Heads up! Donation deadlines for 2021 tax receipts: Today is Dec 31. It's now too late to make a direct debit donation and receive a 2021 tax receipt. But, good news! You can still donate today online by credit card for a 2021 tax receipt. If you need help making your gift please email our team or learn more about our 2021 deadlines here.


Donations made through RC Forward are eligible for Canadian official donation receipts, which can be used to claim charitable tax credits. Use our calculator to estimate your credits.

GiveDirectly allows donors to give money directly to extremely poor households with no strings attached. It aims to drive efficiency in international giving by making direct transfers the benchmark on which others are evaluated. GiveDirectly is a GiveWell top-rated charity.

About this charity

GiveDirectly provides unconditional cash transfers using cell phone technology to some of the poorest people in Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda. These direct cash transfers allow families to buy much-needed food and shelter, educate their children, and start small businesses.

GiveDirectly uses national data and door-to-door surveys to seek out the poorest households to receive transfers. Households are selected using criteria that vary by region, including a range of factors such as housing materials, assets, vulnerable recipient status, and other criteria. Selected households are provided with SIM cards if they do not have one. GiveDirectly then transfers $1,000 to the family in installments over several months using a mobile payment system, and the recipients are free to use the money however they need to.

GiveDirectly is also currently launching a historic initiative on the efficacy of universal basic income, by scientifically testing a program that provides regular cash payments to thousands of extremely poor households in East African countries for more than ten years.

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