
Our education coverage examines the inequities students face in Bay Area and California schools, and reports on what it will take to educate the next generation.

Three students sit at a table with an open book in a classroom, apparently studying.

Why Some California School Districts Are Changing How Students Earn Grades

Why Revamping the Way California Teaches Math Is So Contentious

The UC Berkeley campanile against a white-grey sky with a foreground of funky-looking trees.

UC Officially Ditches All Tests for Undergraduate Admissions

A woman sits outside a building wearing a black hoodie and jeans.

Berkeley High's Dana Moran Was Teaching Ethnic Studies Decades Before California Required It

A high school student with a backpack walks down a long, windowed school hallway.

'Representation Matters': The Case for More Black Counselors in K-12 Schools

The SFUSD Board Recall Election is Set. We Revisit Student Voices

A man and a woman, smiling and arm in arm, stand at the corner of two walls stacked with election filing boxes.

SF School Board Recall Funded Mostly by Local Donors, With Venture Capitalists Topping the List

Bri Davis leads a game for a classroom of preschool children in a gym.

Why California's Universal Transitional Kindergarten Plan Poses a Threat to Some Early Childhood Ed Providers

A young boy wearing a backpack walks toward his mother outside a school.

California School Districts Fear Major Budget Cuts as Enrollments Drop
