Deflect – DDoS protection and web security

Get protected. Stay connected.

Deflect improves website performance and security. Your readers will be safe on our network.

Protection icon


We deploy multiple defense-in-depth strategies to ensure your content is always available.
Learn more.

Performance icon


Optimize the performance and availability of your website on our global edge infrastructure.
Learn more.

Principles icon


Deflect is an ethical service guided by principles, clear terms of service and privacy policy. Transparent pricing with no hidden fees.

Philanthropy icon


When you register for Deflect protection, we extend our services, without cost, to eligible non-profit organizations.

Deflect Features

DDoS mitigation

A decade of experience mitigating cyber attacks. Learn more.

Threat intelligence

AI powered bot detection and threat intelligence. Learn more.

Ubiquitous encryption

Transport and storage security throughout Deflect. Learn more.

Human support

Customer care offered in English, French, Spanish, and Russian.


eQpress is a secure framework for hosting WordPress websites.

Control panel

Manage all Deflect features. For users and administrators.


Los Danieles

Thank you to Deflect who has protected us from so many cyber attacks. They have demonstrated that their technology can be used to protect freedom of expression.Daniel Samper, Los Danieles

Los Danieles

Articulo 19

We love the transparency and clarity in the privacy policy and the personal support from Deflect.

Articulo 19

IPOS Solution

Companies including Cloudflare and Google PageSpeed, failed to protect IPOS’ election tracking poll against a major DDoS attack. Thank you, Deflect.

IPOS Solution


Deflect proved itself extremely helpful in protecting our website, and has allowed us to carry on with getting our information out to the public here in Israel, Palestine, and abroad.


Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana

Our thanks to Deflect for their support in the protection of our website This support helps defend the rights of 1,500 Amazon communities against extractivism, in order to help save ancestral lands.

Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana

Since we have connected to Deflect, there have been no problems. The guidelines are simple and clear. Technical support service responds faster than our remote system administrator.

Arakan Rohingya National Organisation

We came to know Deflect in June of 2012, when violence broke out in the Rakhine state of Myanmar, Burma. Our website, the first Rohingya News Agency, had been continuously attacked and went down. The Deflect team brought it back on-line and are still protecting it today.

Arakan Rohingya National Organisation

Children on the Edge

Thank you so much for your support in getting it back up and running and also for Deflect’s general support of nonprofits. It’s vital that our Ugandan team can communicate their work to their own networks, and we’re very grateful to have found a way to make that possible.

Children on the Edge

Trusted by

Internews Logo
ihoopamatop Logo
PEN Logo
Caucasian Knot
Seawatch Logo