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API Documentation


This is the NS1 API (v1) documentation which provides you with the necessary tools for managing zone, records, data sources and feeds, account settings, and any other aspects of your NS1 account. The NS1 API is a standard REST API with JSON responses. The HTTP method you use — GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE — determines the type of action to be taken by the API. Generally, in the case of PUT and POST requests, you will send a JSON body in the request with details about the resource you're creating or updating.

Most API requests are authenticated with a simple API Key, which you must specify in the X-NSONE-Key request header. You can manage your API Keys in the NS1 portal (

Note: You should treat your API keys as secrets. You should also give them only the minimal access needed for your application.

Refer to the NS1 Help Center for our complete library of technical documentation.

If you have any questions or experience any issues while using the API, please submit a support ticket.

Client Libraries

Account Management


GET /v1/account/settings

GET View account contact details

Returns details about the primary contact associated with the account.

Copy CodeReturns account admin contact details

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "address": {
    "country": "US",
    "street": "Some Address Suite 2100",
    "state": "NY",
    "city": "New York",
    "postalcode": "10005"
  "phone": "",
  "customerid": 5309,
  "company": "NSONE API Example Account",
  "lastname": "Example",
  "firstname": "API"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/account/settings

POST Edit account contact details

Modifies the primary contact details associated with the account.

Request body parameters:

firstnamestringFirst name of the account admin
lasttnamestringLast name of the account admin
companystringName of the company associated with the account
addressobjectSet of address details associated with the account
streetstringStreet address associated with the account contact
citystringCity associated with the account contact address
statestringState associated with the account contact address
postalcodestring or integerPostal code associated with the account contact address
countrystringCountry associated with the account contact address
emailstringPrimary email address associated with the account
secondary_emailstringSecondary (backup) email address associated with the account
phonestringPhone number associated with the account
titlestringTitle of the primary contact associated with the account
websitestringCompany website associated with the account

Copy CodeEdits account admin contact details

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Request:

  "lastname": "Smith",
  "firstname": "John"

Example Response:

  "email": "[email protected]",
  "address": {
    "country": "US",
    "street": "Some Address Suite 2100",
    "state": "NY",
    "city": "New York",
    "postalcode": "10005"
  "phone": "",
  "customerid": 5309,
  "company": "NSONE API Example Account",
  "lastname": "Smith",
  "firstname": "John"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/account/usagewarnings

GET View overage alert settings

Returns toggles and thresholds used when sending overage warning alert messages to users with billing notifications enabled.

Copy CodeReturns overage alert settings

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "queries": {
    "send_warnings": true,
    "warning_2": 90,
    "warning_1": 80
  "records": {
    "send_warnings": false,
    "warning_2": 80,
    "warning_1": 50
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/account/usagewarnings

POST Edit overage alert settings

Changes alerting toggles and thresholds for overage warning alert messages. First thresholds (warning_1) must be smaller than second ones (warning_2) and all thresholds must be percentages between 0 and 100.

Request body parameters:

recordsobjectObject containing the overage alert settings for records
zonesobjectObject containing the overage alert settings for zones
warning_1integerThreshold (overage percentage) upon which to send the first overage alert
warning_2integerThreshold (overage percentage) upon which to send the second overage alert
send_warningsbooleanIndicates whether or not overage alerts are enabled

Copy CodeEdits overage alert settings

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Request:

  "queries": {
    "warning_2": 90

Example Response:

  "queries": {
    "send_warnings": true,
    "warning_2": 90,
    "warning_1": 60
  "records": {
    "send_warnings": false,
    "warning_2": 80,
    "warning_1": 50
Expand Code Examples


GET /v1/account/users

GETView all account users

Returns a list of all users with access to the account. Notification settings (notify) and access restrictions (permissions) are included. If any specific access right is omitted from permissionsthen it defaults to true (allowed). In the example below, "New User" is only allowed to manage the zone and can do nothing else in the account; "API Example" has full permissions.

Users may belong to "Teams" in which case they inherit the permissions of the Teams. If a user belongs to multiple Teams, then they inherit the union of permissions of the Teams they belong to. For example, if a user belongs to two Teams, and one Team has the dns.manage_zones permission and the other does not, then the user will have that permission.

If a user does not belong to any Teams, then their permissions may be modified directly and are just for them. If a user does belong to one or more Teams, then the permissions returned with the user are the computed permissions from all the Teams to which they belong and may not be modified directly (instead, modify the relevant Team permissions).

Example Response:

    "permissions": {
      "dns": {
        "view_zones": true,
        "manage_zones": true,
        "zones_allow_by_default": false,
        "zones_deny": [],
        "zones_allow": [
        "records_allow": [],
        "records_deny": [
            "zone": "",
            "domain": "",
            "include_subdomains": false,
            "type": "A"
      "data": {
        "push_to_datafeeds": false,
        "manage_datasources": false,
        "manage_datafeeds": false
      "account": {
        "manage_payment_methods": false,
        "manage_plan": false,
        "manage_teams": false,
        "manage_apikeys": false,
        "manage_account_settings": false,
        "view_activity_log": false,
        "view_invoices": false,
        "manage_users": false,
        "manage_ip_whitelist": false
      "monitoring": {
        "manage_lists": false,
        "manage_jobs": false,
        "view_jobs": false
      "security": {
        "manage_global_2fa": false
    "teams": [],
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_access": 1376325771,
    "notify": {
      "billing": true
    "name": "API Example",
    "username": "apiexample",
    "ip_whitelist_strict": false,
    "ip_whitelist": []
    "permissions": {
      "dns": {
        "view_zones": true,
        "manage_zones": true,
        "zones_allow_by_default": false,
        "zones_deny": [],
        "zones_allow": [
        "records_allow": [],
        "records_deny": [
            "zone": "",
            "domain": "",
            "include_subdomains": false,
            "type": "A"
      "data": {
        "push_to_datafeeds": false,
        "manage_datasources": false,
        "manage_datafeeds": false
      "account": {
        "manage_payment_methods": false,
        "manage_plan": false,
        "manage_teams": false,
        "manage_apikeys": false,
        "manage_account_settings": false,
        "view_activity_log": false,
        "view_invoices": false,
        "manage_users": false,
        "manage_ip_whitelist": false
      "monitoring": {
        "manage_lists": false,
        "manage_jobs": false,
        "view_jobs": false
      "security": {
        "manage_global_2fa": false
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "last_access": null,
    "notify": {
      "billing": true
    "name": "New User",
    "username": "newuser",
    "ip_whitelist_strict": false,
    "ip_whitelist": [],
    "shared_auth": {
      "saml": {
        "sso": false,
        "idp": {
          "use_metadata_url": null,
          "metadata_url": null,
          "metadata_file": null,
          "provider": null
    "2fa_enabled": false
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/account/users/:username

GETView user details

Returns details for the user specified in the URL path by their username.

Path Parameters:

usernamestring(Required) Username of the account user for whom you are requesting details.

Copy CodeReturns user details

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "permissions": {
    "dns": {
      "view_zones": true,
      "manage_zones": true,
      "zones_allow_by_default": false,
      "zones_deny": [],
      "zones_allow": [
      "records_allow": [],
      "records_deny": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "",
          "include_subdomains": false,
          "type": "AAAA"
    "data": {
      "push_to_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datasources": false,
      "manage_datafeeds": false
    "account": {
      "manage_payment_methods": false,
      "manage_plan": false,
      "manage_teams": false,
      "manage_apikeys": false,
      "manage_account_settings": false,
      "view_activity_log": false,
      "view_invoices": false,
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": false
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": false,
      "manage_jobs": false,
      "view_jobs": false
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": false
  "teams": [
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "last_access": null,
  "notify": {
    "billing": true
  "name": "New User",
  "username": "newuser",
  "ip_whitelist_strict": false,
  "ip_whitelist": []
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/account/users

PUTCreate a new user

Creates a new user within the current NS1 account. Executing this command automatically sends an invitation email to the new user's email address. Users can click to set a password and log into The user cannot log into their account until they accept the invitation and set a password.

Important note about API key security: NS1 recommends restricting access to your API key and reducing permissions only to include what the application requires. Keep your API key secret. If it is compromised, delete the API key immediately. Restrict access to this key by applying IP addresses or CIDR blocks in the ip_whitelist property (ex. ip_whitelist: ['', '']).

Request Body Parameters:

usernamestring(Required) Username for the new account user. Must be between 3-64 characters.
emailstring(Required) Email address associated with the new user. This is where the invite email and other notifications, if applicable, are sent.
namestringFull name of the new user.
teamsarray of stringsArray of team IDs corresponding to teams with which to associate this user. If assigned to a team, the user inherits the permissions set for that team.
ip_whitelist_strictbooleanSet to true to restrict access to only those IP addresses and networks listed in the ip_whitelist field.
ip_whitelistarray of stringsArray of IP addresses/networks to which to grant the user access. Optionally, set the ip_whitelist_strict field to true to restrict access to only those IP addresses/networks listed in this field.
notifyobjectSet of supported notifications to enable or disable for this user.
billingboolean(part of notify object) Enables or disables notifications related to account billing events.
permissionsobjectAll supported permissions
accountobject(part of permissions object) Group of account-related permissions.
manage_account_settingsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage account settings.
manage_teamsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or update teams.
manage_usersboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or update users.
manage_apikeysboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or update API keys.
manage_ip_whitelistboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or update IP "allow" lists.
view_activity_logboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view the account activity log.
manage_payment_methodsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage account payment methods.
view_invoicesboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view account invoices.
manage_auth_tagsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create and edit authorization of ('auth:') tags. Auth tags determine access controls to view or manage resources. Auth tags control access, so the user must also have the 'manage_auth_keys' permission set to true.
manage_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create and modify services. (DDI only)
view_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view services. (DDI only)
dataobject(part of permissions object) Group of data-related permissions.
manage_datasourcesboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create and modify data sources.
manage_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create and modify data feeds.
push_to_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to push data to NS1 data feeds.
dhcpobject(part of permissions object) Group of DHCP-related permissions.
manage_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage DHCP configuration settings.
view_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view DHCP configuration settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the user to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the user will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the user to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the user will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
dnsobject(part of permissions object) Group of DNS-related permissions.
manage_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or modify zones.
view_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view zones.
zones_allow_by_defaultboolean(part of dns object) Set to true to allow access to all zones except for those listed under zones_deny. Set to false to deny access to all zones by default except for those listed under zones_allow.
zones_allowarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the API key is allowed access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to false, the zones listed next to the zones_allow property are the only zones accessible to the user.
zones_denyarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the user is denied access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to true, the zones listed next to the zones_deny property are the only zones not accessible to the user.
records_allowarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the user is allowed access.
records_denyarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the user is denied access.
zonestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Name of the zone to which the record belongs.
domainstring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Domain name associated with the record.
include_subdomainsboolean(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) If a domain is specified, set to "true" to apply the same permissions to all subdomains.
typestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Type of record to which you are allowing or denying access.
ipamobject(part of permissions object) Group of IPAM-related permissions.
manage_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage IPAM settings.
view_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view IPAM settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of ipam object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the user to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the user will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the user to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the user will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
monitoringobject(part of permissions object) Group of monitoring-related permissions.
manage_listsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or modify notification lists.
manage_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or modify monitoring jobs.
view_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view monitoring jobs.
securityobject(part of permissions object) Group of security-related permissions.
manage_global_2faboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage global two-factor authentication (2FA) settings.
manage_active_directoryboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage Active Directory settings. (DDI only)
manage_kerberosboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage Kerberos settings. (DDI only)
manage_ddnsboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage dynamic DNS (DDNS) settings. (DDI only)
serviceobject(part of permissions object) Group of DDI service-related permissions. (DDI only)
view_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)
manage_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to modify DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)

Example Request:

  "username": "newuser",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "name": "New User",
  "teams": [],
  "permissions": {
    "data": {
      "push_to_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datasources": false
    "account": {
      "view_invoices": false,
      "view_activity_log": false,
      "manage_teams": false,
      "manage_apikeys": false,
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_payment_methods": false,
      "manage_plan": false,
      "manage_account_settings": false,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": false
    "dns": {
      "zones_allow": [
      "zones_deny": [],
      "zones_allow_by_default": false,
      "manage_zones": false,
      "view_zones": true,
      "records_allow": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "",
          "include_subdomains": false
          "zone": ""
      "records_deny": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "",
          "type": "MX"
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "A"
          "zone": "wha.what",
          "type": "AAAA"
          "zone": "",
          "type": "DNSSEC"
          "zone": "another.example",
          "domain": ""
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": false,
      "manage_jobs": false,
      "view_jobs": false
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": false

Example Response:

  "2fa_enabled": true,
  "created": 0,
  "invite_token": "string",
  "last_access": null,
  "username": "some_username69",
  "shared_auth": {
    "saml": {
      "sso": true,
      "idp": {
        "use_metadata_url": null,
        "metadata_url": null,
        "metadata_file": null,
        "provider": null
  "email": "string",
  "ip_whitelist": [
  "ip_whitelist_strict": true,
  "name": "string",
  "notify": {
    "billing": true
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "manage_account_settings": true,
      "manage_teams": true,
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_apikeys": true,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": true,
      "view_activity_log": true,
      "manage_payment_methods": true,
      "manage_plan": true,
      "view_invoices": true,
      "manage_auth_tags": true,
      "manage_service": true,
      "view_service": true
    "data": {
      "manage_datasources": true,
      "manage_datafeeds": true,
      "push_to_datafeeds": true
    "dhcp": {
      "manage_dhcp": true,
      "view_dhcp": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "dns": {
      "manage_zones": true,
      "view_zones": true,
      "zones_allow_by_default": true,
      "zones_allow": [
      "zones_deny": [
      "records_allow": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
      "records_deny": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
    "ipam": {
      "manage_ipam": true,
      "view_ipam": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": true,
      "manage_jobs": true,
      "view_jobs": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": true,
      "manage_active_directory": true,
      "manage_kerberos": true,
      "manage_ddns": true
    "service": {
      "view_config": true,
      "manage_config": true
  "teams": [
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/account/users/:username

POSTEdit user details

Updates settings for an existing user.

Important note about API key security: NS1 recommends restricting access to your API key and reducing permissions only to include what the application requires. Keep your API key secret. If it is compromised, delete the API key immediately. Restrict access to this key by applying IP addresses or CIDR blocks in the ip_whitelist property (ex. ip_whitelist: ['', '']).

Path Parameters:

usernamestring(Required) Username associated with the user you are editing.

Request Body Parameters:

emailstring(Required) Email address associated with the new user. This is where the invite email and other notifications, if applicable, are sent.
namestringFull name of the new user.
teamsarray of stringsArray of team IDs corresponding to teams with which to associate this user. If assigned to a team, the user inherits the permissions set for that team.
ip_whitelist_strictbooleanSet to true to restrict access to only those IP addresses and networks listed in the ip_whitelist field.
ip_whitelistarray of stringsArray of IP addresses/networks to which to grant the user access. Optionally, set the ip_whitelist_strict field to true to restrict access to only those IP addresses/networks listed in this field.
notifyobjectSet of supported notifications to enable or disable for this user.
billingboolean(part of notify object) Enables or disables notifications related to account billing events.
permissionsobjectAll supported permissions
accountobject(part of permissions object) Group of account-related permissions.
manage_account_settingsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage account settings.
manage_teamsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or update teams.
manage_usersboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or update users.
manage_apikeysboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or update API keys.
manage_ip_whitelistboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or update IP "allow" lists.
view_activity_logboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view the account activity log.
manage_payment_methodsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage account payment methods.
view_invoicesboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view account invoices.
manage_auth_tagsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create and edit authorization of ('auth:') tags. Auth tags determine access controls to view or manage resources. Auth tags control access, so the user must also have the 'manage_auth_keys' permission set to true.
manage_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create and modify services. (DDI only)
view_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view services. (DDI only)
dataobject(part of permissions object) Group of data-related permissions.
manage_datasourcesboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create and modify data sources.
manage_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create and modify data feeds.
push_to_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to push data to NS1 data feeds.
dhcpobject(part of permissions object) Group of DHCP-related permissions.
manage_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage DHCP configuration settings.
view_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view DHCP configuration settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the user to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the user will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the user to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the user will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
dnsobject(part of permissions object) Group of DNS-related permissions.
manage_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or modify zones.
view_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view zones.
zones_allow_by_defaultboolean(part of dns object) Set to true to allow access to all zones except for those listed under zones_deny. Set to false to deny access to all zones by default except for those listed under zones_allow.
zones_allowarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the API key is allowed access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to false, the zones listed next to the zones_allow property are the only zones accessible to the user.
zones_denyarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the user is denied access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to true, the zones listed next to the zones_deny property are the only zones not accessible to the user.
records_allowarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the user is allowed access.
records_denyarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the user is denied access.
zonestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Name of the zone to which the record belongs.
domainstring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Domain name associated with the record.
include_subdomainsboolean(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) If a domain is specified, set to "true" to apply the same permissions to all subdomains.
typestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Type of record to which you are allowing or denying access.
ipamobject(part of permissions object) Group of IPAM-related permissions.
manage_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage IPAM settings.
view_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view IPAM settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of ipam object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the user to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the user will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the user to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the user will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
monitoringobject(part of permissions object) Group of monitoring-related permissions.
manage_listsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or modify notification lists.
manage_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to create or modify monitoring jobs.
view_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view monitoring jobs.
securityobject(part of permissions object) Group of security-related permissions.
manage_global_2faboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage global two-factor authentication (2FA) settings.
manage_active_directoryboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage Active Directory settings. (DDI only)
manage_kerberosboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage Kerberos settings. (DDI only)
manage_ddnsboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to manage dynamic DNS (DDNS) settings. (DDI only)
serviceobject(part of permissions object) Group of DDI service-related permissions. (DDI only)
view_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to view DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)
manage_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the user to modify DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)

Copy CodeEdits the name of an existing user

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"name": "Jane Smith"}'

Example Response:

  "permissions": {
    "dns": {
      "view_zones": true,
      "manage_zones": true,
      "zones_allow_by_default": false,
      "zones_deny": [],
      "zones_allow": [
      "records_allow": [],
      "records_deny": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "",
          "include_subdomains": false,
          "type": "A"
    "data": {
      "push_to_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datasources": false,
      "manage_datafeeds": false
    "account": {
      "manage_payment_methods": false,
      "manage_plan": false,
      "manage_teams": false,
      "manage_apikeys": false,
      "manage_account_settings": false,
      "view_activity_log": false,
      "view_invoices": false,
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": false
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": false,
      "manage_jobs": false,
      "view_jobs": false
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": false
  "teams": [],
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "last_access": null,
  "notify": {
    "billing": true
  "name": "Jane Smith",
  "username": "newuser",
  "ip_whitelist_strict": false,
  "ip_whitelist": []

Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/account/users/username

DELETERemove a user

Deletes a user from the account. They will no longer be able to log into There is no response other than the HTTP status code.

Path Parameters:

usernamestring(Required) Username for the account user you are deleting.

Copy CodeDeletes the account user


POST /v1/account/reinvite/:username

POSTResend invitation to a user

In the event that a user does not receive their invitation email or the invitation has expired, you may resend the invitation. There is no response other than the HTTP status code. Note that if the user has already logged into their account, you will not be able to resent the invitation. Instead, the user should click the "Forgot Password" link on the login page to verify their email address and reset their password.

Path Parameters:

usernamestring(Required) Username for the user to whom you are resending the invitation.

Request Body Parameters:

emailstringEmail address associated with the user
namestringFull name of the user
usernamestringUsername for the user

Copy CodeInvite a new user with full access to your account

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"username":"newuser", "name":"New User", "email":"[email protected]"}'

An invitation email will be sent to [email protected] allowing them to set a password and log in to

DELETE /v1/account/2factor/reset/:username

DELETEReset two-factor authentication (2FA) for user

This operation resets two-factor authentication (2FA) for user specified by their username. Once cleared, the user can log into the portal normally. If enabled globally, the user will be prompted to set up 2FA upon login.

Copy CodeClears existing 2FA configuration for the specified user

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-KEY:key"{username}

Example Response:

2FA disabled for user '{userId}'
Expand Code Examples

API key

GET /v1/account/apikeys

GETList all API keys

Returns a list of all API Keys under the account, including access rights (permissions) and the actual key to be used when contacting the NSONE API. API keys may belong to teams with the same conditions as users.

Copy CodeReturns a list of API keys

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "ip_whitelist_strict": false,
    "name": "MyAPIKey",
    "key": "abcdefghijklmnopqrst",
    "ip_whitelist": [],
    "last_access": null,
    "teams": [],
    "id": "5d727dc9f1e0e100621352a6",
    "permissions": {
      "account": {
        "manage_account_settings": true,
        "manage_apikeys": true,
        "manage_users": true,
        "manage_teams": true,
        "view_activity_log": true,
        "manage_ip_whitelist": true
      "ipam": {
        "view_ipam": true,
        "manage_ipam": true,
        "tags_allow": [
            "name": "auth:allow1"
            "name": "auth:allow2"
            "name": "auth:zip",
            "value": "07030"
            "name": "auth:lat_lon",
            "value": "+12.345-098.765"
        "tags_deny": [
            "name": "auth:deny1"
            "name": "auth:deny2"
            "name": "auth:zip",
            "value": "90210"
            "name": "auth:lat_lon",
            "value": "+16.345-096.765"
      "dns": {
        "zones_allow": [
        "manage_zones": true,
        "zones_allow_by_default": true,
        "view_zones": true
      "dhcp": {
        "manage_dhcp": true,
        "view_dhcp": true
      "security": {
        "manage_global_2fa": true
      "data": {
        "manage_datafeeds": true,
        "manage_datasources": true,
        "push_to_datafeeds": true
Expand Code Examples


GETView API key details

Returns details, including permissions, for a single API Key. Note: do not use the API Key itself as the keyid in the URL — use the id of the key. Keep the API Key string secret — it grants access to your account!

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "permissions": {
    "dns": {
      "zones_allow_by_default": true,
      "view_zones": true,
      "zones_deny": [],
      "manage_zones": true,
      "zones_allow": []
    "data": {
      "push_to_datafeeds": true,
      "manage_datasources": true,
      "manage_datafeeds": true
    "account": {
      "manage_payment_methods": true,
      "manage_plan": true,
      "manage_teams": true,
      "manage_apikeys": true,
      "manage_account_settings": true,
      "view_activity_log": true,
      "view_invoices": true,
      "manage_users": true
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": false,
      "manage_jobs": false,
      "view_jobs": false
  "teams": ["52276047830f787e2ff88d4c"],
  "id": "520422919f782d37dffb588a",
  "last_access": null,
  "key": "rifGeRNMshCOKwlaYBcu",
  "name": "API Example App",
  "ip_whitelist_strict": false,
  "ip_whitelist": []

Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/account/apikeys

PUTCreate an API key

Creates a new API key and returns the API key string in the key field in the response.

Important note about API key security: NS1 recommends restricting access to your API key and reducing permissions only to include what the application requires. Keep your API key secret. If it is compromised, delete the API key immediately. Restrict access to this key by applying IP addresses or CIDR blocks in the ip_whitelist property (ex. ip_whitelist: ['', '']).

Request Body Parameters:

ip_whitelist_strictbooleanSet to true to restrict access to only those IP addresses and networks listed in the ip_whitelist field.
namestringName of the API key you are creating (2-64 characters).
ip_whitelistarray of stringsArray of IP addresses/networks to which to grant the API key access. Optionally, set the ip_whitelist_strict field to true to restrict access to only those IP addresses/networks listed in this field.
teamsarray of stringsOne or more teams with which this API key is associated. If assigned to a team, the API key inherits the permissions set for that team.
permissionsobjectAll supported permissions
accountobject(part of permissions object) Group of account-related permissions.
manage_account_settingsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage account settings.
manage_teamsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or update teams.
manage_usersboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or update users.
manage_apikeysboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or update API keys.
manage_ip_whitelistboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or update IP "allow" lists.
view_activity_logboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view the account activity log.
manage_payment_methodsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage account payment methods.
view_invoicesboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view account invoices.
manage_auth_tagsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create and edit authorization of ('auth:') tags. Auth tags determine access controls to view or manage resources. Auth tags control access, so the API key must also have the 'manage_auth_keys' permission set to true.
manage_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create and modify services. (DDI only)
view_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view services. (DDI only)
dataobject(part of permissions object) Group of data-related permissions.
manage_datasourcesboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create and modify data sources.
manage_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create and modify data feeds.
push_to_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to push data to NS1 data feeds.
dhcpobject(part of permissions object) Group of DHCP-related permissions.
manage_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage DHCP configuration settings.
view_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view DHCP configuration settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the API key to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the API key will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the API key to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the API key will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
dnsobject(part of permissions object) Group of DNS-related permissions.
manage_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or modify zones.
view_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view zones.
zones_allow_by_defaultboolean(part of dns object) Set to true to allow access to all zones except for those listed under zones_deny. Set to false to deny access to all zones by default except for those listed under zones_allow.
zones_allowarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the API key is allowed access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to false, the zones listed next to the zones_allow property are the only zones accessible to the API key.
zones_denyarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the API key is denied access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to true, the zones listed next to the zones_deny property are the only zones not accessible to the API key.
records_allowarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the API key is allowed access.
records_denyarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the API key is denied access.
zonestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Name of the zone to which the record belongs.
domainstring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Domain name associated with the record.
include_subdomainsboolean(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) If a domain is specified, set to "true" to apply the same permissions to all subdomains.
typestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Type of record to which you are allowing or denying access.
ipamobject(part of permissions object) Group of IPAM-related permissions.
manage_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage IPAM settings.
view_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view IPAM settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of ipam object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the API key to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the API key will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the API key to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the API key will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
monitoringobject(part of permissions object) Group of monitoring-related permissions.
manage_listsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or modify notification lists.
manage_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or modify monitoring jobs.
view_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view monitoring jobs.
securityobject(part of permissions object) Group of security-related permissions.
manage_global_2faboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage global two-factor authentication (2FA) settings.
manage_active_directoryboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage Active Directory settings. (DDI only)
manage_kerberosboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage Kerberos settings. (DDI only)
manage_ddnsboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage dynamic DNS (DDNS) settings. (DDI only)
serviceobject(part of permissions object) Group of DDI service-related permissions. (DDI only)
view_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)
manage_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to modify DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)

Copy CodeCreate an API Key that can only view one zone

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"name":"My Application", "permissions":{"dns":{"view_zones":true, "manage_zones":false, "zones_allow_by_default":false, "zones_allow":[""]}, "account":{"manage_account_settings":false, "manage_payment_methods":false, "manage_plan":false, "manage_teams":false, "manage_users":false, "manage_apikeys":false, "view_activity_log":false, "view_invoices":false}, "data":{"manage_datasources":false, "manage_datafeeds":false, "push_to_datafeeds":false}, "monitoring":{"manage_lists":false, "manage_jobs":false, "view_jobs":false} }}'

You must explicitly deny permissions you do not want a new API Key (or User) to have. Since zones_allow_by_default is false, the user will have access only to zones in zones_allow. We grant this user access to only — and since they only have view_zones access, they can only look at the zone's configuration and stats, and can make no changes.

Example Request:

  "ip_whitelist_strict": true,
  "name": "string",
  "key": "stringstringstringst",
  "ip_whitelist": [
  "last_access": null,
  "teams": [
  "id": "string",
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "manage_account_settings": true,
      "manage_teams": true,
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_apikeys": true,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": true,
      "view_activity_log": true,
      "manage_payment_methods": true,
      "manage_plan": true,
      "view_invoices": true,
      "manage_auth_tags": true,
      "manage_service": true,
      "view_service": true
    "data": {
      "manage_datasources": true,
      "manage_datafeeds": true,
      "push_to_datafeeds": true
    "dhcp": {
      "manage_dhcp": true,
      "view_dhcp": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "dns": {
      "manage_zones": true,
      "view_zones": true,
      "zones_allow_by_default": true,
      "zones_allow": [
      "zones_deny": [
      "records_allow": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
      "records_deny": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
    "ipam": {
      "manage_ipam": true,
      "view_ipam": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": true,
      "manage_jobs": true,
      "view_jobs": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": true,
      "manage_active_directory": true,
      "manage_kerberos": true,
      "manage_ddns": true
    "service": {
      "view_config": true,
      "manage_config": true

Example Response:

  "ip_whitelist_strict": true,
  "name": "string",
  "key": "stringstringstringst",
  "ip_whitelist": [
  "last_access": null,
  "teams": [
  "id": "string",
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "manage_account_settings": true,
      "manage_teams": true,
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_apikeys": true,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": true,
      "view_activity_log": true,
      "manage_payment_methods": true,
      "manage_plan": true,
      "view_invoices": true,
      "manage_auth_tags": true,
      "manage_service": true,
      "view_service": true
    "data": {
      "manage_datasources": true,
      "manage_datafeeds": true,
      "push_to_datafeeds": true
    "dhcp": {
      "manage_dhcp": true,
      "view_dhcp": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "dns": {
      "manage_zones": true,
      "view_zones": true,
      "zones_allow_by_default": true,
      "zones_allow": [
      "zones_deny": [
      "records_allow": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
      "records_deny": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
    "ipam": {
      "manage_ipam": true,
      "view_ipam": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": true,
      "manage_jobs": true,
      "view_jobs": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": true,
      "manage_active_directory": true,
      "manage_kerberos": true,
      "manage_ddns": true
    "service": {
      "view_config": true,
      "manage_config": true
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/account/apikeys/:keyID

POSTEdit an API key

Updates the settings for the API key specified in the URL path by its unique keyID and returns the API key string in the key field in the response.

Important note about API key security: NS1 recommends restricting access to your API key and reducing permissions only to include what the application requires. Keep your API key secret. If it is compromised, delete the API key immediately. Restrict access to this key by applying IP addresses or CIDR blocks in the ip_whitelist property (ex. ip_whitelist: ['', '']).

Path Parameters:

keyIDstringUnique identifier for the API key. This value is returned in the response after creating an API key and can be viewed by executing an API call to view API key details.

Request Body Parameters:

ip_whitelist_strictbooleanSet to true to restrict access to only those IP addresses and networks listed in the ip_whitelist field.
namestringName of the API key you are creating (2-64 characters).
ip_whitelistarray of stringsArray of IP addresses/networks to which to grant the API key access. Optionally, set the ip_whitelist_strict field to true to restrict access to only those IP addresses/networks listed in this field.
teamsarray of stringsOne or more team IDs corresponding to teams with which this API key is associated. If assigned to a team, the API key inherits the permissions set for that team.
permissionsobjectAll supported permissions
accountobject(part of permissions object) Group of account-related permissions.
manage_account_settingsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage account settings.
manage_teamsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or update teams.
manage_usersboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or update users.
manage_apikeysboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or update API keys.
manage_ip_whitelistboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or update IP "allow" lists.
view_activity_logboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view the account activity log.
manage_payment_methodsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage account payment methods.
view_invoicesboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view account invoices.
manage_auth_tagsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create and edit authorization of ('auth:') tags. Auth tags determine access controls to view or manage resources. Auth tags control access, so the API key must also have the 'manage_auth_keys' permission set to true.
manage_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create and modify services. (DDI only)
view_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view services. (DDI only)
dataobject(part of permissions object) Group of data-related permissions.
manage_datasourcesboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create and modify data sources.
manage_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create and modify data feeds.
push_to_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to push data to NS1 data feeds.
dhcpobject(part of permissions object) Group of DHCP-related permissions.
manage_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage DHCP configuration settings.
view_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view DHCP configuration settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the API key to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the API key will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the API key to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the API key will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
dnsobject(part of permissions object) Group of DNS-related permissions.
manage_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or modify zones.
view_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view zones.
zones_allow_by_defaultboolean(part of dns object) Set to true to allow access to all zones except for those listed under zones_deny. Set to false to deny access to all zones by default except for those listed under zones_allow.
zones_allowarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the API key is allowed access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to false, the zones listed next to the zones_allow property are the only zones accessible to the API key.
zones_denyarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the API key is denied access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to true, the zones listed next to the zones_deny property are the only zones not accessible to the API key.
records_allowarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the API key is allowed access.
records_denyarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the API key is denied access.
zonestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Name of the zone to which the record belongs.
domainstring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Domain name associated with the record.
include_subdomainsboolean(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) If a domain is specified, set to "true" to apply the same permissions to all subdomains.
typestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Type of record to which you are allowing or denying access.
ipamobject(part of permissions object) Group of IPAM-related permissions.
manage_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage IPAM settings.
view_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view IPAM settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of ipam object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the API key to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the API key will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the API key to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the API key will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
monitoringobject(part of permissions object) Group of monitoring-related permissions.
manage_listsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or modify notification lists.
manage_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to create or modify monitoring jobs.
view_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view monitoring jobs.
securityobject(part of permissions object) Group of security-related permissions.
manage_global_2faboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage global two-factor authentication (2FA) settings.
manage_active_directoryboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage Active Directory settings. (DDI only)
manage_kerberosboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage Kerberos settings. (DDI only)
manage_ddnsboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to manage dynamic DNS (DDNS) settings. (DDI only)
serviceobject(part of permissions object) Group of DDI service-related permissions. (DDI only)
view_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to view DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)
manage_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the API key to modify DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)

Example Request:

  "ip_whitelist_strict": true,
  "name": "string",
  "key": "stringstringstringst",
  "ip_whitelist": [
  "last_access": null,
  "teams": [
  "id": "string",
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "manage_account_settings": true,
      "manage_teams": true,
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_apikeys": true,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": true,
      "view_activity_log": true,
      "manage_payment_methods": true,
      "manage_plan": true,
      "view_invoices": true,
      "manage_auth_tags": true,
      "manage_service": true,
      "view_service": true
    "data": {
      "manage_datasources": true,
      "manage_datafeeds": true,
      "push_to_datafeeds": true
    "dhcp": {
      "manage_dhcp": true,
      "view_dhcp": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "dns": {
      "manage_zones": true,
      "view_zones": true,
      "zones_allow_by_default": true,
      "zones_allow": [
      "zones_deny": [
      "records_allow": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
      "records_deny": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
    "ipam": {
      "manage_ipam": true,
      "view_ipam": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": true,
      "manage_jobs": true,
      "view_jobs": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": true,
      "manage_active_directory": true,
      "manage_kerberos": true,
      "manage_ddns": true
    "service": {
      "view_config": true,
      "manage_config": true

Example Response:

  "ip_whitelist_strict": true,
  "name": "string",
  "key": "stringstringstringst",
  "ip_whitelist": [
  "last_access": null,
  "teams": [
  "id": "string",
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "manage_account_settings": true,
      "manage_teams": true,
      "manage_users": true,
      "manage_apikeys": true,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": true,
      "view_activity_log": true,
      "manage_payment_methods": true,
      "manage_plan": true,
      "view_invoices": true,
      "manage_auth_tags": true,
      "manage_service": true,
      "view_service": true
    "data": {
      "manage_datasources": true,
      "manage_datafeeds": true,
      "push_to_datafeeds": true
    "dhcp": {
      "manage_dhcp": true,
      "view_dhcp": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "dns": {
      "manage_zones": true,
      "view_zones": true,
      "zones_allow_by_default": true,
      "zones_allow": [
      "zones_deny": [
      "records_allow": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
      "records_deny": [
          "zone": "",
          "domain": "*",
          "include_subdomains": true,
          "type": "string"
    "ipam": {
      "manage_ipam": true,
      "view_ipam": true,
      "tags_allow": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
      "tags_deny": [
          "name": "string",
          "value": "string"
    "monitoring": {
      "manage_lists": true,
      "manage_jobs": true,
      "view_jobs": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": true,
      "manage_active_directory": true,
      "manage_kerberos": true,
      "manage_ddns": true
    "service": {
      "view_config": true,
      "manage_config": true
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/account/apikeys/:keyid

DELETEDelete an API key

Deletes an API key specified in the URL path by its unique key ID. Any applications, scripts, or tools you have that are using this API Key will no longer be able to access your account. There is no response other than the HTTP status code.

Path Parameters:

keyIDstringUnique identifier for the API key.

Copy CodeDeletes the API key



GET /v1/account/teams

GETView all teams

Returns a list of all teams associated with the account—including access rights (permissions) associated with users and API keys in the team.

Copy CodeReturns a list of teams

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "id": "50eb9d77830f784f98b0dd59",
    "name": "string",
    "permissions": {
      "account": {
        "manage_account_settings": true,
        "manage_teams": true,
        "manage_users": true,
        "manage_apikeys": true,
        "manage_ip_whitelist": true,
        "view_activity_log": true,
        "manage_payment_methods": true,
        "manage_plan": true,
        "view_invoices": true,
        "manage_auth_tags": true,
        "manage_service": true,
        "view_service": true
      "data": {
        "manage_datasources": true,
        "manage_datafeeds": true,
        "push_to_datafeeds": true
      "dhcp": {
        "manage_dhcp": true,
        "view_dhcp": true,
        "tags_allow": [
            "name": "string",
            "value": "string"
        "tags_deny": [
            "name": "string",
            "value": "string"
      "dns": {
        "manage_zones": true,
        "view_zones": true,
        "zones_allow_by_default": true,
        "zones_allow": [
        "zones_deny": [
        "records_allow": [
            "zone": "",
            "domain": "*",
            "include_subdomains": true,
            "type": "string"
        "records_deny": [
            "zone": "",
            "domain": "*",
            "include_subdomains": true,
            "type": "string"
      "ipam": {
        "manage_ipam": true,
        "view_ipam": true,
        "tags_allow": [
            "name": "string",
            "value": "string"
        "tags_deny": [
            "name": "string",
            "value": "string"
      "monitoring": {
        "manage_lists": true,
        "manage_jobs": true,
        "view_jobs": true
      "security": {
        "manage_global_2fa": true,
        "manage_active_directory": true,
        "manage_kerberos": true,
        "manage_ddns": true
      "service": {
        "view_config": true,
        "manage_config": true
    "ip_whitelist": [
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "values": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/account/teams/:teamid

GETView team details

Returns configuration settings including permissions for the team specified in the URL path by its unique team ID.

Path Parameters:

teamIDstringUnique identifier for the team

Copy CodeReturns details for the team

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "id": "5d839a45a38fef004eb22f25",
  "ip_whitelist": [],
  "name": "Test team",
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "view_invoices": false,
      "view_activity_log": false,
      "manage_teams": false,
      "manage_apikeys": false,
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_payment_methods": false,
      "manage_plan": false,
      "manage_account_settings": false,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": false
    "data": {
      "manage_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datasources": false,
      "push_to_datafeeds": false
    "dns": {
      "zones_allow": [
      "manage_zones": false,
      "zones_allow_by_default": false,
      "view_zones": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": false
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/account/teams

PUTCreate a new team

Creates a new team within the current NS1 account. After creating the team, you can associate users and API keys with this team by adding the team ID to the team property within the user and API key objects. All users and API keys associated with the team will inherit the permissions set at the team level and all permission settings applied to the individual user or key are ignored.

Important note about API key security: NS1 recommends restricting access to your API key and reducing permissions only to include what the application requires. Keep your API key secret. If it is compromised, delete the API key immediately. Restrict access to this key by applying IP addresses or CIDR blocks in the ip_whitelist property. In contrast to the user and API key objects, teams support names on the whitelist records (i.e. ip_whitelist: [ {'name': 'Home Whitelist', 'values': [''], {'name': 'Multi Whitelist', 'values': ['', '']} ]).

Request Body Parameters:

namestringName for the team
ip_whitelistarray of objectsArray of IP addresses objects to which to grant the team access. Each object includes an id (string), name (string), and values (array of strings) associated with each "allow" list.
permissionsobjectAll supported permissions
accountobject(part of permissions object) Group of account-related permissions.
manage_account_settingsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage account settings.
manage_teamsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or update teams.
manage_usersboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or update users.
manage_apikeysboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or update API keys.
manage_ip_whitelistboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or update IP "allow" lists.
view_activity_logboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view the account activity log.
manage_payment_methodsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage account payment methods.
view_invoicesboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view account invoices.
manage_auth_tagsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create and edit authorization of ('auth:') tags. Auth tags determine access controls to view or manage resources. Auth tags control access, so the team must also have the 'manage_auth_keys' permission set to true.
manage_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create and modify services. (DDI only)
view_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view services. (DDI only)
dataobject(part of permissions object) Group of data-related permissions.
manage_datasourcesboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create and modify data sources.
manage_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create and modify data feeds.
push_to_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to push data to NS1 data feeds.
dhcpobject(part of permissions object) Group of DHCP-related permissions.
manage_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage DHCP configuration settings.
view_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view DHCP configuration settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the team to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the team will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the team to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the team will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
dnsobject(part of permissions object) Group of DNS-related permissions.
manage_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or modify zones.
view_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view zones.
zones_allow_by_defaultboolean(part of dns object) Set to true to allow access to all zones except for those listed under zones_deny. Set to false to deny access to all zones by default except for those listed under zones_allow.
zones_allowarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the API key is allowed access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to false, the zones listed next to the zones_allow property are the only zones accessible to the team.
zones_denyarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the team is denied access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to true, the zones listed next to the zones_deny property are the only zones not accessible to the team.
records_allowarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the team is allowed access.
records_denyarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the team is denied access.
zonestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Name of the zone to which the record belongs.
domainstring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Domain name associated with the record.
include_subdomainsboolean(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) If a domain is specified, set to "true" to apply the same permissions to all subdomains.
typestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Type of record to which you are allowing or denying access.
ipamobject(part of permissions object) Group of IPAM-related permissions.
manage_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage IPAM settings.
view_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view IPAM settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of ipam object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the team to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the team will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the team to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the team will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
monitoringobject(part of permissions object) Group of monitoring-related permissions.
manage_listsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or modify notification lists.
manage_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or modify monitoring jobs.
view_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view monitoring jobs.
securityobject(part of permissions object) Group of security-related permissions.
manage_global_2faboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage global two-factor authentication (2FA) settings.
manage_active_directoryboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage Active Directory settings. (DDI only)
manage_kerberosboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage Kerberos settings. (DDI only)
manage_ddnsboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage dynamic DNS (DDNS) settings. (DDI only)
serviceobject(part of permissions object) Group of DDI service-related permissions. (DDI only)
view_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)
manage_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to modify DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)

Example Request:

  "name": "Test team",
  "ip_whitelist": [],
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "view_invoices": false,
      "view_activity_log": false,
      "manage_teams": false,
      "manage_apikeys": false,
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_payment_methods": false,
      "manage_plan": false,
      "manage_account_settings": false,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": false
    "data": {
      "push_to_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datasources": false
    "dns": {
      "zones_allow": [
      "zones_allow_by_default": false,
      "manage_zones": false,
      "view_zones": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": false

Example Response:

  "id": "5d839a45a38fef004eb22f25",
  "ip_whitelist": [],
  "name": "Test team",
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "view_invoices": false,
      "view_activity_log": false,
      "manage_teams": false,
      "manage_apikeys": false,
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_payment_methods": false,
      "manage_plan": false,
      "manage_account_settings": false,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": false
    "data": {
      "manage_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datasources": false,
      "push_to_datafeeds": false
    "dns": {
      "zones_allow": [
      "manage_zones": false,
      "zones_allow_by_default": false,
      "view_zones": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": false
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/account/teams/:teamid

POSTEdit team details

Modifies a new team within the current NS1 account.

Important note about API key security: NS1 recommends restricting access to your API key and reducing permissions only to include what the application requires. Keep your API key secret. If it is compromised, delete the API key immediately. Restrict access to this key by applying IP addresses or CIDR blocks in the ip_whitelist property. In contrast to the user and API key objects, teams support names on the whitelist records (i.e. ip_whitelist: [ {'name': 'Home Whitelist', 'values': [''], {'name': 'Multi Whitelist', 'values': ['', '']} ]).

Path Parameters:

teamidstring(Required) Unique identifier for the team you are editing.

Request Body Parameters:

namestringName for the team
ip_whitelistarray of objectsArray of IP addresses objects to which to grant the team access. Each object includes an id (string), name (string), and values (array of strings) associated with each "allow" list.
permissionsobjectAll supported permissions
accountobject(part of permissions object) Group of account-related permissions.
manage_account_settingsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage account settings.
manage_teamsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or update teams.
manage_usersboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or update users.
manage_apikeysboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or update API keys.
manage_ip_whitelistboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or update IP "allow" lists.
view_activity_logboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view the account activity log.
manage_payment_methodsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage account payment methods.
view_invoicesboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view account invoices.
manage_auth_tagsboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create and edit authorization of ('auth:') tags. Auth tags determine access controls to view or manage resources. Auth tags control access, so the team must also have the 'manage_auth_keys' permission set to true.
manage_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create and modify services. (DDI only)
view_serviceboolean(part of account object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view services. (DDI only)
dataobject(part of permissions object) Group of data-related permissions.
manage_datasourcesboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create and modify data sources.
manage_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create and modify data feeds.
push_to_datafeedsboolean(part of data object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to push data to NS1 data feeds.
dhcpobject(part of permissions object) Group of DHCP-related permissions.
manage_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage DHCP configuration settings.
view_dhcpboolean(part of dhcp object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view DHCP configuration settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the team to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the team will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of DHCP tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the team to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the team will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
dnsobject(part of permissions object) Group of DNS-related permissions.
manage_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or modify zones.
view_zonesboolean(part of dns object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view zones.
zones_allow_by_defaultboolean(part of dns object) Set to true to allow access to all zones except for those listed under zones_deny. Set to false to deny access to all zones by default except for those listed under zones_allow.
zones_allowarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the API key is allowed access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to false, the zones listed next to the zones_allow property are the only zones accessible to the team.
zones_denyarray of strings(part of dns object) List of specific zones to which the team is denied access. If zones_allow_by_default property is set to true, the zones listed next to the zones_deny property are the only zones not accessible to the team.
records_allowarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the team is allowed access.
records_denyarray of objects(part of dns object) Array of specific record to which the team is denied access.
zonestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Name of the zone to which the record belongs.
domainstring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Domain name associated with the record.
include_subdomainsboolean(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) If a domain is specified, set to "true" to apply the same permissions to all subdomains.
typestring(Required; part of records_allow and/or records_deny objects) Type of record to which you are allowing or denying access.
ipamobject(part of permissions object) Group of IPAM-related permissions.
manage_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage IPAM settings.
view_ipamboolean(part of ipam object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view IPAM settings.
tags_allowarray of objects(part of ipam object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to grant access for the team to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the team will have access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to grant access.
tags_denyarray of objects(part of dhcp object) List of IPAM tag permission specifiers used to deny access for the team to specific objects containing the same tag. Each tag includes a name (required) and a value (optional). If just a name is provided, the team will be denied access to those objects with the matching name. If both a name and value are provided, both must match in order to deny access.
monitoringobject(part of permissions object) Group of monitoring-related permissions.
manage_listsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or modify notification lists.
manage_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to create or modify monitoring jobs.
view_jobsboolean(part of monitoring object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view monitoring jobs.
securityobject(part of permissions object) Group of security-related permissions.
manage_global_2faboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage global two-factor authentication (2FA) settings.
manage_active_directoryboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage Active Directory settings. (DDI only)
manage_kerberosboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage Kerberos settings. (DDI only)
manage_ddnsboolean(part of security object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to manage dynamic DNS (DDNS) settings. (DDI only)
serviceobject(part of permissions object) Group of DDI service-related permissions. (DDI only)
view_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to view DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)
manage_configboolean(part of service object) Allows (or prevents, if false) the team to modify DDI service (container/node) configurations. (DDI only)

Example Request:

  "name": "Test team",
  "ip_whitelist": [],
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "view_invoices": false,
      "view_activity_log": false,
      "manage_teams": false,
      "manage_apikeys": false,
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_payment_methods": false,
      "manage_plan": false,
      "manage_account_settings": false,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": false
    "data": {
      "push_to_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datasources": false
    "dns": {
      "zones_allow": [
      "zones_allow_by_default": false,
      "manage_zones": false,
      "view_zones": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": false

Example Response:

  "id": "5d839a45a38fef004eb22f25",
  "ip_whitelist": [],
  "name": "Test team",
  "permissions": {
    "account": {
      "view_invoices": false,
      "view_activity_log": false,
      "manage_teams": false,
      "manage_apikeys": false,
      "manage_users": false,
      "manage_payment_methods": false,
      "manage_plan": false,
      "manage_account_settings": false,
      "manage_ip_whitelist": false
    "data": {
      "manage_datafeeds": false,
      "manage_datasources": false,
      "push_to_datafeeds": false
    "dns": {
      "zones_allow": [
      "manage_zones": false,
      "zones_allow_by_default": false,
      "view_zones": true
    "security": {
      "manage_global_2fa": false
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/account/teams/:teamID

DELETEDelete a team

Deletes a team. Any associated users or API keys will be removed from the team and inherit the permissions of any other teams with which they are associated. If they do not belong to any other teams, they will retain the permissions from this team.

There is no response other than the HTTP status code.

Path Parameters:

teamIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the team you are deleting

Copy CodeDeletes a team


IP whitelist


GETView all IP whitelists

Returns all the (global) IP Whitelist records for the account.

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "id":  "7c65ca27-23f0-4c00-8906-ae24f9fe0ae5",
    "name": "New York Office",
    "values": [""]
    "id":  "ead8e0fb-cd99-4ae2-8643-1c9ab9eca4bc",
    "name": "San Francisco Office",
    "values": [""]
Expand Code Examples


GETView IP whitelist details

Get a specific IP whitelist record by its unique ID.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "id":  "7c65ca27-23f0-4c00-8906-ae24f9fe0ae5",
  "name": "New York Office",
  "values": [""]

Expand Code Examples


PUTCreate a new IP whitelist

Creates a new IP Whitelist Record.

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "name": "San Diego Office",
  "values": ["", ""]

Example Response:

  "id":  "873de209-16ca-4bfb-b53a-e495525cc298",
  "name": "San Diego Office",
  "values": ["", ""]
Expand Code Examples


POSTEdit an IP whitelist

Updates the properties of an existing IP Whitelist Record.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "name": "New IP Whitelist Record Name",
  "values": ["", ""]

Example Response:

  "id": "873de209-16ca-4bfb-b53a-e495525cc298",
  "name": "New IP Whitelist Record Name",
  "values": ["", ""]

Expand Code Examples


DELETEDelete an IP whitelist

Request URL:

Example URL:

Plan and Billing

GET /v1/account/plantypes

GETView Managed DNS plan type

Returns details of all currently available self service subscription plans and associated pricing. Each subscription plan is uniquely identified by the plan type and period.

Note: details are returned regardless of your current plan, but at this time only users on the startup, starter, or basic plan types may change their subscription automatically. Users currently on other plans should contact [email protected].

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "overage_order": "ascending",
    "overages": {
      "static": {
        "queries": "2",
        "records": "1"
      "intelligent": {
        "queries": "6",
        "records": "1"
      "dynamic": {
        "queries": "4",
        "records": "1"
    "monthly_price": "0.00",
    "discount": "0.00",
    "discount_type": "percentage",
    "included": {
      "any": {
        "queries": 1e+07,
        "records": 50
      "static": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
      "intelligent": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
      "dynamic": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
    "recurring_cost": "0.00",
    "access_charges": {
      "static": "0.00",
      "intelligent": "0.00",
      "dynamic": "0.00"
    "monitoring": {
      "jobs": 2,
      "frequency": 60,
      "regions": 1
    "type": "startup",
    "period": "monthly"
    "overage_order": "ascending",
    "overages": {
      "static": {
        "queries": "0.75",
        "records": "0.25"
      "intelligent": {
        "queries": "2",
        "records": "0.25"
      "dynamic": {
        "queries": "1.25",
        "records": "0.25"
    "monthly_price": "50.00",
    "discount": "0.00",
    "discount_type": "percentage",
    "included": {
      "any": {
        "queries": 2.5e+07,
        "records": 250
      "static": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
      "intelligent": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
      "dynamic": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
    "recurring_cost": "50.00",
    "access_charges": {
      "static": "0.00",
      "intelligent": "0.00",
      "dynamic": "0.00"
    "monitoring": {
      "jobs": 25,
      "frequency": 20,
      "regions": 3
    "type": "business",
    "period": "monthly"
    "overage_order": "ascending",
    "overages": {
      "static": {
        "queries": "0.75",
        "records": "0.25"
      "intelligent": {
        "queries": "2",
        "records": "0.25"
      "dynamic": {
        "queries": "1.25",
        "records": "0.25"
    "monthly_price": "47.50",
    "discount": "0.00",
    "discount_type": "percentage",
    "included": {
      "any": {
        "queries": 2.5e+07,
        "records": 250
      "static": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
      "intelligent": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
      "dynamic": {
        "queries": 0,
        "records": 0
    "recurring_cost": "47.50",
    "access_charges": {
      "static": "0.00",
      "intelligent": "0.00",
      "dynamic": "0.00"
    "monitoring": {
      "jobs": 25,
      "frequency": 20,
      "regions": 3
    "type": "business",
    "period": "quarterly"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/account/plan

GETView Managed DNS plan details

Returns details of the current subscription for the account, including all applicable fees, charges, discounts, etc. The current balance, if any, is also returned.

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "type": "pro",
  "period": "annual"
  "monthly_price": "200.00",
  "discount": "0.00",
  "discount_type": "percentage",
  "recurring_cost": "2400.00",
  "locked": false,
  "included": {
    "any": {
      "queries": 2.5e+08,
      "records": 1500
    "static": {
      "queries": 0,
      "records": 0
    "intelligent": {
      "queries": 0,
      "records": 0
    "dynamic": {
      "queries": 0,
      "records": 0
  "overage_order": "ascending",
  "overages": {
    "static": {
      "queries": "0.50",
      "records": "0.10"
    "intelligent": {
      "queries": "1",
      "records": "0.10"
    "dynamic": {
      "queries": "0.75",
      "records": "0.10"
  "access_charges": {
    "static": "0.00",
    "intelligent": "0.00",
    "dynamic": "0.00"
  "monitoring": {
    "jobs": 250,
    "frequency": 5,
    "regions": 5
  "balance": "0.00"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/account/plan

POSTChange your Managed DNS plan type

If you are on the startupstarter, or basic plan, and you have a valid credit card on file, you may call this method to instantly pay for and upgrade to a new subscription plan. You may change to a basic or advanced plan with a monthlyquarterlysemiannual, or annual term. Note: In this case, you will be charged the full price of the new plan as indicated in the recurring_cost field in the plan description. If you are currently on any other plan, you do not have a payment method on file, or you are requesting a change to the professionalenterpriseenterprise premiumplan, calling this method will submit a request to change your subscription plan, which we will review and respond to. In that case, you may also pass us notes about your request. If we submit a change request but cannot process it immediately, the response will not include a body.

Request URL:

Example Request:

  "type": "pro",
  "period": "annual"

Example Response:

  "overage_order": "ascending",
  "type": "pro",
  "balance": "2,400.00",
  "discount_type": "percentage",
  "monthly_price": "200.00",
  "access_charges": {
    "static": "0.00",
    "intelligent": "0.00",
    "dynamic": "0.00"
  "period": "annual",
  "discount": "0.00",
  "included": {
    "any": {
      "queries": 2.5e+08,
      "records": 1500
    "static": {
      "queries": 0,
      "records": 0
    "intelligent": {
      "queries": 0,
      "records": 0
    "dynamic": {
      "queries": 0,
      "records": 0
  "recurring_cost": "2400.00",
  "overages": {
    "static": {
      "queries": "0.50",
      "records": "0.10"
    "intelligent": {
      "queries": "1",
      "records": "0.10"
    "dynamic": {
      "queries": "0.75",
      "records": "0.10"
  "monitoring": {
    "jobs": 250,
    "frequency": 5,
    "regions": 5
  "locked": true
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/account/invoices

GETList invoices

Lists basic details of all historical and current invoices for the account.

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "due": 1377129600,
    "sent": 1375756229,
    "id": 11,
    "amount": "82.02",
    "status": "due"
    "due": 1375315200,
    "sent": 1373985364,
    "id": 10,
    "amount": "29.00",
    "status": "paid"
    "due": 1366588800,
    "sent": 1365215402,
    "id": 2,
    "amount": "0.00",
    "status": "paid"
    "due": 1369180800,
    "sent": 1367807401,
    "id": 4,
    "amount": "0.00",
    "status": "paid"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/account/invoices/{invoiceID}

GETDownload an invoice

The invoice is returned in PDF format. This method will directly return a PDF. The Content-Type and Content-Dispositionheaders will be set accordingly. However, if there is an error, the usual JSON error will be returned.

There are certain cases, such as in some browsers, where you will be unable to send the X-NSONE-Key authentication header to download a file intended to be saved to the user's filesystem, due to restrictions on some kinds of AJAX/XHR requests. In this case, you may use an alternative authentication mechanism for this method: add an authtoken parameter to the URL, consisting of a SHA1 hash of the concatenation of the API Key, the invoice id, and the sent field from /account/invoices for the invoice (as a string). For example: sha1('qACMD09OJXBxT7XOuRs8101373985364').

invoiceidStringExample: '727'Yes
authtokenStringExample: d4a2080c926b85c9936908852454cb181249622aNo

Request URL:[?authtoken=21900a196f...]

Example URL:

Example URL:

invoiceidStringExample: '727'Yes
authtokenStringExample: d4a2080c926b85c9936908852454cb181249622aNo

GET /v1/account/billataglance

GETView bill at a glance

Returns current usage and charges that will appear on the next invoice.

Please note that the metrics shown do not reflect real-time data. Usage information is generated daily at 00:30 UTC.

Copy CodeReturns usage and charges based on the last instance of 00:30 UTC

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "plan": "startup",
  "period": "monthly",
  "last_invoice": 1377561600,
  "next_invoice": 1379721600,
  "next_base_invoice": 1379721600,
  "recurring_cost": "0.00"
  "recurring_cost_next_invoice": "0.00",
  "any": {
    "overage_order": "ascending",
    "query_credit": 1e+07,
    "record_credit": 50
  "static": {
    "record_rate": "1",
    "access_charge": "0.00",
    "records": 14,
    "query_credit": 0,
    "query_cost": "0.00",
    "query_rate_per_million": "2",
    "queries": 5,
    "record_credit": 0,
    "record_cost": "0.00"
  "dynamic": {
    "record_rate": "1",
    "access_charge": "0.00",
    "records": 2,
    "query_credit": 0,
    "query_cost": "0.00",
    "query_rate_per_million": "4",
    "queries": 10,
    "record_credit": 0,
    "record_cost": "0.00"
  "intelligent": {
    "record_rate": "1",
    "access_charge": "0.00",
    "records": 0,
    "query_credit": 0,
    "query_cost": "0.00",
    "query_rate_per_million": "6",
    "queries": 0,
    "record_credit": 0,
    "record_cost": "0.00"
  "totals": {
    "record_cost": "0.00",
    "record_credit": 16,
    "queries": 15,
    "query_credit": 15,
    "records": 16,
    "access_charge": "0.00",
    "query_cost": "0.00"
  "balance": "0.00",
  "bill": "0.00"
Expand Code Examples

Payment method

GET /v1/account/paymentmethods

GETView list of active payment methods

This method returns the list of all payment methods (credit cards) attached to the account.

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "type": "creditcard",
    "default": true,
    "cc_expire_year": 2014,
    "cc_expire_month": 3,
    "firstname": "John",
    "lastname": "Smith",
    "company": "Joe Company",
    "cc_type": "mastercard",
    "phone": "222-555-5555",
    "address": {
      "country": "US",
      "street": "20 Awesome Street Suite 1234",
      "state": "NY",
      "city": "New York",
      "postalcode": "10005"
    "cc_number_last4": "4444",
    "id": 8273
    "type": "creditcard",
    "cc_expire_year": 2016,
    "cc_expire_month": 4,
    "firstname": "Bob",
    "lastname": "Boberton",
    "company": "Joe Company",
    "cc_type": "amex",
    "phone": "212-867-5309",
    "address": {
      "country": "US",
      "street": "20 Awesome Street Suite 1234",
      "state": "NY",
      "city": "New York",
      "postalcode": "10005"
    "cc_number_last4": "1000",
    "id": 6159
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/account/paymentmethods/:id

GETView payment method details

This method returns just the details for a single payment method given its id.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "type": "creditcard",
  "default": true,
  "cc_expire_year": 2014,
  "cc_expire_month": 3,
  "firstname": "John",
  "lastname": "Smith",
  "company": "Joe Company",
  "cc_type": "mastercard",
  "phone": "222-555-5555",
  "address": {
    "country": "US",
    "street": "20 Awesome Street Suite 1234",
    "state": "NY",
    "city": "New York",
    "postalcode": "10005"
  "cc_number_last4": "4444",
  "id": 8273

idStringPayment method idYes
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/account/paymentmethods

PUTAdd a new payment method

Adds a new credit card to the account. If you set default to true it will become the new default card we charge for new invoices. We will do a small pre-authorization charge to the credit card, which will be refunded.

Request body parameters:

typestringPayment type (e.g., creditcard)
defaultbooleanIndicates whether or not this is the default payment method
cc_numberstringCredit card numbers (between 12-19 digits)
cc_expire_monthintegerMonth of the credit card expiration date
cc_expire_yearintegerYear of the credit card expiration date
cc_cvv2stringCard verification code (between 3-4 characters)
firstnamestringFirst name on with the credit card
lastnamestringLast name on the credit card
companystringCompany associated with the payment method (if applicable)
phonestringPhone number associated with the payment method
addressobjectAddress details associated with the payment method
streetstringStreet address associated with the payment method
citystringCity associated with the payment method address
statestringState associated with the payment method address
postalcodestringPostal code associated with the payment method address
countrystringCountry associated with the payment method address

Copy CodeAdds a new payment method

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Request:

  "address": {
    "country": "US",
    "postalcode": "10005",
    "state": "NY",
    "city": "New York",
    "street": "20 Awesome Street Suite 1234"
  "phone": "222-555-5555",
  "company": "Joe Company",
  "type": "creditcard",
  "default": true,
  "cc_number": "5215888899994444",
  "cc_expire_year": 2014,
  "cc_expire_month": 3,
  "cc_cvv2": "1234",
  "firstname": "John",
  "lastname": "Smith"

Example Response:

  "type": "creditcard",
  "default": true,
  "cc_expire_year": 2014,
  "cc_expire_month": 3,
  "firstname": "John",
  "lastname": "Smith",
  "company": "Joe Company",
  "cc_type": "mastercard",
  "phone": "222-555-5555",
  "address": {
    "country": "US",
    "street": "20 Awesome Street Suite 1234",
    "state": "NY",
    "city": "New York",
    "postalcode": "10005"
  "cc_number_last4": "4444",
  "id": 8273
Expand Code Examples


POSTMake a payment method the default

Calling this method — with no request body — sets the requested payment method as the default one, and it will be charged for future invoices. You may not modify other details associated with an existing payment method — add a new one instead. There is no response other than the HTTP status code.

Request URL:

Example URL:

idStringPayment method idYes


DELETEDelete a payment method

Deletes a credit card. You may not delete the last credit card from the account — add another one first. There is no response other than the HTTP status code.

Request URL:

Example URL:

idStringPayment method idYes

Activity Log

GET /v1/account/activity

GETView account activity log

Returns entries from the account activity log. By default, the most recent 20 entries are returned — get more by setting limit. You can also restrict the results to entries later than some start (UNIX timestamp) or earlier than some end. If you specify a resource_type, only entries for resources of that type are returned. You may also restrict by user and resource_id. Activity log entries include a user_type which is one of user, apikey, or system depending on where the activity came from, and for user and apikey activity, the user_id is the username or API Key ID, respectively. For create and update actions, any resource details are for the resource after the action is taken; for delete actions, any such details show the resource as it was prior to deletion.

Query Parameters:

limitintegerMaximum number of entries to return
startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range.
resource_typestringType of resource
userstringUsername or an API key ID
resource_idstringUnique identifier for a resource
exportstringThe file type of the report that should be generated. Can be one of the following file types: json, xml, csv, pdf, xslx, or html.

Copy CodeExports the activity log in PDF format

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "resource_type": "zonefile",
    "user_id": "myuser",
    "resource_id": "52276047830f787e2ff88d4c",
    "timestamp": 1378312263,
    "user_type": "user",
    "action": "create",
    "resource": {
      "id": "52276047830f787e2ff88d4c",
      "hostmaster": "[email protected]",
      "meta": {},
      "nx_ttl": 60,
      "retry": 3600,
      "zone": "",
      "warnings": [],
      "refresh": 21600,
      "expiry": 1209600,
      "records": [
          "id": "52276047830f787e2ff88d4f",
          "type": "NS",
          "tier": 1,
          "short_answers": [
          "domain": ""
          "id": "52276047830f787e2ff88d53",
          "type": "A",
          "tier": 1,
          "short_answers": [
          "domain": "*"
      "dns_servers": [
      "networks": [0],
      "network_pools": ["p03"]
    "user_name": "My User",
    "id": "52276047830f787e2ff88d59"
    "resource_type": "user",
    "user_id": "myuser",
    "resource_id": "olduser",
    "timestamp": 1378312122,
    "user_type": "user",
    "action": "delete",
    "resource": {
      "permissions": {
        "dns": {
          "zones_allow_by_default": true,
          "view_zones": true,
          "zones_deny": [],
          "manage_zones": true,
          "zones_allow": []
        "data": {
          "manage_datafeeds": true,
          "manage_datasources": true,
          "push_to_datafeeds": true
        "account": {
          "manage_payment_methods": true,
          "manage_teams": true,
          "manage_apikeys": true,
          "manage_account_settings": true,
          "view_activity_log": true,
          "view_invoices": true,
          "manage_users": true,
          "manage_plan": true
        "monitoring": {
          "manage_lists": false,
          "manage_jobs": false,
          "view_jobs": false
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "last_access": null,
      "notify": {
        "billing": true
      "name": "Old User",
      "username": "olduser"
    "user_name": "My User",
    "id": "52275fba830f787e2ff88d42"
Expand Code Examples

Zones & Records

To learn more about managing NS1 zones and records, refer to the NS1 Help Center.


GET /v1/zones

GET List all zones

Returns a list of all active DNS zones along with basic zone configuration details for each.

Note about pagination: If you have more than 5,000 zones, the response header will include a link that you can use in a cURL command to get usage statistics for the next 5,000 zones (and so on). This follows the Web Linking standard (RFC 5988).

Copy CodeList active zones

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'

Example Response:

    "dns_servers": [
    "expiry": 0,
    "primary_master": "string",
    "hostmaster": "string",
    "id": "string",
    "meta": {
      "asn": [
      "ca_province": [
      "connections": 0,
      "country": [
      "georegion": [
      "high_watermark": 0,
      "ip_prefixes": [
      "latitude": 0,
      "loadAvg": 0,
      "longitude": 0,
      "low_watermark": 0,
      "note": "string",
      "priority": 0,
      "pulsar": "string",
      "requests": 0,
      "up": true,
      "us_state": [
      "weight": 0
    "network_pools": [
    "networks": [
    "nx_ttl": 0,
    "primary": {
      "enabled": true,
      "secondaries": [
          "ip": "string",
          "networks": [
          "notify": true,
          "port": 0
    "records": [
        "domain": "string",
        "id": "string",
        "short_answers": [
        "tier": 0,
        "ttl": 0,
        "type": "string"
    "refresh": 0,
    "retry": 0,
    "ttl": 0,
    "zone": "string",
    "views": [
    "local_tags": [
    "tags": {}
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/zones/:zone

GET View zone details

Returns a single active zone and its basic configuration details, as well as a list of records in the zone and basic details for each record.

Path Parameters:

zonestring(Required) FQDN of the zone.

Example Response:

  "dns_servers": [
  "expiry": 0,
  "primary_master": "string",
  "hostmaster": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "meta": {
    "asn": [
    "ca_province": [
    "connections": 0,
    "country": [
    "georegion": [
    "high_watermark": 0,
    "ip_prefixes": [
    "latitude": 0,
    "loadAvg": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "low_watermark": 0,
    "note": "string",
    "priority": 0,
    "pulsar": "string",
    "requests": 0,
    "up": true,
    "us_state": [
    "weight": 0
  "network_pools": [
  "networks": [
  "nx_ttl": 0,
  "primary": {
    "enabled": true,
    "secondaries": [
        "ip": "string",
        "networks": [
        "notify": true,
        "port": 0
  "records": [
      "domain": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "short_answers": [
      "tier": 0,
      "ttl": 0,
      "type": "string"
  "refresh": 0,
  "retry": 0,
  "ttl": 0,
  "zone": "string",
  "views": [
  "local_tags": [
  "tags": {}
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/zones/{zone_name}

PUT Create a new zone

You must include a JSON body in the request with basic zone details. The only required element in the body is "zone", the zone fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). You can create a standard zone (which has its own configuration and records), a linked zone (pointing to an existing standard zone, reusing its configuration and records), or a secondary zone (which replicates DNS records from an external primary DNS server).

For non-linked zones, you may specify optional zone configuration by including TTL (SOA record TTL), refresh, retry, expiry, and nx_ttl values, as in a SOA record. Refer to the Help Center article, "Best practices: TTL configuration" for more information. The zone is assigned DNS servers and appropriate NS records are automatically created unless you create a secondary zone.

Linked zones

To create a linked zone, you must include a link property in the body of your request. It must be a string referencing the target zone (domain name) to which the current zone should link. The linked zone and target zone must be owned by the same account. If the link property is specified, no other zone configuration properties (including refresh, retry, etc.) may be specified as they are inherited from the target zone. After creating a linked zone, it cannot be modified and you cannot add records to it. You can delete the linked zone with no impact to the target zone.

Secondary zones

To create a secondary zone, you must include a secondary object in the body of your request including the following fields:

  • enabled - [true/false] If true, the zone is configured as a secondary zone
  • primary_ip - An IPv4 address (not a hostname) of the zone's primary DNS server. If your primary DNS server is running on a non-standard port, you may also include primary_port.

Zone replication

To enable zone replication by third-party DNS servers, you must include a primary object in the body of your request including the following fields:

  • enabled - [true/false] If true, AXFR queries (and optionally NOTIFY messages) will be enabled for the zone.
  • secondaries - a list of objects each containing:
    • ip - IPv4 address of the secondary node
    • port - (Optional) The port on the host to send NOTIFYmessages (default = 53)
    • notify - [true/false] If true, NS1 will send NOTIFY messages to the secondary host upon zone changes.

If your account has access to multiple DNS networks, you may pass in networks, a list of network ids for which the zone should be made available. If you do not provide a list of networks, the zone will be created in network 0, the primary NSONE Global Network. DNS servers will be selected and assigned from among all the networks you specify.

Path parameters:

zonestring(Required) FQDN of the zone you are creating. Note for DDI users: You may have multiple zone names associated with the same zone (FQDN).

Query parameters:

limitintegerMaximum number of entries to return in the response.
afterstringThe name of the zone after which to return results. In other words, only the zones listed after the zone entered here will appear in the response. Note that zones are listed alphabetically. Also, note that if you did not apply a unique "zone name" associated with the zone, the zone name defaults to the zone FQDN.

Request body parameters:

namestring(DDI only) Vanity name for the zone used for associating the zone with DNS views. If left undefined, the zone name defaults to the zone FQDN. You can have multiple zone names associated with the same zone (FQDN).
viewsstring(DDI only) Name of the DNS view(s) with which this zone is associated.
networksarray of integersIf you account has access to multiple DNS networks, you may pass a list of network IDs for which the zone should be made available. If not set, the zone is created in network 0 (primary NSONE Global Network). DNS servers will be selected and assigned across all the networks you specify.
expiryintegerIf refresh and Retry fail repeatedly, this is the time period after which the primary should be considered down and no longer authoritative for the given zone.
nx_ttlintegerIn the event that the DNS query results in an NXDOMAIN error, because the domain name does not exist (and this is also true for all names under it), or in an EBOT (aka NODATA) response, this is the length of time that the ‘negative’ answer should be cached for.
primaryobjectApplied to support zone replication by third-party DNS servers.
enabledboolean(Required; part of the primary object) If true, AXFR queries (and optionally NOTIFY messages) will be enabled for the zone.
secondariesarray of objects(Required if set to primary; part of the primary object) An array of objects to define secondary nodes
ipstring(Included in the secondaries array) IPv4 address of the secondary zone.
notifyboolean(Included in the secondaries array) If set to "true," NS1 will send NOTIFY messages to the secondary host upon zone changes.
portinteger(Included in the secondaries array) The port on the host to send NOTIFY messages. Default is 53.
refreshintegerThe interval at which secondary DNS servers are set to refresh the zone file from the primary server.
retryintegerThe rate at which a secondary DNS servers will retry to refresh the zone file if the initial refresh failed.
ttlintegerThe interval at which the SOA record itself is refreshed.
tagsobjectsAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets/addresses.

Copy CodeCreate a new DNS zone

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"{zoneFQDN}", "nx_ttl":60}'{zoneFQDN}

where {ZONE_NAME} is the zone's FQDN

Copy CodeCreate a new secondary DNS zone

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"zone":"{ZONE_NAME}", "secondary": {"enabled":true, "primary_ip":"{PRIMARY_IP_ADDRESS}"}}'{zoneFQDN}

where {ZONE_NAME} is the zone's FQDN and {PRIMARY_IP_ADDRESS} is the IP address of the primary zone.

Copy CodeCreates a secondary zone with TSIG enabled

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{ZONE_NAME} -d "{\"secondary\": {\"enabled\": true,\"tsig\":{\"enabled\": true, \"hash\": \"{HASH_TYPE}\", \"key\":\"{TSIG_KEY}\",\"name\": \"{TSIG_KEY_NAME}\"}, \"primary_ip\": \"{IP_ADDRESS}\", \"primary_port\": 53},\"zone\": \"{ZONE_NAME}\"}"

Copy CodeCreate a new zone allowing AXFR and sending NOTIFY to a secondary zone

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"zone":"{ZONE_NAME}", "primary": {"enabled":true, "secondaries":[ {"ip":"{SECONDARY_IP}", "port":{SECONDARY_PORT}, "notify":true} ]}}'{ZONE_NAME}

Copy CodeCreate a zone with associated DNS views and networks (DDI only)

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "zone": "'{domain}'", "name": "'{zone_name}", "views": [{view_name}], "networks": [{network_ids}] }'{zone-name}

Example Request:

  "zone": "",
  "ttl&tuot;: 3600,
  "nx_ttl": 60

Example Response:

  "id": "52051b2c9f782d58bb4df41b",
  "hostmaster": "[email protected]",
  "ttl": 3600,
  "nx_ttl": 60,
  "retry": 7200,
  "zone": "",
  "refresh": 43200,
  "expiry": 1209600,
  "dns_servers": [
  "networks": [0],
  "network_pools": ["p06"],
  "primary": {
    "enabled": false,
    "secondaries": []
  "records": [
      "id": "52051b2c9f782d58bb4df420",
      "type": "NS",
      "tier": 1,
      "ttl": 3600,
      "short_answers": [
      "domain": ""
  "meta": {}

Example Request:

  "expiry": 0,
  "hostmaster": "string",
  "nx_ttl": 0,
  "primary": {
    "enabled": true,
    "secondaries": [
        "ip": "string",
        "networks": [
        "notify": true,
        "port": 0
  "refresh": 0,
  "retry": 0,
  "ttl": 0,
  "zone": "string",
  "local_tags": [
  "tags": {}

Example Response:

  "dns_servers": [
  "expiry": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "link": "string",
  "primary_master": "string",
  "hostmaster": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "meta": {
    "asn": [
    "ca_province": [
    "connections": 0,
    "country": [
    "georegion": [
    "high_watermark": 0,
    "ip_prefixes": [
    "latitude": 0,
    "loadAvg": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "low_watermark": 0,
    "note": "string",
    "priority": 0,
    "pulsar": "string",
    "requests": 0,
    "up": true,
    "us_state": [
    "weight": 0
  "network_pools": [
  "networks": [
  "nx_ttl": 0,
  "serial": 0,
  "primary": {
    "enabled": true,
    "secondaries": [
        "ip": "string",
        "networks": [
        "notify": true,
        "port": 0
  "records": [
      "domain": "string",
      "zone": "string",
      "tags": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"
      "link": "string",
      "use_client_subnet": true,
      "regions": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"
      "meta": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"
      "zone_name": "string",
      "networks": [
      "id": "string",
      "short_answers": [
      "tier": 0,
      "ttl": 0,
      "type": "string"
  "refresh": 0,
  "retry": 0,
  "secondary": {
    "status": "string",
    "last_xfr": 0,
    "primary_ip": "string",
    "primary_port": 0,
    "enabled": true,
    "tsig": {
      "enabled": true,
      "hash": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "key": "string"
    "other_ports": [
    "other_ips": [
    "expired": true
  "ttl": 0,
  "zone": "string",
  "views": [
  "local_tags": [
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/zones/{zone_name}

POST Edit a zone

Modifies the basic details of a DNS zone. You must include a JSON body in the request, in which you may include ttl (SOA record TTL), refresh, retry, expiry, or nx_ttl values, as in a SOA record. You may not change the zone name or other details.

If you are modifying a secondary zone, you can change the primary_ip and primary_port. You can also change enabled in the secondary object to convert a zone between primary and secondary behavior. Note that when converting a secondary to a primary zone, you must create a NS record for the zone with the assigned NSONE nameservers.

You can enable or disable replication from the primary zone, as well as add or remove secondary (replica) hosts by manipulating the primary object.

You may modify the set of DNS networks for which the zone should be made available. Note that if you remove a network from a zone, and later re-add it, then new nameservers will be assigned within that network. You may remove all networks from a zone, in which case the zone will not be accessible from any DNS network.

Path Parameters:

zonestring(Required) FQDN of the zone you are creating. Note for DDI users: You may have multiple zoneNames associated with the same zone (FQDN).

Request Body Paramters:

viewsstring(DDI only) Name of the DNS view(s) with which this zone is associated.
networksarray of integersIf you account has access to multiple DNS networks, you may pass a list of network IDs for which the zone should be made available. If not set, the zone is created in network 0 (primary NSONE Global Network). DNS servers will be selected and assigned across all the networks you specify.
expiryintegerIf refresh and retry fail repeatedly, this is the time period after which the primary should be considered down and no longer authoritative for the given zone.
nx_ttlintegerIn the event that the DNS query results in an NXDOMAIN error, because the domain name does not exist (and this is also true for all names under it), or in an EBOT (aka NODATA) response, this is the length of time that the ‘negative’ answer should be cached for.
primaryobjectApplied to support zone replication by third-party DNS servers.
enabledboolean(Required; part of the primary object) If true, AXFR queries (and optionally NOTIFY messages) will be enabled for the zone.
secondariesarray of objects(Required if set to primary; part of the primary object) An array of objects to define secondary nodes
ipstring(Included in the secondaries array) IPv4 address of the secondary zone.
notifyboolean(Included in the secondaries array) If set to "true," NS1 will send NOTIFY messages to the secondary host upon zone changes.
portinteger(Included in the secondaries array) The port on the host to send NOTIFY messages. Default is 53.
refreshintegerThe interval at which secondary DNS servers are set to refresh the zone file from the primary server.
retryintegerThe rate at which a secondary DNS servers will retry to refresh the zone file if the initial refresh failed.
ttlintegerThe interval at which the SOA record itself is refreshed.
tagsobjectsAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets/addresses.

Copy CodeModifies the specified zone

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "expiry": 0, "hostmaster": "string", "nx_ttl": 0, "primary": { "enabled": true, "secondaries": [ { "ip": "string", "networks": [0],"notify": true, "port": 0 }]}, "refresh": 0, "retry": 0, "ttl": 0, "zone": "string", "local_tags": ["string"], "tags": {}}'{zoneFQDN}

Copy CodeForces a refresh on a secondary zone

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{zoneFQDN}?refresh=true

Execute the command above on a secondary zone to force a refresh, overriding any refresh interval setting defined. Note: Do not include any data in the request body.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "refresh": 10800

Example Response:

  "dns_servers": [
  "expiry": 0,
  "primary_master": "string",
  "hostmaster": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "meta": {
    "asn": [
    "ca_province": [
    "connections": 0,
    "country": [
    "georegion": [
    "high_watermark": 0,
    "ip_prefixes": [
    "latitude": 0,
    "loadAvg": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "low_watermark": 0,
    "note": "string",
    "priority": 0,
    "pulsar": "string",
    "requests": 0,
    "up": true,
    "us_state": [
    "weight": 0
  "network_pools": [
  "networks": [
  "nx_ttl": 0,
  "primary": {
    "enabled": true,
    "secondaries": [
        "ip": "string",
        "networks": [
        "notify": true,
        "port": 0
  "records": [
      "domain": "string",
      "id": "string",
      "short_answers": [
      "tier": 0,
      "ttl": 0,
      "type": "string"
  "refresh": 10800,
  "retry": 0,
  "ttl": 0,
  "zone": "string",
  "views": [
  "local_tags": [
  "tags": {}
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/zones/:zone

DELETE Delete a zone

Deletes an existing DNS zone and all of its associated records.

Note: NS1 servers will not respond to queries for the zone or any of the records after it is deleted, and you cannot recover the deleted zone. There is no request body required, and there is no response other than the HTTP status code.

Request URL:

Example URL:

PUT /v1/import/zonefile/:zone

PUT Import a zone from a zone file

Upload a zone file using form encoding (multipart/form-data) with the zone file as the content of the zonefile form parameter. The zone must not already exist in your account. Upon upload, the zone and all records within the zone file are created. Any "round-robin" records (e.g., multiple A records for the same domain) are treated as answers for a single record in your account. Existing NS records are replaced, as are some details of SOA records.

There are two modes: synchronous (default) and asynchronous.

  • In asynchronous mode, you must check back with a GET request using the returned job id to get the results of your request.
  • In synchronous mode, the connection remains open until the results can be returned to you directly. Full details of the new zone and all records are returned; a warnings field contains a list of strings with any warnings from the zone file import process.

Upon import, the zone is made available only on the NSONE Global Network (network 0). If your account has access to other DNS networks, and you wish to make the zone available via those networks, simply add them to the zone after importing the zone file.

Copy CodeImport a new zone from a zone file

curl -X PUT -F [email protected] -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'{ZONE_NAME}

where {ZONE_NAME} is the zone FQDN

Request URL:[?async=true]

Example URL:

Example Request:

(Other headers)
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------a5d22159c43c

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="zonefile"; filename=""
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

$TTL 300
@	SOA 201303202324 43200 7200 1209600 3600
@	NS	ns1
@	NS	ns2
@	A
www	A


Example Response:

  "id": "52052aa99f782d5b1a10a831",
  "hostmaster": "[email protected]",
  "meta": {},
  "ttl": 3600,
  "nx_ttl": 300,
  "retry": 7200,
  "zone": "",
  "warnings": [],
  "refresh": 43200,
  "expiry": 1209600,
  "dns_servers": [
  "networks": [0],
  "network_pools": ["p06"],
  "records": [
      "id": "52052aa99f782d5b1a10a836",
      "type": "NS",
      "tier": 1,
      "short_answers": [
      "domain": ""
      "id": "52052aa99f782d5bcc10a847",
      "type": "A",
      "tier": 1,
      "domain": "",
      "zone": "",
      "short_answers": [
      "id": "52052aa99f78375bcc10a666",
      "type": "A",
      "tier": 1,
      "domain": "",
      "zone": "",
      "short_answers": [

Example Response:

  "sent": 1376070394,
  "id": "zIbC9VfrnVtubXfJbM6a",
  "type": "importzonefile",
  "percent": 20,
  "status": "Creating zone"
zonestringzone FQDNyes
asyncboolean(see description above); default is "false"


Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/import/zonefile/:jobid

GET View status of zone file import

Get the status, and if finished, results of, a zone file import job launched with a PUT request to /import/zonefile/:zone. The jobid is the value of the id field in the response of an asynchronous import request. If the zone file import is finished, the response includes the fields response (body containing import request results), and response_code (final HTTP status code for the import request).

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "sent": 1376070394,
  "id": "zIbC9VfrnVtubXfJbM6a",
  "type": "importzonefile",
  "result": {
    "id": "52052afa9f782d5b1a10a83f",
    "hostmaster": "[email protected]",
    "meta": {},
    "ttl": 3600,
    "nx_ttl": 300,
    "retry": 7200,
    "zone": "",
    "warnings": [],
    "refresh": 43200,
    "expiry": 1209600,
    "records": [
        "id": "52052afa9f782d5b1a10a844",
        "type": "NS",
        "tier": 1,
        "short_answers": [
        "domain": ""
        "type": "A",
        "feeds": [],
        "tier": 1,
        "domain": "",
        "zone": "",
        "answers": [
            "id": "52052afa9f782d5b1a10a846",
            "answer": [
        "regions": {},
        "meta": {},
        "filters": [],
        "ttl": 300
        "type": "A",
        "feeds": [],
        "tier": 1,
        "domain": "",
        "zone": "",
        "answers": [
            "id": "52052afa9f782d5b1a10a848",
            "answer": [
        "regions": {},
        "meta": {},
        "filters": [],
        "ttl": 300
    "dns_servers": [
    "networks": [0],
    "network_pools": ["p01"]
  "percent": 100,
  "status": "Created zone and 3 records",
jobidstringvalue of the id field in the response of an asynchronous zone file import requestyes
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/search

GET Search zones and records

NOTE: NS1 Enterprise DDI and NS1 Connect users should use the new and improved zone/record search endpoints below. Refer to "Search for DNS zones" and "Search for DNS records."

Returns all zones and records that match a query string q. You can limit the max number of results and you can restrict the type of results to zone, record, or all. Entries in the response without domain/type are zones, and those with domain/type are records.

Query parameters:

qstringSearch query
maxintegerMaximum number of search results to display
typestringFilters search results by type. Enum: "zone", "record", "all", "answers"
expandstringExpands contents of search results. Enum: false, "f", true, or "t"

Request URL:[querystring][&max=10][&type=all]

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "zone": ""
    "zone": "",
    "type": "NS",
    "domain": ""
    "zone": "",
    "type": "MX",
    "domain": ""
    "zone": "",
    "type": "A",
    "domain": ""
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dns/zone/search

GET Search for DNS zones

Returns a list of all zones based on any specified filters.

Query Parameters:

fqdnstringFilter by fully-qualified domain name (FQDN)
tagsarray of stringsFilter by specified keys or key-value pairs. For example, tag=key, tag=key*, tag=key=>value, tag=key*=>value, tag=key=>value*, or tag=key*=>value* Text can be prefixed and/or suffixed with * for pattern matching. Other * characters in the answer should be escaped.
limitintegerLimits the number of results returned. Default is 20.
nextstringIf your total number of zones exceeds the limit set, a next value is returned in the response. Apply the next value when searching for the next batch of zone results.
expandstringOption to include associated records in the search results. Enum: "false" (default), "f", "true", "t"

Copy CodeReturns a list of all zones

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "total_results": 1,
  "next": "next",
  "limit": 1,
  "results": [
      "fqdn": "",
      "handle": ""

Example Response:

  "total_results": 1,
  "next": "next",
  "limit": 1,
  "results": [
      "fqdn": "",
      "handle": "",
      "network_pools": [
      "networks": [
      "primary": {
        "enabled": true,
        "secondaries": [
            "ip": "",
            "notify": true,
            "port": 53
      "record": [
      "secondary": {
        "enabled": false,
        "expired": false,
        "last_try": 1616692983,
        "last_xfr": 1616692983,
        "other_ips": [],
        "other_ports": [],
        "primary_ip": "",
        "primary_port": 53,
        "status": "ok"
      "ttl": 3600,
      "views": []
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dns/record/search

GET Search for DNS records

Returns a list of all zones based on any specified filters.

Query Parameters:

domainstringFilter by domain.
typestringFilter by record type.
answersstringFilter by answers. Text can be prefixed and/or suffixed with * for pattern matching. Other * characters in the answer should be escaped.
tagsarray of stringsFilter by specified keys or key-value pairs. For example, tag=key, tag=key*, tag=key=>value, tag=key*=>value, tag=key=>value*, or tag=key*=>value*
limitintegerLimits the number of results returned. Default is 20.
nextstringIf your total number of records exceeds the limit set, a next value is returned in the response. Apply the next value when searching for the next batch of record results.
expandstringOption to include record details in the search results. Enum: "false" (default), "f", "true", "t"

Copy CodeReturns all records

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "total_results": 1,
  "next": "next",
  "limit": 1,
  "results": [
      "domain": "",
      "type": "A",
      "zone_fqdn": "",
      "zone_handle": ""

Example Response:

  "total_results": 1,
  "next": "next",
  "limit": 1,
  "results": [
      "answers": [
          "answer": [
          "id": "605cc6f6b407da12cd986c9f"
      "domain": "",
      "id": "605cc6f6b407da12cd986ca0",
      "meta": {},
      "networks": [
      "regions": {},
      "tags": {
        "tag0": "value0",
        "tag1": "value1",
        "tag2": "value2",
        "tag3": "value3",
        "tag4": "value4"
      "tier": 1,
      "ttl": 3600,
      "type": "A",
      "zone_fqdn": "",
      "zone_handle": "",
      "use_client_subnet": false
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/networks

GET List available networks

Some customers may have access to DNS networks other than the primary NSONE Global Network. This endpoint lists all networks for which you may create zones and records. You will generally always have access to the NSONE Global Network (network 0).

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "network_id": 0,
    "label": "NSONE",
    "name": "NSONE Global Network"
    "network_id": 82,
    "label": "myprivate",
    "name": "My Private Network"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/zones/:zone

POST Enable DNSSEC for a zone

Enables DNSSEC for a zone. For more information, refer to the following Help Center articles:

Note: Your account must have DNSSEC enabled to use this feature. Submit a support ticket or email [email protected] to request DNSSEC for your account.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:


Example Response:

    "nx_ttl": 3600,
    "retry": 7200,
    "dnssec": true,
    "zone": "mydnssec.test",
    "network_pools": [
    "primary": {
        "enabled": false,
        "secondaries": []
    "refresh": 43200,
    "expiry": 1209600,
    "dns_servers": [
    "records": [
            "domain": "mydnssec.test",
            "short_answers": [
            "ttl": 3600,
            "tier": 1,
            "type": "NS",
            "id": "5d4994bec94a900001134b77"
    "meta": {},
    "link": null,
    "serial": 1565103372,
    "ttl": 3600,
    "id": "5d4994bec94a900001134b72",
    "hostmaster": "[email protected]",
    "networks": [
    "pool": "p05"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/zones/:zone/dnssec

GET View DNSSEC details for a zone

Returns public key information including DNSKEY and DS record information.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "keys": {
        "dnskey": [
        "ttl": 3600
    "delegation": {
        "dnskey": [
        "ds": [
        "ttl": 3600
    "zone": "mydnssec.test."
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/zones/{zone_name}

POST Enable TSIG on a secondary zone

NS1 offers authentication using TSIG (transaction signature) for instances where NS1 is configured as the secondary DNS provider. Note: Currently, NS1 does not support enabling TSIG authentication on a primary DNS network hosted within NS1.

Copy CodeEnables TSIG on an existing secondary zone

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{zone_name} -d "{\"secondary\": {\"enabled\": true,\"tsig\":{\"enabled\": true, \"hash\": \"{HASH_TYPE}\", \"key\":\"$TSIG_KEY\",\"name\": \"{TSIG_KEY_NAME}\"}, \"primary_ip\": \"{IP_ADDRESS}\", \"primary_port\": 53},\"zone\": \"{ZONE_NAME}\"}"

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: qACMD09OJXBxT7XOuRs8' -d'{"zone":"","secondary":{"enabled":true,"primary_ip":"","tsig":{"enabled":true,"hash":"hmac-md5","name":"ns1-transfer-key","key":"mwmF7XOq/cB0TSF6kJX+sNW2jkZU/s0V/KPfXtOa6tTk3wU3RuZBFjM9 H0ATD+qbCdC7n64L9QqkAvk3sh89xw=="}}}'

Example Response:

{"dns_servers":["","","",""],"dnssec":false,"network_pools":["p06"],"primary":{"enabled":false,"secondaries":[]},"disabled":false,"meta":{},"ttl":3600,"serial":1578928419,"id":"5e1c8923bbccf90001c16162","retry":7200,"zone":"","networks":[0],"hostmaster":"[email protected]","nx_ttl":3600,"expiry":1209600,"records":[],"link":null,"pool":"p06","secondary":{"status":"pending","last_xfr":0,"other_ips":[],"primary_port":53,"enabled":true,"tsig":{"enabled":true,"hash":"hmac-md5","name":"tsigname","key":"+Cdjlkef9ZTSeixERZ433Q=="},"error":null,"other_ports":[],"primary_ip":"","expired":false},"refresh":43200,"primary_master":""}
Expand Code Examples


GET /v1/zones/:zone/:domain/:type

GETView record details

Returns full configuration for a DNS record including basic config, answers, regions, filter chain configuration, and all metadata tables and data feeds attached to entities in the record. (Note that regions might be any specified grouping, not necessarily a geo-related region. For this reason, the NS1 web portal at uses the word "group" instead of "region".)

You must fully specify zone, domain, and record type, e.g., returns the A record for in the zone.

Path Parameters:

zonestring(Required) Name of the zone within which this record is located. (ex.
domainstring(Required) Domain name (ex.
typestring(Required) The type of record whose details you are requesting (ex. A).

Copy CodeReturns details about the specified record

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "answers": [
      "answer": [
      "id": "string",
      "meta": {
        "asn": [
        "ca_province": [
        "connections": 0,
        "country": [
        "georegion": [
        "high_watermark": 0,
        "ip_prefixes": [
        "latitude": 0,
        "loadAvg": 0,
        "longitude": 0,
        "low_watermark": 0,
        "note": "string",
        "priority": 0,
        "pulsar": "string",
        "requests": 0,
        "up": true,
        "us_state": [
        "weight": 0
      "region": "string"
  "domain": "string",
  "filters": [
      "disabled": true,
      "filter": "string",
      "config": {
        "eliminate": false
  "id": "50eb9d77830f784f98b0dd59",
  "link": "string",
  "meta": {
    "asn": [
    "ca_province": [
    "connections": 0,
    "country": [
    "georegion": [
    "high_watermark": 0,
    "ip_prefixes": [
    "latitude": 0,
    "loadAvg": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "low_watermark": 0,
    "note": "string",
    "priority": 0,
    "pulsar": "string",
    "requests": 0,
    "up": true,
    "us_state": [
    "weight": 0
  "networks": [
  "regions": {
    "meta": {
      "asn": [
      "ca_province": [
      "connections": 0,
      "country": [
      "georegion": [
      "high_watermark": 0,
      "ip_prefixes": [
      "latitude": 0,
      "loadAvg": 0,
      "longitude": 0,
      "low_watermark": 0,
      "note": "string",
      "priority": 0,
      "pulsar": "string",
      "requests": 0,
      "up": true,
      "us_state": [
      "weight": 0
  "tier": 0,
  "ttl": 0,
  "type": "string",
  "use_client_subnet": true,
  "zone": "string",
  "blocked_tags": [
  "local_tags": [
  "tags": {}
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/zones/{zone_name}/{domain}/{record_type}

PUTCreate a DNS record

Creates a new DNS record in the specified zone, for the specified domain, of the given record type. Currently supported record types are: A, AAAA, ALIAS, AFSDB, CERT, CNAME, DNAME, HINFO, MX, NAPTR, NS, PTR, RP, SPF, SRV, TXT, URLFWD. The answer field within each entry in the answers list must be a list of the RDATA fields for a DNS record of the specified type.

You may not create multiple records of the same type for the same domain name in a zone — instead, add new answers to the existing record. The default behavior if no filters are in the filter chain is to return all answers matching a query.

Metadata tables (meta) may be specified in answers, in regions or in the record as a whole. (Note that regions can be any kind of group, not just geo-related. For this reason, the NS1 web portal at uses the word "group" instead of "region".) The metadata tables may contain key/value pairs where valid keys and values are as described in the output of /metatypes.

Anywhere metadata tables can go, data feeds can go as well. Connect a compatible feed to a metadata key by assigning its value to be a JSON object pointing to the data feed that should be consulted for the final value.

The new record will take on the same networks as the zone it's in.

Instead of specifying answers and other details, you may create a "linked" record. This allows you reuse the configuration (including answers and metadata) from an existing record in NSONE's systems. Linked records will respond in the exact same way as their targets at DNS resolution time, and can be used for maintaining complicated record configurations in a single record while pointing (linking) other lightweight records to it. Linked records must point to another record of the exact same record type and do not have to exist in the same zone.

To create a linked record, specify the link property as a string whose contents is the FQDN containing the config it should link to. If link is specified, no other record configuration (such as answers or meta) should be specified.

Path Parameters:

zonestring(Required) Name of the zone within which this record is located. (ex.
domainstring(Required) Domain name (ex.
typestring(Required) The type of record whose details you are requesting (ex. A).

Copy CodeCreates a simple A record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"", "domain":"", "type":"A", "answers":[{"answer":[""]}]}'

(RFC 1035) The most common DNS record used, an A record maps a hostname to an IPv4 address (ex. All zones must contain an A record in order for users to access a website or application using its hostname as opposed to memorizing the IPv4 address.

Copy CodeCreates a linked A record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"", "domain":"", "type":"A", "link":"", "answers": []}'

Using a linked record avoids the timely and error-prone tasks of manually creating and maintaining identical configurations across multiple records. Linked records tell the NS1 authoritative server to use the full configuration from a target record that exists somewhere else on the NS1 platform. Note: The target record does not need to be in the same zone as the linked record.

For example, a CDN using NS1 DNS services can instruct its customer (who is also using NS1) to use a linked record to point to the customer’s domain at the CDN, instead of a CNAME. This eliminates DNS round trips and (for A or AAAA records) allows direct resolution at the zone apex. A linked record can be any record type (A, MX, CNAME, etc.), but it must be the same types as a target or it will not resolve.

Compared to a CNAME record, a linked record typically requires one less DNS lookup—often shortening the response time for the requesting resolver or user to receive the final answer.

Linked records are specific to NS1, and their resolution is a completely internal process. During resolution, the full configuration from the target record (including advanced configuration options) is duplicated into the source record such that (other than the name of the record) they resolve identically. DNS recursors making the query will not be able to differentiate between a linked record and the “real” target to which it points. Linked records support all NS1 features and capabilities used by the target record—including real-time data feeds.

Refer to this article for more information.

Copy CodeCreates an MX record with multiple answers

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"", "domain":"", "type":"MX", "answers":[{"answer":[5, ""]}, {"answer":[10, ""]}]}'

(RFC 1035, RFC 7505) Mail exchange (MX) records are used to direct emails sent to your domain. MX records, coupled with a mail server, provide organizations (employees, clients, etc.) with emails the organization's domain, such as If you have multiple mail servers configured, you can add multiple MX records with varying priorities.

Copy CodeCreates a record with GEOTARGET_REGIONAL

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"", "domain":"", "type":"A", "answers":[{"answer":[""], "meta":{"georegion":["US-EAST"]}}, {"answer":[""], "meta":{"georegion":["US-WEST"]}}], "filters":[{"filter":"geotarget_regional", "config":{}}, {"filter":"select_first_n", "config":{"N":1}}]}'

This creates an A record with two answers: a server ( in the US-EAST geotargeting region, and a server ( in the US-WEST geotargeting region. We also add the GEOTARGET_REGIONALfilter first in the filter chain (it needs no configuration); and follow it with the SELECT_FIRST_N filter with N set to 1, which picks the closest answer.

Copy CodeCreates an A record with the DHCP filter

curl -L -X PUT*.docker.local/A -H "X-NSONE-Key: $APIKEY" -d '{ "zone": "docker.local", "domain": "*.docker.local", "type": "A", "answers": [ { "answer": [ "" ] } ], "filters": [ { "filter": "dhcp", "config": { "scope_group_id": 1 } } ] }'

For the purposes of implementing first-party DDNS, this creates a wildcard A record in the forward zone. In this example, the forward zone is docker.local.

Copy CodeCreates a PTR record with the DHCP filter

curl -L -X PUT* -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"  -d '{ "zone": "", "domain": "*", "type": "PTR", "answers": [ { "answer": [ "*.hosts.docker.local" ] } ], "filters": [ { "filter": "dhcp", "config": { "scope_group_id": 1 } } ] }'

For the purposes of implementing first-party DDNS, this creates a wildcard PTR record in the reverse zone. In this example, the reverse zone is

(RFC 1035) Pointer (PTR) records are usually described as the opposite of an A record. Whereas A records point the domain to an IP address, a PTR record points an IP to a domain (ex. reverse zone lookups). This is often used as spam verification with certain email programs to confirm a mail server is authorized to use the domain from which the email was sent. PTR records usually have to be defined by the owner of the IP address for your server—usually your server hosts. Many hosting companies will set this up for you when you set up a server.

Copy CodeCreates a URLFWD record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "URLFWD", "answers": [{"answer": ["/one", "", 0, 0, 0]}, {"answer": ["/two", "", 301, 1, 1]}, {"answer": ["/three", "", 302, 2, 0]}]}'


  • zone is the name of the zone to which you want to add the URLFWD record
  • domain is the FQDN within the zone to which you want to add the URLFWD record
  • type is the type of record you are creating (in this case, URLFWD)
  • each answer specifies five values
    • "from" path (ex. /one , /two. /three) indicated by the query
    • domain (ex., etc.) to which you want to redirect the query
    • forwarding type; either 0 (masking), 301 (permanent), 302 (temporary)
    • query forwarding enabled or disabled; either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

Similar structures can be used with GET or POST commands to retrieve or update the record. For more information, refer to the NS1 API documentation.

Refer to this article to learn more about URLFWD record configuration settings.

Note: URL forwarding must be enabled on your NS1 account in order to create URLFWD record. To enable this feature, contact the NS1 support team by submitting a ticket or emailing [email protected]

Copy CodeCreates a AAAA record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "AAAA", "answers": [ { "answer": [ "dead:beef:cafe::1" ] } ] }'

(RFC 3596) AAAA records function in the same way as A records, except that they map hostnames to an IPv6 address (ex. FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329). The limited number of permutations possible for IPv4 addresses has resulted in recent growth in the number of IPv6 addresses being used.

Copy CodeCreates an AFSDB record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{   "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "AFSDB", "answers": [ { "answer": [ 1, "" ] } ] }'

(RFC 1183) AFSDB records are used to connect domain names to Andrew File System (AFS) servers. AFS is similar to NFS, but better suited to handle the latency of wide area networks (such as the internet) and locally caches files. The AFSDB record is key to this operation—providing the location to the file database.

Note: This record is experimental and not recognized by all services, and not all nameservers recognize or implement it. The AFSDB record type is deprecated and has been replaced by the SRV record.

Copy CodeCreates an ALIAS record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "ALIAS",   "answers": [ { "answer": [ "" ] } ] }'

ALIAS is an NS1-specific record type. It is a pseudo-record that works like a CNAME record, but can be used safely at the zone apex because it always resolves to A (or AAAA) record(s). Resolution to the target is a completely internal process—DNS recursors making the query will not be able to differentiate between an ALIAS record and a “real” A (or AAAA) record. When queried, an ALIAS record will always return one or more A or AAAA records. Since ALIAS is a pseudo-record, the query result will never contain ALIAS. There is no good reason to use an ALIAS record outside of the zone apex. Since it requires an extra external lookup, resolution can be slower than a CNAME or linked record. Refer to this article for more information.

Copy CodeCreates a CAA record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "CAA", "answers": [ { "answer": [ 0, "tag", "value" ] }   ] }'

(RFC 6844) Domain owners can use DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) records to specify which certificate authorities (CAs) are allowed to issue SSL certificates for their domains. A single domain may contain multiple CAA records. The CAA record prevents an unauthorized CA from issuing an SSL certificate for your domain—in other words, only the CA(s) authorized in the CAA record can issue an SSL certificate for your domain. CAA records specify the following fields:

CAA <flags> <tag> <value>


  • flags is an unsigned integer between 0 and 255
  • tag is a non-zero sequence of US-ASCII letters and numbers in lowercase.
  • value is the <character-string> encoding of the value field.

For example:

$ORIGIN @ CAA 0 issue "" @ CAA 0 iodef "mailto:[email protected]" @ CAA 0 iodef ""

Copy CodeCreates a CERT record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "CERT", "answers": [ { "answer": [ 3, 0, 0, "dGVzda==" ] }   ] }'

(RFC 4398, 6944) CERT resource records provide a space in the DNS for certificates and related certificate revocation lists (CRLs). These certificates verify the authenticity of the sending and receiving parties. The CRLs identify the certificates that are no longer valid.

Copy CodeCreates a CNAME record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "CNAME",   "answers": [ { "answer": [ "" ] } ] }'

(RFC 1034, 2181) A Canonical Name (CNAME) record maps one domain name (an alias) to another (the canonical name). There may be only one such canonical name for any one alias. That name should generally be a name that exists elsewhere in the DNS, though there are some rare applications for aliases with the accompanying canonical name undefined in the DNS. An alias name (label of a CNAME record) may, if DNSSEC is in use, have SIG, NXT, and KEY RRs, but may have no other data. Refer to this article for more information.

Copy CodeCreates a DNAME record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "DNAME",   "answers": [ { "answer": [ "" ] } ] }'

(RFC 6672) As opposed to a CNAME record which maps only a single node, a DNAME record is used to redirect an entire subsection (or subtree) of the DNS namespace to another domain. Once implemented, all names that end with a particular suffix are redirected to another part of the DNS.

Copy CodeCreates a HINFO record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "HINFO", "answers": [ { "answer": [ "fancy", "potato" ] } ] }'

(RFC 1035) Host information (HINFO) records are used to associate general information about a host’s CPU and OS with the host’s domain name. For example, if was running Ubuntu 16.04 with a 3.2 GHz Intel CPU, this information can be made publicly available by creating an HINFO record with “PC-Intel-3200mhz” and “Ubuntu 16.04” in the CPU and OS fields, respectively. This information is used by services like FTP to determine the correct procedures for connecting to hosts based on their configuration.

Copy CodeCreates a NAPTR record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "NAPTR", "answers": [ { "answer": [ 1, 2, "S", "http", "replace/me/i", "hi" ] } ] }'

(RFC 3403) Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) records are most commonly used with internet telephony (or VoIP) services. It can be used to map telephone numbers and email addresses for VoIP users to SIP servers via SRV records to initiate calls.

Copy CodeCreates an NS record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "NS",   "answers": [ { "answer": [ "" ] } ] }'

(RFC 1035) Typically configured with your registrar, Name server (NS) records are used to delegate a domain or subdomain to a set of name servers. Name servers, such as NS1, hold all the other DNS records for your domain and tell all the other computers connected to the internet what records your domain holds. Therefore, setting the NS record is a critical step in getting your domains and servers online.

Copy CodeCreates an RP record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "RP",   "answers": [ { "answer": [ "", ""] } ] }'

(RFC 1183) Typically, the "responsible person" record contains information about the person responsible for the domain. It is usually an email address where the "@" sign is replaced by a period (.).

Copy CodeCreates an SPF record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "SPF",  "answers": [ { "answer": [ "v=spf1", "ip4:", "", "-all" ] } ] }'

(RFC 4408, 7208) Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records are used during email verification to prevent your domain name from being used by spammers or malicious users. Simply creating an SPF record on your main domain with the content: v=spf1 ip4: a -all (replacing with your mail server’s IP address) will tell email receivers that your mail server is the only server allowed to send emails from your domain. All emails received from other servers are to be rejected or marked as spam. If you have multiple mail servers, you can add another ip4:x.x.x.x after the previous one to allow another IP address. Note: The SPF record is still supported, but shouldn’t be used in new configurations. Instead, making a TXT record with the same content is the more accepted practice today. Commonly, mail servers will define both an SPF and a TXT record for the most compatibility.

Copy CodeCreates an SRV record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "SRV",  "answers": [ { "answer": [ 1, 1, 80, "" ] } ] }'

(RFC 2782) Service locator (SRV) records are a way to use DNS to locate services for a specific domain. SRV records allow for built-in load balancing of multiple servers using the priority and weight values in the records. SRV record parameters include:

  • service is the name of a service, such as SIP or XMPP. Underscore required.
  • proto is the protocol in use for the service. Normally either TCP or UDP. Underscore required.
  • domainname is the FQDN of the domain using the service.
  • ttl is the time-to-live for the DNS record.
  • priority is the priority of the target. A lower number indicates a higher preference.
  • weight is the weight of the target. A higher number indicates a higher preference.
  • target is the hostname of the server which is hosting the service.

You can verify the record has been created correctly using the dig tool as shown in this example:

test:~ test$ dig srv +short 1 100 80 test:~ test

Copy CodeCreates a TXT record

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "zone": "", "domain": "", "type": "TXT",  "answers": [ { "answer": [ "some", "text", "here" ] } ] }'

(RFC 1035) Text (TXT) records allow you to contain any text-based information on a domain or subdomain. Applications can use this to collect information about a service—typically, SPF records, DomainKeys, and DKIM (two other email verification processes). Usage with SPF can be read about above in the SPF Records section. TXT records may contain any information up to 255 characters per string. A zone may container multiple TXT records.

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "answers": [
      "answer": [
      "meta": {
        "up": { feed: "520533b89f782d5b1a10a854" }
  "type": "MX",
  "domain": "",
  "zone": ""

Example Response:

  "id": "52053b569f782d5b1a10a85a",
  "networks": [0],
  "type": "MX",
  "feeds": [],
  "customer": 1004,
  "domain": "",
  "zone": "",
  "answers": [
      "id": "52053b569f782d5b1a10a859",
      "feeds": [
          "source": "a53252f9e583c6708331a1daeb172e12",
          "feed": "520533b89f782d5b1a10a854"
      "answer": [
      "meta": {
        "up": { feed: "520533b89f782d5b1a10a854" }
  "regions": {},
  "meta": {},
  "filters": [],
  "ttl": 3600,
  "use_client_subnet": true
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/zones/:zone/:domain/:type

POSTUpdate a record

Modifies configuration details for an existing DNS record.

Path Parameters:

zonestring(Required) Name of the zone within which this record is located. (ex.
domainstring(Required) Domain name (ex.
typestring(Required) The type of record whose details you are requesting (ex. A).

Copy CodeDisable use of edns-client-subnet data for a record

curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: qACMD09OJXBxT7XOuRs8' -d '{"use_client_subnet":false}'

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "answers": [
      "answer": [
      "answer": [

Example Response:

  "id": "52053b569f782d5b1a10a85a",
  "networks": [0],
  "type": "MX",
  "feeds": [],
  "tier": 1,
  "customer": 1004,
  "domain": "",
  "zone": "",
  "answers": [
      "id": "52053c239f782d5b1a10a85e",
      "answer": [
      "id": "52053c239f782d5b1a10a85f",
      "answer": [
  "regions": {},
  "meta": {},
  "filters": [],
  "ttl": 3600,
  "use_client_subnet": true
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/zones/:zone/:domain/:type

DELETEDelete a record

Removes an existing record and all associated answers and configuration details. We will no longer respond for this record once it is deleted, and it cannot be recovered, so use caution. Note: This operation deletes all answers associated with the domain and record type. If you want to delete individual answers, do a POSToperation to update the record's answers list. This method has no response other than the HTTP status code.

Request URL:

Example URL:







The zone name




The domain name




The record type



GET /v1/metatypes

GETView available metadata

Returns a list of available metadata fields for use in configuring records, including descriptions (in HTML).

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "georegion": {
    "desc": "Geographic region(s) associated with the answer or\n    region, e.g., the rough geographic location of the datacenter\n    where your server resides.  Each region must be a string, one of\n    'US-EAST', 'US-CENTRAL', 'US-WEST', 'EUROPE', 'ASIAPAC',\n    'SOUTH-AMERICA', 'AFRICA'.  The \"georegion\" value may be a single\n    region string, or a list of several such strings to associate an\n    answer/region with multiple geographic regions.",
    "category": "geographical",
    "shortdesc": "Geographic region"
  "up": {
    "desc": "This boolean value indicates \"upness\" of answers or\n    regions.  If true (or 1), the answer/region is \"up\".  If false (or\n    0) it is \"down\".",
    "category": "status",
    "shortdesc": "Up/down"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/filtertypes

GETView available filters

Returns a list of available FILTERS for use in configuring dynamic records, including descriptions (in HTML), configuration options, and metadata inputs used by the filter, along with any restrictions on record types where the filter may be used.

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "up": {
    "desc": "This filter eliminates all answers where the <code>up</code> metadata field is not <code>\"1\"</code>.",
    "config": {},
    "inputs": ["up"],
    "tier": 2,
    "shortdesc": "Removes \"down\" answers"
  "sticky_region": {
    "desc": "This filter first sorts regions uniquely depending on\n        the IP address of the requester, and then groups all answers\n        together by region.  The same requester always gets the same\n        ordering of regions, but answers within each region may be in\n        any order.  You can use this filter with another one like\n        <span class=\"filtername-2\">SELECT_FIRST_REGION</span> to always\n        give a user answers from the same region.  Note that this\n        filter does <i>not</i> do any geotargeting or GSLB: it sorts\n        regions randomly but consistently for each user.  Answers with\n        no region defined are considered to be in the same (empty)\n        region.",
    "config": {},
    "inputs": [],
    "tier": 2,
    "shortdesc": "Make regions \"sticky\""
  "select_first_n": {
    "desc": "This filter eliminates all but the first <code>N</code>\n        answers from the list.  Use this with filters like <span\n        class=\"filtername-2\">SHUFFLE</span> or <span\n        class=\"filtername-2\">SHUFFLE_WEIGHTED</span> to implement round\n        robin or weighted round robin.",
    "config": {
      "N": {
        "desc": "Number of answers to keep",
        "type": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Number of answers",
        "validator": "number",
        "required": false,
        "default": "1"
    "inputs": [],
    "tier": 2,
    "shortdesc": "Return the first \"N\" answers"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/metatypes/geo

GETView available geographic metadata

Returns a list of available geographic metadata used by the “Geo-target Country” and “Geo-fence Country” filters . Note that the response will be long. The example response below is truncated for readability.

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "subdivisions": {
        "CA": [
        "RU": [
        "US": [
	 "countries": [
Expand Code Examples

DNS views (DDI only)

GET /v1/views/

GETList all DNS views

Returned all available DNS views. Optionally, you can specify a set of views to skip or specify a maximum number of views to return.

Note: At this time, DNS views are not supported on Managed DNS or Managed DNS for China networks.

Query Parameters:

offsetstringNumber of DNS views to skip in the returned list.
limitstringMaximum number of views to return. A value of 0 indicates no limit.

Copy CodeReturns a list of all available DNS views

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "name": "string",
    "created_at": 0,
    "updated_at": 0,
    "read_acls": [
    "update_acls": [
    "zones": [
    "networks": [
    "preference": 0
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/views/{view_name}

GETView DNS view details

Returns configuration details about the specific DNS View.

Path Parameters:

view_namestring(Required) Name of the DNS view.

Copy CodeReturns DNS View details

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{view_name}

Example Response:

    "name": "string",
    "created_at": 0,
    "updated_at": 0,
    "read_acls": [
    "update_acls": [
    "zones": [
    "networks": [
    "preference": 0
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/views/{view_name}

PUTCreate a DNS view

You must include a JSON body in the request with the associated zones, ACLs, and networks. An empty array of ACLs implies that all will be denied.

Defined in RFC 8499, the term DNS view (aka split-horizon, split-view DNS, etc.) is a configuration for a DNS server that allows it to serve one set of data to one group of clients (e.g. internal employees), and a different set of data to another group of clients (e.g. public internet).

In the NS1 DDI platform, users can create access control lists (ACLs) that define a group of clients (by IP address, TSIG key, and/or GSS-TSIG identity). One or more ACLs are attached to a DNS view which is configured to either allow or deny those clients access for queries and updates.

Common use cases include creating an internal (corporate) view and an external (public) view, attaching ACLs that point IP addresses within your organization to the internal view and all other clients to the external view. This allows the internal or corporate user to view internal specific resources that are not viewable to the public audience.

Note: At this time, DNS views are not supported for Managed DNS or Managed DNS for China networks (i.e., networks 0 and 5).

Path Parameters:

view_namestring(Required) Name of the DNS view you are creating.

Request Body Parameters:

read_aclsarray of stringsList of ACL names used with "read" permissions (multiple ACLs separated by a comma). The order of the ACLs determines how they are processed.
update_aclsarray of stringsList of ACL names used with "update" permissions (multiple ACLs separated by a comma). The order of the ACLs determines how they are processed.
zonesarray of stringsList of zone names (unique strings) specified upon zone creation. If you did not specify a name during zone creation, the name defaults to match the FQDN.
networksarray of integers(optional) Networks is an array of positive integers corresponding to the service definition(s) to which the zone is published.
preferenceintegerDetermines the view order. Preference is a unique value that indicates the priority of this view. This can be any value greater than 0 where a value of 1 indicates top priority.

Copy CodeCreates a new DNS view

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"read_acls":["{read_acls}"],"update_acls":["{update_acls}"],"zones": ["{zone_names}"],"networks": [{networks}],"preference":{pref_number} }'{view_name}

Example Request:

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"filters":{},"read_acls":["private_net","staging_net"],"update_acls":[],"zones":["mycompany.local",""],"networks":[1],"preference":0}'

Example Response:


Example Request:

  "read_acls": [
  "zones": [
  "networks": [
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/views/{view_name}

POSTEdit a DNS view

Modifies a DNS view. You must include a JSON body in the request which may contain the associated zones, ACLs, and networks. An empty array of ACLs implies that all will be denied.

Path Parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the DNS view you are creating.

Request Body Parameters:

read_aclsarray of stringsList of ACL names used with "read" permissions (multiple ACLs separated by a comma). The order of the ACLs determines how they are processed.
update_aclsarray of stringsList of ACL names used with "update" permissions (multiple ACLs separated by a comma). The order of the ACLs determines how they are processed.
zonesarray of stringsList of zone names (unique strings) specified upon zone creation. If you did not specify a name during zone creation, the name defaults to match the FQDN.
networksarray of integers(optional) Networks is an array of positive integers corresponding to the service definition(s) to which the zone is published.
preferenceintegerDetermines the view order. Preference is a unique value that indicates the priority of this view. This can be any value greater than 0 where a value of 1 indicates top priority.

Copy CodeModifies a DNS view configuration

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{"read_acls": ["{read_acls}"], "update_acls": ["{update_acls}"], "zones": ["{zone_names}"], "networks": [{networks}], "preference": {pref_number} }'{view_name}

Example Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"filters":{},"read_acls":["private_net","staging_net"],"update_acls":["trusted_ips"],"zones":["mycompany.local",""],"networks":[1],"preference":0}'

Example Response:

Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/views/{view_name}

DELETEDelete a DNS view

Removes an existing DNS view.

Path Parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the DNS view you are deleting.

Copy CodeRemoves an existing DNS view.

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{view_name}

Example Request:

Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/config/views/preference

GETGet DNS view preference

Returns the preference number for all available views.

Copy CodeReturns the preference number for all available views

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'

Example Response:

  "property1": 0,
  "property2": 0
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/config/views/preference

POSTEdit DNS view preference

Modifies the preference number associated with the specified DNS view. In the request body, enter one or more key-value pairs matching the name of the DNS view to the desired preference number.

Request body parameters:

view_namestringThe "key" in the key-value pair. Set this to the name of the DNS view.
preference_numberintegerThe "value" in the key-value pair. Set this to the desired preference number for the corresponding DNS view.

Copy CodeModifies the preference number for the specific DNS view

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{"{view_name}": {preference_number} }'

Example Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{
  "internalview": 1,
  "externalview": 2
Expand Code Examples

Access control lists

GET /v1/acls

GETList all ACLs

View a list of all access control lists (ACLs).

Copy CodeReturns a list of all ACLs

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

[{"name":"docker.acl","gss_tsig_identities":[],"src_prefixes":["",""],"tsig_keys":[]},{"name":"private_net","gss_tsig_identities":["test/[email protected]"],"src_prefixes":["",""],"tsig_keys":["my.test.key."]}]
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/acls/{acl_name}

GETView ACL details

View details about the specified access control list (ACL).

Copy CodeReturns details about the specified ACL.

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{acl_name}

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" 

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "src_prefixes": [
  "tsig_keys": [
  "gss_tsig_identities": [
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/acls/{acl_name}

PUTCreate an ACL

An access control list (ACL) is a named object associated with one or more IP addresses, TSIG keys, or GSS-TSIG identities (service principals). You must specify at least one of these per ACL. One or more ACLs can be attached to a DNS view which is configured to either allow or deny those clients access for queries and updates.

Common use cases include creating an internal (corporate) view and an external (public) view, attaching ACLs that point IP addresses within your organization to the internal view and all other clients to the external view. This allows the internal or corporate user to view internal specific resources that are not viewable to the public audience.

Run the PUT command below to create one or more access control lists (ACLs).

Note: The order in which the attributes appear determines how each query is processed. From top to bottom, items of the same type (i.e. IP addresses, TSIG keys, or GSS-TSIG identity) are processed using logical “or” statements. Items of different types are processed as logical “and” statements.

Note: You can specify which clients should not be included in the ACL by entering an exclamation mark “!” before the address, subnet, or range. For example ! indicates that this IP range should not be included in the ACL.

Path Parameters:

namestringName of the access control list (ACL) you are creating

Request Body Parameters:

src_prefixesarray of stringsList of prefixes (IP address, CIDR, or range). If not provided, this defaults to ["", "::/0"]. Each prefix can have an optional ! negation mark at the begin and should be in CIDR or single-host format.
tsig_keysarray of stringsList of bound TSIG keys
gss_tsig_identitiesarray of stringsList of bound GSS-TSIG identities

Copy CodeCreate an ACL

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "src_prefixes":["{ip_range}"], "tsig-keys":["{tsig_key}"], "gss-tsig-identities":["{gss_tsig_id}"] }'{acl_name}

Request URL:{acl_name}

Example Request:

  "src_prefixes": [
  "tsig_keys": [
  "gss_tsig_identities": [
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]"

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "src_prefixes": [
  "tsig_keys": [
  "gss_tsig_identities": [
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/acls/{acl_name}


Update an access control list (ACL). Refer to Create an access control list (ACL) for important notes and details about each parameter.

Note: The order in which the attributes appear determines how each query is processed. From top to bottom, items of the same type (i.e. IP addresses, TSIG keys, or GSS-TSIG identity) are processed using logical “or” statements. Items of different types are processed as logical “and” statements.

Note: You can specify which clients should not be included in the ACL by entering an exclamation mark “!” before the address, subnet, or range. For example ! indicates that this IP range should not be included in the ACL.

Path Parameters:

namestringName of the access control list (ACL) you are modifying

Request Body Parameters:

src_prefixesarray of stringsList of prefixes (IP address, CIDR, or range). If not provided, this defaults to ["", "::/0"]. Each prefix can have an optional ! negation mark at the begin and should be in CIDR or single-host format.
tsig_keysarray of stringsList of bound TSIG keys
gss_tsig_identitiesarray of stringsList of bound GSS-TSIG identities

Copy CodeModifies an ACL configuration

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "src_prefixes":["{ip_range}"], "tsig-keys":["{tsig_key}"], "gss-tsig-identities":["{gss_tsig_id}"] }'{acl_name}

Example Request:

  "src_prefixes": [
  "tsig_keys": [
  "gss_tsig_identities": [
    "[email protected]",
    "[email protected]"

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "src_prefixes": [
  "tsig_keys": [
  "gss_tsig_identities": [
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/acls/{acl_name}


Deletes an access control list (ACL).

Copy CodeDeletes and ACL

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{acl_name}

Example Request:

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" 
Expand Code Examples


GET /v1/tsig

GETList TSIG keys

Returns all available TSIG keys.

Query Parameters:

offsetintegerNumber of TSIG keys to skip in the response.
limitintegerMaximum number of TSIG keys to return. A value of 0 equates to no limit.

Copy CodeReturns a list of TSIG keys

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "name": "string",
    "algorithm": "hmac-sha1",
    "secret": "string"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/tsig/{key_name}

GETView TSIG key details

Returns details for the TSIG key specified in the path by its name.

Path parameters:

key_namestring(Required) Name of the TSIG key. This should be a valid domain name.

Copy CodeReturns TSIG key details

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{key_name}

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "algorithm": "hmac-sha1",
  "secret": "string"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/tsig/{key_name}

PUTCreate a TSIG key

Creates a new TSIG key. Note that you must include a JSON body in the request with the algorithm and secret.

Path Parameters:

key_namestringName of the TSIG key you are creating. This should be a valid domain name.

Request Body Parameters:

algorithmstring (enum)(Required) TSIG key algorithm. Supported values include:"hmac-sha1", "hmac-sha224", "hmac-sha256", "hmac-sha384", "hmac-sha512", "hmac-md5"
secretstringTSIG key secret encoded into Base64.

Copy CodeCreates a new TSIG key

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{   "algorithm": "hmac-sha512",   "secret": "Ok1qR5IW1ajVka5cHPEJQIXfLyx5V3PSkFBROAzOn21JumDq6nIpoj6H8rfj5Uo+Ok55ZWQ0Wgrf302fDscHLw==" }'{key_name}

Example Request:

  "algorithm": "hmac-sha512",
  "secret": "Ok1qR5IW1ajVka5cHPEJQIXfLyx5V3PSkFBROAzOn21JumDq6nIpoj6H8rfj5Uo+Ok55ZWQ0Wgrf302fDscHLw=="

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "algorithm": "hmac-sha1",
  "secret": "string"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/tsig/:name

POSTModify a TSIG key

Modifies an existing TSIG key. You must include a JSON body in the request, which may contain key algorithm and/or secret.

Path parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the TSIG key you are modifying. This should be a valid domain name.

Request body parameters:

algorithmstring (enum)TSIG key algorithm. Supported values include: "hmac-sha1" "hmac-sha224" "hmac-sha256" "hmac-sha384" "hmac-sha512" "hmac-md5"
secretstringTSIG key secret encoded into Base64.

Copy CodeEdits the specified TSIG key

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "algorithm": "hmac-sha1", "secret": "$TSIG_KEY" }'{key_name}

Example Request:

  "algorithm": "hmac-sha1",
  "secret": "string"

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "algorithm": "hmac-sha1",
  "secret": "string"
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/tsig/{key_name}

DELETERemove a TSIG key

Deletes the TSIG key specified in the path by its name.

Path parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the TSIG key you are deleting.

Copy CodeRemoves the specified TSIG key

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{key_name}

Data Sources & Feeds

Data Sources

GET /v1/data/sourcetypes

GET View available data sources types

Returns a list of all available data source types. For any third-party data sources, you must have an account with the provider. Often, there are additional steps you must take with the provider to connect your data source — these are explained in the desc field which is HTML. Response includes any config options for the data source, required or optional; and any feed_config options for data feeds connected to the source.

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "monitis": {
    "desc": "Monitis is a monitoring solution.  To use this data source,\n    first create a new \"URL\" contact in your Monitis account with the NSONE\n    Feed URL.  When creating data feeds, set the \"Test Name\" field to\n    the name of the test in Monitis.  Make sure you set the \"Notify when\n    back up\" rule in Monitis for all your connected tests.  Data feeds from\n    this source update the <code>up</code> metadata field.",
    "config": {
      "api_key": {
        "desc": "Your Monitis API Key (in your Monitis dashboard, click Account, API Key)",
        "type": "text",
        "shortdesc": "Monitis API Key",
        "validator": "text",
        "required": true,
        "default": null
      "secret_key": {
        "desc": "Your Monitis Secret Key (in your Monitis dashboard, click Account, API Key)",
        "type": "text",
        "shortdesc": "Monitis Secret Key",
        "validator": "text",
        "required": true,
        "default": null
    "feed_config": {
      "test_name": {
        "desc": "The name of the test in Monitis that corresponds to this feed",
        "type": "text",
        "shortdesc": "Test Name",
        "validator": "text",
        "required": true,
        "default": null
    "shortdesc": "Monitis Alert Notification"
  "cloudwatch": {
    "desc": "Amazon Cloudwatch is a monitoring solution for Amazon\n    Web Services.  You must configure your Cloudwatch alarms to\n    publish messages to a Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic for\n    your NSONE Feed.  First, in the SNS console, create a topic for\n    your alarms; then create an HTTPS subscription for the topic with\n    your NSONE Feed URL.  Do not associate your Data Source with more\n    than one topic in SNS (you can always create another Data Source).\n    Ensure your Cloudwatch alarms send notifications to this SNS topic\n    and specify the Alarm Name of a Cloudwatch alarm when creating a\n    new Data Feed.  Data feeds from this source update the\n    <code>up</code> metadata field.",
    "config": {},
    "feed_config": {
      "alarm_name": {
        "desc": "The name of the Cloudwatch Alarm that corresponds to this feed",
        "type": "text",
        "shortdesc": "Alarm Name",
        "validator": "text",
        "required": true,
        "default": null
    "shortdesc": "Cloudwatch Alarm Notification"
  "nsone_v1": {
    "desc": "The native NSONE data source, our own API.  Requires\n    normal NSONE API authentication via the <code>X-NSONE-Key</code>\n    header when sending requests to the Feed URL.  The body of your\n    data feed request must be a JSON object containing <b>either</b>\n    simple key/value pairs as in any normal record/region/answer\n    metadata table, e.g. <code>{\"up\": true}</code>, in which case the\n    updated values will be applied to <b>all</b> data feeds associated\n    with this data source; <b>or</b>, an object where keys match the\n    <code>label</code> for data feeds from this source, and values are\n    metadata update tables.  Data feeds from this source may update\n    any metadata field.",
    "config": {},
    "feed_config": {
      "label": {
        "desc": "Short/simple label for the service this feed is\n              for, like a server name, facility name, etc.",
        "type": "text",
        "shortdesc": "Label",
        "validator": "text",
        "required": true,
        "default": null
    "shortdesc": "NSONE Data Feed API v1"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/data/sources

GET View active data sources

Returns a list of all connected data sources, and for each data source, all connected feeds including connected metadata table destinations.

Request URL:

Example Request:

    "name": "string",
    "sourcetype": "string",
    "config": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "feeds": [],
    "id": "abfa2a71776ae5246724dce7b53c4371"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/data/sources/:sourceid

GET View a single data source

Returns the details for a single data source — including configuration details, all connected data feeds, and, within each connected data feed, any associated metadata table (destinations).

Path parameters:

sourceIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the data source

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified data source

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "sourcetype": "rackspace",
  "id": "f443e609c9a9182b3dab56b7abd74546",
  "config": {
    "webhook_token": "none"
  "feeds": [
      "destinations": [],
      "id": "520849a99f782d5b1a10a86d",
      "data": {
        "up": "false"
      "config": {
        "entity_id": "enAAAAA",
        "alarm_id": "alAAAA"
      "name": " alert"
  "name": "My Rackspace Source",
  "status": "ok"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/data/sources

PUT Connect a new data source

Creates a new data source. You may create multiple data sources of the same type (e.g., to correspond to different accounts with a data provider). The config for the source must contain fields corresponding to the config description in /data/sourcetypes for the sourcetype you specify. Some data sources are immediately connected; others enter a pending state awaiting activity from the data source, e.g., a verification request. See the documentation for the source from /data/sourcetypes.

Path parameters:

namestringName of the data source
sourcetypestringType of data source
configobjectConfiguration property name and value based on the source type. This object must contain fields that correspond to the config description in /data/sourcetypes for the sourcetype specified.

Copy CodeConnect a Catchpoint data source

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "sourcetype": "catchpoint", "name": "catchpoint source", "config": {} }'

Copy CodeConnect a Cloudwatch data source

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"sourcetype":"cloudwatch", "name":"My Cloudwatch Topic", "config":{}}'

After creating the Cloudwatch data source in NSONE, create an SNS topic in your Amazon account, connect any alerts you want to feed to NSONE to that topic, and create an HTTPS subscription for the topic with the NSONE Feed URL ( New data feeds for this source should specify the Alarm Name of a Cloudwatch alarm.

Copy CodeConnect a Datadog data source

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "sourcetype": "datadog", "name": "datadog source", "config": {} }'

Copy CodeConnect a New Relic data source

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "sourcetype": "newrelic_webhook", "name": "newrelic_webhook source", "config": { "account_id": 1 } }'

Copy CodeConnect an NS1 monitoring webhook

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "sourcetype": "nsone_monitoring", "name": "nsone_monitoring source", "config": {} }'

Copy CodeConnect a native NS1 data source

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "sourcetype": "nsone_v1", "name": "nsone_v1 source", "config": {} }'

Copy CodeConnect a Pingdom data source

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "sourcetype": "pingdom", "name": "pingdom source", "config": {} }'

Copy CodeConnect a Rackspace data source

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "sourcetype": "rackspace", "name": "rackspace source", "config": { "webhook_token": "abcd1234" }}'

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "sourcetype": "string",
  "config": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "feeds": [],
  "id": "abfa2a71776ae5246724dce7b53c4371"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/data/sources/:sourceid

POST Edit a data source

Modifies basic details or configuration of a data source. You must include a JSON body in the request. You may update name and config details.

Path parameters:

sourceIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the data source you are modifying

Copy CodeEdits the specified data source

curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{ "name": "string", "sourcetype": "string", "config": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "feeds": [] }'

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "name": " New Name"

Example Response:

  "sourcetype": "monitor_us",
  "id": "0e308ec0266d9127d166e0cbd7ceffda",
  "config": {
    "api_key": "15PSVFCXA377TGUY0FJA7T9VZY",
    "secret_key": "47AOG8ATA1QNUC3H3UH2DRBXYZ"
  "feeds": [],
  "name": " New Name",
  "status": "ok"
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/data/sources/:sourceid

DELETE Delete a data source

Removes an existing data source and all connected feeds from the source. By extension, all metadata tables connected to those feeds will no longer receive updates. We will no longer accept updates on the Feed URL for this data source. This method has no response other than the HTTP status code.

Path parameters:

sourceIDstring(Required) Unique identifier of the data source

Copy CodeDeletes the specified data source


Request URL:

Example URL:

Data Feeds


GETView active data feeds for a source

Returns all data feeds connected to a source. Includes config details for each feed which match the feed_config specification from /data/sourcetypes, and also includes a list of metadata tables that are destinations for each feed.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "destinations": [
        "destid": "520519509f782d58bb4df418",
        "desttype": "answer",
        "record": "520519509f782d58bb4df419"
    "id": "520533b89f782d5b1a10a851",
    "data": {
      "up": "true"
    "config": {
      "label": "server-1"
    "name": "Server 1 Feed"
    "destinations": [
        "destid": "5205338e9f782d5b1a10a84e",
        "desttype": "answer",
        "record": "520519509f782d58bb4df419"
    "id": "520533c09f782d5b1a10a852",
    "data": {
      "up": "true"
    "config": {
      "label": "server-2"
    "name": "Server 2 Feed"
    "destinations": [
        "destid": "5205338e9f782d5b1a10a84f",
        "desttype": "answer",
        "record": "520519509f782d58bb4df419"
    "id": "520533dc9f782d5b1a10a854",
    "data": {
      "up": "false"
    "config": {
      "label": "server-8"
    "name": "Server 8 Feed"
    "destinations": [
        "destid": "5205338e9f782d5b1a10a850",
        "desttype": "answer",
        "record": "520519509f782d58bb4df419"
    "id": "520533e49f782d5b1a10a855",
    "data": {
      "up": "true"
    "config": {
      "label": "server-9"
    "name": "Server 9 Feed"

Expand Code Examples


GETView data feed details

Returns the details of a single data feed, including config details and any recordregion, or answer metadata table destinations.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "destinations": [
      "destid": "5205338e9f782d5b1a10a84e",
      "desttype": "answer",
      "record": "520519509f782d58bb4df419"
  "id": "520533c09f782d5b1a10a852",
  "data": {
    "up": "true"
  "config": {
    "label": "server-2"
  "name": "Server 2 Feed"

Expand Code Examples


PUTConnect a new data feed to a data source

Given an existing data source, connects a new data feed to the source with a given (freeform) name and config matching the specification in feed_config from /data/sourcetypes. In this example, we connect a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring Alarm (using the Rackspace Alarm id and Entity id for the Alarm). To subsequently connect the feed to destinations (such as record answers), you should modify the record to connect a specific metadata key (which the feed is compatible with) via a feed pointer object to this feed id. See the documention for /zones/:zone/:domain/:type.

Copy CodeConnect a feed from a Rackspace data source

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: qACMD09OJXBxT7XOuRs8' -d '{"name":" alert", "config":{"entity_id":"enAAAAA", "alarm_id":"alAAAAA"}}'

You must have already connected a Rackspace Cloud Monitoring data source. In this example we specify Cloud Monitoring Entity and Alarm ids — we can also optionally specify a Check id.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "config": {
    "alarm_id": "a1AAAAA",
    "entity_id": "enAAAAA"
  "name": " alert"

Example Response:

  "destinations": [ ],
  "id": "5208fd909f782d3d253d62ae",
  "data": { },
  "config": {
    "entity_id": "enAAAAA",
    "alarm_id": "a1AAAAA"
  "name": " alert"
Expand Code Examples


POSTModify a data feed

You may update name or config.

To connect the feed to destinations (such as record answers), you should instead modify the record to connect a specific metadata key (which the feed is compatible with) via a feed pointer object to this feed id. See the documention for /zones/:zone/:domain/:type.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "name": "new name"

Example Response:

  "destinations": [
      "destid": "us-east",
      "desttype": "region",
      "record": "520519509f782d58bb4df419"
      "destid": "520519509f782d58bb4df418",
      "desttype": "answer",
      "record": "520519509f782d58bb4df419"
  "id": "5208fd909f782d3d253d62ae",
  "config": {
    "entity_id": "enAAAAA",
    "alarm_id": "a1AAAAA"
  "name": "new name"

Expand Code Examples


DELETEDisconnect a data feed

The feed will be disconnected from the data source and all attached destination metadata tables. The data source will not be removed and updates to remaining connected data feeds will still be processed.

Request URL:

Example URL:



POSTPublish data from a data source

This is the Feed URL for a data source. Many data sources connect directly to this URL to feed data to NSONE, and in general you must configure them to do so according to the instructions for the data source (see /data/sourcetypes). The request sent to this URL depends on the type of the data source — usually, each data source has its own request protocol. For convenience, this URL accepts GETPUT, and POST requests, but POST is preferred.

You can feed data to the Feed URL directly for your NSONE API data sources (sourcetype of nsone_v1), as shown in the example.

Updates sent to the Feed URL that match any data feeds connected to the data source are applied to all destinations in the feeds and pushed out to our DNS network instantly.

Copy CodePush an update to an NS1 API data feed

curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: qACMD09OJXBxT7XOuRs8' -d '{"server-1": {"up":false}, "server-2": {"up":true}}'

In this case we assume two data feeds already exist for an NSONE API data source. The data feeds have labels server-1 and server-2 (we might connect them to answers representing those servers in some DNS records). This update tells NSONE that server-1 is down, and server-2 is up. Any records which have their up meta key connected to one of these feeds will be affected.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "server-1": {
    "up": false
  "server-2": {
    "up": true

Expand Code Examples

Filter Chain


To create any filter via the API, you must create or update a record for your domain with the answers you plan to use. You must also define any metadata that would be required for the filters you want to create. Finally, you specify the resource record to which to apply these changes. You create via a PUT request, and you update via a POST request.


Suppose that you want to create an A record with two answers on the domain that uses the Pulsar Performance Sort filter. In the first step of this process, we often recommend that you start by defining backup logic, such as basic geographical steering, in order to have backup logic if Pulsar does not have enough data to make a decision. To do this, you would:

  1. Define the zone, domain, and the record type.
  2. Define at least one answer within the record.
  3. Add geographic metadata using the meta object for the answer to define the backup filter.

    So far, your command would read as follows:

    $ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d

    From here, you would add definitions for the Pulsar metadata, filters, and their associated thresholds. Changes are showcased in the following example. We have:

  4. Added Pulsar metadata to both answers.
  5. Defined filters for the answer.

The result should look something like this:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"","domain":"","type":"A",
"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxw9ir"]},
"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxxo37"]}}],"filters":[{"filter":"geotarget_regional"},{"filter":"pulsar_performance_sort"}]}]'

Your performance metric is latency, so you decide to sort in ascending order. The changes are highlighted in the following sample:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"","domain":"","type":"A",
"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxw9ir"]},{"answer":[""],
"meta":{"georegion":["US-WEST"],"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxxo37"]}}],
{"filter":"pulsar_performance_sort","config":{"sort_descending": false}}]


The cost filter examines the “cost” metadata field, and sorts all the answers in the record based on that value from lowest to highest. By default it does not eliminate any answers.

Input Metadata



Positive float

Config Option









If enabled, rather than sorting and returning all answers, the cost filter will find the answer with the lowest cost value and return only that, eliminating all others. (If there are multiple answers tied for lowest cost, it will return all of them.)

Note: any answers that do not have any associated cost metadata will always be considered last. The filter will always put them at the end of the sort order, and they will always be eliminated by the “eliminate” option (unless there are no answers with cost metadata, in which case the filter will do nothing)

Geofence Country

The geofence_country filter eliminates answers which are not in the same country (and, if applicable, US state or Canadian province) as the requester.

Input Metadata



2 character ISO code (“US”, “GB”, “JP”, etc), or list of several countries


2 character state code (“NY”, “CA”, “IL”, “CT”, etc), or list of several states


2 character province code (“QC”, “ON”, “MB”, etc), or list of several provinces

subdivisionISO-3166-2 code for a country and subdivisions

Config Option









If any answers have a location matching the requester, then eliminate all answers without any location. If set to false, then answers without location are kept instead.

Example Request:


Example Response:

    "domain": "legacy.geo1.testing",
    "use_client_subnet": true,
    "answers": [
            "answer": [
            "meta": {
                "ca_province": [
                "us_state": [
            "id": "5e81fd228fdbc30af7d9a332"
            "answer": [
            "meta": {
                "ca_province": [
                "us_state": [
            "id": "5e81fd228fdbc30af7d9a333"
    "meta": {},
    "link": null,
    "filters": [
            "filter": "geofence_country",
            "config": {
                "remove_no_location": "1"
    "ttl": 3600,
    "tier": 3,
    "override_ttl": false,
    "zone": "geo1.testing",
    "id": "5e81fd228fdbc30af7d9a334",
    "networks": [
    "regions": {},
    "type": "A"

Example Response:

    "domain": "new.geo1.testing",
    "use_client_subnet": true,
    "answers": [
            "answer": [
            "meta": {
                "subdivisions": {
                    "RU": [
            "id": "5e81fd108fdbc30d0806422e"
            "answer": [
            "meta": {
                "subdivisions": {
                    "US": [
            "id": "5e81fd108fdbc30d0806422f"
    "meta": {},
    "link": null,
    "filters": [
            "filter": "geofence_country",
            "config": {
                "remove_no_location": "1"
    "ttl": 3600,
    "tier": 3,
    "override_ttl": false,
    "zone": "geo1.testing",
    "id": "5e81fd108fdbc30d08064230",
    "networks": [
    "regions": {},
    "type": "A"
Expand Code Examples

Geofence Regional

The geofence_regional filter eliminates answers which are not in the same geographical region (e.g., Europe, Asiapac, or US-East) as the requester.

Input Metadata



One of “US-EAST”, “US-WEST”, “US-CENTRAL”, “EUROPE”, “SOUTH-AMERICA”, “AFRICA”, “ASIAPAC”; or a list of several of these

Config Option









If any answers have a georegion matching the requester, then eliminate all answers without any georegion. If set to false, then answers without georegion are kept instead.

Geotarget Country

The geotarget_country filter sorts answers by distance to the country (and, if applicable, US state or Canadian province) of the requester.

Input Metadata



2 character ISO code (“US”, “GB”, “JP”, etc), or list of several countries


2 character state code (“NY”, “CA”, “IL”, “CT”, etc), or list of several states


2 character province code (“QC”, “ON”, “MB”, etc), or list of several provinces

subdivisionISO-3166-2 code for a country and subdivisions

Example Request:


Example Response:

    "domain": "legacy.geo1.testing",
    "use_client_subnet": true,
    "answers": [
            "answer": [
            "meta": {
                "ca_province": [
                "us_state": [
            "id": "5e81fd228fdbc30af7d9a332"
            "answer": [
            "meta": {
                "ca_province": [
                "us_state": [
            "id": "5e81fd228fdbc30af7d9a333"
    "meta": {},
    "link": null,
    "filters": [
            "filter": "geotarget_country",
            "config": {
    "ttl": 3600,
    "tier": 3,
    "override_ttl": false,
    "zone": "geo1.testing",
    "id": "5e81fd228fdbc30af7d9a334",
    "networks": [
    "regions": {},
    "type": "A"

Example Response:

    "domain": "new.geo1.testing",
    "use_client_subnet": true,
    "answers": [
            "answer": [
            "meta": {
                "subdivisions": {
                    "RU": [
            "id": "5e81fd108fdbc30d0806422e"
            "answer": [
            "meta": {
                "subdivisions": {
                    "US": [
            "id": "5e81fd108fdbc30d0806422f"
    "meta": {},
    "link": null,
    "filters": [
            "filter": "geotarget_country",
            "config": {
    "ttl": 3600,
    "tier": 3,
    "override_ttl": false,
    "zone": "geo1.testing",
    "id": "5e81fd108fdbc30d08064230",
    "networks": [
    "regions": {},
    "type": "A"
Expand Code Examples

Geotarget Latlong

The geotarget_latlong filter sorts answers by distance to the requester based on latitude and longitude.

Input Metadata



Float between -90 and 90


Float between -180 and 180

Geotarget Regional

The geotarget_regional filter sorts answers by distance to the geographical region (e.g., Europe, Asiapac, or US-East) of the requester.

Input Metadata



One of “US-EAST”, “US-WEST”, “US-CENTRAL”, “EUROPE”, “SOUTH-AMERICA”, “AFRICA”, “ASIAPAC”; or a list of several of these

Netfence ASN

The netfence_asn filter eliminates answers whose ASN does not match the ASN of the requester’s IP.

Input Metadata



List of integers

Config Option









If any answers have an ASN matching the requester, then eliminate all answers without any ASN. If set to false, then answers without ASN are kept instead.

Netfence Prefix

The netfence_prefix filter eliminates answers whose list of ip prefixes does not match the requester’s IP.

Input Metadata



List of strings

Config Option









If any answers have an ip prefix matching the requester, then eliminate all answers without any ip prefix. If set to false, then answers without ip prefix are kept instead.


The priority filter examines the “priority” metadata field, and finds the lowest priority value from among all answers. It then returns all the answers that have exactly that priority value.

Input Metadata



Unsigned (non-negative) int - should be between 0 and 5. By default, lower numbers correspond to a higher “priority” - an answer with a priority of 0 will be picked over one with a priority of 1.

Config Option









If enabled, rather than sorting and returning all answers, the priority filter will just find the answer with the lowest priority value and return only that, eliminating all others. (If there are multiple answers tied for highest priority, it will return all of them.)

If this is set to “false”, then the filter sorts the answers rather than eliminating them, just like the Cost filter does.

Note: any answers that do not have any associated priority metadata will always be considered last. They will always be eliminated (unless no answers have priority metadata, in which case the filter will do nothing), and the “sort” option will always put them at the end of the sort order.

Pulsar Sort

This filter is being deprecated by 1 October 2021. The following filters can help replicate the behavior of the Pulsar Sort filter, allowing you more flexibility in defining a policy that best meets your needs:

The Pulsar Sort filter sorts answers based on real-time routing data. Each answer is associated with a specific job_id, which is tied to a job that gathers statistics and telemetry that is used to rate the answer.

The Pulsar filter requires the “pulsar” input metadata field, which is a custom data structure. It always must be a dictionary, nested inside a list. The fields of the dictionary are as follows:








The string ID of the pulsar job to be associated with this record.




List of strings

Specifies whether to use “geo”, “geo_asn” or both. We recommend using both.

Only 3 possible values: [‘geo’], [‘asn’], or [‘geo_asn’]




The bias to be associated with this answer - when Pulsar is comparing different latencies, it will apply this modifier to this answer to prioritize or de-prioritize it. Must take the form of a mathematical operator (one of ‘+’, ‘-’, or ‘*’) followed by a number which must be a positive float. The ‘+’ and ‘-’ operators add or subtract the specified number of milliseconds to the answer’s latency, and the ‘*’ operator scales the answer’s latency by the specified amount.

‘+10’, ‘-55’, ‘*0.5’, ‘*2’




The 5 minute availability cutoff to be associated with this answer. If availability of the Pulsar job associated with this answer over the last 5 minutes is lower than this value, this answer will be excluded from consideration. Must be a float between 0 and 1 (inclusive).



Config Option









If enabled, the Pulsar filter sorts answers in descending order, from highest to lowest (instead of from lowest to highest). This is useful if the Pulsar metric you are routing with is best when maximized.

Example Request:

“meta”: {
	“pulsar”: [
			“jobid”: “abc123”,
			“granularities”: [“geo”, “geo_asn”],
			“bias”: “+30”,
			“a5m_cutoff”: 0.85

Expand Code Examples

Pulsar Stabilize

This filter will be deprecated by 1 October 2021. The best replacement filters for this filter are:

The pulsar_stabilize filter analyzes real-time routing data, just like the Pulsar filter, but instead of sorting answers, it eliminates all answers that are a certain amount worse than the best answer. Therefore, all answers that perform “reasonably close” to best are kept, and what exactly constitutes “reasonably” can be configured by the user. All answers that aren’t eliminated are kept in the same order as before, so the results of any previous filters are maintained.

The pulsar_stabilize filter requires the “pulsar” input metadata field, which is a custom data structure. It always must be a dictionary, nested inside a list. The fields of the dictionary are as follows:








The string ID of the Pulsar job to be associated with this record.




List of strings

Specifies whether to use “geo”, “geo_asn” or both. We recommend using both.

Only 3 possible values: [‘geo’], [‘asn’], or [‘geo_asn’]




The bias to be associated with this answer - when Pulsar is comparing different latencies, it will apply this modifier to this answer to prioritize or de-prioritize it. Must take the form of a mathematical operator (one of ‘+’, ‘-’, or ‘*’) followed by a number which must be a positive float. The ‘+’ and ‘-’ operators add or subtract the specified number of milliseconds to the answer’s latency, and the ‘*’ operator scales the answer’s latency by the specified amount.

‘+10’, ‘-55’, ‘*0.5’, ‘*2’




The 5 minute availability cutoff to be associated with this answer. If availability of the Pulsar job associated with this answer over the last 5 minutes is lower than this value, this answer will be excluded from consideration. Must be a float between 0 and 1 (inclusive).



Config Option








Defines the threshold to use to decide which answers are kept. This is a string, which must contain a positive int, optionally followed with a ‘%’ sign. (E.x.: ‘100’, ‘30%’) If the value is just an int, then the cutoff value is calculated as the value (e.g., latency) of the best performing answer, plus this number of milliseconds. If the value is a percentage, then the cutoff will be the value of the best performing answer, plus that percentage of itself. (So if the stabilization_threshold is ‘30%’, the cutoff will be 130% of the best answer’s latency.)





If enabled, the pulsar_stabilize filter bases the cutoff on the highest answer instead of the lowest, and removes all answers below that cutoff instead of above. The cutoff will be the pulsar value of the highest answer, minus whatever amount is specified by the stabilization_threshold, instead of plus like normal.

Example Request:

“meta”: {
	“pulsar”: [
			“jobid”: “abc123”,
			“granularities”: [“geo”, “geo_asn”],
			“bias”: “+30”,
			“a5m_cutoff”: 0.85

Config Option








Defines the threshold to use to decide which answers are kept. This is a string, which must contain a positive int, optionally followed with a ‘%’ sign. (E.x.: ‘100’, ‘30%’) If the value is just an int, then the cutoff value is calculated as the value (e.g., latency) of the best performing answer, plus this number of milliseconds. If the value is a percentage, then the cutoff will be the value of the best performing answer, plus that percentage of itself. (So if the stabilization_threshold is ‘30%’, the cutoff will be 130% of the best answer’s latency.)





If enabled, the pulsar_stabilize filter bases the cutoff on the highest answer instead of the lowest, and removes all answers below that cutoff instead of above. The cutoff will be the pulsar value of the highest answer, minus whatever amount is specified by the stabilization_threshold, instead of plus like normal.

Expand Code Examples

Select First N

The select_first_n filter eliminates all answers except for the first N, where N is specified in the filter config.

Config Option









The number of answers to keep. All answers after the first N answers will be eliminated.    

Select First Region

The select_first_region filter simply returns all answers in the same region as the first answer. There is no metadata input or filter config. In the portal this is called “select first group”.

Shed Load

The shed_load filter proportionally eliminates or keeps answers based on how the load (or another selected metric) compares to the answer’s configured low and high watermarks. If the metric is lower than the low water mark, the answer will ALWAYS be kept. If the metric is higher than the high water mark, the answer will ALWAYS be removed. If the metric is between the low and high watermarks, it will be randomly kept or discarded with a probability based on where it is relative to the watermarks. (e.g., exactly halfway between the watermarks means a 50% chance of being discarded, a low watermark of 10 with a high watermark of 20 and a metric of 12 means a 20% chance of being discarded, etc)

Config Option






String - one of ‘loadavg’, ‘connections’, or ‘requests’



The metadata field to use with the low/high watermark to determine load to shed. Allows logic to be based on average load, number of connections, or number of requests.

Input Metadata













 The shuffle filter randomly sorts the answers. There is no metadata input or filter config.

Sticky Shuffle

The sticky filter sorts answers uniquely based on the IP address of the requester. This means that while different requesters get random orderings of answers, the same requester always gets the same results.

Sticky Region

The sticky filter sorts regions uniquely based on the IP address of the requester. This ensures that the same requester always gets an answer from the same region.

Config Option









Apply stickiness by subnet rather than individual IP (/24 for IPv4 or /56 for IPv6). Useful to help ensure users load balanced across multiple recursors get the same answer.


The up filter eliminates all answers where the “up” metadata field is false or missing

Input Metadata



‘true’, ‘false’, ‘1’, ‘0’, or int or boolean

Weighted Shuffle

The weighted_shuffle filter shuffles answers randomly based on their “weight”. Answers with higher weight will be first more often.

Input Metadata




Weighted Sticky Shuffle

The weighted_sticky filter shuffles answers randomly based on their “weight”, AND maintains consistency per requester like the sticky shuffle filter. Answers with higher weight will be first more often, and the same requester will consistently get the same results.

Config Option









Apply stickiness by subnet rather than individual IP (/24 for IPv4 or /56 for IPv6). Useful to help ensure users load balanced across multiple recursors get the same answer.

Input Metadata




Pulsar Availability Sort


You should set up a proper fallback strategy to ensure that other filters in NS1’s Filter Chain can intelligently route traffic when there isn’t sufficient performance telemetry. You should set up your Filter Chain to include these filters before each Pulsar filter. For example, you could include any of the geotarget filters to fall back on a geotargeting strategy. If you are distributing traffic across endpoints like CDNs or distributing traffic across a geographically dispersed infrastructure, use the shuffle or cost filters to better balance the lowest-cost traffic across your endpoints.

The following parameter is common to all of the Pulsar availability filters:

job_idstringRequired. The ID of the Pulsar job to be associated with this record.

By default, answers are sorted from lowest to highest value. If there is not enough performance data available to make a decision, answers are passed through unchanged, and these decisions are logged as “insufficient” when you view Pulsar decision data.

Each answer is associated with a specific job_id, which is tied to a probe that gathers performance and availability telemetry that is used to rate the answer.

The Pulsar Availability Sort filter requires the pulsar input metadata field, which is a custom data structure. It must be a dictionary, nested inside a list. You can find the fields of the dictionary above.

If there is not enough availability data, possible answers are passed through unchanged, and fallback logic is used. In these instances, the query is then marked as having “insufficient data” and is added to the associated category within Pulsar’s reporting dashboard. To learn more about insufficiency reporting, click here and scroll to the Decisions header. To retrieve decision insufficiencies via API, visit the NS1 API Documentation endpoint.

Copy CodeDefine a Pulsar Availability Sort filter for a record

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":":zone","domain":":child_domain","type":":record_type","answers":[{"answer":[""],"meta":{"pulsar":["job_id": ":job_id"]}}],"filters":[{"filter":"pulsar_availability_sort"]}]'

Example Request:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"","domain":"","type":"A", "answers":[{"answer":[""],"meta":{"georegion":["US-EAST"],"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxw9ir"]},{"answer":[""],"meta":{"georegion":["US-WEST"],"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxxo37"]}}],"filters":[{“filter”:“geotarget_regional”},{"filter":"pulsar_availability_sort"]}]'
Expand Code Examples

Pulsar Performance Sort


You should set up a proper fallback strategy to ensure that other filters in NS1’s Filter Chain can intelligently route traffic when there isn’t sufficient performance telemetry. You should set up your Filter Chain to include these filters before each Pulsar filter. For example, you could include any of the geotarget filters to fall back on a geotargeting strategy. If you are distributing traffic across endpoints like CDNs or distributing traffic across a geographically dispersed infrastructure, use the shuffle or cost filters to better balance the lowest-cost traffic across your endpoints.

The following parameters are common to Pulsar performance filters:

job_idstringRequired. The ID of the Pulsar job to be associated with this record.
biasstringOnly applies to the Pulsar Performance Stabilize and Pulsar Performance Sort filters. The bias to be associated with this answer. When Pulsar is comparing different latencies, it will apply this modifier to this answer to prioritize or de-prioritize it. Must take the form of a mathematical operator (one of +, -, or *) followed by a number which must be a positive float. The + and - operators add or subtract the specified number of milliseconds to the answer’s latency, and the * operator scales the answer’s latency by the specified amount.

By default, answers are sorted from lowest to highest value. You can set the sort_descending parameter to true to sort in ascending order to account for certain metrics that require answers to be sorted from highest to lowest. If there is not enough performance data available to make a decision, answers are passed through unchanged, and these decisions are logged as “insufficient” when you view Pulsar decision data.

Sorting by ascending answers (worst to best) is best when your sort criteria is latency, because you want to send end users to endpoints that have lower latency values. On the other hand, if your performance measurement is defined by bandwidth and MBps, sorting in descending order would be more advantageous, because you would be sorting from the best value to the worst value.

Each answer is associated with a specific job_id, which is tied to a probe that gathers performance and availability telemetry that is used to rate the answer.

The Pulsar Performance Sort filter requires the pulsar input metadata field, which is a custom data structure. It must be a dictionary, nested inside a list. You can find the fields of the dictionary above.

If there is not enough availability data, possible answers are passed through unchanged, and fallback logic is used. In these instances, the query is then marked as having “insufficient data” and is added to the associated category within Pulsar’s reporting dashboard. To learn more about insufficiency reporting, click here and scroll to the Decisions header. To retrieve decision insufficiencies via API, visit the NS1 API Documentation endpoint.

Copy CodeDefine a Pulsar Performance Sort filter for a record

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":":zone","domain":":child_domain","type":":record_type","answers":[{"answer":[""],"meta":{"pulsar":["job_id":"1uxw9ir"]},{"answer":[""],{"pulsar":["job_id":":jobID"]}}],"filters":[{"filter":"pulsar_performance_sort","config":{"sort_descending": true}}]}]'

Example Request:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"","domain":"","type":"A","answers":[{"answer":[""],"meta":{"pulsar":["job_id":"1uxw9ir"]},{"answer":[""],{"pulsar":["job_id":"1uxxo37"]}}],"filters":[{"filter":"pulsar_performance_sort","config":{"sort_descending": true}}]}]'

Example Request:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"","domain":"","type":"A", "answers":[{"answer":[""],"meta":{"georegion":["US-EAST"],{"pulsar":["job_id":"1uxw9ir"]},{"answer":[""],"meta":{"georegion":["US-WEST"],"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxxo37"]}}],"filters":[{"filter":"geotarget_regional"},{"filter":"pulsar_performance_sort","config":{"sort_descending": false}}]}]'
sort_descendingbooleanIf enabled, the filter bases its sorting behavior on the worst-performing answer instead of the best, then sorts the remaining answers accordingly.
Expand Code Examples

Pulsar Performance Stabilize


You should set up a proper fallback strategy to ensure that other filters in NS1’s Filter Chain can intelligently route traffic when there isn’t sufficient performance telemetry. You should set up your Filter Chain to include these filters before each Pulsar filter. For example, you could include any of the geotarget filters to fall back on a geotargeting strategy. If you are distributing traffic across endpoints like CDNs or distributing traffic across a geographically dispersed infrastructure, use the shuffle or cost filters to better balance the lowest-cost traffic across your endpoints.

The following parameters are common to all of the Pulsar performance filters:

job_idstringRequired. The ID of the Pulsar job to be associated with this record.
biasstringOnly applies to the Pulsar Performance Stabilize and Pulsar Performance Sort filters. The bias to be associated with this answer. When Pulsar is comparing different latencies, it will apply this modifier to this answer to prioritize or de-prioritize it. Must take the form of a mathematical operator (one of +, -, or *) followed by a number which must be a positive float. The + and - operators add or subtract the specified number of milliseconds to the answer’s latency, and the * operator scales the answer’s latency by the specified amount.

By default, this filter determines which answer has the best performance relative to the other answers that have also passed through to this filter. After determining the best or worst performance in each of the answers, the filter then compares its defined performance threshold to the other responses. If there is not enough performance data available to make a decision, answers are passed through unchanged, and these decisions are logged as “insufficient” when you view Pulsar decision data.

If you sort by the default behavior, the answer that has the best performance based on the threshold is discarded. This can be useful if, for example, you are setting a threshold for latency, where a higher value can slow the flow of traffic. Conversely, your threshold could be based on bandwidth. if you sort in descending order, the worst-performing answer will be discarded.

For example, assume that you have three endpoints: Endpoint A, Endpoint B, and Endpoint C. You set the latency threshold to 50%. Endpoint A has a response time of 160ms, Endpoint B has a response time of 110ms, and Endpoint C has a response time of 100ms. Of these three endpoints, Endpoint A is dropped, because it had a higher latency. Endpoints B and C are passed along in the order that they were passed into the filter.

Use other filters, such as geographic filters or shuffle filters before this filter as a fallback to adequately balance traffic.

Set the stabilization threshold in the filter definition. If you want to set a different threshold for an answer, define it in the answer metadata.

The Pulsar Performance Stabilize filter requires the pulsar input metadata field, which is a custom data structure. It must be a dictionary, nested inside a list. You can find the fields of the dictionary above.

Copy CodeDefine a Pulsar Performance Stabilize filter and its configuration for a record

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":":zone","domain":":child_domain","type":":type","answers":[{"answer":[""],"meta":{"pulsar":["job_id":":job_id"]}}],"filters":[{"filter":"pulsar_performance_stabilize", "config": {"stabilization_threshold": ":threshold_value"}]}]'

Example Request:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"","domain":"","type":"A", "answers":[{"answer":[""],"meta":{"country":["US"],"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxw9ir"]},{"answer":[""],"meta":{"country":["CA"],"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxxo37"]}}],"filters":[{“geotarget_country”},{"filter":"pulsar_performance_stabilize", "config": {"stabilization_threshold": "10"}]}]'
sort_descendingbooleanIf enabled, the filter bases the cutoff on the best-performing answer instead of the worst, then removes all answers below that cutoff instead of above. The cutoff will be the Pulsar value of the best answer, minus whatever amount is specified by the stabilization_threshold, instead of adding. The default value is false.
stabilization_thresholdstringRequired. Specifies a threshold above or below the percentage that you specify.
Expand Code Examples

Pulsar Availability Threshold


You should set up a proper fallback strategy to ensure that other filters in NS1’s Filter Chain can intelligently route traffic when there isn’t sufficient performance telemetry. You should set up your Filter Chain to include these filters before each Pulsar filter. For example, you could include any of the geotarget filters to fall back on a geotargeting strategy. If you are distributing traffic across endpoints like CDNs or distributing traffic across a geographically dispersed infrastructure, use the shuffle or cost filters to better balance the lowest-cost traffic across your endpoints.

The following parameter is common to all of the Pulsar availability filters:

job_idstringRequired. The ID of the Pulsar job to be associated with this record.

The Pulsar Availability Threshold filter determines which answers have the best availability based on a specified threshold. Answers with the most availability (based on a defined availability threshold) are kept. Answers that do not meet this stabilization threshold are removed. The availability threshold that you set is the value used to determine which answers should be removed.

For example, assume that you have three endpoints (Endpoint A, Endpoint B, and Endpoint C). You set the threshold to 95%. Endpoint A has an availability of 90%, Endpoint B has an availability of 97%, and Endpoint C has an availability of 100%. Endpoint A will be removed, because it’s available less than 95% of the time. Endpoints B and C are passed through in the existing order they were passed into this filter.

If there is not enough availability data, possible answers are passed through unchanged, and fallback logic is used. In these instances, the query is then marked as having “insufficient data” and is added to the associated category within Pulsar’s reporting dashboard. To learn more about insufficiency reporting, click here and scroll to the Decisions header. To retrieve decision insufficiencies via API, visit the NS1 API Documentation endpoint.

Use other filters, such as geographic filters or shuffle filters before this filter as a fallback to adequately balance traffic.

Set the threshold in the filter definition. If you want to define different thresholds for answers, set the threshold for each answer in the answer metadata.

The Pulsar Availability Threshold filter requires the pulsar input metadata field, which is a custom data structure. It always must be a dictionary, nested inside a list. The dictionary is defined above.

Copy CodeDefine a Pulsar Availability Threshold filter for an answer

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":":zone","domain":":child_domain","type":":record_type", "answers":[{"answer":[""],”meta”:{"pulsar":["job_id": ":job_id"]}}],"filters":[{"filter":"pulsar_availability_threshold","config": {"threshold":":threshold_value"}]}]'

Example Request:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"zone":"","domain":"","type":"A", "answers":[{"answer":[""],”meta”:{"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxw9ir"]},{"answer":[""],”meta”:{"pulsar":["job_id": "1uxxo37"]}}],"filters":[{“filter”: “shuffle”:}{"filter":"pulsar_availability_threshold","config": {”threshold”:”0.95”}]}]'
thresholdstringRequired. Specifies a threshold above or below the percentage that you specify.
Expand Code Examples

Additional Metadata

Passes along metadata as TXT records in the additional section of the DNS response.

You can use the additional_metadata metatype within the meta object to include additional information (key-value pairs) for DNS responses as TXT records.

The Additional Metadata filter has no effect on traffic steering. Use it for system troubleshooting, organization, and more.


If you are configuring multiple filters, you must place the additional_metadata filter last in the Filter Chain. If you do not do this, the order of the TXT records that are returned might not match the order of the answers in the DNS response.

Path Parameters


zonestringRequired. Name of the zone within which this record is located (for example,
domainstringRequired. Domain name (for example,
typestringRequired. The type of record whose details you are requesting (for example, A).

Configuration Options

answer1stringRequired. Answer for which the additional metadata should be applied.
key1stringThe key that should be included as a TXT record in a DNS response (for example, "foo").
value1stringThe value that should be included as a TXT record in a DNS response (for example, "bar").


If you have configured decisions over HTTP, you must specify additional metadata within the meta object. An example of how this is done is displayed in the following request:

$ curl -s -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -H "X-Forwarded-For:" '' | jq .
 "resources": [
 "label": "",
 "meta": {
 "baz": "blarg",
 "foo": "bar"
 "label": "",
 "meta": {
 "red": "blue"
 "ttl": 3600

Copy CodeUpdating an existing answer to include additional metadata

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'{zone}/{domain}/{type} -d '{ "answers": [{"answer": ["{answer1}"],"meta": {"additional_metadata": [{"{key1}": "{value1}"]}}],"filters": [{"filter": "additional_metadata","config": {}}]}'

Example Request:

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' \ \
-d '{
  "answers": [
      "answer": [
      "meta": {
        "additional_metadata": [
            "foo": "bar",
            "baz": "blarg"
      "answer": [
      "meta": {
        "additional_metadata": [
            "red": "blue"
  "filters": [
      "filter": "additional_metadata",
      "config": {}

Example Response:

$ dig
; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>>
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 1750
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 5
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
0.meta._ns1.		0	IN	TXT	"baz=blarg"
0.meta._ns1.		0	IN	TXT	"foo=bar"
1.meta._ns1.		0	IN	TXT	"red=blue"
;; Query time: 13 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Sep 16 15:54:04 GMT 2021
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 189
Expand Code Examples

Monitoring & Notifications

Monitoring Jobs

GET /v1/monitoring/jobs

GET List monitoring jobs

Returns the list of all monitoring jobs for the account, including configuration and current status details. Job status is shown per region, including the "global" region indicating the overal status of the monitoring job computed based on the status policy from the regional statuses. Status values both globally and per region include updown, and pending.

Copy CodeReturns a list of all monitoring jobs

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "id": "52a27d4397d5f07003fdbe7b",
    "config": {
      "host": ""
    "status": {
      "lga": {
        "since": 1389407609,
        "status": "up"
      "global": {
        "since": 1389407609,
        "status": "up"
      "sjc": {
        "since": 1389404014,
        "status": "up"
    "rules": [
        "key": "rtt",
        "value": 100,
        "comparison": "<"
    "job_type": "ping",
    "regions": [
    "active": true,
    "frequency": 60,
    "policy": "quorum",
    "region_scope": "fixed"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/monitoring/jobs/:jobid

GET View monitoring job details

Returns details for a specific monitoring jobs based on its id, including configuration and current status details. Job status is shown per region, including the "global" region indicating the overall status of the monitoring job computed based on the status policy from the regional statuses. Status values both globally and per region include up, down, and pending.

Path parameter:

jobIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the monitoring job

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "notes": null,
  "name": "",
  "notify_repeat": 0,
  "id": "52cae678830f7809ec5c9f6b",
  "region_scope": "fixed",
  "rapid_recheck": false,
  "frequency": 30,
  "job_type": "tcp",
  "notify_delay": 0,
  "notify_list": null,
  "notify_regional": false,
  "regions": [
  "policy": "quorum",
  "config": {
    "send": "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
    "port": 80,
    "host": "",
    "ssl": "0",
    "ipv6": false
  "status": {
    "ams": {
      "since": 1389052665,
      "status": "down"
    "global": {
      "since": 1389052665,
      "status": "down"
  "notify_failback": true,
  "rules": [
      "value": "200 OK",
      "key": "output",
      "comparison": "contains"
  "active": true
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/monitoring/jobs

PUT Create a new monitoring job

Creates a new HTTP/S, PING, TCP, or DNS monitoring job.

Request body parameters:

namestringName of the monitoring job (for internal reference only)
activebooleanIndicates whether or not the job is actively running or temporarily disabled.
mutebooleanSet to true to stop up/down notifications related to this monitor. Note that enabling this option does not deactivate the monitor, it just stops the alerts. If enabled, you can still view the history of up/down events.
region_scopestringControls the behavior of how the job is assigned to monitoring regions. Currently, this must be set to fixed so that monitoring regions are explicitly defined.
regionsarray of stringsList of region codes in which to run the monitoring job. Available monitoring regions are provided by the /v1/monitoring/regions endpoint. the number of regions you can apply depends on your account type and billing plan.
job_typestringIndicates the type of monitoring job you are creating. A full list of available types is returned by the /monitoring/jobtypes endpoint, but can include http, ping, tcp, and dns.
frequencyintegerNumber indicating the frequency (in seconds) at which to run the monitoring job in each region. The minimum frequency depends on your account type and billing plan.
rapid_recheckbooleanUpon any apparent status change, the job is quickly re-run after one second to confirm the state change before sending the notification.
policystringPolicy for determining the monitor's global status based on the job status in all regions. May be the quorum (majority status), all (status change only when all regions are in agreement), or one (down if any region is down). Enum: "quorum", "all", "one"
notesstring or nullInternal notes to be included in any notifications about this job (e.g., instructions for operators who will receive the notifications)
configobjectA set of configuration details in the form of key-value pairs. Supported properties depend on the type of job you are creating and can be viewed by executing a GET command to /v1/monitoring/jobtypes.
rulesarray of objectsList of rules for determining failure conditions. Each rule acts on one of the outputs from the monitoring job. You must specify key (the output key), comparison (a comparison to perform on the output), and value (the value by which to compare). For example, {"key":"rtt", "comparison":"<", "value":100} indicates a rule requiring the rtt from a job to be under 100ms or it will be marked as failed. Available output keys, comparators, and value types are indicated by /monitoring/jobtypes.
keystring(Part of rules object array) Output key (e.g., "rtt")
comparisonstring(Part of rules object array) Enum: "<", ">", "<=",">=","==","!=","regex", or "contains".
valueany(Part of rules object array) Value by which to compare
notify_delayintegerTime (in seconds) after a failure to wait before sending a notification. If the job is marked "up" before this time expires, no notification is sent. Set to 0 to send a notification immediately upon failure.
notify_repeatintegerTime (in seconds) between repeat notifications of a failed job. Set to 0 to disable repeating notifications. Otherwise, the value must be at least 60 (i.e., After 60 seconds, the notification will repeat.).
notify_fallbackbooleanIf true, a notification is sent when a job returns to an "up" state.
notify_regionalbooleanIf true, notifications are sent for any regional failure (and failback if desired)
notify_liststring or nullID of the associated NS1 notification list. If no list is specified, no notifications are sent for this job.

Copy CodeCreate a new ping monitor

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"name":" Ping Check", "job_type":"ping", "region_scope":"fixed", "regions":["lga","sin","ams"], "frequency":60, "config":{"host":""}, "rules":[{"key":"loss", "comparison":"<", "value":75.0}], "notify_list":"52cc775a2db2861b55176727"}'

This creates a simple ping job that runs in three monitoring regions: lga (New York), sin (Singapore), and ams (Amsterdam). The host is pinged from all regions each 60 seconds and a rule is configured to fail the monitor if packet loss exceeds 75%. When the job's status changes, notifications are sent to the specified notification list immediately.

Copy CodeCreate a new TCP monitor

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"name":" HTTPS check", "job_type":"tcp", "region_scope":"fixed", "regions":["lga"], "frequency":60, "config":{"host":"", "port":443, "send":"HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", "ssl":"1"}, "rules":[{"key":"output", "comparison":"contains", "value":"200 OK"}], "notify_delay":300, "notify_list":"52cc775a2db2861b55176727"}'

This creates a simple tcp job that runs in the lga (New York) monitoring region. Every 60 seconds a TCP connection is opened to port 443 on the host; an SSL session is negotiated; and a simple HEAD request is sent. String escapes are interpreted in the send parameter. Then, if a response is returned it is tested to see if it contains "200 OK". If not or if no response is returned, the monitor fails, but a notification is only sent if the monitor remains down for 300 seconds.

Request URL:

Example Request:

  "notify_list": "52cc775a2db1561b55135327",
  "notify_regional": false,
  "notify_failback": true,
  "notify_repeat": 0,
  "notify_delay": 65,
  "rules": [
      "value": "200 OK",
      "comparison": "contains",
      "key": "output"
      "value": 200,
      "comparison": "<=",
      "key": "connect"
  "config": {
    "ssl": "1",
    "send": "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
    "port": 443,
    "host": ""
  "job_type": "tcp",
  "name": " monitor",
  "active": true,
  "rapid_recheck": true,
  "region_scope": "fixed",
  "regions": [
  "frequency": 30,
  "policy": "quorum",
  "notes": "If this monitor is down then the webserver on is down or too slow!"

Example Response:

  "status": {
    "global": {
      "since": 1389458558,
      "status": "pending"
  "notes": "If this monitor is down then the webserver on is down or too slow!",
  "policy": "quorum",
  "frequency": 30,
  "regions": [
  "region_scope": "fixed",
  "active": true,
  "rapid_recheck": true,
  "name": " monitor",
  "job_type": "tcp",
  "config": {
    "ssl": "1",
    "send": "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
    "port": 443,
    "host": ""
  "rules": [
      "value": "200 OK",
      "comparison": "contains",
      "key": "output"
      "value": 200,
      "comparison": "<=",
      "key": "connect"
  "notify_delay": 65,
  "notify_repeat": 0,
  "notify_failback": true,
  "notify_regional": false,
  "notify_list": "52cc775a2db1561b55135327",
  "id": "52cc79123db8711b6713554a"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/monitoring/jobs/:jobid

POST Edit a monitoring job

Change the configuration details of an existing monitoring job. See the documentation for PUT /monitoring/jobs for a detailed explanation of the input.

Path parameters:

jobIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the monitoring job you are updating

Request body parameters:

Refer to "Create a monitoring job" endpoint (PUT v1/monitoring/jobs) for request body parameters.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "notes": "Some new notes for this job",
  "policy": "all",
  "frequency": 40

Example Response:

  "status": {
    "global": {
      "since": 1389458558,
      "status": "pending"
  "notes": "Some new notes for this job",
  "policy": "all",
  "frequency": 40,
  "regions": [
  "region_scope": "fixed",
  "active": true,
  "rapid_recheck": false,
  "name": " monitor",
  "job_type": "tcp",
  "config": {
    "ssl": "1",
    "send": "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
    "port": 443,
    "host": ""
  "rules": [
      "value": "200 OK",
      "comparison": "contains",
      "key": "output"
      "value": 200,
      "comparison": "<=",
      "key": "connect"
  "notify_delay": 65,
  "notify_repeat": 0,
  "notify_failback": true,
  "notify_regional": false,
  "notify_list": "52cc775a2db1561b55135327",
  "id": "52cc79123db8711b6713554a"
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/monitoring/jobs/:jobid

DELETE Delete a monitoring job

Immediately terminates and deletes an existing monitoring job. There is no response other than the HTTP status code.

Path parameters:

jobIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the monitoring job

Copy CodeDeletes the specified monitoring job using the jobID


Request URL:

Example URL:

GET /v1/monitoring/history/:jobid

GET View history of monitoring jobs

Returns historical status details of a monitoring job (if jobid is included in the URL) or of all monitoring jobs under the account (if no jobid is specified). You may restrict the time period to show with start and end (Unix timestamps) or by specifying a period (one of 1h, 24h, or 30d); limit the number of results with limit; and restrict to results from a specific region code. You may also specify exact (a boolean, if true you must also specify start): then, the status as of the exact start and end times is computed and returned as part of the status history.

Path parameters:

jobIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the monitoring job whose history you are requesting

Query parameters:

exactbooleanIf set to true, the exact start and end times are computed and returned as part of the status history
periodstringIndicates a specific time period for the historical results you are requesting. Enum: "1h", "24h","30d"
limitintegerMaximum number of results to return
startintegerAbsolute start time in UNIX timestamp
endintegerAbsolute end time in UNIX timestamp (defaults to current time)
regionstringRegion code (e.g, "global")

Copy CodeReturns job history for the specified job over the last 24 hours

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{jobid}?period=24h

GET /v1/monitoring/metric

GET View historical metrics for all jobs

Returns historical metrics generated by monitoring jobs such as response time, packet loss, TCP connect time, etc. The metrics in the response depend on the job type (http, ping, tcp, dns). Metrics available for each job type are returned by /monitoring/jobtypes. If you include a jobid in the URL, only metrics for that job are returned. Otherwise, metrics for all jobs are returned subject to any applied query parameters.

Path parameters:

jobIDstring(Optional) Unique identifier for the monitoring job. If entered, only the metrics for the specified job are returned. Otherwise, all historical job metrics are returned.

Query parameters:

regionstring(Optional) Region code; may be "global" or a specific region as listed in the /monitoring/regions endpoint. Note that you can only specify this parameter if you have also specified a jobID. Only metrics from the specific region are returned. If set to "global", the average value of the metric across all active regions is returned.
metricstring(Optional) Metric name (e.g., "rtt" or "connect"). Valid metric names are described by the /monitoring/jobtypes endpoint and vary based on the type of monitoring job. Only the metrics for jobs providing a matching metric name are returned.
periodstringEnum: "1h", "24h", or "30d"; The interval of time for which to return results. Response is a list of metric objects, each containing jobID, region, and metric fields. The metric field is a mapping of metric names to statistics objects including the average value of the metric over the specified period (excluding times when no data was collected) and a graph for the metric over the period.

Copy CodeReturns historical metrics for the specific job over the last 30 days{jobID}?period=30d

Request URL:[?metric=null][&period=24h][&region=null]

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "jobid": "52a27d4397d5f07003fdbe7b",
    "region": "global",
    "metrics": {
      "rtt": {
        "avg": 36.49545722537571,
        "graph": [
    "jobid": "52a27d4397d5f07003fdbe7b",
    "region": "lga",
    "metrics": {
      "rtt": {
        "avg": 36.338624795277916,
        "graph": [
    "jobid": "52a27d4397d5f07003fdbe7b",
    "region": "dal",
    "metrics": {
      "rtt": {
        "avg": 37.40758143530952,
        "graph": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/monitoring/jobtypes

GET List monitoring job types

Returns the list of all available monitoring jobs types, and details of configuration options for each job type. Job types include http, ping, tcp, and dns.

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "http": {
    "shortdesc": "HTTP",
    "config": {
      "url": {
        "shortdesc": "URL",
        "desc": "URL to query. i.e.",
        "required": true,
        "type": "string",
        "validator": "text"
      "method": {
        "default": "GET",
        "required": false,
        "validator": "text",
        "shortdesc": "HTTP Method",
        "type": "string",
        "desc": "Valid methods are HEAD, GET and POST"
      "idle_timeout": {
        "default": 3,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Idle Timeout",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Timeout (in seconds) waiting for expected data before closing the connection."
      "user_agent": {
        "default": "NS1 HTTP Monitoring Job",
        "required": false,
        "validator": "text",
        "shortdesc": "User Agent",
        "type": "string",
        "desc": "Describes the text provided in the User-Agent request header. String escapes (e.g. \"\\n\") are allowed."
      "ipv6": {
        "default": false,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "checkbox",
        "shortdesc": "Connect over IPv6",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "desc": "Attempt to send/receive protocol data via IPv6"
      "connect_timeout": {
        "default": 5,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Connection Timeout",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Timeout (in seconds) sending query to wait for output."
      "authorization": {
        "default": null,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "text",
        "shortdesc": "Authorization Header",
        "type": "string",
        "desc": "You can provide a bearer token or api key using this header. String escapes (e.g. \"\\n\") are allowed."
    "results": {
      "body": {
        "default": "",
        "type": "string",
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "string",
        "shortdesc": "HTTP Response Body",
        "comparators": [
        "desc": "String match over the response body."
      "status_code": {
        "comparators": [
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "HTTP Status Code",
        "type": "integer",
        "desc": "HTTP Response Status Code comparison"
    "desc": "Do an HTTP request against a webserver."
  "ping": {
    "shortdesc": "Ping (ICMP)",
    "config": {
      "count": {
        "default": 4,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Number of packets to send",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Number of ICMP echo packets to send.  More take longer, but provide better RTT and packet loss statistics."
      "host": {
        "shortdesc": "IP address or hostname to ping",
        "desc": "IP address or hostname to test using ICMP echo packets.",
        "required": true,
        "type": "string",
        "validator": "text"
      "interval": {
        "default": 0,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Time between packets",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Minimum time (in ms) to wait between sending each ICMP packet.  If less than the response time for an echo request, we will send the next packet immediately upon receiving a response."
      "timeout": {
        "default": 2000,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Ping timeout",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Timeout (in ms) before we mark host failed."
      "ipv6": {
        "default": false,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "checkbox",
        "shortdesc": "Connect over IPv6",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "desc": "Attempt to send/receive protocol data via IPv6"
    "results": {
      "rtt": {
        "comparators": [
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Round trip time",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Average round trip time (in ms) of returned pings."
      "loss": {
        "comparators": [
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Percent packet loss",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Percentage of ICMP echo packets with no response (timed out)."
    "desc": "Ping a host using ICMP packets."
  "tcp": {
    "shortdesc": "TCP",
    "config": {
      "response_timeout": {
        "default": 1000,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Response timeout",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Timeout (in ms) after connecting to wait for output."
      "send": {
        "default": null,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "text",
        "shortdesc": "String to send",
        "type": "string",
        "desc": "A string to send to the host upon connecting. String escapes (e.g. \"\\n\") are allowed."
      "port": {
        "shortdesc": "TCP port",
        "desc": "TCP port to connect to on host.",
        "required": true,
        "type": "number",
        "validator": "number"
      "ssl": {
        "default": false,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "checkbox",
        "shortdesc": "Connect with SSL",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "desc": "Attempt to negotiate an SSL connection before sending/receiving protocol data."
      "host": {
        "shortdesc": "IP address or hostname",
        "desc": "IP address or hostname to connect to.",
        "required": true,
        "type": "string",
        "validator": "text"
      "ipv6": {
        "default": false,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "checkbox",
        "shortdesc": "Connect over IPv6",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "desc": "Attempt to send/receive protocol data via IPv6"
      "connect_timeout": {
        "default": 2000,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Connect timeout",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Timeout (in ms) before we give up trying to connect."
    "results": {
      "output": {
        "comparators": [
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "string",
        "shortdesc": "Output (if any)",
        "type": "string",
        "desc": "Output received from the connection, if any."
      "connect": {
        "comparators": [
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Time to connect",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Time (in ms) for the connection to open."
    "desc": "Connect to a TCP port on a host."
  "dns": {
    "shortdesc": "DNS",
    "config": {
      "response_timeout": {
        "default": 2000,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Response timeout",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Timeout (in ms) after sending query to wait for output."
      "domain": {
        "shortdesc": "Query domain",
        "desc": "The domain name to query.",
        "required": true,
        "type": "string",
        "validator": "text"
      "host": {
        "shortdesc": "Nameserver IP or hostname",
        "desc": "IP address or hostname of the nameserver to query, e.g.",
        "required": true,
        "type": "string",
        "validator": "text"
      "ipv6": {
        "default": false,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "checkbox",
        "shortdesc": "Connect over IPv6",
        "type": "checkbox",
        "desc": "Attempt to send/receive protocol data via IPv6"
      "type": {
        "default": "A",
        "required": false,
        "validator": "rectype",
        "shortdesc": "Query type",
        "type": "string",
        "desc": "DNS record type to query."
      "port": {
        "default": 53,
        "required": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "DNS port",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "DNS port to query on host."
    "results": {
      "rtt": {
        "comparators": [
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Response time",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Average response time (in ms) of DNS responses."
      "num_records": {
        "comparators": [
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "number",
        "shortdesc": "Number of records",
        "type": "number",
        "desc": "Number of records in the ANSWER section of the DNS response."
      "rdata": {
        "comparators": [
        "metric": false,
        "validator": "string",
        "shortdesc": "Record RDATA",
        "type": "string",
        "desc": "RDATA of records in the DNS response."
    "desc": "Do a DNS lookup against a nameserver host."
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/monitoring/regions

GET List available monitoring regions

Returns the list of all available monitoring regions, including display name for the region, the region code to use when provisioning, and the list of all subnets from which monitoring traffic is generated in each region. The response below is using subnets from the documentation address blocks (RFC 5737 and RFC 3849) do not use them in your access lists.

Copy CodeReturns a list of all available monitoring regions for the account

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "name": "Dallas",
    "code": "dal",
    "subnets": [
    "name": "Singapore",
    "code": "sin",
    "subnets": [
    "name": "San Jose",
    "code": "sjc",
    "subnets": [
    "name": "New York",
    "code": "lga",
    "subnets": [
    "name": "Amsterdam",
    "code": "ams",
    "subnets": [
Expand Code Examples

Notification lists

GET /v1/lists

GETList all notification lists

Returns all configured notification lists. Each list consists of a name, an id for use in connecting notification lists in monitoring jobs, and a notify_list of configured notifiers.

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "id": "52b49af12f21574b0e0bffe7",
    "name": "Awesome List",
    "notify_list": [
        "type": "email",
        "config": {
          "email": "[email protected]"
        "type": "datafeed",
        "config": {
          "sourceid": "5872814cc08b23c697e88c054d032780"
        "type": "user",
        "config": {
          "user": "myuser"
Expand Code Examples


GETView notification list details

Gets the details and notifiers associated with a specific notification list.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "id": "52b49af12f21574b0e0bffe7",
  "name": "Awesome List",
  "notify_list": [
      "type": "email",
      "config": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "type": "datafeed",
      "config": {
        "sourceid": "5872814cc08b23c697e88c054d032780"
      "type": "user",
      "config": {
        "user": "myuser"

listidStringNotification List IDYes
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/lists

PUTCreate a new notification list

Creates a new list for notifications. You may specify a freeform display name for the list. The notify_list itself is a list of notifier objects including notifier type and a config dictionary with configuration details for the given notifier type. Available notifiers are indicated in /notifytypes. All notifiers in a notification list will receive notifications whenever an event is send to the list (e.g., when a monitoring job fails).

Copy CodeCreate a new notification list that pushes to Data Feeds

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"name":"Critical Notifications", "notify_list":[ {"type":"email", "config":{"email":"[email protected]"}}, {"type":"datafeed", "config":{"sourceid":"b85579edee904f0f204a6eb07b3f8a1f"}} ]}'

We create a new list to receive monitoring notifications. Notifications will be sent to both an email address ([email protected]) and to an NSONE Data Source for use with NSONE's DNS metadata. To connect a datafeed notifier, the sourceid must be a nsone_monitoring Data Source. Status changes for monitors connected to this notification list will be delivered to the Data Source, and if a Data Feed is configured under the source for the monitor, then the changes will be pushed to all metadata tables connected to the Data Feed.

Request URL:

Example Request:

  "name": "My Notification List",
  "notify_list": [
      "config": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "type": "email"
      "config": {
        "user": "myuser"
      "type": "user"
      "config": {
        "sourceid": "01f6495ba8eb9d3ac40963db97ab5604"
      "type": "datafeed"

Example Response:

  "id": "52b49af12f21574b0e0bffe8",
  "name": "My Notification List",
  "notify_list": [
      "config": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "type": "email"
      "config": {
        "user": "myuser"
      "type": "user"
      "config": {
        "sourceid": "01f6495ba8eb9d3ac40963db97ab5604"
      "type": "datafeed"
Expand Code Examples


POSTUpdate a notification list

Add or remove entries or otherwise update a notification list.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "id": "52b49af12f21574b0e0bffe8",
  "name": "My Notification List",
  "notify_list": [
      "config": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "type": "email"
      "config": {
        "user": "myuser"
      "type": "user"
      "config": {
        "sourceid": "01f6495ba8eb9d3ac40963db97ab5604"
      "type": "datafeed"
      "config": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "type": "email"

Example Response:

  "id": "52b49af12f21574b0e0bffe8",
  "name": "My Notification List",
  "notify_list": [
      "config": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "type": "email"
      "config": {
        "user": "myuser"
      "type": "user"
      "config": {
        "sourceid": "01f6495ba8eb9d3ac40963db97ab5604"
      "type": "datafeed"
      "config": {
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "type": "email"

listidStringNotification List IDYes
Expand Code Examples


DELETERemove a notification list

Immediately deletes an existing notification list. Any monitoring jobs configured to notify this list will stop sending notifications until reconfigured to notify a different list. There is no response other than the HTTP status code.

Request URL:

Example URL:

listidStringNotification List IDYes


GETList available notification types

Returns the list of all available notifiers for delivery of monitoring status notifications, and details of configuration options for each notification type.

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "user": {
    "desc": "Send notification to a user according to their notification preferences.",
    "config": {
      "user": {
        "validator": "username",
        "type": "string",
        "required": true,
        "desc": "User to notify",
        "shortdesc": "Username"
    "shortdesc": "User"
  "email": {
    "desc": "Send notification to an email address.",
    "config": {
      "email": {
        "validator": "email",
        "type": "string",
        "required": true,
        "desc": "Email address to send notification",
        "shortdesc": "Email address"
    "shortdesc": "Email"
  "datafeed": {
    "desc": "Push notification to an NSONE Data Source to update all\n    Data Feeds connected to the Source.  This notifier only pushes\n    \"up/down\" status to the Data Feeds.  Unless you have configured\n    a Feed to act on updates from specific monitoring regions,\n    only \"global\" status will be pushed to your Feeds.",
    "config": {
      "sourceid": {
        "validator": "datasource",
        "type": "datasource",
        "required": true,
        "desc": "NSONE Data Source to receive notifications",
        "shortdesc": "NSONE Data Source"
    "shortdesc": "NSONE Data Feed"
Expand Code Examples

Reporting & Statistics


GET /v1/stats/qps

GET View account-wide QPS

Returns current queries per second (QPS) for the account. Queries per second (QPS) are reported by the NS1 API for Managed DNS networks using the same method for calculating account, zone, and record-level stats: Once per minute on the minute, a new QPS value is calculated using the query count in a two minute period ending five minutes ago. This query count is divided by 120 seconds to return an average QPS for that time period. For example, an API call at 10:07:37 UTC will receive a QPS value using the query count between 10:00:00 and 10:02:00.

Request URL:

Example Response:

  "qps": 8.2
Expand Code Examples


GET Zone-level queries per second

Returns current queries per second (QPS) for a specific zone. Queries per second (QPS) are reported by the NS1 API for Managed DNS networks using the same method for calculating account, zone, and record-level stats: Once a minute on the minute, a new QPS value is calculated using the query count in a two minute period ending five minutes ago. This query count is divided by 120 seconds to return an average QPS for that time period. For example, an API call at 10:07:37 UTC will receive a QPS value using the query count between 10:00:00 and 10:02:00.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "qps": 6.7

Expand Code Examples


GET Record-level queries per second

Returns current queries per second (QPS) for a specific record. Queries per second (QPS) are reported by the NS1 API for Managed DNS networks using the same method for calculating account, zone, and record-level stats: Once a minute on the minute, a new QPS value is calculated using the query count in a two minute period ending five minutes ago. This query count is divided by 120 seconds to return an average QPS for that time period. For example, an API call at 10:07:37 UTC will receive a QPS value using the query count between 10:00:00 and 10:02:00.

Request URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "qps": 2.3
Expand Code Examples


GET /v1/stats/usage

GETView account-wide usage statistics

Returns statistics and graphs for the entire account over a given period. Stats are returned as a list of "objects" containing various stats fields that correspond to the given entity.

When querying usage stats, note the following:

  • If none of the fields are present, the response includes aggregate stats for the entire account.
  • If only the zone field is present, the response includes aggregate stats for the specified zone.
  • If domain, rectype, and zone fields are present in the object, the response includes stats for the specified record.

Querying the 1-hr usage statistics endpoint returns three data points (including a partial one) containing the number of total queries. For example, if you query the usage stats for the “” endpoint at 5:10 pm (ex. ['’]), you may see the following response:


The graph is an array of UNIX timestamps and counts:

  • 1584993600 = 4:00 pm (DST) , Total Queries 4514354
  • 1584995400 = 4:30 pm (DST) , Total Queries 4193351
  • 1584997200 = 5:00pm (DST) , Total Queries 1683636 (a partially-filled bucket)

To calculate the total number of queries from 4 pm to 5 pm, add the first two data points together (totaling 8,707,705 queries from 4 - 5 pm). Ignore the third (partial) bucket as this is reflects only the number of queries from 5:00 pm to 5:10 pm.

Note: NS1 recommends that you only query 1hr stats at 30-minute intervals.

Note: The option to view usage statistics by billing tier (i.e. by_tier=true/false) is no longer supported.

Query parameters

periodenum(string)(Optional) Relative time. Possible values: ‘1h’, ‘24h’, ‘30d’ (default: ‘24h’)
(Optional) Default value is “true.” If set to true, the response includes aggregated statistics across all zones.
Note about pagination: If you have more than 1,000 zones expanded, the response will include a standard HTTP Link header that will include after and limit query parameters. The URI in the link header may be used to fetch the next page of results.
networksstring(Optional) Identifier of the network for which you want to return usage statistics. Default is * which returns the number of DNS queries for all networks combined (e.g. Managed and Dedicated networks). Other supported values include the network ID, such as 0 for NS1 Managed DNS. Note that network IDs for DDI networks are defined during initial configuration, and those for Dedicated DNS are provided to you by the NS1 support team during implementation.
(Optional) Appears in paginated responses as part of the URI-reference component of the Link header. The value is the zone after which the next page should begin. If expand is not set to true, this param is ignored.
(Optional) Appears in paginated responses as part of the URI-reference component of the Link header. The value indicates the maximum number of expanded zones that should appear in the response (Default: 1000; Max value: 1000). If expand is not set to true, this parameter is ignored.

Copy CodeGet account-wide zone usage for last 24 hours for all networks

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' "*"

Request URL:,9

GET /v1/stats/usage/:zone

GETView zone-level usage statistics

Please refer to /stats/usage for a detailed explanation of the output and query parameters. Note that by_tier (true/false) parameters are no longer supported.

When querying usage stats, note the following:

  • If none of the fields are present, the response includes aggregate stats for the entire account.
  • If only the zone field is present, the response includes aggregate stats for the specified zone.
  • If domain, rectype, and zone fields are present in the object, the response includes stats for the specified record.







Name of the zone




Relative time. Possible values: '1h', '24h', '30d' (Default: '24h')


expandbooleanUsed to set return aggregated stats across all zones. Possible values true or false (default: false). Default value is “true.” If set to true, the response includes aggregated statistics across all records.

Note about pagination: If you have more than 1,000 records expanded, the response will include a standard HTTP Link header that will include after and limit query parameters. The URI in the link header may be used to fetch the next page of the results.



Identifier of the network for which you want to return usage statistics. Default is * which returns the number of DNS queries for all networks combined (e.g. Managed and Dedicated networks). Other supported values include the network ID, such as 0 for NS1 Managed DNS. Note that network IDs for DDI networks are defined during initial configuration, and those for Dedicated DNS are provided to you by the NS1 support team during implementation.


afterstringAppears in paginated responses as part of the URI-reference component of the Link header. The value is the zone after which the next page should begin. If expand is not set to true, this param is
limitintegerAppears in paginated responses as part of the URI-reference component of the Link header. The value indicates the maximum number of expanded zones that should appear in the response (Default: 1000; Max value: 1000). If expand is not set to true, this param is

Copy CodeGet usage by zone with graphs for last 24 hours

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' "*"

Request URL:*







Name of the zone




Relative time. Possible values: '1h', '24h', '30d' (Default: '24h')




Used to specify the DNS network.

Possible values: ‘*’ to return usage stats for all networks combined, or use a comma to add multiple networks (‘0 , 8’) and receive the sum usage across networks specified. (Default: 0 is NS1’s Managed DNS network)


GET /v1/stats/usage/:zone/:domain/:type

GETView record-level usage statistics

Please refer to /stats/usage for a detailed explanation of the output and query parameters. Note that the parameters expand (true/false) and by_tier (true/false) parameters are no longer supported.

zonestring(Required) Name of the zone (usually the FQDN).
domainstring(Required) Domain name.
typestring(Required) Type of record for which you are requesting usage statistics.
periodstring (enum)Relative amount of time. Enum: '1h', '24h', '30d' (Default: '24h')

Request URL:[?period=24h]

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "queries": 4,
    "zone": "",
    "domain": ""
    "rectype": "A",
    "period": "24h",
    "graph": [
Expand Code Examples

Lease stats

GET /v1/stats/leases

GETView account-wide lease statistics

Returns the sum of all leases — new and renewals — for the entire account. You can export this report with the export path parameter.

Query Parameters:



periodstring (enum)Filters the results to include only lease information related to a specified period of time prior to the current timestamp. Supported values: 24h (default) or 30d.
exportstringThe file type of the report that should be generated. Can be one of the following file types: json, xml, csv, pdf, xslx, or html.

Copy CodeReturns lease statistics for the past 24 hours

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeExports lease report in PDF format

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Returns a sum of all leases — new and renewals — and graphs for the specified scope group. You can export this report with the export path parameter.

Example Response:

    "graph": [
    "period": "24h",
    "leases": 5
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/stats/leases/:scopeGroupID

GETView lease statistics by scope group

Returns a sum of all leases — new and renewals — and graphs for the specified scope group. You can export this report with the export path parameter.

Path Parameters:

scopeGroupIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the scope group.

Query Parameters:

periodstring (enum)Filters the results to include only lease information related to a specified period of time prior to the current timestamp. Supported values: 24h (default) or 30d.
exportstringThe file type of the report that should be generated. Can be one of the following file types: json, xml, csv, pdf, xslx, or html.

Copy CodeReturns lease statistics within a scope group for the past 24 hours

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeExports a lease statistics report in PDF format

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{type}

Example Response:

    "graph": [
    "period": "24h",
    "scope_group_id": 1,
    "leases": 5
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/stats/lps

GETView account-wide peak LPS

Returns current leases per second (LPS) for all scope groups. Optionally, you can specify a period of time by which to filter results.

Peak LPS is the maximum number of average leases calculated at 30-minute intervals in a 24-hour period and at 12-hour intervals in a 30-day period.

  • 90th percentile markers: shows 90% of the time, the usage is below this amount
  • 95th percentile markers: shows 95% of the time, the usage is below this amount

You can export this report with the export path parameter.

Query Parameters:

periodstring (enum)Filters the results to include only lease information related to a specified period of time prior to the current timestamp. Supported values: 24h (default) or 30d.
exportstringThe file type of the report that should be generated. Can be one of the following file types: json, xml, csv, pdf, xslx, or html.

Copy CodeReturns LPS statistics for the past 24 hours

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeExports LPS statistics report in PDF format

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "graph": [
    "period": "24h",
    "aggregation": "peak"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/stats/lps/:scopeGroupID

GETView peak LPS by scope group

Returns current leases per second (LPS) for the specified scope group — optionally, within the specified time range.

Peak LPS is the maximum number of average leases calculated at 30 minute intervals in a 24h period and at 12h intervals in a 30 day period for a specified scope group.

  • 90th percentile markers: shows 90% of the time, the usage is below this amount.
  • 95th percentile markers: shows 95% of the time, the usage is below this amount.

You can export this report with the export path parameter.

Path Parameters:

scopeGroupIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the scope group.
exportstringThe file type of the report that should be generated. Can be one of the following file types: json, xml, csv, pdf, xslx, or html.

Copy CodeExports report for peak LPS by scope group in PDF format

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Scheduled Reports

GET /v1/reporter/scheduled-reports

GETView all scheduled reports

Retrieves a list of all scheduled reports and their details.

Copy CodeReturns details about scheduled reports

$ curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "id": 1,
    "report_name": "lps_report_name",
    "report_type": "lps",
    "created": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
    "last_run": "2016-10-22T09:12:01Z",
    "next_run": "2016-10-22T10:12:01Z",
    "last_status": "success",
    "export_type": "csv",
    "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
    "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
    "end": {
      "type": "after_repeats",
      "after_repeats": 2
    "repeat": {
      "hours": 1
    "emails": [
    "parameters": {
      "lps": {
        "period": "30d"
    "id": 2,
    "report_name": "network_utilization_report_name",
    "report_type": "network_utilization",
    "created": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
    "last_run": "2016-10-22T09:12:01Z",
    "next_run": "2016-10-22T10:12:01Z",
    "last_status": "success",
    "export_type": "csv",
    "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
    "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
    "end": {
      "type": "on_datetime",
      "on_datetime": "2016-10-22T09:12:01Z"
    "repeat": {
      "hours": 1
    "emails": [
    "parameters": {
      "network_utilization": {
        "networkId": 1
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/reporter/scheduled-reports

PUTCreate a new scheduled report

Schedules a new report. The parameters that are required vary depending on the type of report you want to generate.

Request body parameters:

report_typestring(Required) Type of scheduled report. Select from the following types:
"lps"Graph with leases per second over a given period for all scope groups.
"lps_by_scopegroup"Graph with leases per second over a given period for a specific scope group. Requires a scope group ID in the parameters object.
"lease_usage"Graph with number of leases over a given period for all scope groups.
"lease_usage_by_scopegroup"Graph with number of leases over a given period of a specific scope group. Requires a scope group ID in the parameters object.
"lease_history"Any active leases, optionally filtered by scopeGroupId, scopeId, includeInvalid, offset, and limit. Add these filters in the parameters object.
"scopegroup_usage"Scope group report for a specific scope group; includes total, reserved, fulfilled, leased, and number of free leases for IPv4 and IPv6. Requires a scope group ID in the parameters object.
"network_utilization"Report of network usage by network ID; includes total, used, and free IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Requires a network ID in the parameters object.
"activity_log"Last operations or activities, optionally filtered by userId, resourceType, action, resourceId, start and end UNIX timestamps, and limit.
"dhcp_top_talkers"DHCP top-talkers
"qps"Queries per second
"qps_by_zone_name"Queries per second, filtered for a particular zone (by zone name)
"qps_by_zone_domain_record"Queries per second, filtered for a particular record within a zone
"dns_usage"DNS usage
"dns_usage_by_zone_name"DNS usage, filtered for a particular zone (by zone name)
"dns_usage_by_zone_domain_record"Queries per second, filtered for a particular record within a zone
report_namestringName of the scheduled report
export_typestringThe file type in which reports are generated and emailed. Must be one of the following:json,csv,xml,html,xslx,pdf
start_datetimestringThe ISO 8601-format date and time that the report was added to a schedule
repeatobjectHow often the scheduled report should be repeated, formatted as a cron expression (minutes, hours, day_of_month, month, and day_of_week are the available cron properties)
endobjectWhen the report should stop running
  • type (string): Specifies whether the report should run until it is deleted, after a certain number of runs, or on a specific date. Possible values: never, after_repeats, or on_datetime.
  • after_repeats (integer): Specifies the number of reports that should be generated before the reports are no longer generated
  • on_datetime (string): A UNIX timestamp upon which the report should no longer be generated
tzstringTimezone from IANA database. Default is "UTC".
emailsarray of stringsThe list of email addresses to which the reports should be emailed
parametersobjectParameters that are specific to certain reports. For example, for an activity log report, use this object to filter by userId, resourceType, and other supported parameters. You must include the report_type as the key for the object. For example:
”parameters”: {
 “activity_log”: {
 “userId”: “myuser”,
 “action”: “delete”
Report typeParameters
lpsperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".
lps_by_scopegroupperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

scopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier of the scope group for which you want to generate a report. *Required if lps_by_scopegroup report type is specified.
lease_usageperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".
lease_usage_by_scopegroupperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

scopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier of the scope group for which you want to generate a report. *Required if lease_usage_by_scopegroup report type is specified.
lease_historyscopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier of the scope group for which you want to generate a report. (Optional)

scopeID (integer) - Unique identifier for the scope by which you want to filter results. (Optional)

includeInvalid (boolean) - Option to include invalid leases in the generated report. (Optional)

limit (integer) - Specifies the maximum number of results to return in the generated report. Default (and maximum supported value) is 10000.

offset (integer) - A positive number by which to "offset" results. This is helpful if you have a long list of results in your report that exceeds the maximum defined value.
scopegroup_usagescopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier of the scope group for which you want to generate a report. *Required if scopegroup_usage report type is specified.
network_utilizationnetworkID (integer) - Unique identifier for the network by which you want to filter results. *Required if network_utilization report type is specified.
activity_loguser ID (string) - Unique identifier for the individual user whose activity you want to return in the generated report. (Optional)

resourceType (string) - Filters results by the type of resource on which an action is performed (e.g., apikey, ipam_address, dhcp_scopegroup, etc.). Results include all activity (create, update, or delete) related to these types of objects.

start_datetime (string) - The UNIX timecode at which to start the generated report results.

end_datetime (string) - The UNIX timecode at which to endpoint within the generated report results.

limit (integer) - The number of records from a result set.
dhcp_top_talkersperiod (string) - Amount of time by which to filter results. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

message (string) - DHCP message type. Supported values include "all" (default), "DHCPDISCOVER", "DHCPREQUEST", or "DHCPRELEASE".

number (integer) - Number of top-talkers to calculate. Default is 10.

scopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier for the scope group by which you want to filter results.
qpsnetworks (string) - Specifies one or more networks by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.
qps_by_zone_namezone_name (string) - Unique name of the relevant zone. If the zone is attached to a DNS view, the zone name is usually the zone FQDN plus the name of the DNS view to which it is attached. Otherwise, if this zone is not attached to a DNS view, the zone name is just the zone FQDN.

networks (string) - Specifies one or more networks (by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.
qps_by_zone_domain_recordzone_name (string) - Unique name of the relevant zone. If the zone is attached to a DNS view, the zone name is usually the zone FQDN plus the name of the DNS view to which it is attached. Otherwise, if this zone is not attached to a DNS view, the zone name is just the zone FQDN. *Required

domain_name (string) - Domain name of the relevant record. *Required

record_type (string) - The type of DNS record to report on. *Required
dns_usageperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

aggregate (boolean) - If set to true, statistics are aggregated across all zones. Default is true.

networks (string) - Specifies one or more networks (by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.

expand (boolean) - If set to true, returns a more detailed report about DNS usage. For account-level DNS usage statistics, setting the expand parameter to true returns DNS usage reports for all zones in the account. Default is false.

limit (integer) - A value indicating the maximum number of expanded zones that should appear in the report. Appears in paginated responses. Note: If the expand parameter is set to false, the limit parameter is ignored. Default is 1000.

after (string) - The name of the zone after which the next page should begin. Appears in paginated responses. Note: If the expand parameter is set to false, the after parameter is ignored.
dns_usage_by_zone_nameperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

aggregate (boolean) - If set to true, statistics are aggregated across all zones. Default is true.

zone_name (string) - Unique name of the relevant zone. If the zone is attached to a DNS view, the zone name is usually the zone FQDN plus the name of the DNS view to which it is attached. Otherwise, if this zone is not attached to a DNS view, the zone name is just the zone FQDN. *Required

networks (string) - Specifies one or more networks (by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.

expand (boolean) - If set to true, returns a more detailed report about DNS usage. At the zone-level, if the expand parameter is set to true, then DNS usage statistics are returned for each record within the specified zone. Default is false.

limit (integer) - A value indicating the maximum number of expanded zones that should appear in the report. Appears in paginated responses. Note: If the expand parameter is set to false, the limit parameter is ignored. Default is 1000.

after (string) - The domain/record_type (e.g., "") of the record within the zone after which the next page should begin. Appears in paginated responses. Note: If the expand parameter is set to false, the after parameter is ignored.
dns_usage_by_zone_domain_recordperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d"..

zone_name (string) - Unique name of the relevant zone. If the zone is attached to a DNS view, the zone name is usually the zone FQDN plus the name of the DNS view to which it is attached. Otherwise, if this zone is not attached to a DNS view, the zone name is just the zone FQDN. *Required

domain_name (string) - Domain name of the relevant record. *Required

record_type (string) - Type of record. *Required

networks (string) - Specifies one or more networks (by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.

Copy CodeCreates a new scheduled report

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{"report_type": "network_utilization","repeat": {"minutes": 16,"hours": 11},"end": {"type": "never"},"start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z","report_name": "Network Utilization","emails": ["[email protected]"],"export_type": "pdf","parameters": {"network_utilization": {"networkId": 1}} }

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "lps",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "lps": {
      "period": "30d"

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "lps_by_scopegroup",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "lps_by_scopegroup": {
      "period": "30d",
      "scopegroupId": 2

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "month": 2,
    "day_of_month": 26
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 3
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "lease_usage",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "lease_usage": {
      "period": "24h"

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "month": 2,
    "day_of_month": 26
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 3
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "lease_usage_by_scopegroup",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "lease_usage_by_scopegroup": {
      "period": "24h",
      "scopegroupId": 2

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "on_datetime",
    "on_datetime": "2016-10-23T08:12:01Z"
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "network_utilization",
  "export_type": "pdf",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "network_utilization": {
      "networkId": 1

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "month": 2,
    "day_of_month": 26
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 3
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "lease_history",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "lease_history": {
      "scopeId": 2,
      "limit": 9000

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "month": 2,
    "day_of_month": 26
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 3
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "scopegroup_usage",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "scopegroup_usage": {
      "scopegroupId": 2

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "month": 2,
    "day_of_month": 26
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 3
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "activity_log",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "activity_log": {
      "action": "create",
      "end_datetime": "2016-10-22T10:12:01Z",
      "limit": 100

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "dhcp_top_talkers",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "dhcp_top_talkers": {
      "period": "1h",
      "number": 5,
      "message": "DHCPDISCOVER"

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "qps",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "qps": {
      "networks": "1,2"

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "qps_by_zone_name",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "qps_by_zone_name": {
      "zone_name": "soak.test",
      "networks": "1,2"

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "qps_by_zone_domain_record",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "qps_by_zone_domain_record": {
      "zone_name": "soak.test",
      "domain_name": "a.soak.test",
      "record_type": "A"

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "dns_usage",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "dns_usage": {
      "period": "24h",
      "networks": "*",
      "expand": true

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "dns_usage_by_zone_name",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "dns_usage_by_zone_name": {
      "period": "24h",
      "zone_name": "soak.test",
      "networks": "1"

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "dns_usage_by_zone_domain_record",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "dns_usage_by_zone_domain_record": {
      "period": "24h",
      "zone_name": "soak.test",
      "domain_name": "a.soak.test",
      "record_type": "A",
      "networks": "1,2,3"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/reporter/scheduled-reports/{reportID}

GETRetrieve a scheduled report by ID

Retrieves the details about a specific report whose ID you include. You can learn more about the report, like its name, when it was created, when it last ran, and other important data.

Path Parameters:

reportIDintegerReport ID number; this number is automatically generated by the system, starting at `1`.

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified report

$ curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

  "id": 1,
  "report_name": "lps_report_name",
  "report_type": "lps",
  "created": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "last_run": "2016-10-22T09:12:01Z",
  "next_run": "2016-10-22T10:12:01Z",
  "last_status": "success",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 2
  "repeat": {
    "hours": 1
  "emails": [
  "parameters": {
    "lps": {
      "period": "30d"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/reporter/scheduled-reports/{reportID}

POSTEdit a scheduled report

Modifies the details of a scheduled report. The parameters that are required vary depending on the type of report you want to generate.

Path parameters:

reportIDintegerReport ID number

Request body parameters:

report_typestring(Required) Type of scheduled report. Select from the following types:
"lps"Graph with leases per second over a given period for all scope groups.
"lps_by_scopegroup"Graph with leases per second over a given period for a specific scope group. Requires a scope group ID in the parameters object.
"lease_usage"Graph with number of leases over a given period for all scope groups.
"lease_usage_by_scopegroup"Graph with number of leases over a given period of a specific scope group. Requires a scope group ID in the parameters object.
"lease_history"Any active leases, optionally filtered by scopeGroupId, scopeId, includeInvalid, offset, and limit. Add these filters in the parameters object.
"scopegroup_usage"Scope group report for a specific scope group; includes total, reserved, fulfilled, leased, and number of free leases for IPv4 and IPv6. Requires a scope group ID in the parameters object.
"network_utilization"Report of network usage by network ID; includes total, used, and free IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Requires a network ID in the parameters object.
"activity_log"Last operations or activities, optionally filtered by userId, resourceType, action, resourceId, start and end UNIX timestamps, and limit.
"dhcp_top_talkers"DHCP top-talkers
"qps"Queries per second
"qps_by_zone_name"Queries per second, filtered for a particular zone (by zone name)
"qps_by_zone_domain_record"Queries per second, filtered for a particular record within a zone
"dns_usage"DNS usage
"dns_usage_by_zone_name"DNS usage, filtered for a particular zone (by zone name)
"dns_usage_by_zone_domain_record"Queries per second, filtered for a particular record within a zone
report_namestringName of the scheduled report
export_typestringThe file type in which reports are generated and emailed. Must be one of the following:json,csv,xml,html,xslx,pdf
createdstringThe ISO 8601-format date and time when the report was created
last_runstringThe ISO 8601-format date and time that the report last ran
next_runstringThe ISO 8601-format date and time that the report is next scheduled to run
start_datetimestringThe ISO 8601-format date and time that the report was added to a schedule
last_statusstringStatus of the last run (none, success, or fail)
repeatobjectHow often the scheduled report should be repeated, formatted as a cron expression (minutes, hours, day_of_month, month, and day_of_week are the available cron properties)
endobjectWhen the report should stop running
  • type (string): Specifies whether the report should run until it is deleted, after a certain number of runs, or on a specific date. Possible values: never, after_repeats, or on_datetime.
  • after_repeats (integer): Specifies the number of reports that should be generated before the reports are no longer generated
  • on_datetime (string): A UNIX timestamp upon which the report should no longer be generated
emailsarray of stringsThe list of email addresses to which the reports should be emailed
parametersobjectParameters that are specific to certain reports. For example, for an activity log report, use this object to filter by userId, resourceType, and other supported parameters. You must include the report_type as the key for the object. For example:
”parameters”: {
 “activity_log”: {
 “userId”: “myuser”,
 “action”: “delete”
Report typeParameters
lpsperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".
lps_by_scopegroupperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

scopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier of the scope group for which you want to generate a report. *Required if lps_by_scopegroup report type is specified.
lease_usageperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".
lease_usage_by_scopegroupperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

scopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier of the scope group for which you want to generate a report. *Required if lease_usage_by_scopegroup report type is specified.
lease_historyscopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier of the scope group for which you want to generate a report. (Optional)

scopeID (integer) - Unique identifier for the scope by which you want to filter results. (Optional)

includeInvalid (boolean) - Option to include invalid leases in the generated report. (Optional)

limit (integer) - Specifies the maximum number of results to return in the generated report. Default (and maximum supported value) is 10000.

offset (integer) - A positive number by which to "offset" results. This is helpful if you have a long list of results in your report that exceeds the maximum defined value.
scopegroup_usagescopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier of the scope group for which you want to generate a report. *Required if scopegroup_usage report type is specified.
network_utilizationnetworkID (integer) - Unique identifier for the network by which you want to filter results. *Required if network_utilization report type is specified.
activity_loguser ID (string) - Unique identifier for the individual user whose activity you want to return in the generated report. (Optional)

resourceType (string) - Filters results by the type of resource on which an action is performed (e.g., apikey, ipam_address, dhcp_scopegroup, etc.). Results include all activity (create, update, or delete) related to these types of objects.

start_datetime (string) - The UNIX timecode at which to start the generated report results.

end_datetime (string) - The UNIX timecode at which to endpoint within the generated report results.

limit (integer) - The number of records from a result set.
dhcp_top_talkersperiod (string) - Amount of time by which to filter results. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

message (string) - DHCP message type. Supported values include "all" (default), "DHCPDISCOVER", "DHCPREQUEST", or "DHCPRELEASE".

number (integer) - Number of top-talkers to calculate. Default is 10.

scopegroupID (integer) - Unique identifier for the scope group by which you want to filter results.
qpsnetworks (string) - Specifies one or more networks by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.
qps_by_zone_namezone_name (string) - Unique name of the relevant zone. If the zone is attached to a DNS view, the zone name is usually the zone FQDN plus the name of the DNS view to which it is attached. Otherwise, if this zone is not attached to a DNS view, the zone name is just the zone FQDN.

networks (string) - Specifies one or more networks (by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.
qps_by_zone_domain_recordzone_name (string) - Unique name of the relevant zone. If the zone is attached to a DNS view, the zone name is usually the zone FQDN plus the name of the DNS view to which it is attached. Otherwise, if this zone is not attached to a DNS view, the zone name is just the zone FQDN. *Required

domain_name (string) - Domain name of the relevant record. *Required

record_type (string) - The type of DNS record to report on. *Required
dns_usageperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

aggregate (boolean) - If set to true, statistics are aggregated across all zones. Default is true.

networks (string) - Specifies one or more networks (by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.

expand (boolean) - If set to true, returns a more detailed report about DNS usage. For account-level DNS usage statistics, setting the expand parameter to true returns DNS usage reports for all zones in the account. Default is false.

limit (integer) - A value indicating the maximum number of expanded zones that should appear in the report. Appears in paginated responses. Note: If the expand parameter is set to false, the limit parameter is ignored. Default is 1000.

after (string) - The name of the zone after which the next page should begin. Appears in paginated responses. Note: If the expand parameter is set to false, the after parameter is ignored.
dns_usage_by_zone_nameperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d".

aggregate (boolean) - If set to true, statistics are aggregated across all zones. Default is true.

zone_name (string) - Unique name of the relevant zone. If the zone is attached to a DNS view, the zone name is usually the zone FQDN plus the name of the DNS view to which it is attached. Otherwise, if this zone is not attached to a DNS view, the zone name is just the zone FQDN. *Required

networks (string) - Specifies one or more networks (by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.

expand (boolean) - If set to true, returns a more detailed report about DNS usage. At the zone-level, if the expand parameter is set to true, then DNS usage statistics are returned for each record within the specified zone. Default is false.

limit (integer) - A value indicating the maximum number of expanded zones that should appear in the report. Appears in paginated responses. Note: If the expand parameter is set to false, the limit parameter is ignored. Default is 1000.

after (string) - The domain/record_type (e.g., " of the record after which the next page should begin. Appears in paginated responses. Note: If the expand parameter is set to false, the after parameter is ignored.
dns_usage_by_zone_domain_recordperiod (string) - An amount of time to cover in the report. Supported values include "24h" (default), "7d" or "30d"..

zone_name (string) - Unique name of the relevant zone. If the zone is attached to a DNS view, the zone name is usually the zone FQDN plus the name of the DNS view to which it is attached. Otherwise, if this zone is not attached to a DNS view, the zone name is just the zone FQDN. *Required

domain_name (string) - Domain name of the relevant record. *Required

record_type (string) - Type of record. *Required

networks (string) - Specifies one or more networks (by network IDs) in a comma-separated string. Default is "*" which indicates all networks.

Copy CodeEdits the specified scheduled report

curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"report_name": "Weekly Network Utilization Report"}'

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "lps",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "lps": {
      "period": "30d"

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "day_of_week": 2
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 10
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "lps_by_scopegroup",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "lps_by_scopegroup": {
      "period": "30d",
      "scopegroupId": 2

Example Request:

  "repeat": {
    "minutes": 30,
    "hours": 14,
    "month": 2,
    "day_of_month": 26
  "end": {
    "type": "after_repeats",
    "after_repeats": 3
  "start_datetime": "2016-10-22T08:12:01Z",
  "emails": [
    "[email protected]"
  "report_name": "report_name",
  "report_type": "lease_usage",
  "export_type": "csv",
  "tz": "Etc/GMT-8",
  "parameters": {
    "lease_usage": {
      "period": "24h"
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/reporter/scheduled-reports/{reportID}

DELETEDelete a scheduled report

Deletes a scheduled report based on the specified report ID. The report is deleted immediately.

Path Parameters:

reportIDinteger(Required) Report ID number of the report you want to delete

Copy CodeDeletes the specified scheduled report

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{reportID}



A Pulsar application is a collection of jobs (resources being measured). Pulsar references the application ID (appID) to determines which jobs should record a measurement upon each impression.

GET /v1/pulsar/apps

GET List Pulsar applications

Returns all Pulsar applications in your account.

Copy CodeReturns a list of all Pulsar applications

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

GET /v1/pulsar/apps/:appID

GET View application details

Returns details for a single Pulsar application. Specify the appID (auto-generated during app creation) in the request URL.

appIDStringID of the Pulsar app

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified Pulsar application

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"<appID>

PUT /v1/pulsar/apps

PUT Create a Pulsar application

A Pulsar app is a collection of Pulsar jobs. Pulsar references the app ID to view all available jobs before making routing decisions. Use this command to create a new Pulsar application—auto-generating an app ID.

Note: Record the appID generated in the response. You will need this when creating Pulsar jobs associated with this app.

Copy CodeCreate a Pulsar application

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{ "name": "<string>", "active": <boo>, "browser_wait_millis": <int>, "jobs_per_transaction": <int>, "default_config": { "http": <boo>, "https": <boo>, "request_timeout_millis": <int>, "job_timeout_millis": <int>, "use_xhr": <boo>, "static_values": <boo> } }'

Example Request:

  "name": "string",
  "active": true,
  "browser_wait_millis": 0,
  "jobs_per_transaction": 0,
  "default_config": {
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "static_values": true

Example Response:

  "customer": 0,
  "appid": "x4f12h0",
  "name": "ACME Pulsar Tag",
  "active": true,
  "token": 0,
  "browser_wait_millis": 0,
  "jobs_per_transaction": 0,
  "default_config": {
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "blend_metric_weights": {
      "timestamp": 0,
      "weights": [
          "name": "string",
          "weight": 0,
          "default_value": 0,
          "maximize": false
  "community": true


namestringname of the Pulsar application (ex. ACME Pulsar tag)
activebooleanIndicates whether or not this application is currently active and usable for routing
browser_wait_millisintegerIndicates the amount of time a browser should wait before running measurements
jobs_per_transactionintegerNumber of jobs to measure per user impression
default_configobjectDefault job configuration suboptions
httpbooleanIndicates whether or not to use HTTP in measurements
httpsbooleanIndicates whether or not to use HTTPS in measurements
request_timeout_millisintegerMaximum timeout per request
job_timeoutt_millisintegerMaximum timeout per job
use_xhrbooleanIndicates whether or not to use XmlHttpRequest (XHR) when taking measurements
static_valuesbooleanIndicates whether or not to skip aggregation for this job's measurements
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/pulsar/apps/{appID}

POST Modify an application

Modifies the specified Pulsar application.

appIDstringUnique identifier for the Pulsar application
namestringDescriptive name for this Pulsar app
activebooleanIndicates whether or not this application is currently active and usable for traffic steering
browser_wait_millisintegerThe amount of time (in milliseconds) the browser should wait before running measurements
jobs_per_transactionintegerNumber of jobs to measure per user impression
default_configobjectDefault job configuration. If a field is present here and not on a specific job associated with this application, the default value specified here is used.
httpbooleanIndicates whether or not to use HTTP in measurements
httpsbooleanIndicates whether or not to use HTTPS in measurements
request_timeout_millisintegerMaximum timeout per request
job_timeout_millisintegerMaximum timeout per job
use_xhrbooleanWhether to use XMLHttpRequest (XHR) when taking measurements
static_valuesbooleanIndicates whether or not to skip aggregation for this job's measurements

Copy CodeEdits the Pulsar application

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "name": "<string>", "active": <boo>, "browser_wait_millis": <int>, "jobs_per_transaction": <int>, "default_config": { "http": <boo>, "https": <boo>, "request_timeout_millis": <int>, "job_timeout_millis": <int>, "use_xhr": <boo>, "static_values": <boo> } } '{appID}

Example Request:

  "name": "string",
  "active": true,
  "browser_wait_millis": 0,
  "jobs_per_transaction": 0,
  "default_config": {
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "static_values": true

Example Response:

  "customer": 0,
  "appid": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "active": true,
  "token": 0,
  "browser_wait_millis": 0,
  "jobs_per_transaction": 0,
  "default_config": {
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "static_values": true,
    "blend_metric_weights": {
      "timestamp": 0,
      "weights": [
          "name": "string",
          "weight": 0,
          "default_value": 0,
          "maximize": false
  "community": true
Unique identifier for the Pulsar application
Descriptive name for this Pulsar app
Indicates whether or not this application is currently active and usable for traffic steering
The amount of time (in milliseconds) the browser should wait before running measurements
Number of jobs to measure per user impression
Default job configuration. If a field is present here and not on a specific job associated with this application, the default value specified here is used.
Indicates whether or not to use HTTP in measurements
Indicates whether or not to use HTTPS in measurements
Maximum timeout per request
Maximum timeout per job
Whether to use XMLHttpRequest (XHR) when taking measurements
Indicates whether or not to skip aggregation for this job's measurements
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/pulsar/apps/{appID}

DELETE Delete a Pulsar application

Deletes a Pulsar application specified in the request URL (via appID).

Copy CodeDeletes a Pulsar application

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{appID}


A pulsar job measures a specific metric (e.g. latency) from a particular resource (e.g. CDN, data center, cloud, etc).

GET /v1/pulsar/apps/:appID/jobs

GETList jobs within an app

Returns a list of all Pulsar jobs in an app. A job corresponds to a resource (CDN, data center, cloud, etc.) being measured. The resource hosts an asset used to measure availability and latency. The jobID is applied to an answer within the DNS resource record.

ID of the Pulsar App

Copy CodeReturns a list of all jobs within the specified Pulsar application.

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

GET /v1/pulsar/apps/:appID/jobs/:jobID

GETView job details

Returns configuration details for the specified job via the unique jobID. You must also specify the application with which this job is associated (using the unique appID) in the request URL.

ID of the Pulsar app
IF of the Pulsar job

Copy CodeReturns details about the specified Pulsar job

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "customer": 0,
  "appid": "string",
  "jobid": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "typeid": "latency",
  "active": true,
  "community": true,
  "shared": true,
  "config": {
    "host": "string",
    "url_path": "string",
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "static_values": true,
    "blend_metric_weights": {
      "timestamp": 0,
      "weights": [
          "name": "string",
          "weight": 0,
          "default_value": 0,
          "maximize": false

appIDStringID of the Pulsar appYes
jobIDStringIF of the Pulsar jobYes
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/pulsar/apps/{appId}/jobs

PUTCreate a Pulsar job

A job is an object corresponding to a resource (CDN, data center, cloud, etc.). The resource hosts an asset used to measure availability and latency. The jobID is applied to an endpoint via the answer metadata. Use this command to create a Puslar job within your app—auto-generating a jobID.

Note: Record the jobID value (ex. d45ma0) in the response. You will need to apply the jobID to the answer metadata.

Copy CodeCreate a Pulsar job associated with a Pulsar application

curl -X PUT -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"name": "<string>", "typeid": "<string>", "active": <boo>, "shared": <boo>, "config": {"host": "<string>", "url_path": "<string>", "http": <boo>, "https": <boo>, "request_timeout_millis": <int>, "job_timeout_millis": <int>, "use_xhr": <boo>, "static_values": <boo>} }'{appId}/jobs

Example Request:

  "name": "string",
  "typeid": "latency",
  "active": true,
  "shared": true,
  "config": {
    "host": "string",
    "url_path": "string",
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "static_values": true

Example Response:

  "customer": 0,
  "appid": "string",
  "jobid": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "typeid": "latency",
  "active": true,
  "community": true,
  "shared": true,
  "config": {
    "host": "string",
    "url_path": "string",
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "static_values": true,
    "blend_metric_weights": {
      "timestamp": 0,
      "weights": [
          "name": "string",
          "weight": 0,
          "default_value": 0,
          "maximize": false
namestringName of the Pulsar job. Typically, this is the name of the CDN or endpoint
typeidstringSpecifies the type of Pulsar job — either latency or custom
activebooleanIndicates whether or not the Pulsar job is currently active and usable for routing
sharedbooleanIndicates whether or not this job is visible and usable to other customers
configobjectIncludes several sub-options related to job configuration
hoststringHostname where the resource is located
url_pathstringURL path to be appended to the host
httpbooleanIndicates whether or not to use HTTP in measurements
httpsbooleanIndicates whether or not to use HTTPS in measurements
request_timeout_millisintegerMaximum timeout per request
job_timeout_millisintegerMaximum timeout per request
use_xhrbooleanIndicates whether or not to use XmlHttpRequest (XHR) when taking measurements
static_valuesbooleanIndicates whether or not to skip aggregation for this job's measurements
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/pulsar/apps/{appID}/jobs/{jobID}

POSTModify a Pulsar job

Modifies an existing Pulsar job configuration. Note that you must specify the unique jobID and the associated appID in the URL path.

Copy CodeEdits a Pulsar job

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "name": "<string>", "typeid": "<string>", "active": <boo>, "shared": <boo>, "config": {"host": "<string>", "url_path": "<string>", "http": <boo>, "https": <boo>, "request_timeout_millis": <int>, "job_timeout_millis": <int>, "use_xhr": <boo>, "static_values": <boo>} }'{appID}/jobs/{jobID}

Example Request:

  "name": "string",
  "typeid": "latency",
  "active": true,
  "shared": true,
  "config": {
    "host": "string",
    "url_path": "string",
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "static_values": true

Example Response:

  "customer": 0,
  "appid": "string",
  "jobid": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "typeid": "latency",
  "active": true,
  "community": true,
  "shared": true,
  "config": {
    "host": "string",
    "url_path": "string",
    "http": true,
    "https": true,
    "request_timeout_millis": 0,
    "job_timeout_millis": 0,
    "use_xhr": true,
    "static_values": true,
    "blend_metric_weights": {
      "timestamp": 0,
      "weights": [
          "name": "string",
          "weight": 0,
          "default_value": 0,
          "maximize": false
appIDstringUnique identifier for the Pulsar application
jobIDstringUnique identifier for the Pulsar job (typically, this is the name of the target CDN/endpoint)
namestringDescriptive name for the Pulsar job
typeidstringIndicates the type of Pulsar job—either "latency" or "custom"
activebooleanIndicates whether or not this Pulsar job is currently active and usable for routing
sharedbooleanIndicates whether or not this job is visible and usable to other customers
configobjectContains several configuration options for this Pulsar job
hoststringHostname where the resource being measured is located
url_pathstringURL path to be appended to the host
httpbooleanIndicates whether or not to use HTTP in measurements
httpsbooleanIndicates whether or not to use HTTPS in measurements
request_timeout_millisintegerMaximum timeout per request
job_timeout_millisintegerMaximum timeout per job
use_xhrbooleanIndicates whether or not to use XmlHttpRequest (XHR) in measurements
static_valuesbooleanIndicates whether or not to skip aggregation for this job's measurements
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/pulsar/apps/{appID}/jobs/{jobID}

DELETEDelete a Pulsar job

Deletes the specified Pulsar job. Note that you must include the jobID and the associated appID in the URL path.

Copy CodeDeletes the specified Pulsar job

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{appID}/jobs/{jobID}

Performance Data

The various performance data endpoints use a common set of parameters to filter & group query results. These parameters can be directly specified to tightly filter results (e.x., setting “geo=US” will restrict the query to only return results from the US). Alternatively, some parameters can be set to a wildcard to group answers based on that parameter (e.x., setting “geo=*” will return a separate set of results for every geo value that exists).





Wildcard enabled



Absolute start time in UNIX timestamp. Any data from before this time will be excluded. Defaults to 1 hour before current time

1527163200 (corresponds to 5/24/2018 12:00:00 GMT)




Absolute end time in UNIX timestamp. Any data from after this time will be excluded. Defaults to current time.

1527163200 (corresponds to 5/24/2018 12:00:00 GMT)




Can be used instead of start & end time. If set, will set end time to current time and start time to whatever time is specified by this period. If start time is set, period is ignored

‘30m’, ‘1h’, ‘30d’




Geographic region. Will filter data to only include results from the specified region. Must be either a 2 letter ISO country code, or US states can also be specified with the format ‘US_NY’

‘US’, ‘FR’, ‘GR’, ‘JP’, ‘US_NY’




Specifies an Autonomous System Number to filter for





Specifies a method to use to aggregate data. When there are multiple categories of data being grouped into one (e.x., you query for all geo rather than individual geo regions), this determines how the different data series are combined. (‘p50’ means “estimated 50th percentile”, ‘p75’ is estimated 75th percentile, etc)

‘avg’, ‘max’, ‘min’, ‘p50’, ‘p75’, ‘p90’, ‘p95’, ‘p99’, ‘p999’


GET /v1/pulsar/apps/:appID/jobs/:jobID/data

GETView aggregated performance data

Returns historical and live data.

Note: If you receive a "400" response, ensure the start and end times do not overlap and/or that the time range is greater than 30 days.

Path Parameters:

appIDstringThe unique ID of the Pulsar application that you are running
jobIDstringThe unique ID of the Pulsar job that you use to collect latency or custom data

Query Parameters:


startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to a two-letter ISO code for the geographic location for which you want to filter (for example, US).
asnintegerFilters results by an autonomous system number (ASN).
aggstringSpecifies which aggregation method to use. Possible values are: avg, max, min, p50, p75, p90, p95, and p99. Default is p50.

Copy CodeReturns aggregated performance data

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"
Expand Code Examples


Allowed parameters: start, end, period, geo, asn

GET /v1/pulsar/apps/:appID/jobs/:jobID/availability

GETView availability data

Returns availability score per resource over time.

Path Parameters:

appIDstringThe unique ID of the Pulsar application that you are running
jobIDstringThe unique ID of the Pulsar job that you use to collect latency or custom data

Query Parameters:


startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to a two-letter ISO code for the geographic location for which you want to filter (for example, US).
asnintegerFilters results by an autonomous system number (ASN).
aggstringSpecifies which aggregation method to use. Possible values are: avg, max, min, p50, p75, p90, p95, and p99. Default is p50.

Copy CodeReturns availability data

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"
Expand Code Examples


Allowed parameters: start, end, period, geo, asn

GET /v1/pulsar/query/decision/customer

GETView decisions for account


As of 13 May 2021, the Pulsar team has introduced a simplified way to access decision data. See the new endpoint to learn more about the changes.

Returns total count of Pulsar decisions for the account — optionally, within a specified time range or other filter specified in the query.

The time range is specified using start and end parameters. Alternatively, you can provide a period of time (from the current timestamp) by which you want to filter results. Note that you can either specify a start/end or a period — but not both.

Query Parameters:


startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to a two-letter ISO code for the geographic location for which you want to filter (for example, US).
asnintegerFilters results by an autonomous system number (ASN).

Copy CodeQueries account decisions

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{start_time}&end={end_time}&geo={geography}&asn={asn}

Narrows results by start and end dates, geographical location, and ASN

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{start_time}&end={end_time}&geo={geography}&asn={asn}

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/pulsar/query/decision/customer/undetermined

GETView insufficient decision data for account


As of 13 May 2021, the Pulsar team has introduced a simplified way to access decision data. See the new endpoint to learn more about the changes.

Returns total count of insufficient data where Pulsar could not make a decision — optionally, within a specified time range or other filter.

The time range is specified using start and end parameters. Alternatively, you can provide a period of time (from the current timestamp) by which you want to filter results. Note that you can either specify a start/end or a period — but not both.

Query Parameters:


startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to a two-letter ISO code for the geographic location for which you want to filter (for example, US).
asnintegerFilters results by an autonomous system number (ASN).

Copy CodeReturns total count of instances of insufficient Pulsar data

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{start_time}&end={end_time}&geo={geography}&asn={asn}

Narrowed down by a start and end time, geographic region, and ASN.

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{start_time}&end={end_time}&geo={geography}&asn={asn}

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/pulsar/query/decision/record/:domain/:record

GETView decisions for record


As of 13 May 2021, the Pulsar team has introduced a simplified way to access decision data. See the new endpoint to learn more about the changes.

Returns count of Pulsar decisions per resource for a specific record.

Path Parameters:

domainstringRequired. Specifies the domain to which the record belongs.
recordstringRequired. Specifies the record associated with the decision.

Query Parameters:


startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to a two-letter ISO code for the geographic location for which you want to filter (for example, US).
asnintegerFilters results by an autonomous system number (ASN).

Copy CodeRetrieves decisions for a specified record

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{start_time}&end={end_time}&geo={geography}&asn={asn}

Narrows results by a start and end time, geographical location, and autonomous system number (ASN)

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{start_time}&end={end_time}&geo={geography}&asn={asn}

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/pulsar/query/decision/record/undetermined/:domain/:record

GETView insufficient decision data for record


As of 13 May 2021, the Pulsar team has introduced a simplified way to access decision data. See the new endpoint to learn more about the changes.

Returns count of insufficient data where Pulsar could not make a decision for a specific record — optionally, within a specified time range or other filter.

The time range is specified using start and end parameters. Alternatively, you can provide a period of time (from the current timestamp) by which you want to filter results. Note that you can either specify a start/end or a period — but not both.

Path Parameters:

domainstringRequired. Specifies the domain to which the record belongs.
recordstringRequired. Specifies the record associated with the decision.

Query Parameters:

startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to a two-letter ISO code for the geographic location for which you want to filter (for example, US).
asnintegerFilters results by an autonomous system number (ASN).

Copy CodeReturns insufficient decision data

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{domain}/{record}?start={start_time}&end={end_time}&geo={geography}&asn={asn}

Narrowed down to a start and end time, geographic area, and ASN.

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/pulsar/query/decisions

GETView Pulsar decision data


As of 13 May 2021, the Pulsar team has introduced this endpoint as a simplified way to access decision data. The existing endpoints still function as they always have; this endpoint provides the same functionality in a single endpoint.

Returns total count of Pulsar decisions — optionally, within a specified time range or other filter specified in the query.

The time range is specified using start and end parameters. Alternatively, you can provide a period of time (from the current timestamp) by which you want to filter results. Note that you can either specify a start/end or a period — but not both. Optionally, you can filter further by using the query parameters in the list below.

Query Parameters:

startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to a two-letter ISO code for the geographic location for which you want to filter (for example, US). If filtering by asn, you must select a geographic location first.
areastringFilters results according to the geographic location. You can supply one of the following types of filters:

  • A US state (such as US_NY)
  • A country code (such as US)
  • A continent (such as R_AS)
  • Worldwide results (GLOBAL)
asnstringFilters results by an autonomous system number (ASN). You can provide a single ASN or comma-separated list. You must specify a geographic location (geo) before you can filter by ASN.
recordstringFilters results by associated records (either a single record or a comma-separated list). Record type must also be included, in this format: www.test.com_CNAME
resultstringFilters results by result code (for example, return only OK decisions).
aggstringList of other fields to group results (for example, "area,jobid")
graphbooleanIf set to true, returns results in a list grouped by timestamp. This list tells you how many decisions were made per timestamp. If set to false, returns a list of totals.

Copy CodeSample request that includes some of the query parameters

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{start_time}&end={end_time}&area={geography}&asn={asn}

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"
Expand Code Examples

Route Maps

GET /v1/pulsar/routemaps/create

GETCreate a route map

Creates a new route map in the database for processing.

NOTE: This operation only creates the route map metadata. The response to this GET request contains a temporary pre-signed URL where you must upload the route map file. Even though invocation of this endpoint creates a record in the database, it is defined as a GET request because it returns a URL. Note that the initial status for the route map will appear as "uploading" until the route map is uploaded via the PUT request.

Query Parameters:

namestringName for the route map you are creating (e.g. "West Coast")

Copy CodeCreates a new route map (using the specified name)

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{name}

This command creates a new route map with the name specified in the query. The response includes a URL to which you must upload the route map file to complete the process.

Example Response:

  "customer": 0,
  "status": "uploading",
  "name": "example",
  "created": 0,
  "url": "",
  "mapid": 0,
  "modified": 0
Expand Code Examples

PUT {aws_url}

PUTUpload a route map

After executing the GET command to create the route map metadata, the response includes an AWS URL (e.g. to which you must upload the route map file. Copy and paste that URL into the PUT command to upload the route map file.

Copy CodeUploads the route map file to the specified URL

curl -X PUT -L -H "Content-Length: {file_size}" -H "Client-Encoding: UTF-8" -T "{file}" "{aws_url}"

GET /v1/pulsar/routemaps

GETList all route maps

Returns a list of all current route maps — including metadata such as each route map's mapID —associated with the account.

Copy CodeReturns all route maps associated with the account

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "customer": 0,
    "mapid": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "status": "uploading",
    "created": 0,
    "modified": 0
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/pulsar/routemaps/:mapID

GETView route map details

Returns metadata for the route map specified in the path by its unique map ID.

Path Parameters:

mapIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the route map.

Copy CodeReturns metadata for the specified route map

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "customer": 0,
  "mapid": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "uploading",
  "created": 0,
  "modified": 0
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/pulsar/routemaps/:mapID/replace

GETReplace a route map

Replaces the data for the associated route map and returns an S3 pre-signed URL. You must perform a second step to this process by uploading the new map file to the URL returned in the response to this request. Note that you can only replace data for a route map that is in the ready state.

Copy CodeReplaces route map data

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

POST /v1/pulsar/routemaps/:mapID/meta

POSTUpdate route map metadata

Modifies the metadata for the specified route map. Currently, users can modify only the name of the route map.

Copy CodeUpdates the name of the route map

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"name": "stringt"}'

Example Response:

  "customer": 0,
  "mapid": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "status": "uploading",
  "created": 0,
  "modified": 0
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/pulsar/routemaps/:mapID

DELETEDelete a route map

Deletes the route map metadata for the given mapid. The status of the route map changes to delete pending. Once the Route Map status has been changed, it's no longer considered for decisions.

Copy CodeDeletes route map metadata


GET /v1/pulsar/query/routemap/hit/customer

GETView all route map hits

Returns the total count of Pulsar route map hits for the entire account — optionally, within a specified time range. In response to a client request, the route map looks up the requester's IP address in the map file. A "hit" represents an instance in which the IP address is found within the map (as opposed to a "miss" where the IP address is not found). A high ratio of hits to misses indicates that the route map provides sufficient coverage of IP addresses querying it.

The time range is specified using start and end parameters. Alternatively, you can provide a period of time (from the current timestamp) by which you want to filter results. Note that you can either specify a start/end or a period — but not both.

Query Parameters:

startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to the geographic location (ex. US)
mapIDintegerUnique identifier for a specific route map by which to filter results.

Copy CodeReturns all route map hits for the account

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeReturns route map hits for a single route map

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{mapID}

Copy CodeReturns all route map hits for the last 24 hours

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

GET /v1/pulsar/query/routemap/miss/customer

GETView all route map misses

Returns the total count of Pulsar route map misses for the entire account — optionally, within a specified time range. In response to a client request, the route map looks up the requester's IP address in the map file. A "miss" represents an instance in which the IP address is not found within the map (as opposed to a "hit" where the IP address is found). A high ratio of hits to misses indicates that the route map provides sufficient coverage of IP addresses querying it.

The time range is specified using start and end parameters. Alternatively, you can provide a period of time (from the current timestamp) by which you want to filter results. Note that you can either specify a start/end or a period — but not both.

Query Parameters:

startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to the geographic location (ex. US)
mapIDintegerUnique identifier for a specific route map by which to filter results.

Copy CodeReturns all route map misses for the account

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

GET /v1/pulsar/query/routemap/hit/record/:domain/:record

GETView route map hits by record

Returns the total count of Pulsar route map hits for the specified record (within the specified domain) — optionally, within a specified time range. In response to a client request, the route map looks up the requester's IP address in the map file. A "hit" represents an instance in which the IP address is found within the map (as opposed to a "miss" where the IP address is not found). A high ratio of hits to misses indicates that the route map provides sufficient coverage of IP addresses querying it.

The time range is specified using start and end parameters. Alternatively, you can provide a period of time (from the current timestamp) by which you want to filter results. Note that you can either specify a start/end or a period — but not both.

Path Parameters:

domainstring(Required) Specifies the domain to which the record belongs.
recordstring(Required) Name of the record associated with the decision.

Query Parameters:

startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to the geographic location (ex. US)
mapIDintegerUnique identifier for a specific route map by which to filter results.

Copy CodeReturns route map hits for the specified record

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

GET /v1/pulsar/query/routemap/miss/record/:domain/:record

GETView route map misses by record

Returns the total count of Pulsar route map misses for the specified record (within the specified domain) — optionally, within a specified time range. In response to a client request, the route map looks up the requester's IP address in the map file. A "miss" represents an instance in which the IP address is not found within the map (as opposed to a "hit" where the IP address is found). A high ratio of hits to misses indicates that the route map provides sufficient coverage of IP addresses querying it.

The time range is specified using start and end parameters. Alternatively, you can provide a period of time (from the current timestamp) by which you want to filter results. Note that you can either specify a start/end or a period — but not both.

Path Parameters:

domainstring(Required) Specifies the domain to which the record belongs.
recordstring(Required) Name of the record associated with the decision.

Query Parameters:

startintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the beginning of the time range by which to filter results.
endintegerDatetime expression (absolute or relative) for the end of the time range by which to filter results.
periodstringIndicates a period of time from the current timestamp by which to filter results. For example, a value of 24h will return results for the last 24 hours from the current time.
geostringFilters results according to the geographic location (ex. US)
mapIDintegerUnique identifier for a specific route map by which to filter results.

Copy CodeReturns route map misses for the specified record

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"



A scope contains a set of addresses, along with certain configuration parameters called DHCP options. DHCP options include IP addresses where a client can find DNS servers or a hostname which the client should use.

GET /v1/dhcp/scope

GET List scopes

Returns a list of active scopes with an option to filter by scope group.

Query Parameters:

scope_group_idintegerUnique identifier for a scope group by which to filter results. If set to -1, returns unassigned scopes.
expandbooleanOption to expand address details.

Copy CodeReturns list of all active scopes

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "id": 0,
    "address_id": 0,
    "scope_group_id": 0,
    "address_details": {
      "name": "string",
      "prefix": "string"
    "template": "string",
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
        "value": "/boot.img"
    "client_class": "string",
    "require_client_classes": [
    "match_client_id": null,
    "relays": [
    "ping_check_enabled": true,
    "next_server": "string",
    "server_hostname": "string",
    "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
    "stateless": false,
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
    "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/scope/:scopeID

GET View scope details

Returns details about the scope specified in the URL path by its unique scope ID.

Path Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
scopeID integer Required. Unique identifier for the scope you are requesting.

Copy CodeReturns scope configuration details

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "address_id": 0,
  "scope_group_id": 0,
  "address_details": {
    "name": "string",
    "prefix": "string"
  "template": "string",
  "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
      "value": "/boot.img"
  "client_class": "string",
  "require_client_classes": [
  "match_client_id": null,
  "relays": [
  "ping_check_enabled": true,
  "next_server": "string",
  "server_hostname": "string",
  "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
  "stateless": false,
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/scope

PUT Create a scope

Creates a new DHCP scope.

Note: The DHCP server, if enabled, will allocate addresses from the associated IP address, grant any DHCP options associated with the address. The address and scope group must each meet certain invariants or else the request will result in a 422.

The address must:

  • be of type assignment
  • not already be assigned to another scope group

options should be supported for the address' protocol.

Request Body Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
address_id integer Required. Unique identifier of the scope address or subnet. This subnet must be in an assigned state.
scope_group_id integer Unique identifier of the scope group to which this scope is associated. If this value is set and the scope group is active, the scope is used for leases.
address_details object Object including name (string) and prefix (string) pairs associated with this scope.
template string Name of the DHCP template to apply to the current scope.
valid_lifetime_secs integer Required if the enabled parameter is set to true for the scope group. The amount of time (in seconds) for which a lease is valid.Applies to DHCPv4 and/or DHCPv6 configurations.
options array of objects Required. Set of DHCP options assigned to this scope.
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Namespaced DHCP option name.
value any Required. DHCP option value matching the schema for the specified option definition.
always_send boolean If set to true, the defined option is returned in the response to the client request.
encapsulate string Encapsulated option space name. Only 124 and 125 options can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
client_class string Name of the client class to assign to this scope.
require_client_classes array of strings Array of required client class names.
match_client_id any Indicates that the server will use the client identifier for lease lookups and chaddr if the first lookup returns no results. If this value is set to false, the server will only use the chaddr to search for the client's lease. Default is true.
relays array of strings Array of relay agent IP addresses. A relay must have an interface connected to the link on which the clients are being configured. Typically the relay has an IPv4 address configured on that interface which belongs to the subnet from which the server will assign addresses. Normally, the server is able to use the IPv4 address inserted by the relay (in the giaddr field of the DHCPv4 packet) to select the appropriate subnet. However, that is not always the case. In certain uncommon — but valid — deployments, the relay address may not match the subnet. This usually means that there is more than one subnet allocated for a given link.
ping_check_enabled boolean Indicates whether or not to enable ping check on this scope. This parameter should only be used if the enabled value within the parent scope's ping_check parameter is set to false.
next_server string IP address of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
server_hostname string Host name of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
boot_file_name string File name where the configuration is stored.
stateless boolean Set to true to enable stateless configuration, when only configuration parameters are sent and IP addresses are not assigned. Default is false.
tags object All local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets or addresses.
blocked_tags array of strings List of tags that are blocked by this node. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeCreates a new scope

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d   '{ "address_id": 1, "scope_group_id": 2, "options": [] }'

Example Request:

  "address_id": 1,
  "options": [],
  "tags": {
    "example": "tag"

Example Request:

  "address_id": 1,
  "options": [],
  "tags": {
    "auth:example": "tag"

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "address_id": 0,
  "scope_group_id": 0,
  "address_details": {
    "name": "string",
    "prefix": "string"
  "template": "string",
  "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
      "value": "/boot.img"
  "client_class": "string",
  "require_client_classes": [
  "match_client_id": null,
  "relays": [
  "ping_check_enabled": true,
  "next_server": "string",
  "server_hostname": "string",
  "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
  "stateless": false,
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/scope/:scopeID

POST Edit a scope

Modifies an existing DHCP scope. If you are removing the template associated with this scope, you have the option to specify the retain query parameter to indicate that the settings associated with that template should remain intact for this individual scope.

Note: The DHCP server, if enabled, will allocate addresses from the associated IP address, grant any DHCP options associated with the address. The address and scope group must each meet certain invariants or else the request will result in a 422.

The address must:

  • be of type assignment
  • not already be assigned to another scope group

Note: A scope group must only contain reservations and scope from a single network.

options should be supported for the address' protocol.

Path Parameters:

scopeIDintegerUnique identifier for the scope you are editing.

Query Parameters:

retainbooleanIf removing a DHCP template, indicates whether or not to retain the configuration settings for this individual scope.

Request Body Parameters:

Parameter Type Description
address_id integer Required. Unique identifier of the scope address or subnet. This subnet must be in an assigned state.
scope_group_id integer Unique identifier of the scope group to which this scope is associated. If this value is set and the scope group is active, the scope is used for leases.
address_details object Object including name (string) and prefix (string) pairs associated with this scope.
template string Name of the DHCP template to apply to the current scope.
valid_lifetime_secs integer Required if the enabled parameter is set to true for the scope group. The amount of time (in seconds) for which a lease is valid.Applies to DHCPv4 and/or DHCPv6 configurations.
options array of objects Required. Set of DHCP options assigned to this scope.
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Namespaced DHCP option name.
value any Required. DHCP option value matching the schema for the specified option definition.
always_send boolean If set to true, the defined option is returned in the response to the client request.
encapsulate string Encapsulated option space name. Only 124 and 125 options can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
client_class string Name of the client class to assign to this scope.
require_client_classes array of strings Array of required client class names.
match_client_id any Indicates that the server will use the client identifier for lease lookups and chaddr if the first lookup returns no results. If this value is set to false, the server will only use the chaddr to search for the client's lease. Default is true.
relays array of strings Array of relay agent IP addresses. A relay must have an interface connected to the link on which the clients are being configured. Typically the relay has an IPv4 address configured on that interface which belongs to the subnet from which the server will assign addresses. Normally, the server is able to use the IPv4 address inserted by the relay (in the giaddr field of the DHCPv4 packet) to select the appropriate subnet. However, that is not always the case. In certain uncommon — but valid — deployments, the relay address may not match the subnet. This usually means that there is more than one subnet allocated for a given link.
ping_check_enabled boolean Indicates whether or not to enable ping check on this scope. This parameter should only be used if the enabled value within the parent scope's ping_check parameter is set to false.
next_server string IP address of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
server_hostname string Host name of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
boot_file_name string File name where the configuration is stored.
stateless boolean Set to true to enable stateless configuration, when only configuration parameters are sent and IP addresses are not assigned. Default is false.
tags object All local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets or addresses.
blocked_tags array of strings List of tags that are blocked by this node. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeUpdates the scope configuration

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d   '{ "address_id": 1, "scope_group_id": 2, "options": [] }'

Example Request:

  "address_id": 1,
  "scope_group_id": 2,
  "options": []

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "address_id": 0,
  "scope_group_id": 0,
  "address_details": {
    "name": "string",
    "prefix": "string"
  "template": "string",
  "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
      "value": "/boot.img"
  "client_class": "string",
  "require_client_classes": [
  "match_client_id": null,
  "relays": [
  "ping_check_enabled": true,
  "next_server": "string",
  "server_hostname": "string",
  "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
  "stateless": false,
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/scope/:scopeID

DELETE Delete a scope

Deletes the specified scope. Once removed, the address is longer used for leases and any current leases will be reclaimed.

Path Parameters:

scopeIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the scope you are deleting.

Copy CodeDeletes a scope


Scope Groups

GET /v1/dhcp/scopegroup

GETList scope groups

Returns a list of all scope groups associated with the account.

Copy CodeReturns a list of all available scope groups

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "name": "string",
    "dhcp_service_id": 0,
    "template": "string",
    "created_at": 0,
    "updated_at": 0,
    "created_by": "string",
    "updated_by": "string",
    "dhcpv4": {
      "enabled": false,
      "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
      "renew_timer_secs": 0,
      "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
          "value": "/boot.img"
      "qualifying_suffix": "string",
      "generated_prefix": "string",
      "decline_probation_period": 0,
      "reclaim_timer_wait_time": 0,
      "flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time": 0,
      "hold_reclaimed_time": 0,
      "max_reclaim_leases": 0,
      "max_reclaim_time": 0,
      "unwarned_reclaim_cycles": 0,
      "echo_client_id": true,
      "synthesize_dns_records": {
        "enabled": true
      "match_client_id": true,
      "next_server": "string",
      "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc"
    "dhcpv6": {
      "enabled": false,
      "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
      "renew_timer_secs": 0,
      "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
          "value": "/boot.img"
      "qualifying_suffix": "string",
      "generated_prefix": "string",
      "decline_probation_period": 0,
      "reclaim_timer_wait_time": 0,
      "flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time": 0,
      "hold_reclaimed_time": 0,
      "max_reclaim_leases": 0,
      "max_reclaim_time": 0,
      "unwarned_reclaim_cycles": 0,
      "preferred_lifetime_secs": 0,
      "synthesize_dns_records": {
        "enabled": true
    "reverse_dns": true,
    "client_class_ids": [
    "ping_check": {
      "enabled": true,
      "type": "icmp",
      "wait_time": 500,
      "num_pings": 1,
      "probation_period": 60
    "device_filtering": {
      "enabled": true,
      "filters": [
          "type": "device_group",
          "value": [
          "policy": "allow"
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
    "id": 0,
    "network_id": 0,
    "dns_zone_handles": [
    "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopegroupID

GETView scope group details

Returns details about the specified scope group (using its unique scope group ID).

Example URL:

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "dhcp_service_id": 0,
  "template": "string",
  "created_at": 0,
  "updated_at": 0,
  "created_by": "string",
  "updated_by": "string",
  "dhcpv4": {
    "enabled": false,
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
    "renew_timer_secs": 0,
    "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
        "value": "/boot.img"
    "qualifying_suffix": "string",
    "generated_prefix": "string",
    "decline_probation_period": 0,
    "reclaim_timer_wait_time": 0,
    "flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time": 0,
    "hold_reclaimed_time": 0,
    "max_reclaim_leases": 0,
    "max_reclaim_time": 0,
    "unwarned_reclaim_cycles": 0,
    "echo_client_id": true,
    "synthesize_dns_records": {
      "enabled": true
    "match_client_id": true,
    "next_server": "string",
    "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc"
  "dhcpv6": {
    "enabled": false,
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
    "renew_timer_secs": 0,
    "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
        "value": "/boot.img"
    "qualifying_suffix": "string",
    "generated_prefix": "string",
    "decline_probation_period": 0,
    "reclaim_timer_wait_time": 0,
    "flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time": 0,
    "hold_reclaimed_time": 0,
    "max_reclaim_leases": 0,
    "max_reclaim_time": 0,
    "unwarned_reclaim_cycles": 0,
    "preferred_lifetime_secs": 0,
    "synthesize_dns_records": {
      "enabled": true
  "reverse_dns": true,
  "client_class_ids": [
  "ping_check": {
    "enabled": true,
    "type": "icmp",
    "wait_time": 500,
    "num_pings": 1,
    "probation_period": 60
  "device_filtering": {
    "enabled": true,
    "filters": [
        "type": "device_group",
        "value": [
        "policy": "allow"
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "id": 0,
  "network_id": 0,
  "dns_zone_handles": [
  "template_config": [
  "scopes": [
      "id": 0,
      "address_id": 0,
      "scope_group_id": 0,
      "address_details": {
        "name": "string",
        "prefix": "string"
      "template": "string",
      "created_at": 0,
      "updated_at": 0,
      "created_by": "string",
      "updated_by": "string",
      "renew_timer_secs": 0,
      "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
      "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
          "value": "/boot.img"
      "client_class": "string",
      "require_client_classes": [
      "match_client_id": null,
      "relays": [
      "ping_check_enabled": true,
      "next_server": "string",
      "server_hostname": "string",
      "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
      "stateless": false,
      "reservation_mode": "all",
      "tags": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"
      "local_tags": [
      "blocked_tags": [
      "template_config": [
  "reservations": [
      "id": 0,
      "address_id": 0,
      "scope_group_id": 0,
      "mac": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6",
      "address_details": {
        "name": "string",
        "prefix": "string"
      "identifier": {
        "type": "hw-address",
        "value": "string"
      "template": "string",
      "created_at": 0,
      "updated_at": 0,
      "created_by": "string",
      "updated_by": "string",
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
          "value": "/boot.img"
      "dhcpv6": true,
      "client_classes": [
      "next_server": "string",
      "server_hostname": "string",
      "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
      "is_global": false,
      "hostname": "string",
      "tags": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"
      "local_tags": [
      "blocked_tags": [
      "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopeGroupId/report

GETView scope group report

Returns a report about the specified scope group.

  • v{4,6}.total = sum( for addr in scope_group.v{4,6}.roots)
  • v{4,6}.reserved = sum(1 for host in scope_group.v{4,6}.hosts if host.reserve and not
  • v{4,6}.fulfilled = sum(1 for host in scope_group.v{4,6}.hosts if host.reserve and
  • v{4,6}.leased = sum(1 for host in scope_group.v{4,6}.hosts if and not host.reserve)
  • v{4,6}.free ={4,6}.total -{4,6}.leased -{4,6}.reserved - scope_group.v{4,6}.fulfilled


  • reserved and fulfilled, as separate states, are mutually exclusive – if a user wants to know the number of reservations, reservations = reserved + fulfilled.
  • Similarly, if a user wants the total number of leases, including leases of static reservations, leases = fulfilled + leased
  • Note that because a host cannot exist which is not one of reserved, fulfilled, or leased, v{4,6}.free could also be defined as v{4,6}.total - sum(1 for host in v{4,6}.hosts)

Query Parameters:

exportstringThe file type of the report that should be generated. Can be one of the following file types: json, xml, csv, pdf, xslx, or html.

Copy CodeExports a scope group report in PDF format

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{scopeGroupId}/report?export=pdf

Example Response:

  "v4": {
    "total": "string",
    "reserved": "string",
    "fulfilled": "string",
    "leased": "string",
    "free": "string"
  "v6": {
    "total": "string",
    "reserved": "string",
    "fulfilled": "string",
    "leased": "string",
    "free": "string"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/scopegroup

PUTCreate a scope group

Creates a DHCP scope group with global settings and options. Options must be valid for the address's IP protocol. If the option has already been set, this request will overwrite it.

The following is a table of currently available DHCPv4 address options:

dhcpv4/routersArray of IPv4 addresses["", ""]
dhcpv4/time-serversArray of IPv4 Addresses["", ""]
dhcpv4/domain-name-serversArray of IPv4 Addresses["", ""]

Available DHCPv6 options include:

dhcpv6/dns-serversArray of IPv6 addresses["2001:db8::cafe", "2001:db8::caff"]

Request Body Parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the scope group.
dhcp_service_idintegerIf set, the service to which to assign this scope group. Pass a value of 0 to break this assignment.
templatestringName of the template to apply to the current scope group.
dhcpv4objectSet of DHCPv4 configuration settings.
enabledboolean(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Indicates the state of the scope group. If set to "false," the scope group is disabled.
valid_lifetime_secsinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Number of seconds for which a lease is valid. Must be provided if enabled is set to "true." Pass a value of null to clear.
renew_timer_secsinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Time (in seconds) before the lease on an IP address is renewed. Pass a value of null to clear.
rebind_timer_secsinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Time (in seconds) before the lease on an IP address is rebind. Pass a value of null to clear.
optionsarray of objects(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Set of DHCP client options.
namestring(Required; Within options within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Namespaced DHCP option name.
valueany(Required; Within options within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) DHCP option value matching the schema for the specified option definition.
always_sendboolean(Within options within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Indicates whether or not to include the defined DHCP option in the response to the client request.
encapsulatestring(Within options within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Name of the encapsulated option space. Only 124 and 125 options can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
qualifying_suffixstring(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Related qualifying suffix (domain name). Pass a value of null to clear.
generated_prefixstring(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Custom hostname prefix used if no hostname option is provided by the host. Pass a value of null to clear.
decline_probation_periodinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The amount of time until a lease is recovered and made available after an address is marked as "declined." Default is 24 hours after which the lease is recovered and the address is made available again. Pass a value of null to clear.
reclaim_timer_wait_timeinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The interval (in seconds) between the completion of the previous reclamation cycle and the start of the next one. Pass a value of null to clear.
flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_timeinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The amount of time (in seconds) before the server initiates the lease reclamation procedure. Pass a value of null to clear.
hold_reclaimed_timeinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The amount of time (in seconds) the lease should be kept after it is reclaimed. A value of 0 indicates that lease affinity is disabled. Pass a value of null to clear.
max_reclaim_leasesinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The maximum number of reclaimed leases that can be processed at one time. A value of 0 means all leases will be processed. Pass a value of null to clear.
max_reclaim_timeinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The upper limit (in milliseconds) to the length of time a lease reclamation procedure can take. A value of 0 means there is no time limit. Pass a value of null to clear.
unwarned_reclaim_cyclesinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Number of consecutive clean-up cycles that must end with unprocessed leases before a warning is printed. A value of 0 means there is no time limit. Pass a value of null to clear.
preferred_lifetime_secsinteger(Within DHCPv6 object only) Amount of time (in seconds) that the prefix is preferred and free for unrestricted use. Pass a value of null to clear.
echo_client_idboolean(Within DHCPv4 object only) If set to "true," returns the client identifier in a response to the client request. Pass a value of null to clear.
synthesize_dns_recordsobject(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Set of configuration options related to NS1 DDNS synthesis
enabledboolean(Within synthesize_dns_records object within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Set of configuration options related to NS1 DDNS synthesis.
match_client_IDboolean(Within DHCPv4 object only) Indicates whether or not the server will use the class identifier for lease lookups and chaddr if the first lookup returns no results. If set to "false," the server will only use the chaddr to search for the client's leases. Default is true. Pass a value of null to clear.
next_serverstring(Within DHCPv4 object only) The IP address of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored. Pass a value of null to clear.
boot_file_namestring(Within DHCPv4 object only) Filename where the configuration is stored.
reverse_dnsbooleanIndicates whether to enable reverse DNS in the scope group.
client_class_idsarray of integersIDs of the client classes that are used by the current scope group
ping_checkobjectSet of configuration options related to DHCP ping check.
enabledboolean(within ping_check object) Indicates whether ping check is enabled in the scope group.
typestring(within ping_check object) Specifies the type of ping check to perform. Enum: icmp or arp.
wait_timeinteger(within ping_check object) Timeout period (in milliseconds) for ping requests. Default is 500.
num_pingsinteger(within ping_check object) Number of pings to perform before issuing a lease offer. Default is 1.
probation_periodinteger(within ping_check object) Amount of time (in minutes) that an address will be declined if it is in use. Default is 60.
device_filteringobjectThe configuration options to filter for devices for a scope group.
enabledbooleanSpecifies whether device filtering is enabled for the scope group.
filtersarray of objectsAn array to define device filters.
  • type (string): The type of filter. Default is device_group.
  • value (array of integers): The device group IDs for which you want to filter. You can find the value you require by viewing all device groups.
  • policy (string): Specifies whether to allow or deny access to the devices in that object of the array. allow and deny are the only possible values for this parameter.
tagsobjectAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets/addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this node. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeCreate a scope group with DDNS synthesis enabled

curl -L -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "dhcpv4": { "rebind_timer_secs": 43200, "renew_timer_secs": 21600, "echo_client_id": true, "enabled": true, "valid_lifetime_secs": 86400, "options": [], "synthesize_dns_records": { "enabled": true, "qualifying_suffix": "docker.local",  "generated_prefix": "dynamic" } }, "dhcp_service_id": 3, "name": "Docker Network Scope" }'

Create a scope group with DDNS synthesis enabled, specifying the qualifying suffix, zone, and (optional) prefix.

Copy CodeCreates a scope group with DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 enabled

curl -L -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "name": "my-scope-group",   "dhcpv4": { "enabled": true, "valid_lifetime_secs": 3600 }, "dhcpv6": { "enabled": true, "valid_lifetime_secs": 3600 }, "service_group_id": 17, "network_id": 1, "client_class_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Copy CodeCreates a scope group with a device group attached

curl -L -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "name": "my-scope-group", "dhcpv4": { "enabled": true, "valid_lifetime_secs": 3600 }, "dhcpv6": { "enabled": false }, "service_group_id": 17, "network_id": 1, "device-filtering": { "enabled": true, "filters": [ { "type": "device_group", "value": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "policy": "allow" } ] } }'

Example Request:

  "name": "my-scope-group",
  "dhcpv4": {
    "enabled": true,
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 3600
  "dhcpv6": {
    "enabled": true,
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 3600
  "service_group_id": 17,
  "network_id": 1,
  "client_class_ids": [

Example Request:

  "name": "my-scope-group",
  "dhcpv4": {
    "enabled": true,
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 3600
  "dhcpv6": {
    "enabled": false
  "service_group_id": 17,
  "network_id": 1,
  "device-filtering": {
    "enable": true,
    "filters": [
        "type": "device_group",
        "value": [
        "policy": "allow"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopeGroupID

POSTEdit a scope group

Updates the scope group configuration using its unique ID. Options must be valid for the address's IP protocol. If the option has already been set, this request will overwrite it. If you are removing a template, you have the option to include the retain query parameter to ensure configuration values from that template are retained in this scope group configuration.

Path Parameters:

scopeGroupIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the scope group you are editing.

Query Parameters:

retainbooleanIf set to "true," and a template is removed, then all values from the template will be retained as part of the individual scope group configuration.

Request Body Parameters:

namestringName of the scope group.
dhcp_service_idintegerIf set, the service to which to assign this scope group. Pass a value of 0 to break this assignment.
templatestringName of the template to apply to the current scope group.
dhcpv4objectSet of DHCPv4 configuration settings.
enabledboolean(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Indicates the state of the scope group. If set to "false," the scope group is disabled.
valid_lifetime_secsinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Number of seconds for which a lease is valid. Must be provided if enabled is set to "true." Pass a value of null to clear.
renew_timer_secsinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Time (in seconds) before the lease on an IP address is renewed. Pass a value of null to clear.
rebind_timer_secsinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Time (in seconds) before the lease on an IP address is rebind. Pass a value of null to clear.
optionsarray of objects(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Set of DHCP client options.
namestring(Required; Within options within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Namespaced DHCP option name.
valueany(Required; Within options within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) DHCP option value matching the schema for the specified option definition.
always_sendboolean(Within options within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Indicates whether or not to include the defined DHCP option in the response to the client request.
encapsulatestring(Within options within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Name of the encapsulated option space. Only 124 and 125 options can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
qualifying_suffixstring(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Related qualifying suffix (domain name). Pass a value of null to clear.
generated_prefixstring(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Custom hostname prefix used if no hostname option is provided by the host. Pass a value of null to clear.
decline_probation_periodinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The amount of time until a lease is recovered and made available after an address is marked as "declined." Default is 24 hours after which the lease is recovered and the address is made available again. Pass a value of null to clear.
reclaim_timer_wait_timeinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The interval (in seconds) between the completion of the previous reclamation cycle and the start of the next one. Pass a value of null to clear.
flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_timeinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The amount of time (in seconds) before the server initiates the lease reclamation procedure. Pass a value of null to clear.
hold_reclaimed_timeinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The amount of time (in seconds) the lease should be kept after it is reclaimed. A value of 0 indicates that lease affinity is disabled. Pass a value of null to clear.
max_reclaim_leasesinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The maximum number of reclaimed leases that can be processed at one time. A value of 0 means all leases will be processed. Pass a value of null to clear.
max_reclaim_timeinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) The upper limit (in milliseconds) to the length of time a lease reclamation procedure can take. A value of 0 means there is no time limit. Pass a value of null to clear.
unwarned_reclaim_cyclesinteger(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Number of consecutive clean-up cycles that must end with unprocessed leases before a warning is printed. A value of 0 means there is no time limit. Pass a value of null to clear.
preferred_lifetime_secsinteger(Within DHCPv6 object only) Amount of time (in seconds) that the prefix is preferred and free for unrestricted use. Pass a value of null to clear.
echo_client_idboolean(Within DHCPv4 object only) If set to "true," returns the client identifier in a response to the client request. Pass a value of null to clear.
synthesize_dns_recordsobject(Within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Set of configuration options related to NS1 DDNS synthesis
enabledboolean(Within synthesize_dns_records object within DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 object) Set of configuration options related to NS1 DDNS synthesis.
match_client_IDboolean(Within DHCPv4 object only) Indicates whether or not the server will use the class identifier for lease lookups and chaddr if the first lookup returns no results. If set to "false," the server will only use the chaddr to search for the client's leases. Default is true. Pass a value of null to clear.
next_serverstring(Within DHCPv4 object only) The IP address of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored. Pass a value of null to clear.
boot_file_namestring(Within DHCPv4 object only) Filename where the configuration is stored.
reverse_dnsbooleanIndicates whether to enable reverse DNS in the scope group.
client_class_idsarray of integersIDs of the client classes that are used by the current scope group
ping_checkobjectSet of configuration options related to DHCP ping check.
enabledboolean(within ping_check object) Indicates whether ping check is enabled in the scope group.
typestring(within ping_check object) Specifies the type of ping check to perform. Enum: icmp or arp.
wait_timeinteger(within ping_check object) Timeout period (in milliseconds) for ping requests. Default is 500.
num_pingsinteger(within ping_check object) Number of pings to perform before issuing a lease offer. Default is 1.
probation_periodinteger(within ping_check object) Amount of time (in minutes) that an address will be declined if it is in use. Default is 60.
device_filteringobjectThe configuration options to filter for devices for a scope group.
enabledbooleanSpecifies whether device filtering is enabled for the scope group.
filtersarray of objectsAn array to define device filters.
  • type (string): The type of filter. Default is device_group.
  • value (array of integers): The device group IDs for which you want to filter. You can find the value you require by viewing all device groups.
  • policy (string): Specifies whether to allow or deny access to the devices in that object of the array. allow and deny are the only possible values for this parameter.
tagsobjectAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets/addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this node. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeEdits a scope group configuration

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "name": "my-scope-group", "dhcpv4": { "enabled": true, "valid_lifetime_secs": 3600 }, "dhcpv6": { }, "client_class_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'{scopegroup_id}

Copy CodeUpdate the scope group to enable DDNS synthesis

curl -L -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "dhcpv4": { "rebind_timer_secs": 43200, "renew_timer_secs": 21600, "echo_client_id": true,         "enabled": true,         "valid_lifetime_secs": 86400,         "options": [],         "synthesize_dns_records": {             "enabled": true,             "qualifying_suffix": "docker.local",             "generated_prefix": "dynamic"         }     },     "dhcp_service_id": 3,     "name": "Docker Network Scope" }'

Update the scope group with DDNS synthesis enabled, specifying the qualifying suffix, zone, and (optional) prefix.

Copy CodeAdd a client class to a scope group

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "client_class_ids":[ {client_class_id] ]  }'{scopegroup_id}

Copy CodeEnables access for a device group

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"device_filtering":{"enabled":{value},"filters":[{"type":"device_group","value":[{x}],"policy":"allow"}]}}'{scopeGroupId}

If the enabled parameter of device_filtering is set to allow, only devices from specific groups are allowed to receive a lease. When a device expires from the device group, clients under that device ID are not able to renew their current lease and will not be able to acquire a new one.

Copy CodeDenies access for a device group

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"device_filtering":{"enabled":true,"filters":[{"type":"device_group","value":[1],"policy":"deny"}]}}'

If the enabled parameter of device_filtering is set to deny, only devices from specific device groups are prohibited to receive a lease. Upon expiration of the devices from the device group, its identifier is no longer denied, and any clients under that device group can obtain a lease.

Example Request:

  "name": "my-scope-group",
  "dhcpv4": {
    "enabled": true,
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 3600
  "dhcpv6": {},
  "client_class_ids": [

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "dhcp_service_id": 0,
  "template": "string",
  "dhcpv4": {
    "enabled": false,
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
    "renew_timer_secs": 0,
    "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
        "value": "/boot.img"
    "qualifying_suffix": "string",
    "generated_prefix": "string",
    "decline_probation_period": 0,
    "reclaim_timer_wait_time": 0,
    "flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time": 0,
    "hold_reclaimed_time": 0,
    "max_reclaim_leases": 0,
    "max_reclaim_time": 0,
    "unwarned_reclaim_cycles": 0,
    "echo_client_id": true,
    "synthesize_dns_records": {
      "enabled": true
    "match_client_id": true,
    "next_server": "string",
    "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc"
  "dhcpv6": {
    "enabled": false,
    "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
    "renew_timer_secs": 0,
    "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
        "value": "/boot.img"
    "qualifying_suffix": "string",
    "generated_prefix": "string",
    "decline_probation_period": 0,
    "reclaim_timer_wait_time": 0,
    "flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time": 0,
    "hold_reclaimed_time": 0,
    "max_reclaim_leases": 0,
    "max_reclaim_time": 0,
    "unwarned_reclaim_cycles": 0,
    "preferred_lifetime_secs": 0,
    "synthesize_dns_records": {
      "enabled": true
  "reverse_dns": true,
  "client_class_ids": [
  "ping_check": {
    "enabled": true,
    "type": "icmp",
    "wait_time": 500,
    "num_pings": 1,
    "probation_period": 60
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "id": 0,
  "network_id": 0,
  "template_config": [

Example Request:

  "device_filtering": {

Example Request:

  "device_filtering": {

Example Response:

  "device_filtering": {
    "enabled": true,
    "filters": [ 
        "type": "device_group",
        "value": [3,4],
        "policy": "allow"

Example Response:

  "device_filtering": {
    "enabled": true,
    "filters": [ 
        "type": "device_group",
        "value": [1],
        "policy": "deny"
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopegroupID

DELETEDelete a scope group

Deletes the scope group specified in the URL path by its unique scopegroupID.

scopegroupIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the scope group you are deleting.

Copy CodeDeletes a scope group



GET /v1/dhcp/reservation

GETList reservations

Returns a list of all active DHCP host reservations. Optionally, you can filter by scope group or choose to expand the results to view details.

Query Parameters:

scope_group_idintegerUnique identifier of the scope group by which you want to filter the results. If set to -1, returns unassigned scopes.
expandbooleanIndicates whether or not to include address details in the response.

Copy CodeLists all DHCP reservations

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "id": 0,
    "address_id": 0,
    "scope_group_id": 0,
    "mac": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6",
    "address_details": {
      "name": "string",
      "prefix": "string"
    "identifier": {
      "type": "hw-address",
      "value": "string"
    "template": "string",
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
        "value": "/boot.img"
    "dhcpv6": true,
    "client_classes": [
    "next_server": "string",
    "server_hostname": "string",
    "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
    "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/reservation/:reservationID

GETView reservation details

Returns details for the reservation specified in the URL path by its unique reservation ID.

Path Parameters:

reservationIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the reservation for which you are requesting details.

Copy CodeReturns details for the reservation

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "address_id": 0,
  "scope_group_id": 0,
  "mac": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6",
  "address_details": {
    "name": "string",
    "prefix": "string"
  "identifier": {
    "type": "hw-address",
    "value": "string"
  "template": "string",
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
      "value": "/boot.img"
  "dhcpv6": true,
  "client_classes": [
  "next_server": "string",
  "server_hostname": "string",
  "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/reservation

PUTCreate a reservation

Creates a new host reservation. Currently, the reservation must be associated with an address. The address and scope group must each meet certain invariants or else the request will result in a 422 error.

The address must:

  • Be of type = host.
  • Not be associated with another scope group.
  • Not have another conflicting reservation.

The scope group must:

  • Only contain reservations and scopes from a single network.

Request Body Parameters:

address_idintegerUnique identifier of the address (subnet) being reserved. This subnet must be in an assigned state and must be of size /32.
scope_group_idintegerUnique identifier of the scope group. If present, the reservation is published.
address_detailsobjectObject containing the name (string) and prefix (string) for the associated address.
identifierobjectObject containing the type (enum: "hw-address", "circuit-id", "duid", or "client-id") and value (string) for the associated identifier.
templatestringName of the DHCP template to apply to this reservation
options array of objects Required. Set of DHCP options assigned to this reservation.
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Namespaced DHCP option name.
value any Required. DHCP option value matching the schema for the specified option definition.
always_send boolean If set to true, the defined option is returned in the response to the client request.
encapsulate string Encapsulated option space name. Only 124 and 125 options can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
dhcpv6booleanIndicates which protocol to use to serve the reservation. If set to false, DHCPv4 is used. If set to true, DHCPv6 is used.
client_classesarray of stringsArray of client class names associated with this reservation.
next_serverstringIP address of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
server_hostnamestringHost name of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.

File name where the configuration is stored.

tagsobjectAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets/addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this network. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeCreates a new reservation with tags

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"address_id": 1, "scope_group_id": 2, "identifier": {"type": "hw-address", "value": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6"}, "options": [ {"name": "dhcpv4/routers", "value":[ "" ] } ], "tags": {"example": "tag"} }'

Example Request:

  "address_id": 1,
  "scope_group_id": 2,
  "identifier": {
    "type": "hw-address",
    "value": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6"
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
      "value": [

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "address_id": 0,
  "scope_group_id": 0,
  "mac": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6",
  "address_details": {
    "name": "string",
    "prefix": "string"
  "identifier": {
    "type": "hw-address",
    "value": "string"
  "template": "string",
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
      "value": "/boot.img"
  "dhcpv6": true,
  "client_classes": [
  "next_server": "string",
  "server_hostname": "string",
  "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/reservation/:reservationID

POSTEdit a reservation

Updates an existing reservation. Currently, the reservation must be associated with an address. The address and scope group must each meet certain invariants or else the request will result in a 422 error.

The address must:

  • Be of type = host.
  • Not be associated with another scope group.
  • Not have another conflicting reservation.

The scope group must:

  • Only contain reservations and scopes from a single network.

Options should be supported for the address' protocol.

Path Parameters:

reservationIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the reservation you are updating.

Query Parameters:

retainbooleanIf set to true and a template is removed, all values from the template will be retained for this reservation.

Request Body Parameters:

address_idintegerUnique identifier of the address (subnet) being reserved. This subnet must be in an assigned state and be of size /32.
scope_group_idintegerUnique identifier of the scope group. If present, the reservation is published.
address_detailsobjectObject containing the name (string) and prefix (string) for the associated address.
identifierobjectObject containing the type (enum: "hw-address", "circuit-id", "duid", or "client-id") and value (string) for the associated identifier.
templatestringName of the DHCP template to apply to this reservation
options array of objects Required. Set of DHCP options assigned to this reservation.
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Namespaced DHCP option name.
value any Required. DHCP option value matching the schema for the specified option definition.
always_send boolean If set to true, the defined option is returned in the response to the client request.
encapsulate string Encapsulated option space name. Only 124 and 125 options can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
dhcpv6booleanIndicates which protocol to use to serve the reservation. If set to false, DHCPv4 is used. If set to true, DHCPv6 is used.
client_classesarray of stringsArray of client class names associated with this reservation.
next_serverstringIP address of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
server_hostnamestringHostname of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.

Filename where the configuration is stored.

tagsobjectAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets/addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this network. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeUpdates the reservation configuration

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{"address_id": 1, "scope_group_id": 2, "identifier": {"type": "hw-address", "value": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6"}, "options": [ {"name": "dhcpv4/routers", "value":[ "" ] } ], "tags": {"example": "tag"} }'

Example Request:

  "address_id": 1,
  "scope_group_id": 2,
  "identifier": {
    "type": "hw-address",
    "value": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6"
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
      "value": [

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "address_id": 0,
  "scope_group_id": 0,
  "mac": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6",
  "address_details": {
    "name": "string",
    "prefix": "string"
  "identifier": {
    "type": "hw-address",
    "value": "string"
  "template": "string",
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
      "value": "/boot.img"
  "dhcpv6": true,
  "client_classes": [
  "next_server": "string",
  "server_hostname": "string",
  "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "template_config": [
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/reservation/:reservationid

DELETEDelete a reservation

Deletes a reservation.

Path Parameters:

reservationIDstring(Required) Unique identifier for the reservation you are deleting.

Copy CodeDeletes a reservation


GET /v1/dhcp/lease

GETList leases

Lists any active leases — including new and renewals — with the option to filter results using one or more query parameters.

Note about lease persistence: In Cloud-Managed DDI, the DHCP service does not require a volume to retain the lease state. That is, if you remove the DHCP service component or it loses connection, the service will attempt to pull the current leases associated with the scope group from the NS1 control plane upon reconnection.

Query Parameters:

scopegroupIDintegerUnique identifier for the scope group by which to filter.
scopeIDintegerUnique identifier for the scope by which to filter.
includeInvalidbooleanIndicates whether or not to include historical lease records. Default is false.
limitintegerMaximum number of records to return.
offsetintegerOffset within the records list.
periodstring (enum)Specifies a time range through which to filter results. Supported values: 24h (default) or 30d.

Copy CodeReturns a list of active leases

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeReturns a list of active leases filtered by scope group ID

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "prefix": "string",
    "scope_group_id": 0,
    "dhcid": "string",
    "fqdn": "string",
    "expiration": "2020-12-22T16:08:34Z",
    "created": "2020-12-22T16:08:34Z",
    "scope_id": 0,
    "renewals": 0,
    "renewed_ts": "2020-12-22T16:08:34Z",
    "invalid": "2020-12-22T16:08:34Z"
Expand Code Examples

DHCP options

GET /v1/dhcp/optionspace

GETList option spaces

View a list of DHCP option spaces. Optionally, you can filter the list by option space type (i.e., standard = true or false).

Query parameters:

standardboolean(Optional) Filters the list by option space type. Set to true for immutable, predefined spaces. Set to false for customer, user-defined spaces. If left blank, all option spaces are returned.

Copy CodeReturns a list of all DHCP option spaces

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeReturns a list of standard DHCP option spaces only

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeReturns a list of custom DHCP option spaces only

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "name": "custom_option_space",
    "standard": false
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/optionspace/{name}

GETView option space details

Returns DHCP option space configuration details using the name of the option space specified in the request URL.

Path parameters:

spacestring(Required) Name of the option space

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified option space

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{space}

Example URL:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "value": {
    "name": "custom_option_space",
    "standard": false
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/optionspace

PUTCreate an option space

Creates a custom DHCP option space.

Note: After creating a custom option space, you must create a custom option definition. Optionally, you can encapsulate the option space (not required if using code 43).

Request body parameters:

namestringRequired. Name for the option space.

Copy CodeCreates a new custom DHCP option space

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "name": "{option_space_name}" }'

Example Request:

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{
"name": "example"
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/optionspace/{name}

DELETEDelete an option space

Removes the custom option space specified (by its name) in the request URL.

Path parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the option space you are deleting

Example URL:


GET /v1/dhcp/optiondef

GETList option definitions

View a list of all DHCP custom option spaces. Optionally, you can filter by option space type (standard=true/false).

Query parameters:

codeintegerFilter by option code (e.g., code=6).
spacestringFilter by option space (e.g., space="dhcpv4")
keystringFilter list by key (e.g., key="domain-name-servers")
standardbooleanFilter by whether or not the option definition is a standard option and not a user-defined custom option (e.g., standard=true or standard=false)

Copy CodeList all custom DHCP option definitions

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "space": "dhcpv4",
    "key": "domain-name",
    "friendly_name": "Single Data Type Option Definition",
    "description": "Example of Single Data Type Option Definition",
    "code": 15,
    "standard": true,
    "schema": {
      "type": "fqdn"
    "space": "dhcpv4",
    "key": "domain-name-servers",
    "friendly_name": "Array Data Type Option Definition",
    "description": "Example of Array Data Type Option Definition",
    "standard": true,
    "code": 6,
    "schema": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": "ipv4_address"
    "space": "dhcpv4",
    "key": "shortel-server",
    "friendly_name": "Compound Option Definition",
    "description": "Example of Compound Option Definition",
    "code": 156,
    "standard": false,
    "schema": {
      "type": "record",
      "fields": [
          "name": "Layer2Tagging",
          "type": "int8"
          "name": "ftpservers",
          "type": "ipv4_address"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/optiondef/{space}/{key}

GETView option definition details

View configuration details for an option definition specified by the name of the corresponding option space and unique key.

Path parameters:

spacestring(Required) Name of the option space associated with the option definition (e.g., dhcpv4).
keystring(Required) Unique key of the option definition (e.g., domain-name-servers).

Copy CodeView details for the specific DHCP option definition

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{space}/{key}

Example URL:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "space": "dhcpv4",
  "key": "domain-name",
  "friendly_name": "Single Data Type Option Definition",
  "description": "Example of Single Data Type Option Definition",
  "code": 15,
  "standard": true,
  "schema": {
    "type": "fqdn"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/optiondef/{space}/{key}

PUTCreate (or replace) an option definition

Create or replace an option definition with a unique code and key in its space. Only non-standard definitions can be replaced. The key and code must be unique in the chosen option space.

The following are important guidelines to follow when configuring a custom DHCP option with the record schema selected:

  • The record must consist of at least two fields.
  • The string or binary fields must be last in the order of primitive types.
  • You can only enter one string field or one binary field per record.
  • The empty type is not allowed in a complex record.
  • You cannot create an array of string or binary field types.
  • If a string contains commas, they must be escaped with double-backslash (\\).

The following are important guidelines to follow when configuring a custom DHCP option with the array schema selected:

  • You cannot create an array of string, binary, or empty field types.

Path parameters:

spacestringRequired. Name of the option space with which the definition is associated (e.g., dhcpv4)
keystringRequired. Unique key or label for the option definition (e.g., domain-name-servers)

Request body parameters:

Parameter Type Description
friendly_name string Required. Human-friendly name for the DHCP option definition
description string Required. Brief description for the option definition
code integer Required. DHCP option code (0-255)
schema object Required. Configuration scheme for the option definition.
Note: If the schema is an array, the items field is required. If the schema is an object, the fields field is required and multiple values may be provided.
Parameter Type Description
type string Required. Enum: array, binary, boolean, empty, fqdn, int16, int32, int8, ipv4_address, ipv6_address, ipv6_prefix, psid, record, string, tuple, uint16, uint32, uint8
items string Enum: boolean, empty, fqdn, binary, int16, int32, int8, ipv4_address, ipv6_address, ipv6_prefix, psid, string, tuple, uint16, uint32, uint8
fields array of objects Array of name and type object pairs.
Parameter Type Description
name string Field name
type string Enum: boolean, empty, fqdn, binary, int16, int32, int8, ipv4_address, ipv6_address, ipv6_prefix, psid, string, tuple, uint16, uint32, uint8, object
multiple_final_value boolean Indicates whether or not the last field supports multiple values. Only valid if the type field is set to object)
encapsulate string Encapsulated options space name. Use only if space is set to a standard option space.

Copy CodeCreates or replaces a custom option definition

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "friendly_name": "friendly_name", "description": "description", "code": 6, "schema": { "type": "array", "items": "boolean", "fields": [ { "name": "string", "type": "boolean" } ], "multiple_final_value": true }, "encapsulate": "custom-options-space" }'{space}/{key}

Example URL:

Example URL:

Example URL:

Example Request:

    "friendly_name": "Single Data Type Option Definition",
    "description": "Example of Single Data Type Option Definition",
    "code": 215,
    "standard": false,
    "schema": {
        "type": "fqdn"

Example Response:

    "code": 215,
    "description": "Example of Single Data Type Option Definition",
    "space": "dhcpv4",
    "friendly_name": "Single Data Type Option Definition",
    "key": "simple-example",
    "schema": {
        "type": "fqdn"

Example Request:

  "friendly_name": "Domain Name Servers",
  "description": "IPv4 DNS servers",
  "code": 6,
  "schema": {
    "type": "array",
    "items": "boolean",
    "fields": [
        "name": "string",
        "type": "boolean"
    "multiple_final_value": true
  "encapsulate": "custom-options-space"

Example Response:

    "code": 216,
    "description": "Example of Array Option Definition",
    "space": "dhcpv4",
    "friendly_name": "Array Data Type Definition",
    "key": "array-example",
    "schema": {
        "items": "fqdn",
        "type": "array"

Example Request:

  "friendly_name": "Example Complex Record with Data Types",
  "description": "An example dhcp option",
  "code": 217,
  "schema": {
    "type": "record",
    "fields": [
        "name": "IPv4",
        "type": "ipv4_address"
        "name": "IPv6",
        "type": "ipv6_address"
        "name": "IPv6Prefix",
        "type": "ipv6_prefix"
        "name": "Boolean",
        "type": "boolean"
        "name": "Empty",
        "type": "empty"
        "name": "FQDN",
        "type": "fqdn"
        "name": "Hex",
        "type": "hex"
        "name": "Int16",
        "type": "int16"
        "name": "Int32",
        "type": "int32"
        "name": "Int8",
        "type": "int8"
        "name": "PSID",
        "type": "psid"
        "name": "String",
        "type": "string"
        "name": "Tuple",
        "type": "tuple"
        "name": "Uint16",
        "type": "uint16"
        "name": "Uint32",
        "type": "uint32"
        "name": "Uint8",
        "type": "uint8"

Example Response:

    "code": 217,
    "description": "An example dhcp option",
    "space": "dhcpv4",
    "friendly_name": "Example Record with Data Types",
    "key": "complex-record-example",
    "schema": {
        "fields": [
                "type": "ipv4_address",
                "name": "IPv4"
                "type": "ipv6_address",
                "name": "IPv6"
                "type": "ipv6_prefix",
                "name": "IPv6Prefix"
                "type": "boolean",
                "name": "Boolean"
                "type": "empty",
                "name": "Empty"
                "type": "fqdn",
                "name": "FQDN"
                "type": "hex",
                "name": "Hex"
                "type": "int16",
                "name": "Int16"
                "type": "int32",
                "name": "Int32"
                "type": "int8",
                "name": "Int8"
                "type": "psid",
                "name": "PSID"
                "type": "string",
                "name": "String"
                "type": "tuple",
                "name": "Tuple"
                "type": "uint16",
                "name": "Uint16"
                "type": "uint32",
                "name": "Uint32"
                "type": "uint8",
                "name": "Uint8"
        "type": "record"
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/optiondef/{space}/{key}

DELETEDelete an option definition

Deletes the custom DHCP option definition specified in the request URL by its space and key. Note that only non-standard option definitions and those that are not associated with any scopes or scope groups can be removed.

Path parameters:

spacestring(Required) Name of the option space
keystring(Required) Unique key of the option definition

Copy CodeDeletes a custom option definition

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{space}/{key}

Example URL:

Client Classes

GET /v1/dhcp/clientclass

GETList all client classes

View a list of DHCP client classes within your organization. Optionally, you can specify the scope_group_id query parameter to view a list of client classes within a scope group.

Query Parameters:

scope_group_idintegerUnique identifier for the scope group by which to filter.

Copy CodeReturns a list of DHCP client classes

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "id": 0,
    "scope_group_ids": [
    "name": "Client_foo",
    "test": "substring(option[61].hex,0,3) == 'foo'",
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
        "value": "/boot.img"
    "only_if_required": false
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/clientclass/:clientclassID

GETView client class details

Returns configuration details for the client class specified in the URL path by its unique client class ID.

Path Parameters:

clientclassIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the client class.

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified client class

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:


  "id": 2,
  "scope_group_id": 2,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "name": "Client_foo",
  "test": "substring(option[61].hex,0,3) == 'foo'",
  "options": [
      "name": "domain-name-servers",
      "value": [

Example Response:


  "id": 1,
  "scope_group_id": 1,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "name": "VENDOR_CLASS_foo",
  "options": [
      "name": "domain-name-servers",
      "value": [
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/clientclass

PUTCreate a client class

Creates a client class in a scope group with given ID. The name of the clients class can have VENDOR_CLASS_ prefix. In this case, test parameter is required. If the name does not contain such prefix, test parameter is optional.

Note: After creating a client class, you must associate it with a scope group.

Request Body Parameters:

clientclassIDintegerUnique identifier for the client class you are updating.

Request Body Parameters:



stringRequired. Name of the client class that you are creating.
Note: If the client class name has the VENDOR_CLASS_ prefix, the test field is required. Otherwise, the test field is optional.
teststringString containing the logical expression used to determine membership in the class
options array of objects Required. Set of DHCP options assigned to this reservation.
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Namespaced DHCP option name.
value any Required. DHCP option value matching the schema for the specified option definition.
always_send boolean If set to true, the defined option is returned in the response to the client request.
encapsulate string Encapsulated option space name. Only 124 and 125 options can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
next_serverstringIP address of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
server_hostnamestringHost name of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
boot_file_namestringFile name where the configuration is stored.

Copy CodeCreates a new DHCP client class

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "scope_group_id": 1, "scope_group_ids": [1], "name": "{class_name}", "options": [{"name": "{dhcp_option_name}", "value": ["{dhcp_option_value}", "{dhcp_option_value}", "always_send":"true", "encapsulate":"{encapsulated_option_space_name}"]}]}'

Example Request:

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{
  "scope_group_id": 1,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "name": "VENDOR_CLASS_foo",
  "options": [
      "name": "domain-name-servers",
      "value": [

Example Request:

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{
  "scope_group_id": 1,
  "name": "Client_foo",
  "test": "substring(option[61].hex,0,3) == 'foo'",
  "options": [
      "name": "domain-name-servers",
      "value": [

Example Response:

  "id": 1,
  "scope_group_id": 1,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "name": "VENDOR_CLASS_foo",
  "options": [
      "name": "domain-name-servers",
      "value": [

Example Response:

  "id": 2,
  "scope_group_id": 2,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "name": "Client_foo",
  "test": "substring(option[61].hex,0,3) == 'foo'",
  "options": [
      "name": "domain-name-servers",
      "value": [
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/clientclass/:clientclassID

POSTEdit a client class

Updates the client class specified in the URL path by its unique clientclassID. The name of the clients class can have VENDOR_CLASS_ prefix. In this case, test parameter is required. If the name does not contain such prefix, test parameter is optional.

Note: After creating a client class, you must associate it with a scope group.

Path Parameters:

clientclassIDintegerUnique identifier for the client class you are updating.

Request Body Parameters:



stringRequired. Name of the client class that you are updating.
Note: If the client class name has the VENDOR_CLASS_ prefix, the test field is required. Otherwise, the test field is optional.
teststringString containing the logical expression used to determine membership in the class
options array of objects Required. Set of DHCP options assigned to this reservation.
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Namespaced DHCP option name.
value any Required. DHCP option value matching the schema for the specified option definition.
always_send boolean If set to true, the defined option is returned in the response to the client request.
encapsulate string Encapsulated option space name. Only 124 and 125 options can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
next_serverstringIP address of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
server_hostnamestringHost name of the TFTP server where the configuration is stored.
boot_file_namestringFile name where the configuration is stored.

Copy CodeModifies the configuration for the specified DHCP client class

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{"name": "{client_class_name}","test": "{string}'","options": [{"name": "{dhcp_option_name}","value": "{any}/"}],"only_if_required": {boolean} }'

Example Request:

  "name": "Client_foobar",
  "test": "substring(option[61].hex,0,3) == 'foo'",
  "options": [
      "name": "domain-name-servers",
      "value": ","
  "only_if_required": true

Example Response:

  "id": 2,
  "scope_group_id": 2,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "name": "Client_foo",
  "test": "substring(option[61].hex,0,3) == 'foo'",
  "options": [
      "name": "domain-name-servers",
      "value": [
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/clientclass/:clientclassID

DELETEDelete a client class

Deletes the client class specified in the URL path by its unique client class ID.

Path Parameter:

clientclassIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the DHCP client class.

Copy CodeDeletes a client class



GET /v1/dhcp/template

GETList DHCP templates

List all templates for the current organization/account. Optionally, you can include a query parameter type to filter by template type (enum: scopegroup, scope, or reservation).

Query Parameters:

typestring (enum)Option to filter by template type. Enum: scopegroup, scope, or reservation

Copy CodeReturns unfiltered list of DHCP templates

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "name": "string",
    "type": "scopegroup",
    "locked": false,
    "scope_group_config": {
      "dhcpv4": {
        "enabled": false,
        "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
        "renew_timer_secs": 0,
        "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
        "options": [
            "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
            "value": "/boot.img"
        "qualifying_suffix": "string",
        "generated_prefix": "string",
        "decline_probation_period": 0,
        "reclaim_timer_wait_time": 0,
        "flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time": 0,
        "hold_reclaimed_time": 0,
        "max_reclaim_leases": 0,
        "max_reclaim_time": 0,
        "unwarned_reclaim_cycles": 0,
        "echo_client_id": true,
        "synthesize_dns_records": {
          "enabled": true
        "match_client_id": true,
        "next_server": "string",
        "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc"
      "dhcpv6": {
        "enabled": false,
        "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
        "renew_timer_secs": 0,
        "rebind_timer_secs": 0,
        "options": [
            "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
            "value": "/boot.img"
        "qualifying_suffix": "string",
        "generated_prefix": "string",
        "decline_probation_period": 0,
        "reclaim_timer_wait_time": 0,
        "flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time": 0,
        "hold_reclaimed_time": 0,
        "max_reclaim_leases": 0,
        "max_reclaim_time": 0,
        "unwarned_reclaim_cycles": 0,
        "preferred_lifetime_secs": 0,
        "synthesize_dns_records": {
          "enabled": true
      "reverse_dns": true,
      "client_class_ids": [
      "ping_check": {
        "enabled": true,
        "type": "icmp",
        "wait_time": 500,
        "num_pings": 1,
        "probation_period": 60
      "tags": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"
      "local_tags": [
      "blocked_tags": [
    "scope_config": {
      "valid_lifetime_secs": 0,
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
          "value": "/boot.img"
      "client_class": "string",
      "require_client_classes": [
      "match_client_id": null,
      "relays": [
      "ping_check_enabled": true,
      "next_server": "string",
      "server_hostname": "string",
      "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
      "tags": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"
      "local_tags": [
      "blocked_tags": [
    "reservation_config": {
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
          "value": "/boot.img"
      "dhcpv6": true,
      "client_classes": [
      "next_server": "string",
      "server_hostname": "string",
      "boot_file_name": "\"/dev/null\" or \"/tmp/bootfile.efi\" etc",
      "tags": {
        "property1": "string",
        "property2": "string"
      "local_tags": [
      "blocked_tags": [
    "used_by_ids": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/template/:name

GETView template details

Returns configuration details for the template specified in the URL path by its name. Optionally, you can include a query parameter 'type' to filter by template type (i.e. scopegroup, scope, or reservation).

Copy CodeReturns details for the DHCP template

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "type": "scopegroup",
  "locked": false,
  "name": "foo",
  "scope_group_config": {
    "dhcpv4": {
      "valid_lifetime_secs": 7000,
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
          "value": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/time-offset",
          "value": "15"
      "client_class_ids": [

Example Response:

  "type": "scope",
  "locked": false,
  "name": "foo",
  "scope_config": {
    "address_id": 1,
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
        "value": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/time-offset",
        "value": "15"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/template/{name}

PUTCreate a DHCP template

Creates a new DHCP template for one of the permitted objects (scope groups, scope, or reservation) in the system. Configuration options vary based on the type of template you are creating. Depending on the template type, one of the nested configuration fields is required:

Template typeRequired config

Path Parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the DHCP template

Request Body Parameters:

typestring (enum)(Required) Type of template you are creating. Enum: scopegroup, scope, reservation.
lockedbooleanIndicates whether or not to lock the template to prevent changes to the object (scope group, scope, or reservation) to which this template is attached.
scope_group_configobjectIf you are configuring a scope group template, include the configuration options here. Refer to the "Create a scope group" endpoint for details.
scope_configobjectIf you are configuring a scope template, include the configuration options here. Refer to the "Create a scope" endpoint for details.
reservation_configobjectIf you are configuring a reservation template, include the configuration options here. Refer to the "Create a reservation" endpoint for details.

Copy CodeCreates a scope group template

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "type": "{enum}", "locked": {boolean}, "name": "{string}", "scope_group_config": [{ }] }'

Example Request:

  "type": "scopegroup",
  "locked": false,
  "name": "foo",
  "scope_group_config": {
    "dhcpv4": {
      "valid_lifetime_secs": 7000,
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
          "value": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/time-offset",
          "value": "15"
      "client_class_ids": [

Example Request:

  "type": "scope",
  "locked": false,
  "name": "foo",
  "scope_config": {
    "address_id": 1,
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
        "value": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/time-offset",
        "value": "15"

Example Request:

  "type": "reservation",
  "locked": false,
  "name": "foo",
  "reservation_config": {
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
        "value": [
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/template/:name

POSTEdit DHCP template

Edits the DHCP template specified in the URL path by its unique name. Configuration options vary based on the type of template you are creating. Depending on the template type, one of the nested configuration fields is required:

Template typeRequired config

Path Parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the DHCP template

Request Body Parameters:

typestring (enum)(Required) Type of template you are creating. Enum: scopegroup, scope, reservation.
lockedbooleanIndicates whether or not to lock the template to prevent changes to the object (scope group, scope, or reservation) to which this template is attached.
scope_group_configobjectIf you are configuring a scope group template, include the configuration options here. Refer to the "Create a scope group" endpoint for details.
scope_configobjectIf you are configuring a scope template, include the configuration options here. Refer to the "Create a scope" endpoint for details.
reservation_configobjectIf you are configuring a reservation template, include the configuration options here. Refer to the "Create a reservation" endpoint for details.

Copy CodeEdits details for a DHCP template

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{   "type": "{enum}",   "locked": {boolean},   "name": "{string}",   "{config_options}": {   } }'

Example Request:

  "type": "scopegroup",
  "locked": false,
  "name": "foo",
  "scope_group_config": {
    "dhcpv4": {
      "valid_lifetime_secs": 7000,
      "options": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
          "value": [
          "name": "dhcpv4/time-offset",
          "value": "15"
      "client_class_ids": [

Example Request:

  "type": "scope",
  "locked": false,
  "name": "foo",
  "scope_config": {
    "address_id": 1,
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
        "value": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/time-offset",
        "value": "15"

Example Request:

  "type": "reservation",
  "locked": false,
  "name": "foo",
  "reservation_config": {
    "mac": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6",
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
        "value": [
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/template/:name

DELETEDelete a DHCP template

Deletes the DHCP template specified in the URL path by its unique name. Note that you cannot delete a template that is currently in use.

Path Parameters:

namestring(Required) Name of the template you are deleting.

Query Parameters:

typestring (enum)Type of template you are deleting. Enum: scopegroup, scope, or reservation.

Copy CodeDeletes the specified template


Device Groups

Device groups are collections of devices, and you can use these groups to allow or deny access to DHCP services based on the MAC address of a device. For example, if you want to require explicitly registered devices on your network and control how long these devices can remain on the network, you can use a device group to restrict access to those explicitly registered devices.

GET /v1/dhcp/devicegroup

GETView all device groups

Retrieves a list of all device groups.

Copy CodeReturns a list of all device groups

$ curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "id": 0,
    "scope_group_ids": [
    "devices": [
        "identifier": "string",
        "identifier_type": "hw-address",
        "metadata": null,
        "created_at": 0,
        "updated_at": 0,
        "created_by": "string",
        "updated_by": "string"
    "created_at": 0,
    "updated_at": 0,
    "created_by": "string",
    "updated_by": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "expiration_period_seconds": 0
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/devicegroup

PUTCreate a device group

Creates a new device group.

Request Body Parameters:

devicesarray of objectsA list of devices
identifier(string)Required. The hardware address (MAC address) of the device. You can use colons, hyphens, or periods between the octets in a MAC address.
identifier_type (string)Required. The type of identifier. Can be hw-address.
metadata (object)A JSON object of arbitrary data about the device.
namestringThe name of the device group that you are creating. This parameter cannot be empty and should be unique within an organization.
expiration_period_secondsinteger greater than or equal to 0The time (in seconds) after which a device in this device group is considered expired and is removed from the device group. If you do not modify the expiry time, or if the expiry time is set to 0, devices in the device group never expire.

Copy CodeCreates a new device group with the specified devices

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ \"devices": [ \ {"identifier": "00:00:0A:BB:28:FC", \"identifier_type": "hw-address", \"metadata": { "type": "mobile" } }], \"name": "NY-Office", \"expiration_period_seconds": "0" \ }'

Example Request:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ \
    "devices": [ \
        "identifier": "00:00:0A:BB:28:FC", \
        "identifier_type": "hw-address", \
        "metadata": {
"type": "mobile"
    ], \
    "name": "NY-Office", \
    "expiration_period_seconds": "0" \

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "devices": [
      "identifier": "string",
      "identifier_type": "hw-address",
      "metadata": null,
      "created_at": 0,
      "updated_at": 0,
      "created_by": "string",
      "updated_by": "string"
  "created_at": 0,
  "updated_at": 0,
  "created_by": "string",
  "updated_by": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "expiration_period_seconds": 0
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/devicegroup/:deviceGroupId

GETView the details of a device group

Retrieves a specific device group.

Path o


deviceGroupIdintegerThe ID of the device group. You can obtain this value by viewing all device groups.

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified device group

$ curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{deviceGroupId}

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "devices": [
      "identifier": "string",
      "identifier_type": "hw-address",
      "metadata": null,
      "created_at": 0,
      "updated_at": 0,
      "created_by": "string",
      "updated_by": "string"
  "created_at": 0,
  "updated_at": 0,
  "created_by": "string",
  "updated_by": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "expiration_period_seconds": 0
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/devicegroup/:deviceGroupId

POSTModify a device group

Modifies a specific device group to replace it with a completely new list of devices or to update the name or expiration_period_seconds of the device group.

Path Parameters:

deviceGroupIDintegerRequired. The ID of the device group that you want to modify. You can find this value by viewing all device groups.

Request Body Parameters:

devicesarray of objectsA list of devices
identifier(string)Required. The hardware address (MAC address) of the device. You can use colons, hyphens, or periods between the octets in a MAC address.
identifier_type (string)Required. The type of identifier. Can be hw-address.
metadata (object)A JSON object of arbitrary data about the device.
namestringThe name of the device group that you are creating. This parameter cannot be empty and should be unique within an organization.
expiration_period_secondsintegerThe time (in seconds) after which a device in this device group is considered expired and is removed from the device group. If you do not modify the expiry time, or if the expiry time is set to 0, devices in the device group never expire.

Copy CodeEdits the specified device group

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{ \"devices": [ \{ \"identifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", \"identifier_type": "hw-address", \"metadata": { \"comments": "first device in a pool" \} \} \] \"name": "LHR-2" \}'

Example Request:

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{ \
    "devices": [ \
        { \
            "identifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", \
            "identifier_type": "hw-address", \
            "metadata": { \
                "comments": "first device in a pool" \
            } \
        } \
    ] \
    "name": "LHR-2" \

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "devices": [
      "identifier": "string",
      "identifier_type": "hw-address",
      "metadata": null,
      "created_at": 0,
      "updated_at": 0,
      "created_by": "string",
      "updated_by": "string"
  "created_at": 0,
  "updated_at": 0,
  "created_by": "string",
  "updated_by": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "expiration_period_seconds": 0
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/devicegroup/:deviceGroupId

DELETEDelete a device group

Deletes a specific device group.

Path Parameter:

deviceGroupIDintegerRequired. The ID of the device group that you want to delete. You can find this value by viewing all device groups.

Copy CodeDeletes the specified device group

$ curl -X DELETE{deviceGroupId}

POST /v1/dhcp/devicegroup/:deviceGroupId/add

POSTAdd devices to a device group

Adds devices to a specific device group.

Path Parameters:

deviceGroupIdintegerRequired. The ID of the device group that you want to modify. You can find this value by viewing all device groups.

Request Body Parameters:

The payload should be sent as an array of JSON objects that use the following fields:


identifierstringRequired. The hardware address (MAC address) of the device.
identifier_typestringRequired. The type of identifier. Can be hw-address.
metadataanyA JSON object of arbitrary data about the device.

Copy CodeAdds a new device to a device group

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '[{"identifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f2","identifier_type": "hw-address","metadata": {"comments": "second device in a pool"}}]'

Example Request:

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '[ \
    { \
        "identifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f2", \
        "identifier_type": "hw-address", \
        "metadata": { \
           "comments": "second device in a pool" \
        } \
     } \

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "devices": [
      "identifier": "string",
      "identifier_type": "hw-address",
      "metadata": null,
      "created_at": 0,
      "updated_at": 0,
      "created_by": "string",
      "updated_by": "string"
  "created_at": 0,
  "updated_at": 0,
  "created_by": "string",
  "updated_by": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "expiration_period_seconds": 0
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/devicegroup/:deviceGroupId/update

POSTUpdate devices in a device group

Updates the details of devices in a specific device group.

Path Parameters:

deviceGroupIdintegerRequired. The ID of the device group that you want to modify. You can find this value by viewing all device groups.

Request Body Parameters:

The payload should be sent as an array of JSON objects that use the following fields:


identifierstringRequired. The hardware address (MAC address) of the device.
identifier_typestringRequired. The type of identifier. Can be hw-address.
metadataanyA JSON object of arbitrary data about the device.

Copy CodeUpdates a device in a device group

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '[{"identifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f2","identifier_type": "hw-address","metadata": {"comments": "second updated device in a pool"}}]'

Example Request:

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '[ \
	{ \
    	"value": [ \
    		{ \
				"identifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", \
				"identifier_type": "hw-address", \
				"metadata": { \
					"comments": "new device in a pool" \
	} \

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "scope_group_ids": [
  "devices": [
      "identifier": "string",
      "identifier_type": "hw-address",
      "metadata": null,
      "created_at": 0,
      "updated_at": 0,
      "created_by": "string",
      "updated_by": "string"
  "created_at": 0,
  "updated_at": 0,
  "created_by": "string",
  "updated_by": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "expiration_period_seconds": 0
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/devicegroup/{deviceGroupId}/remove

POSTRemove devices from a device group

Removes devices from a specific device group using the MAC address or DHCP unique ID (DUID) of a device.

Path Parameters:

deviceGroupIdintegerRequired. The ID of the device group that you want to remove. You can find this value by viewing all device groups.

Body Parameters:

The payload should be sent as a JSON array of MAC addresses or DUIDs.

Copy CodeRemoves a specific device from a device group

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '[ "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f2" ]'

Example Request:

$ curl -X POST -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '[ "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:f2" ]' \{value}/remove
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/devicegroup/:deviceGroupId/exists

GETVerify whether a device exists within a device group

Determines whether a specific device exists within a specific device group using the identifier of the device (MAC address).

Path Parameters:

deviceGroupIdintegerRequired. The ID of the device group that you want to remove. You can find this value by viewing all device groups.

Body Parameters:

The payload should be sent as a JSON object that contains the identifier and a MAC address.

Copy CodeVerifies whether a device exists in the specified device group

$ curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{"identifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff"}'

Example Request:

$ curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' -d '{ \
        "identifier": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", \
Expand Code Examples



GET /v1/ipam/network

GET View a list of networks

Returns a list of available IPAM networks.

Copy CodeReturns a list of IPAM networks

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example URL:

Example Response:

        "desc": "Created for demonstration purposes.",
        "name": "Global (Default)",
        "blocked_tags": [],
        "local_tags": [],
        "tags": {},
        "free_addresses_v4": "0",
        "free_addresses_v6": "0",
        "id": 1,
        "num_prefixes_v4": "1",
        "num_prefixes_v6": "0",
        "total_addresses_v4": "0",
        "total_addresses_v6": "0",
        "used_addresses_v4": "0",
        "used_addresses_v6": "0"
        "desc": "Created for demonstration purposes.",
        "name": "Private (Default)",
        "rt": "1:2",
        "blocked_tags": [],
        "local_tags": [
            "Use Case"
        "tags": {
            "Network": "0",
            "Use Case": "Demos"
        "free_addresses_v4": "0",
        "free_addresses_v6": "0",
        "id": 3,
        "num_prefixes_v4": "29",
        "num_prefixes_v6": "0",
        "total_addresses_v4": "0",
        "total_addresses_v6": "0",
        "used_addresses_v4": "0",
        "used_addresses_v6": "0"
        "desc": "Updated text description",
        "name": "Corporate HQ Network",
        "rt": "123:456",
        "blocked_tags": [],
        "local_tags": [
            "Use Case",
            "auth:Security Level"
        "tags": {
            "Use Case": "API Examples",
            "auth:Security Level": "2"
        "free_addresses_v4": "0",
        "free_addresses_v6": "0",
        "id": 4,
        "num_prefixes_v4": "0",
        "num_prefixes_v6": "0",
        "total_addresses_v4": "0",
        "total_addresses_v6": "0",
        "used_addresses_v4": "0",
        "used_addresses_v6": "0"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/network/:networkID

GET View network details

Returns configuration details for the IPAM network specified in the URL path by its unique networkID.

Path Parameters:

networkIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier of the network.

Query Parameters:


(Optional) Indicates whether or not to include a list of child addresses/subnets in the response.

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified IPAM network

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example URL:{networkId}

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "desc": "string",
  "rt": "string",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "id": 0,
  "free_addresses_v4": "string",
  "used_addresses_v4": "string",
  "total_addresses_v4": "string",
  "num_prefixes_v4": "string",
  "free_addresses_v6": "string",
  "used_addresses_v6": "string",
  "total_addresses_v6": "string",
  "num_prefixes_v6": "string"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/network/:networkID/report

GET View a network report

Returns a usage report for the network specified in the URL path by its unique networkID.

  • v{4,6}.total = sum( for root in network.v{4,6}.root_addrs)
  • v{4,6}.used = sum( for root in network.v{4,6}.root_addrs)
  • v{4,6}.free = network.v{4,6} -{4,6}.used

Path Parameters:

networkIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier of the IPAM network.

Query Parameters:

exportstringThe file type of the report that should be generated. Can be one of the following file types: json, xml, csv, pdf, xslx, or html.

Copy CodeReturns a network usage report

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{networkID}/report

Copy CodeExports a network report in PDF format

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{networkId}/report?export=PDF

Example URL:{networkId}/report

Example Response:

  "v4": {
    "total": "string",
    "used": "string",
    "free": "string"
  "v6": {
    "total": "string",
    "used": "string",
    "free": "string"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/ipam/network

PUT Create a network

Creates a new IPAM network.

Request body parameters:

namestringRequired. A unique name for the IPAM network.
descstringDescription of the IPAM network for internal reference.
rtstringIndicates the routing table. Can be in the ASN:id (123:456) or the IP:id ( format.
tagsobjectAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets or addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this network. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeCreates a new IPAM network

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "name":"{string}", "desc":"{string}", "rt":"{string}", "tags": { "key": "value" "key": "value" } }'

Example URL:

Example Request:

    "name": "Corporate HQ Network",
    "rt": "123:456"
    "desc": "Optional text description",
    "tags": {
        "auth:Security Level": "1",
        "Use Case": "API Examples"

Example Response:

    "desc": "Optional text description",
    "name": "Corporate HQ Network",
    "rt": "123:456",
    "blocked_tags": [],
    "local_tags": [
        "Use Case",
        "auth:Security Level"
    "tags": {
        "Use Case": "API Examples",
        "auth:Security Level": "1"
    "free_addresses_v4": "0",
    "free_addresses_v6": "0",
    "id": 4,
    "num_prefixes_v4": "0",
    "num_prefixes_v6": "0",
    "total_addresses_v4": "0",
    "total_addresses_v6": "0",
    "used_addresses_v4": "0",
    "used_addresses_v6": "0"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/ipam/network/:networkID

POST Update a network

Updates an existing IPAM network specified in the URL path by its unique networkID.

Path parameters:


Required. Unique identifier for the network.

Request body parameters:

namestringRequired. A unique name for the IPAM network.
descstringDescription of the IPAM network for internal reference.
rtstringIndicates the routing table. Can be in either ASN:id (123:456) or IP:id ( format.
tagsobjectAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets/addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this network. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeUpdates an existing IPAM network

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "name":"{string}", "desc":"{string}", "rt":"{string}", "tags": { "key": "value" "key": "value" } }'

Example URL:{networkId}

Request URL:

Example Request:

  "name": "US-East-22",
  "desc": "US East Region"

Example Response:

  "name": "string",
  "desc": "string",
  "rt": "string",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "id": 0,
  "free_addresses_v4": "string",
  "used_addresses_v4": "string",
  "total_addresses_v4": "string",
  "num_prefixes_v4": "string",
  "free_addresses_v6": "string",
  "used_addresses_v6": "string",
  "total_addresses_v6": "string",
  "num_prefixes_v6": "string"
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/ipam/network/:networkID

DELETE Remove a network

Deletes the IPAM network specified in the URL path by its unique networkID.

Path parameters:

networkIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the IPAM network.

Copy CodeDeletes an IPAM network

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{networkID}

Example URL:{networkId}


GET /ipam/address

GETView a list of root addresses

Returns a list of all root addresses (i.e. parent_id == 0) in all networks for the requesting organization.

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "prefix": "",
    "network_id": 12,
    "parent_id": 1,
    "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
    "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
    "status": "assigned",
    "hostname": "happytree",
    "forward_zone_handle": "",
    "reverse_zone_handle": "",
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
    "total_addresses": "65536",
    "children": 2,
    "free_addresses": "12321",
    "id": 1209,
    "used_addresses": "53215",
    "dhcp_scoped": true
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/address/:addressID

GETView subnet details

Returns the configuration details for the IP address specified in the URL path by its unique addressID. You can find the address ID by viewing a list of root addresses and reviewing the id parameter.

Path Parameters:

addressIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the subnet.

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified subnet

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "prefix": "",
  "network_id": 12,
  "parent_id": 1,
  "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
  "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
  "status": "assigned",
  "hostname": "happytree",
  "forward_zone_handle": "",
  "reverse_zone_handle": "",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "total_addresses": "65536",
  "children": 2,
  "free_addresses": "12321",
  "id": 1209,
  "used_addresses": "53215",
  "dhcp_scoped": true,
  "parent": {
    "prefix": "",
    "network_id": 12,
    "parent_id": 1,
    "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
    "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
    "status": "assigned",
    "hostname": "happytree",
    "forward_zone_handle": "",
    "reverse_zone_handle": "",
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
    "total_addresses": "65536",
    "children": 2,
    "free_addresses": "12321",
    "id": 1209,
    "used_addresses": "53215",
    "dhcp_scoped": true
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/address/:addressID/children

GETView addresses within a subnet

Returns a list of all direct child addresses/subnets (i.e. addresses with parent_id=<address_id>) for the specified IP address.

Path parameters:

addressIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the subnet

Copy CodeReturns a list of addresses within a subnet

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "prefix": "",
    "network_id": 12,
    "parent_id": 1,
    "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
    "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
    "status": "assigned",
    "hostname": "happytree",
    "forward_zone_handle": "",
    "reverse_zone_handle": "",
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
    "total_addresses": "65536",
    "children": 2,
    "free_addresses": "12321",
    "id": 1209,
    "used_addresses": "53215",
    "dhcp_scoped": true
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/address/search

GETSearch for an address object by filter

Returns a filtered list of addresses based on parameters specified in the query.

Query Parameters:

network_idintegerUnique identifier for the network. If set, returns addresses within the specified network.
asc_descstringIndicates the sort order (ascending or descending) of results in the response. Enum: "ASC" or "DESC"
maskarray of integersSpecifies a mask for the query by which to filter.
maxintegerIndicates the maximum number of results to display in the response.
namestringName of the subnet to search. Search for an exact name by including the full string (e.g. name) or with a partial pattern search (e.g. na*).
order_bystringSorts the results by one of the fields. Default is id. Enum: "children", "free_addresses", "mask", "name", "network_id", "parent_id", "prefix", "total_addresses", or "used_addresses".
prefixstringThe address of the prefix to search for (e.g. '')
tagarray of stringsFilter search by one or more tags.
statusstringFilter search by the type of subnet. Enum: "assigned" or "planned"

Copy CodeReturns a filtered list of address objects

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "free_addresses": "65536",
    "parent_id": 0,
    "blocked_tags": [],
    "local_tags": [],
    "tags": {},
    "network_id": 1,
    "children": 0,
    "prefix": "",
    "used_addresses": "0",
    "total_addresses": "65536",
    "status": "assigned",
    "id": 1
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/address/:addressID/parent

GETView address parent

Returns the parent address (i.e., subnet) for the address specified in the URL path by its unique addressID.

Path Parameters:

addressIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the address (subnet)

Copy CodeReturns the parent subnet for the specified address

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example URL:{addressId}/parent

Example Response:

  "prefix": "",
  "network_id": 12,
  "parent_id": 1,
  "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
  "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
  "status": "assigned",
  "hostname": "happytree",
  "forward_zone_handle": "",
  "reverse_zone_handle": "",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "total_addresses": "65536",
  "children": 2,
  "free_addresses": "12321",
  "id": 1209,
  "used_addresses": "53215",
  "dhcp_scoped": true
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/address/:addressID/adjacent

GETReturn next (or previous) available prefix

Retrieves next or previous (adjacent) unallocated prefix of the selected address' size.

Path Parameters:

addressIDinteger(Required) ID of the address requested for which you want the next (or previous) prefix

Query Parameters:

previousbooleanIf set to "true," the previous free prefix is returned (instead of the next).

Copy CodeRetrieves the next available IP address

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeRetrieves previously available IP address

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Note that you must include the query parameter, previous=true, in the URL path.

Example URL:

Example URL:

Example Response:

    "prefix": ""

Example Response:

    "prefix": ""
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/address/:addressId/next

GETReturn the next available prefix (/32 or /128)

Returns the next available /32 prefix (for IPv4) or /128 prefix (for IPv6) within a subnet.

The addressId refers to the unique identifier for the container of the address whose next available prefix you are requesting.

The next endpoint for any address (subnets or hosts) returns the prefix of the next available subnet of the given size. The available prefix is only returned, not reserved. If the subnet has children, each child is recursively searched until an `assigned` subnet is found, and the next free address or subnet is retrieved. If the targeted address is set to `planned` status and has no children that are set to `assigned`, a `GET` request returns an error.

If the size of the desired subnet is not specified, the default is `/32` for IPv4 addresses and `/128` for IPv6 addresses.

Copy CodeReturns the next available /32 or /128 prefix within the specified address

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "prefix": ""
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/address/:addressId/next/:size

GETReturn the next available prefix (by size)

Returns the next available prefix for the specified address `size` within a subnet. This command does not reserve the prefix.

The addressId refers to the unique identifier for the container of the address whose next available prefix you are requesting. size refers to the size of the next available subnet to find.

The next endpoint for any address (subnet or hosts) returns the prefix of the next available subnet of the given size. The available prefix is only returned, not reserved. If the subnet has children, each child is recursively searched until an assigned subnet is found, and the next free address or subnet is retrieved. If the target address is set to planned status and has no children that are set to assigned, a GET request returns an error.

Copy CodeReturns the next available prefix for the specified address and size within a subnet.

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "prefix": ""
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/ipam/address

PUTCreate a subnet

Creates a new subnet (an object containing one or more IP addresses).

Query Parameters:

parentbooleanOptional. Indicates whether or not to include the parent in the parent field.

Request body parameters:

prefixstringRequired. An IPv4 or IPv6 subnet in CIDR notation
network_idintegerRequired. Unique identifier of the containing network
parent_idintegerUnique identifier of the parent address. A value of 0 indicates a root address (i.e. no parent).
namestringName for the new subnet for internal reference.
descstringDescription of the new subnet for internal reference.
statusstringCurrent status of the subnet. Enum: "assigned" or "planned" (default is "planned"). Within a subnet with a status of "assigned", you can only create /32 (for IPv4) or /128 addresses (for IPv6).
hostnamestringHost name associated with this address or subnet.
forward_zone_handlestringHandle for the zone in which the A/AAAA record will be created or updated.
reverse_zone_handlestringHandle for the zone in which the PTR record will be created.
tagsarray of stringsAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets or addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this node. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects. For each blocked tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}").

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "prefix": "",
  "network_id": 23,
  "status": "assigned"

Example Response:

  "prefix": "",
  "network_id": 12,
  "parent_id": 1,
  "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
  "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
  "status": "assigned",
  "hostname": "happytree",
  "forward_zone_handle": "",
  "reverse_zone_handle": "",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "total_addresses": "65536",
  "children": 2,
  "free_addresses": "12321",
  "id": 1209,
  "used_addresses": "53215",
  "dhcp_scoped": true,
  "parent": {
    "prefix": "",
    "network_id": 12,
    "parent_id": 1,
    "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
    "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
    "status": "assigned",
    "hostname": "happytree",
    "forward_zone_handle": "",
    "reverse_zone_handle": "",
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
    "total_addresses": "65536",
    "children": 2,
    "free_addresses": "12321",
    "id": 1209,
    "used_addresses": "53215",
    "dhcp_scoped": true

Example Request:

    "prefix": "",
    "status": "assigned",
    "desc": "Optional text description",
    "tags" : {
    "network_id": 9

Example Response:

    "network_id": 9,
    "parent_id": 0,
    "prefix": "",
    "desc": "Optional text description",
    "status": "assigned",
    "blocked_tags": [],
    "local_tags": [
    "tags": {
        "Usage": "VOIP",
        "Use Case": "API Examples",
        "auth:Security Level": "1"
    "children": 0,
    "free_addresses": "256",
    "id": 46,
    "total_addresses": "256",
    "used_addresses": "0"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/ipam/address/:addressID

POSTEdit a subnet

Modifies the configuration of the subnet specified in the URL path by its unique addressID.

Path Parameters:

addressIDintegerRequired. Unique identifier of the subnet you are updating.

Query Parameters:

parentbooleanOptional. Indicates whether or not to include the parent in the parent field.

Request body parameters:

namestringName for the new subnet for internal reference.
descstringDescription of the new subnet for internal reference.
statusstringCurrent status of the subnet. Enum: "assigned" or "planned" (default is "planned"). Within a subnet with a status of "assigned", you can only create /32 (for IPv4) or /128 addresses (for IPv6).
hostnamestringHost name associated with this address or subnet.
forward_zone_handlestringHandle for the zone in which the A/AAAA record will be created or updated.
reverse_zone_handlestringHandle for the zone in which the PTR record will be created.
tagsarray of stringsAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets or addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this node. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects. For each blocked tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}").

Copy CodeUpdates a subnet

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "prefix":"{string}", "network_id":"{integer}", "parent_id":"{integer}", "name":"{string}", "desc":"{string}", "status":"{enum}", "tags": { "key": "value" "key": "value" } }'

Example URL:

Example Request:

    "name": "New Branch Office",
    "status": "addigned",
    "desc": "9999 King Street West, Suite 9999: City, State"

Example Response:

    "network_id": 9,
    "parent_id": 0,
    "prefix": "",
    "desc": "9999 King Street West, Suite 9999: City, State",
    "name": "New Branch Office",
    "status": "assigned",
    "blocked_tags": [],
    "local_tags": [
    "tags": {
        "Usage": "VOIP",
        "Use Case": "API Examples",
        "auth:Security Level": "1"
    "children": 0,
    "free_addresses": "256",
    "id": 46,
    "total_addresses": "256",
    "used_addresses": "0"

Example Request:

  "status": "assigned"

Example Response:

  "prefix": "",
  "network_id": 12,
  "parent_id": 1,
  "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
  "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
  "status": "assigned",
  "hostname": "happytree",
  "forward_zone_handle": "",
  "reverse_zone_handle": "",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "total_addresses": "65536",
  "children": 2,
  "free_addresses": "12321",
  "id": 1209,
  "used_addresses": "53215",
  "dhcp_scoped": true,
  "parent": {
    "prefix": "",
    "network_id": 12,
    "parent_id": 1,
    "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
    "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
    "status": "assigned",
    "hostname": "happytree",
    "forward_zone_handle": "",
    "reverse_zone_handle": "",
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
    "total_addresses": "65536",
    "children": 2,
    "free_addresses": "12321",
    "id": 1209,
    "used_addresses": "53215",
    "dhcp_scoped": true
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/ipam/address/:addressID/split

POSTSplit a subnet

Splits an entire block of unassigned IP space into equal pieces. This will not function with ranges or individual hosts.

Note: Normal breaking out of a subnet is done with the standard PUT route (e.g. If the root address is a /24, the request for /29s will split it into 32 /29s).

  • Only planned subnets can be split
  • Name and description will be unset on children

Path Parameters:

addressIDintegerRequired. Unique identifier for the address (subnet) you are splitting.

Request Body Parameters:


Copy CodeSplits the address (subnet)

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "prefix":0 }'

Example URL:{addressId}/split

Example Request:

  "prefix": 0

Example Response:

  "root_address_id": 0,
  "prefix_ids": [
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/ipam/address/merge

POSTMerge addresses

Merges two contiguous address spaces.

Request Body Parameters:

root_address_idintegerRequired. Unique identifier for the root address
merged_address_idintegerRequired. Unique identifier for the address you are merging with the root address

Copy CodeMerges two addresses (subnets)

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d '{ "root_address_id": {int}, "merged_address_id": {int}}'

Example URL:

Example Request:

  "root_address_id": 0,
  "merged_address_id": 0

Example Response:

  "prefix": "",
  "network_id": 12,
  "parent_id": 1,
  "desc": "Main subnet for US-EAST-1",
  "name": "US-EAST-1 Main",
  "status": "assigned",
  "hostname": "happytree",
  "forward_zone_handle": "",
  "reverse_zone_handle": "",
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
  "total_addresses": "65536",
  "children": 2,
  "free_addresses": "12321",
  "id": 1209,
  "used_addresses": "53215",
  "dhcp_scoped": true
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/ipam/address/:addressID

DELETEDelete a subnet

Deletes the subnet specified in the URL path by its unique addressID.

Path Parameters:


(Required) Unique identifier for the subnet

Query Parameters:

cascade_recordsbooleanIndicates whether or not to delete DNS records linked to this address.

Copy CodeDeletes the subnet



GET /v1//ipam/address/:addressID/pool

GETList pools (IP range) within a subnet

Returns a list of pools (ranges of IP addresses) within the subnet specified in the URL path by its unique addressID.

Path Parameters:

addressIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the subnet

Copy CodeReturns a list of pools within a subnet

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "id": 0,
    "range": "string",
    "options": [
        "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
        "value": "/boot.img"
    "client_class": "string",
    "require_client_classes": [
    "tags": {
      "property1": "string",
      "property2": "string"
    "local_tags": [
    "blocked_tags": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/address/:addressID/pool/:poolID

GETView pool details

Returns details about the specified IP pool.

Path Parameters:

addressIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the subnet with which this pool is associated.
poolIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the IP pool for which you are requesting details

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified IP pool

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "range": "string",
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
      "value": "/boot.img"
  "client_class": "string",
  "require_client_classes": [
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/ipam/address/:addressID/pool

PUTCreate an IP pool

Creates a new IP pool within the subnet specified in the URL path by its addressID. The pool must be from the network.

Path Parameters:

addressIDintegerRequired. Unique identifier for the subnet within which the new pool will be contained.

Request Body Parameters:

rangestringRequired. Indicates the IP range of the pool using one of the following formats: CIDR, "IP-IP," or "IP,count"
optionsarray of objectsRequired. Set of DHCP options to apply to this pool. Each option must include a name and value. Ex. "options": [{"name": "dhcpv4/routers", "value": [""]}].
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Namespaced DHCP option name.
value any Required. DHCP option value matching the schema for the DHCP option definition.
always_send boolean If set to true, then the defined option is sent in the response to the client request.
encapsulate string Encapsulated option space name. Only 124 and 125 can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
client_classstringName of the client class associated with this pool.
required_client_classarray of stringsArray of required client class names.
tagsobjectAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets or addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this node. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeCreates an IP pool

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{"range": "", "options": [{ "name": "dhcpv4/routers", "value": [""] }], }], "tags": { "Vendor": "Shortel", "Model": "IP480" } }'

Example Request:

    "range": "",
    "options": [    
      "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
      "value": [
    "tags": {
        "Vendor": "Shortel",
        "Model": "IP480"

Example Response:

    "id": 1,
    "range": "",
    "options": [    
      "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
      "value": [
    "require_client_classes": [],
    "blocked_tags": [],
    "local_tags": [
    "tags": {
        "Model": "IP480",
        "Usage": "VOIP",
        "Use Case": "API Examples",
        "Vendor": "Shortel",
        "auth:Security Level": "1"

Example Request:

  "range": "",
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
      "value": [
  "tags": {
    "key": "value"

Example Request:

  "range": ",10",
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
      "value": [
  "tags": {
    "key": "value"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/ipam/address/:addressID/pool/:poolID

POSTUpdate an IP pool

Modifies the configuration for the pool (IP range) specified in the URL path by its unique poolID. The pool must be from the network.

Path Parameters:

addressIDintegerRequired. Unique identifier for the subnet within which the new pool will be contained.
poolIDintegerRequired. Unique identifier for the IP pool to edit.

Request Body Parameters:

optionsarray of objectsRequired. Set of DHCP options to apply to this pool. Each option must include a name and value. Ex. "options": [{"name": "dhcpv4/routers", "value": [""]}].
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Namespaced DHCP option name.
value any Required. DHCP option value matching the schema for the DHCP option definition.
always_send boolean If set to true, then the defined option is sent in the response to the client request.
encapsulate string Encapsulated option space name. Only 124 and 125 can use this field to encapsulate an option space.
client_classstringName of the client class associated with this pool.
required_client_classarray of stringsArray of required client class names.
tagsobjectAll local and inherited tags. Local tags are tags set directly on objects. Inherited tags are inherited from parent objects. For each tag, you must indicate the property name and (optionally) specify a corresponding value (i.e. "{property_name}":"{value}"). Tags specified here are inherited by any child subnets or addresses.
blocked_tagsarray of stringsList of tags that are blocked by this node. Blocked tags are tags that you suppress or prevent from being applied to child objects.

Copy CodeEdits the IP pool configuration

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "options": [ { "name": "dhcpv4/routers", "value": [""] }],  "tags": {"property_name": "value"} }'

Example Request:

  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/routers",
      "value": [
  "tags": {
    "key": "value"

Example Response:

  "id": 0,
  "range": "string",
  "options": [
      "name": "dhcpv4/boot-file-name",
      "value": "/boot.img"
  "client_class": "string",
  "require_client_classes": [
  "tags": {
    "property1": "string",
    "property2": "string"
  "local_tags": [
  "blocked_tags": [
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/ipam/address/:addressID/pool/:poolID

DELETEDelete an IP pool

Deletes an IP pool from the associated address/subnet.

Path Parameters:

addressIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the subnet within which the pool is located.
poolIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the IP pool you are deleting.

Copy CodeDeletes the IP pool


Metadata tags

GET /v1/ipam/tags

GETView all tags

Returns all unique existing tag names (from all objects). This list can be used to populate an autocomplete list in the NS1 portal.

Copy CodeReturns a list of tags

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ipam/tags/values

GETView all tag values

Returns all unique existing tags and values (from all objects). This list of tags can be used to populate an autocomplete list in the portal.

Copy CodeReturns all existing tags and values from all objects

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "key": "string",
    "value": "string"
Expand Code Examples

Dynamic DNS

NS1 DDI customers can create and manage remote zones and servers to configure dynamic DNS (DDNS).

Remote zones

GET /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/ddnszone

GET List DDNS (remote) zones for all scope groups

List DDNS (remote) zones configured for scope groups to which to send DDNS updates upon DHCP lease change events.

Copy CodeReturns all remote DDNS zones

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'

Example Response:

    "remote_server_ids": [
    "remote_servers": [
        "id": 0,
        "update_security_level": "secure_only"
    "update_strategy": "all",
    "enabled": true,
    "zone": "string",
    "scope_group_id": 0,
    "connected": true
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopegroupID/ddnszone

GET List DDNS (remote) zones for one scope group

Returns a list of remote zones configured for the specified scope group (using the scope group ID) to which to send DDNS updates upon DHCP lease change events.

Path Parameters:

scopegroupIDintegerUnique identifier of the scope group associated with the list of DDNS (remote) zones you are requesting

Copy CodeReturns all zones associated with the specified scope group

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'{scopegroupID}/ddnszone

Example Response:

    "remote_server_ids": [
    "remote_servers": [
        "id": 0,
        "update_security_level": "secure_only"
    "update_strategy": "all",
    "enabled": true,
    "zone": "string",
    "scope_group_id": 0,
    "connected": true
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopegroupID/ddnszone/:ddnsZoneName

GET View DDNS (remote) zone details

Returns zone configuration details based on the specified scope group ID and DDNS zone name. This is the zone to which DDNS updates are sent upon lease change events.

Path Parameters:

scopegroupIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the scope group associated with the remote zone
ddnsZoneNamestring(Required) Name of the DDNS zone

Copy CodeReturns DDNS zone details

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'{scope_group_id}/ddnszone/{ddns_zone_name}

Example Response:

  "remote_server_ids": [
  "remote_servers": [
      "id": 0,
      "update_security_level": "secure_only"
  "update_strategy": "all",
  "enabled": true,
  "zone": "string",
  "scope_group_id": 0,
  "connected": true
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopegroupID/ddnszone

PUT Create a DDNS (remote) zone

Creates a remote zone for the specified scope group to which to send dynamic DNS (DDNS) updates upon DHCP lease change events.
Path Parameters:

scopegroupIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier of the scope group associated with the new remote zone

Request Body Parameters:

zonestring(Required) Name of the DDNS zone you are creating.
remote_serversarray of objectsArray of remote server objects. Each array contains id (integer) and update_security_level (string).
idinteger(part of remote_servers array) Unique identifier of the remote server
update_security_levelstring (enum)(part of remote_servers array) Indicates the security level to use for DDNS updates. If empty, the security level from the corresponding DDNS remote server is used. Supported values: " " (default),"secure_only", "nonsecure_then_secure", "nonsecure_only", "gss_tsig_only", "tsig_only"
update_strategystringIndicates the strategy to use for multiple remote servers. Supported values: "all" (default) or "any".
enabledbooleanIndicates the status of the DDNS zone.

Copy CodeCreates a remote zone

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{"zone": "", "remote_servers": [{"id": 1,"update_security_level": "nonsecure_only"}],"update_strategy": "all",   "enabled": true }'

Example Request:

  "zone": "",
  "remote_servers": [
      "id": 1,
      "update_security_level": "nonsecure_only"
  "update_strategy": "all",
  "enabled": true

Example Response:

  "remote_server_ids": [
  "remote_servers": [
      "id": 0,
      "update_security_level": "secure_only"
  "update_strategy": "all",
  "enabled": true,
  "zone": "string",
  "scope_group_id": 0,
  "connected": true
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopegroupID/ddnszone/:ddnsZoneName

POST Edit a DDNS (remote) zone

Updates a DDNS (remote) zone configuration for the specified scope group using the zone name and scope group ID.

Path Parameters:

scopegroupIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier of the scope group
ddnsZoneNamestring(Required) Name of the DDNS zone you are editing

Request Body Parameters:

remote_serversarray of objectsArray of remote server objects. Each array includes the server id and update_security_level
idinteger(part of remote_servers array) Unique identifier for the remote server associated with this remote zone.
update_security_levelstring (enum)(part of remote_servers array) Indicates the security level to use for DDNS updates. If empty (default), the update security level from the corresponding remote server is used. Supported values: "secure_only", "nonsecure_then_secure", "nonsecure_only", "gss_tsig_only", "tsig_only", "" (default)
update_strategystring (enum)Indicates the strategy to use for multiple remote servers. Supported values: "all" (default) or "any"
enabledbooleanIndicates the status of the DDNS zone

Copy CodeUpdates a DDNS remote zone

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{"remote_servers": [{"id": 1,"update_security_level": "nonsecure_only"}], "enabled": true }'{scope_group_id}/ddnszone/{ddns_zone_name}

Example Request:

  "zone": "",
  "remote_servers": [
      "id": 1,
      "update_security_level": "nonsecure_only"
  "update_strategy": "all",
  "enabled": true
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/scopegroup/:scopegroupID/ddnszone/:ddnsZoneName

DELETE Delete a DDNS (remote) zone

Removes a DDNS remote zone for the specified scope group.

Path Parameters:

scopegroupIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier of the scope group with which the zone is associated.
ddnsZoneNamestring(Required) Name of the DDNS zone you are deleting.

Remote servers

GET /v1/dhcp/ddns/remoteserver

GETList all DDNS (remote) servers

Returns a list of all DDNS remote server configurations.

Copy CodeLists all remote servers

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

    "id": 12,
    "mname_server": "",
    "mname_port": 53,
    "kdc_server": "",
    "kdc_port": 88,
    "update_security_level": "secure_only",
    "update_timeout": 0,
    "disable_insecure_updates": false,
    "principal_id": 8,
    "tsig_key": ""
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/dhcp/ddns/remoteserver/:remote_server_id

GETView DDNS (remote) server details

Returns configuration details of the DDNS remote server specified in the URL path by its unique remote ID.

Copy CodeReturns remote server configuration details

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'{remoteId}

Example Response:

  "id": 12,
  "mname_server": "",
  "mname_port": 53,
  "kdc_server": "",
  "kdc_port": 88,
  "update_security_level": "secure_only",
  "update_timeout": 0,
  "disable_insecure_updates": false,
  "principal_id": 8,
  "tsig_key": ""
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/dhcp/ddns/remoteserver

PUTAdd a DDNS (remote) server

Adds a DDNS remote server configuration. The only required field is mname_server. kdc_server and principal_id are used for GSS-TSIG authentication. If your primary name server or KDC are running on non-standard ports, you may also include mname_port or kdc_port.

Request Body Parameters:

mname_serverstring(Required) FQDN or IP address of the authoritative DNS server.
mname_portintegerPort on which the authoritative DNS server is running.
kdc_serverstringFQDN or IP address of the Kerberos server
kdc_portintegerPort on which the Kerberos server is running
update_security_levelstringSecurity level used for DDNS updates. Enum: "secure_only", "nonsecure_then_secure", "nonsecure_only", "gss_tsig_only", or "tsig_only". Default is "nonsecure_then_secure".
update_timeoutintegerAmount of time (in milliseconds) between updates sent to this server.
principal_idintegerUnique identifier of the principal to use for authentication to the Kerberos server.
disable_insecure_updatesbooleanIf set to "true," disables insecure updates to this server.
tsig_keystringExisting TSIG key name that will be used for authentication.

Copy CodeAdds a new remote server for DDNS updates

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "mname_server":"{mname_server}", "mname_port":{mname_port}, "kdc_server":"{kdc_server}", "kdc_port":{kdc_port}, "update_security_level":"{security_level}], "principal_id":{principal_id}, "tsig_key":"{string}" }'

Example Request:

  "mname_server": "",
  "mname_port": 53,
  "kdc_server": "",
  "kdc_port": 88,
  "update_security_level": "secure_only",
  "update_timeout": 0,
  "disable_insecure_updates": false,
  "principal_id": 8,
  "tsig_key": ""

Example Response:

  "id": 12,
  "mname_server": "",
  "mname_port": 53,
  "kdc_server": "",
  "kdc_port": 88,
  "update_security_level": "secure_only",
  "update_timeout": 0,
  "disable_insecure_updates": false,
  "principal_id": 8,
  "tsig_key": ""
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/dhcp/ddns/remoteserver/:removeserverID

POSTUpdate a DDNS (remote) server

Updates the configuration details for the DDNS remote server specified in the URL path by its unique remoteID.

Path Parameters:

remoteserverIDinteger(Required) Unique identifier for the DDNS remote server configuration

Request Body Parameters:

mname_serverstring(Required) FQDN or IP address of the authoritative DNS server.
mname_portintegerPort on which the authoritative DNS server is running.
kdc_serverstringFQDN or IP address of the Kerberos server
kdc_portintegerPort on which the Kerberos server is running
update_security_levelstringSecurity level used for DDNS updates. Enum: "secure_only", "nonsecure_then_secure", "nonsecure_only", "gss_tsig_only", or "tsig_only". Default is "nonsecure_then_secure".
principal_idintegerUnique identifier of the principal to use for authentication to the Kerberos server.
update_timeoutintegerTimeout (in milliseconds) for updates sent to this server.
disable_insecure_updatesbooleanIf set to "true," disables insecure updates to this server.
tsig_keystringExisting TSIG key name that will be used for authentication.

Copy CodeUpdates the remote server

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{ "mname_server":"{string}", "mname_port":{int}, "kdc_server":"{string}", "kdc_port":{int}, "update_security_level":"{enum}", "principal_id":{int}, "tsig_key": "{string}"}'{remote_server_id}

Example Request:

  "mname_server": "",
  "mname_port": 53,
  "kdc_server": "",
  "kdc_port": 88,
  "update_security_level": "secure_only",
  "update_timeout": 0,
  "disable_insecure_updates": false,
  "principal_id": 8,
  "tsig_key": ""

Example Response:

  "id": 12,
  "mname_server": "",
  "mname_port": 53,
  "kdc_server": "",
  "kdc_port": 88,
  "update_security_level": "secure_only",
  "update_timeout": 0,
  "disable_insecure_updates": false,
  "principal_id": 8,
  "tsig_key": ""
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/dhcp/ddns/remoteserver/:remoteserverID

DELETEDelete a DDNS (remote) server

Removes the DDNS remote server specified in the path by its unique remote server ID.

Path Parameter:

remoteserverIDstring(Required) Unique identifier of the remote server you are deleting.

Copy CodeRemoves a remote server configuration

curl -X DELETE -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY'{remote_server_id}


PUT /v1/gsstsig/keytab

PUTUpload Kerberos keytab file

Upload a Kerberos keytab file using content-type application/octet-stream with the binary keytab file as the content of the request body. The principals within the keytab are parsed and stored individually. Any principals that match an existing principal will overwrite the old principal with the new information from the keytab file upload.

Copy CodeUploads the keytab file

curl --request PUT "https://{local_host}/gsstsig/keytab" \   --header "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" \   --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \   --data-binary '{file_path}'

Example Request:

curl --request PUT "" \
  --header "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
  --data-binary '@/Path/To/Example.keytab'

Example Response:

    "principal_id": 12,
    "num_components": 2,
    "realm": "",
    "components": [
    "name_type": 1,
    "timestamp": 1567784394,
    "kvno8": 1,
    "kvno": 1,
    "key_type": 18,
    "networks": [
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/gsstsig/principal

GETRetrieve Kerberos principals

Returns all Kerberos principals

Copy CodeReturns a list of Kerberos principals

curl -X GET -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' https://{}/v1/gsstsig/principal

Example Response:

    "principal_id": 12,
    "num_components": 2,
    "realm": "",
    "components": [
    "name_type": 1,
    "timestamp": 1567784394,
    "kvno8": 1,
    "kvno": 1,
    "key_type": 18,
    "networks": [
Expand Code Examples

Delete Kerberos principal

Deletes the Kerberos principal specified in the request URL.

Copy CodeDeletes the specified Kerberos principal

curl -X DELETE -H 'X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY' https://{}/v1/gsstsig/principal/{principal_id}

POST /v1/gsstsig/principal/network/{network_id}

POSTModify the principals attached to a network

Assign or modify which principals are attached to a network. Note that lists of multiple principal IDs are accepted.

Copy CodeModifies a Kerberos principal

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{   "principal_ids": [id] }' https://{}/v1/gsstsig/network/{network_id}

Example Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" -d  '{
  "principal_ids": [1]
network_idintegernetwork identifier
principal_idsarray of integersKerberos principal identifier(s)
Expand Code Examples

Fleet & service management

Fleet management

System administrators with Cloud-Managed DDI deployments can use the fleet management endpoints to manage their edge nodes and specify which service components (i.e., software modules) to deploy on the nodes.

GET /v1/fleet/node/deploy

GET View the intended configuration for all nodes

Returns a list of edge nodes and the intended configuration settings that will be applied after deployment. Optionally, you can include one or more tags in the query to filter the list.

Query parameters:

tagsstring(Optional) One or more key-value pairs (e.g., {region=us,pop=ex01}) by which to filter the list of nodes returned in the response.

Copy CodeReturns the intended configuration for all nodes

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeReturns the intended configuration for the specified tags

curl -X GET -H "x-nsone-key: $API_KEY"{key=value}

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "x-nsone-key: $NSONE_API_KEY"{region=us,pop=ex01}

Example Response:

  "deployments": [
      "node_id": "1z5a7blcBEtJEnc0GHD9B86LQj4",
      "tags": {
        "region": "us",
        "pop": "ex01"
      "config": {}
      "node_id": "1z5a9u68taJtME1ocdmdO8peKHI",
      "tags": {
        "region": "us",
        "pop": "ex01"
      "config": {}
      "node_id": "1z5aG7w7oClkjCjwJa6OM31YLi3",
      "tags": {
        "region": "us",
        "pop": "ex01"
      "config": {
        "dns": {
          "core_host": [
          "service_def_id": 3234,
          "version": "3.4.0-build155"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/fleet/node

GET View running configuration of all deployed nodes

Returns a list of all edge nodes upon which a service component has been deployed. The list includes the status of the node, its associated tags, and the node ID.

Query parameters:

tagsarray(Optional) One or more key-value pairs by which to filter the list of nodes in the response.

Copy CodeReturns details for all deployed edge nodes

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Copy CodeReturns details for all deployed edge nodes containing the specified tag(s)

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{key=value}

Example Response:

  "nodes": [
      "id": "1z5aG7w7oClkjCjwJa6OM31YLi3",
      "tags": {
        "hostname": "host01"
      "id": "1z5a7blcBEtJEnc0GHD9B86LQj4",
      "tags": {
        "hostname": "host01",
        "pop": "nyc01",
        "region": "region_code",
        "role": “some_cool_role"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/fleet/node/{nodeID}

GET View running configuration details for a single node

Returns details about the specified edge node, including the node ID, any configured tags, and the status of the node. Possible statuses include:

  • PENDING which indicates the deployment process did not succeed and no components are running. For example, this could indicate that a firewall may have blocked the deployment. If this status appears for longer than 10 minutes, contact customer support.

  • REGISTERED which indicates the node is connected and all components deployed to this node are running properly.

  • UNHEALTHY which indicates the components running on this node are experiencing issues. Contact NS1 customer support.

  • UNKNOWN which indicates that NS1 is having trouble connecting with the node. Contact NS1 customer support.

Path parameters:

nodeIDstring(Required) Unique identifier of the node

Copy CodeReturns the details for the specified node (by node ID)

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{nodeID}

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "id": "1z5aG7w7oClkjCjwJa6OM31YLi3",
  "tags": {
    "hostname": "my.vm"
  "status": "REGISTERED"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/fleet/node/{nodeID}/deploy

GET View the intended configuration for a node

Returns the intended configuration details for the specified node.

Path parameters:

nodeIDstring(Required) Unique identifier of the node

Copy CodeReturns the details for the specified node (by nodeID)

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{nodeID}/deploy

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

      "node_id": "1z5aG7w7oClkjCjwJa6OM31YLi3",
      "tags": {
        "host": "1.hostname.example",
        "pop": "lga09"
      "config": {
        "dns": {
          "core_host": [
          "service_def_id": 3234,
          "version": "3.4.0-build155"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/fleet/node/{nodeID}/deploy

PUT Deploy a single node

Deploys the intended configuration to the specified node so that it becomes the actual (or running) configuration.

Path parameters:

nodeIDstring(Required) Unique identifier of the node

Copy CodeDeploys the intended configuration on the specified node

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" /v1/fleet/node/{nodeID}/deploy

Example Request:

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" /v1/fleet/node/1z5aG7w7oClkjCjwJa6OM31YLi3/deploy

Example Response:

      "node_id": "1z5aG7w7oClkjCjwJa6OM31YLi3",
      "tags": {
        "host": "1.hostname.example",
        "pop": "lga09"
      "config": {
        "dns": {
          "core_host": [
          "service_def_id": 3234,
          "version": "3.4.0-build155"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/fleet/node/deploy?tags={key=value}

PUT Deploy multiple nodes

Deploys the intended configurations to all nodes containing the specified tag.

Query parameters:

tagsarray(Required) One or more key-value pairs (e.g., {pop=ex01}) associated with the node(s). Services are deployed to nodes containing the specified tag(s).

Copy CodeDeploys all nodes containing the specified tag(s)

curl -X PUT -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{key=value}

Example Response:

      "node_id": "1z5aG7w7oClkjCjwJa6OM31YLi3",
      "tags": {
        "host": "1.hostname.example",
        "pop": "lga09"
      "config": {
        "dns": {
          "core_host": [
          "service_def_id": 3234,
          "version": "3.4.0-build155"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/fleet/node/{nodeID}

POST Update node details

Creates or replaces tags associated with the specified node.

Path parameters:

nodeIDstring(Required) Unique identifier of the node

Request body parameters:

tagsarray(Optional) One or more key-value pairs (e.g., {“region=us,pop=ex01”}) to apply to the specified node.

Copy CodeUpdates the tags associated with the specified node

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{nodeID} { "tags": {“key=value,key=value”}, }

Example Request:

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{nodeID} {
    "tags": {“region=us,pop=ex01”},
Expand Code Examples

DELETE /v1/fleet/node/{nodeID}

DELETE Delete a node

Removes the specified edge node from your Cloud-Managed DDI configuration. You will not be able to deploy services to this node after deletion.

Path parameters:

nodeIDstring(Required) Unique identifier of the node

Copy CodeRemoves the specified node from your configuration

curl -X DELETE -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{nodeID}

Example Request:

Expand Code Examples

Service management

System administrators with Cloud-Managed DDI deployments can use the service management endpoints to manage their services and service components. Refer to the NS1 Help Center for more information about these terms.

GET /v1/service

GETView all available services

Returns a list of all available services associated with your configuration.

Copy CodeLists all services in your configuration

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "services": [
  	"name": "123",
  	"type": "dns"
  	"name": "456",
  	"type": "dns"
  	"name": "789",
  	"type": "dhcp"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/service/{service_name}

GETView service details

Returns all service components and configuration details associated with the specified service (by service name).

Path parameters:

service_namestring(Required) Name of the service

Copy CodeReturns details for the specified service

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY" https://{service_name}

Example Response:

  "type": "dns",
  "name": "dns.test",
  "properties": {
	"core_host": [
  "components": [
  	"name": "dns",
  	"selector": "",
  	"version": "5.0.1",
  	"properties": {
    	"service_def_id": 542
  	"config": {}
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/service/{service_name}

POSTChange the name of the service

By default, the service name is set to a numerical value. You can change the name of the service to something more distinguishable based on your needs or preferences.

Path parameters:

service_namestring(Required) Existing name of the service

Request body parameters:

namestring(Required) New name of the service

Copy CodeUpdates the name of the service

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{service_name} {"name": "dns01", }

GET /v1/service/{service_name}/component/{component_name}

GETView service component details

Returns configuration details related to the specified service component within the specified service. Refer to this article for more information on services and service components.

Path parameters:

service_namestring(Required) Name of the service with which the component is associated (e.g., DNS, DNS-01, DHCP, etc.). Note: By default, this is typically a numeric value, but you can change the name of a service to anything you want.

Query parameters:

component_namestring(Required) Name of the service component for which you are requesting details (e.g., “dns” or “dhcp”). (Note: Currently, each service type only has one associated service component by the same name. For example, the DNS service offers the “dns” component, and the DHCP service offers the “dhcp” component. In the future, services will offer multiple types of components representing a specific capability related to that service.)

Copy CodeReturns details for a service component (within the specified service)

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{service_name}/component/{component_name}

Example Request:

curl -X GET -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"

Example Response:

  "name": "dns",
  "selector": "",
  "version": "5.0.1",
  "properties": {
	"service_def_id": 542
  "config": {}
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/service/{service_name}/component/{component_name}

POSTUpdate the service component

Update details for the specified service component.

Path parameters:

service_namestring(Required) Name of the service with which the component is associated (e.g., DNS, DNS-01, DHCP, etc.).

Query parameters:

component_namestring(Required) Name of the service component for which you are requesting details (e.g., “dns” or “dhcp”). (Note: Currently, each service type only has one associated service component by the same name. For example, the DNS service offers the “dns” component, and the DHCP service offers the “dhcp” component. In the future, services will offer multiple types of components representing a specific capability related to that service.)

Request body parameters:

selectorstringSpecifies on which nodes to update the running service component. Enter a value of * to update all nodes or specify one or more tags (kvps) to push the update only to nodes containing those tags (e.g., selector: “pop=lga08”). Additionally, you can use the selector to define logical expressions (i.e., AND, OR, and NOT) to achieve a specific outcome based on your needs. For example,
  • Separate two tags (kvps) with a colon to indicate an “OR” statement (e.g., pop=lga08:pop=lga09).
  • Separate two tags with a colon and ampersand to indicate an “AND” statement (e.g., pop=lga08:&pop=lga09).
  • Enter an exclamation mark before an expression to indicate a “NOT” statement (e.g., pop=lga08:&!region=US).

You can combine multiple expressions to make an advanced statement, for example pop=lga08:pop=lga09:&!region=US would tell the system to evaluate pop=lga08:pop=lga09. If this OR returns true, the expression !region=US is evaluated at the end. If this last one also returns true, then the entire selector has a match.

Only those nodes running the specified component will be updated, even if other nodes contain the same tags.

versionstringVersion number of the service component (i.e., software module) running on the node. Set to “latest” to maintain the latest software version.
configobjectIncludes all configuration options specific to the deployed service/component. Refer to the Service Configuration Guide for details.

Copy CodeUpdates the specified service components

curl -X POST -H "X-NSONE-Key: $API_KEY"{service_name}/component/{component_name}  {   "selector": "",   "version": "latest",   "config": {} }

Example Response:

  "name": "dns",
  "selector": "",
  "version": "5.0.1",
  "properties": {
	"service_def_id": 542
  "config": {}
Expand Code Examples

Enterprise DDI (on-premises) configuration

Note: When using the API documentation to manage your Enterprise DDI configuration, you must replace the domain in the example URLs with your own domain (ex.

Download Resources

NS1 Customer Success enables customers to download Docker container images for Private DNS and Enterprise DDI. Container images are available via download using an API key created in


Operations endpoints are performed by operator users. Operator users perform special system administrative tasks such as bootstrapping, managing services, and managing tenant organizations.

POST /v1/ops/bootstrap

POSTBootstrap the first operator user

When no operator users exist in the main database, the bootstrap endpoint is enabled. This is the only endpoint which does not require authentication. Note: Bootstrap can only be performed once. If the returned API key is lost, the system must be deployed again.

Request URL:


Example URL:

Example Request:

	"user": "root",
	"name": "root user",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"password": "rootpassword"

Example Response:

"two_factor_auth": { "secret": "2FASECRET", "type": "totp" },
"name": "root user",
"id": "5b11aABCDEFG1373d",
"user": "root",
"key": "APIKEY",
"last_access": "2018-06-01T19:56:56.604228",
"password": "L0R3M1PSUm",
"email": "[email protected]"
Expand Code Examples

GET /v1/ops/operators

GETView all operator users

Returns a list of all operator users in the system.

GET /v1/ops/operator/:operator-id

GETView operator details

Returns information about the operator user.

Request URL:

Example Response:

    "two_factor_auth": {
        "secret": "ENCRYPTED2FASECRET==",
        "type": "totp"
    "password": "ENCRYPTEDpassword",
    "name": "Operator User",
    "id": "5d4OPERATORID3df",
    "user": "operator",
    "key": "ENCRYPEDapikey",
    "last_access": "2019-08-05T18:23:53.278277",
    "email": "[email protected]"
Expand Code Examples

PUT /v1/ops/operators

PUTCreate a new operator user

Create a new operator user for the system. In addition to creating other operators, organizations, and services; operators can act as administrators on behalf of any organization in the system where users within a tenant organization only have access to that organization’s resources (e.g. zones, records, API keys, etc.).

Example Request:

	"user": "operator",
	"name": "Operator Name",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"password": "operatorpassword"

Example Response:

"two_factor_auth": { "secret": "2FASECRET", "type": "totp" },
"name": "Operator User",
"id": "5b11aABCDEFG1373d",
"user": "operator",
"key": "APIKEY",
"last_access": "2018-06-01T19:56:56.604228",
"password": "L0R3M1PSUm",
"email": "[email protected]"
Expand Code Examples

POST /v1/ops/operators/:operator-id

POSTModify details of an operator

Updates an operator's information.

Example Request:

	"name": "New Operator Name"

Example Response:

    "two_factor_auth": {
        "secret": "ENCRYPTEDsecret==",