komplexität der Datentransformation zu verstehen und gleichzeitig mit jeder Plattform kompatibel zu bleiben.#EBSI …Go raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
Did you know our docker images are updated daily? just every morning at the Jenkins bakery maintained by
@DyneOrg folks. Here a choice of flavors available … raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
Once again we made headlines around the world, here a brief explanation of what we are brewing next at
@DyneOrg …Go raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
I'm having fun porting Zenroom's crypto primitives to plain Lua5.1/Luajit this opens up to many possibilities as soon as Zencode is ported too it will be very easy to do
#crypto directly in#Nginx:harderbetterfasterstrongerGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
I am visiting
@zkmkarlsruhe witnessing the restoration of the most ancient computer in Europe, the Zuse (Z22), patiently directed by Gabriele Zaverio (MUSIF/MIAI) raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
New PaperA feminist Critique to Digital ConsentCriticizing the digital consent mechanism using 4feminist approaches- process, embodiment, network, context -to show it transfers responsibility to ppl & enables exploitative-extractivist market1/9 …
Taispeáin an snáithe seoGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
We’ve been tasked by the to conduct the most comprehensive Open Source study in many years. Today,
@FraunhoferISI and@OpenForumEurope’s study for the@EU_Commission is out. It’s been over a year of work. What have we found out? Strap in for a 1/áin an snáithe seoGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
Thrilled to announce new
#journal#article published: Just out! '#DataCooperatives through#DataSovereignty'#Data are not the oil of 21st century; they are people …áin an snáithe seoGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
My talk at
#CryptoCastle today is an update of the one given at the 2nd Bitcoin conference in 2012 then coalesced in this paper … I'll share my outlook of the next 9 years and give tribute to the memory of Dan raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil … a list of CCG21 involved projects!! Thank you
@DyneOrgGo raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh -
Rinne Atweetáil
@jaromil from@DyneOrg explaining how the magic of Zenroom work raibh maith agat. Bainfidh Twitter úsáid as seo chun d'amlíne a fheabhsú. CealaighCealaigh
Tá moill ar an lódáil, is cosúil.
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